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First Quarter



Learning Activity Sheet in English 10

Grade 10

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Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Competencies Page/s
Use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel 3
discussions, etc. in everyday life (EN10LC-Ia-11.1)

Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear 13
illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text (EN10RC-Ia-e-2.15.2)

Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-verbal, used 25
by the speaker to highlight significant points (EN10LC-Ic-4)

Determine how connected events contribute to the totality of a material

viewed (EN10VC-Ic-1.4/2.4:)

Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a

particular literary selection (EN10LT-Ic-2.2:)

Employ analytical listening in problem solving (EN10LC-II13.2) Quarter 1, 43

Week 5

Evaluate text content, elements, features and properties using a set of criteria 49
(Quarter 1, Week 6) (EN10RC- IIh 2.22.)

Read closely to get the author’s purpose (EN10RC- IIe-7.3)

Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear
illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text. (EN10RC-1a-2.15.2)

Explain the literary devices used (EN10LT-Id-2.2.2)

Determine the technique and purpose of the author (EN10LT-Ie-22.3)

Evaluating listening texts in terms of accuracy, validity, adequacy or relevance 67

(EN10SS-IId-5.2) (Quarter 1, Week 7)


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Name of Learner: ________________________________ Grade Level: __________
Section: ________________________________________ Score: _______________


Using Information from News Reports, Speeches, Informative Talks, Panel
Discussions, Etc. in Everyday Life

Background Information for Learners

News reports are those that are found in newspapers and their purpose is to inform
readers of what is happening in the world around them. However, nowadays, there are other
sources of news like social media, television, and radio.
News reports have a certain structure that you need to follow. This structure is
sometimes called Inverted Pyramid. The said structure has three parts: the lead, the body,
and the tail. The lead contains the most important information, the body covers the crucial
data, and the tail encloses additional information in a news story.

Speech is a way of expressing thoughts and ideas by means of articulate vocal

sounds. A speaker uses varied ways to deliver his speech in a group of audience. The said
types of speech delivery include reading from a manuscript, memory method, impromptu,
and extemporaneous.
a. Reading from a manuscript allows the speaker to have a written speech and read
it in front of the audience. This type of speech delivery is verbatim.
b. Memorized speech does not require critical thinking. It allows the speaker to
write and memorize his speech ahead of time before the actual delivery
c. Impromptu speech is an unplanned speech. The speaker has to deliver his
speech in a spur of the moment of actual delivery. It gives the speaker a very
limited time to organize his ideas.
d. Extemporaneous speech allows a speaker to use his prepared notes or outline as
a guide in delivering his speech and elaborate it using his own words. This
speech requires critical thinking.

Informative talks are speeches that use descriptions, demonstrations, vivid details,
and definitions to explain a subject, a person, or place that the audience wants to understand.

A panel discussion is a specific format used in a meeting, conference or convention.

It is a live or virtual discussion about a specific topic amongst a selected group of panelists
who share differing perspectives in front of a large audience.

Most Essential Learning Competency with Code (Quarter 1, Module 1)

Use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc.
in everyday life (EN10LC-Ia-11.1)

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Directions/ Instructions

Activity 1. Blocks that Block.

Each block represents a well-known phrase. Identify the phrase or idiom graphically
presented in each square. Write your answers on the space provided below.

Source: English 10 Learner’s Material, p.7

1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
6. ______________________________________

*Note: The above well-known phrases are common problems encountered by a student like
you. Which among those phrases have you experienced? Try to have a self-reflection.

Activity 2. Reflect and Be Inspired!

Read the article about Nick Vujicic and reflect on his highlighted quotes about life.
Choose the quote that suits best in each well-known phrase from the previous activity. The
purpose of this activity is to inspire you to look on the positive side on dealing with life’s

*Note: You may watch one of Nick Vujicic’s speech at


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Inspiration to Life- Nick Vujicic, a Boy Without Arms and Limbs

While he came into this world without arms and legs, Nick Vujicic, in his own
words, lives an extraordinary life serving as the ‘hands and feet of God.’

Born in Brisbane, Australia to Christian parents, during his initial years, Nick
struggled to understand why he had been denied something that everyone else seems to
enjoy and even take for granted. His life was so hard that at age 10 he decided to end his
life by trying to drown himself in his home bathtub. However, the love, acceptance and
appreciation of his parents sustained him through the hardest times of his life. Nick still
struggled to understand exactly why he had been denied something so basic.

The answer came to him at age 15 when he understood the relevance of a passage
from New Testament: “As he (Jesus) went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His
disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’
‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the works
of God might be displayed in him.'”

Nick finally understood that the universe has a plan for him much greater than what
he can comprehend. Henceforth, began his journey of spreading the Gospel through the
magical touch of his own personal testimony. Despite the limitations of his physical body,
Nick refuses to live and dream with any limits. His speeches and books have transformed
millions of lives across the world. His presence has given hope to the hopeless, his
preachings and prayers have helped millions experience the miracles of God.

Nick often talks about how he feared a life of loneliness as he wondered who would
love a prince charming “with a couple of bits and pieces missing.” However, his dream of
creating a family finally turned into reality when he met the love of his life, Kanae

Nick is a living example of the fact that everything is possible for those who believe
and for those who refuse to be bogged down by circumstances.

1. “Often times we feel like either we can’t make a world of difference, or we feel that
it’s not going to change anything anyway. The truth is you can change someone’s
day, you can change someone’s life, but you have to show up and do what you got
to do to actually see any fruit coming from it.” – Nick Vujicic Quotes
2. “There are no short and easy paths to a long and lasting happiness.” – Nick Vujicic
3. “Pain is pain. Broken is broken. Fear is the biggest disability of all. And will
paralyze you more than you being in a wheel chair.” – Nick Vujicic Quotes
4. “It’s a lie to think you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think you’re not worth
anything.” – Nick Vujicic Quotes
5. “In life, if you don’t know the truth, then you can’t be free, because then you’ll
believe that the lies are the truth. But once we realize that when we read the Word
of God, and you know the truth of who you are, then I’m not a man without arms
and legs. I am a child of God.” – Nick Vujicic Quotes
6. “The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.” – Nick Vujicic Quotes

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Block Nick Vujicic’s Quote

Activity 3. Chop it Right!

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Read and analyze the given news report and identify its parts. Write the lead, body, and
tail on the inverted pyramid.
783 murders recorded during quarantine
Emmanuel Tupas (The Philippine Star)- June 1, 2020

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police (PNP) has documented

783 murder cases or an average of 10 killings a day in the country during the community

Records show that the murders occurred from March 17 to May 30 when the
government imposed strict lockdown measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus
disease 2019 or COVID-19.

Although this would translate to about 10 people killed daily during the past 75
days, this is still lower by 39.31 percent when compared to the 1,290 murders documented
from January 2 to March 16 when restrictions were not yet imposed.

The PNP also recorded 211 homicide cases or about two incidents a day during the
quarantine period. This is about 31.27 percent lower compared to 307 cases recorded before
the lockdown.

Among those murdered was Carlito Badion, secretary general of the militant urban
poor group Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap, who was found dead in Ormoc City last

But Lt. Gen. Guillermo Eleazar, PNP deputy chief for operations, claimed that the
presence of police checkpoints and imposition of curfew have contributed to the decrease
in crimes during the community quarantine.

Activity 4. Special Delivery!

Decide the best way to deliver a speech in a different scenario. Write your answer on
the blank before each number.
_________________________1. A politician who wants to state his accomplishments and
_________________________2. A candidate in a beauty and brain pageant who is going to
answer the question given by the judges.
_________________________3. A student who is joining an oratorical contest.
_________________________ 4. A group of students who is joining a formal debate contest.

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Activity 5. It’s Time to Inspire!
It is high time to let your voice be heard. You are now going to deliver your own
informative speech. How can you inspire students like you to continue to strive for educational
excellence despite the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic? Make a short yet meaningful video
of your speech then posts it on Facebook with a hashtag #EDUC_WE_STRIVE_AS_ONE.
You may use any of the kinds of speech delivery. In preparing for your speech, the following
rubric would guide you.
Note: In the absence of internet connectivity, the student may write his/her speech and attach
it in the given Learning Activity Sheet for checking. Same rubrics will be used.
Trait 4 3 2 1
Nonverbal Skills
Eye Contact Holds attention Consistent use Displays No eye contact
of entire of direct eye minimal eye with audience,
audience with contact with contact with as entire report
the use of direct audience, but audience, is read from
eye contact, still returns to while reading notes
seldom looking notes mostly from
at notes notes
Body Language Movements Makes Very little No movement
seem vivid and movements or movement or or descriptive
help the gestures that descriptive gesture
audience enhance gesture
visualize articulation
Poise Student is Makes minor Displays mild Tension and
relaxed, mistakes, but tension; has nervousness
displays self- quickly trouble are obvious;
confidence recovers from recovering has trouble
secure about them; displays from mistakes recovering
self, with no little or no from mistakes
mistakes tension
Verbal Skills
Enthusiasm Demonstrates a Occasionally Shows some Shows
strong positive shows positive negativity absolutely no
feeling about feelings about toward topic interest in topic
topic during topic presented presented
Elocution Student uses a Student’s voice Student’s Student
clear voice and is clear. voice is low. mumbles,
precise Student Student incorrectly
pronunciation pronounces incorrectly pronounces
of terms most words pronounces terms, and
correctly terms speaks too

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Subject Student Student is at Student is Student does
Knowledge demonstrates ease with the uncomfortable not have grasp
full knowledge information with of information
about the topic delivered information
Organization Student Student Student jumps There is no
presents presents around the sequence of
information in information in information information
logical and logical presented
interesting sequence
MECHANICS Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
has no has no more has three has four or
misspelling or than two misspellings more
grammatical misspellings and/or misspellings
errors and/or grammatical and/or
grammatical errors grammatical
errors errors

“Personal challenges help one become a better person.
Recognizing these challenges would help one become better prepared for life.”

