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Instruction for Operation and


Diesel Engine Screw Air Compressor

Shanghai Denair Compressor Co.,Ltd

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In this specification,there are safety notice,function of every system,operation and

maintenance of single stage compression diesel engine screw air compressor of Denair.

Before the operation and maintenance,the operator should read the specification carefully

to understand the structure,function and safety notice.

With ceaseless improvement,the contain of the specification may differ from the product’s

actual circs for some periods.So please pay special attention on it.

If some unclear questions which are not mentioned in this specification during the

operation and maintenance,please connect directly with DENAIR.We will try our best to

provide your new solutions.

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1. Brief instruction
2. Sling and installation
3.Traction and stop
4.Dangerous of pressure
5.Fire and blast
6.Portable parts
7.High temperature surface and pointedness
8.Virulence and irritative
9.Get the electric shock
10.Twist accidental
11.Power on of striding
II.The main techno parameter
1. The main techno parameter
2. Model and the meaning
III. System and the components
1.The working principle of oil injection screw air compressor
2.System flow
1).Air flow
2).Lubricating oil flow
3).Oil flow
3.Running of compressor
IV.Operation guidance
1.Sling and transport
3.Provide of storage battery
4.Examination of every opening
5.Power on
6.Power off
7.Notice during running
8.Measure of long term stop
V.Maintenance and Examination
1.Safety alarm
2.Daily maintenance
3.Maintenance of running the first 50hours
4.Maintenance of every 200hours
5.Maintenance of every 500hours

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1.Brief instruction
The DENAIR products can run safely and reliable cause of they are designed and
produced elaborately.However,safe running also need the operator to insure.If the following
notices are abided carefully,it can knock down the accidence to the lowest point.

Only the disciplinal and accredited person can operate the compressor.Beofore
operation,they should read and understand the specification carefully.If not,it may result
accidence and death.

Can not power on the machine in unsafe state.If the problem has happen,do not try to
open it but to power off and mark on to mention other people.

The compressed air is dangerous.Only confirm that the compressed air is released can
maintain the compressor.

The installation,operation and maintenance must abide to the correlative law and

Do not change the inner component and controlling method unless the manufacturer
accredit written.

Make sure the daily maintenance daily examination,check whether there is leakage and
the parts loosen or loosed.If there is,dispose it quickly.

Protection of workers.

Before the installation and operation,all the workers should know and obey the operated
course and local law.


2.1 The sling equipment should suit and be accord with the local safety criterion.
2.2 Before sling,exam the sling frame,slinger ring and the bolt,nut.
2.3 Take away or fix up all the lose parts.Fix up the door and pull pole and so on.
2.4 Use rope to tract the machine to avoid it circumvolves or rocks.
2.5 Do not sling the machine when the wind is big
2.6 The height should not be too high
2.7 The speed of speed-up and speed-down should be in the allowance bound
2.8 The slinger should not leave away after slinged up.

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2.9 Rest and stop in the danger area is forbidden.
2.10 Insure the supported capability when choosing the place to put the compressor.

3.Traction and stop

3.1.Preparation before traction

A. Check the tractive pole ',pull ring of the compressor and the linker of the
tractoris firm.
B. Make sure the linker of the tractor and the compressor can connect horizontally.
C. Make sure the linker is jointed completely and locked.
D. Exam the pressure ofthe w. re. the gear axle and the fixed bolt is tight.
E. Make sure all the doors and covers of toolbox are locked.
F. Make sure there is no people in the machine before close the door.
G. Before track on the downhill path, fore-adjust the brake equipment.

3.2. Traction
A. Do not tract the machine when the grade of the path is bigger then 15°.
B. Obey the local Highway Code.
C. No matter when goes ahead or backward,the machine should not exceed the freely
turning angle.
D. Do not drive on the unflat road or sofi ground.
E. Over speed moving is forbidden.
F. The compressor can not carry person.
G. Do not stand or walk between the compressor and the tractor.

3.3. Place of compressor

A. The place that put the compressor must be flat.
B. Exam the place whether can support the weight of compressor.
C. Choose the wind direction when placing the compressor. Make sure the exhaust gas
and heat which exhausted by the diesel engine can be taken away by the wind.
D. There should be enough space for maintenance and heat dispelled around the
compressor. Meanwhile, the air of the place should be clean.
E. Placed on the shadow when summer to avoid the sun irradiate directly.
F. Adjust the brake.
G. Put some wooden board under the wheel of the two sides to avoid the compressor
H. Put some notice or alarm-light beside the road to avoid the traffic accidence.

4. Dangerous of pressure

4.1. Open the safety valve each week to ensure there is no block,distortion and failure ofit.
4.2, The highest pressure of pneumatic allowance should be higher than the rated exhaust
pressure of compressor.

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4.3. The size of pipe passage,valve and other equipment should be proper and installed
according to the working pressure requirements.

