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No right or wrong answers here!

This brainstorm session will prepare you for your final speech, which
will consist of three back-to-back impromptu topics. You can provide answers in the form of a paragraph
or a concise list. Have fun with it! :)

1. What were your greatest dreams as a little kid, and how do they compare to your greatest dreams
now? Name at least 1-3 of each.

My greatest dreams as a little kid were having special powers or being something unique like often
comes up in b-rate adventure novels (secret alien, secret wizard, etc), I had a dream to be a research
scientist, and I had dreams to enter politics. Compared to now, they were far more ambitious and
grandiose and also I believed in them with more passion.

2. What are "a few of your favorite things"? (i.e., creature comforts such as TV shows, movies, foods,
books, travel destinations, etc.). Name 5-10. ***If you're humming the tune of "My Favorite Things" for
the rest of the day, you're welcome! :)

Chatting with my friends, books, my cat, smoked salmon, key lime pie, hanging out with my sister (since
I am in with her during the pandemic), sleeping

3. What are a few of your favorite life accomplishments? (These can be traditional ambitions or other
categories...anything from brightening someone's day by making them smile, to learning a new skill, to
winning a big award. The sky's the limit, and nothing is too small or insignificant to count.) Name at least

Being an Eagle Scout

Hopefully finishing school

Getting sober

When I feel like people’s lives are just a bit better for me being the person they interact with

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