My journey through this lesson enabled me to learn____________________________


It made me realize that ___________________________________________________


I, therefore, commit to ___________________________________________________


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Answer Key

Activity 1.

1. Chicken feed/ belittled

2. Better late than never
3. Crossroads
4. I’m in a middle of trouble
5. History repeats itself
6. Almost forgotten

Activity 2.

Block Nick Vujicic’s Quote

“It’s a lie to think you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think you’re
When you feel like not worth anything.”
being belittled,

“In life, if you don’t know the truth, then you can’t be free,
When you feel like it’s because then you’ll believe that the lies are the truth. But once we
too late for something realize that when we read the Word of God, and you know the
like searching for truth of who you are, then I’m not a man without arms and legs. I
certainty, you should am a child of God.”
know that…

“There are no short and easy paths to a long and lasting

When you feel like you happiness.”
are in a crossroads,
instill in your mind

“Pain is pain. Broken is broken. Fear is the biggest disability of

When you are in a all. And will paralyze you more than you being in a wheel chair.”
middle of trouble, do
not forget that…

“The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.”

When you feel like
everything is happening
over and over again,
remember that…

“Often times we feel like either we can’t make a world of

When you feel like you difference, or we feel that it’s not going to change anything
are almost forgotten, anyway. The truth is you can change someone’s day, you can
believe that… change someone’s life, but you have to show up and do what you
got to do to actually see any fruit coming from it.”

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Activity 3.

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police (PNP) has

documented 783 murder cases or an average of 10 killings a day in the country
during the community quarantine.

Records show that the murders occurred from March 17 to

May 30 when the government imposed strict lockdown measures to
contain the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19.
Although this would translate to about 10 people
killed daily during the past 75 days, this is still lower by
39.31 percent when compared to the 1,290 murders
documented from Jan. 2 to March 16 when restrictions were
not yet imposed.
The PNP also recorded 211 homicide cases or about two
incidents a day during the quarantine period. This is about
31.27 percent lower compared to 307 cases recorded before
the lockdown.
Among those murdered was Carlito
Badion, secretary general of the militant urban
poor group Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap,
who was found dead in Ormoc City last

But Lt. Gen.

Guillermo Eleazar,
PNP deputy chief for
operations, claimed
that the presence of
police checkpoints
and imposition of
curfew have
contributed to the
decrease in crimes
during the imposition
of community

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Activity 4.
1. Reading from a manuscript
2. Impromptu Speech
3. Memorized Speech
4. Extemporaneous Speech
Activity 5. (Performance Task. Students’ score will be based from the presented rubrics.)

1. Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (English 10 Learner’s Material)
2. Philippine Star
3. https://www.wettropics.gov
4. https://www.fearlessmotivation.com


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Do not Write on this Portion
What’s your Badge?
AWESOME!- Completed and earned perfect
ACTIVITY 2 scores in all activities
ACTIVITY 3 GOOD JOB!- Completed the activities with
80-90% accuracy
IT’S OKAY.- Completed the tasks with 75-
ACTIVITY 6 79% accuracy

ACTIVITY 7 STRIVE FOR MORE. When need further

assistance and support


Comments of Teacher:


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Name of Learner: ______________________________ Grade Level: ________________
Section: ______________________________________ Score: _____________________


Textual Aids

Background Information for Learners

Textual aids are graphs, photographs, tables, diagrams, drawings, sketches,

cartoons, and caricatures and other means of presenting ideas other than text. They also help
the readers in easily understanding the meaning of texts read or listened to.

Graphs show relationship between variables. Photographs or pictures, drawings,

sketches, cartoons and caricatures illustrate the main point of a reading texts as well as
beautify the pages for more relaxed reading. Tables present list of ideas according to their

Other textual aids include organizers and diagrams. They show hierarchy, cycle,
chronological arrangement of events, process, and relationship.

Learning Competency

Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear
illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text (EN10RC-Ia-e-2.15.2)


Exercise 1.
Determine the textual aid presented. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before the item.

A. Cartoon
Enrolment B. Graph
C. Organizer
D. Table

_____ 1.
Male Female Total


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

A. Chart
B. Drawing
Editing Writing C. Table
Process D. Organizer

_____ 2. Writing the


Vertebrates Invertebrates A. Caricature

Alligator Leech B. Diagram
Human Lamprey C. Table
Frog Dragonfly D. Organizer
_____ 3. Dog Ant

A. Cartoon
B. Chart
C. Organizer
D. Picture

Synonym Definition A. Diagram

B. Organizer
Word C. Photographs
D. Table
Sentence Antonym

Exercise 2.
Determine the textual aid appropriate in understanding texts in the following contexts.
Write the letter of your answer before the item.

_____1. An essay discussing the proper ways of preventing the COVID-19 Disease from

A. Organizer showing relationship

B. Drawing showing process
C. Diagram presenting cycle
D. Graph showing variables


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

_____ 2. A story centered on anti-discrimination of people with contagious diseases, health
workers, and frontliners.

A. Cartoon/comic strip
B. Chart and graph
C. Organizer
D. Table

_____ 3. A poem depicting the effects of cycling and walking instead of using motorized
vehicles in going to places nearby.

A. Bar Graph
B. Venn Diagram
C. Photograph/Picture
D. Organizational Chart

_____ 4. An article about the survivors of a typhoon and their ways of coping up after the

A. Caricature
B. Tables and Graphs
C. Charts and Organizers
D. Photographs and comic strips

_____ 5. An online article about surviving an epidemic.

A. Infographics (Information + Graphics)

B. Semantic Map
C. Table
D. Graph

Exercise 3.
Here is an excerpt from “The Gorgon’s Head.” Read it and do the activities below.
Write your answers in the space provided in the box.

The monster was coming on, his breast parting the waves like a swift ship. Suddenly,
Perseus sprang into the air and shot high up in the clouds. Seeing the youth’s shadow upon the
sea, the monster attacked it in fury. Then Perseus swooped like an eagle from the sky and buried
his sword up to the hilt in the monster’s right shoulder. The creature reared upright, then
plunged beneath the water, and turned around and around like some fierce wild boar in the
midst of baying hounds.
Nimbly avoiding the snapping jaws, Perseus dealt blow by blow wherever he had the
chance to strike. Red blood poured from the monster’s mouth. The air was so filled with spray
that the hero’s winged sandals grew heavy. He dared not trust himself to them longer. Spying
a rock over which the waves were breaking, he braced himself against it with his left hand, and
four times he drove his sword into the monster’s side.
As the creature sank to its death, Perseus heard shouts of joy from the shore. And when
he looked, Andromeda already stood free beside her parents.


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Answer the questions in the graphic organizer.

1. What characteristics of 3. What characteristics do

Perseus were revealed in you have that help you
this part of the story? overcome your challenge,

2. How was he able to 4. What “monsters” have

overcome his challenge? you encountered? How
did you deal with them?

Exercise 4.
Building up defenses require characteristics similar to Perseus. The monsters we encounter
may be different but it is important to build a line of defenses against many challenges. It’s
time for you to create your own textual aid. Choose one of the topics provided below:
1. Building up defense against bullying
2. Creating a line of defense against infectious diseases
3. Protecting oneself from emotional stress
4. Preparing the family for natural calamities
5. Building up defense against vices


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Exercise 5.
Read the excerpt and do the activities that follow.

I am Juan Picas, born half of myself. I had only one eye, one ear, one arm, one leg, one
half of a body. My mother wept when she saw me, but loved me as I grew up and never regarded
me as abnormal. My father, too, must have wept although he never spoke of this. He also took
me as I was and loved me as much as he knew how.

I grew in their care; I thrived in their love. As far as I knew I was entire, I thought
myself whole. Like all babies, I learned first to smile, and then to coo, to babble, and to know
my mother and father, too. I learned to crawl, and sit up and, in time, to doodle.

I learned to speak but even before that, I learned to laugh. My mother taught me how
to laugh, perhaps even before I learned to cry. She showered me with good cheer, constant
delight. She taught me how to sing.

My father taught me how to see. The birds of the sky, the trees, the flowers that grew,
the rains that fell and the winds that roared in the night – these my father spoke of and made
me see how perfect they fitted into our world and made it as lovely as can be.

My father also spoke of people, saying that they are on this earth and living this life as
a test. All that matters is a life spent doing good. A man should apply his days in work and by
his hands hone his heart in service to God and his fellowmen. Less than his intent and in labor
done, a man’s days are but in vain. My father said this, and I realized how he directed his days
and wished my life to be.

My father often spoke of God as did my mother. The father in Heaven who made us
and whose love will keep us alive. God orders our days from our birth, through our youth and
manhood, through age and through death and after life. He has the whole world in His hands,
rules the beatings of our hearts, knows the number of our hair, and loves us in everything
whether good or ill befalls us. All of life’s road lead to him; and answers to life’s questions lie
in Him. The meaning of life is with Him. My father and mother taught me this and I learned it.

