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Nama : Erna Tri Prasetyawati

Nim : P1337434118086

Kelas : DIII TLM Reg B



1. A. Dinosaurs – membutuhkan subject

2. C. words on – karena setelah into harus di ikuti N
3. C. The Cochlea is divided – Menggunakan past form
4. D. Which – Setelah Wich diikuti V
5. B. Use already made- Setelah S diikuti V
6. D. Its – menjelaskan subject “The ear”
7. B. He called – bentuk passive menjadi “yang disebut”
8. A. a mollusk – Membutuhkan S sebelum V
9. B. Shot in – Membutuhkan Subject
10. A. Containing – menggunakan present participle
11. D. Predict when – Setelah could + V1 (Auxiliary V)
12. B. It was brought – Missing S and V
13. C. It was Ceded – Missing S+V after before = pastense
14. C. Called – Passive in reduced form
15. A. Appeared – Past Form
16. C. are
Reason : karena subyek vast flows of information berarti jamak maka to be yang
digunakan adalah are
17. C. centuries
Reason: karena several berarti beberapa (jamak) maka obyek nya (century) harus
ditambah ‘es’
18. C. and
Reason : both menandakan keseragaman atau kesamaan tanpa ada kesenjangan jadi
kata hubung yang tepat adalah and
19. A. her
Reason : kata hers menunjukan objek, padahal dalam kalimat tersebut yang dimaksud
adalah her yang berarti kepemilikan perempuan.
20. A. simplest
Reason : karena ada kata smallest maka simple harus di setarakan menjadi simplest
21. The effort to determine the exact numerical velue of pi has now reach (reached) 2.16
billion decimal digits.
Karena membutuhkan V3
22. The harrrmerhead shark is usual (usually) found in warm, temperate waters.
Harusnya adjactive jadi menggunakan usually
23. Princeton Universitry, which was establish (established) in 1716, is one of the oldest
universities in the United States.
Karena merupakan kalimat lampu, menggunakan Verb 3
24. According to a World Resources lnstitute report, a significant part of forest acreage
disappear (disappears) each year verb ditambah s/es, kerena verb tunggal
25. The Earth's crust is composed of 1-5 plates which float on the partially,molten layer
below they (them) Karena object noun
26. As one climbs high up a mountain, the air becomes both colder or (and) thinner
Karena pasangan both adalah and
27. When a bone is broke (broken) into several pieces, doctors may pin the pieces
together for proper healing
Karena passive voice , setelah tobe harus verb 3
28. The long necks of much (many) plant-eatiting dinosaurs were useful for reaching up
to thc treetops to feed Karena merupakan countable noun
29. Hippocrates believed that good health was dependenty (dependent) on the- balance of
the four fluids of the A body Karena tidak perlu tambahan –ly pada kata dependent
30. C rapidly karena rapid adalah adjective, sehingga diubah menjadi adverb
31. C needs karena everyone merupakan singular noun
32. C he karena pada klausa ke-2 belum terdapat subject
33. B gland single word
34. D regurgitates kalimat pararell bentuk present butuh v1
35. B occur simple present
36. A number, countable noun
37. B become, subjek merupakan plural noun
38. C combine, can + v1 tanpa s/es + modal
39. A highly, diubah menjade adverb karena menjelaskan kata venomous
40. C its, bentuk kepemilikan dari single noun


1. A. The bee.(Because the text tells us about one of tiniest bird in the world : The male
bee hummingbird)
2. D. Smallest. (tiny : mungil, similar with “small”)
3. C. Is larger than the male. (because the tiniest one is the male bee hummingbird).
4. B. An insect. (because the bee is so small, like some other type of insect).
5. D. Move them up and down. (the meaning of flap is “mengepakkan”. So the answer is
6. C. Eighty times each second. (The bee can flap its wins “up to eighty times per
7. C. Stay in place in the air. (the meaning of Hover is “melayang, which is smiliar with
“stay in place”).
8. D. Fly a helicopter. (it’s not mentioned in the passage).
9. A. The answer to a question about how elephants communicate. (it’s on the first line
on paragraph one, that “one mystery about how elephants communicate with each
other have been solved”. Lalu selanjutnya dijelaskan bagaimana gajah
10. B. Something unknown. (mystery means something unsolved, it’s similar with
“something unknown).
11. D. Can hear numerous elephant sounds. (It’s on the paragraph one, “Humans have
heard a whole variety sounds coming from elephants”).
12. A. One of the ways that elephants communicate. (Because elephants have some ways
to communicate.)
13. B. Method. (way disini bermakna cara atau jalan dalam berkomunikasi, dapat pula
bermakna “metode”).
14. B. In their trunks. (It’s on the paragraph two, “Elephants vibrate the air in their
15. B. Voice. (Pitch in this passage means the voice of elephants).
16. B. Humans hear it. (Based on the passage, human can’t hear that sound).
17. C. Vibrations. (rumblings means “gemuruh”, it’s like they can hear the vibration of
each others).
18. Line 4.
19. D. the variety of music by Gershwin karena disebutkan pada kalimat terakhir yaitu
Gershwin menjadi penghubung antara jazz dan music klasik
20. C. worked karena made his living berarti mencari nafkah dan kata yang paling tetap
adahalh bekerja atau worked
21. B. music studio karena pada bacaan disebutkan the music publishing district yang
artinya distrik penerbitan music di new York
22. C. he wrote some popular songs karena pada teks tidak disebutkan dia menulis
beberapa lagu popular
23. A. was real American traditional music karena pada bacaan terdapat kalimat “believed
that jazz was the primary source of truly American folk music” yang artinya music
jazz adalah sumber utama music folk amerika yang sesungguhnya.
24. A. main karena kata primary berarti utama
25. D. before karena arti prior to adalah sebelum
26. B. wrote jazz music for larger groups sesuai yang disebutkan pada kalimat terakhir
27. D. connection karena link artinya penghubung
28. D. lines 8-10 karena disebutkan karnyanya adalah concerto Rhaspody in Blue
29. B. Thomas adam invited chewing gum by the accident
In line 5 he decided to chewing chicle and he enjoyed. after that he created chewing
gum with favor and sugar
30. A. a creative person
Similliar meaning is creative
31. A. a rubber substitute ,dijelaskan dalam line 2-4
32. C. its part of rubber plant
33. B. people
Native = people
34. B. feeling
Sensation = feeling
35. A. it did not sell very well
Saat dijual chewing gum tidak terjual dengan bagus
36. C. flavorings
Similliar meaning with taste
37. D. he want to improve future sales
Disebutkan diberikan secara gratis agar menarik buyer
38. A. was not succesfull
39. B lines 3-4
40. D. dead mail office
41. Is undelivered
Cause mail can be undelivered cause wrong addres etc
42. C, unreadable
43. B. 5
In Atlanta, new york, Philadelphia, st paul, san fransisco
44. A. workers
Workers = staff
45. B. they throw dead mail
They helping to deliver the mail
46. D, an address
Cause they need addres to delivery the mail
47. Phone
48. A. sales
Accution = sales
49. D four time
50. D. line 5

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