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Buatlah rangkuman materi dari topik GIVING DIRECTION
(sebutkan sumbernya: ppt saya atau dari alamat di internet)

Giving directions

We need to ask directions when we travel abroad or when foreigners

visiting our city. They might be ask us some directions.Here are some
common phrases we can use:

o Go past the cinema. 

o Go along this road.
o Go straight on/ahead. (Stay on this road – don’t turn.)
o Go through the tunnel
o At the roundabout, take the first exit.
o Turn left at the crossroads.
o Take the second right.
o It’s on your left.
o You’ll see it in front of you.
o It’s on the other side of the road.
o You’re going the wrong way.

If we abroad for work or pleasure, knowing how to ask and understand

directions is really important.

Asking for directions

When we ask for directions, remember above all to be polite. Start by

saying one of the following phrases:

o Hello. Can you help me, please?

o Good morning. May I ask for some help?
o Excuse me, could you help?

Once you have someone’s attention, you can ask for help to reach your
destination. You can do that by using one of these phrases:

o Could you tell me how to get to the bank?

o Do you know where the museum is?
o We can’t find the subway station. Is it near here?
o Where can we find a park near here

If you’re not sure you’re going in the right direction, you can make sure by

o Are we on the right road to the city center?

o Is this the right way to the mall?
o What’s the best way to get to the airport?
The person who helps us often says how near or far the place is

o It’s about five minutes from here.

o It’s about a ten-minute walk.
o It’s easier if I can show you on the map
Sumber :
ppt Mr.Max


1 traffic Lalu lintas
2 highway Jalan raya
3 intersection Persimpangan
4 Alley Jalan Setapak
5 Down town Pusat Kota
6 traffic jam macet
7 Sidewalk Trotoar
8 Roundabout Bundaran
9 Tunnel Terowongan
10 Freeway Jalan Bebas Hambatan
11 Go along Telusuri
12 Overpass Jembatan Penyebrangan
13 Signpost Rambu Jalan
14 Lane Jalur
15 Go over Lewati(atas)


Tulislah pertanyaan dan jawaban contoh untuk materi Giving direction
sesuai dengan lokasi anda. Misal : (question) how can I get to the
elementary school 12 from my home? (answer) jawabanya seperti yang
saya ajarkan dan bisa dilihat di materi PPT.
Note: Bikin 2 pertanyaan skligus jawabanya.

a. Visitor : Excuse me, Can you show me the way to the Melati
Nurse : Sure, it is approximately 5 minutes of walking from
here. First, go straight and when you see the
T-junction, turn left and the Melati ward is on your
Visitor : Where am I now?
Nurse : You are still at the entrance.
Visitor : Thank you for your information.
Nurse : You are welcome. Hope your visit goes well.
b. Vina : I want to visit my brother. He has hospitalized here for
two weeks because of thypoid. He is at Cendana ward.
Can you show me the direction from here?
Nurse : Sure, you go straight from here until you find the
elevator. Enter the elevator and go to the second floor.
Then, you will see the laboratory in front of the stairs.
Turn left through the corridor. After you passed the
corridor, turn right and you will find the Cendana ward
next to the radiology room.
Vina : Thank you Miss
Nurse : It’s my pleasure

4. MAKE SUMMARY ABOUT Preposition and Conjunction

Buatlah ringkasan tentang Preposition and Conjunction dan sebutkan
sumbernya (internet atau buku)

Prepositions are a class of word that indicate relationships between nouns,
pronouns and other words in sentence. Most often they come before a nound
a. Simple or Compound Prepositions
Prepositions are classified as simple or compound.
Simple prepositions are single words prepositions -across, after, at,
before, between, by, during, form, in, into, of, on, to, through, under,
with, and without are all single words prepositions.
 The newspaper is on the chair
 The cat is under the table
Compound prepositions are more than one word – in between and
because of – are prepositions made up of two words – in front of, on
behalf of are prepositions made up of three words.
 My office is in between the bank and the post office
 My car is in front of my flat

b. Prepositions of Movement
Prepositions can be used to show movement. For example : to, through,
across. We use “to” to show movement woth the aim of a specific
 I moved to Paris in 1999
 He went to the cinema at 3 pm.
We use through to show movement from one side of an enclosed space
to the other side.
 The train went through the tunnel
 He walked quickly through the door
We use across to show movement from one side of a surface or line to

 She swam across the lake

 He walked across the road.

c. Prepositions of Place
Prepositions can be used to show where something is located. The
prepostions - at, on, in. We use at to show a specific place or position.