So I grew, a happy child swathed in kindness. My parents sheltered me and kept me

away from prying eyes. I did not know harshness, cruelty, even less, until as a frisky boy I set
to explore the world on my own. When ridicule sprang, I was bewildered, and asked my
parents why other children laughed and poked fun at me.
Excerpt from Juan Picas: The Boy Who Looked for God by Monina A. Mercado

Use the graphic organizer to find out the meaning of the words found in the selection.

Synonym Word Part of speech


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times






Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times


Exercise 6.
Give the information needed in the spaces provided.

1. What does the speaker in the story lack?

(Draw at least two body parts he is missing)

2. Despite what he does not have, what does he

have from his mother and father? (Draw a symbol
representing your answer)

3. Is he happy in this part of the story? Why?

(Draw an emoticon that shows your

4. How did he feel something was wrong with him?

(State your answer in complete

5. If you will be able to personally

see Juan Picas, how will you
treat him? Why?
(Draw your reaction)

6.If you were Juan Picas, how would you feel

about yourself when you find out your situation?
Why? (Draw your answer)


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Exercise 7. Read the following selection. Notice the way the ideas are presented. Answer
the questions that follow

Fridge Foods That Can Freeze You to Death

Sue Radd
Be fridge aware
If you buy more food than you need, you can double your intake of that food or drink
without even realizing, according to Dr. Brian Wansink, a food psychologist at Cornell
If fruits and veggies are tucked away near the bottom of your fridge and unhealthy snacks
are staring you in the face, you may have further problem with shelf management! In fact,
you’re 2.7 times more likely to eat healthy food if it’s in your line of sight.
Here are five foods that sabotage your health:
Soft drinks. Drinking one can of soft drink per day can make you 4.5
kilograms fatter over a year, according to the New York City Health
Anti-Soda Ad, “Are You Pouring on the Pounds?” Don’t drink
yourself fat. Switch to chilled water with some fresh lemon or lime
squeezed in.

Alcohol. Whether it’s beer, wine, or premixed drinks,

alcoholic drinks promote weight gain and decrease your
mental alertness. They also cause liver damage
(especially in teenagers) and many types of cancer,
such as breast cancer. For special occasions, try
nonalcoholic wine or dark grape juice.

Butter and margarine. The saturated and trans fats

hiding in these foods will clog your arteries and expand
your waistline. Use extra-virgin olive oil in recipes and
spread with natural nut butters or avocado for healthy fats.

Processed meat. Salami, sausages ham, and bacon may be easy

sandwich fillings, but are loaded with salt and up to 50 percent of
their fat is saturated! Replace these with a tasty lentil burger.
Takeaway foods. According to the Australian Food Safety
Information Council, close to 80 percent of food poisoning cases
occur from eating out, so don’t save those leftovers in your fridge.
Better still, make your own healthy fast food at home!
Health and Home March-April 2014


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

1. What is the text all about?
2. What type of text is it?
3. How did the writer develop her ideas?
4. What helped you get interested with the contents of the text?
5. How can textual aids help in understanding a text?

Complete the sentences according to how you have understood the lesson.
I have learned that _____________________________________________________
In my opinion, the lesson teaches me to be __________________________________
I will use this lesson in _________________________________________________
I think the skills I gained in this lesson will help me __________________________

Catacutan, C.C. et. al. (2010). English of the New Generation Philippine
Literature.Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc.: Quezon City.

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature Grade 10 Learner’s Material

(2015). Rex Bookstore, Inc.:Pasig City.

Merriam-Webster Mobile Application. (2020).

Radd,S. (March-April 2014). Fridge that can freeze you to death. Health and
Home. Philippine Publishing House. Volume 55, Page 11.
ISSN 0115-0839.

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

The New English-Filipino Dictionary with Built-in Thesaurus. (2013).
Children’s Press Publication: USA.
Answer Key:
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3.
1. B 1. B 1. Bravery and heroism
2. A 2. A 2. By facing it and putting
3. C 3. C his strength in defeating it
4. C 4. D 3. Answers may vary
5. B 5. A 4. Answers may vary
Exercise 4
1. Answers may vary
2. Answers may vary
3. Answers may vary
4. Answers may vary
5. Answers may vary
Exercise 5
Word Antonym Synonym Sentence Affix (if Part of Definition
applicable) speech
Doodle Draw Fiddle May N/A verb To draw
from a (around) vary something
plan without
about what
you are doing
Swathed unwrap bind/wrap May N/A adjective The act of
vary covering/
Frisky sober playful, May -y adjective Very playful
active vary or lively
Ridicule Being mock May N/A verb The act of
serious vary making fun of
something or
someone in a
cruel or harsh
Bewildered Clear, disorganized May N/A adjective The state of
organized vary being


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Exercise 6.
1. Ear, eye, hand, leg

4. When other children poked jokes on him
5. Answers may vary
6. Answers may vary

Exercise 7.
1. The text is all about unhealthy foods
2. The text is expository
3. By citing proofs and through illustrations
4. The title and illustrations
5. By emphasizing important points and inciting interest in the readers


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Do not Write on this Portion
What’s your Badge?
AWESOME!- Completed and earned perfect
ACTIVITY 2 scores in all activities
ACTIVITY 3 GOOD JOB!- Completed the activities with
80-90% accuracy
IT’S OKAY.- Completed the tasks with 75-
ACTIVITY 6 79% accuracy

ACTIVITY 7 STRIVE FOR MORE. When need further

assistance and support


Comments of Teacher:


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Name of Learner: ______________________________ Grade Level: ________________
Section: ______________________________________ Score: _____________________


Elements of a Material Viewed

Background Information for Learners

Movie Adaptation is the transfer of written work in whole or in part to a feature film.
The movie Life of Pi written by Yann Martel is an example of a film adapted from a novel.
This lesson will make you evaluate the elements of the story in the movie adaptation of
an award winning novel, Life of Pi.
Remember that in a story, there are nine major elements such as: 1) Setting 2)
Characters 3) Plot 4) Conflict 5) Point of View 6) Theme 7) Tone 8) Symbolism, and 9) Style.
In addition, plot has five essential parts namely, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action
and resolution or denouement.

For this lesson, you will watch the movie Life of Pi and will be able to answer the
learning activities.

Most Essential Learning Competency: Quarter 1: Week 3

Appraise the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a material viewed to achieve
the writer’s purpose.

Learning Competencies
EN10LC-Ic-4: Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-
verbal, used by the speaker to highlight significant points
EN10VC-Ic-1.4/2.4: Determine how connected events contribute to the totality of a
material viewed
EN10LT-Ic-2.2: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme
of a particular literary selection

Learning Activity 1: Five in a Pyramid!

Recall the five (5) essential parts of the plot in a story as presented in the Freytag’s
Pyramid. Read the given clues and choose the appropriate part of the story from the choices.
Then, write your answer inside the box of the pyramid.


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times


2. 4.

1. 5.

1. This part is the beginning of the story in which the characters, background and setting
are revealed.
2. The events in the story become complicated and the conflict, either internal or external,
is addressed with actions.
3. It is the peak, most intense and the turning point of the story. The protagonist attempts
to resolve the conflict.
4. The details of the consequences of the characters’ actions and decisions in resolving the
5. The ending of the story also known as denouement. All the conflicts are resolved and a
happy or sad ending occurs. The closure and all loose ends are tied up unless it is an
open-ended story.

Climax, Resolution, Rising Action, Exposition, Falling Action

Wow! You did well. Keep it up!


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Activity 2: Watch and Write!
Watch the Movie: Life of Pi on this link

After watching the movie, you are now ready to answer the next activity. If you haven’t
watched it yet, you may read the summary of the movie on the last page. Then, fill in the
information needed to complete the frame.

Title of the Movie: ______________________________

Author of the Novel: ____________________________
Director of the Movie: ___________________________
Date the Movie was Released: ___________________
Genre: _________________________________________
Setting: ________________________________________
Characters: ____________________________________
Names of Actors/Actress: _______________________
Point of View: __________________________________
Conflict: ________________________________________
Theme: _________________________________________

Well Done Buddy!


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Activity 3. Tell Me About Them!
Write inside the oval some characteristics or descriptions of each character to complete the
character map.

The Author
______________________ Richard Parker
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
_ ______________________

Ravi Patel
Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel
___________________________ ________________________
___________________________ ________________________
___________________________ ________________________
___________________________ ________________________
___________________ _

Mrs. Gita Patel

Mr. Santosh Patel
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ _____

Bravo! Nicely done!


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Activity 4: Solving the Symbols!
In the story, the author used significant symbols to give an overall emotion. Now, write
the names of the drawn symbols and explain their symbolisms or meanings. Use the space
provided on this page only.

Name: _______________________
Symbolism: __________________
Name: ______________________
Symbolism: __________________

Name: _________________________
Symbolism: ____________________

Name: ________________________
Symbolism: ___________________
Amazing! Keep doing it!


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Background Information for Learners
At this juncture, you are now ready to explore the plot of the movie. The different scenes
in the movie are categorized with numbers. Write the scene numbers in the appropriate element
of the plot inside the boxes on the next page.

Scene 1 Richard Parker runs to the jungle and leaves Pi immediately.

