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CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ‘SPECIMEN PAPER MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE UNIT2: AGRICULTURE, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY ‘ach temvinthis estas foursuggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C)(D), Readeachitem youare boutio answer and decile which choiceis best. septa er Suspended parclatesin watercuse Semple Anower ) ity 5 Gahiy @@6@ © Sty ©) Sty ‘Thebestanswertothis tem is“twbidity” soanswerspace(D)has been shaded. ‘There are 21 items on this specimen paper. However, the actual Papcr 01 test consists of Stems. You will Rave 90 minates fo answer them. Congr * 2008Cariboean Examinations Court Silrightseeserved, meg3901@SPEC 2008 a 1. Which of the following is NOT usually 6. A farmers planing to wseaplrof ard on foonofaibustence ageultine? 4 hilly tensin to plant Bananas. Which sgeuitral practices below shuld the farmer ) Agoteeny ‘wis? B)Pobesture {) Nomadic tering L Cesouring (©) Shitingapicalee 1, Suiptirming 1h, Temacing 1N,truegrated Pest Management 2, Solgadaion’s MOST ely reste (a) bana ) sorestation 1) tandit (B)sxproxation © Manat (merece «) Mandiv ©) stip arming usm Z refers othe results seconded inthe 2. Environmentalysusainableapsiostrl table below and wich were obtained by practices Incline al of the following ‘Rudo imesigatingth component fal Excert ‘shen for our dierent, yt atv, A) Apsirety 1B) Concur Being w] (Qt pet anaganent se Sel lantecetmmet | Ee Sea “4 oftheflowingisNOTaneffictof 7. Whichsolwas MOST key otsned om momcopeg? tholocaion withthe FIGHEST vegetation cover? 1 Changointmemasencempostion oteat i. (8) Desretndriskofpetinfotion @ (©) Decresedbumas noi Om (©) LomesngoFbiosveny ov 8. Which ofthe following ie NOT 9 St anit esis Stead pow and associ wim enegy/ select heBESToflic options that low. (A) Caos L.Teetnologicat_spplistion ia ©) Gipdeies Tapiculre lads onesie {© Kamae env, 1D) Megnvat 11. Manocultie eds to edution in soley, ‘The soem tht mater has because of ts smssand velo istexmed (A) Sand Hare trae 1B) Vand ae (A) ese (0) Tistroe butt istse 1B) nuclear (©) is tolse but iste {© paca () oral GOON FO THE NEXT PAGE 2220010 SPEC 008 depeeneeemennener eee REE RRR 10. Fos els » nom eeneuae soar ot shore because it (A) exiisio ed depositin some 1B) candedepletedinthe sheet runbut inablevo bs egeneried nog natural processes (0) tenascin qt hat ail “change aceoning 9 demand (2) iemvaibatieinatxedamountandean ‘betouly depleted 11 nergy contentions BEST be dened (A) thepereontage oft ener ing Ahavdoes nat were (@) —Geredactoncretininaionof energy useand waste (©) reportage ofusti energy pt ‘that does rk (©) the use of fossil felt 6 Fmited amcnrantteer Consider Stamens ante andselect {he BEST ofthe pons that fellow. Most fomefenenyorginst fom eso 1, Noturt 35369 renewable fem of ney: 12, Whiehet the fttowing iscoreee? (Und fare ve, () and itare ne (C)_Vefalseand iste (D)eteveand tis ase wrssmensprezane a, Adam aypotsand driest lensed aie ors drives fshoifcint car Enenay somened by TA) Adan because eis ciminsing ‘astefalorannecessiry eneray= somningactiies when he ravele 10} ons because isccomelling (oak hess energy (©) buthotthembessusethey are sccompishing ask by wine tess cnersy (©) neinerofthem because enesy ‘apnotbe ested or destosed (ium 14 ytarso the diagrams below which ‘Heese an activity i whieh odors ae ve efiiney of 40 bubs. 4 A posubleobservton aftr 3howsis at (A) there na prestr increase inthe rempeatire oF te air ia Box 2 ‘han in Rox! (B) there isa greater increase inthe Aemperatire ofthe aiein Box thon Bex? {©) _thareisne change in sheempes ‘ature ifihesieia tet boxes kD) theimarese nthe temperature of theaieinboth Boxes ete sare GOON FO MEN XTPAGE 15. TheBEST eampleofapoin souce of wee 18) sed presipitaion (8) agreed nnott (C) factory effluent {B) storm water 16. Accelerated eatrophication in steams, akes nulbayswileesul ora dhe iotodacion of w ® © 1) hetbicdes Phosphates cid wastes and ats bacteria visos 17, Avatersample is passedthrougha iter Ais, The fle die is placed om aga lly ref for 26hour ar dch titer colonies are courted. This describes atest tedetrmine (A) Vslogcaloxygendemand ©) diwolvedonygenccniet (©) alsespendedsofds (D)tacalcolformeount 18, "Thelocetionofa sania landfil would NOT Uikelybeinfluoncodty w o © o) nipfallamountindicares seildrinageproperios ‘stance fom popuaioncentes proximity oftartace waters vozasonnsseric2une a 18. 