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What is Fordism?
Fordism is a production format which lean on those basic mentalities;

● Mass production techniques in industry.

● Transformation of work forms into more systematic and standart ways.
● Hardening in departments of labor and in the definition of labor.
● Fecundity increase with the systematic ways of production.
● With the increasing demand; speedup in standardize.
To sum up, fordism is the capitalist dialectic which have huge effects on the transition to
planned economy. Fordism aims to create a new laborer type without any respect to
confidental areas of a person’s life.

Here is the characteristics of fordism:

1. Mass Production and Consuption: The production that made is not only for special
customers anymore. It intend to appeal masses.
2. High Standardize in Products: With the previous guesses of mass consuption profiles,
planing and producting standart products.
3. Non-Flexible Production Process: Only standart production produce because of the
routine production workforce.
4. New Technologies in Working Organization: Instead of workforce usage of machines.
5. Being Determinant for Other Sectors: Basic gravity in economy is in mass production, the
other companies are adaptable small systems of it.
6. Hegemony: Huge canalization and concreation even with the laborers.
7. Regulation in Living Style: Supplying incomes to laborers then teaching how to use that
income. That means; try to determ directly living styles.


What is Post-Fordism?

Post-Fordism is mentality to provide consumption demands in a terms of flexibility. That means

using flexibility in workforce and in mechanization with usage of information and
communication technologies.

Here is the characteristic of Post-Fordism:

1. Changeover with using information and communication technologies in organization of

workforce and production.
2. Industrialization in service industry based on new technologies.
3. Industrialization in agriculture and accumulation of funds.
4. Increase in mass’s incomes and fecundity.
5. Individualism in life styles.
6. Increase in relations between industry and finance capital.
7. Instutive disintegration and decreasing in social security system.
8. Heterogenicity in working relationships.
9. Reducing in trade blocks because of mass unemployement.
10. Increase in local production.
11. Instead of standardize production of societies’ calls.
12. Because of change in production calls, producting without stock.
13. Quaility control during the production process.
14. Specialization in workforce.
15. Decrease in unionization.
16. Domination of multinational countries.
17. Privatization.

Differces Between Fordism and Post-Fordism:

1. Process of Production:
Fordism Post-Fordism

Mass Production Local production

Standardardization Flexibility

Stocking No stocking

Quailty control after production Quailty control during production

2. Workforce
One mission for every labourer Multiple missions

Limited Pay Payin for feature of work

Vertical workforce organization Horizontal workforce organization

No learning experience Learning experience during work

Increase in unionization Decrease in unionization

No security High security for permanant laborers, low

security for nonpermenant laborers

3. Environement
Homogenity Variety
4. Governement
Regulization Re-regulization

More strict More flexible

Collectif profit Individual profit

Centralization Localization

Governement donations to cities Enterprising cities

National politics Territorial politics

5. Ideology
Consumption society Indıvıdual consumption

Modernism Post-Modernism

Integrality Individualism

Socialization Spectacel society

Fordism and Post-Fordism in Turkish Cinema and Television:

As we said before, fordism in television is pretty same with fordism in industry. Making those
movies its something industrial too.

We can see the fordism at turkish media in Yeşilçam Movies. Fordism almost same with the
world of mass production and even today Yeşilçam movies are the biggest exemple for mass
production on media. In those years almost every movie had got the same subject. Poor girl or
poor male fall in love with the rich one and thats become the birth of a big, tragic love. Or, a
young male fall in love but with different tricks and with the bad characters lovers break up and
the only solutions for them is dying. We can tell lots of exemple like those ones. The interesting
thing is even today many of us – me too- are still enjoy to watch those. Just like the fordism in
industry, fordism in movies have the same effects too. Just like the fordism, in yeşilçam movies
a standart subject product for consumpt or in a movie language watch.

And for post-fordism we said that post-fordism is something more personal than fordism. In
post-fordism production is almost special for every single person. We can give the exemple of
tv series, marriage programs and talk shows.
Every channel we saw at least 4 or 5 five tv series. Every channel have got same subjects with
different actors. Just like the tv series marriage programs are same too.

We can also give the exemple of private channels. Increase of the private channels are
significant exemples of post-fordism’s flexibility. Everyone have got their channel for their
interest and they dont have to watch just one channel.

As we see, industry to media, change of dialectics are not only for politic issues. They are affect
every parts our lives and we have to be ready for seeing many changes in future.

Simin Soyer

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