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HR Management Report on Adidas

Presented to the

Business Administration Department - Government College

Women University

Course Code: BBA_603

Course Name: Production and Operation Management

Supervisor: Ma’am Saima Majeed

Submitted By:

Aqsa Shehzadi 2016-GCWUF-3062

Saman Goher Shahi 2016-GCWUF-3061
Shamshad Aftab 2016-GCWUF-3053

Research Title:
Performance of Adidas in treating its employees and training of employees in such a way
that they will value and best serve their customers. The metrics used by Adidas be an
advantage to both sides of the employees and customers.
HR Management Report on Adidas


I. Introduction…………………………………………………………...06
A. Background of the Company……………………………………......06
B. Statement of the Problem……………………………………………07
C. Statement of Objectives……………………………………………..08
D. Scope and Limitations………………………………………………08
E. Significance of the Study…………………………………………....09
F. Research Methodology………………………………………………09

II. Review of Related Literature………………………………………....10

A. HR Performance…………………………………………………….10
B. HR Metrics Used…………………………………………………….10
1. Recruitment……………………………………………………….....10
2. Training……………………………………………………………...10
3. Performance Appraisal………………………………………………11
4. Team Development…………………………………………………..11
5. Employee Welfare and Engagement………………………………...12
C. Analysis……………………………………………………………..13
1. Strength……………………………………………………………...13
2. Areas for Improvement……………………………………………...13
D. Data Analysis and Interpretation…………………………………....14
1. Demographics………………………………………………………..14
2. Recruitment……………………………………………………….…19
3. Training……………………………………………………………...22
4. Performance Appraisal………………………………………………25
5. Team Development………………………………………………….26
6. Employee Welfare and Engagement………………………………...29

III. Conclusion and Recommendation…………………………………...32

A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………..32

HR Management Report on Adidas

B. Recommendation……………………………………………………32

IV. References……………………………………………………………..34

V. Appendices…………………………………………………………….35
A. Survey Questionnaire………………………………………………..35

Number of figures
Figure 1.1: Gender of Respondents……………………………………………….14
Figure 1.2: Age of respondents…………………………………………………....15
Figure 1.3: The length of time the respondents worked for Adidas………………16
Figure1.4: Yearly income of the respondents……………………………………..17
Figure 1.5: Department which respondents work for……………………………..18
Figure 1.6: Position on their respective departments…………………………..…19
Figure 2.1: specifications in the recruitment process…………………………......20
Figure 2.2: Adidas affirmative action needs clarified…………………………….21
Figure 2.3: HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection………....22
Figure 3.1: relevance of courses of your need…………………………………….23
Figure 3.2: understanding the training needs……………………………………...24
Figure 3.3: training services to colleagues or contacts……………………………24
Figure 4.1: rate your manager in each aspect……………………………………..26
Figure 5.1: Team Development…………………….
Figure 5.2: How honest with each other…………………………………………..28
Figure 5.3: team share responsibility for tasks……………………………………29
Figure 6.1: create an exciting work environment…………………………………30
Figure 6.2: satisfied are you with your position…………………………………..31
Figure 6.3: experienced any of the discrimination or harassment………………...32

HR Management Report on Adidas


The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my
project. All that I have done is only due to such supervision and assistance and I would not
forget to thank them.
 First of all we would like to thank ALLAH ALMIGHHTY as well as Holy prophet Peace
Be Upon Him there is not even a better guide line than Him and then we respect and thank
Ms Saima Majeed, for providing me an opportunity to do the project work and giving us all
support and guidance which made us complete the project duly. we am extremely thankful to
her for providing such a nice support and guidance, although he had busy schedule managing
the corporate affairs we owe our deep gratitude to our project guide Ms Saima Majeed, who
took keen interest on our project work and guided us all along, till the completion of our
project work by providing all the necessary information for developing a good system. We
heartily thank our internal project guide, for her guidance and suggestions during this project
work .we are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and
guidance from all Teaching staffs of business Administration which helped us in
successfully completing our project work. Also, we would like to extend our sincere esteems
to all staff in library for their timely support. 

Saman Goher Shahi

Aqsa Shehzadi
Shamshad Aftab

HR Management Report on Adidas


In this research paper we are going to discuss the impact of Human resources polices on
employees performance. We hit all the main functions and highlighted point of Human
resources department including demographics, age, training employees engagement as well
as performance appraisal to conclude the impact of employees satisfaction and the way they
treat customers. In this research we conducted data through questionnaires from employees of
Adidas just to make sure and to get analysis of behaviors of employees towards their work
and polices. We asked about salary, age,gender, engagement training sessions. The matrics
that HR department is using for employees is great . Human resource management (HRM),
the management of work and people towards desired ends, is a fundamental activity in any
organization in which human beings are employed. It is not something whose existence needs
to be elaborately justified: HRM is an inevitable consequence of starting and growing an
organization. This article focuses on the polices of human resource management . The main
objective of this report is to study and analyze the HR performance of adidas regarding the
usage of the company’s HR metrics.1) To identify the human resource metrics used by adidas
towards its employees. 2)To examine the performance on the company3)To analyze the
strength and areas for improvement, given the HR Metrics and other data in the latter part of
this report.and after a great research we conclude that Adidas makes sure that they are doing
their job well and also give customers a role in this process. The company also rewards those
who excel and trains those who need to improve certain skills. In a nutshell, Adidas is a
company that strives for excellence, helps their employees grow, and prioritizes their

