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Online Seatwork 2

Statistical Analysis
Name: CRUZ, CRIZZALYN Section: ACT-183 Date: JANUARY 21, 2021

Given the frequency distribution table are the prices of gas of a sample of 30 gas stations being


Gas prices ( in pesos) Number of Gas stations

X f Xm f (Xm Cf <

41 – 45 4 43 172 4

46 – 50 8 48 384 12

51 – 55 10 53 530 22

56 – 60 16 58 928 38

61 – 65 2 63 126 40

a. Determine the class marks for each class interval.

Xm = 43, 48, 53, 58, 63

b. Construct the cumulative frequency less than.’

Cf <= 4, 12, 22, 38, 40

c. Compute the mean, median and mode of the given frequency distribution table

Mean = 2140/40 =53.50

Median Class: n/2 = 40/2= 20th term


M = 50.5 +(20-12)/10 * 5

=50.5 + 8/10* 5

= 50.5+ 4



Z = 55.5 + (16-10 / 2*16 – 10-2)* 5

= 55.5 + (6/20)* 5

= 55.5 + (6/2)* 5

= 57

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