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Chapter One : The Problem and It’s Background

Introduction to the Study

“Sports is an essential element of education” - George A. Sheehan

Sports have become popular and major attraction for the Filipinos today. It
has been forgotten that academic learning and sports education are
complement to each other. Regular physical activity in childhood and
adolescence improves strength and endurance, build healthy muscle and
bone, control weight, reduce anxiety and stress, increases self esteem (US
Department of Health and Human Services 2008). Findings indicate that
students who participate in sports program typically perform better in class.
Several studies have suggested that sports participation, parental support and
self-esteem play a crucial role in determining academic achievement interact
with each other.

The number of high school students participating in interscholastic

athletics annually has grown to over 7.6 million (Lumpkin & Favor, 2012).
Participation in organized sports has been viewed for integrating students into
school organization and a society as a whole.

There have been many studies on this topic of high school athletic
participation that have provided valuable information. The various effects that
participation in athletics can be both positive and negative. Higher grade point
averages (GPA), graduation rates, ACT scores, along with lower dropout
rates are all potential outcomes hoped to be achieved among student-athletes
(Lumpkin & Favor, 2012).

Students who participate in different sport teams might get different kind of
benefits such as development and growth in character and leadership. Sport
participation and time spent practicing and competing has the capability of
serving as an additional channel of learning (Schultz, 2015). Students make
decisions to participate on a sport teams without knowing the effects it can
have on their academic performance.

Background of the Study

This area of the study will contain a brief review of literature in order to
conduct the backgorund of the study. Studies of both Junior Highschool (JHS)
and Senior Highschool (SHS) students of St. Therese Montessori School of
San Pablo.

School administrators and coaches have battled over the academic

requirements necessary to receive athletic scholarship. Studies have shown
that participation has a positive impact on learning and development (Bonfiglio

2011). Student athletes struggle with life outside of the competition field in
terms of defining thier life skills and careers without their athletic capabilities.

Through sports involvement these athletes get to meet new people from
differing backgrounds, become involved with their community, create a sense
of pride for their school, and lead physically acceptable lifestyles (Byrd & Ross
1991) Research typically suggest that athletic participation in school-aged
children has many benefits, one of which include positive effect one
education. Youth sports participation also makes to increased social
competence, problem solving skills, self-esteem, self efficiacy, academic
achievement and school attendance and it reduces young people to commit
crimes, teen births and school dropouts (Taliaferro, Rienzo & Donovan, 2010)

The arguement that these authors have if athletes were forced to have a
higher grade in order to play sports, that there could be an over all
improvement in the quality of al students academic work. A study conducted
by Byrd & Ross (1991) focused on the influence of athletic participation ath
the junior high level and showed that, even at a young age, the athletics is
motivating sudent athletes in the classroom.

Review of Related Literature

The purpose of this chapter is to present a review of literature on the

effects of sport participation at the high school level in relation to academic
achievement. More specifically, various effects on grade point average
(GPA),development and growth characters among athletes will be reviewed.

Athletics played a major role in the life of high school students. It has been
argued that highschool sports participation increases motivation and teaches
teamwork and self-discipline. Sports built character, and engendered the
values of good sportsmanship in young men. As a result, a number of
researchers have argued that “organized sports can play a beneficial role in
the development of children into educated and well-rounded students”
(Griffith, 2004, p.1) “high school athletics can have a profound influence on
our youth, our schools, and our communities” (Griffith, p.2). Promotion of
sports was supported by studies that have found that “paticipation in
extracurricular activities … affect academic performance, attachment to
school and social development” among highschool students (NHSAW, 2001,
p.9). Related physical education activities “provide opportunities for students
to learn the values of teamwork…and the opportunity to apply academic skills
in other arenas as part of well-rounded education” (NHSAW, p.9)
Highschool sports have become a pervasive and powerful prescence in
most major high school life. Participation in high school sports that leads
young man and woman directly to playing sports in college and becoming a
professional athlete. Several studies have shown that students participating in
athletic activities execute better in school than those student who do not

Some studies shown that joining sports has many educational benefits.
Additionally, some athletes have a better performance on academics. Girl's
who engaged to in sports have been shown to less likely to get pregnant,
have a perfect attendance from class. However, sports participation can
cause advantages and disadvantages. In fact, some research suggests that
joining sports has negative effects on academic performances. The athletes
required to balance both athletic and their academic demands, sometimes it
can cause problem lack of sleep, fatigue, anxiety and other negative health
habits. Study do not indicate the student athletes can make better grades and
graduate high school at a higher rate than non-athlete students.

