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I have learned that positive discipline is a very crucial to child development because it will affect their

mental, emotional, and even spiritual being. As Dr. Siegel “The Whole Brainchild” said Too often we
forget that discipline means to teach, and not to punish. A disciple is a student not a recipient of
behavioral consequences. As a teacher running out of composure is inevitable but we had to reconnect
our thinking brain once we notice our emotion is driving us out of control. Aiming for a long-term goal is
paramount to child development such as to be responsible, competitive, respectful, analytical, goal
directed etc. Rather than short term goal.

The challenge is how to apply positive discipline in our present condition. Covid-19 pandemic compelled
us to virtual teaching instead of face-to-face engagement which is more favorable to execute positive
disciplining of learners. As for me, to be more sensitive to student needs online and simply listening to
their stories with empathy without being judgmental. Setting up rules and direction clearly and being
appreciative in every achievement big or small, recognizing individual differences would help a lot and
somehow would result to effective teaching.

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