HR Management Report on Adidas

Chapter no. 1
Background of the Company
Adidas is one of the most popular brands of 2017 and is completely dominating the
clothing market. Seriously, if look around a public area, and you will probably see multiple
people wearing the Adidas brand whether it is their signature pink logo hat, their white
striped track pants, or even their triple stripe shoes called ”Superstars.”
The Adidas brand was formed in Herzogenaurach, Germany on August 18, 1949 by Adolf
“Adi” Dassler . Dassler was born on November 3, 1900, in Herzogenaurach Germany and
began making shoes in his mother’s basement after returning from the first World War.
Dassler’s father, Christoph, was already a shoe manufacturer who helped support his son’s
business and in July 1924 Adolf’s older brother Rudolf joined, starting the Gebrüder Dassler
Schuhfabrik,  translating to “ Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory.” In 1928, the brothers began to
supply many athletes. One such athlete was Arthur Jonath, who won an Olympic Bronze
Medal in a 100m dash while wearing the “Waitzer” track shoes, officially becoming the first
athlete to win a medal while wearing Adidas gear. In 1936 during the Berlin Olympics, Adolf
gave shoes to athlete Jesse Owens, winning four gold medals while wearing the shoes.
However, the brothers relationship began to become very toxic due to extreme difference in
political views, and by 1948 the brothers had become so spiteful of each other Rudolf left the
company and founded Puma. With Rudolf leaving, Adolf “Adi” Dassler had full control over
the company and renamed it to Adidas, a combination of his nickname and last name. The
Adidas company was quite successful and gained their signature logo that is modeled after
the trefoil plant in 1971. Adolf earned a fortune before his heart gave out September 6, 1978,
just four years after his brother, Rudolf. The company was handed to Adolf’s son, Horst, and
wife, Käthe. Horst died nine years after gaining ownership, and in 1987, Adidas became a
private company but remained in family possession until it was sold to investors. The
company headquarters for both Puma and Adidas are built in Herzogenaurach, and as a
matter of fact, the city was often referred to as the city of crooked necks because the rivalry
between the two shoe companies was so intense that everyone would crane their necks to
look to see what shoes other people are wearing.
Mainstream success was achieved not only by celebrity help but quality and look.
Throughout the 21st century Adidas had a very moderate success, they sponsored many
athletes, and sold tons of clothes, but they were not yet “the brand” that they wanted to be but

HR Management Report on Adidas

this all changed with the popularization of their Superstar shoes. The classic triple striped
shoes were released in 1969 as a low-top basketball shoe with a white finish with red stripes.
Adidas really hit mainstream success while partnered with rap icon Kanye West who was
payed to wear and promote their products as well as make the very famous “Yeezy” shoe
brand. The success of the Adidas brand could be attributed to West and other pop icons, but
many say it is due to the brand’s cool, sleek, and comfortable design. Adidas has recently
come under fire for allegedly bribing basketball coaches to get their top students to go with
Adidas financial advisers and even in some cases, bribing the students directly to join the
Adidas brand when they go pro.

Adidas has had a long history, and Adolf Dassler poured his heart and soul into the Adidas
brand to give it the platform it needed to boost itself into the spotlight and become a giant
among the sportswear brands, reaching sales up to $22,912,381,000 in 2016. So next time
you go out and about, if you look around and notice what other people are wearing, it is
almost guaranteed you will see the company’s signature trefoil plant

Purpose of study

The core purpose of this particular study is to evaluate and clarify the notion that the polices has
a really impact on the employees of Adidas. Furthermore, this piece of paper will also examine
that how the relationship between different variables can be measured that have either direct or
indirect impact on the employees satisfaction especially regarding the human resources
department. In other words the ultimate goal of this study is to define the role of the HR polices
in the satisfaction of employees with especial reference to authentic literature and real world
examples. Moreover, the investigation will explain different sub-topics related to the HR
polices and their impact on the performance of the Adidas’s employees

Statement of the Problem

For this study, the main problem that the group wanted to address was:
The way the company, adidas treats its employees in the human resource perspective.
To provide a more in-depth exploration of the main problem, the following sub-problems
were also addressed by the group:
1) How does the performance of Adidas in treating its employees be a relation to
human resource?
2) Does the metrics used by Adidas be an advantage to both sides of the employees
and customers?

