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CC MCQ Questions

Q. 1 As of now, computer networks are still in their infancy, but as they grow up and become

a. we will probably see the spread of telephone utilities which like present computer and
electric utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the country
b. we will probably see the spread of electric utilities which like present telephone and
computer utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the country
c. we will probably see the spread of computer utilities which like present electric and
telephone utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the country

Q. 2 In the cloud marketplace, Cloud service providers and ------ trading cloud services as
utilities, play a central role

a. consumers
b. end users
c. business users

Q.3 Which are essential characteristics of cloud computing?

a. no upfront commitment
b. no resource allocation
c. simplified acceleration and scalability
d. not demand access

Q. 4 The use of cloud based in-house solutions prefer to build and use -------

a. Hybrid Cloud
b. Private Cloud
c. Public Cloud
d. Protected Cloud

Q. 5 Service orientation and on demand access create new opportunities for composing systems
and applications with a flexibility not possible before cloud computing.


Q. 6 Which of the following cloud concept is related to pooling and sharing of resources?

a. Abstraction
b. Virtualization
c. Polymorphism
d. None of the mentioned
Q. 7 --- is an open source framework that is suited for processing large data sets on commodity

a. Microsoft Azure
b. Apache Hadoop
c. AWS
d. Manjrasoft Aneka

Q. 8 Point out correct statement

a. SISD is capable of executing different instructions on single data streams

b. SIMD is capable of executing different instruction on different data streams
c. MISD is capable of executing multiple instructions on single data stream
d. MIMD is capable of executing single instruction on different data streams

Q. 9 In case of ---- parallelism, divide and conquer technique is used to split data into multiple
sets and each data set is processed on different PEs by using the same instruction

a. Data
b. Process
c. Farmer and Worker
d. None of the above

Q. 10 These models constitute the foundations on top of which distributed systems are designed
from logical point of view

a. Data centered architectures

b. Client-server architectures
c. Virtual Machine architectures
d. Peer-to-Peer architectures

Q. 11 It is the fundamental abstraction enabling the execution of procedures on client's request

c. RPC
d. RMI

Q. 12 It refers to a scenario in which the hardware provides architectural support for building
virtual machine manager able to run a guest operating system in complete isolation

a. Full Virtualization
b. Paravirtualization
c. Hardware assisted Virtualization
d. Partial Virtualization

Q. 13 ------ level virtualization offers the opportunity to create different and separated execution
environments for applications that are managed concurrently

a. Hardware
b. Programming language
c. Operating System
d. Application

Q. 14 It is a system administration practice that allows decoupling the physical organization of

the hardware from its logical representations

a. Network Virtualization
b. Storage Virtualization
c. Desktop Virtualization
d. Application Server Virtualization

Q. 15 It is an open source initiative implementing a virtualization platform based on


a. Xen
b. VMWare
c. Hyper V

Q. 16 The top layer of cloud reference model contains services delivered at application level and
referred as

a. Paas
b. SaaS
c. Iaas
d. Xaas

Q. 17 Point out wrong statement

a. The community cloud is used in media industry

b. The community cloud is not used in healthcare industry
c. The community cloud is not used in public sector

Q. 18 Which is/are open challenges in cloud computing industry

a. Scalability
b. Security
c. Interoperability
d. All of the above
Q. 19 This model is used by Amazon for pricing the EC2 service

a. Per unit pricing

b. Tiered pricing
c. subscription based pricing

Q. 20 which of the following is the best known service model

a. SaaS
b. PaaS
c. IaaS
d. All of the above

Q. 21 The vision of computing utilities based on a ------ provisioning model anticipated the
massive transformation of the entire computing industry in the 21st century

a. Deployment
b. Service
c. Application
d. None of the mentioned

Q. 22 Which are true regarding cloud computing?

a. Resources can be released with no management effort

b. It provides on-demand network access
c. It is not convenient
d. It provide ubiquitous access

Q. 23 --- is a complete operating environment with applications, management and the user

a. Iaas
b. Paas
c. Saas
d. All of these

Q. 24 Hybrid computing systems partially composed by

a. private cloud resources and protectedly owned infrastructures

b. public cloud resources and privately owned infrastructures
c. protected cloud resources and privately owned infrastructures
Q. 25 Service Oriented Computing introduces and diffuses two important concepts, which are
also fundamental for cloud computing: Quality of Service(QoS) and Platform as a Service(PaaS)

a. True
b. False

Q. 26 Which of the following is Cloud Platform by Amazon?

a. Cloudera
b. Azure
c. AWS
d. All of the mentioned

Q. 27 ---- computing is started as a low cost alternative to the use of mainframes and

a. Cloud
b. Grid
c. Cluster

Q. 28 Point out wrong statement

a. SISD is capable of executing single instruction on different data stream

b. MIMD is capable of executing multiple instructions on different data streams
c. MISD is capable of executing multiple instructions on single data stream

