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Nama : Erna Tri Prasetyawati

Nim : P1337434118086

Kelas : DIII TLM Reg B



 The surface of the tongue covered with tiny taste buds.(C)

 By passing sunlight through a prism, the light is separate into spectrum of colors. (I)
 Alloys of gold and copper have been widely using in various types of coins (I)
 The target products by Canon are office equipment such as computers, monitors,
printers, facsimiles, and copies.(I)
 Rubber that produces from vulcanized silicones with a high molecular weight is
difficult to distinguish from natural rubber. (I)


• What make people unsatisfied about the current reform movements in some of the
developing countries are Their (it/they/their/its) bad effects and economic safety.

• The earth spins on its axis and Needs (need/needing/needs/needed) 23 hours, 56

minutes and 4.09 seconds for one complete rotation.

• When rhinos take mud baths, the mud Creates (create/creates/creating/creator) a

barrier to biting insects.

• Recently people have seen the need to eliminate the unfair taxes, to improve the
business climate and To reduce (reduce/reducing/to reduce/reduced) health costs.


• The phone company is not certain when will the new directories to be ready.(I)

• The professor does not understand why so many students did poorly on the exam.(C)

• In front of the house were some giant trees. (I)

• Around the corner are the offices that you are trying to find.(C)
• There a big house is on the corner. (I)

• Never the boy wrote to his sisters. (I)

• Seldom their secretary has made such mistakes. (I)

1. Not until a monkey is several years old …to exhibit signs of independence from
its mother.

a. it begins b. does it begin c. and begin d. beginning

Answer : A. It begins

2. …business, a merger is a combination of two or more corporations under one


a. the b. at c. on d. in

Answer : A. The

3. Between the California Coast range and the Sierra Nevada …

a. great central valley

b. the great central valley

c. being the great central valley

d. lies the great central valley

Answer : D. lies the great central valley


Page 91-93

EXERCISE (Skills 9-10)

1. Correct
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. Incorrect
5. Incorrect
6. Correct
7. Correct
8. Correct
9. Incorrect
10. Correct

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 9-10)

1. B. Were called karena untuk melengkapi verb pada kalimat

2. D. That we have karena untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut diperlukan
Adjective Clause Conector (connector+subject+verb). Maka, jawaban yang
tepat (D) that we have
3. A. Succulents are karena setelah kalimat “which store water in fleshy tissue”
tidak ada kalimat lagi, berarti subject dan verb klausa pertama harus ada
sebelum connector “which”. “Drought-resistant plants” adalah noun dan
berada di akhir klausa pertama yang artinya berperan sebagai objek, maka kita
perlu menambahkan subject dan verb. Jawaban (A) Succulents
are menyediakan subject “succulents” dan verb “are”
4. B. Most people know karena Bagian yang rumpang ada setelah connector
“whom”. Setelah connector “whom” kita perlu menambahkan subject dan
verb. Jawaban (B) most people know adalah yang tepat karena bentuk subject
“most people” dan verb “know” tersusun dengan tepat.
5. B. Dinosaurs are known karena belum memiliki subject.
6. A. Had become karena Bagian yang rumpang ada setelah connector “who”
(yang bisa berperan sebagai connector sekaligus subject), maka kita hanya
perlu menambahkan verb saja. Jawaban (A) had become adalah verb yang
tepat, had+verb 3.
7. D. Wich stand karena karena diperlukan conector yang diikuti verb
8. C. The hormones changes karena dalam kalimat ini kita menemukan dua
verb, “accompany” dan “reduce”. ACC dalam kalimat ini, “that accompany
recurring bouts of severe depression”. Artinya, verb “reduce” belum memiliki
9. D. Whom readers praise karena kita perlu connector+subject+verb karena
connector yang ditawarkan hanya “whom”.
10. A. Was probably captured karena perlu ditambahkan verb karena “that”
menjelaskan noun sebelumnya “Phobos” dan dapat berperan sebagai subject
bagi klausa kedua.


1. D. Because of Annapolis karena perlu ditambahkan subjek

2. D. That Pluto might not karena maka untuk memperjelas kata “think” perlu
ditambah klausa dengan connector “that” diikuti subject dan verb
3. B. The appearance karena kalimat ini dimulai dengan preposition dan perlu
dilengkapi object of preposition-nya.
4. B. Being the karena bagian yang rumpang ada setelah connector “what” (bisa
berperan sebagai connector sekaligus subject), maka hanya perlu
menambahkan verb.
5. B. Moving faces karena Klausa pertama belum memiliki subject dan verb
6. A. It crosses karena dapat melengkapi klausa itu karena “it” dapat menjadi
subject dan “crosses” adalah verb yang sesuai untuk subject “it”.
7. D. Using karena dalam kalimat ini, “systems” sebagai subject dan “are
called” sebagai verb. Artinya, kalimat ini hanya memiliki satu klausa. Maka,
bagian yang rumpang dapat diisi dengan adjective yang dapat menjelaskan
noun “systems”. Jawaban (D) using dapat dijadikan adjective
8. D. Which are karena Klausa tersebut disebut sebagai Adjective Clause
Connector, sehingga hanya membutuhkan connector dan verb. Jawaban (D)
which are adalah jawaban yang tepat karena memiliki connector
“which” dan verb “are” untuk object “the blueprints”
9. A. Held karena Kalimat ini memiliki subject “The Earth’s atmosphere” dan
verb “consists” dan juga tidak ada connector pada pilihan jawaban sehingga
tidak mungkin kalimat ini memiliki dua subjects apalagi dua verbs. Berarti
kita hanya perlu melengkapi kalimat ini dengan adjective untuk menjelaskan
object of preposition “gases”.
10. B. Was joined karena Connector “whom” digunakan sebagai Adjective
Clause Connector untuk mendeskripsikan noun sebelumnya “Jerome Kern”.
Page 100