HR Management Report on Adidas

Research Objectives
The main objective of this report is to study and analyze the HR performance of adidas
regarding the usage of the company’s HR metrics.
1. To identify the human resource metrics used by adidas towards its employees.
2. To examine the performance on the company.
3. To analyze the strength and areas for improvement, given the HR Metrics and other
data in the latter part of this report.

Testable Statements
This study is aimed to investigate the factors that affect the HR polices on the employees of
adidas and to achieve the objectives of the study the following conceptual guesses would be
H1: Satisfaction of employees is influenced by demographics
H2: Satisfaction of employees is influenced by training
H3: Satisfaction of employees is influenced by team development
H4: Satisfaction of employees is influenced by Performances appraisal
H5: Satisfaction of employees is influenced by recruitment


Performance Demographics
appraisal equality

Training Requirtment

HR Management Report on Adidas

Significance of the Study

A human resource report is a relatively interesting to research on; because this

allowed the group to conduct a comprehensive study to have a contribution in this
field. With the background of the researchers majoring in Marketing, Advertising, and
Legal Management, an analysis was used to examine the responses of the employees
of adidas with respect to their respective company’s human resource practices. The
group believes that this report will serve as a guide for the managers of adidas in
generating strategies that would further improve their services towards the customers.

HR Management Report on Adidas

Chapter No 2

II. Review of Related Literature

HR Performance
The way Adidas manages their people is quite interesting. They believe in diversity among its
employees and they treat these people as their partners. They do their best to make the
atmosphere one filled with positivity as to motivate the employees to work better. They train
these people in a way that will help them grow and develop skills that will yield talented
individuals. Kerr, S., (1995).

This company also offers many benefits to employees. These include: bonuses, financial aid,
medical and dental insurance, stock option, and many more. Cochran (2003)

Adidas provides their employees with different networks that help them find the balance in
their lives. They believe in supporting, inspiring, and connecting with these people.

Adidas wants to make every employee a part of a worldwide family and in order to do so, to
make them aware of challenges of the company." Given this, they train their employees very
well as to prepare for the job and tasks at hand. When first hired, they have a quota of hours
that they have to reach as well as mater different skills. For the management trainees, they to
are offered classes to help them understand what is expected of them. Schweitzer, M. E.

B. HR Metrics Used
1. Recruitment

Adidas recruitment and hiring can be challenging. A former recruiter said that, “Adidas is
very particular, and it’s a hard company to get into”. It’s difficult to find the right person who
has the right skills and is fitted into the culture of Adidas. The former recruiter also added,
“There’s a big component of being a corporate citizen at Adidas,” and, “it’s hard to find
people who can fit in the corporate board room to face the Howard Schultz”. The executive
vice president of the global supply chain operation, Peter Gibbons,(2016) admitted that
Adidas is "starting from scratch" with its recruitment program.

2. Training

“We are not in the coffee business serving people, we are in the people business serving
coffee” - Howard Schultz (2015)

Training is focuses on skills enhancement and human capital investment, which could have a
crucial role for a company’s product and service development. Firms may give employees
various training programs so that they could develop new knowledge, skills, and innovative
capability necessary to do their work efficiently. These concepts must go hand in hand in
order to acquire the effectiveness of the organization. Bob Thompson, (2005)

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HR Management Report on Adidas

To be the best and to make people happy, Adidas ensures that they screen and train their
employees well. Once an applicant is hired, that applicant will undergo the “sports master
program” where the new employee/s is/are indoctrinated to the company values, as well as
the mission, which is to build the brand. In this training program, the employees are reminded
that it is their priority to serve people, and that customers must always leave happy.
LeShaffer, J. and Schmidt, F.L.,(2003)

3. Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is a process of assessing how well employees are doing their jobs.
Most employees and managers definitely dislike the process performance appraisal; however
it plays a highly crucial role in the workplace. In human resource planning, performance
appraisals can be used in terms of career planning and for making termination decisions. A
company which has a very poor performance appraisal system faces numerous problems.
Performance appraisals are also used as a basis for compensation, promotion and training
decisions. There are two stages to do a performance appraisal: (1) is to measure the job
performance, (2) is to share the feedback with the employees.