Scene 2 Piscine ‘Pi” Molitor Patel lives with his family in the Pondicherry Zoo.
Scene 3 Pi tames Richard Parker and asserts his authority over the tiger.
Scene 4The author interviews the adult Pi Patel in Canada.
Scene 5 He makes a routine for himself and writes everything he experiences. Together they
beat all odds to survive
Scene 6 The parents of Pi decide to sell their zoo because of some problems and plan to migrate
to Canada.
Scene 7 Pi is shocked when Richard Parker comes out unexpectedly inside the covered part of
the lifeboat and devours the hyena.
Scene 8 Pi looks for help since the lower deck is filled with water. But instead, he is thrown in
a lifeboat that accidentally unhitched.
Scene 9 The family boards the Tsimtsum ship to Canada.
Scene 10 The Tsimtsum ship sinks due to a very strong storm while Pi drifts away in the
Scene 11 Pi practices three religions namely, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.
Scene 12 Pi and Richard Parker stay in an island with fresh water, food and meerkats but he
discovers the island as carnivorous.
Scene 13 Pi believes in God and continues to pray.
Scene 14 Pi makes a raft to distance himself from Richard Parker.
Scene 15 He is brought in the hospital
Scene 16 Pi and Richard Parker are swept away in the beach of Mexico.
Scene 17 The lifeboat is thrown in the ocean with Pi and a zebra on it.
Scene 18 Pi is interviewed by two Japanese men about the sinking of the Tsimtsum ship.
Scene 19 Pi explains the origin of his name and his way of stopping his classmates in bullying
Scene 20 Pi lives in Canada with his wife and children
Scene 21 Miraculous events happen to provide them food and water such as the bird, flying
fishes and also the rain.
Scene 22 He learns to take care of animals and falls in love with a girl.
Scene 23 Pi finds some food, water, pencil, book and some survival kit.
Scene 24 At the middle of the night, Pi goes in the main deck when he hears some noise due to
a storm.
Scene 25 Pi tells them his story but they did not believe him so he changes the story for a very
acceptable version. Eventually, they opted for the original version of his journey.


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Plot of the Movie:

Climax: (3 Scenes)

Scene numbers _________________________________________

Falling Action: (6 Scenes)

Rising Action: (5 Scenes)
Scenes numbers ________________
Scene numbers ______________

Exposition: (5 Scenes) Resolution: (6 Scenes)

Scene numbers __________________ Scene numbers _________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

Yes! Well done again!


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Activity 6: Quotations for Life!
Directions: Previously, you learned that authors write for some basic reasons such as to
persuade, to inform, to explain, to entertain, and to describe. Based on the famous quotes from
the movie, explain Yann Martel’s purpose in writing the story. Write your response on the
space provided.

“I suppose in the end, the

“Now, I will turn miracle whole world of life
into routine. The amazing becomes an act of letting
will be seen every day. I go, but what always hurts
will put in all the hard the most is not taking a
work necessary. Yes, so moment to say goodbye.”
long as God is with me, I
will not die.”

“Faith is a
house with
many rooms” “Without Richard
Parker, I wouldn’t be
alive today to tell
“Something in me did not want you my story.”
to give up on life, but wanted
to fight to the very end.”

Purpose of the Author: _______________________________________________



Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Nice Work!

My Reflection
What I have learned:

What I need to learn:

Congratulations! You successfully accomplished this lesson.

Thank you for doing your best!


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Movie Summary: Life of Pi
The movie starts with some animals in the zoo. Then a scene with the author as he
interviews a man about his journey. The story of Pi unfolds through flashbacks.
Piscine Molitor Patel, whose name comes from a remarkable swimming pool of Paris,
lives with his family in Pondicherry, India.
His family owns a zoo at the Pondicherry Botanical Garden. Pi is a good student yet his
classmates even his teachers bully and call him “Pissing” a similar sound of his name Piscine.
As the new school year starts, he explains his nickname “Pi” as the mathematical number on
the blackboard to avoid ridicule and bullying.
Pi is an intelligent and precocious 15-year-old who helps his family feed the zoo
animals. At an early age, he adopts three religions and devotes himself to Hinduism, Islam and
Due to some problems, his parents decide to close the zoo and move to Canada. They
are aboard the Tsimtsum ship along some zoo animals to be sold when a storm destroys and
sinks the ship. Only Pi is saved when he is thrown in the lifeboat.
Together with Pi, a zebra, a hyena, Orange Juice, the orangutan, and Richard Parker,
the tiger is in the lifeboat. Not long when the hyena kills and devours both the zebra and Orange
Juice. Then Richard Parker kills the hyena. Pi is so afraid and alone on a lifeboat with a
ferocious tiger.
Pi builds a raft which is still attached to the lifeboat to keep a safer distance from the
tiger. At the middle of a shark-infested ocean, he decides to tame Richard Parker or else he will
be eaten sooner or later. Using a whistle, Pi manages to assert his authority and tames the tiger.
While drifting in the Pacific Ocean, Pi and Richard Parker face many challenges,
disturbances, and miraculous events. They suffer constantly due to exposure of extreme heat.
They never have sufficient food and fresh water too. They survive a severe storm miraculously
but his raft is destroyed. It is misfortune that an oil tanker passes by without seeing them. Pi
continuously keeps his beliefs of Hinduism, Islam and Christianity.
After months of floating in the ocean, Pi and Richard Parker come upon a weird island
of algae with unusual trees, and meerkats but no other living things. They stay on the island
eating algae and meerkats, drinking and bathing in fresh water ponds. However, one night he
discovers that the island is carnivorous. Afraid for his life, Pi takes the tiger and they leave the
island immediately.
After 227 days drifting in the ocean, they miraculously land on the Mexican beach.
Richard Parker immediately runs to the jungle without looking back. Pi is found by the
villagers. He is fed, bathed, and taken to a hospital.
In the hospital, two Japanese men come to question him about the sinking of Tsimtsum
ship. Pi tells his story, but they did not believe him. So, he changes the story and makes a

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

version that is acceptable to them. After recovering in Mexico, he goes to Canada and finishes
his high school.
The movie is interrupted every now and then to show the present time while the author
interviews the now adult Pi Parker. According to the author, Pi studied Religion and Zoology
at the University of Toronto. He got married and has now two children.

The movie is an adaptation of the novel written by Yann Martel entitled Life of Pi. It is
a fictional adventure story. The movie was directed by Ang Lee and it was released on
November 21, 2012. The movie garnered four Oscar Awards such as Best Director, Best
Cinematography, Best Visual Effects and Best Original Score.


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Answer Key
Learning Activity 1: Five in a Pyramid!

3. Climax

2. Rising Action 4. Falling Action

1.Exposition 5.Resolution

Learning Activity 2: Watch and Write!

Title of the Movie: Life of Pi

Author of the Novel: Yann Martel
Director of the Movie: Ang Lee
Year the Movie was Released: 2012
Genre: Fictional Adventure
Setting: Pondicherry, India, Pacific Ocean, Mexico
Toronto, Canada
Characters: Piscine Molitor Patel, Richard Parker,
The Author, Santosh Patel and Gita Patel, Zebra,
Ravi Patel, Japanese men, Orange Juice, Hyena
Names of the three Main Actors: Suraj Sharma,
Irrfan Khan, Rafe Spall
Point of View: First person point of view
Conflict: A fight for survival for Pi and Richard Parker
Theme: Unconditional belief and faith in God.
Never give up and never lose hope


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Activity 3. Tell Me About Them!

The Author
Richard Parker
He is a Canadian. He
A ferocious Bengal
narrates the story as
tiger but tamed by Pi.
he interviews Pi about
The only companion,
his journey. He
friend and foe of Pi in
becomes Pi’s friend.
his journey.

Ravi Patel

Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel He is the older brother

of Pi. He loves and
A 15-year-old Indian boy protects Pi. He
and only survivor of a encourages Pi to drink
sunken ship. He survives
the holy water in the
after 227 days with a tamed
Catholic church.
tiger in the lifeboat. He has
strong faith in God and
believes in 3 religions.

Mrs. Gita Patel

A loving,
Mr. Santosh Patel understanding and
protective mother of Pi.
The father of Pi. He She exposes Pi to
owns the zoo. He is Hinduism.
loving, practical yet
strict. He is a good
father and husband.


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Activity 4: Solving the Symbols!
Name: Lifeboat
Symbolism: Security, Safety,
Safe haven, hope to survive,
Journey of life

Name: Tiger-Richard Parker

Symbolism: Danger, Challenge,
Problem, Traitor Fear, Death, Faith

Name: Ocean/ Water

Symbolism: A source of life and
miracle, Uncertainties of time,
An enemy, Danger, Problem

Name: Island
Symbolism: Isolation, Loneliness
Temporary Paradise


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Activity 5: Scenes to Remember

Scene Numbers: 10,7,12

Falling Action:
Rising Action:
Scene Numbers:
Scene Numbers: 6,9,24,8,17 14,3,23,5,13,21

Exposition: Scene Numbers: Resolution: Scene Numbers:

2,4,19,11,22 16,1,15,18,25,20


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Activity 6: Quotations for Life

Purpose of the Author: Yann Martel’s purpose in writing the story is to narrate the journey of
Pi Patel in overcoming all odds to survive in a lifeboat. Through Pi’s journey, he explains the
importance of religion and faith in God, the capacity of a person to persevere even in a worst
condition, accept hardships or challenges in life, let go and move on with life even if tragedy
strikes and most importantly the unwavering hope in oneself and others to overcome all trials
and live your dreams in life.