According to analysis, time management factors were a significant source of

academic-related stress. Many student athletes expressed concern over
having insufficient time to study for exams and write term papers. Team travel
was also cited as a stress factor because of missed classes and assignments.

Some student athletes, however, seem to thrive on the pressure caused by

tight schedules. During her senior year, Leah Ferenc says “Most of my peers
believe that they perform at a higher academic level while participating in their
sport and have felt more organized and motivated during their seasons to do
well academically. I am more successful at completing my assignments during
the season, because I know that I only have a certain amount of time to do

Cognitive Function

Children and adolescents who pursue sports activities have been shown to
exhibit more active brain function, better concentration levels and classroom
behavior and higher self-esteem than their less-active counterparts.
Understandably, all of these factors seem to support better academic
performance. In 2002, California State University analysed exam datas from
over 954,000 fifth, seventh and ninth grade students, the study found that
students with higher levels of fitness performed better in school. Students who
met three or more physical fitness standards experienced the greatest
academic gains.

Thinking about the bad sides of sport as it affects education, scheduling is the
most obvious reason that comes to mind. Because of daily practices,
meetings, workouts, and games, student athletes are unable to keep up with
class activities, and lessons and are discouraged from chasing specific
majors. So do athletics only have a negative impact on academic
achievement? Well

according to researchers it does not. One major benefit is experienced time

management. Most college athletes have participated in multiple sports
throughout their high school days, and have learned how to handle their
objectives even before entering college. Soon as these student athletes have
enrolled in a school, they're taught to manage their stacked schedules from
the second they set foot on campus. While the schedule is busy, as it is in
many sports, being capable of systematic and structured timeline to get
objectives done efficiently helps many student athletes stay concentrated. A
large part of efficiency is being aware that you only have a given amount of
time to get something done, almost completely eliminates procrastination. And
Every athlete dreams of moving onto the professional level and getting paid to
play the game that they love, but in reality a majority of the 450,000 NCAA
student athletes will not continue onto the professional level.

This is causing people to ponder if the sacrifice to the academic progress

of athletes is worth the energy to continue playing sports for four more years
in college. Many people argue that the academic performance of athletes is
troubling considering that after sports they only have their education to fall
back on and make a life out of that knowledge. In a study conducted by
Pascarella et al. (1995), the results found compelling results about the
cognitive developments of first year athletes. The study was conducted to
determine the effects of college athletics on reading comprehension, math
and critical thinking skills. There were 2,416 first year students who took part
in the National Study of Student Learning survey, which is a longitudinal
evaluation of the factors that affect learning and cognitive developments in
college. They discovered that male athletes, in revenue sports such as
football and basketball, suffered in reading comprehension and math. They
found that these revenue sport athletes struggled compared to non- athletes,
and male athletes in other sports tested the same as non-athletes in reading
comprehension and math. On the contrary, female athletes lagged behind
their peers in reading comprehension. Both male and female athletes fell
behind non-student athletes in critical thinking skills such as open
mindedness, maturity and inquisitiveness (Pascarella et al, 1995).

These statistics confirm that some athletes are lagging behind their peers,
but have led researchers. Everyone learns a different way whether it’s
visually, physically, or verbally, although, children’s learning ability changes as
you add new factors such as homelife, friends, and sports. In 2011, a study
was done by U.S. News stating that 55.5% of high schoolers play a sport-
nearly 7.6 million teenagers. According to Jasper Smits, the director of
Anxiety Research and Treatment Program at Southern Methodist University,
playing sports can help reduce anxiety as well as depression. He also said
several times that sports do not only help long term, but can overall help
improve your mood and restore your energy. Sports do not only have
emotional and mental benefits, but they have physical benefits, as well. The
short term benefits of playing sports include weight control, a low strain on the
heart, greatly increased heart

