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[New to Asteroids? Start Here]

This is a work in progress, but I wanted to group together some of the more
‘spiritual’ asteroids that may indicate in someone’s chart if there is a potential for
spiritual/mystical healing, energy work or similar. Many of these also work in
traditional medicine situations like nursing and surgeons.
Some of these asteroids do not show up in normal asteroid searches online, so
you’ll need to copy and paste the numbers into your chart. Enjoy!
Find out how to work with and include asteroids in your birth chart here


Sorted Numerically; Ctrl+F to search this page for keywords.

(7) IRIS

Iris was the ‘rainbow’ Goddess, whose name has become synonymous with the
coloured part of our eyes as well as providing the base of the word iridescence. 
Iris was known as a messenger and communicator, so themes here can include
psychic capability, oracular work or chanelling.


HYGEIA was the goddess of good health and the daughter of the medicine-

god Asklepios (Asclepius). Her sisters included Panakeia (Panacea= Cure-All)
and Iaso (Remedy). Hygeia means ‘good health.'
Asteroid Hygeia is about medical concerns and health (especially issues related
to fitness); “hygiene” and cleanliness. According to Demetra George, Hygeia is
involved in maintaining ‘health through right living with nature.' I tend to see
this as an asteroid that can also talk about naturopathy, Ayurvedic
healing, homeopathy or other natural/alternative healing methods


Koronis was the one-time lover of Apollo as well as the mother of the healing
lineage that included Asclepius and his sons Makhaon and Podalirius.
Interestingly, she is also the mythical reason why all crows are black.
Robert Graves suggests that the myth of Koronis represents the suppression of
medical practice by women and its transference into the hands of the patriarchy
(in the myth, Apollo cuts open Koronis to remove the baby Asclepius). From this
time, physicians were called asclepiades and the profession was passed only
from father to son.

(432) PYTHIA

Pythia was the original ‘oracle at Delphi’: a seer, clairvoyant, prophet and all-
around psychic power. Asteroid meanings tend to be the same: someone with
psychic or prophetic faculty.


Aescualpia is the Roman equivalent of Aslcepius, so all the same rules apply.
See also: (4581) Asclepius

(1862) APOLLO

Apollo was the Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, healing, plague and
disease, music, song and poetry, archery, and the protection of the young. He
was the father of Asclepius (Aesculapia). He also taught Chiron, the
centaur, about healing.
Asteroid Apollo can have the following meanings: provocation, defying the
odds, naiveté, healing, being a healer, ‘physicial heal thyself’ (which was one of
his inscriptions), clairvoyance, being a ‘seer’. Being a slow learner—attraction
of recurrent and familiar crises; “banging your head against a brick wall.
Similar to: (1027) Aesculapia, (4581) Asclepius, Chiron

( 2 8 7 8 )   PA N A C E A

Panacea was the Greek goddess of cures and panaceas. She worked with her
father, the medicine-god Asclepius. Hygeia (Good Health) was her sister,
interestingly. Other sisters included Iaso (Remedy) and Akeso (Healing), but
there are no asteroids for them.
Asteroid Panacea can have the following meanings: someone who works with
salves, essential oils, herbs or plants to bring about healing; natural healers, good
outcomes in medical situations. According to Martha Lang-Wescott: What you
believe it takes to find solutions, cures or remedies for problems (and not only
those related to the health).
Similar to: (10) Hygeia (4581) Asclepius

(3063) MAKHAON

Makhaon was the brother of Podalirius and son of Asclepius.

Asteroid Makhaon is more likely indicative of a surgeon or traditional doctor,
broken bones, and extracted items. By myth, he was a military surgeon, so there
can be a military or aid link. Some astrologers use Makhaon as a timing factor
for surgeries.


Podalirius was one of the sons of Asclepius and brother to Makhaon. Like
Makhaon, he was skilled in the medical arts, although Demetra George gives
him extra signifigance in saying he was 'god of internal diseases and invisible
wounds to the soul.'
Asteroid Podalirius may involve medicine, medical treatment and internal


Asclepius was the Greek god of medicine. Asclepius was the son of Apollo and
princess Koronis. His mother died in labour and when she was laid out on the
pyre, Apollon cut the unborn child from her womb. From this Asclepius received
his name which means "to cut open." Asclepius was raised by
the centaur Chiron who instructed him in the art of medicine. He grew so skilled
in the craft that he was able to restore the dead to life (using drops of Medusa’s
blood which was given to him from Athena). This was a crime against the
natural order and so Zeus destroyed him with a thunderbolt.
Asteroid Asclepius can have the following meanings: doctors, nurses, medicine,
shamanism/shamanic healing (bring people back from the dead), prophetic
dreams, being a ‘healer.'
Similar to: (1027) Aesculapia, (4086) Podalirius, (14367) Hippokrates, (4946)


Askalaphus was one of the ‘son of styx’ that worked in the Underworld in
service to Hades (Pluto). He is best known for declaring that Persephone had
eaten the pomegranate seeds, which confirmed that her sexual awakening and
inability to move freely above ground. As punishment, Demeter (Ceres) turned
him into a screech-owl.
Mark Andrew Holmes says ‘the ability to be silent or discreet, being indiscreet,
informing, making trouble, bringing about transformations, being looked upon
with dismay, apprehension or revulsion, and also medical attention and things
pertaining to doctors or medicine’ are related to asteroid Askalaphus, as well as
‘health-care workers and informants.'
Similar to: (1027) Aesculapia, (4086) Podalirius, (14367) Hippokrates, (4946)

P S Y C H O A N A LY S I S , H Y P N O S I S E T C .

(11518) Jung - Named after Carl Jüng
(4342) Freud - Named after Sigmund Freud
(14827) Hypnos - Can indicate hypnotherapy, NLP, analysis
N E W- A G E H E A L I N G

(5239) Reiki - Named after the famous healing technique

(1191) Angel - Can indicate a connection to angelic realms
(1588) Aura - Crystal/aura-workers; seeing auras

(30) Urania - The Goddess of Astrology, Astronomy, Music and Numbers

(116) Sirona - Healing Goddess of fertility, water
(167) Urda - The Seer of the ‘past'
(4679) Sybil - Priestess with Psychic Powers

(1154) Astronomia & (25000) Astrometria

(29080) Astrocourier
(8958) Stargazer
(1252) Celestia & (8589) Stellaris
(24626) Astrowizard

(55555) DNA
(92891) Bless
(6583) Destina
(37452) Spirit
(2365) Interkosmos

(849) Ara - Relief; aid.

(870) Manto - prophecy
(5264) Telephus - telepathy
(148780) Altjira - prophetic dreams

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