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PMGT 5891 Project Risk Management

OCTOBER 16, 2016
Section 1: Personal Reflection
1.1 Personal Objectives:
Setting goals and objectives can help people to learn more efficiently and have a clear mind
of what to expect in the learning journey. In this course, I set three learning objectives for
myself at the beginning of this semester.

¾ Learning methodologies and approaches of risk management is one of the prime
personal objective for me.
I am currently working in a small development company with other colleagues who
have little experience in project management. It is difficult for me to learn from them
and I personally have little understanding about the general practice in the industry.
Hence, one of my objectives is to gain knowledge about what is normally done in the
workplace, including different techniques, management tools, brainstorming
structures and stimulation process that is achieved through excel and Microsoft
Overall, I think this objective is achieved with good result. Risk management is a big
and complex topic which can be a bit challenging at the beginning. Lecturer discussed
various topics to from basic knowledge points to more advanced topics and
techniques, so that the complex topic is broken down to smaller and easier topics.
This makes sure we are not overwhelmed by this challenging topic at the beginning.
Lecturer introduced different techniques and tools used in risk management every
week. This helps me to develop the academic foundation of my understanding of risk
management. He also combined knowledge points with different cases to enhance our

所做的事情的知识工作场所,包括不同的技术,管理工具,头脑风暴通过 excel 和 Microsoft 实

¾ Improving my skills in Microsoft project and excel is another important
In today’s workplace, proficient excel and Microsoft skills are vital. It relates to
workplace productivity and quality of outputs. Due to my work requirements,
sometimes I need to prepare feasibility studies and project timelines. This can be
challenging for me from time to time and I think improving on these skills is essential.
Generally, I think this objective is achieved with help of lecturer, tutor and my group
members. In this course, we need to do two group assignments, which are used as an
important learning tool to help us to get a better understanding of risk management.
These assignments include components that require excel and other Microsoft
software. For example, the Monte Carlo stimulation in the first group assignment
requires Excel skills. Lecturer provided us with additional notes on how to do it,
which enables us to learn excel skills more effectively.
In doing our first group assignments, I am responsible for contingency plan and
mitigation plan, which involve lots of calculation through excel. My group members
helped me when I have difficulties, and this enables me to learn through the process.

在今天的工作场所,熟练的 Excel 和 Microsoft 技能至关重要。它涉及到工作场所生产力和产出

帮助我们更好地了解风险管理。这些分配包括需要 excel 和其他 Microsoft 的组件软件。例如,
第一组分配中的蒙特卡罗刺激需要 Excel 技能。讲师为我们提供了关于如何做的额外说明,这
使我们能够更有效地学习 excel 技能。在完成我们的第一次小组任务时,我负责应急计划和缓
解计划,涉及到 excel 的大量计算。我的小组成员当我遇到困难时帮助了我,这使我能够通过
¾ Soft skills including communication skills, interpersonal skills, time management
skills and teamwork skills are another aspect that I want to improve on.
The abilities of working in a team and communicating effectively with other people
are crucial factors of successful career. We need to work with people from different
professions, different cultures in order to deliver a project successfully.
Overall, I am pleased with my improvement on these aspects. In this course, I have
the chance to work with people from different culture. It is a bit challenging at the
beginning due to language barriers and different backgrounds. As the assignment
progress, we get to understand each other better and work more smoothly. In the
meantime, my communication skills and teamwork skills are improved. With many
assignments due at the same time, I learnt to manage time more effectively so there is
less delays.


1.2 Sources of learning
In this course, different sources are used to facilitate my learning. The main five sources are
identified below.

Course materials: Lecture and lecture notes
Lecture notes and lecture are one of the main source of learning in this course. They provide
the general guideline for my learning and help me to understand what are expected in this
Lectures provide the general guide of course learning objectives and basic knowledge of risk
management. Lecture notes covers nine topics in risk management, including understanding
of risk and risk management, ERM and critical thinking, risk response approaches,
contingency, psychological theory related to risk management, tools and techniques, risk
reporting, risk allocation, utility and appetite and future trends in risk management.