Q. 29 In case of ------ parallelism, a given operation has multiple activities which can be
processed on multiple processors

a. Farmer and Worker

b. Process
c. Data
d. None of the above

Q. 30 These architectural styles cover the physical organization components and processes over a
distributed infrastructure

a. Data centered architectures

b. Client server architectures
c. Data Flow architectures
d. Peer to Peer architectures
Q. 31 It is a specification introduced by the OMG for providing cross platform and cross
language interoperability among distributed components

c. RPC
d. RMI

Q. 32 It refers to the ability of running a program most likely an operating system, on top of a
virtual machine directly and without any modification

a. Paravirtualization
b. Hardware assisted Virtualization
c. Partial Virtualization
d. Full Virtualization

Q. 33 ---- level virtualization is mostly used for achieving ease of applications, managed
execution and portability across different platforms and operating systems

a. Hardware
b. Operating System
c. Programming language
d. Application

Q. 34 It combines hardware appliances and specific software for the creation and management of
virtual network

a. Storage Virtualization
b. Desktop Virtualization
c. Network Virtualization
d. Application Server Virtualization

Q. 35 It is based on the concept of full virtualization where the underlying hardware is replicated
and made available to the guest operating system

a. Xen
b. VMWare
c. Hyper V

Q. 36 The bottom layer of cloud reference model is combination of cloud hosting platforms and
resources and referred as

a. Paas
b. SaaS
c. Iaas
d. Xaas

Q. 37 Point out wrong statement

a. The community cloud is not used in healthcare industry

b. The community cloud is used in media industry
c. The community cloud is not used in public sector

Q. 38 which is/are open challenges in cloud computing industry

a. Security
b. Scalability
c. Interoperability
d. All of the above

Q. 39 This model is used by Amazon for pricing the EC2 service

a. Tiered pricing
b. subscription based pricing
c. Per unit pricing

Q. 40 Which of the following is the best known service model

a. PaaS
b. SaaS
c. IaaS
d. All of the above

Q. 41 Cloud computing allows renting infrastructure, runtime environment and services on -------

a. flat rate
b. pay-per-use basis
c. None of these

Q. 42 cloud computing introduces the concept of ------ where the different components of a
system can be delivered, measured and consequently priced as a service: IT infrastructure,
development platforms and so on

a. Software as a Service
b. Platform as a Service
c. Everything as a Service
d. Infrastucture as a Service
Q. 43 Platform as a Service deliver ---- and ----- runtime environments on demand that host the
execution of applications

a. Scalable and accessible

b. Scalable and elastic
c. Application acceleration and scalability

Q. 44 ------ are appealing to users as they allow them to quickly leverage compute,storage, and
application services

a. Private Cloud
b. Hybrid Cloud
c. Public Cloud
d. Protected Cloud

Q. 45 A distributed system is a collection of dependent computers that appears to its users as a

single coherent system

a. True
b. False

Q. 46 ---- is the primary interface through which cloud computing deliver its services

a. virtualization
b. Web 2.0
c. Grids
d. Clusters

Q. 47 It is a Cloud operating system and a platform for developing applications in the cloud

a. Manjrasoft Aneka
b. Microsoft Azure
c. AWS
d. Google AppEngine

Q. 48 Point out wrong statement

a. SISD is capable of executing single instruction on single data stream

b. MIMD is capable of executing multiple instructions on single data stream
c. SIMD is capable of executing single instruction on different data streams
d. MISD is capable of executing multiple instructions on single data stream
Q. 49 In case of ----- model, a job distribution approach is used:one processor is configured as
master and remaining slaves

a. Process
b. Data
c. Farmer and Worker
d. None of the above

Q. 50 These models constitute the foundations on top of which distributed systems are designed
from logical point of view

a. Client server architectures

b. Data centered architectures
c. Data Flow architectures
d. Peer to Peer architectures

Q. 51 It is a standard technology provided by Java for enabling RPC among distributed Java

b. RMI
d. None of the above

Q. 52 It expose a software interface to the virtual machine that is slightly modified from the host
and guests need to be modified

a. Hardware assisted Virtualization

b. Paravirtualization
c. Partial Virtualization
d. Full Virtualization

Q. 53 ----- level virtualization is a technique allowing applications to be run on runtime

environments which do not natively support all the features required by such applications

a. Application
b. Hardware
c. Programming language
d. Operating System
Q. 54 It abstracts the desktop environment available on a personal computer in order to provide
access to it by using a client server approach

a. Storage Virtualization
b. Network Virtualization
c. Desktop Virtualization
d. Application Server Virtualization

Q. 55 It is an infrastructure virtualization solution developed by Microsoft for server


a. Xen
b. VMWare
c. Hyper V

Q. 56 In cloud reference model, users develop their applications specifically for the cloud by
using the API exposed at the user level middleware

a. Paas
b. SaaS
c. Iaas
d. Xaas

Q. 57 Point out wrong statement

a. The community cloud is not used in healthcare industry

b. The community cloud is used in media industry
c. The community cloud is not used in public sector

Q. 58 Which is/are open challenges in cloud computing industry

a. Interoperability
b. Security
c. Scalability
d. All of the above

Q. 59 This model is used by Amazon for pricing the EC2 service

a. subscription based pricing

b. Tiered pricing
c. Per unit pricing
Q. 60 Which of the following is the best known service model

a. IaaS
b. PaaS
c. SaaS
d. All of the above

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