At adidas, the so-called customer comment card is used as a way to see how the employees
are performing their jobs. Customer comment card contains several survey questions
answered by the customers about their insights on the employees, services, and products. This
kind of strategy is a very good and effective way to see how the employees perform their
jobs, because it is an effective way. Berne.S (1997), The job performances of the employees
are what matters regardless of when the customer and the employee know each other.
Companies must provide feedbacks and training as well as rewards to their employees.
Feedbacks are given in a 360-degree feedback. It means that both lower level manager
(cashiers) and middle level manager (store manager) give feedbacks to each other. The 360-
degree feedback has affects the performance of giving feedbacks to employees, because in
one Adidas booth, there are usually nine people working. So, they have close relationship and
would not mind giving different feedbacks in order to improve each other’s job
performances. In adidas, they give a bonus to employees “Employee of the Month” reward.
This kind of reward is the so-called, compensation. The employees are given budget each
month. Budget is a goal of how much money the employees can make in their work shift.
Waldron, H (1993)

4. Team Development

Even the CEO knows that the Adidas brand is nothing without its baristas. Therefore,
managers ensure that all employees are treated equally, or in short, made to feel that they are
a part of the team. All of the staff is called ‘partners’, including the supervisors. This creates a
friendlier atmosphere which develops not only the relationship between employees, but also
their enthusiasm. Ordonez, L. and Douma, B (2000) The team doesn’t only involve the staff,
but even those on top, and to maintain this, they also ensure that there is a well-organized
communication channel. In line with this, they also make sure that the number of employees
range from three to six, so that the staff will be able to know each other easily and deeply.

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HR Management Report on Adidas

5. Employee Welfare and Engagement

Loyalty is what keeps employees, and to get this, Adidas managers ensure that the employees
are treated just as good as the employees treat the customers. Health care and stock options
are readily available to all employees, and as stated, they are considered partners. The
employees are also engaged not only with each other but also to the community they’re
residing at. Reports show that employees do community service, and in 2009, employees
were able to contribute 186,000 hours of community service. This builds a better relationship
between the employees and the community, and ensures a healthy atmosphere.

Philosophy of research:
The basic reason to select the qualitative research is to permit the investigator to get into the
real insight of the focus group, one of the power reason to carry out the qualitative research
may be that quantitative measures does not allow the investigator to get the real views of the
targeted audience as could be taken in the qualitative case. In addition, Smith et al (2008)
explained this notion by saying that, the quantitative research methods are aimed for
expressing the results of the data in terms of numbers, in some cases this may lead to a
misunderstanding for the researcher to express the results of the gathered data. Thereafter, the
positivistic approach to investigate a problem is more suitable for estimating the results in
figures and then the appropriate units should be granted. . Different sources can be employed
for the purpose of secondary investigation such as journals, internet, books, magazines and
newspapers" (Dantzker and Hunter, 2011).

Research Methodology:
The group first created a survey questionnaire (related to human resource) which was
answered by 20 randomly selected employees. The gender of the respondents was not put
into consideration for it will not affect the result of the survey.

The survey questionnaire was formulated in such a way that the group will be able to help
increase awareness of the HR metrics used in adidas. The survey questionnaire has 12
questions and was answered by the employees through a hard copy questionnaire. After the
target number of respondents was reached, the group gathered all the answers and tallied their

The results were then interpreted and presented through graphs which are shown in the latter
part of this paper. Survey results are used to help compare it with the HR Metrics used by the

As commented by Argrouse (2009) hence whole population of survey cannot be examined
because of the size, therefore a small of the population commonly known as the sample of the
population is taken. The non-probability sampling technique was employed in this particular
study as it suites the problem at hand, in order to do so a sample of 20 respondents is selected

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HR Management Report on Adidas

Questionnaire Design

The tool utilized for the data collection phase of the investigation is the self- administered
questionnaire. Questionnaire is one of the main instruments for collection of quantitative data
but at the same time the construction of questions demands too much attention of the
investigator because if the questions are not properly arranged and not aimed to the actual
goal of the research then it will result in poor responses from the respondents. While on the
opposite side, the quantitative research had a lot of advantages as well such as, the figures are
easy to calculate and results can be inferred more quickly and easily as compares to the
qualitative responses. The reliability of the data is high as compared to the other data
collection methods such as observation, experiments, surveys, and controlled group (Lin and
Wang (2007), Beerli et al (2006) and Golrous (2008).

C. Analysis
1. Strength

The strengths of Adidas lie mostly in their approach to Human Resource

Management. As repeatedly stated above, Adidas is a people-centred organization; therefore,
they value the well-being of their employees. The core values of Adidas never forget their
partners. With that mentioned one of the strongest points that Adidas has implemented is
dubbing and making their employees and even part-timers a partner.

The CEO, the brain behind it, believed that the employees must feel that they are being
valued in the company. In return the employees of Adidas work harder and produce better
results. Evident enough, Adidas highly invests in the improvement of their people and that
itself is a discerning strength of Adidas

Furthermore, the HR Metrics of Adidas have mostly contributed to their strength, from
recruitment to employee welfare engagement. Adidas has developed these policies and
programs in order to enhance the development of their people. With a high reward and high
direction method, the employees feel appreciated and this is reciprocated back to the
company in their work ethics, which the management of Adidas was able to in still in them.
Their employees, being empowered as much as guided, allows Adidas to hasten the decision
making process which make the burden of the top management lighter, thus allowing them to
focus on the bigger scaled predicaments and the governance of the overall company.