rate, and helping athletes sleep at night. The director of University of Miami
Center for Research on Sports, Jomills Braddock II, stated, “We are finding
that individual students who participate in sports are less likely to be hostile or
antagonistic toward other students regardless of their race or ethnicity.” This
is because of the fact that students use teamwork in most sports as well as
contributing to the end goal. Data shows that African-American student-
athletes are 10 percent more likely to be accepted into AP classes and to plan
for college over non-athletes. Also, according to Braddock, “Involvement in
sports appears to enhance a student’s academic aspirations, investments,
and achievements.” Again, data shows that student-athletes are far more
likely to enroll in college prep programs and graduate in general. Many people
think that sports affect students’ learning ability in the classroom; they do, but
for the positive. When students play sports, it requires them to memorize,
repeat, and learn. All these skills translate into the classroom. In both places,
goals are created and achieved. Most data has shown that when students
play sports, there are more benefits than negative downfalls. Sports help
academically, physically, and helps reduce pressure as well as stress.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this study is that the adolescent

developmental benefits that students acquire from sports participation can
lead to increased academic achievement. Sports is one of the most prominent
forms of physical activity for students. Several studies have shown that
participating in high school sports has many educational benefits. The most
frequently noted benefit is student athletes having higher educational
attainment. Furthermore, athletes have better academic performance in high
school, such as improved grades and coursework selection. However,
although researchers contend that sports can have a positive influence on
adolescent development, some maintain that it would be a mistake to believe
that participation in sports automatically generates positive benefits. Students
involved in athletics are required to balance both athletic and academic
demands and may therefore be at risk for problems associated with a lack of
sleep, fatigue, anxiety, and other negative health habits. Taken together, the
literature suggests that a relationship does exist between participation in high
school athletics and increased academic achievement, although there are
some negative associations between the two, specifically when examining its
impact on minority students. Nonetheless, academic achievement and
success in high school leads to graduation, which for many can be one of
life’s greatest accomplishments. If such a positive relationship does exist, then
all educational stakeholders must commit themselves to increasing
participation in athletics for all high school students.

Some research of these research might also even take place outdoor
the Highschool building. Extra Curricular Activities all have frequent factors

including: normal meetings, an emphasis on talent development, orientation,

nice interplay with two peers, as well as the direction, supervision, and the
management of one or m ore competent adults (Mahoney, Eccles and Larson
(2004) supplied a list of supportive elements that are essential to ECA:
physical and psychological security for fabulous peer interaction,clear
guidelines for an activity, helping relationships amongst participants,
possibilities for inclusion of all participants, merchandising independence and
valuing man or woman opinion, and competencies building. Extracurricular
activites and sug gests applications with “extraneous features past the scope
for which a public faculty is true and legally responsible” (p.1).

Substitute names like “beyond academic” (Neito & Bode, 2008), and
“beyond the curriculum” (Hallberg & Kirk, 1971) try to exchange the traditional
notion of ECA that consider it as “extra”, with the aid of showing the authentic
value and the which means of non - tutorial applications in teaching stud ents.
ECA according to these scholars, are greater necessary than their name
implies because they help Highschool students to emerge as extra totally
engaged with the school’s social and intellectual life. (Selznick, 1957). It also
examines the guidelines and regulations those companies impose on different
organizations. In order to apply this principle to participation in extracurricular
things to do in the faculty setting, the athletic departments in the schools
should emerge as individual entities that fall beneath the course of the
individual faculties and Highschool districts. The extracurricular things to do
and the students that take part in these activities should engage with the
authorities that govern them. According to Meyer and Rowan (1977), the
Institutional Theory was once multiplied to provide an explanation for now not
only the interaction between agencies however also the cultural and cognition
thing of the interactions of organizations.

After the idea was once created, theorists furnished a new shift that
included the legitimacy of the employer instead of the existence of the agency
(DiMaggio & Powell, 1983). The Theory of Institutionalism created a link
between the moves of the institution and the group itself. The relationship of
this idea to extracurricular activities and scholar fulfillment is based totally on
the premise the extracurricular activities must function underneath the
manipulate of the character colleges and school districts, and the activities
may additionally have advantageous or poor affects on student achievement.
Statement of the Problem

Is there a significant relationship between self-confidence and academic

performance as to:
1. high grades,
2. growth in leadership, and
3. character development?

Does a significant relationship occurs between self-efficacy and academic

performance as to:
1. high grades
2. growth in leadership, and
3. character development?

Are significant relationship take place between competitiveness and academic

performance as to:
1.high grades
2.growth in leadership, and
3.character development?


To determine statistical probability within a quantitative study, null and

alternative hypothesis that correspond with the research questions and
objectives of the study. The null and alternative hypothesis of this study
were determined to be the following;

H1:There will be no difference in grade point average (GPA) of students while

participating in various sports activities versus GPA during the time they are
not participating.

