A Teacher's Life Un-Covered: Ms. Dawn: by Chloe Duval

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A Teacher’s Life Un-Covered: Ms.

By Chloe Duval
For the February edition of The NIST Gazette I decided to interview our Learning Support
Coordinator Ms. Dawn Mountfield. We had various questions relating to her favorites.

1. Q: Who was your favorite teacher and why?

A: Mr. Weston my mathematics teacher as he had a very unusual and interesting

teaching style. He used to ask us to carry our classroom tables into the school car park
for lessons – he believed the air would invigorate our brain cells!

2. Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Lebanese

3. Q: What is your favorite color?

A: Green - the color of forests.

4. Q: What was your favorite book when you were in school?

A: The set of Reader’s Digests encyclopedias my parents bought for us.

4. Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: August Rush

5. Q: Why did you become a teacher?

A: I love being with children and sharing knowledge (two-way process)

Big thanks to Ms. Dawn for being the subject of A Teacher’s Life Un-Covered!
6GD’s Typically Thai Walk
By Chloe Duval
Right now 6GD is immersed in the unit ‘Where We Are In Place and Time’. Mr. Glenn
decided to take us on two walks on different days will a camera in hand to take pictures
of Typically Thai things. We passed tons of food carts, people, and boats. We identified
issues from these pictures. One of the issues was the Klong. The Klong is a long man-
made river that goes through Bangkok and boats come through it for public
transportation. The Klong was disgusting! It was filled with trash and other things we
couldn’t identify and it smelled horrible. We also passed a worker sleeping on a board
right by the Klong. In class we addressed the problem of smoke from the food carts
affecting pollution, which it’s just one food cart it won’t make a difference. But it does to
the people who walk by! We walked by one and everyone started coughing. So, should
you see the REAL Typically Thai Bangkok?
NIST, BISAC Sports teams VS. other schools!
By Laura Kabbabe
On February 5th BISAC had a lot of games verses other schools. Most of the games were
soccer (both genders) and a sprinkling amount was basketball games. Here is a list of the
games that were played.

BISAC U17 Basketball Boys

  00:00-23:55 (BPS)
BISAC U17 Basketball Girls
  00:00-23:55 (ISB)
BISAC U15 Soccer Boys
  00:00-23:55 (NIST)
BISAC U15 Soccer Girls
  00:00-23:55 (SHB)
BISAC U13 Soccer Boys
  00:00-23:55 (RIS)
BISAC U13 Soccer Girls
  00:00-23:55 (RIS Swiss)
BISAC U11 Soccer Boys
  00:00-23:55 (BPS)
BISAC U11 Soccer Girls
  00:00-23:55 (BPS)
The teams were in training for months and are also having to give up their lunch times
for practices. Most of the players were devastated and could barely wait for the
thrilling match. In my personal opinion, (I was in the BISAC U11 Soccer girls team) I
think that the training during breaks were spectacular and they really helped out. We
did A LOT of practices but it was all worth it. We versed a whole store of schools. Rena
Yamanda and I scored a goal.
New Cafeteria Food
By Laura Kabbabe
Did you hear about the new cafeteria food? It’s been going on for a while but it’s full of
ingredients that kids would love- but NOT always. Here are people’s opinions from 6GD.
“It’s still pretty much the same and it doesn’t taste so good”, Prae Techarushatakit
thinks. “They should re-change it”, Chloe Duval comments. “I’m not on meal plan and I
think that the food is still pretty much the same”, Lauryn Srethbhakdi visualized. Others
also agree to these negative comments, while some people like Chantal, Nandini, Sasha
and Jamie think the food is mouthwatering and tasty. The question is: Do YOU like the
food? Remember your surveys and NIPTA can help.

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