Topic one: Understanding of risk and risk management:

In this topic, main discussion focuses on general concepts of risk and risk management.
Definition about risk is also given. Risk is a potential problem that may lead to undesired
consequence. According to Week 1 lecture notes (McGarry, 2016a), risk is ‘associated with a
time frame and/or event trigger (cause)’. There may be some confusion about risk and issues.
The main difference between these two is in term of time frame. Risk is in the future and
uncertain, while issue is now and certain. (McGarry, 2016a)
Risk management is about developing risk response approach to address risks in order to
ensure project success. There are several stages involved in risk management, and different
standards give a slightly different stages, however, the general idea is the same. Project
management body of knowledge (2013) identified risk management process as planning risk
management, identifying risks, performing qualitative risk analysis, performing quantitative
risk analysis, planning risk response and monitoring and controlling risks. (McGarry, 2016a)
¾ Possible lifecycle and system risks
Possible lifecycle and system risks are shown in the following table.

After week one lecture, I gained a better understanding about risks. Project risk management
is a vital part of project management. Risks need to planned and analysed in advance to make
sure proactive actions can be taken.

风险是一个潜在的问题,可能会导致不良后果后果。根据第 1 周的讲义
(McGarry,2016a),风险与 a 相关时间范围和/或事件触发(原因)'。风险和问题可
问题现在和确定。 (McGarry,2016a)风险管理是关于制定风险应对方法以应对风
风险。 (McGarry,2016a)

¾ 可能的生命周期和系统风险


Topic two: ERM and critical thinking:

In this topic, the focus is on Enterprise Risk Management (EMR) and critical thinking. ERM
accesses risks for the enterprise as a whole. Aspects to consider include risks in operations,
reporting, compliance and strategy. Risks are also accessed on different hierarchic levels,
including subsidiary, business units, divisions and entity level. Risk management approaches
are evaluated from these different angles, so that risks of whole enterprise are properly
addressed. (McGarry, 2016b)
For critical thinking, it is about analyzing risks or problems bias-free and objectively. There
are some general qualitative analysis tools and techniques include the following:
¾ Root cause analysis: this analysis tool is used to find out the reasons for a problem, so
that necessary measures can be taken to prevent this problem from reoccurring. There
are several approaches to do a root cause analysis. (McGarry, 2016b)
¾ Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram: using fishbone diagram to find how every aspect’s
contribution to the problem. Aspects to consider include the following: methods,
machines, people, materials, measurement and environment. (McGarry, 2016b)
¾ Force field analysis: analysis the situation by identify driving forces and restraining
forces. To make the project become more favourable, project managers need to work
on driving forces and try to remove or reduce restraining forces. (McGarry, 2016b)
¾ Mind maps: a tool used to develop relative importance pf individual points and their
interdependence. (McGarry, 2016b)
¾ CoRT components: this is a strategy of thinking that helps to analysis the problem.
Principals include PMI (the treatment of ideas), CAF (consider all factors), C&S
(Consequence and sequel), APC (alternatives, possibility and choices) and OPV
(Other people’s views) (McGarry, 2016b)
¾ Six hat thinking: this is a thinking technique that requires people to consider different
aspects including facts and details, positive aspects, negative aspects, emotions and
feelings, lateral thinking and reflections. (McGarry, 2016b)
In this week’s lecture, my objective was to learn some more specific techniques that are used
in practice in professional risk management process. I reviewed the lecture notes before
lecture, and found the main topic is ERM and critical thinking. I have little idea about ERM
before lecture, there were many diagrams that briefly illustrate how ERM are structured. But
I only have a vague idea about it. Lecture notes discussing critical thinking are wellstructured
and easy to follow. In lecture, lecturer explained ERM in detail, which clarifies
some misunderstandings I had on ERM. For critical thinking section, the lecturer used a case
study to show how can we apply these techniques in real life.

在本主题中,重点是企业风险管理(EMR)和批判性思维。 ERM 为整个企业提供风险。需

的风险得到适当的考虑解决。 (McGarry,2016b)对于批判性思维,它是关于无偏见和客观
地分析风险或问题。那里一些一般的定性分析工具和技术包括以下内容:¾ 根本原因分析:此
以进行根本原因分析。 (McGarry,2016b)

¾ 鱼骨(Ishikawa)图:使用鱼骨图查找每个方面的方法对这个问题的贡献。需要考虑的方面
包括以下方面:方法,机器,人员,材料,测量和环境。 (McGarry,2016b)

¾ 力场分析:通过识别驱动力和约束来分析情况军队。为了使项目变得更加有利,项目经理需
要工作关于驱动力并试图消除或减少约束力。 (McGarry,2016b)

¾ 思维导图:用于发展个人点及其相对重要性的工具相互依存。 (McGarry,2016b)