4.4. Can not add the outside force to the entrance valve of the compressor.

4.5. When connect or disassemble the plastic pipe, close the air vent valve of the compressor.
Make sure the pipe unload completely when disassemble and the other opened end is closed
when load.

4.6. Only can inject oil when the compressor does not work and load all the

4.7. Unload before open any pipe passage,equipment,stopple,joint and oil filter .

4.8. Do not play with the compressed air.

5. Fire and blast

5.1. Put on steam on the maintenance stop or the special gas station. Or else, earth the
compressor and the greaser.

5.2 When the lubricating oil or other tinder spill out, clean away it immediately.

5.3. When exam and add lubricating oil or coolant, the fire must be isolated. All of these must
be done after the machine powered off and cooled.

5.4. It is forbidden that any liquid include coolant to gather on any place of the outer cover and
the inner or outer surface of the machine. Cleaning with the liquid depurative but not be
flammable. Disassemble the outer cover when it is necessary and change it ifit is disrepair.

5.5. Power off before any maintenance or cleaning.

5.6. Maintain all the electrical wires ,electrical joints and pressure joints are OK and clean.
Exchange if there is any disrepair.

5.7. Power off the storage battery before any maintaining and clearing

5.8. Metal tools and other electric tools may lead short circuit to produce electric arc between
the anode and the ground to cause fire.

5.9. Do not try to weld or maintain the destroyed oil box and oil pipe but to exchange them. If
you know some leakage of lubricating oil. don't run the compressor.

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5.10. Disassemble all the isolator to avoid damaged by the heat before welding.

5.11. Provide some fire extinguisher before maintaining and operating the compressor.

5.12. Clean away the rag which contains some oil,rubbish and other tinder around the

5.13. Open the doors to ventilate to avoid the flammable steam gathering.

5.14. When operate the compressor in forest, make sure that do not put the machine under the
low-lying branches to prevent it from contacting with the scorching exhaust gas.

5.15. Some antifreeze contains the flammable carbine. When use or add this antifreeze, make
sure the ventilation is OK and isolate the fire. This system which uses this antifreeze can not
expose m the circumstance where the temperature is higher than 66℃. The steam's proportion
of this antifreeze is bigger than air's, so don't put this product in the bad ventilation place.
Meanwhile, make sure the sunshine can not irradiate it directly.

5.16. All the flammable liquid must be put in the place that is lono distance from the working
place. Know the depositary.the mode and the using method of the fire extinguisher.

6. The portable parts

6.1. Your hands,arms. bodies and the other parts of your body as well as your clothes do not
contact the fan and other portable parts.

6.2. Do not run the compressor when disassemble the fan and other protected

6.3. Wear the tight clothes and wrap you hair x\hen working especially nearby
the high temperature surface or portable pans.

6.4. The doors of the machine should be closed when unmaintenance.

6.5. Make sure there is no person in the machine before power on.

6.6. Adding diesel oil .coolant.lubricating oil and exchanging the storage battery ,aether tank
after power off.

6.7. Power off the storage battery before any maintenance and mark on it to prevent
re-connected by somebody who does not know.

6.8. Keep the controlling element and the ground around the machine clean.

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7. High temperature surface and pointedness

7.1. Do not contact the high temperature oil .coolant and the surface. Pay special attention not
to touch the acuti-verge.

7.2. Do not stand by the vent of diesel engine or compressor.

7.3. Wearing the exposure suit.olive and armet before maintaining or operating.

7.4. Provide the first-aid kit.

8. Virulence and irritative

8.1. The compressed air can not used for breath.

8.2. Only running the compressor outdoors or in the well ventilated place.

8.3. Considering the place where is used to install the compressor, do not breathe in the
exhaust gas and other virulent gas.

8.4. If the machine works indoors, exhaust the as from diesel engine outdoors. Pay attention to
the direction of wind when stopping to avoid the exhaust gas of diesel engine being breathed
in by works or compressors.

8.5. Avoid the fuel,lubricating oil,antifreeze to contact skin or be swallowed, if

these happen, swash by suds or help to doctor.

8.6. When maintain the storage battery. bearing the acid proof apron and veil. If the electrolyte
spills on skin or clothes, swash by large amount of water.

8.7. Wearing the veil and apron when exam the storage battery and add antifreeze to the
system. Make sure the valve is opened when power on .Does not aim the spray rod at people
or oneself.

8.8. If the aether or antifreeze spills to eyes, swash by large amount of water and help to doctor
at once.

8.9. Do not store the aether in or around the workroom.

8.10. The antifreeze contains carbine and the carbine is dangerous. It is necessary to avoid it
contact your skin and eyes. It is also necessary to avoid breathing in the stream of it. If swallow
in by carelessness, Iay the person flatly, cover his eyes and help to the doctor immediately.