The CEO, as well as the rest of the top management, knows that the organization will
not survive or succeed without their partners who make it all possible.

2. Areas for Improvement

Adidas highly values their partners and allows them to make small decisions. This though can
cause a gap in regards with the status of the employees and the manager. If this is not
properly addressed then its might cause the company to be decentralized and the positions
and assignments of tasks and purpose would also be unclear. Currently, though, this problem
has not yet occurred for Adidas Despite that, Adidas has to formulate a plan in the case that it

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HR Management Report on Adidas

does. This doesn’t mean that they should stop empowering their employees either. Rather,
Adidas has to reinforce their partner’s mindset and create activities emphasizes on the roles,
responsibility and status of each person in the organization.

Furthermore, aside from the mentioned HR metrics that focused on the individual
growth of each person, Adidas should also consider the growth of each individual as a part of
the team. Although it team development was a contributing factor to the prominence of the
Human Resource Management of Adidas, it is lacking in programs that fosters unity within
each of the small groups consisting of each employees from each branch. Creating a collegial
relationship will make the organization grow more and in return, the productivity of the
company increases not only managerially but also financially.

Aside from the two areas stated above, Adidas is one of the few companies who value their
employees and believe that they are the key to success, being the most important resource.
With the people-centered management of Adidas, it is not a surprise that the area for
improvement is a narrow passage. Yet even with their excellent programs and practices, there
will always be something to improve on, in order for the organization to grow, and
determining these areas have been a forte of Adidas as well, evidenced by their current
growth and the new sets of programs they create every year.

D. Data Analysis and Interpretation

1. Demographics

a. Gender

Row Labels Count of Gender

Male 13
Female 7

Grand Total 20



Figure 1.1: Gender of Respondents

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HR Management Report on Adidas

The first question that was asked to the respondents in the demographics section is about their
gender. As seen in Figure 1, the survey was answered by 65% males (13 out of 20
respondents) and 35% females (7 out of 20 respondents)

b. Age

Row Labels Count of Gender

18-25 2
26-35 5
36-45 4
46-55 7
56 and above 2

Grand Total 20

10% 10%

25% 26-35
35% 46-55
56 and above


Figure 1.2: Age of respondents

The second question that was asked to the respondents in the demographics section is about
their age. As seen in the above pie chart, the most number of respondents were between the
ages 46-55 at 35% (7 out of 20 respondents). Second, would be between the ages of 26-35 at
25% (5 out of 20 respondents). Third, would be between the ages of 36-45 at 20% (4 out of
20 respondents). Lastly, would be between the ages of would be between the ages of 18-25
and 56 and above, both at 10% (2 out of 20 respondents)

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HR Management Report on Adidas

c. How long have you worked at Adidas?

Row Labels Count of Time

Less than 6 months 3

6 months-1 year 5
1-2 years 2
3-5 years 4
More than 5 years 6

Grand Total 20

Less than 6 months
6 months-1 year

25% years

3-5 years
More than 5 years

Figure 1.3: The length of time the respondents worked for Adidas

The third question that was asked to the respondents in the demographics section is about
how long they have worked for Adidas. As seen in the above pie chart, the most number of
respondents were between the ages 46-55 at 35% (7 out of 20 respondents). Second, would
be between the ages of 26-35 at 25% (5 out of 20 respondents). Third, would be between the
ages of 36-45 at 20% (4 out of 20 respondents). Lastly, would be between the ages of would
be between the ages of 18-25 and 56 and above, both at 10% (2 out of 20 respondents).

Row Labels Income

Php 100,000 and below 6

d. What is your yearly income?
Php 100,001-Php 200,000 7
Php 200,001-Php 300,000 4
Php 300,001-Php 400,000 2
Php 400,000 and above 1
16 | P a g e Grand Total 20
HR Management Report on Adidas

100,000 and below
Php 100,001-Php 200,000

20% Php 200,001-Php 300,000

Php 300,001-Php 400,000
Php 400,000 and above


Figure 1.4: Yearly income of the respondents

The fourth question that was asked to the respondents in the demographics section is about
their yearly income for Adidas. As seen in Figure 4, 35% (7 out of 20 respondents) of the
respondents have a yearly income between Php 100,001-Php 200,000 per year. Second is at
30% (6 out of 20 respondents) have an allowance of Php 100,000 and below per year. Third
is at 20% (4 out of 20 respondents) have an allowance between Php 200,001-Php 300,000 per
year. Fourth is at 10% (2 out of 20 respondents) have an allowance between Php 300,001-Php
400,000 per year. Lastly, 5% (1 out of 20 respondents) have an allowance of Php 400,000 and

Row Labels Income

Customer Service 2

e. Which of the Finance / Accounting 4 following best

describes the MIS 4 department you work
Sales / Marketing 3
Corporate Marketing 2
Human Resources 5

Grand Total 20
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HR Management Report on Adidas


Customer Service
20% Finance /
Sales / Marketing
Corporate Marketing
Human Resources

Figure 1.5: Department which respondents work for

The fifth question that was asked to the respondents in the demographics section is about
which department they work for. As seen in Figure 5, 25% (5 out of 20 respondents) work for
the Human Resources Department of Adidas. Second would be the Finance / Accounting and
MIS Department, both at 20% (4 out of 20 respondents). Third is at 15% (3 out of 20
respondents) for the Sales / Marketing Department. Last would be the Customer Service and
Corporate Marketing Department, both at 10% (2 out of 20 respondents).

f. Which of the following best describes your position here?