Scoring Guide:
Learning Activity 1. One point each for correct response. 5/5
Learning Activity 2: One point for each correct response. 31/31
Learning Activity 3: Four points for each character (See Scoring Rubrics). 12/12
4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
At least 4 or more At least 3 correct At least 2 correct A description or
correct descriptions descriptions or descriptions or characteristic is
or characteristics are characteristics are characteristics are given but incorrect.
given. given. given.

Learning Activity 4: One point for the name of the symbol and two points for the symbolism.
Learning Activity 5: One point for each correct response in each part of the plot. 25/25
Learning Activity 6: Five points for this activity. (See Scoring Rubrics)) 5/5
5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
The answer is The answer is The answer is The answer is An answer or
correct with correct with correct with correct but no explanation is
explanation and explanation and explanation and explanation and given although
at least three two evidences. two evidences. evidence. not correct.
Total Points: 90/90


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Almonte, L. et.al. (2015). Celebrating diversity through world literature.
Pasig City, Philippines Rex Book Store, Inc.pp.507
Life of Pi Movie (2012).Retrieved May 24,2020 from


LAS Writer:
Master Teacher I
Bagabag National High School


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Do not Write on this Portion
What’s your Badge?
AWESOME!- Completed and earned perfect
ACTIVITY 2 scores in all activities
ACTIVITY 3 GOOD JOB!- Completed the activities with
80-90% accuracy
IT’S OKAY.- Completed the tasks with 75-
ACTIVITY 6 79% accuracy

ACTIVITY 7 STRIVE FOR MORE. When need further

assistance and support


Comments of Teacher:


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Name of Learner: ______________________________ Grade Level: ________________
Section: ______________________________________ Score: _____________________


Analytical Listening

Background Information for Learners

At the end of this activity, you will be able to:
1. listen attentively to gather information from the song played.
2. analyze the deeper meaning or message of the song.
3. give personal view about the message of the song.
Listening is attending to what you consider important. It is trying to get the meaning of
what you hear. To successfully listen to spoken language, you need to be able to work out what
the speakers mean when they use particular words in particular words in particular ways and
situation. The important thing about listening is getting the meaning of the message and
interpret it.
Listening can be classified into several types depending on how you pay attention to
what is being said or heard. These are:
1. Marginal/Passive Listening – also called hearing, the listener hears the sounds, often
in the background but simply ignore them. Because he or she is engrossed in another

2. Attentive Listening – The listener focuses attention and shows interest in what is
being said. He or she takes note of the specifics and how they relate to the main
points made by the speaker.

3. Critical/Analytical Listening – In this type of listening one has to decide on the truth
of ideas, pass judgement on claims made and made decisions and whether to accept
or reject it.

4. Appreciative Listening – This type of listening gives listener pleasure maybe from
the humor, or the blending of the voice in choric arrangement.

For this lesson, analytical listening is given emphasis.


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Learning Competency
Employ analytical listening in problem solving (EN10LC-II13.2) Quarter 1, Week 5
Listening Activity 1
Activity 1.1: Pre-Listening
Directions: Analyze yourself then, honestly and briefly do the tasks given below.

1. What is your goal or dream in life?


2. What are the challenges you have met along the way in reaching your goals? List
down at least 5.

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________

3. In two or three sentences, state how you managed these challenges.


4. What or who inspires you to continue chasing your dreams in life?


Activity 1.2: Listening Proper

Directions: Using any audio material available in your place (cellphone, CD player, cassette
tape, i-Pod, MP3 player, etc.), search and play the song Follow Your dream by
Sheryn Regis, a Filipino pop singer-songwriter. If in case there is no available
gadget to be used, ask someone from your family to sing it for you. Then, fill in
the blank with the missing lyric of the song as you listen to it.

Follow Your Dreams

Sheryn Regis

People (1) _________ us they

Stare at you and say
She's got nowhere to go
But if they only know you're thinkin’

Where did I go (2) __________

How should I move on

Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

In spite of what I see
They're losing faith in me

You tell yourself you (3)_________

That in every feat
It takes a heart to endure
All the pains and grief
Having the (4)_________ to see the best that you can be...


Follow your (5)________

The courage found within
Your soul is keeping you so strong
That you could rise each time you fall
And (6)_________ on your own
This time you won't go wrong
Just give your best to hold your will
Persistently, become the one
You've always(7) __________ to be

Got to find your (8)__________

Where you'll proudly face
The woes that come your way
Sometimes it's hard to say
If you can stick to your (9)__________
Never lose the fire
That burns up light inside for you to win the fight

You tell yourself to (10)__________

You must not retreat
Persist the stops and be tough
If you must compete
Learning the path of fate
By every (11)_________ you take

(Chorus except last word)

Reaching that peak so (12) _________

But you can't describe
All you're fears inside
That one day you might be filled
With worries
You'll find out in time
Every (13) ________ meant to make
You feel you're stronger to run free

(Repeat chorus)


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Activity 1.3: Listening Proper Activity
Directions: Upon completing the song, play or sing it again. This time, try to understand deeply
the meaning of the song.

Activity 1.4: Post-Listening Activities

Directions: Answer the questions that follow:
1. What is your first impression of the song? Can you relate to it? Why?

2. Which stanza or line from the song struck you the most? Why?
3. Going back to the pre-listening activity 1.2 where you listed at least 5 challenges you
have met along the way in chasing your dreams, do you find similar situation in stanza
1 and 2 in your list?

4. What stanza or line from the song that tries to encourage you to move on, or to do
something in chasing your dream? Why do you say so?
5. Do you agree with the message of the song? Why?

6. Do you think the writer or the singer met her objective? Why?

7. What realization can you make after listening to the song?


Listening Activity 2
At the end of this activity, you will be able to
1. list down questions about current issues,
2. conduct an informal interview and use the listed questions,
3. listen analytically to the interview,
4. evaluate the truthfulness and substance of the information, and
5. write an insight about the interview conducted.


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Activity 2.1: Pre-Listening Activities
Directions: Read the prompt below and do the suggested activities that follow.
Nowadays, there are several issues that our government is facing that will surely have
a great impact on us. These issues sometimes become source of debate or argument because of
diverse point-of-views. As a result, confusion arises particularly to some people who are not
familiar with the issue. It is because they do not know what to believe or not. Hence, one must
need to be analytical on evaluating the truthfulness and substance of what they hear.
Written below are few of the current issues that can be subject of argument or
discussion. Now, choose one topic and list down at least five questions that may bring you into
enlightenment about the topic.
Issue 1: Opening of classes can only be allowed if vaccine for COVID 19 is already available.
Issue 2: Face-to-face learning is better than virtual or online.
Issue 3: The government should completely ban all cigarettes and tobacco products to avoid lung-
related diseases.
Issue 4: Students should be allowed to have cell phones in elementary, middle, and high school.
Issue 5: Parents should limit their children in watching television or using gadgets.

Write your questions here:

1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________

Activity 2.2: The Interview

Directions: From the topic you have chosen and the five questions you have formulated, make
an informal interview to someone (e.g. your parents, brother, sister, Punong
Barangay, etc.). If the interview does not permit face-to-face, you may do it via
phone or online. From that, try to assess whether he or she agrees or disagrees with
it. To help you clarify things, you may ask the list of questions you have written.
Activity 2.3: Processing the Interview
Directions: Based on the interview conducted, answer the given processing questions below.

1. What is the stand of the person you interviewed about the topic?

2. How did he support his idea to make you agree with him or her?

3. Are these supports based on facts, statistics, researches, or simply an observation and
personal experiences?


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

4. Were all your queries answered properly and clearly? How?

5. Were you convinced by him or her? Why?



Write a one-paragraph realization or insight in conducting this interview. Try to answer

this question as basis in making your insight: Why is there a need to be an analytical listener
in all issues heard?
Complete this statement:
I have learned in this activity that _________________________________________
Curriculum and Instruction: The Teaching of English Module 6 Retrieved Last May 25, 2020
at https://www.slideshare.net/tessasuncion5/module-61-english-38584982
Answer Key
Listening Activity 1
Activity 1.1. Answers may vary
Activity 1.2.
1. laugh
2. wrong
3. believe
4. hope
5. dream
6. stand up
7. aimed
8. place
9. desire
10. achieve
11. road
12. high
13. misery


Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times

Activity 1.3 Answers may vary
Activity 1.4 Answers may vary

Listening Activity 2
Activity 2.1. Answers may vary
Activity 2.2. Answers may vary
Activity 2.3. Answers may vary

Note: For items which require varied answers, the teacher may assign his or her scoring
Prepared by


Bascaran National High School,
SDO-Nueva Vizcaya

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Do not Write on this Portion
What’s your Badge?
AWESOME!- Completed and earned perfect
ACTIVITY 2 scores in all activities
ACTIVITY 3 GOOD JOB!- Completed the activities with
80-90% accuracy
IT’S OKAY.- Completed the tasks with 75-
ACTIVITY 6 79% accuracy

ACTIVITY 7 STRIVE FOR MORE. When need further

assistance and support


Comments of Teacher:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ______________________________ Grade Level: ________________
Section: ______________________________________ Score: _____________________


Text Evaluation

Background Information for Learners

One of the significant reasons for reading texts is to evaluate them. What is to evaluate?
It is an act of examining something critically like a program, project or text. Evaluating texts
or literary works like stories, poems, essays and other selections is one of the most important
Learning Competencies or skill students has to develop or enhance. A set of questions about
text content, elements, features and properties will be asked for text evaluation.
In this module, there are different tasks designed for students that will enable you to
use a hands-on approach to evaluate the story “How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife”.
Find out if it meets the characteristics or criteria for great literature.