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8.11. The aether is dangerous; swallow Iarge amount of it may cause death. It is
necessary to avoid to contact the skin ,eyes and be swallowed.

9.get the electric shock

9.1. The machine,tools and works must keep away from the electrical wire at lest

9.2. Take care of the expose end of the electrical wire. Stand on insulator when maintain and
adjust this part. Look care, don't wet your shoes.

9.3. Choose the clean,dry and ventilate place to maintain.

9.4. Keep away from compressor when thunder.

10.Twist accidental

The door should be close. Make sure there is no person in compressor. If the compressor is
large enough and it is necessary to maintain in compressor, the operator should be told that
tliere is somebody in compressor.

11. Power on of striding

11.1. Read the above safety notice of this instruction before this step. This step is just an
emergent measurement when the storage battery is not enough to satisfy the

11.2. The storage battery contains hydrogen; there must be no fire around the

11.3. The electrolyte of the storage battery is very corrosive and poisonous, so the electrolyte
can not contact people's eyes,skin and fiber surface. By the way, wear acid proof 'apron and

11.4. Take off the ventilative cover of the storage battery and don't let the dust and other
sundries fall into the battery.
11.5. If the electrolyte is not enough, please add.

11.6. Battery system of' the power supply vehicle should be the same as the machine as well
as the supply voltage and the volume should be enough. If you use the dynamotor,electric
welding machine or other DC power supply, it may cause accidents.

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11.7. The striding electrical xvire should clean and the rated current should be larger than the
power on current,.

11.8. Prevent the joint end of electrical wire to contact accidentally with other metal to produce
electric arc to cause fire.

11.9. Generally speaking. the anode of storage battery is marked with“+” and "POS", the
cathode is marked with“-” and “ENG”.

11.10. Power on the machine by normal steps, look care, do not power on sustained.

11.11. Warm-up the diesel engine and run on the low speed disassemble the cathode end of
electrical wire as well as the other end of the electrical wire. Finally, disassemble the anode
end of the poxver supply vehicle. Remove the electrical wire away carefully and recover the
ventilaire cover of battery.

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III.System and the components

1. Working principle of oil injection screw air compressor

1.1. Suction stroke
The screw air compressor is adjusted by opening or closing an air inlet check valve. When
the teeth-ditch space of the two rotors rotates to the air inlet end the space is the biggest, the
outside air is sucked into the vacuum teeth-ditch space after it is full of air, and the rotor's air
inlet end will rotate away the air inlet port and seal the space. This is called the course of

1.2. Sealing and transit stroke

After the suction stroke finished, the teeth-peak part of the rotors will seal with the
machine cover and the air in the teeth ditch space will not out flow. This is the course
of;'sealing:'. The two rotors go on rotating and their teeth ditch and teeth peak will integrate
together at the suction end and the matching surface will rotate towards the exhausted end
gradually. This is called transit course.

1.3. Compressing and oil injecting stroke

In the course of transit, the matching surface moves to the exhausted end, the air between the
matching surface and the discharge port is compressed gradually and the pressure rises up
quickly. This is called compressing course and during this course the lubricating oil is injected
into the compressing chamber and mixed with the air forced by the pressure.

There are four function of oil injecting;

1.3.1. Lubricating function: the lubricating oil can firm the oil film between the rotors to avoid
the contraction of rotors and reduce the friction.

1.3.2. Cooling function: cause of the lubricating oil absorbs a large amount of compressed heat
to ensure the compressing stroke closes to the isothermally compress, meanwhile, this
function reduces the ratio of driven.

1.3.3. Sealing function: the oil film which produced by lubricating oil can seal the compressed
air which improves the efficiency of the cubage.

1.3.4. Lower the noise: oil injection can reduce the noise which caused by the high frequency
compress of the two rotors.

1.4. Exhausted stroke

When the rotor's exhausted end joints with the machine cover (now the pressure is the
highest), the compressed air begins to be exhausted. till the matching surface moves to the
exhausted end, and there is no teeth-ditch space at this time, this is the exhausted stroke and

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at the same time the teeth-ditch distance between the matching surface and the air inlet port is
the longest. From now on, a new compressed circle starts.

2. Flow chart of system

2.1. Flow passage of system

The main air flow passage is coruposed by air filter,air inlet valve.screw air-end,oil & air
separator ( include oil separator core),minimum pressure valve.The outer air is filtered away
the dust,sundries by the air filter and enters into the inspiratory chamber of screw air-end
through the air inlet, then mixed with the injected lubricating oil during the compressing course.
The compressed mixture is entering into the oil & air chamber, 99% 011 is separated from it,
and then separated by the oil separator core the clean compressed air passes through the
minimun pressure valve to enter into the circular system.

2.1.1. Air filter

The air filter is a dry paper filter; the filter hole is about loum. Its main function is to filter the
dust in the air.