Row Labels Income

Clerical 3

Figure 1.6: Position Technician 6 on their respective

departments Managerial 4
The sixth question that Accounting 5 was asked to the
respondents in the demographics section
Project Management 2
is about their position in the department they
work for. As seen in Grand Total 20 Figure 6, 30% (6 out
of 20 respondents) are technicians. Secondly,
25% (5 out of 20 respondents) are in the
Accounting position. Thirdly, 20% (4 out of 20 respondents) are in the Managerial position.

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HR Management Report on Adidas

Fourth, 15% (3 out of 20 respondents) are in the Clerical position. Then last is 10% (2 out of
20 respondents) are in the Project Management position.

Does Adidas clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate specifications
in the recruitment process?

Row Labels Count of Q2A

Yes 18

No 2

Grand Total 20




Figure 2.1: specifications in the recruitment process

18 out of 20 (90%) of the respondents said that Adidas clearly define the position objectives,
requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process and only 2 (10%)
respondents said that they don’t think that Adidas does the process properly.

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HR Management Report on Adidas

How well do Adidas affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection

Row Labels Count of Q2B

Poor 1
Adequate 12
Excellent 7

Grand Total 20




Figure 2.2: Adidas affirmative action needs clarified

12 out of the 20 respondents (60%) say the affirmative action needs clarified and supported in
the selection process are at an adequate level. 7 out of the 20 respondents (35%) ranked this
strategy as excellent and only 1 said that the strategy is poor.

How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection?

Row Labels Count of Q2C

Poor 0

Adequate 15

Excellent 5

Grand Total 20
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HR Management Report on Adidas



Figure 2.3: HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection

15 out of the 20 respondents (75%) rated the HR department’s performance in recruitment

and selection as adequate. 5 out of the 20 respondents (25%) rated the performance as
excellent. While no respondent said that the performance was poor.

2. Training
How satisfied are you with the relevance of courses with respect to your needs?

Row Labels Count of Q3A

Very Satisfied 6
Satisfied 8
Neutral 5
Dissatisfied 1
Very Dissatisfied 0
Not applicable / Not sure 0

Grand Total 20

21 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

Very Satisfied



Very Dissatisfied

Not Applicable / Not Sure


Figure 3.1: relevance of courses with respect to

You needs 8 out of the 20 respondents (40%) rated their satisfaction with the relevance of
courses with respect to their needs as Satisfied. Second, 6 out of the 20 respondents (30%)
rated their satisfaction as Very Satisfied. Third, 5 out of 20 respondents (25%) rated their
satisfaction as Neutral. Next, only 1 out of 20 respondents (5%) rated their satisfaction as
Dissatisfied. Lastly, no respondent rated their satisfaction as very dissatisfied and Not
Applicable / Not Sure.

Adidas understands the training needs of my department.

Row Labels Count of Q3B

Strongly Agree 7
Agree 8
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 0

Grand Total 20

22 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

Strongly Agree

15% Agree



Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.2: understanding the training needs

8 out of the 20 respondents (40%) said that they agree to the statement, “Adidas understands
the training needs of my department”. Second, 7 out of 20 respondents (35%) said that they
strongly agree to the statement. Third, 3 out of 20 respondents (15%) said that they are
neutral to the statement given. Next, 2 out of 20 respondents (10%) said that they disagree to
the statement given. Lastly, no respondent said that they strongly disagree to the statement

Would you recommend Adidas’ training services to colleagues or contacts within your

Row Labels Count of Q3C

Yes 17

No 2

Not sure 1

Grand Total 20

23 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas


Yes No

Not sure

Figure 3.3: training services to colleagues or contacts

17 out of the 20 respondents (85%) said that they would recommend Adidas’ training
services to their colleagues or contacts within their industry. Second, 2 out of 20 respondents
(10%) said that they would not recommend Adidas’ training services to their colleagues.
Last, only 1 out of 20 respondents (5%) said that they are not sure on whether to recommend
Adidas’ training services or not

4. Performance Appraisal

How would you rate your manager in each of the following areas?

