HR Assignment

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How the growing pandemic of COVID affects the employee recruitment and
development across the globe?
COVID 19 has affected many lives in term of economic factors. Companies have lost a huge
amount of capital due to the pandemic that not only affects the business but also result in firing
of a huge number of employees. As in a business organization the most affected department in
terms of management is the human resources as they are concerned with the management of
employee relations with the organization. As human resources deal with the hiring of new
employees and their training etc., they have to face with the firing of the recruited employees as
well because the companies ran out of their businesses due to this global pandemic.
COVID 19 is a global pandemic so the Human Resources should be discussed internationally.
Talking about the International Human Resources the Selection phase has been seen to a point
where we can say that there was no new hiring. The main problem that the human resources have
to face was to retain the talented employees as every one knows this pandemic will go out one
day and the businesses will be on track with more profits but in the pandemic to retain the
business and the talent acquisition was not an easy task. Some came out with an idea of work
from home some cut the salary to half, cutting down the benefits and motivating the employees
with a vision that everyone is together in this pandemic and need to support each other.

2). Will the Human Resources build new policies once the COVID 19 pandemic is over or
they will stick to previous policies that were present before the pandemic?
COVID 19 pandemic has changed a lot of things and nothing will be old. There will be new
policies for everything. Some companies even prefer work from home policy even after the
pandemic as the employees are seen more motivated to work remotely and their on-desk jobs
doesn’t even make a lot difference. COVID 19 precautions must be taken in account for a very
long time as this pandemic will not be gone completely for a very long time. Meetings must be
online as this also create more relaxation among employees and make them more creative and to
think out of the box. Employee online training is the best way to be done as everyone can
schedule the training at their best available time and can re do it at any time. Human Resource
functions must have to undergo a variety of changes and must have to make new policies for the
employee motivation.

3). What are the Key Performance Indicators of International Human Resources?
As human resources take a lot more than just planning. It requires a great amount of capital to
spend in order to make their plan works. Like a most important KPI of human resource is to
make employee motivate for the over times in order of a compensation like money or leaves but
also have to take an account that the over time is used for the company best means but not as a
way used by an employee to make their time more relaxed. Employee motivation is the most
important KPI as it needs to get the best out of a job. With various researches it has been seen
that the job performance is directly proportional with the job satisfaction. Recruitment
procedures must also be modified to an accountable process that will have no objection by any
candidate and the human resources can recruit an employee that is a perfect fit for the

4). Does the COVID 19 pandemic affect the mental health of the employees?
COVID 19 pandemic has affected the mental health of every person in this world. Focused
towards the employees there has been seen a great fall in the job performance. The employees
were never trained to work from home and were not ready or got any training from the human
resources ever for such an issue. In addition, the organizations were running out of businesses
and were not able to support their employees also make a great affect on the mental health of the
employees. Employees finances were cut to half and in the pandemic, they were not able to
support their families and some were fired because the companies were not able to support them
due to no business. These all situations have a great effect on the mental health of the employees.
This effect on the mental health will go for a long time because the employees are not so much
motivated and with a long break, they will not be able to run business that smoothly and will be
less motivated and have trust issues with the human resources who left them in a situation in
which they expect the maximum support from their employers. This will show a long-lasting
impact on the job performance and job satisfaction of the employees.

5). How does the policy of remote work goes hand in hand with the organizational
performance during the pandemic?
In this pandemic the flexible work situation has shown a great work life balance among
employees that increased the organizational performance as employees were curious about their
work and do it at the time, they find themselves best fit for it and review their work may times to
get it the best as they have a great time in their families and have zero worries about them as they
are with them all the time. This remote work also makes employees more focused on the work
rater than what to wear what not to and have a complete sleep as they have no worries to get up
early to get ready for work. All the time were cut that was spend in the chit chats and were given
to the work has shown a great responsibility of work. The employees were found best and the
human resources did their best to show how the work is done from work how to use different
means and do meetings on applications like zoom etc. Work from home gives a great job
satisfaction to the employees and that directly increases the job performance for the better
outcome of the organizations.

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