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Sensor Assignment

ETSC 242
Revised Fall 2019

In this assignment, you’ll select a sensor or transducer that you would like to investigate, then
explore the datasheet to determine the relevant information needed in order for the sensor to be
implemented into a LabVIEW data acquisition system. Do not choose a sensor type that we have already
used in a lab assignment.


Pick a sensor or transducer to analyze. There are several ways to explore sensors and transducers, here
are a couple options to get you started:

o List of Sensors:

o List of Transducers:
o Google search “sensors” or “transducers”
o The EET program often buys sensors from Digikey, so this is a good website as well
o Spend some time exploring different types of sensors and their datasheets, you’ll find
that the information found in some datasheets can vary wildly!

Complete the following questions

1. Note while you are browsing that the terms “Sensor” and “Transducer” can sometimes seem
interchangeable. After you’ve explored several types of each, in your own words, describe what
each term means to you.
a. Sensor: A sensor can quantitatively measure a certain physical quantity such as light,
sound, space, etc. A sensor can be defined as the device that senses the changes in the
surrounding environment and gives the output in same format. Sensors are highly
efficient and accurate devices if they are used properly. Most of the sensors are
transducers but not all transducers are sensors. For example, thermistor that is sensitive
to the change in temperature.

b. Transducer: A transducer can be defined as an electronic device which converts one form
of energy or physical quantity to another. It can measure in one format and provide the
output in a different format. For example, a loudspeaker is a transducer, or a
thermometer. Transducer can be considered as more general than sensor.
2. Provide a description of the sensor you chose, i.e. what physical phenomenon does it measure?
What kind of electrical signal does it output? etc. Include model number, part number and
where you found it.

A humidity sensor is a type of electronic device that measures the humidity level in its surrounding
environment or the environment it is exposed to and converts its measurements into a relative
electrical signal. There are various applications of humidity sensors depending upon their size and
functionality. They are commonly used in automobile, HVAC, and manufacturing industries. I
chose HIH-4000-001 humidity sensor. Its model number is 4000 and part number is 001 and I have
found it on DigiKey (
HIH-4000 humidity sensors are designed efficiently and specifically to measure the relative
humidity. It has linear analog voltage at its output which can be easily fed into a ADC or a
controller including ADC. HIH-4000 humidity sensor comprises of a capacitive sensing element
and provides with the instrumentation quality performance. Precise calibration, low drain an
linear output of this sensor makes easier to interconnect it with any micro-controller.

3. Download and review the datasheet for your sensor, then refer to the Sensor
Technology Handout to help you fill in the following as related to the sensor
that you chose (depending on the sensor chosen, not all of the specifications
below may apply). INCLUDE UNITS! (RH = Relative Humidity)
a. Transfer Function
i. 𝑉𝑜 = 𝑉𝑖𝑛 (0.0062 ∗ 𝑅𝐻 + 0.16)
b. Sensitivity
i. 26 𝑚𝑉/%𝑅𝐻 (Light Sensitive)
c. Dynamic Range or Span
i. 0 − 100% 𝑅𝐻
d. Accuracy or Uncertainty Figure 1 HIH-4000-
001 Humidity
i. ± 3.5% 𝑅𝐻 Sensor
e. Hysteresis
i. ± 3% 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝐻 𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑛 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚
f. Nonlinearity (often called linearity)
i. ± 0.25% 𝑅𝐻
g. Noise
i. 1% 𝑅𝐻
h. Resolution
i. −
i. Bandwidth
i. −

4. Please list any other specifications that are relevant to your sensor (if any).
Termination Details: 2.54 mm Lead Pitch
Repeatability: ± 0.5% 𝑅𝐻
Mount Type: Board Mount/Through Hole
Stability: ± 0.2% 𝑅𝐻
Supply Voltage: 4 − 5.8 𝑉𝑑𝑐
Supply Current: 500 𝜇𝐴 (max)
Operating Temperature Range: −40 𝐶 𝑜 𝑡𝑜 85 𝐶 𝑜

5. Provide a description on how you would incorporate this sensor into LabVIEW. Be as detailed
as possible. Remember that your sensor output signal needs to be properly measured by the
NI modules that we have on hand, thus a “conditioning circuit” may be needed to be added to
the system (similar to what you’ve experienced in the Labs).

HIH-4000-001 has the electronic configuration of three pins including power, ground and output.
It gives the linear analog voltage at the output which can be converted to relative humidity
through the transfer function and input-output relation. A conditioning circuit needs to be
designed including a resistor in series with the sensor on breadboard and attaching 5V DC supply
to turn on the circuit. Through the voltage divider circuit, voltage will be measured, and the circuit
is attached with NI DAQ using probes. A typical electronic circuit for the sensor is shown below.

Figure 2 Electronic Circuit Diagram for HIH-4000 Series

6. Does this sensor require a Transfer Function in order for the data to be relevant? If so, provide
a description of it below. If you answer “no” then you will need to provide a detailed description
and references to the datasheet for why there would not be a transfer function. For example:
remember that we needed to figure out how to convert a Δ-resistance or a Δ-voltage into a Δ-
temperature in the Thermistor and Thermocouple labs.

Yes, this sensor requires a transfer function. As sensor senses the humidity and changes occur
across the voltage through the sensor which is fed into DAQ. As humidity level or reading can be
fed into DAQ, thus a voltage signal is fed into NI DAQ. At output, it gives the linear analogue
voltage. Thus, a transfer function is required in order to relate voltage with the humidity. Transfer
function or voltage-humidity relationship can be given as

𝑉𝑜 = 𝑉𝑖𝑛 (0.0062 ∗ 𝑅𝐻 + 0.16)

Through this relation, relative humidity can be calculated.

7. Upload the datasheet for your sensor and this completed document to Canvas.
Datasheet is attached.

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