¾CoRT 组件:这是一种有助于分析问题的思维策略。校长包括 PMI(思想处理),CAF(考

虑所有因素),C&S(后果和续集),APC(替代方案,可能性和选择)和 OPV(其他人的

¾ 六顶帽子思考:这是一种需要人们考虑不同的思维技巧方面包括事实和细节,积极方面,消
极方面,情感和感受,横向思考和反思。 (McGarry,2016b)

顾过这些讲义讲座,发现主题是 ERM 和批判性思维。我对 ERM 一无所知在讲座之前,有许
多图表简要说明了 ERM 的结构。但我对它只有一个模糊的想法。讨论批判性思维的讲义结构
合理,易于理解。在讲座中,讲师详细解释了 ERM,其中阐明了这一点我对 ERM 的一些误解。
Topic three: Risk response approaches:
This topic focuses on general risk response approaches. There are four types of risk response
strategies. The first one is transference, which is transfer risks to another party. Partnering is
one way to achieve it, which involves forming a collaborative relationship with suppliers.
This allows clients to transfer risks or share part of risk with supplier. The second strategy is
to reduce risks. Many risk management tool can be used in this type of strategy such as
independent reviews, control staff turnover, clarity requirements and control project inputs.
The third one is acceptance, and this is actions taken when risks occur. Contingency reserves
are used in this strategy. The last one is risk avoidance, where some actions are taken to avoid
risks. (McGarry, 2016c)
From this week’s lecture, I learned different approaches to target a risk. For different types of
risks, different strategies should be taken. For some risks, the best approach is to mitigate or
accept. However, for some risks, transferring it or avoidance is the better option. Therefore,
project managers need to determine the most cost-effective risk approaches based on risk
characteristics. (McGarry, 2016c)
From the following diagram, PRINCE defines risk response lifecycle. I gain the idea that risk
response approach should be continues in cycle rather than a straight lifecycle with defined
ending. Risk management should be implemented during the whole process of project.
(McGarry, 2016c)
Diagram 1.2.1 sourced from McGarry, 2016c

急储备用于此策略。最后一个是避免风险,采取一些措施来避免风险。 (McGarry,2016c)
因此,项目经理需要根据风险确定最具成本效益的风险方法特点。 (McGarry,2016c)从下
图中,PRINCE 定义了风险响应生命周期。我认识到风险响应方法应该在循环中继续,而不是
Topic four: Contingency:
Definition of contingency and contingency reserves are discussed in this topic. There are two
types of uncertainties, unknown-unknown and known-unknown. Unknown-unknowns are
risks that are unforeseeable, on the other hand, known-unknowns are residual risks after risk
mitigation and other risk response approaches. Contingency reserves are used to cover
known-unknowns, while management reserves are used to cover unknown-unknowns.
(McGarry, 2016d)
There are three methods to estimate contingency reserves, including fixed percentage
method, analysis of data method and blended approach. Fixed percentage method is to take a
percentage of cost estimate as contingency reserve. This method is easy to apply, however,
accuracy of estimation is low. The second method is analysis of data method, which
calculates contingency reserve based on project risk profile. This method is more reliable, but
it is more time consuming and costly. The last one is to use a blend of two, which is less
costly but relatively reliable. And the whole process need to be performed several times to
improve accuracy. (McGarry, 2016d)
These basic knowledge and techniques lay a foundation for my understanding of contingency
reserve. As a project manager, it is important to be clear about these concepts. Understanding
how contingency reserves and management reserves are used is important for a professional
project manager. (McGarry, 2016d)

本主题讨论了意外事件和应急储备的定义。那里有两个不确定性的类型,未知 - 未知和已知 -
未知。未知 - 未知数另一方面,已知的未知因素是风险之后的剩余风险,这是不可预见的风

可靠。整个过程需要多次执行提高准确性。 (McGarry,2016d)这些基本知识和技术为我理
理储备对于专业人士来说非常重要项目经理。 (McGarry,2016d)
Topic five: Psychological theory related to risk management:
Psychological theories related to risk management is an important topic to consider as a
project manager. Understanding prospect theory is important for my understanding of project
risk. I understand that people including stakeholders and project manager are ordinary people
and there is bias in their perceptions. Their decisions are not only based on objective
information and figures, but also influenced by many other factors, including how a problem
is framed, risk aversion, loss aversion and sunk costs. So I as a project manager should
consider these factor when communicate with different stakeholders to ensure more effective
communication and lead them to make the most objective decisions. (McGarry, 2016f)
Other theories such as confirmation bias theory and cognitive theory are also very useful in
understanding stakeholders’ psychology and their decision making process. (McGarry,