H2: There will be no difference in grade point average (GPA) of female

students while participating in various sports activities versus GPA during the
time they are not participating.

H3: There will be no difference in grade point average (GPA) of male students
while participating in various sports activities versus GPA during the time they
are not participating.
H4: There will be no difference in grade point average (GPA) of students while
participating in the following different sports; basketball, volleyball, table
tennis, swimming, badminton, athletics, baseball, chess and dama.

Scope and Limitations

This study is focused on the effectiveness of physical education to

high school students from junior high school to senior high school
students and hat are the benefits of physical education to them. The
study will be done from July 2019 to December 2019.

The findings from this study were limited by a number of factors.

As a result, the applicability of the study may be limited to schools
with similar demographics. Further, the study was limited to juniors and
seniors who had participated in one of the athletic activities.
These limitations were necessary in order to produce a manageable
sample. In terms of analytic limitations, this study will add to the
literature by comparing an individual student’s GPA during and after
the athletic season for that student’s particular sport.

Significance of the Study

As noted previously, there have been a number of research methods

undertaken in order to uncover the relationship between athletics and
academics.The university level has received far more attention than the
high school level.The study examined the factors involved that affect the
performances in academics of the student athletes.Studies showed that
time and energy were needed for the good performances of the student
athletes in both sports activities and academics.The participation in
physical education in high school provides a positive influence on a
student’s personality, character and self-esteem, can be a learning pattern
in the secondary level to enhance the student’s wisdom about the said
topic.This will help also the student-athlete to have self-awareness
because when you commit to both academics and a sport, you must
realize that you don’t leave yourself a lot of time for anything else.

In this study, we examined the relationship between sports

participation, parental support, self esteem and academic achievement
due to concern about reduced education level of students and serious
lack of research regarding this issue in pakistan.We hypothesized that
sports participation would infuence student’s academic achievement.We
further conceptualized a mediation model in which sports participation
enhanced academic achievement through enhancing parental support
and self-esteem.The study found out that there is a strong relationship
between participation in competitive sports and school connectedness.
Definition of Terms

Self-efficacy - originally proposed the concept, a personal judgement of “how

well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective

Confidence - feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm

Competitiveness - having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful

than others.

High-grade - superior grade or quality

Leadership Development - expands the capacity of individuals to perform in

leadership roles within organizations.

Character Development - process of creating a believable character in fiction

by giving the character depth and personality.

Chapter Two: Research Methodology

This chapter includes the discussion of research design, population

and sampling technique, research procedure, research instrument and
statistical tool.

Research Design

This research makes use of a quantitative research strategy in the

sense that there wil be numeric data or quantitative data was produced.
Researchers will use a causal comparative research design to obtain
information about the interrelationship between variables through
gathering the grade of the respondents. Archival data were used to
determine the grade point average of 170 students. The use of archival
data as also appropriate for a causal comparative research design
because the researcher could not manipulate the variables.
Population and Sampling

The target population for this study included all junior and senior high
school students that participate in school-sponsored sporting events. 10
students each sections from St. Therese Montessori School of San Pablo
Inc. will be the respondents of this study, year 2019-2020.

A convenience sampling method was used for this study where the
grades of students that participated in sports activities were obtained. The
convenience sampling method was used in this study since it is
conveniently allowed the researchers to gather informations required for
this study.

Research Procedure

For formal evaluation of the study, researchers asked the permission

of the Junior and Senior high school Department heads to evaluate the

Before evaluating the study, the researchers conduct

Research Instrument

The instrument that used by the researcher is a ready made

questionnaire to collect the needed data for this research. The
questionnaire constructed by the researcher based on researchers
intellectual background study, review of literature , seeking for ideas from
published and unpublished research which are connected to this study.
Archival data from 170 students were used. Of 170 students, 85 student
athletes and 85 non-athletes.
Research Questions

The current study contributes to the literature by examining sports

participation, academic achievement, and self-efficacy among high school
students in St. Therese Montessori School of San Pablo Inc. The purpose
of this study is to examin the link between sports participaion, academic
achievement, and self-efficacy. To address the objectives of the study,
two research questions were posed by the researcher.

This study aims to answer the following research questions:

R1: Are there any effects of participation in athletics on academic

performance among junior and senior highschool students?

R2: Are there any differences in academic grade point averages

between student athletes and not?

Chapter Three: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter Four: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

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