Learning Competencies
EN10RC- IIh 2.22. Evaluate text content, elements, features and properties using a set
of criteria (Quarter 1, Week 6)
EN10RC- IIe-7.3 Read closely to get the author’s purpose
EN10RC-1a-2.15.2 Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles,
non-linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text.
EN10LT-Id-2.2.2 Explain the literary devices used
EN10LT-Ie-22.3 Determine the technique and purpose of the author

Activity 1. Twist the Tongue

Below is a tongue twister based on the story “How My Brother Leon Brought Home A
Wife.” Play it repeatedly and quickly to achieve its aim.
Crickets chirped from their homes in the cracks of the banks
If crickets chirped from their homes in the cracks of the banks
From homes in the cracks of the banks, when did the crickets chirp?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Activity 2. Word Map
To understand the story that you will read later, you have to learn some words by doing the
activities below.
a. Mystery Word
Study the definitions and word forms. Arrange the jumbled letters to form the
correct word and write your answer in column 3. Use the words in your own sentences
as you accomplish column 4.

Jumbled Correct Words My Own Sentences

Definitions Letters

1. having or covered with bebylp

small stones -adj.
2. a portion of food that
returns from an animal’s ucd
stomach to the mouth to be
chewed for the second time
3. large and heavy - adj. vasmies
4. to lift up and move to
different position- verb hctih
5. a compacted mass of
something- noun pumscl

Activity 3. Stop! Read Me!

Motive Question: Why did the father instruct Baldo to follow the waig on his
way home with Leon and Maria?

Manuel E. Arguilla, a writer and a patriot, was born in

Nagrebcan, La Union from a poor family. He started writing stories
when he was in high school which was published in magazines.
Literary critics accept his unsurpassed realistic and vivid portrayal
of the Ilocano peasants’ labors and way of life. He also used the local
color extensively in his short stories. He died during the World War
II in the hands of the Japanese soldiers.
Photo of Manuel E. Arguilla
Sourced from: https://www.goodreads.com/

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife
Manuel E. Arguilla

She stepped down from

the carretela of Ca Celin with a
quick, delicate grace. She was
lovely. She was tall. She
looked up to my brother with a
smile, and her forehead was on
a level with his mouth.

"You are Baldo," she

said and placed her hand
lightly on my shoulder. Her
nails were long, but they were
not painted. She was fragrant
like a morning when papayas are in bloom. And a small dimple appeared momently high on
her right cheek. "And this is Labang of whom I have heard so much." She held the wrist of
one hand with the other and looked at Labang, and Labang never stopped chewing his cud.
He swallowed and brought up to his mouth more cud and the sound of his insides was like a
I laid a hand on Labang's massive neck and said to her: "You may scratch his forehead
She hesitated and I saw that her eyes were on the long, curving horns. But she came and
touched Labang's forehead with her long fingers, and Labang never stopped chewing his cud
except that his big eyes half closed. And by and by she was scratching his forehead very
My brother Leon put down the two trunks on the grassy side of the road. He paid Ca
Celin twice the usual fare from the station to the edge of Nagrebcan. Then he was standing
beside us, and she turned to him eagerly. I watched Ca Celin, where he stood in front of his
horse, and he ran his fingers through its forelock and could not keep his eyes away from her.

"Maria---" my brother Leon said.

He did not say Maring. He did not say Mayang. I knew then that he had always called
her Maria and that to us all she would be Maria; and in my mind I said 'Maria' and it was a
beautiful name.
"Yes, Noel."
Now where did she get that name? I pondered the matter quietly to myself, thinking
Father might not like it. But it was only the name of my brother Leon said backward and it
sounded much better that way.
"There is Nagrebcan, Maria," my brother Leon said, gesturing widely toward the west.
She moved close to him and slipped her arm through his. And after a while she said
"You love Nagrebcan, don't you, Noel?"

Ca Celin drove away hi-yi-ing to his horse loudly. At the bend of the camino real
where the big duhat tree grew, he rattled the handle of his braided rattan whip against the
spokes of the wheel.

We stood alone on the roadside.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

The sun was in our eyes, for it was dipping into the bright sea. The sky was wide and
deep and very blue above us: but along the saw-tooth rim of the Katayaghan hills to the
southwest flamed huge masses of clouds. Before us the fields swam in a golden haze through
which floated big purple and red and yellow bubbles when I looked at the sinking sun.
Labang's white coat, which I had washed and brushed that morning with coconut husk,
glistened like beaten cotton under the lamplight and his horns appeared tipped with fire.

He faced the sun and from his mouth came a call so loud and vibrant that the earth
seemed to tremble underfoot. And far away in the middle of the field a cow lowed softly in

"Hitch him to the cart, Baldo," my brother Leon said, laughing, and she laughed with
him a big uncertainly, and I saw that he had put his arm around her shoulders.

"Why does he make that sound?" she asked. "I have never heard the like of it."

"There is not another like it," my brother Leon said. "I have yet to hear another bull call
like Labang. In all the world there is no other bull like him."

She was smiling at him, and I stopped in the act of tying the sinta across Labang's neck
to the opposite end of the yoke, because her teeth were very white, her eyes were so full of
laughter, and there was the small dimple high up on her right cheek.

"If you continue to talk about him like that, either I shall fall in love with him or become
greatly jealous."

My brother Leon laughed and she laughed and they looked at each other and it seemed
to me there was a world of laughter between them and in them.

I climbed into the cart over the wheel and Labang would have bolted, for he was
always like that, but I kept a firm hold on his rope. He was restless and would not stand still,
so that my brother Leon had to say "Labang" several times. When he was quiet again, my
brother Leon lifted the trunks into the cart, placing the smaller on top.

She looked down once at her high-heeled shoes, then she gave her left hand to my
brother Leon, placed a foot on the hub of the wheel, and in one breath she had swung up into
the cart. Oh, the fragrance of her. But Labang was fairly dancing with impatience and it was
all I could do to keep him from running away.

"Give me the rope, Baldo," my brother Leon said. "Maria, sit down on the hay and
hold on to anything." Then he put a foot on the left shaft and that instand labang leaped
forward. My brother Leon laughed as he drew himself up to the top of the side of the cart and
made the slack of the rope hiss above the back of labang. The wind whistled against my
cheeks and the rattling of the wheels on the pebbly road echoed in my ears.

She sat up straight on the bottom of the cart, legs bent togther to one side, her skirts
spread over them so that only the toes and heels of her shoes were visible. her eyes were on
my brother Leon's back; I saw the wind on her hair. When Labang slowed down, my brother
Leon handed to me the rope. I knelt on the straw inside the cart and pulled on the rope until
Labang was merely shuffling along, then I made him turn around.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

"What is it you have forgotten now, Baldo?" my brother Leon said.

I did not say anything but tickled with my fingers the rump of Labang; and away we
went---back to where I had unhitched and waited for them. The sun had sunk and down from
the wooded sides of the Katayaghan hills shadows were stealing into the fields. High up
overhead the sky burned with many slow fires.

When I sent Labang down the deep cut that would take us to the dry bed of the Waig
which could be used as a path to our place during the dry season, my brother Leon laid a
hand on my shoulder and said sternly:

"Who told you to drive through the fields tonight?"

His hand was heavy on my shoulder, but I did not look at him or utter a word until we
were on the rocky bottom of the Waig.

"Baldo, you fool, answer me before I lay the rope of Labang on you. Why do you
follow the Wait instead of the camino real?"

His fingers bit into my shoulder.

"Father, he told me to follow the Waig tonight, Manong."

Swiftly, his hand fell away from my shoulder and he reached for the rope of Labang.
Then my brother Leon laughed, and he sat back, and laughing still, he said:

"And I suppose Father also told you to hitch Labang to the cart and meet us with him
instead of with Castano and the calesa."

Without waiting for me to answer, he turned to her and said, "Maria, why do you think
Father should do that, now?" He laughed and added, "Have you ever seen so many stars

I looked back and they were sitting side by side, leaning against the trunks, hands
clasped across knees. Seemingly, but a man's height above the tops of the steep banks of the
Wait, hung the stars. But in the deep gorge the shadows had fallen heavily, and even the
white of Labang's coat was merely a dim, grayish blur. Crickets chirped from their homes in
the cracks in the banks. The thick, unpleasant smell of dangla bushes and cooling sun-heated
earth mingled with the clean, sharp scent of arrais roots exposed to the night air and of the
hay inside the cart.

"Look, Noel, yonder is our star!" Deep surprise and gladness were in her voice. Very
low in the west, almost touching the ragged edge of the bank, was the star, the biggest and
brightest in the sky.

"I have been looking at it," my brother Leon said. "Do you remember how I would tell
you that when you want to see stars you must come to Nagrebcan?"