这些因素以确保更有效沟通并引导他们做出最客观的决定。 (McGarry,2016f)其他理论如
确认偏差理论和认知理论也非常有用了解利益相关者的心理及其决策过程。 (玛蒂,2016f)
Topic six: Tools and techniques:
In this topic, tools and techniques used in risk management plan are discussed. My
understanding of risk tools and techniques has improved after this lecture. There are mainly
two types of tools and techniques, quantitative and qualitative techniques. They should be
used together to make sure most effective risk management. (McGarry, 2016e)
Quantitative methods mainly focus on thinking strategies of identifying risks and analyzing
risks. Commonly used quantitative methods include root cause analysis, structured interview,
scenario analysis, Delphi analysis and PI analysis. For qualitative methods, they tend to be
more objective since the outputs mainly rely on figures. However, accuracy of quantitative
and qualitative methods both rely on participants’ expertise, judgement and knowledge.
Monte Carlo stimulation, decision trees, FMEA and sensitivity analysis are commonly used
in qualitative analysis. (McGarry, 2016g)

有效的风险管理。 (McGarry,2016e)定量方法主要集中在识别风险和分析的思维策略上风
险。常用的定量方法包括根本原因分析,结构化访谈,情景分析,Delphi 分析和 PI 分析。对
都依赖于参与者的专业知识,判断力和知识。通常使用蒙特卡罗刺激,决策树,FMEA 和灵敏
度分析在定性分析中。 (McGarry,2016g)
Topic seven: Risk reporting:
In this topic, two main aspects are covered, which are monitoring and control. Monitoring is
also an important part of risk response plan. After lecture, I learned that the purpose of
monitoring process is to ensure effectiveness of existing control and risk plans are properly
implemented. (McGarry, 2016h)
As a part of monitoring and control, risk reporting is an important tool to reflect how risk
management approaches are implemented. Risk reporting in workplace tends to be generic
and positive-biased, which is not as informative as it supposes to be. In the future, I should be
aware of these when preparing risk reporting. There is no best reporting style, and risk
reporting style should be consisted with methods used in presenting risk exposure. (McGarry,

暴露时使用的方法相结合。 (玛蒂,2016h)
Topic eight: Risk allocation, utility and appetite:
In this topic, my understanding of risk appetite, risk utility and risk allocation are enhanced.
For individuals and corporation, there are three types of attitudes towards risks, that are risk
seeking, risk averse and risk neutral. This concept is related to risk utility. I gained the idea
that risk utility is the main factor of people’s decision. (McGarry, 2016i)
People make decisions to maximize their expected utility. Lecturer’s explanation on this is
very clear. For risk neutral investors, they are indifferent with risks, which means taking on
additional or less risks do not change their utility. Therefore, their decisions are independent
from risk level. For risk seeking investors, taking additional risk increase their utilities and
they are more willing to choose more risky options. As for most common type of investors,
that is risk adverse investors, risks reduce their utilities and they need to compensated to take
risks. This idea is shown in the diagram from lecture notes (REF). (McGarry, 2016i)
(McGarry, 2016i)

得了这个想法风险效用是人们决策的主要因素。 (McGarry,2016i)人们做出决定以最大化
想法在讲义(REF)的图表中显示。 (McGarry,2016i)
Topic nine: Future trends in risk management:
Learning this topic encourages me to think limitations of existing risk management strategies
and consider more innovative risk management approaches. In the past, project managers
focused on known-unknowns and ignore those unknown-unknowns. However, the future
trends in risk management should focus more on unknown-unknowns and relevant
knowledge and competencies. (McGarry, 2016j)
The lecture also makes me to think more about reasons of project failures. In workplace,
there are some important factors can lead to project failure. These factors were discussed in
lecture and some of them include project management factors such as poor estimation and
poor specifications and behavioral factors such as information hiding and sunk costs.
(McGarry, 2016j)
Project managers’ roles also evolve overtime. In today’s project management field, project
managers’ roles not only include project delivery and management, but also considers adding
value to the clients through positive risks and opportunities.
Corporations should encourage good risk culture in the company. This includes but not
limited to encouraging risk reporting, ethical principle commitment and transparent and
timely risk information. (McGarry, 2016i)