Count of Q4A- Count of Q4A- Planning

Row Labels Communication Row Labels and Organizing
Excellent 3 Excellent 3
Very Good 10 Very Good 13
Good 4
Good 5
Average 0
Average 2 Poor 0
Poor 0 Grand Total 20
Grand Total 20
Count of Q4A- Directing Count of Q4A- Job /
Row Labels and Coordinating Row Labels Technical Knowledge
Excellent 5 Excellent 3
Very Good 12 Very Good 10
Good 3 Good 5
Average 0 Average 2
Poor 0 Poor 0
Grand Total 20 Grand Total 20

Count of Q4A-
Row Labels Interpersonal relationship
Excellent 4
Very Good 12
Good 3
Average 0
Poor 1
Grand Total 20

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HR Management Report on Adidas

Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Communica... 3 10 5 2 0

Planning and Organi... 3 13 4 0

Directing and Coordina... 5 12 3 0

Job / Technical Knowl... 3 10 5 2 0

Interpersonal relation... 4 12 3 01

Figure 4.1: rate your manager in each aspect

This bar graph shows the ratings of the respondents’ manager depending on the following
areas. For the first area, majority of the respondents (10 out of 20) rated their manager’s
performance on Communication as “very good”. For the second area, majority of the
respondents (13 out of 20) rated their manager’s performance on Planning and Organizing as
“very good”. For third area, majority of the respondents (12 out of 20) rated their manager’s
performance on Directing and Coordinating as “very good”. For the fourth area, majority of
the respondents (10 out of 20) rated their manager’s performance on Job / Technical
Knowledge as “very good”. For the last area, majority of the respondents (12 out of 20) rated
their manager’s performance on Interpersonal relationship as “very good”

5. Team Development
How professionally do the members of your team behave?

Row Labels Count of Q5A

Extremely professionally 2

Quite professionally 11
professionally 5

Slightly professionally 1

Not all professionally 1

25 | P a g e Grand Total 20
HR Management Report on Adidas

5% 10%
Extremely professionally

Quite professionally

Moderately professionally

Slightly professionlly
Not all professionally

Figure 5.1: Team Development

11 out of the 20 respondents (55%) rated how their members of their team behave
professionally as “quite professionally”. Second, 5 out of 20 respondents (25%) rated their
members as behaving “moderately professionally”. Third, 2 out of 20 respondents (10%)
rated their members as behaving “extremely professionally”. Lastly, only 1 out of 20
respondents (5%) rated their members as behaving both “slightly professionally” and “not
professional at all”.

How honest with each other are the members of your team?

Count of
Row Labels Q5B

Extremely honest 2
Very honest 12
Moderately honest 3
Slightly honest 1
Not honest at all 2

Grand Total 20

26 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

10% 10%
Extremly honest

Very honest

Moderately honest

Slightly honest

60% Not honest at all

Figure 5.2: How honest with each other

12 out of the 20 respondents (60%) rated how honest are their members to each other in their
team as “very honest”. Second, 3 out of 20 respondents (15%) rated their members as being
“moderately honest”. Third, 2 out of 20 respondents (10%) rated their members as being both
“extremely honest” and “Not honest at all”. Lastly, only 1 out of 20 respondents (5%) rated
their members as being “slightly honest”.

How well do members of your team share responsibility for tasks?

Row Labels Count of Q5C

Extremely well 1
Very well 13
Moderately well 3
Slightly well 1
Not well at all 2

Grand Total 20

27 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

10% 5%
Extremely well Very well

Moderately well Slightly well
Not well at all

Figure 5.3: team share responsibility for tasks

13 out of the 20 respondents (65%) rated how their members of their team share
responsibility for tasks as “very well”. Second, 3 out of 20 respondents (15%) rated their
members sharing tasks responsibly as “moderately well”. Third, 2 out of 20 respondents
(10%) rated their members sharing tasks responsibly as “extremely well”. Lastly, only 1 out
of 20 respondents (5%) rated their members sharing tasks responsibly as being both
“extremely well” and “not well at all”.

6. Employee Welfare and Engagement

a. Adidas tries to create an exciting work environment.

Row Labels Count of Q6A

Strongly Agree 4
Agree 10
Neutral 3
Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 2

Grand Total 20

28 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

Strongly Agree
10% 20%

Somewhat Agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Figure 6.1 : create an exciting work environment

10 out of the 20 respondents (50%) said that they somewhat agree to the statement, “Adidas
tries to create an exciting work environment”. Second, 4 out of 20 respondents (20%) said
that they strongly agree to the statement. Third, 3 out of 20 respondents (15%) said that they
are neither agreed or disagree to the statement given. Next, 2 out of 20 respondents (10%)
said that they somewhat disagree to the statement given. Lastly, only 1 out of 20 respondents
said that they strongly disagree to the statement given.

a. Overall how satisfied are you with your position at adidas ?