2 Wich ofthe following BEST dowsits the snuchanismof Be grenbouse eet the Eanks mosphere? w ~ a o Alp radiation fon the sun is absorbed by water vapour inthe aumospbere Indeared radiation from the Eath's Garparadicon om thesun i absorbed at ground vel by dust pariclsin the troaphere Utviotetradiaion om the su is absorbed by ozone eas inthe smosphers, Sirepanchus pobypaleids is 2 plant that bao high quantities ofthe heavy metal, tick, This wos make important inthe process of (A) bcdegadaion ® —Biowmedaion © Phyonanetion ©) Bowdegadaten GOON FO THENEXTPAGE are em refers the experimen: deserted below. ‘A erovp of students caring out on experiment to daterine which ea of ther school had the largest armonnt of upended particulate mate. ‘Toe pt citer werocoated wih perolum jy ad secured height of Sete above te ound theo diferent areas ofthe soot rounds desrbed nthe below. A fous deh wacoted with pelea jolly and used ar contol “Tae sites of the pti dishes at the end ofthe experent ar shown below aA, B.C ant D. a Dep ‘Grea ags | Paved aikoaye a 00 Sub, dese ee coversge ‘Paying gd Paty auton of pass (13000) | and beerosp bare areas [Tave Gates) | Wel manaued an, 0oe Jang nae we, cmarecl Loe 2A, Which would MUST key mae been pied onthe plying ela? (Note eoresent st piles) o o 6 = IFYOUFINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST, caszo01n senso Caribbean Examinations Councit ‘Master Data Sheet Subject: CAPE Eavcoamental Seen “Question [Rey L i | i ome ioe I je aA Fe cnnal neal 7 i) 1p f— po : 3 = Be 1s 5 Fel ys Be: € aot test cope 02220010/SPEC/2010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION t ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, UNEF2 ‘SPECIMEN PAPER Paper OF 90 minuces | READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 45 items. Yoo will have 90 minutes to answer them. [2 imaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Donotbe concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items inthis ost, 44. Bach item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B).(C), (D). Read each iter {you are about to answer and decide which choice is best (On your answer sheet, find the cumber which corresponds to your item and shade the space ‘having the same lester asthe answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below. ‘Semple em Suspended particles in water cause ‘Sample Answer a) aidiy ®ooe allay 1 saiy ©) tabidy ‘The best answer to this item is “turbidity”, so answer space (D} has been shaded. 4 Teyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 7, When you ao told to hegin, tm the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you ean, If ‘you can answer item, omit it and go oa to the next ane, You may retum to the omitted 4 item latcr-Your seore will be the total number of coreet answers. & —Yournay use a silent electronic calculator, DO _NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Coen All rights reserved. Which of the following may eause soil gradation? 1. Leaching H.Stip fring HT, Watering 1X Monoculture fanning (A) Land tony (B) {Mand only (©) Utand 1Y only () Hitt andy Which ofthe following BEST describes ssbssence Frming?” ww 1B © © Lange scale for psi Providing just enough for the faeces vi family Irving Tange arms apts for example,Ftiser Involving few people aod Tage mounts of land Which ofthe following are eects of the sostngous se ete? 1 u m. W. w B © o Few ongenims inthe soit Reduced soit burns content ocr cu stractre of sil Decrease sil mineral earen and IL onty 1 it oaly {tl aad only 1M ana Whit metho of nereasng si fei has the GREATEST envzoerscntl omact? ww @ © o Adding cow manure to te soit Ploughinga cover crop ito thsi Planting pigeon peas berwcen rows ‘other cops Aad inorganis feriiser tthe soil 5 he rming ssn his EST described w & oO o spice aetoponies soariture Inydropowies Which af the sts ate coseonmeay sostainable agrcultera practices? wy eo © wo Agro forstry ‘Contour trening Intoyrated pest management ‘Monoutare Farming ana only [ettand I ealy 1A aa V only CHM and 1° Agri play an nportnt roi the ‘eurniesofvancuscoutres Which ofthe Tolle ate the MOST important cenmoric seles piped by asec? 1 a i Ww. w 1B © cy Provides form of fod security Contributes to Gross Domestic Pradoct (GDP Provides opportunity Zor sciatic ressarch Altres foreign exchange 1.ttand tt oat Lit and5¥ oy Eitan 1 only Ai tad 1 one GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ee & Which of following are DISADVANTAGES of sqaacutare? 