2.1.2. Air inlet valve

The air inlet valve is a dishing valve. To control the dish opening,half opening and closing
to adjust the volume of the suction. This function can save the energy sources.

2.1.3. Screw air-end

The teeth-ditch space of the two rotors will change along with the turning of the rotors to
finish the suction,compression and exhaustion of the air. Meanwhile, the lubricating oil is
sprayed into the compressed chamber to mix with the air forced by the pressure gap. Then the
mixture will be exhausted into the oil & air separator.

2.1.4. Oil& air separator

It is necessary to use oil & air separator to reduce the cose of the lubricating oil during the
air exhaustion and the operation. The mixture which comes from the air-end enters into the oil
& air separator, according to the mechanical hnpactive method to separate a majority of
lubricating oil. Then, the separated mixture enters into the fine oil separator in a low speed to
separate the rudimental lubricating oil more by the method which is called the affinity

2.1.5. Minimum pressure valve

The separated & clean compressed air passed through the minimum pressure valve to the
circular system. The settled pressure is about 0.45Mpa of the minimum pressure valve, the
main function of the minimum valve is as following:
A. Provide the necessary pressure to ensure the Iubricating-circle can work prior to other
systems when the machine started.
B. The oil & air chamber will not work until the pressure reaches 0.45Mpa, this function can
reduce the ilo wing speed of the air through the oil separator core. Except to insure the
separated effect of the oil separator core, it is also can protecl the core from being damaged

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by the too big pressure gap.
C. Retaining function: to prevent the air in the pipe passage to flow back cause of the lowing
pressure after the machine power off.
2.2. Air passage control system
This system is composed by the load-unload switch valve,reverse valve,relief valve,servo
cylinder of the air inlet valve,servo cylinder of the diesel engine gun and safety valve.

2.2.1. Load-unload switch valve

This is a manual valve and it unloads when startup and stop. However, it loads when
working, according to proportion valve ,servo cylinder to control air inhale valve and gun of
diesel engine automatically. Meanwhile, it will adjust air delivery automatically too.

2.2.2. Direct proportion valve

The working specialty of the direct proportion valve is: when the pressure of the entered
controlling air (input pressure) is lower than some settled pressure (normally is the necessary
working pressure), the output pressure is zero, when the input pressure is higher than the
settled pressure, this valve will have actions: the higher the input pressure , the higher the
output pressure. And the output pressure will decide the retractility of servo cylinders.

2.2.3. Servo cylinders of the air inlet valve and the diesel engine gun
The servo cylinder is the executive organ. The servo cylinder of the air inlet valve controls
the dish of air inlet valve to open or close according to the output pressure of the proportion

2.2.4. Relief valve

The relief valve is installed behind the oil separator core. before the minimum pressure
valve and it is controlled by the pressure of air inhale port of air end. When the compressor
works, the pressure of this port is zero or vacuum. However. when the compressor stops
working, the check valve on the air inlet valve will close quickly to seal the refulgent
compressed air in the oil & air separator, and then there is pressure in the air inlet port of the
screw air-end. This pressure helps to open the unloading channel of the relief Valve and the
compressed air in the oil & air separator will be released. This is the necessary of the next
unload start-up as well as the oil addition and other maintenance.

2.2.5. Safety valve

The safety valve is the part that to ensure the machine runs safely, it does not work when
the machine works normally. If the safety valve acts curatively check the reason and get rid of
on time (for example, the air inlet adjuster or the diesel gun is unuseful). For the large exhaust
volume air compressor, if the air consumption decreases to zero, the speed of the pressure
increases exceeds the speed of the adjuster acts, the safety valve starts to unload.
The safety valve is adjusted before delivery, so please don't adjust it at your willing.
The checked measurement is to pull up the unloaded pole when the compressor fully
loaded, regards the safety valve is normal if it can exhaust normally.

2.3. 011 passage system

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The lubricating oil flow in the no-oil pump system depends on the exhaust pressure of the
compressor and the pressure gap of the air-end's oil spray head. When the machine is running,
the lubricating oil in the oil & air chamber passes through the temperature monitor valve to the
oil cooler force by the pressure gap.
After being cooled, the lubricating oil passes by the oil filter to filter the impurity. The
majority of the lubricating oil is sprayed into the compressed chamber and the other flows to
the bearing,the shaft sealing and so on to lubricate ,seal,cooling and lower the noise . Finally,
all the lubricating oil mixed with the compressed air to flow into the oil & air tank to separate the
large majority of the lubricating oil for repetitive using. The other lubricating oil which is
separated by the oil separator core is also leaded back to the air inlet port.

