Index Properties: Experiment 2: Density/Unit Weight of Soils

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Index Properties

Experiment 2: Density/Unit Weight of soils

Foundation Soils Section

Materials Research and Testing Centre

Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development
Addis Ababa University

December, 2019

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1 Experiment 2A: Density/Unit Weight by Direct/Linear Measurement
Theoretical background
Purpose of the test
Sample preparation and test specimen
Testing procedure
Test computations
2 Experiment 2B: In-place Density/Unit Weight by Sand Cone Method
Theoretical Background
Purpose of the test
Sample preparation and test specimen
Testing procedure
Calibration of sand-cone apparatus
Calibration of density sand
In-place Testing procedure
Test computations

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Experiment 2A
Theoretical background

 Theoretical background
Density of a material, ρ, is the ratio of the mass of the material to
the volume.
Density, ρ = MV
Their are various forms of density of soils depending on the state the
soil is in

Bulk Density: ρ = (1)
Dry Density: ρd = (2)
Saturated Density: ρsat = (3)
Particle Density: ρs = (4)
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Experiment 2A
Theoretical background

Unit weight of a material, γ, is the ratio on the weight of the material

to the volume.
unit weight, γ = W V = V =ρ×g
Their are various forms of unit weights of soils depending of the state
the soil is in

Bulk unit weight: γ = (5)
Dry unit weight: γd = (6)
Saturated unit weight: γsat = (7)
W sub
Effective unit weight: γ0 = (8)
Particle unit weight: γs = (9)
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Experiment 2A
Theoretical background

In this experiment we will focus on linear measurement methods for

determining density/unit weight which is most applicable to fine
grained cohesive soils, sampled by tube samplers or block samples.
 Testing standards
ASTM D7263, BS 1377-2-1990:section 7, EN ISO 17892-2:2014

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Experiment 2A
Purpose of the test

 Purpose of the test

Density/unit weight is one of the key components in determining the
mass composition/phase relations of soil.It can be used to convert
from a mass basis to a volume basis and visa-versa.
Density/unit weight commonly used to evaluate the degree of
compaction of earthen fills and embankments.

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Experiment 2A

 Specimen-size measurement equipment(e.g. calipers)
 Tools Cutting and trimming of the specimen (e.g. a sharp knife, wire
saw, spatula, cutting ring, soil lathe)
 Balance (accurate to 0.01 g or 0.1% of the weighed mass whichever
value is the greater)
Miscellaneous equipment (sample containers)

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Experiment 2A
Sample preparation and test specimen

 Sample preparation and test specimen

use undisturbed samples
per EN-ISO 17892-2 the minimum amount of sample to be used for
testing should have a volume of 50cm3 preferably larger.

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Experiment 2A
Testing procedure

 Testing procedure
Trim the specimen to a regular cylindrical shape.
weigh the trimmed specimen to the nearest 0.01g or 0.1% of the
total mass, whichever is the greater Mt (g ).
For a cylindrical specimen, the diameter shall be measured in two
perpendicular directions, at each end and near the middle, to the
nearest 0.1mm or 0.1% of the dimension being measured, whichever
is the greater.d(mm).

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Experiment 2A
Testing procedure

The length shall be measured along three lines spaced at about 1200
around the circumference, to the nearest 0.1mm or 0.1% of the
dimension being measured, whichever is the greater L(mm).
If the specimen is likely to deform on removal from the tube its
volume should be determined by measuring the inside diameter and
the length of the sample tube.
If the tube is not full, allowance should be made for any missing
Determine the moisture content of the specimen if the dry density is
required. (refer to Experiment-1)

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Experiment 2A
Test computations

 Test computations

Average lenght of specimen: L = (L1 + L2 + L3 ) (mm) (10)
Average diameter of specimen: d = (d1 + d2 + d3 ) (mm) (11)

× L × 10−9 m3

Volume of specimen: V = π× (12)
M −6 Mg
bulk density: ρ= × 10 (13)
V m3
ρ Mg
dry density: ρd = w (14)
1 + 100 m3