1 f 1 ia) 1B) © or {Lanse output of potted water High yield insimallvohuue of water “Largs inputs of lod, feadand water needed Denke popalation vulnerable to lscase and I onty 4. Wand iif only Lill and tV only fu titandV 9.” Which ofthe Following may be sed in a ogra ofimtesrated pest management” 1 in. n Ay ws oO © Introduction of a non-native lndybid which eas the pest ecasional spraying of broad specteum pesticides ‘tuntsgzoFaon-erop plats berwcen crops (Use sentially engineered crops vo resist disease 1. Wand 1 only [eft and 1V ont attand TY only 1M and IV oat. an R fms 10-12 refer tothe graphhelow whieh Shows feiliser consuampdion for ‘and Jamaica forthe period 1960-2010, Forte your 1970 th diffrence fn fetter consomprion between Jamaica and Ss appronimarely (A) XO kgiectare (8) S0kwhoctare AC) FOkgrhectare (D) 100 kwhectane Which of the following statements is (A) For the period 1990 - 2000. feniliser consumption is higher or Jamaica than for Guyana, (8) Forthe period 1990-2000, feritiner ‘consunption for both counties i sticwotly proportionate. (C)_Forthe period 1990-2000, fentilisee ‘consumption for bath counties the sain, (D) Forth period 1990-2000, frtiser soncumpiion is higher for Guyana, ‘han for damien. ‘Which of the folowing processes may be linked (9 the sharp increase in fetlsee ‘consumption foe Jamaica inthe 19805? w & co Dy Salinsation Soil erosion Water logging Euatcophication GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 4 ‘Wiokler's Testis commonly used when determining the effect of w @) oO 1) salinsation Ferner ran-of sil degradation ‘easy motal comiamsination In the 19605. the “Green Revoltion” involved the widespread app ion of tnereased mechanisation, pesticide and feeliser use, a peneralinerease i fan size and widespread use of high-yield {crop vaietio. Which of the followin g ae likely 1 be somsequances oFthe ‘Groce Revolution ? w 8 ©) roy Aw increas in food production A tong-term decrease in pest activity Aloogetenm decrease soil quality ‘An inerease in agriculturat ‘rodiversity {and 1 only ‘and i only Wand TV ony land 1V oaly Which of the following is a fkely dsadvanage of the we of genetic ‘engineering ia agpiealtore? a @) © ©) Increased dependence on ‘sgrochicals| Increased need for mechanisation ‘Unanticipted seological effets ‘on natural ecosystems More. time ig needed for the production of resus 1 Which of the following isan example of renewable energy spares? a © ©) wm Coal Fos oct [Nuclear enensy Geotiermal nerey ‘The enerny that matter has because of its mass and veloc “ B) © oy Kinetic suclear poteatial chemical em 18 refers to he diagram of a wind turbine below. w ce Ho co The part labelled Pis the w B) «c generate drive shat rotor Blade lectrcal cable GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Which ofthe Following actions can increase 22. Whichof the following energy conversions th cnorgy effciensy ofa building? shows the conversion of energy in the production of electricity fram erude oil? Aligning building to maximise air Chemica — mechanical — heat + electrical ‘Chemical —+ heat ~+ mechanieat electrical ‘Heat —> chemicel —+ gechamical = electrical “Mechanical + ight + heat —+ electrical Which of the following may be done in the bome to help conscrve energy? flow a FI. Using contra ar conditioning TIL, Having large glass windows e IM. Using light coloured paints on the wall o fA) Land tonly o 4B) Uland TV only (©) 1. Ul and IV only 2) 1A, Wand rv ca Which of tie following are potential i ‘ewviroamental impacts of wind energy? u. 1b Bied kts Noise pollution IIT, Water potition se IV. Loss of biodiversity w, (A) land tf only (B) T.lland TV oaly © L.Mand tv only ” 0) Lid Mand sv o © o) 4 the Caribbean, many islands rely on the imporation of fossil fuels to generate slectriity for domestic and industrial wse, 24. Which of the following may be adopicd ‘The cost attached to this importation oF Ful can be classified as way oy © @ social regional 1 poliieat mI N w @) © ” emmniaspreone Tura off the light when net in the ‘Unplug cell pone chargers and ‘other devices when notin use. Leave on the tap while brushing ‘your teeth Do not turn off the computer Dectise it uses more enesgy ot startup. {and 1 only ‘and Ul only and 1V only Mand 1V only to premote the use of hybrid vehicles (a vehicle which uses altemative energy inthe Carbbena? (Charge no import duty on hybrid weticles Increase taxes on Fuel for raditonal vehicles Increase taxes on gas