"Yes, Noel," she said. "Look at it," she murmured, half to herself. "It is so many times
bigger and brighter than it was at Ermita beach."

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

"The air here is clean, free of dust and smoke."

"So it is, Noel," she said, drawing a long breath.

"Making fun of me, Maria?"

She laughed then and they laughed together and she took my brother Leon's hand and
put it against her face.

I stopped Labang, climbed down, and lighted the lantern that hung from the cart
between the wheels.

"Good boy, Baldo," my brother Leon said as I climbed back into the cart, and my heart

Now the shadows took fright and did not crowd so near. Clumps of andadasi and arrais
flashed into view and quickly disappeared as we passed by. Ahead, the elongated shadow of
Labang bobbled up and down and swayed drunkenly from side to side, for the lantern rocked
jerkily with the cart.

"Have we far to go yet, Noel?" she asked.

"Ask Baldo," my brother Leon said, "we have been neglecting him."

"I am asking you, Baldo," she said.

Without looking back, I answered, picking my words slowly:

"Soon we will get out of the Wait and pass into the fields. After the fields is home---

"So near already."

I did not say anything more because I did not know what to make of the tone of her
voice as she said her last words. All the laughter seemed to have gone out of her. I waited for
my brother Leon to say something, but he was not saying anything. Suddenly he broke out
into song and the song was 'Sky Sown with Stars'---the same that he and Father sang when
we cut hay in the fields at night before he went away to study. He must have taught her the
song because she joined him, and her voice flowed into his like a gentle stream meeting a
stronger one. And each time the wheels encountered a big rock, her voice would catch in her
throat, but my brother Leon would sing on, until, laughing softly, she would join him again.

Then we were climbing out into the fields, and through the spokes of the wheels the
light of the lantern mocked the shadows. Labang quickened his steps. The jolting became
more frequent and painful as we crossed the low dikes.

"But it is so very wide here," she said. The light of the stars broke and scattered the
darkness so that one could see far on every side, though indistinctly.

"You miss the houses, and the cars, and the people and the noise, don't you?" My
brother Leon stopped singing.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

"Yes, but in a different way. I am glad they are not here."

With difficulty I turned Labang to the left, for he wanted to go straight on. He was
breathing hard, but I knew he was more thirsty than tired. In a little while we drope up the
grassy side onto the camino real.

"---you see," my brother Leon was explaining, "the camino real curves around the foot
of the Katayaghan hills and passes by our house. We drove through the fields because---but
I'll be asking Father as soon as we get home."

"Noel," she said.

"Yes, Maria."

"I am afraid. He may not like me."

"Does that worry you still, Maria?" my brother Leon said. "From the way you talk, he
might be an ogre, for all the world. Except when his leg that was wounded in the Revolution
is troubling him, Father is the mildest-tempered, gentlest man I know."

We came to the house of Lacay Julian and I spoke to Labang loudly, but Moning did
not come to the window, so I surmised she must be eating with the rest of her family. And I
thought of the food being made ready at home and my mouth watered. We met the twins,
Urong and Celin, and I said "Hoy!" calling them by name. And they shouted back and asked
if my brother Leon and his wife were with me. And my brother Leon shouted to them and
then told me to make Labang run; their answers were lost in the noise of the wheels.

I stopped labang on the road before our house and would have gotten down but my
brother Leon took the rope and told me to stay in the cart. He turned Labang into the open
gate and we dashed into our yard. I thought we would crash into the camachile tree, but my
brother Leon reined in Labang in time. There was light downstairs in the kitchen, and Mother
stood in the doorway, and I could see her smiling shyly. My brother Leon was helping Maria
over the wheel. The first words that fell from his lips after he had kissed Mother's hand were:

"Father... where is he?"

"He is in his room upstairs," Mother said, her face becoming serious. "His leg is
bothering him again."

I did not hear anything more because I had to go back to the cart to unhitch Labang.
But I hardly tied him under the barn when I heard Father calling me. I met my brother Leon
going to bring up the trunks. As I passed through the kitchen, there were Mother and my
sister Aurelia and Maria and it seemed to me they were crying, all of them.

There was no light in Father's room. There was no movement. He sat in the big
armchair by the western window, and a star shone directly through it. He was smoking, but
he removed the roll of tobacco from his mouth when he saw me. He laid it carefully on the
windowsill before speaking.

"Did you meet anybody on the way?" he asked.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

"No, Father," I said. "Nobody passes through the Waig at night."

He reached for his roll of tobacco and hitched himself up in the chair.

"She is very beautiful, Father."

"Was she afraid of Labang?" My father had not raised his voice, but the room seemed
to resound with it. And again, I saw her eyes on the long curving horns and the arm of my
brother Leon around her shoulders.

"No, Father, she was not afraid."

"On the way---"

"She looked at the stars, Father. And Manong Leon sang."

"What did he sing?"

"---Sky Sown with Stars... She sang with him."

He was silent again. I could hear the low voices of Mother and my sister Aurelia
downstairs. There was also the voice of my brother Leon, and I thought that Father's voice
must have been like it when Father was young. He had laid the roll of tobacco on the
windowsill once more. I watched the smoke waver faintly upward from the lighted end and
vanish slowly into the night outside.

The door opened, and my brother Leon and Maria came in.

"Have you watered Labang?" Father spoke to me.

I told him that Labang was resting yet under the barn.

"It is time you watered him, my son," my father said.

I looked at Maria and she was lovely. She was tall. Beside my brother Leon, she was
tall and very still. Then I went out, and in the darkened hall the fragrance of her was like a
morning when papayas are in bloom.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Activity4. Digesting the Text
Directions: Let’s go back to the story “How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife.” Make
an analysis of the elements of the story by answering the questions in the geometric figures.

Keep in Mind!
Elements of a Short Story

Setting. The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens. Authors often use
descriptions of landscape, scenery buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of
Character. A character is a person or sometimes even an animal who takes part in the action of
a short story or other literary work.
Point of View. The point of view tells how a story was narrated. It may be first person or third
person. The first-person point of view uses “I or We” in which the narrator is one of the
characters. The third person point of view uses “He, She, It, They.” The events given in the
story are told objectively by an onlooker.
Plot. The plot is a series of events and actions that relate to the conflict.
Conflict. The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a story. The main character
may struggle against another important character, against the forces of nature, against society
or even against himself/herself (emotions, illness).
Theme. The theme is the central idea in a short story that appeals to all races in the world.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Let’s go back to the story “How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife.” Make an
analysis of the elements of the story by answering the questions in the geometric figures.

Give the setting of the story?

Enumerate beautiful descriptions of the Describe the following
barrio. characters:
a. Maria
b. Leon
c. Baldo
d. Father
e. Labang
point of
view did
the author
use? How did Leon bring home his

Why did Baldo follow the

waig on his way home with Leon Did she pass the
and Maria instead of the camino test that she is
real, the main road? Was this a worthy of the love
test by the father for the city girl? of Leon and her
Pick out from the story the scene acceptance to the
that justifies your answer. family of her
husband? Justify.

What sacrifice did Maria do for her

husband? Do you think she could live
in the barrio with the barrio folks? In your simple
ways, how do you
make a sacrifice for
the one you love?

What is the author’s purpose in his


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Rubric for Students’ Level of Reading Comprehension

Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice

10 9 7 5
The student answers The student answers The Student answers The student answers
all questions 8-9 questions 6-7 questions 5 or less questions
correctly correctly correctly correctly

Activity 5. Literary Devices Exploration

A. Local Color Hunt
A local color is a literary device which focuses on the dialect and other features
particular to a specific region or place.

The selection uses local color extensively to show the realistic and artistic qualities of
the author’s literary work. Find the local color used in the story; then, write them inside the
treasure jar.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

B. Awake Your Senses!
Sensory images are images created in the mind that appeal to the physical senses like
visual, taste, sound, touch and smell.

Read the following phrases and sentences carefully; then, draw the sensory image inside
the box that appeals to each expression.
1. Crickets chirped from their homes in the cracks of the banks.

2. Saw-tooth rim of the Katayagan Hills

3. Sharp scent of arrais roots

4. Rattling of the wheel on the pebbly road

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

5. Clumps of andadasi and arrais flashed into view

C. Be a Matchmaker!
Key points:

Figures of Speech
Simile – It directly compares two different things by highlighting their similarities
using words such as “like” and “as.”
Metaphor – It creates an implicit or indirect comparison between two different things.
It does not use like and as.
Personification – It gives human nature or characteristics to something nonhuman.
Onomatopoeia – It creates a word that imitates the sound that it describes.
Irony – It uses a word that normally signifies the opposite of what is really meant.

Activity 6. Directions
Study each sentence in Column A; then, determine the figure of speech applied. Match
Column A with Column B by connecting them using lines.
Column A Column B

1. She was fragrant like a morning • Simile

when papayas are in bloom.

2. Before us the fields swam in a golden

maze… • Metaphor

3. Labang’s coat glistened like beaten

cotton under the lamp lighted.
• Personification
4. The wind whistled against my cheek.

5. The elongated shadow of Labang • Onomatopoeia

bobbed up and down and swayed
drunkenly from side to side.

6. Ca Celin drove away hi-yi-ing his • Irony

horse loudly.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Activity 7. Fair Judgment!
After doing several tasks earlier, you are now ready to evaluate the story “How My
Brother Leon Brought Home A wife” by Manuel E. Arguilla by answering the questions below
as a set of criteria for great literature. Justify your answers.

