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‘TIMELINE Thetinaine for subvton Gaceptnce ot papers 2s fllows Lette for submission of sbstact Notietion faceeptance of abstract Last date for submission of fll paper Notieation of acceptance ofl paper Submision ofevsed vrsion of ful paper ‘SUBMISSION INFORMATION xt ro connote ats en {Sreteset ven ot owas sot ne Gy Smog bes Pees se oa eee eee caren Eocene acer am omnia ote SS cr ie ae eae ecnne cONERENCE nOCERDINS. sb cnn rel rs nt vee 9 0 cane ‘etree Abe scape one as WRLC RRD Bab lw anon pode SPECIAL ONAL SSUES Scr uy pps be a» 0 of Scene (Emerge = (ar ra Hi Mee tein an opery Mapua lon ness roms owe ager “ie Sei 618 Wh Una gon 5 spe ur safer ow ae een ees Septet ‘Sc Etin Sok Ste sone gees lbw R no 2p eon Dok Segarra oe sas ——<— Katorategry | ry | ate | on pot] —__nteratonal Paras 32.0001 15000 National Parpart “ame. 2 Chief Patron Ronen ses ae ‘Convenor, RLCP 2020 De Ajon Kumar Tartar rR Razak Hohe be estan Sarkar ‘ea Case Prtoum Sponsors Shas ant above Gold Sponsers:35 es Siero as Co-Sponsors est eae ABOUT SPA VIJAYAWADA ‘The School of Pansng and Architecture Vijayawada sone cf the tree SPASin the country establihed by the Minty of Human Resource Development Souernment of India at Inston of NafinalIjportance in the fla of Dehitecture and Plagning. SPA Wayanad aids young/prospecive students ‘cademiclane and professionals acoze the nation fo guns fundamentals a ‘he Bachelors fey atan state-of spedluation st Masters ad PAD level in the ide of rettecture and Planning Teday, the Scoal eventhough a young Institute tad been steal and syeastly balding ts ightul images a hub of the highest standards of Edalion and Resepich Ip Architecture and Panning 055 the nation and beyond, SPA inyonnda caren fers undergraduate, Post-graduate and doctoral programsin the has of Arcecure and Panning Preset the Scheolfne s department (0) Department of Arete a (2) Department of Panalng 2 total of two undergrads degree proarams, seven grate degree and ‘ctor program are ing ofleed Two undergradite programs were sated In the academic year 2008-09. Thvee postgraduate programs viz, aster of Panning lrwronmental Panning ond Management) was introduced inthe ‘academic year2013-14 Master af Planing ban and Regions Panning) Master ‘of Ponaing (Transport and okastucture Poni Wiroduced ude year ‘cade year 2018-19 at the Deporte of Planting and four postgraduate Programs viz, Master of rchiectreurtsinable Archectre) wie introduced In the ecadeic year 2014-15, Master of citecture (Landscape Aicitectre) uring the aeaderple year 2018-19, Master af Achtecture (Bud Engineering nd Management! and Méster of rehitcture(yehteturalConzervation) were Introduced in the academic Jear(2019-20 gb Department of Architecture ‘espectvely Every programme fran SPA Wayowada i tallored to mate the ‘xpecatons ofthe prfesin to the maximum extent and designed to adress ‘he physical, scio-economi and environmental challenges and to cater othe pecc needs ofthe industry and academics, Inadditon, the Doctoral Programme lading to PHD degree was nttouced in the academic year 201213, Keeping In mind the cultural aves and equal ‘ppertunty School provides platform wthanindusveplicyfrallstudentsto | SR CUS oa Set eee Lec Oe P 3 Pr cats DCC EMCEE LICH School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESILIENT & LIVEABLE CITY PLANNING 07-10 October, 2020 Department of Planning School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada ndhrereredesh, India INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESILIENT & LIVEABLE CITY PLANNING However, aritfacts ae not just he ar lo the modi titraco; te mpscaton = ban agers nthe dynamics of ates. In short nou pursuit fr moe dtal and or ambracng 2 wider erronment ety medels Mave come to encapite the ways been achalenge forthe CONFERENCE THEMES The folloning ist covers the six dvs conference themes & teleranttopiestobe presented a the conference nation, esearch papers on ther subjects lted othe objectives oF the conference areal welcome Hanning theoresandtechniques Remote sensing and GS ‘changing Demographics Concepts Mas apd Framework for {ies Urban Pertermance, Cty Panning Hol and Economic Defetopment Uiban Spam: iy Moby: Land we and “TanepontationUthan Tonmation Adsresng Conley Chie Ste Cy dain ben Dean uman pact on endonmentTrosiormaton of rironnen ‘Water fanagementin the bul enveenment Green instruc ban Ecology Urban Heat anc (Ul Liban odes 2nd ecosystems eslence in cao9) rca etence planning Resent Infact; Renewable Energy; Eeray atin: nergy Consration: Ener Ftp ‘Vattion Methods Tennis Ulcer Carbon Tacs Encgy Aer Ene) Efelet &Retlent Development Adaptive {Covemance for ReilecChallenge a Urban Reiner Restence ‘Susana Urban Dynamics Econom sian: Socio-cutr ‘staat nywonestal Sheol Sustainable waste ely ues Spatial Panning Response to Ubon ks Frameworks of Ivey Community & Lands Panning: ccs 0 Unwersal design Age enaly Planing RLCP 2020 gut papas wll be ec euaeuc

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