2.3.1. Oil cooler

The oil cooler cooling the repetitively used lubricating oil. The cooling plate of the oil cooler
is very easy to be mantled by dust to influence the cooling action; this may lead to stop for the
high exhaust temperature. So blow or clear the cooling plate regularly to insure the cooling

2.3.2. Oil filter

The oil filter is a paper filter. its function is to filter the impurity such as metal mote,the
lubricating oil impurity and so on to protect the bearing and the rotors run normally. The filter
hole is l0u~15u. The oil filter is one-off expendable. If the oil filter is blocked and not exchanged
on time, this may lead to the volume of the oil inlet is not enough and the exhaust temperature
increase or else, to stop.Meanwhile, no-enough oil also leads to reduce the life of the air-end's

2.3.3.Oil & air chamber

The oil & air chamber is also called the oil & air separator. In this part, the lubricating oil is
separated from the oil & air mixture by the mechanical impactive method. There is an oil-level
on the oil & air chamber and under the oil & air chamber there is a hole to drain the coagulate
water (for the water is heavier than the oil, so the water is under the oil). On top of the chamber,
there is a hole which is used for adding oil.

2.3.4. Oil separator core

This part is also called the fine oil separator which use the affinity coalescence method to
separate the rudimental lubricating oil farther. The oil separator core is made of multilayer
close fiberglass; the mist which is contained in the compressed air passes through the oil
separator core can be filtered completely. The diameter of the oil granule can be controlled
under O.lum, and the oil content can be controlled under 5ppm. The small quantity of the
lubricating oil which separated by the oil separator core is gathered in the chute under the core
and the lubricating oil will be leaded back to the air inlet port by the return check valve.Normally,
the oil separator core can be used for 500-1000 hours under normal working states. However,
the quality of the lubricating oil and the polluted degree of the circumstance can influence the
life of the oil separator core. If the circumstance is polluted seriously, it is necessary to install a
prepositive air filter. For the choosing of' the lubricating oil, it is must use the special lubricating
oil which is recommended by our company.

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Generally speaking, the oil separator core is wether damaged or nor can be judged by the
following method:
a. Use the switched valve to check the pressure gap of the oil separator core, if the pressure
gap exceeds 0.1 Mpa, please check.
b. Wether the oil volume of the air pipe passage increases or not.

2.3.5. Temperature monitor valve

Some types are installed the temperature monitor valve before the oil cooler. the function of
this valve is to keep the exhaust temperature of the air-end is up the pressure's dew point to
avoid the water vapor coagulating in the oil & air chamber to emulsive the lubricating oil . When
the machine powers on, the temperature of the lubricating oil is very low, at this time the spur
track of the temperature monitor valve is opened and the return passage closes. The oil does
not pass by the oil cooler but enters into the air-end directly. When the temperature of' the
Iubricating oil raises up to70'C , the temperature monitor valve opens generally to the access
of the oil cooler , when reaches 760C , the temperature monitor valve opens completely. At this
time, the lubricating oil will pass through the oil cooler and then enters into the air-end.

3. JCD-900 monitor of diesel engine screw compressor

3.1. JCD-900 monitor of diesel engine screw compressor ( the following we will call it short for
monitor) is a completely automatically diesel driven system which is controlled by a
microcomputer, use the newest MCU and advanced corralling technic that can exam precisely
and show the run no speed ,oil pressure,water temperature of the diesel engine and the
exhaust temperature,exhaust pressure of compressor. According to customer's enactment, the
controller can alarm.

3.2. Characteristic
3.2.1. Advanced microcomputer controlling with high-powered.
3.2.2. Check and display parameters of diesel engine air compressor.
3.2.3. Use advanced controlling technic to improve the reliability of diesel engine air
3.2.4. Disturb proof capability.
3.2.5. Working in bad circumstance, even if moist day.
3.2.6. Convenient installment and operation.

3.3. Main techno-index

3.3.1. Working circumstance
a. Temperature of working circumstance: -30℃ ~ +80 ℃; relative humidity: ≤98%; aseismatic
performance: > 4g
b. Libration: 2-25Hz, swing: 1.6mm, 25-100Hz; acceleration: ±40mm/S2.

3.3.2. Running speed examination

a. Examination scope: 0-9999r/min

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b. Error of examination: .<± 1r/min (more than 60 teeth)
c. The highest signal frequency: 50 KHz
d. Sensor: reluctance running speed sensor

3.3.3. Examination of pressure

a. Scope of examination: oil pressure: 00.0~1.00Mpa;
b. b. Precision of examination: 0.5 D
c. Sensor: HUBA high temperature 4-20mA pressure sensor

3.3.4. Examined scope and precision of temperature

a. Show scope: -50℃~+150℃;
b. Precision of examination: 0.5 D
c. Sensor: Cu50 resistance sensor

3.3.5. Examination of fuel oil-level

a. Examination scope: -500C~+iso'c;
b. Precision of examination: 0.5 D
c. Cu50 resistance sensor

3.3.6. Checking of oil filter block and generator.

3.3.7. Running time time scope: 0-9999 hours.

3.4. Function
3.4.1 .Indicator light
Charging light: this light indicates the working state of generator, so this light will be not on
unless the generator stops or damaged.
Oil level indicate light: it will be on when oil level is too low.
Alarm light: the parameter exceed the settled value
Running light: the diesel engine starts up successfully.
Stop light: the machine stops successfully.
Startup light: the machine starts up successfully.
Oil filter indicate light: it will work when the oil filter blocks.