注未知 - 未知和相关的知识和能力。 (McGarry,2016j)讲座还让我更多地考虑项目失败的
以及透明和及时的风险信息。 (McGarry,2016i)
Discussion forums
Discussion form is an important learning tool used in this course. We are given four different
cases and required to comment and evaluate these projects. These four cases include Oresund
Bridge case (Matthiessen, 2005), The Channel Tunnel case (Fairweather, 1998), Terminal 5
at Heathrow Airport case (Bartlett and Harrison, nd) and QLD Health Payroll Project
(Ainsworth, 2016a).
All projects have their unique characteristics, and most of them involve heavy resource
commitments and high level of complexity. I think there are three key lessons I learned from
discussion forums. Firstly, by studying and analyzing these cases, we are able to enhance our
understanding of risks and where risk can be more significant. I am a freshman in the
company I currently work in, and I have little experience on dealing with real projects.
Therefore, even though every project is different, reading and studying these cases allows me
to a better understanding of where things can go wrong in projects.
Secondly, it makes it possible for us to gain an insight of how project management
methodologies are applied in real life and how projects are structured in order to control risks.
In these cases, project risk management and project management methodologies are
described, and comments are also made to these management methodologies. For me, these
comments are very useful since it gives me a reflection of the project and help me to identify
which is the better approach to address risks.
Last but not the least, from discussion forums, I was able to think more about why projects
fail and the key factors to project failure. In my opinion, communication, negotiation and
continuing monitoring are very important to project success.

这四个案例包括厄勒海峡桥梁案例(Matthiessen,2005 年),海峡隧道案例
(Fairweather,1998 年),5 号航站楼希思罗机场案(Bartlett and Harrison,nd)和 QLD
Health Payroll Project(Ainsworth,2016a)。所有项目都有其独特的特点,其中大部分涉及重
Group work on assignments
Group assignments allows us to work with other people and learn from them. In group
assignments, we are required to finish more challenging tasks related to real life cases. For
the first assignment, we need to identify risks, prepare risk register, develop risk mitigation
plan and risk contingency plan, Monte Carlo and recommendations. The second group
assignment allow us to practice more techniques and tools, such as decision tree, Bow-tie
analysis and schedule contingency.
In my view, this experience benefits me from two aspects. Firstly, doing this assignment
allows me to practice tools and techniques used in risk management, so that I become more
familiar with these commonly used techniques. From my experience, reading lecture notes
and articles can help us to gain knowledge on these aspects, however learning from practical
experience is more effective.
Secondly, working on group assignment provide me with more teamwork experience and
improve my team work skills. In workplace, the ability to work with other people is highly
valued. Therefore, group assignment is a good opportunity to practice this skill.

策树,Bow-tie 分析和安排应急。在我看来,这种经历从两个方面使我受益。首先,做这个任
1.3 Competency development
In this course, I gained a better understanding of risk and risk management. A summary of
competency development can be found in the following table:
Topic Area of development
Understanding of risk and risk management Risk Understanding
Risk management concepts
ERM and Critical thinking Enterprise risk management
Methods of critical thinking
Risk response approaches Concepts of risk response approaches
Active risk response approach
Contingency Types of uncertainties
Mitigation and contingency plan
Contingency and management reserves
Tools and Techniques Types of tools and techniques
Quantitative and qualitative analysis
Psychology of risk assessment Psychology concepts relating to risk
Risk reporting Monitoring and risk control
Risk reporting
Risk allocation, risk utility and risk
Risk allocation principle
Risk utility
Risk appetites
Future trends in risk management Risk culture
Unknown-unknown risk management
Understanding of risk and risk management
Risk understanding
Initially, my understanding of risk was relatively narrowed and vague. I understood risk as
something that is uncertain and may have negative impact on the project.
By the end of this semester, I developed a better understanding of risk and risk management.
Risk is in the future and the likelihood of occurrence is uncertain. In project management
sense, positive and negative impacts on a project are considered.
Besides, I also learned project risk life cycle, which is a new concept for me. Lecturer
provided us with a diagram which shows the typical project risk life cycle. As the project
progress, project risk decreases since there is less uncertainty, while impact of risk increase
since it will cost more to change. Understanding how risk performs and its characteristics
over time is important for selecting the most appropriate risk response in different project
phrase. (McGarry, 2016a)

Risk management concepts
At the beginning, risk management for me is about how managers address risks and how they
are taken care of.
My understanding of risk management has also been enhanced after learning. I get the
concept that risk management is a proactive tool to address potential risks. Risk management
is not isolated from project phrases, in the contrast, risk management approaches should be
incorporated in every stage of project.
According to (Project management body of knowledge, 2013), project risk involves six stages
including planning risk management, identifying risks, perform qualitative risk analysis,
performing quantitative risk analysis, plan risk response and monitoring and controlling risk.