Row Labels Count of Q6B

Very Satisfied 5

Somewhat Satisfied 8

Not satisfied or dissatisfied 4

Somewhat dissatisfied 2

Very dissatisfied 1

Grand Total 20

29 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied

20% Not satisfied or dissatisfied

Somewhat Satisfied

Very Dissatisfied

Figure 6.2 : satisfied are you with your position

8 out of the 20 respondents (40%) rated their overall satisfaction with their position at Adidas
as “somewhat dissatisfied”. Second, 5 out of 20 respondents (25%) rated their overall
satisfaction as “very satisfied”. Third, 4 out of 20 respondents (20%) rated their overall
satisfaction as “not satisfied or dissatisfied”. Next, 2 out of 20 respondents (10%) rated their
overall satisfaction as “somewhat satisfied”. Last, only 1 out of 20 respondents (5%) rated
their overall satisfaction as “very dissatisfied”

Have you ever observed or experienced any of the following forms of discrimination or
harassment at Adidas

Row Labels Count of Q6C

Racial discrimination 1
Sexual discrimination 0
Age discrimination 2

Figure Gender discrimination 3 6.3:

Sexual orientation discrimination 0
No, none of the above have been observed
or experienced 14

Grand Total 20

experienced any of the of discrimination or harassment

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HR Management Report on Adidas

14 out of the 20 respondents (70%) said that they had not observed or experienced any forms
of discrimination or harassment at Adidas. Second, 3 out of 20 respondents (15%) said that
they had observed or experienced a form of Gender discrimination at Adidas. Third, 2 out of
20 respondents (10%) said that they had observed or experienced a form of Age
discrimination at Adidas. Next, only 1 out of 20 respondents (5%) said that they had observed
or experienced a form of racial discrimination at Adidas. Lastly, no respondents said that they
observed or experienced a form of sexual and sexual orientation discrimination.

III. Conclusion and Recommendation


When it comes to the customers, Adidas makes sure that they are treated well. They
train their employees to make the customers the number one priority for the company. These
employees are made aware of the mission, vision, and goals of the company to assure that
they will work with these in mind. As for the employees, Adidas makes sure that they are
doing their job well and also give customers a role in this process. The company also rewards
those who excel and trains those who need to improve certain skills. In a nutshell, Adidas is a
company that strives for excellence, helps their employees grow, and prioritizes their


Adidas is a good example of a company that works like a well oiled machine. They
have a plan that they stick to and have process that they follow to achieve goals they have set.
The only recommendation that comes to mind is that Adidas continue to do what they do.
They do an excellent job and sticking to what they do and probably just progressing from that
will help them be the best. Another recommendation for the company is to just have
contingency plans. This will help Adidas be more prepared when they face different problems
within the company and affected by external factors as well.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of this paper will follow observations of the researchers about the performance of
the human resource department of adidas

Due to the limited time in conducting this Human Resource Management Report,
observations may not be as in-depth. It must also be considered that the report is limited to
the aspects of Human Resource Performance and Metrics parallel to discussions in class and
the references included in the bibliography. The lack of elaborate discussions with the
officers in charge and the confidentiality of adidas led to a limited scope of the report.

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HR Management Report on Adidas

IV. References
Devina, I. (2013, September 04). [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Interview by K.T. Chan. Adidas.

Rizki, K. (2011, December 20).Adidas recruiting, compensation, and benefits.

Retrieved from


Starbucks- philippines. (2014). Retrieved from https://starbucks-philippinejobs

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HR Management Report on Adidas

V. Appendices
A. Survey Questionnaire

Dear Employee,

We are students from Government college women university Faisalabad. We are currently
taking up the course, POM (production and operation management ). We would like to ask
for a few minutes of your time to answer some questions pertaining to our research. Your
opinion would be most helpful as we gather important information about our research topic.

We assure you of anonymity and that your responses to this questionnaire will be held in
strictest confidence.

Thank you for your cooperation.

33 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas


Gender Age: __________


What is your yearly income?
a. Php 100,000 and below
b. Between Php 100,001 – Php 200,000
c. Between Php 200,001 – Php 300,000
d. Between Php 300, 001 – Php 400,000
e. Php 400,000 and above

How long have you worked at Adidas


34 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas


Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate
specifications in the recruitment process?
a. Yes
b. No

How well are the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the
selection process?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent


How satisfied are you:

Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Not

Satisfied Dissatisfied applicable/
Not sure

35 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

of courses
with respect
to your

Adidas understands the training needs of my department

Strongly Agree




Strongly disagree

Would you recommend ’ training services to colleagues or contacts within your industry?



Not sure

36 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

Performance Appraisal

Team Development

How professionally do the members of your team behave?

Extremely professionally

Quite professionally

Moderately professionally

Slightly professionally

Not professional at all

How honest with each other are the members of your team?

Extremely honest

Very honest

Moderately honest

Slightly honest

37 | P a g e
HR Management Report on Adidas

Not honest at all

How well do members of your team share responsibility for tasks?

Extremely well

Very well

Moderately well

Slightly well

Not well at all

Employee Welfare and Engagement



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