3.4.2. Key
Stop: the stop button. Press this button, the micro monitor sends the stop single.
Startup: startup button. Press this button, the micro monitor sends the startup single, when the
diesel engine starts up successfully, it will cut the return circuit automatically.
Restoration key: put this key to return to the normally working interface.
Silencing key: when the alarm rings, press this button to close the alarm.
Self examination: when the running speed is zero, press this button the machine will exam
Time: press this button to show the running time on the micro display: for 1 ~2 seconds to
show the running speed value automatically.

3.4.3. Settle parameters

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All the parameters of the compressor are settled already and they are not need to be changed
generally. If customers need to exchange the parameters,please according to controlling the
above keys to finish. The steps if as follow:
a). Code validate:according to controlling the self examination key to input data form O t0 9 to
enter into parameters amending interface.
b). Parameter settle
c). Meanings of every parameter
P01: code User's initial password:0000, Manufacturer password:1988
P02: number of gears test running speed of gear
P03: running speed of startup. When the diesel engine running in high speed, startup
signal will be locked.
P04: pressure of running speed, which running speed of diesel engine is lower than this
speed, there is no need io dispose the low oil pressure.
P05: rated running speed of diesel engine.
P06: alarm value of running speed;
P07: stop value of running speed;
P08: alarm value of oil pressure;
P09: stop value of oil pressure;
Pl0: alarm value of water temperature;
P11: stop value of water temperature;
P12: alarm value of exhaust pressure;
P13: stop value of the exhaust pressure;
P14: alarm value of exhaust temperature;
P15: stop value of exhaust temperature;
P16: alarm value of oil-level;
Pl7: stop value of oil-level;
P18: load pressure and discharge pressure
P19: pot life;
P20: date of manufacture;

3.5. Operation
Power on and the monitor starts to monitor. Start up the diesel engine, the compressor
starts working normally. According to the load-unload switched valve to control load and
unload of compressor. Check the running speed,oil pressure,water temperature of diesel
engine and the exhaust temperature,exhaust pressure of compressor on time. When these
parameter reach the settled value. The monitor will alarm, please check. Disposal all the
troubles before startup if stop abnormally

4. Running circular of compressor

4,1. Startup
(1). Before startup: the air end load-unload switch valve powers off. Meanwhile gun on the
lowest level.

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(2). When the diesel engine starts up , the compressor sucks air from the air inlet valve to
establish the pressure for lubrication in the air & oil chamber quickly, this action will lead the air
inlet valve to close the minimum gun of the diesel engine. The compressor will not exhaust
before unloading.

4.2. Loading
4.2.l.Turning load-unload valve to load manually and the channel of switch valve closes. The
pressure in air & oil tank can be outputted by direct proportion valve and enters in to cylinder of
air inhale valve and gun cylinder to open the air inhale valve as well as gun to run amain.
4.2.2. The pressure in the air & oil chamber rises quickly when it reaches the settled value of
the minimum pressure valve, the valve opens to supply pressure air forth.

4.3. Nonpolar adjusting of air volume

4.3.1. Before the working pressure if higher than settled pressure of direct proportion valve, the
output pressure of proportion valve is zero and air inhale valve open totally. However, gun
cylinder loses pressure leads the diesel engine runs amain.
4.3.2. When working pressure reaches settled pressure of direct proportion valve, the larger
the working pressure, the larger the output pressure of direct proportion valve, the air inhale
valve will turn down until close totally goes with the raises pressure generally. However, the
pressure rises generally in gun cylinder leads the diesel engine runs in low speed.
4.3.3. When system pressure lower then settled pressure of direct proportion valve, the servo
cylinders of air inhale valve and diesel engine will keep the air delivery of compressor the same
with customers' requirement.

4.4. Unload and stop

4.4.1. Manually unload before stop: turning switch valve to unload, pressure in oil & air tank
enters into cylinder of air inhale valve and gun cylinder by switch valve to close the air inhale
valve and gun. Then open air exhaust valve to reduce pressure in air & oil tank until the min.
4.4.2.Push down the stop button, diesel engine and compressor stop.Check valve on air inhale
valve will close quickly, the pressure which is established by refluent pressure from air & oil
tank will help to open relief valve to release pressure in air & oil tank. This is necessary for next
startup as well as other check works.

