Positive Psychology: Submitted By: Samra Tanveer Submitted To: Ma'am Numana

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Positive Psychology


Submitted by: Samra Tanveer

Submitted To: Ma’am Numana
Synopsis draft

1. Idea
The idea of my research is to know that how socioeconomic status effect the individual
self-esteem and provoke anxiety and how their lives are effected. and how they cope
with this issues and which strategies they use to overcome this psychological issues.
2. Purpose
The purpose of my study is to find out that how people with low socioeconomic status
suffering mentally which strategies they use to deal with their problems.
3. Brief definition of variables, previous researches and hypothesis.
In this study socioeconomic status is independent variable and anxiety or self-esteem is
dependent variable. Basically socioeconomic status is the status of individual from which
status he or she live. Anxiety and self-esteem can be vary from person to person previous
researches have been done in this area, In European Journal of Public Health, Volume 20
“The contribution of personality and mental problems on the relation between socio-
economic status and self-esteem may have important implications for the design of
health-promotion programs aimed at the reduction of socio-economic differences in
adverse health behavior.”
There is a relation of socioeconomic status with psychological health. Because
socioeconomic status can impact on their psychological health because due to their status
they are suffering a lot and they impact on their physical health too.
4. How will you collect data?
I will collect data from the people who belong with low socioeconomic status and usually
give them questioners of self-esteem and anxiety to fill. My research design is
5. How would it be beneficial for others?
My study is beneficial for those people who belong to low socioeconomic status and
though this study they can find that how and through which strategies they can overcome
this psychological issues and spend their life more satisfying.
6. Methods, sample size, measurement and procedures
My sample size is 100 people , in which 50% are male and 50% are females and they all
are belong to low socioeconomic status, I usually use correlation test run measure this
sample. First I get consent from the individual and then give them self-esteem and
anxiety questioners and ask them to fill through this questioners I can get their scores and
after that run on statistical analysis to check their correlation.

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