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28. 12. 2020.

13 Methods To Increase Your Conditioning – Strength By Skyler


Strength By Skyler

Exceptional Training, Exceptional Results

13 Methods To Increase Your Conditioning

January 22, 2016January 22, 2016 Posted in Training, Uncategorized

By Skyler Zarndt MS, ATC, RSCC

This is the 4th part of what is an overview of Joel Jamieson’s Certified Conditioning Coach Course.  In
this segment, we will discuss a variety of training methods that you can use to increase your
conditioning levels.  If you need a refresher, check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

When designing a training program, we obviously need an end goal.  What are we trying to achieve
with this particular program?  Endurance?  Speed?  Regardless of the goal, our program is nothing more
than organization.  It is our road map.  We figure out where we want to be, and then we determine the
methods best suited for getting us there.

The following methods will give us all of the tools we need to help us achieve our desired conditioning
goals.  We will break down our 13 Conditioning methods into two categories: General Conditioning,
and Local Muscular Endurance.


Local Muscular Endurance exercises help train certain muscles or groups of muscles to perform repeated
contractions against submaximal resistance.  This type of training allows us to work for longer, become
more efficient, and allows for faster recovery.



Develops size and endurance of slow twitch fibers

Constant tempo (2-0-2) [This denotes 2 seconds of eccentric movement, 0 seconds of pause at the
bottom/top of movement, and 2 seconds concentric movement)
3-5 sets x 10-12 reps 1/5
28. 12. 2020. 13 Methods To Increase Your Conditioning – Strength By Skyler

40-60 rest between sets

Goal of tempo lifting is fatigue.
Not to be used for a full body workout.  Pick 2-3 exercises and use them as ACCESSORY lifts AFTER
your max effort/dynamic effort lifts.


Increases endurance of fast twitch fibers by increasing mitochondria and improves elastic energy
8-15 seconds work, 30-60 seconds rest
Use cyclical movements, i.e. jump squats
Goal is to maintain power throughout each set
10-15 sets per exercise
Improves elasticity, which is important for transferring power and energy
Start with low level hops/bounds/jumps, and gradually build up volume over time
NOT a max fatigue technique


Increases anaerobic buffering and mitochondria in fast twitch fibers

Wide variety of exercises to choose from
20-50 yards, 60-90 seconds rest
3-4 sets per exercise
The mainly concentric muscle action will help prevent any delayed onset muscle soreness.  When
used at appropriate loads (25%-45%), can help with recovery


Improves postural endurance, grip strength, and anaerobic muscle buffering

Carrying for distance
Farmers Walk
Axel Clean & Press
Yolk Walk
60-120 seconds work, 2-4 minutes rest
2-3 sets per exercise
Pairs well with tempo training to help build local muscular endurance
2-3 tempo training exercises + 2-3 strongman endurance exercises


Improves endurance of fast twitch fibers and elasticity of supporting tissues

8-12 bounds, 10-30 seconds rest, 5-10 minutes per set, 1-3 sets per exercise
Minimum ground contact time
Best exercises include hurdle hops and low box jumps
Start with explosive repeat, then use aerobic plyometrics
Goal is to accumulate volume and build elastic work capacity
Can also be used as a warm-up or cool-down 2/5
28. 12. 2020. 13 Methods To Increase Your Conditioning – Strength By Skyler


The goals of the following general conditioning exercises are specific to the methods themselves.  They
range from improving resting heart rate (RHR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV), to increasing lactic
energy production and anaerobic endurance.  The key is to test and determine what specific needs you
or your athletes may have, assess areas of deficiency, and then prescribe appropriate conditioning
methods.  For most athletes, essentially all of the following methods would be appropriate to use at
some point during the annual training cycle.



Increases left ventricular size through eccentric hypertrophy (dilation)

Increases mitochondria in slow twitch fibers
Develops vascular network
Heart Rate 130-150
30-90 Minutes
Improves efficiency of aerobic system, which drives recovery for the entire system
Improves Parasympathetic dominance which allows us to better cope with the stress of training
Should be noted that resistance for this training needs to remain low in order to keep blood pressure
down.  If blood pressure rises too much, heart becomes less elastic, which negates the benefit of
increased left ventricle size


Improves capillary density and oxidative abilities of slow and some fast-twitch fibers
8-10 seconds work, 60 seconds rest
8-16 reps
Moderate intensity (<70% of max intensity)
Will see some regeneration effects
Goal with tempo intervals is to build work capacity


Conversion of “Fast Glycolytic” to “Fast Oxidative Glycolytic” muscle fiber type

High resistance – use an incline or a load
Short work – 5-6 seconds
Rest 60 seconds or until HR is ~130 BPM
Moderate to High volume
Purpose is to activate the highest threshold fibers
Would not use this method until moderate fitness levels are achieved
Easiest application = Uphill Sprinting


Increases oxidative abilities of moderate fast twitch fibers.

No eccentric component = useful method for recovery 3/5
28. 12. 2020. 13 Methods To Increase Your Conditioning – Strength By Skyler

10-20 minutes
1-2 sets
Low tempo
HR = 150-160 BPM


Increases rate/capacity of alactic energy production

Use exercises intended for explosive strength and power training
3-6 seconds work
60-120 seconds rest
10-20 sets
Used as season gets closer, much more sport specific


Increases lactic energy production and anaerobic endurance

Very fatiguing method, used more as a general preparation method (not as sport specific)
30-40 seconds work
1-4 minutes rest
2-5 sets
1-2 series
Rest longer for lactic power, shorter for lactic capacity


Increases oxidative efficiency and power at lactate threshold

This method trains just below the level where ANAEROBIC system dominates
5-10 minutes
1-3 sets
HR in “threshold range” (160-170 BPM)


Increases cardiac contractility, anaerobic muscle buffering, and local muscular endurance
The goal is getting HR to max and keeping it there
Intensity to max HR
90 seconds to 2 minutes
Rest 1-3 minutes
Best exercise: sprinting
Do not use more than 2x per week for 3-4 weeks, as it is very intensive

As you can see, the methods to achieving better conditioning go beyond the traditional view of “running
to get in shape” or anything like that.  The methods themselves will have very specific effects on your
conditioning levels.  For example, if you only do Cardiac Output work, you’ll have a low Resting Heart
Rate, but your anaerobic endurance will suffer.  Luckily, we have the ability to monitor and track
variables that give us insight to how our body is responding to the stresses placed upon it. 4/5
28. 12. 2020. 13 Methods To Increase Your Conditioning – Strength By Skyler

It is also obvious that certain methods of conditioning are used for very specific purposes.  My advice to
anyone who wants to improve their overall level of conditioning is this:

Determine where you are starting (test)

Figure out where you want to be and how long you have to get there (plan)
Determine the appropriate methods for attaining results (program)
Periodically re-test and monitor variables to ensure improvements are being made (evaluate), and
adjust as needed.

Anaerobic Training Cardiac Output Cardiac Power Intervals Conditioning Explosive

Repeat Extensive Intervals High Resistance Intervals Intensive Intervals joel jamieson Max
Heart Rate Recovery Resting Heart Rate Tempo Lifting tempo training Threshold Training

Published by skylerzarndt

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