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IV.Operation guidance

1. Sling and transit

1.1 . The supporting clamp under compressor cover. To make sure the sling equipments are
reliable before slinging.
1.2. Do not add some other things, especially the heavy ting into compressor; this may Iead
the slinging unbalance.
1.3. The acceleration and speed-down must in the safety bound.
1 .4. Rest or stop in sling area is strictly forbidden.
1.5. Wherever the compressor runs, do not let the tractive pole and connective equipment to
exceed their carrying capacity.
1.6. The tractive speed should lower then l0km/h.
1.7. Be transited by other track when it is needed to transit long distance.

2. Storage

2.1. Compressor must be stopped on flat ground. The maximal gradient is 15°.
2.2. Put small chocks under the two sides of every wheel to avoid the corupressor moves.
2.3. Install the compressor in clean place as possible when works in dusty.
2.4. The operated place must be ventilative and commodious.
2.5. To prevent suck in hot air, the air inlet port of compressor and vent of diesel engine can not
nearly to barrier.

3. Provide of storage battery

3.1. Connect the pole and do not screw down the screw nail.
3.2. Power on the diesel engine, running at lest for 10 minutes.
3.3. In order to use the storage battery rightly, it is recommended to electricity for more than 2
hours. After the new battery be installed. it is necessary to run the compressor for a long time.

4. Examination before every startup

4.1. Open the drain valve under air & oil tank before powering on to drain out the condensate.
Close it quickly once there is oil flows out.
4.2. Check and clear the air filter: clear the dust box of air filter. At lest twice every week, take
out the core of air filter and clean away the dust by low pressed
4.3. Check the level of coolant.
4.4. Check the oil-level of lubricating oil in diesel engine: the oil-level should between the up

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and down scale.
4.5. Check the electrolyte level: the level should up the pole 10~15 mm.
4.6. Check the lubricating oil-level: the lubricating oil level should on the up scale of the
oil-level gauge.
4.7. Check the fuel oil-level: add clean fuel of right brand when it is not enough, please use
filter net and pay attention to fire.
4.8. Check wether the wires of storage battery are connected rightly or not.
4.9. Clean away the water and deposit in the oil filter and exhaust the air in low-pressure oil
4.10. Adding to the air inlet valve of compressor for 0.5L before testing to prevent the
compressor being damaged course of lacking lubrication.
4.11. Check the exhaust pipe passage is expedited or not.

5. Power on and running

5.1. Make sure the load-unload switch valve on unloaded scale before pressing down the
power switch.
5.2. Press down start-up button for 2 seconds, the solenoid valve switches on and diesel
engine runs on its lowest speed. Compressor sucks from the hole of air inlet valve's dish and
establishes pressure in air & oil tank.
5.3. When the exhaust pressure exceeds 0.2Mpa, turn the loaded button to loaded place and
the compressor starts to load, the pressure rises quickly. Once the pressure reaches the
settled value of minimum pressure valve, the minimum pressure valve opens and starts to
supply compressed air. Then compressor enters into normally working states.
5.4. Check the adjusted system of air volume: the settled pressure of direct proportion is the
rated pressure of compressor, when system pressure reaches this value, the servo cylinder of
air inlet valve and servo cylinder of gun extend forward automatically and running speed of
diesel engine lowers. When pressure rises to some value. the diesel engine runs on its lowest
running speed. After pressure reduces, the two servo cylinders will contract automatically, and
then the diesel engine will run acceleration to keep the pressure steadily.
5.5. Notice: if the pressure that you need is lower than the rated exhaust pressure, it is advice
that adjust the direct proportion valve low properly. this can save
5.6. Notice: if the max air consumption smaller than the rated exhaust pressure, it
is advice to adjust the gun of diesel engine low which also can save energy.

6. Stop

6.1. Manually unload before stop: turn the switch valve to unloaded scale. the air inlet valve
closes automatically.
6.2. When the exhaust pressure reduces t0 0.5Mpa or lower, press down stop button for 2
seconds, the diesel engine stops and compressor stops running.Pressure in air & oil valve is
released when relief valve opens automatically.

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7. Notice during running

7.1. Do not run the compressor in unrated condition without allowance. ( such as
pressure,temperature and running speed).
7.2. Stop compressor at once when there is any exceptional noise,vibration or any other
abnormal circs which shows the inner of machine is too hot. So please stop compressor when
this happens.
7.3. All the doors except the backdoor should be closed. Just when examination can open
these doors for a short.
7.4. There is pressure in pipe passage and tank. so don't loose any pipe ,stopple or any other
unnecessary valve.
7.5. If' can not see the oil-level in oil-level gauge when running, stop until the inner pressure is
zero. aeld oil to the up scale.
7.6. Monitor the compressor when testing. After trus, to check oil-level gauge every two hours
during running, record every parameter for later maintenance and examination.

8. Items of periodic examination

All the safety equipments are working well.