and diesel ‘engine vebicles Uperade and inerease the existing fuel stations to accommodate hybrid vehi {and 1V only I, Wand 1V only [land IV only HUA and TY GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE wer 25 = 26 reer to the diagram below luem 28 refers to the flowing pie chart ‘which shows the energy conversion in a ‘whieh reprosens slobal primary energy — sony. nnn renewables sea Wa, andre oxw sede tam (esse ain ae) e fe i ———— ‘on 25, Tho energy efficiency ofthe engine cA) 20% (B) 50% ©) 70% 28, The tou percenage of global enory (D) 100% supplied by fossil facts is wy 22% 26. The remaining 64 KW is (B) 380% © (A) sed for braking 1D) 5% (B) Tost as beat enoray {C) wed for water cooling {D) _re-cireuated into the engine tem 29 refers tothe graph below which shows the nuiber of industrial pants in five Caribbean counts 27, Water stored in a dam is an example of 0. (Ay soterencasy ie Sumber B) waterenewy 10. (C) Kinet enerey “eas (D) potential energy @ +6 29, Based on the graph, which Caribbean country will have the GREATEST demand For electricity? (A) Guyana (B) Jamaica (©) Barhados (D) Trinidad & Tobago GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE i | tem 30 refers tothe diagram below: " 20; Blectolyte ‘olaion 30, Thre diagram shoves the essential fotaees of w @B © o BL The ‘fel cll anelectric motor a clear fasion reactor sanuclear fission reactor 'ST example of point source of water pollution is wa oy © o Orme, va 3 Which designe to protect the azane layer a SB © ‘Dy storm water cory efuen acid precipitation agricultural run-of?| Osis 4 primary air pollstant in the woposmhare «secondary air pollutant in the woposphere primary aie pottutant in the stratosphere a sccondary air potlutant in the ‘strtoaphsre inernational agreement was Kyoto Protocol ‘Moniseal Protocol Basel Convention Cartagena Convention mraiaspre roa M a8, 36. lem 34 refers othe eguations elo CE. Ch Gg) Hh = CFL CLO) C+ 0.) CO) + Oe) “Tho uations abun BEST deserbe the 1A) greenbouse effect, {B)__provess of wxidation FO) process of carbonation AD) destruction oF the ezone layer On which of the following does the renicity of # substinee depen? 1. The amount of the substance the person has ingested, inhaled o¢ absorbed throug he skin WL How frequently the person is exposed to te substance ML The genetic make-up of an indivi IN. The percentage of indivaduats in the population who ure affected by the ebemical substance (A) Vand i only (8) Land tl ooty ©) 1 ttand 1V only (B) Land AY only A synergistic interaction 1A) either docresses or maltiplies the antl effect of toxin (B) is an immediate or rapid hasnt Feaetion 10 an exposure (©) eedhces the harmful effect of a toxin (©) ouipies the baroatul effect of a GOON (OTHE NEXT PAGE 37. Whichoftheollosingsetiviismayresilt 38. inan incre in poll 1 t wt. 6 w ® © o Individat Recreational Festal “Tours {ad ty and Ht ey 1nd Ul only Lu ttand iv) Which ott airing shoud be considered swhon disposing hazardous waste? Scewity of disposal site ‘fcthos of transporting the waste to disposal site ‘Weight ofthe hazardous waste Geological aciviey 1. and Il only Tittand 1V only 1 and IV onty NHL Mand iin. 38 = a0 refer tothe diagram below showing a section of «village with locations labelled (AK(B) (©)and D), 39. Which oction on the diagram isthe BEST locaton for water treatment plant dst produces potable water? 40, At sich fvaton oa the diagram wil the artes bein the HIGHEST concentration? (GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, Mr les, a farmer, uses the river which tems 44 = 48 reer to the diagram below zn throughs property for iigaton. He ‘hich shows an aquatic food chain with aspects the waters being comtainated by the mccury concentration at cach Feel. sav sewage, Which parameter will he have to mooie to determine itis suspicions arejasified? (a) ey S oo. . (D) Total suspended solids OO Phytoplankton (15). 