Are the characters,
setting, dialogues, actions
Is the selection and feelings clearly and
original and creative? believably portrayed?

Did the How My Brother Leon

author Brought Home A Wife
How strongly
achieve his
did I react to the
purpose? Manuel E. Arguilla story? Did it stir
my memories and

Does the text convey a

timeless message about
family life, love,
sacrifice, acceptance or
growing up that remain
true for many Is the message of the
generations of readers? text meaningful for
Cite Instances, me? Will I remember
it years from now?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Now is the right time for you to reflect and focus on the essential points of the lesson
that you enjoyed, learned and would like to know more about.
What I have learned and What I want to learn more How can I learn more

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Answer key:

Activity 1
Activity 2
(Oral/Silent Reading Activity)
Activity 3
1. In the barrio of Nagrebcan, La Union.

2. Maria - A city girl

- Loving wife of Leon
- Fragrant
- Clever
- Tall
- Beautiful
Leon – Older brother of Baldo
- Loving husband of Maria
- Gentleman
- Brotherly
Baldo - Younger brother of Leon
- Obedient
- Polite
- Narrator of the story.
- Chauffeur of the couple
Labang - Friendly
- Hardworking Bull
Father - Clever father who tested Maria
- Mildest-tempered
- Gentleman
3. First Person Point of View

4. Leon brought home his wife by riding on the cart following the waig as instructed
by the father to Baldo instead of the Camino Real, the main road. They drove
through the fields and rocky roads experiencing frequent and painful jolting as they
crossed the low dikes.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

5. Father instructed Baldo to follow the waig on his way home with Leon and Maria
instead of the main road to test the city girl if she’s worthy to be the wife of his son
and could live in the barrio. The test was revealed when the father asked Baldo
about the travel.
6. – 10 (answers may vary)
Activity 4
A. carretela Andadasi
calesa Arrais
Manang sinta
Manong waig
Dangla Labang

B. Illustration of sensory images

1. Simile
2. Personification
3. Simile
4. Personification
5. Personification
6. Onomatopoeia

Activity 5
Answers may vary
Almonte, L.R. (2015). Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature. Department of
Arguilla, M. E. (n.d.) How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife. Retrieved from
Philippine Literature English:

Prepared by

Teacher III
Bintawan National HS

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Do not Write on this Portion
What’s your Badge?
AWESOME!- Completed and earned perfect
ACTIVITY 2 scores in all activities
ACTIVITY 3 GOOD JOB!- Completed the activities with
80-90% accuracy
IT’S OKAY.- Completed the tasks with 75-
ACTIVITY 6 79% accuracy

ACTIVITY 7 STRIVE FOR MORE. When need further

assistance and support


Comments of Teacher:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ______________________________ Grade Level: ________________
Section: ______________________________________ Score: _____________________


Determining Accuracy, Validity, Adequacy and Relevance of Listening Texts

Background Information for Learners

Have you ever experienced listening but without really understanding what you
have heard? For example, when your teacher gave directions, were you able to follow
it. Have you been late for an appointment because you did not hear the exact time
Listening plays an important role in our lives. It is necessary for us to learn how
to think and understand while we listen for it will help us make decisions more
However, there are times not all information that we hear are true. Some are
false, invalid, inadequate or irrelevant. So therefore, we need to check on these
characteristics: accuracy, validity, adequacy and relevance.
We can say that an article is accurate when it contains facts and information
without bias or opinionated ideas. An article is valid when it is considered true by
majority of people. When an article contains an almost universal truth and proven to be
true by a good number of people, its validity is acceptable. Reliability of the article’s
content means citing the authorized source of the information found in the article.
Adequate information means providing the right amount of data or details that article
calls for. Relevance refers to the usefulness or importance of information.

These characteristics are very important because our decisions and actions
usually depend on the information that we listen.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Learning Competency
Evaluating listening texts in terms of accuracy, validity, adequacy or relevance
(EN10SS-IId-5.2) (Quarter 1, Week 7)

Exercise 1.
Based on the background information that you have read, complete the chart below.

An article is when

It is valid

There is adequacy of when


The information is when


Exercise 2.
Ask your parents, or any elder at home to tell you his/her experience in visiting a place.
Focus on what you are listening to and remember the details provided. After listening, fill in
the chart below with the information each question requires.
Questions Answers
1. What place did he/she visit?

2. How does he/she describe the place?

3. Where can the place be found?

4. Was the information adequate? Why

or why not?

5. Was the information relevant to you?

Why or Why not?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Exercise 3.
Listen to news from TV/radio. Take
note of information that will help you decide
whether the news report has accurate, valid,
adequate and relevant information. Check
YES if you observed and NO if not.

Observation Yes No
1. The ideas are based on facts.
2. The sources of facts are reliable and valid.
3. The information provided is accurate.
4. The article has all the necessary details that I would need to be
well informed on the issue.
5. The news is important.

Exercise 4.
Listen to anything you think that is educational. You may choose from TV, Radio, or
FB Live. Focus on the information that will help you decide whether the news report has
accurate, valid, adequate and relevant information. Then complete the chart.

Genre: _____________________________________________________________________
Date Listened to: ____________________________________________________________
Title/Brief Description: _______________________________________________________
Speaker: ___________________________________________________________________
Audience: __________________________________________________________________
Gist of the Text:
Valid Information: _____________________________________________________
Accurate Information: __________________________________________________
Adequate Information: __________________________________________________
Relevant Information: ___________________________________________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Exercise 5.
Have you listened to messages/advice of your parents about COVID-19? Do you think
the information given is accurate, valid, adequate and relevant? In a paragraph with at least five
sentences, justify your answer.

Exercise 6.
In this activity, you may select one among the options for your performance-based output.
1. Listen to a Press Release or Speech of President Duterte, then evaluate it in terms of
accuracy, validity, adequacy and relevance. Write your answer in a paragraph form.
2. Listen to priest’s or pastor’s sermon. Point out which ideas are accurate, valid, adequate
and relevant. Explain your answer in a paragraph form.
3. Listen to an Information Ad (TV, radio or Print) that would campaign on dealing with
personal challenges. Evaluate the listening text in terms of accuracy, validity, adequacy
and relevance.
4. Listen to promotional video/ad on safety precautions for typhoon, earthquake, COVID-
19 or any calamity. What makes the promotional video/ad accurate, valid, adequate and

Rubric for Scoring (Nos. 1 & 2)

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Accuracy Persuasively Proves that Proves that Provides little
proves that information is information is or no reason or
information is accurate with accurate but evidence
accurate with developed with some
well-developed reasons/eviden underdevelope
reasons/eviden ces d
ces reasons/eviden
Validity Major points Some points Major points Some points
are well are well are well are well
supported by supported by supported by supported by
evidences and evidences and evidences but evidences but
supported by supported by not supported not supported
sources. sources. by sources. by sources.
Adequacy Persuasively Supports that Some of the Inadequate
supports that the text information information
the text contains most needs to be needed to be
contains all the of the well-informed well-informed
information information
needed to be needed to be
well-informed well-informed

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Relevance Evaluate that Evaluate that it Evaluate that it Evaluate that
it communicates communicates it
communicates relevant irrelevant communicates
relevant information information, or irrelevant
information appropriately communicates information,
appropriately to the intended inappropriately and
and effectively audience to the intended communicates
to the intended audience inappropriatel
audience y to the
Organization Has very well- Has well- Has some Has no
organized, organized organized organized
information. information. information. information.


My journey through these activities enabled me to learn


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Answers Key
Exercise 1.

An article is when it contains facts and information without bias

accurate or opinionated ideas.

when it is considered true by majority of people.

It is valid

There is adequacy when it provides the right amount of data or details

of information that article calls for.

The information is when it is useful or important.


Correct answer = 2 pts.

Exercise 2.
Answers may vary.
Guidelines for Scoring
Numbers 1-3 = 1 pt. each
Numbers 4-5 = 4 pts. each. It should present clear idea with

Exercise 3.
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes

If you answered yes to each question, you are very sure that the news are worth listening

Exercise 4.
Answers may vary.

Guidelines for scoring:

Numbers 1-5 = 1 pt. each
Number 6 A-D = 2 pts. each. The information/evidence given for
each characteristic should be clear
and correct.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Exercise 5.
Answers may vary.
Rubrics for Scoring

8-10 pts. Very informative and well-organized.

Gave evidences for all the characteristics (accuracy, validity,
adequacy and relevance).
4-7 pts. Somewhat informative and organized.
Gave at least three evidences
1-3 pts. Gives some information but poorly organized.
Gave at least two evidences


Almonte, Lisa, et al. (2015). English 10 Learner’s Material. Pasig: Rex Book
Store, Inc.
How to become an intelligent Listener. Retrieved May 25, 2020 from
Ribo, Lourdes M. (2000). English Arts II. Quezon City: JTW Corporation.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

Do not Write on this Portion
What’s your Badge?
AWESOME!- Completed and earned perfect
ACTIVITY 2 scores in all activities
ACTIVITY 3 GOOD JOB!- Completed the activities with
80-90% accuracy
IT’S OKAY.- Completed the tasks with 75-
ACTIVITY 6 79% accuracy

ACTIVITY 7 STRIVE FOR MORE. When need further

assistance and support


Comments of Teacher:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.


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