ERM and Critical thinking
ERM: Enterprise Risk Management
ERM is an unfamiliar term for me at the beginning. I tried to Google it before class and there
was some very brief explanation about this term. ERM stands for Enterprise Risk
Management. I took it as managing risk that concerning the company as whole.
After taking this course, I understand that ERM is a management approach that address the
full spectrum of its risks and methodologies to deal with these risks. This can create values to
companies by managing possibility and impact of risks. ERM looks after risks from four
categories of aspects, including strategic, operations, reporting and compliance. It also
considers activities at all levels of the organization, enterprise-level, division, subsidiary and
business unit processes. (McGarry, 2016b)

ERM 在开始时对我来说是一个陌生的术语。我在课前和那里尝试过谷歌对这个术语有一些非
常简短的解释。 ERM 代表企业风险管理。我把它当作管理整个公司的风险。参加本课程后,
我了解到 ERM 是一种解决问题的管理方法全面的风险和方法来应对这些风险。这可以创造价
值公司通过管理风险的可能性和影响。 ERM 负责四个方面的风险各方面的类别,包括战略,
程。 (McGarry,2016b)
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is a relatively familiar term for me. I took critical thinking this semester and
I also did some relevant course in my Bachler degree. Critical thinking is about think a thing
from a more objective point of view. Considering different aspects and factors is also
important in critical thinking.
By end of the semester, my understanding of ccritical thinking is enhanced. Critical thinking
is about making judgment with relevant information and evaluation so bias-free decisions can
be made. The general concept is similar to my understanding originally. However, in this
course, the focus is more about using analysis tools and techniques to find root causes, target
the real problems and take necessary measures to prevent this problem from reoccurring.
(McGarry, 2016b)
Analysis tools used include the following: Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram, Force field analysis,
Mind maps, CoRT components and Six hat thinking. (McGarry, 2016b)

批判性思维对我来说是一个相对熟悉的术语。我这个学期考虑了批判性思维我还在 Bachler 学
面和因素也是如此在批判性思维中很重要到学期结束时,我对 ccritical 思想的理解得到了加强。
鱼骨(Ishikawa)图,力场分析,思维导图,CoRT 组件和六顶帽子思维。
Risk response approaches
Concepts of risk response approach
Initially, the concepts in risk response are not very clear for me.
When the course end, I understand the difference between mitigation plan and contingency
plan, as well as how they influence budget differently. This is important so that I can use
correct terms in preparing report in the future to make my report more reliable and
professional. (McGarry, 2016c)

报告时使用正确的术语,以使我的报告更可靠专业的。 (McGarry,2016c)
Active risk response approach
From my understanding, risk response plan is determined at the beginning and is fixed
throughout the project process.
When this course finished, I learned more risk response techniques and have a better
understanding of risk response plan. Risk response should be adjusted overtime to address
risk that become certain. Project manager need to be aware of it and monitor how risk
perform over time. (McGarry, 2016c)

经理需要了解它并监控风险随着时间的推移。 (McGarry,2016c)

Mitigation and contingency plan
At the beginning, I have limited understanding about mitigation plan and contingency plan,
and take mitigation plan and contingency plan as interchangeable.
After learning, my new understanding of risk mitigation plan is that risk mitigation plan
should be developed at the planning stage to reduce likelihood of occurrence and impact.
Things is different for contingency plan, since contingency plan is things to do when risk
become certain. (McGarry, 2016d)

Types of uncertainties
When considering risks, I normally only think about possible known risk, which is
After lecture, I learned that there are two types of uncertainty, which is known-unknown and
unknown-unknowns. Known-unknown uncertainty is identified risk and risk response plan is
developed to deal with this type of risk. For unknown-unknown, these are risks that we are
not aware during risk identification process. This is important for my understanding of risk.
In the future, I would notice there would be some unforeseeable risks. (McGarry, 2016d)