624 sot smh thon |e a ‘hich shows the relationship between Vichemieal oxygen demand and disstoed oxygen concentrations in rivet, P10 S 4, The process sbown inthe diagram is represents vals for BOD and DO from simples at four different points along, the (A) bioremediation river, (B) — iomagaiication {C)__bieaceumsation (©) phytoremediation i 4 45. Thecomamnos eer fre merry i lar be bosch Hi w 8 Disehed een=) a ©) Which sample was MOST LIKELY takeo ‘rom the active decomposition zone? w rr) oO © noe Which sample was MOST LIKELY taken from a point im the river closest t the pollution sours? “ @ © ©) wrot IFYOU FINISH BEFORE TIME 1S CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TES Re FORMTP 2010175 restcone02220010 “MAYSUNE2010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ENVIRONMENTALSCIENCE UNIT? Paper oi 90 mates READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘Thistest consists of 4Sitems. You wil bave 90 minutes toanawerther, Tnadiicion to thieton booklet, yo should have an answer eho Exchitemin histestheas foursuggested answers letiered(A), (8) (C),(D). Read each you awahoat toanrver and decide which choice best. (Onyoaranser sheet finde number which eorespondstoyouritemandshadethespace having ‘esameleteras the answer youhaye chosen. Look atthe sample item below. Samplism Swspendedpaicilatesinwtereaise ” Yay “ Ay ask Seances (3) atatay ORG) o ®®0@ (©) baby “Thebost nswerto this item is urbiiy”s0 yu should shade answerspace(D), you wantto change your answer craseitcompletely befor you illin your new choice ‘When youare old wobegin tum thepageand workas quickly and ascarefllyas yousan Ou 90 ods af cnpeoviag 400 (uo KAY icisney m)tK0 1B) cencnion KO) utilization 1D) consversicn 16, Which ofthe following describes te term “potential energy”? 32 Anmcandesceutighatal wsetsirnighiis fass am effiicncy rating of $ per cent “The cacy ofa For every 1.99 gle ot eesivical energy 2 onaumed! by ton lb, how mst It Svoressare merge yrecuced? (2) windamitt in motion nergy soe (0) bry dis tots poniton (A) unsjouss (BBs 0;oui ule 17. Whictcithe following meserialsCANNOT iene 3 biogas biomes to make Biota? (A) Bead corns (B) Forest protivets % 2. Whichof he following every cones occurs when Braker ie wppied ant caestops? {Ad Potential > kinetic @B) Electrical 3 hinetin (C) Kinetic potential () — Kinewe > Srenics te 27 refers to the diagram below whieh showrs a winetll that is sed Ho generate sfectriity, ' \ # <= } bw ‘The fiunesion of the pur abetted "on the diagram isto convert iad energy t0 Kinetic energy: A) (B) wind energy to potential energy {C)__potentiatenergy toclectrical eneray {O) Kinetic energy to cfecirical exergy 4 ssn 88 efersto the dingramadeiowtesh sletetcansetvi the ficiency of two Bulb mes eer Beall, [en jo. Thermometer heandescent Thermometer Fluorescent Bort Box? 2 Which othe allowing procaine een frtisaeiny? 1 cearoud bere 1 Takear at dye dings, II Rend thetemmometer see fel 1M, Taveningy win thsonete pete (4) Latena tions (Kita vont &Mitaoa vey (D) Hl, tHt.and TV only stam 29 ett hele tow whieh tem 30 fers 10 the tae Delew which Sows goleo poducn at dane Bidar generion com of eesti in different pans of the developed wert. produced front naieal resources farseverst ia ee Gaibesn coun, lta (ao | Bead on L Tenmspsréay) tortor! [couguy | oan USA 99. 196, outs per kilowatt hour) cana 2 a al is fimepe ma Tar fader % Fagan, 0 33 Guyana 30 Australia on ie Jaomaies » Chine 33 45 Anvigus . 29. Which counrysecsto imports MOST 38, Which of dhe following expos ‘oil? “Trinidad has the fowest genemtion cost” (usa (A) Tecnology is avsibe M8) Chins {B) The economy js booming. iC) Japan (C) Readily availnbte saree of energy 4D) Canada 1D} Bleciricity generationis sebsidized. GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE: Aunith othe fotiowing i an ie poliweant? wy) Nise 18) Carbon dioxide (O) Nisrgen oxide (0) Struaspherie arene Which of the following meals is NOT ‘sousidersd to be 3 toxie pollutany? AL Lass ®B) Mercury ©) Cadmivis (0) Powssian Which of the following compounds is « decescary ingredient in the production of photochemical smog? (A) Nitcogen oxide (B) Sulphur dioxide {C) Carbon dioxide 4D) Carbon monoxide Accelerated eutrophicationinstreams, lakes ‘and bays will result from the introduction of (A) herbicides (B) phosphates {C) bacteria and viruses (D) acid waste and salts Which intemational negotiation resulted in an agreement io phase out chlorotluaro carbon production? (A) Basel Convention {8} Montreal Protocol {C) \ Cartagena Convention (0) Climate Change Convention 36, x» Which of the fotlowies & MOF « @ ‘vironments wifse of gzome depletion” AD Lower feos, (8) Increase i (©) Decreasedeorcenteation oF.C0,in the atmosphere ‘Whici of the following are DISADWANT: AGES of phytorcinedistion? 