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Experiment 2A
Test computations

bulk unit weight: γ = ρ × g (15)
dry unit weight: γd = ρd × g (16)

where: g = 9.81

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1 Experiment 2A: Density/Unit Weight by Direct/Linear Measurement
Theoretical background
Purpose of the test
Sample preparation and test specimen
Testing procedure
Test computations
2 Experiment 2B: In-place Density/Unit Weight by Sand Cone Method
Theoretical Background
Purpose of the test
Sample preparation and test specimen
Testing procedure
Calibration of sand-cone apparatus
Calibration of density sand
In-place Testing procedure
Test computations

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Experiment 2B
Theoretical Background

 Theoretical Background
In-place density or unit weight measurement is required when
undisturbed samples cannot be extracted, hence the measurement
must be done in place.
In-place measurements of density include sand cone method, water
balloon method and the nuclear gauge method.
In this experiment we will see the sand cone method.
 Testing standards
ASTM D1556

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Experiment 2B
Purpose of the test

 Purpose of the test

Density/unit weight is one of the key components in determining the
mass composition/phase relations of soil.It can be used to convert
from a mass basis to a volume basis and visa-versa.
Density/unit weight commonly used to evaluate the degree of
compaction of earthen fills and embankments.

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Experiment 2B

 Cone apparatus
 Sand Jar
 Base Plate
 Density Sand (bucket of testing sand)
 Balance (portable)
 Test Hole Digging Equipment
miscellaneous equipment (eg. nails, hammer, plastic bags)

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Experiment 2B
Sample preparation and test specimen

 Sample preparation and test specimen

as this test by definition is an in-place test it does not involve
soil dug from the test hole may be used as a disturbed sample for
other forms of testing.

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Experiment 2B
Testing procedure

 Testing procedure
 Before the actual testing, in the laboratory, the mass of the test sand
that can be stored between the cone and the base plate need to be
determined such a procedure is called calibration of the sand-cone
 Further, the density of sand needs to be determined before testing;
this is called calibration of density sand

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Experiment 2B
Testing procedure: Calibration of sand-cone apparatus

 Calibration of sand-cone apparatus

Attach cone to jar and fill jar with sand.
Weigh mass of cone, jar and sand, record as M1
Place the base plate on a clean level surface and place the cone over
Let the sand flow in to the space between the plate and the cone by
opening the gate.
Ones the sand has stopped flowing close gate and measure mass of
cone, jar and remaining sand, record as M2 .
The mass of sand between the cone and base plate is
Msand in cone = M1 − M2 .
Repeat the above procedure at least three times and take the
average, the variation in the result should be less than 1%, if not
check the condition of sand.
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Experiment 2B
Testing procedure: Calibration of density sand

 Calibration of density sand

Attach cone to jar and fill jar with sand.
Weigh mass of cone, jar and sand, record as M1 .
Place the base plate on a container representing the test hole and
having a known volume, Vmold ; for example a compaction mold
(15mm diameter). The depth of the container should reflect the
depth of the test hole.
place the cone over the base plate and mold
Let the sand flow in to the container by opening the gate.
Ones the sand has stopped flowing close gate and measure mass of
cone, jar and remaining sand, record as M2 .

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Experiment 2B
Testing procedure: Calibration of density sand

The mass of sand in the container is

Msand in container = M1 − M2 − Msand in cone , where, Msand in cone is
determined for the calibration of the sand-cone apparatus.
Msand in container
Density of sand is ρsand = Vmold .
Repeat the above procedure at least three times and take the
average, the variation in the result should be less than 1%, if not
check the condition of sand.

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Experiment 2B
Testing procedure

 In-place Testing procedure

Attach cone to jar and fill jar with sand.
Weigh cone, jar and sand, record as M1 .
securely attach the base plate to ground using nails. Make sure the
ground to be tasted is level.
Dig the soil with in the opining of the base plate to the required
Retain all the dug soil in a plastic bag and weigh, record as Mt .
Invert the cone over the base plate and let the sand flow in to the test
hole. Do not disturb the jar and cone and minimize all vibration in
the vicinity of testing.
ones the sand stops flowing close gate and weigh the cone, jar and
reaming sand, record as M2
If moisture content is required the dug soil may be used as a
disturbed sample and moisture determined (this is generally done to
determine dry density/unit weight).
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Experiment 2B
Test computations

 Test computations

M1 − M2 − Msand in cone
Volume of test Hole: VHole = (17)
Bulk Density of soil: ρ = (18)
dry density: ρd = w (19)
1 + 100

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The End
Any Questions?

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