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 11-13)

1. A. know karena subject (Nobody) berbentuk singular.

Pembenaran : Nobody knows when the process of glass-making was invented
2. B. Is karena subject (sugars) berbentuk prural.
Pembetulan : Sugars like glucose are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen atoms.
3. C. Come karena subjectnya electricity maka verbnya menjadi comes.
Pembetulan : Part of the electricity used in the United States today comes
from hydroelectric sources.
4. A. like karena subject (The languages) berbentuk plural.
Pembenaran : The languages of the world present a vast array of structural
similarities and differences
5. A. have karena kata ganti dari  subject (the rise) adalah “it”.
Pembenaran : “ The rise of multinationals has resulted in a great deal of legal
ambiguity because  multinationals can operate in so many jurisdictions”
6. A. has Karena subject (All of the east-west interstate highways) berbentuk
Pembetulan : “All of the east-west interstate highways in the United
State have even numbers, while north-south interstate highways are odd-
7. C. were Karena subject (A wave) berbentuk singular.
Pembetulan : “ When a massive star in the large Megallinec Could exploded
in 1987, a wave of neutrinos was detected on Earth”
8. C. Is karena subjectnya prular harusnya menggunakan are.
Pembetulan : Some of the agricultural practices used today are responsible for
fostering desertification.
9. C. are Karena subject (Every open space) berbentuk singular.
Pembetulan : “Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few
bushes is occupied by the white-crowned sparrow”
10. B. put Karena subject (Krakatao) berbentuk singular.
Pembetulan : “ Krakatao is remembered as the volcano that puts so much ash
into the air that sunsets around the world was affected for two years afterward

Page 101


1. D. Pictograms constitute
2. C. Approaching
3. D. Sunlight falls
4. A. Has existed
5. The waters of the Chattahoochee River fill Lake Lanier.
6. The first set of false teeth similar to those in use today omit it was made in
France in the 1780’s.
7. The term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from New England,
but now anyone from the United States is referred to as a Yankee.
8. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched between the skin and the
underlying muscles, supplies blood to the face scalp.
9. Mosquito is a small tree in the Southwest which can withstand the severest
10. At the end of the Revolution, most of the army units of the young nation were
almost entirely disbanded, leaving a total national military force of 80 men in

Page 106

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15)

1. Ballpoint pens are less versatile but more population (popular) than fountain
2. Riddles vary greatly in both grammatical and phonology (phonologichal)
3. Blood pressure is measured by feeling the pulse and apply (applaying) a force
to the arm.
4. The Moon has no atmosphere, no air, and no watery (water).
5. The first matches were too hard to ignite, a mess (too mess), or too
dangelously easy to ignite.
6. A 1971 U.S. government policy not only put warnings on cigarette packs but
also banning (benned) television advertising of cigarettes.
7. Demand, beauty, clurability, rare (rarity), and perfection of cutting determine
the velue of a gemstone.
8. The Harvard Yard,which was Harvards original camptls, is still a major
attraction for both students and visiting (visitors).
9. In 1862, the American Confederacy raised the Merrintaclt, renamed it the
Virginia, covered it with iron plates, and an outfit (outfitted) it with ten guns.
10. The liquid crlstals in a liquid crystal display (LCD) flect the polarized light so
that it is either blocked and (or) reflected by the segments of the display.

Page 107


1. B. Specialized, karena merupakan verb3

2. D. Was created
3. C. But it
4. A. Reached
5. Coal, petroleum, and natural gaseous are all fossil ftrels
Answer : Coal, petroleum, and natural (B) gases are all fossil fuels
6. The mass of neutron stars generally range from one-tenth to trvice the mass of
the Sun.
Answer : The mas off neutron stars generally (B) ranges from one – tentch to
twice the massof the sun
7. Grasses grow in ways that help them to survive being nibbled, chilly, or dried
Answer : Grases grow in ways the help them to survive being nibbled, (D)
chilled or dried
8. Most of Hemingwal's novels. glorifies heroic exploits such as bullfighting or
Answer : Most of hermingway’s novels (A) gority heroic exploits such as
bulfighting or bocing
9. Paleographers study ancient and medieval handwriting in order to establish
not only its age and also its background.
Answer : Paleoghraper dtudy ancient and mediavel handwriting in order to
establish not only its age (D) but also its background
10. The sounds produced by bullFrogs and toads vary greatly because each
species have its own particular call.
Answer : The sounds produced by bullfrogs and toads vary greatly because
each species (C) Has its own particular call

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