1. tngeets can eat the plames, HL Cheaper than conventions! iethods, MH. Plsets cannot remove contaminants present in the sol! deeper thin their roots normally grow. WY. Plants must be disposed of in x fhazardous waste landfill (A) Nand ft only (8) ttt and ttt only (© titiisngtV only ©) Lit Wand 29. tts SBIR Feet he fallowing exp iafle dontity on the level of seat fearon pe af them were close vo dee difleem tases description und weffic 3 Description of tacation 1 Amiajee highway An urban road Wit A rural, minor wad IV Middle ata national pork ‘The soot in te sir was collected by drawing Sm’ of air trough fitter at cach Ives. wn assomed thet the dark colour on the Fier was du fo the oti the air ‘One of the loestions was used at 2 control, The state of eaeh fiterufter the eamteninicnt is Swe in the diagrams, t, 1, HH una 1V xespectivel “The conclusion that ean be éraven from the experiment ie thatthe tevel of soot {A} inereases.as wail density decreases (B) _ ncreasesas unfic density increases (C) decrees asthe traffic density inereases (D) ans uo relationship with the attic density Which of the fotlowing are possible soutees of error in Uhis experiment? 1. thcorect ute of the nin aaleetion ineioument. 1 Soot ntay be produced by other sources besides vehicles, for example, Bres. U1, Dark colour on filter could be due to other things besides soot. (A) Land faaty (8) tard Ul only ) tad lif only (&) tb itand it / whieh 8 toltawing esediorshatiliatessitseantames UScontaminated with * A simple of ste from 3 ste cased cnade on? pices fat seed oa 08 4. Bioremediation wh i Dismagnification wom HI Phytosemediation a) D0 I. Bissceumalaton @ is ssh (A) bard toaty B) zed tony ©) teed 1V only ©) Liinsnaiy eee amsstina3referto the waphtclew wielshows ai polaionvendsindeveloped andsevlerins 1 pon ¥ named 2 sme Ven % s000004 2 cw i Ce a EDSen eae ot p= Yer Which statement BEST desetibes the trend shown forthe periad 1995-2000? vlad an epg coors sow deesigaouns of son: ® Poncloped commutes shoe eceesing aroun fet sions, while develoging countries: by show increasing amounts of emissions. - . Cer teow cece avout af eins wile dvcorng nts Show decrease of ein . Oe tcp coe show moresng ome of niin In which year wens emissions the LOWEST for developed countries? A 180 B) 1993 1995 {0} 2000 UsmLts FIEET Lo the graph below which Saris wath time show i Me the eects ater pation ee aaa ONE rs eas tecienath micce seen Pe ‘ - pPE 3 ¢ cevrrerss Time (98) * M4. On hich dey was the pian ecient vote ita the so? wa ® 3 3 m9 tion af algae Hams refers tothe ftlowing 1c fllowing graph which shows the changes in demity of 9 snd pond ah, The pond wes suppiedsy acommuniyawet rep x & ensity of alge population 8 (Qundved eat} Densly offs peputation (bondree/ kat!) g What is the MOST likely season forthe tea seen in dhe population variation of the fish? “The fish population decreased duc to reduced fevels of dissolved oxynen caused by sleet a) the population of algae whieh provides 78) The fish population increased dus to sn increase it ‘more food for fish. IC} The Fish population dosteated due to 3 decrease in the population of ze (©) _Thetish population inereased due ton increase ic the population of wgee whieh wrovids> more axygen for fish. . END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME §S CALLED. CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. ~ WhichofthefollowinghestheGREATEST 6, permeability? (A) Clay ®) Hummus © Loam ©) Sand ee 1, large-scale production Ti, agrochemical usage I. mechanization a (A) only ©) Landon (©) Wand Tfonly ©) LU,Mediv slash and bum 3. The use of inorganic fertilize causes ‘environmental problems ocaos they are quickly leached ot ofthe sol sae ower ectingsnd longs ating ‘Doocpesrde the ol we ames ffeve erable composiion wo @ © o “tsms4o$ refertothe folowing sustenabie practons. (A) Contour faring ‘Teracing <5 1. Boy ‘A DISADVANTAGE of adding organic fertilizers to sols is thet the (A) sol sructure is improved (©) nutrients ae rolensed (©) leaching of nutrients is reduced (D) * waterbolding capacity increases Sewage sludge would be unfit for use as fecilizet if it is contaminated with (A) heavy metals ©) nitates (© organic compounds (D) phosphates _ The gen’ for herbicide rositance can be applied ta wide range of crops. A benefit ‘of edding tis gene to crops in 2 chemical ‘weed contrel programme is that (A) alltypesof weeds willbe destroyed @)__roreweedicideshaveto be applied (©) only specific targeted weeds will be (D) weeds with the specific gone will ‘Apig farmer collects spoiled tomatoes and ‘wsesthem to fed hispigs. This sustainable (A) conservation tillage @) contourfarming (©) eroprotion ©) postharvest management ‘WhichofihefollowingisNOTanadventage faqucultare? (A) tis e reliable some of fish for ‘consumption. (B) Therwise reduction inthe demand for fish from natural soures. (©) involves te introduction ofextic species ino anew environment. 