 I live at 36 Palace Road.

 I am waiting at the bus stop.

We use on to show position on a horizontal or vertical surface.

 There is a lot snow on the roof.

 The dog is sitting on the chair.

We also use on to show a position on streets, roads, etc.

 I used to live on Palace Road.

 There is a petrol station on the corner of the street.

We use in to show that something is enclosed or surrounded.

 She is in a taxi.

 The cat is in the garden.

We also use in to show position within land-areas (towns, counties, states,

countries, and continents).

 I used to live in Nottingham.

 I live in America.

More prepositions of place

 They ran after the thief.

 I found my handbag among my luggage.

 The student was sitting at her table.

 My flat is behind the supermarket.

 The plates are in the cupboard.

 My car is parked in front of the supermarket.

 The post office is by / next to / besides the bank.

 The picture is hanging on the wall.

 The notice is above the door.

 I put the tablecloth over the table.

 The temperature was below zero degrees.

 The boy was sitting under a tree.

d. Prepositions of time
Prepositions can be used to show when something happens. (time, day,
date, month, year, morning, afternoon, evening,night, season)
Prepositions of time - at, on, in.

 I go to work at 8.00 every day. (time)

 I’ll see you on Tuesday. (day)

 I have an exam on the 21st. (date)

 My birthday is in December. (month)

 I was born in 1965. (year)

 I get up in the morning. (morning)

 I have a meeting in the afternoon (afternoon)

 I go home in the evening after work. (evening)

 I go to bed at night. (night)

 It usually snows in the winter. (season)

A conjunction is a word that links words, phrases, or clauses. There are three
types of conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Correlative conjunctions both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but

Subordinating conjunctions after, although, because, if.

a. Coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions may join single words, or they may join groups
of words, but they must always join similar elements: e.g. subject+subject,
verb phrase+verb phrase, sentence+sentence.

Coordinating conjunctions are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Example and sentences of coordinating conjunctions
Conjunction What is linked Example
And noun phrase + noun We have tickets for the
phrase symphony and the opera.
But sentence + sentence The orchestra rehearses on
Tuesday, but the chorus
rehearses on Wednesday.
Or verb + verb Have you seen or heard the
opera by Scott Joplin?
so sentence + sentence I wanted to sit in front row, so I
ordered my tickets early.

A noun phrase is either a single noun or pronoun or a group of words

containing a noun or a pronoun that function together as a noun or
pronoun, as the subject or object of a verb.
 The student that I saw coming into school at nine o’clock has just left.
 “ The students ... nine o’clock’ is a long noun phrase, but it functions as
the subject of the main verb ’have just left “
b. Correlative conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions are always used in pairs. They join similar
elements. Correlative conjunctions are: both...and, not only...but also,
either...or, neither...nor, whether...or.
Example and sentences of Correlatif Conjunction
Correlative What is linked Example
both...and Subject+subject Both my sister and my brother
play the piano.
either...or noun…noun Tonight’s program
is either Mozart or Beethoven
neither...nor Subject+subject Neither the orchestra nor the
chorus was able to overcome
the terrible acoustics in the
not only...but also sentence + Tonight’s program
sentence is either Mozart or Beethoven

c. Subordinating Conjuction
A subordinating conjunction is a word which joins together a dependent
(subordinate) clause and an independent clause.A clause is a unit which
contains a subject and a verb. For example, "It was snowing" is a clause;
the subject is "it", "it", and the verb is "was snowing".A dependent
clause is a clause which cannot exist on its own; it needs a main (or
independent) clause to go with it.
Example: Because it was snowing, I drove to work.
This sentence contains two clauses,"Because it was snowing" and "I
drove to work". The first clause does not mean anything on its own. . If
you say "Because it was snowing" and nothing else, people will not be
able to understand what you mean. However "I drove to work" is an
independent clause - we can understand what it means even if it is alone.
In this example “because” is the subordinate conjunction.
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