种类型的不确定性,这些不确定性是已知的 - 未知和未知的未知。已知未知的不确定性是风
险和风险应对计划为应对这种风险而开发。对于未知 - 未知,这些是我们的风险在风险识别
Contingency and management reserve:
Before I took this subject, I only know the basic concept about contingency reserve, however,
management reserve is a unfamiliar term for me.
By the end of this course, with experience gained from doing group assignments and reading
articles, I now have a better understanding of contingency and management reserve. These
two reserves are resources set aside for uncertainties and risks. For management reserve, it is
for unknown-unknown uncertainties, and this reserve is commonly controlled by company
managers rather than project managers. For contingency reserve, it is used for
knownunknowns, which is normally controlled by project managers. Both management
reserve and
contingency reserve are not included in budget. (McGarry, 2016d)

Techniques and tools
Before I studied this course, I have used several risk tools and techniques in financial
subjects such as sensitivity analysis, regression analysis. But I used these methods mainly to
test impacts on results when assumptions changes. It is related to risk management in some
sense, however my understanding of how to apply these techniques in risk management field
is limited.
After taking this course, I learned more about different techniques and tools that can be used
risk identification and analyzing. I am able to apply these techniques in practical cases
through doing assignments. Learning advantages and disadvantages of different techniques
allows me to select the most suitable tools and techniques to apply. (McGarry, 2016g)

做任务。学习不同技术的优缺点允许我选择最适合的工具和技术。 (McGarry,2016g)
Psychology of risk management
Psychological theories related to risk management:
Before I took risk management course, I believe that risk management is all about risks an
approaches to deal with these risks. People will make sensible decisions based on facts and
information available to them.
However, after understanding psychological theories related to risk management, I realized
that people cannot be free of bias and personal judgment, including clients and project
managers. From prospect theory, I learned that people not always behave rationally, and there
are patterns of human behaviors. For example, people tend to choose more certain options,
ignore low possibility event and care more about loss rather than gains. As a project
manager, we need to be aware of these when making decisions and communicating with
stakeholders. (McGarry, 2016f)

意这些利益相关者。 (McGarry,2016f)
Risk reporting:
Monitoring and control:
At the beginning of the semester, I have the idea that monitoring and control processes are
very important part of risk management. However, I do not know approaches to achieve
effective monitoring and control.
After studying this topic, I have a better understanding of risk monitoring and control. Risk
monitoring is about monitor how well planned risk response works and whether these risk
response plans are accurate. In an entity, we should delegate monitoring responsibility to
person, otherwise the monitoring process may be less effective. For risk control, it is about
the whole process of risk response plan, including implementing risk response plans, tracking
identified risks, monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk process
effectiveness throughout the project. Some tools and techniques can be used in this process,
such as trend analysis and variance analysis. (McGarry, 2016h)

方差分析。 (McGarry,2016h)
Risk reporting:
Initially, I understand risk reporting as preparing report to managers in order to update them
on effectiveness of risk controls and how well risks are controlled. In addition, I also believed
that there is a general practice in risk reporting, which should be the most effective and best
approach to report risks.
However, after taking this course, I have a different view of risk reporting. Risk reporting is
about reporting how risk management plans are implemented and its effectiveness. However,
we should be aware of the general mistakes made in workplace. When we prepare risk report,
we should consider who are our audiences and how risks are identified and presented in the
beginning. (McGarry, 2016h)

应该考虑谁是我们的受众,以及如何识别和呈现风险开始。 (McGarry,2016h)
Risk allocation, utility and appetite:
My initial understanding of risk allocation, risk utility and appetite is from my study in
finance. In finance, we also learned these concepts so I have some understanding on this
topic. But my previous learning is more related to investment decision making rather than
risk management.
After learning, my understanding of risk allocation has changed. In workplace, people always
try to reduce or transfer risks to other parties without considering risk appetite and the power
to absorb risks. However, if one more powerful party try to transfer a significant risk to the
other party while the other party does not have the ability to take the risk, this risk
transference is meaningless since the risk cannot be absorbed by the other party and it will
come back to us. So it is important to consider risk appetites when designing risk
management plan. (McGarry, 2016i)

要管理计划。 (McGarry,2016i)
Future trends in risk management:
Risk management for me is a very broad concept, so I have little idea about how its future
trend will be. This course allows me to think about innovative risk management and how risk
management can add values. (McGarry, 2016j)

我思考创新的风险管理和风险管理可以增加价值。 (McGarry,2016j)
1.4 Application of learning
From this course, my competency in risk management improved, and my understanding of
risk responding plan is also enhanced.

