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How to Download and Install Visual

Studio for C#
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from
Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows.
Visual Studio is one stop shop for all applications built on the .Net platform.
One can develop, debug and run applications using Visual Studio.

Both Forms-based and web-based applications can be designed and

developed using this IDE. The Visual Studio has the below-mentioned

How to Download and Install Visual Studio

Let's look at the download process of Visual Studio IDE so that we can work
with creating programs in the subsequent tutorials.

Step 1) Visual Studio can be downloaded from the following

You can select

 Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition

 Visual Studio 2017 Professional Edition (30 Day Free Trial)

In this tutorial, we will install the Professional Edition

Step 2) Click on the downloaded exe file

Step 3) In the next screen, click continue

Step 4) Visual Studio will start downloading the initial files. Download speed
will vary as per your internet connection.
Step 5) In next screen, click install
Step 6) In next screen,
1. Select ".Net desktop development"
2. Click install

Step 7) Visual Studio will download the relevant files based on the selection in
step 6
Step 8) Once the download is done, you will be asked to reboot the PC

Step 9) Post reboot, open the Visual Studio IDE

1. Select a theme of your choice
2. Click Start Visual Studio

Step 10) In Visual Studio IDE, you can navigate to File menu to create new
C# applications.
That’s it to Visual Studio for C# installation.

Visual Studio Key Features

1. Creation of an application in any .Net language– The Visual Studio
IDE can be used to create an application in any .Net language. Hence,
a developer can use C#, VB.Net or even F# to develop an application.
2. Creation of any application type – The Visual Studio IDE can be used
to create an application of any type. (Web-based application or
Windows Forms-based application).
3. Debug Applications on the fly – Applications can be tested as they
are being built. The IDE allows one to run the program at any point of
time during the development process. Hence, a developer can check for
any errors during the development phase itself.
4. Extensions –The IDE has the facility to install third-party extensions.
An example can be Subversion, which is used for source code
repository management. Subversion is used to upload code to a central
repository. This is done so that a copy of the code will always exist.
Visual Studio has the facility to integrate with such software from the
IDE itself. Hence, a developer can work with code repositories from the
IDE itself.

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