Cloud-Based Enterprise System

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Enterprise System

• Introduction
• 4 reasons for firms have to move cloud-based ERP
• Finding:
Difference between on-premises and cloud-based system
All-in-one services provide by the Cloud based enterprise system
• Advantages of cloud-based enterprise systems
• Implementation
• Case study
• Conclusion
• References

• The simple deployment is cloud -based ERP system which present

the alteration of the most influenced IT in many years and also it
shows the modern IT infrastructure. (Mozammel-Bin-Motalab &
Shohag 2011)
• The word cloud-based ERP system drive from cloud computing.
And the server are connected with WWW.
• Object can be system of the firm, mobile or any personal compter.
• The word cloud computing implies internet access with computatio
n services offered by private companies (the supplier of web faciliti
Reasons for firms have to move toward cloud-based
1 Relatively low cost
based ERP applications do have comparatively small execution expenses as regards to a the form
al host model
2 Network access
Workers were also able to view web ERP systems both from remote parts of the world with a cer
tain comfort as those on-site staff.
3 Big data (BI) skills
based ERPs seem to be revolutionary whereas they easily integrate with some other processes w
hich really bring the industry fluid
4. Increased safety
cloud-based ERPs are looking as well when it comes to the term to security.
Difference between on-premises and cloud-based system
All-in-one services provide by the Cloud based
enterprise system:

Technological development make the enterprise Cloud

Cloud based systems
based systems are becoming
more popular becausemore popular
of the flexibility it
because of the flexibility it offers. Cloud gives the firms
computing,thatnetworking and storing
the Cloud gives the all
from distinct
services location. It avoids
of computing, the infrastructure
networking cost
and storing from
of the companies.
distinct location. It avoids the infrastructure companies
Benefits of cloud-based enterprise

• Cloud transparency guarantees profita

ble opportunities for a specific project.
• A further gain is quicker software platf
• Some modifications proposed by both t
he user could be readily introduced.
• A firms seem to be better off focusing
of their own progress and without cons
idering mostly about the development
of a application
• This is versatile to create a latest features ;
• Fewer client scheduling, inspection, servicing as well a
s settings ;
• Low maintenance and now IT personnel expenses and
changes were cost-free ;
• Its seller seems to have the opportunity to grow its pro
spective client base and allow users to concentrate on t
heir key skills and knowledge ;

• Sys admin preservation supplied by those of the application's

• Because the device machinery may not be operated by either s
ystem holders.
• The cloud-
based regularly launch latest edition suppliers frequently pub
lish fresh releases ;
• This scheme most often receives more regular updates and lat
est features than those on-premise ERP schemes.

For our enterprise we have to first choose which is best.

So the following are cloud based application.

• Public cloud –
The company links to such a computation setting host
ed by third-party off-site.
• Private cloud –
To then we would have to deliver or own the computa
tional facilities and our information is next to a firewall
• Prototype cloud –
It alternative incorporates its finest characteristics of b
oth public and personal storage settings
Case study on SARMED
SARMED, the major logistics and supply chain company, optimizes its enterprise p
rocedures, implements Nubis Cloud ERP


• Nubis Cloud Engine
• Nubis Cloud Enterprise Resource Planing.


Tackles the business in developing extensive Enterprise Resource Planning and CRM
business process methods of recording, handling, evaluating and monitoring its billin
g, service and sales activities.
Maximizes effectiveness
Increases CRM features as well as increases client assistance
Enhances management skills for paper handling

• Many businesses are utilising cloud computing and acquiring profits.

• Different businesses such as online commerce, conference origination, and

biomedical information sharing.

• The service of the cloud computing platform solution plays a dominant role in the
transformation of the enterprise system for example, reduction of cost, services of
agile deployment, improvement of the productivity and the expansion and flexibility
of the firm.
• It is cost friendly.
• It improve the firms productivity.
• Software update automatically.
• It help in decision making process.

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