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(SOLVED) In 2005 the United Kingdom was close to full

In 2005 the United Kingdom was close to full employment In 2005, the United Kingdom was
close to full employment. Nominal GDP was £800 billion, the real interest rate was 4 percent a
year, the inflation rate was 6 percent a year, and the price level was 120. a. Calculate […]

If banks have a desired reserve ratio of 0 20 there If banks have a desired reserve ratio of 0.20,
there is no currency drain, and Erin deposits $50 of cash in her bank, calculate a. The bank’s
excess reserves as soon as Erin makes her deposit. b. The maximum […]

A savings and loan association has 400 in checkable deposits A savings and loan association
has $400 in checkable deposits, $1,390 in home loans, $856 in savings deposits, $634 in
government securities, $806 in time deposits, $38 in currency, and no reserves at the Fed.
Calculate: a. Total deposits b. […]

In March 2004 currency held by individuals and businesses was In March 2004, currency held
by individuals and businesses was $666.8 billion; traveler’s checks were $7.8 billion; checkable
deposits owned by individuals and businesses were $651.1 billion; savings deposits were
$3,279.1 billion; small time deposits were $802.7 billion; and money […]


In February 2001 currency held by individuals and businesses was In February 2001, currency
held by individuals and businesses was $537.1 billion; traveler’s checks were $8.0 billion;
checkable deposits owned by individuals and businesses were $544.9 billion; savings deposits
were $1,927.3 billion; small time deposits were $1,052 billion; and money […]

Sara has 5 000 in a Citibank time deposit She withdraws Sara has $5,000 in a Citibank time
deposit. She withdraws her $1,000 from her savings deposit account, keeps $50 in cash, and
deposits the balance in her checkable account at Citibank. What are the immediate changes in
M1 and […]

Determine whether the following changes in the demand for loanable Determine whether the
following changes in the demand for loanable funds and the supply of loanable funds will raise
the real interest rate, lower the real interest rate, leave the real interest rate unchanged, or have
an ambiguous effect on […]


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