1, 2. Doly ‘NsI1_Ul refers to the following tabie which shows the contributions to GDP by the Agriculture seotor of several Caribbean countries. ‘Agriculture ~ 4 6 Dominies is [Grenada 3 Hai Ed Jamaica 3 isdad and Tobago | Tn which country does agriculture make the greatest contribution to GDP? Hi B)Anguita (©) Dominica (©) Woldad ant Tobago {tem 12 refers to the following graph which shows pesticide use and fish kills forthe period 1970-2010. west ‘Time ears) ‘The relationship between the use of pesticides and fish ill over 1970-2010 is (A) netconelated @) significantly diferent (©) directly proportional (D) inversely oroportionsl polt a4 ‘tea 3 refers to the following table which ‘Item 1S refersto the results illustrated in the shows some charscterisis of wo fam. following igure. Theresuts wereobiained Oe eu srs aero Ghana [Form [Fae fof 500-gam sample of sll taken fons tt Hand 1 Siz ofland [Oba [Ts four iferent locations Hand Size of labour force _|40 People| 3 people aH cy Marketing [Export | Central market 1004 Stems) Level of . rissa igh |Low ” ore | chy 13, Towhichofte following feming systems 7 oes Fann A belong? a (A) Maxicare q (®) _Hydroponies $9) (©) Pease faming 7 ©) Commercial fuming { * ten 14 relates to following erp which x shows how seed proucion fe plant 7 Species varied with populiton density in ‘ngmented habitat. “mv oanion fr] lew ‘Bligh 15. Whats the percentage of sand in the soil sample a Location? | wo 0 8) 2 i © » ©) 16, Whichof he fliowingillasrtes the term Popes dems acs 14 Ina fragmemed habitat sed prodotonis (8) Abody in maton ‘GREATEST with population density hat @Afworacar bul * (C) Awindmill in motion (D) Abody dts position @ tow @) high © Vy. a 1. 24 “s+ ‘Which of the following primary energy sources canbe regarded asnon-renewable? (A) Solar energy (B) Geothermal energy (C) Ocean thermal energy (D) Nuclear fission and fusion ‘A photovoltaic cell convert light energy iret t0 (A) heatenergy (B) Kinetic energy (©) electrical energy (D) potential energy ‘When hot water produced by an electricity generation plant is pumped into natural waterways, it is refered to as (A) vaporization (B) thermal polation (©) vaterenrichment (D) water contamination Which ofthe following types of energy is fossil fuel an example? A Wind @) Solar (©) Chemical (©) Hydrostecte ‘Whichorthefllowingrsicrials CANNOT bbe used as biomass to make biofuel? (A) Dead corals (B)—Forestproducts (©) Animal residues (D) Organic household waste 2 pelt ‘Whichofthe following does NOT contribute tan increase in energy efficiency? (A) Increasing the number of people ‘using public transport in Caribbean countries (®) Increasing the number of households using only compact fluorescent bulbs (©) Manufacturing refrigerators thet ‘consume less energy than those ‘manufactured in the past (D) The use of heavier materials in the manufacturing of motor vehicles Aninoandescent lightbulb used forlighting has an efficiency rating of 5 per cent. Far every 1.00 joule of elecrcal eneray ‘conaumed by this bulb, how much light energy is produced? (A) 005 joule (@) 00joule © L00joue () 105joutes tem24 refers tothe following graph which ‘hows how oll production and demand are ‘expected to change in the fare, ‘Atwhat point isthe price ofl likely to be HIGHEST? wa @® 8 poy ‘Athouse designed with windows to make isms 28-29 refer to the following ‘maximum use of sunlight for beating ian dingrams which ilustrate an activity example ofthe use of in which students are investigating the ficiency of two buts. (A) afucteet {B) active solar energy Ir © aphowovolaic et : ‘ (©) passive solar energy = nw! an Which ofthe folowing athe beoeinof agar ‘SEmeret Xemseenr Pct bling ange dams and reservoie? el 1. Disruption of migration and 2 spawning of fish a oe 1. Production of cheap electricity UW, Recreation and swimming 28, Whichofthe following the MOST likely IN. Reduction ofdownsteam flooding observation ar thes hour? — tandttonly 1A) The temperate of the sir ia Box @) Wandttt erly Tis higher than in Box 2. {© and iVenly (@) The temperature of the ai in Box ©) \ihmadv 2 is higher than in Box (© There is no change in the temperature of the air in both Which of the following are disadvantages ba of using nuclear energy? (D) The increase inthe tempernture of ‘he air in both boxes isthe