Tutorial 6-CVL 500 Ryerson University Dr. Moradi

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Tutorial 6- CVL 500 Ryerson University Dr.


T 6.1.
(Example 7 in the lecture note/ Steel Columns)
Compute the effective slenderness ratio, (𝐾𝐿/𝑟)𝑦 , for a WWF500×456 column. It is assumed
that buckling about the strong axis of the column is prevented by continuous bracings in the y-z

Note that WWF (welded wide flange) sections are no longer manufactured. Their section
dimensions and properties are found here from older editions of the Steel Handbook:

𝐼𝑋 (𝑚𝑚2 ) 𝐼𝑌 (𝑚𝑚2 )

WWF500×197 417 × 106

WWF500×456 1040 × 106

W460×74 333 × 106

W610×140 1120 × 106

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Tutorial 6- CVL 500 Ryerson University Dr. Moradi


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Tutorial 6- CVL 500 Ryerson University Dr. Moradi

T 6.2.
A partial floor plan of a reinforced concrete building is shown in the figure below. The floor
structure is subjected to a specified dead load (D) of 10.0 kPa (including the floor self-weight)
and a specified live load of 5.0 kPa.
a) Determine the uniform factored load on the typical beam B1 and girder G1.
b) Determine the factored axial compression load on the column C1.


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Tutorial 6- CVL 500 Ryerson University Dr. Moradi

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