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#74 Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City

Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020 -2021
First Quarter Examination
February 4 – 5, 2021


Name: _________________________________ Date: ____________________ Score: ____________

Grade & Section: ________________________ Parent’s Signature: ________________________________

General Instruction: You are given 90 minutes to answer this test. Read and understand each items
carefully. Any form of cheating is prohibited.

I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

A. Iliad and Odyssey

1. Who is Achilles?
A. The greatest historian in the world who fought against the Trojans
B. The greatest philosopher in the world who fought against the Trojans
C. The greatest warrior in the world who fought against the Trojans
D. The greatest king in the world who fought against the Trojans
2. Who is Hector?
A. The greatest of all Trojan warriors
B. The greatest of all Macedonian warriors
C. The greatest of all Greek warriors
D. The greatest of all Persian warriors 
3. Achilles still refuses to fight. Patroclus puts on Achilles armor, fights the Trojans and dies. Who kills
A. Achilles` C. Agamemnon
B. Hector D. Odysseus
4. Why does Achilles finally rejoin the war?
A. To avenge Patroclus' death C. To avenge Agamemnon's death
B. To avenge Hephaestus's death D. To avenge Apollo's death
5. Who was Helen's husband?
A. Paris C. Agamemnon
B. Hector D. Menelaus
6. Who was the Prince of Troy that gave the golden apple to Aphrodite in exchange for the most beautiful
woman of the world?
A. Hector C. Agamemnon
B. Paris D. Achilles
7. Who is the goddess discord?
A. Ares C. Eric
B. Eris D. Aries
8. How long did the Trojan War lasted?
A. 9 year C. 11 years
B. 10 years D. 12 years
9. Who killed Hector?
A. Achilles C. Menelaus
B. Agamemnon D. Apollo
10.Who is the goddess of marriage and the wife of Zeus?
A. Athena C. Aphrodite
B. Hera D. Eris
11.Who is the hero of The Odyssey?
A. Perseus C. Theseus
B. Odysseus D. Hercules
12.Menelaus is king of which city?
A. Sparta C. Ithaca
B. Athens D. Troy
13.How is Odysseus able to listen to the Siren safely?
A. He has himself bind him to the ship’s mast.
B. Athena makes the Sirens appear ugly to him.
C. He eats a lotus flower rendering him unable to swim towards the Sirens’ island.
D. He plugs his ears with wax as the ship passes the Sirens’ island.
14.Who transforms Odysseus’ sailors into pigs?
A. Calypso C. Poseidon
B. Athena D. Circe
15.Why does Poseidon despise Odysseus?
A. Odysseus does not respect the sea.
B. Odysseus tricked him with a disguise.
C. Odysseus and his men attacked him.
D. Odysseus blinded his son.
16.Who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey?
A. Homer C. Edgar Allan Poe
B. Odysseus D. Confucius
17.Who is Polyphemus’ father?
A. Zeus C. Poseidon
B. Ares D. Helios
18.How do Odysseus escape the cave of Polyphemus?
A. He convinced him to let him go.
B. He move the door when Polyphemus is sleeping.
C. He stab Polyphemus in the eyes and wait for him to move the rock.
D. He does not escape the cave.
19.What is a Charybdis?
A. A monster with six heads. C. A snake with a man’s head
B. A giant whirlpool. D. A horse that can talk
20.What was the name of Odysseus’ wife?
A. Penelope C. Calypso
B. Athena D. Circe

B. Reflective and Intensive Pronoun: Choose the correct intensive pronoun.

21. The gods ____________ agreed to help the mortals.

A. himself C. herself
B. themselves D. yourself
22. Achilles ___________ is a brave warrior.
A. hisself C. herself
B. himself D. itself
23. The Iliad ___________ reflects ancient Greek culture.
A. hisself C. herself
B. himself D. itself
24. Andromache ___________ fears the impending death of her husband Hector.
A. herself C. yourself
B. himself D. itself
25. Hector ________ fought Achilles.
A. herself C. yourself
B. himself D. itself

II. Alternate Response.

Direction: Identify whether the pronoun used in the following sentence is Reflexive Pronoun or
Intensive Pronoun.
26. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite considered themselves the fairest of the goddesses.
27. The warriors themselves declared a ceasefire to bury their dead.
28. Penelope gave herself a break after a tiresome day.
29. Paris himself gave the golden apple to Aphrodite.
30. Eris herself gate crashed into the wedding of Thetis and Peleus.
31. Odysseus bound himself to the ship’s mast.
32. Odysseus blinded Polyphemus himself.
33. The sailors freed themselves from the cave.
34. Calypso kept Odysseus in her island for herself.
35. Circe herself is a sorceress.

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