zame. 1. Ris anomeenewable resource itis erenewable resource. UW. There isthe risk ofa meltdown, 29. Some ofthe precautions that are ecessary IN. Space is needed for storage of {or this atvity are 1. se canoard boxes (A) Land oaty take atleast thro readings @) Wand itt only 1M read the thermometer t eye level ©) Land WV only WV. takereadings within the same time ©) titttanatv only : A ttand tt onty (®) L.ttand tv only (©) Lthand V only (D) ti ttt and 1V only poly ‘sem 30 refers to the following figures which usta the use of various energy sources inf countries I, I and TV, _ wAiEwe Rx RS \o a 3, rs Ww ‘Which country is MOST Iely to produce long-lived hazardous wastes? wit ® wt © m o Vv Acceleratsdeutrophicationinstreams,takes 33, Which of the following metals is NOT ays wl rs rom the intdiction considered to bea toxie pollutant? (A) Cadeaium (A) herbicides ©) Lead ®) phosphates (©) Mercury (© bacteria and viewes ©) Poussium (D) acid wastes and salts 34. Photochemical smog is formed when Which ofthe following isNOTaparameter (A) nitrogen oxides react with volatile | sed to monitor waa ay? ‘organic compounds in the presence of heat and sunlight (A) Biological caygen demand (B) nitrogen oxides reat with volatile S oa organic compounds and (©) Mass per unit volume of liquid aceite {D) Tota suspended solids (©) nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides ‘are exposed to sunlight energy CD) avane resets with nemmevaeel a Poly ‘The overuse of pesticides can resuit 7 tant isrelaed to 39. Tis pesioeee apo in accumulation and magnification in ° Which of the following (A) move trough oil Statements is tue? (@) _beremoved fom the si (©) rensinin the si witiot resking (a) Magnification oceurs only in down animals. (©) break down and emai init (0) Accumulation acum inauttophs ‘only. Sediment potions exused by (©) Magnification ozcurs at higher tevls ofthe food cain (A) tie wate water (©) Accumulation our a the lowest ©) diseeecasing sents evel ofthe food chai. (©) reese of ested waste water ©) Castine putes temsde-41refrtotheable below which sms_ 37-38 refer to the following shows somemajortypésof water pollution. erm useing « simple patway Shrowgh which sr plluans move om [Catggy [amples [Soares one sea another Tntecoos |X Taman and anal = os yr Yat smo [nd ooo six mets [Rosold leaors y Salant [Soi ait [2 4. Caegny Yin MOST ety tobe called fh ibe Be ‘What categories of pollutant ae located at Points X and ¥ ifthe pollutant at X reacts ‘with another chemical in the atmosphere toform ¥? w ®) x ¥ Primary Secondary Persistent Primary (©) Secondary Primary (D) Secondary Persistent ‘What form of carbon compound is MOST Tikely tobe released at Point X? (A) Carbonic acids (B) Carbon monoxide a. (A) organic chemicals (B) _inorgani chemicals (©) volaite organic compounds (©) volatile inorganic compounds Zis MOST ftely be (a) reno @) ewvage © Retlier (©) landerosion 2, poly “9. ‘Which of the following are DISADVANTAGES of phytoremediation? L 0 m, wv, “@ ® © ©) Insects can eat the plans. ‘Cheaper than conventional methods. Plants cannot remove contaminants present in the soil deeper than their roots normally grow. Plants must be disposed of in a hazardous waste landfill. Land I only 1, ff and 1 only [Hand IV only 11M and tv ‘tem 43 refers tothe following graph which shows the changes in density of a population of algae ‘and pond fish. The pond water is supplied by a community river. . Which of the following statements BEST describes the vatiations of the algae population?” “ ® © ®) Increases sharply after the fish population decreases below 200/kmn* Decreases from 400 to 0 per square kilometre Decreases significantly while the fish population decreases Decreases significantly as the density of the fish increases above 100 km? poly -10- ASR 45 eferto he flowing gph which tows one consents fer the paid ai i : ae ie Yer ‘Which siatement about ozone concentration BEST describes his graph? (A) Generally inereased over the petiod (B) Generally decreased over the period (©) Pluctuated dratielly over the pared (D) Remained fairly constant over the period ‘What was the ozone concentration in 19557 (A) 090 ppm @B) 095 ppm (© 099 ppm ©) 1.00pm END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TES: Caribbean Examinations Councit ‘Master Data Sheet Subject: CAPE Eavcoamental Seen “Question [Rey L i | i ome ioe I je aA Fe cnnal neal 7 i) 1p f— po : 3 = Be 1s 5 Fel ys Be: € aot

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