Application of new competency in teamwork:

In teamwork, my new competency helps to be more efficient in discussing with my team
members and finishing task from three aspects. Firstly, better understanding of risk analyzing
tools and techniques allows me to identify risks more effectively. Using brain storming tools
helps me to consider project risks from different perspective, which I found to be useful in
teamwork. Secondly, my enhanced professional development allows me to gain trust from
other team members which can benefits teamwork with smooth communication and

Application of new competency in workplace and other places:
In this semester, my competency enhanced after learning about risk management, and I am
able to apply these new competencies in workplace in three aspects.
Firstly, new competency enables me to improve efficiency and productivity in workplace so
that I can finish tasks on time and even before the deadline. In the past, my managers used to
ask me to prepare feasibility studies and risk analysis of projects. Prior to my competency
development, I need to do research on very basic concepts of risk management and the format
or templates of these reports, which is relatively time consuming and the reports also were
less professional and lack of depth. After learning this course, I gained not only conceptual
knowledges relating to risk management, but also practical tools and techniques that I can use
in workplace. As a result, I can apply my knowledge and competency in real cases and finish
my work on time with higher quality.
Secondly, my enhanced understanding of psychologic impacts on risk management helps me
to communicate with stakeholders and managers more effectively in order to help them in
decision making process. In this course, I learned more about psychological impacts on
people’s perceptions and how a risk or a problem is framed can influence people’s
understanding and decisions. So with understanding of psychologic theories, I pay additional
attention on how to frame a problem or a risk in reporting and presentation in order to deliver
information more effectively.
Last but not the least, understanding concepts about risk allocation and risk enables to
consider different factors in risk response plan and choose management approaches that can
really reduce company’s risk exposure. Before I taking this course, my understanding of risk
management focus on transferring as much as possible. But in fact, I should consider risk
appetites of different parties otherwise transferred risk may come back to us and make risk
management approaches less effective.

Future competency development:
In order to develop my new competency further, I would work on it from two aspects, which
are continuous learning and more practice in workplace. For continuous learning, I think it is
important for me to keep up with trends in risk management. From the lecture about future
trend in risk management, I understand that project manager should focus more on
identifying unknown-unknowns and create values for clients. So I will continue to improve
myself on these two aspects through reading relevant articles and attending workshops held
by professional institutions. Seeking advice from experienced colleagues will also help me to
develop better competency.
For practice in workplace, I will keep familiar myself with different risk analyzing tools and
techniques through real cases. Every project has its unique characteristics such as information
availabilities, budget requirements and schedule requirements. Therefore, I would use these
project to enhance my understanding of different risk management approaches and risk
analyzing tools.

Improve risk management in current organization:
In my organization, there are some aspects of risk management can be improved. The first
one is to be more clear about personal responsibilities and delicate tasks to individuals. This
contributes to more effective risk management approach implementation, and hence achieve
better controls of risks. The second one is to improve risk monitoring and control. In our
organization, little emphasis is putting on monitoring risks. I think manager should consider
develop risk monitoring process to make sure effectiveness of risk management approaches is
monitored, and any changes in risk exposure and assumptions can be identified in early stage.
Last but not the least, promoting healthy risk culture is also important in improving risk


1.5 Team performance

In doing the group assignments, I think that overall we cooperate well and most of group
members are happy about the final results even though there still space for improvement. For
the positive aspects, the first one is that all of our group members can keep up with agreed
schedule and finish tasks on time, which is very important for smooth group cooperation and
team success. In our group discussion, we developed a assignment finish schedule that every
group members were agreed on, and all group members need to follow this schedule and
submit their part on time. I think this is very effective in schedule control. Secondly, group
cooperation is encouraged in the process. In this course, the two assignments focused on
different topics and can be a bit challenging. After we divide responsibilities, from time to
time, team members can face some difficulties. My group members always tried to help each
other to find the best solutions.
On the other hand, team performance on communication can be improved in the future. In my
group, there are people from different cultural and language backgrounds, which hindered
effective communication in some extend. Some of my group members have less fluent
English speaking, and this makes communication a bit more difficult.
From team work experience in this subject, I gained more team work skills, time management
skills and communication skills. In the future, I think I should put more focus on how to
coordinate team members from different cultural and language background to facilitate more
effective communication. In addition, I think we can hold regular meetings or communicate
in a group chat application to update all group members with everyone’s progression on
assignment. This can help team members to gain trust from each other and ensure team work
run smoothly.


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