All the protect we equipments are on there own place.
AIl the hose and metal pipe are working well. Especially when the high pressure oil sprayed on
high temperature surface of diesel engine may due to burnt.
There is no leakage of fuel lubricating oil and coolant.
The fan :en belt of diesel engine is tightened properly.
All the screw nails are screwed down.
AIl the electrical wires are connected well and safely.
Exhaust system of diesel engine works normally.
Nuts of axles,wheels are tightened on time.

9. Disposal method of long storage.

9.1. Storage for more than 3 weeks

9.1.1. Move the machine to no-dusty and dry place.
9.1.2. Exhaust out the water in oil cooler and back cooler.
9.1.3. If there is any trouble, disposal first for later operation.
9.1.4. Exhaust the water which in oil & air tank,oil cooler and back cooler again two or three
days later.

9.2. Storage more than 2 months except the upper steps, the down steps are also needed to
be followed.
9.2.1. Seal all hatches to prevent dust and moisture enters into compressor.
9.2.2. Use oilpaper or other similar paper to packing safety valve and CUP display to prevent

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being rusted.
9.2.3. Exchange lubricating oil and runs for 30 minutes before storage. Then exhaust the
clotted water in oil & air tank and oil cooler two or three days later.
9.2.4. Exhaust out all the cooling water.

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V Maintenance and Examination

The maintenance and operation in this specification is used in normal station.If the
compressor works in high temperature,high moisture,high altitude and serious polluted
circumstance, more maintenance is needed.

1. Safety alarm

1.1. Maintenance should after the compressor stop which is different from normally exam.
1.2. It just can disassemble and maintain the pressure elements after the compressor stop and
release all the pressure.
1.3. It is forbidden to illumine to exam the machine and pressure vessel by tlre.
1.4. Cover the general parts when maintain and repair. The exposed parts are also needed to
be cover for clean clothes,paper or insulating tape to keep them clean.
1.5. Do not weld or heat up near by fuel or lubricating oil system. Clean fuel box and Iubricating
oil box thorough before the similar operation as above. Such as steam-clean.
1.6. Protect electrical wire,adjusted element and air filter from steam-gnaw; especially when
clean by steam.
1.7. Do not use flammable impregnant when cleaning.
1.8. Make sure there is no tools,lose parts and dishcloth drop pen in or on compressor.
I.9. Support the compressor firm when maintains the portable parts.
1.10. Use the original spare parts.
1.11. All the records of maintenance and repairmen should be noted by operators. This may tell
you whether there is hidden trouble or not.

2. Daily maintenance (running for every 10 hours)

Drain the water of oil & air separator

Check the oil-level of fuel box
Check the coolant level of diesel engine
Check the oil-level of diesel engine
Check the oil-level of compressor
Check and clean the air filter of diesel engine
Check and clean the air filter of compressor

3. Maintenance of running for the first 50 hours.

3.1. Compressor
Clean the fuel box and oil pipe passage.
Check the pre-filter of fuel.

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Check pressure of wheel and bolts,nuts of wheel.
3.2. Diesel engine
Check and clean air filter of diesel engine.
Exchange lubricatino oil of diesel engine.
Exchange the lubricating oil filter of diesel engine.
Exchange the fuel filter and pre-filter Of necessary) of diesel engine.
Check the tight degree of diesel engine fan belt.

3.3. Compressor
Exchange the oil filter of compressor.
Check and clean the air filter of compressor.
Check the function of stop-protect.
Check the function of controlling system.

4. Maintenance of running for every 200 hours

Check the electrolyte level: above pole for 10~~15 mm.

Tighten the fan belt of diesel engine.
Clean water box of diesel engine and oil cooler of compressor.
Clean air filter of compressor.
Check diesel filter.
Exhaust moisture in the fuel box.
Check pressure of wheel. screw down nuts of wheel.

5. Maintenance of running for every 500 hours

5.1 .Exchange lubricating oil of compressor

5.1.1. Run compressor for a short time to heat up lubricating oil, this can lower the viscosity of
lubricating oil and be easy for exhausting.
5.1.2. Press down the stop button to stop.
5.1.3. Open the oil drainage port of oil & air tank when the inlet pressure of oil & air tank is just
0.1Mpa. Cause of the pressure, the drain-speed is very fast and it is easy to spray. So open
the oil drainage port slowly. Close the oil drainage port after exhausting out all the lubricating
Note: all the lubricating oil in system must be exhaust out.

5.1.4. Open the stopple of oil filler hole to add new Iubricating oil.
Exchange the diesel of diesel engine.
Exchange the oil filter of diesel engine. According to the switch valve beside of oil & air tank to
check the pressure gap of oil & air separator core. If the pressure gap is Iarge than 0.1Mpa,
please exchange the core.
Exchange the filter and pro-filter of fuel.
Exchange the core of air filter.

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Exchange the oil filter of compressor.
Check the safety valve.
Check the max. running speed and slack speed of diesel engine.
Check the sealed function of pipe passage.
Check the function of stop-protect.

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