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Due date Feb 5 ,2021 2:00 Pm

Lesson 1

1. What is history? How is your understanding of history different from what is explained in this
lesson ?

History as significant occasions that have occurred before, and the ones that are presently
happening. History recounts a story, regardless of whether it's composed, painted, cut, or sung;
a collection of events that that someone explains to you that is usually important. History causes
us get change and how the general public we live in Came to be. cycles throughout history and
then apply that acumen of the past to improve insight of present events and prepare better for
the future.

2. What does a Historian Do? As a student of history , What do you think will be your Duties?

History specialists gather and assess data from numerous essential sources to address
inquiries regarding historical events,a process known as the historical method .They may
analyze written records, physical artifacts, and other types of evidence during the course
of their investigations . As an understudy of history I'll impact the world forever as a route
for me to appreciate and offer significance to the reality, country, and race. I ought not
place history into waste so I should offer Importance to the sacrifices that were done in
the past for us to have a world and country that we have today. I will soak up the
qualities that I can gain Knowledge from historical information.

3. What role does History Take in the study of Philippine society, Culture and identity ?

History gives us a sense of Identity. Individuals need to build up a sense of their collective past.
Events in the past have made us what we are today. In one sense history is the only thing that is
real and genuine. History causes us know who we are , what our identity is, or for this situation,
why Philippine society, culture, and character are what they are. History gives us a see of how
everything functioned in the past like culture, legislative issues, convictions, governments,and
may more.

Lesson 2

1. what is the main Distinction of primary source and secondary source?

Primary sources can be depicted as those sources that are nearest to the birthplace of the data
Secondary sources regularly use speculations, investigation, understanding, and union of
essential sources. A Primary source is a direct record of something by and large an article or
occasion. It is a unique piece. While a Secondary source , is a Sources that talk about, examine or
allude to an essential source. It is a recycled account.
2. Why are the primary sources important in the study of History?

Primasry sources is important in the study of history because it assist people with relating an
personal method of ways the event of the past and advance a more profound comprehension
of history as a progression of human events. Since, Primary sources are deficient scraps of
history, every one addresses a secret that one can just investigate further by finding new bits of
proof. Primary sources are the structure squares of verifiable exploration and ought to give the
establishment of your contention and understanding, while auxiliary sources ought to illuminate
and enhance the essential sources.

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