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HUMAN MUTATION 12:314–319 (1998)


Mutation Spectrum and Phenylalanine Hydroxylase

RFLP/VNTR Background in 44 Romanian
Phenylketonuric Alleles
Teodora Popescu,1* Michaela Blazkova, Libor Kozak,2 Gheorghe Jebeleanu,1 and
Antonia Popescu3
Department of Biochemistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Department of Biochemical and Molecular Genetics, Research Institute of Child Health, Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Paediatrics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Communicated by Randy Eisensmith

The mutation spectrum and polymorphic haplotype background in 22 Romanian families have
been analysed in this study using the restriction digestion of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH)
regions specifically amplified or the DGGE/direct sequencing methods. Eleven PAH mutations
specifically associated with six mutant haplotypes were detected. In spite of the relative heteroge-
neity of the molecular defects in the PAH gene, three mutations covered almost 70% of all alleles:
R408W, 47.72%, 21/44; K363fsdelG 13.63%, 6/44; and P225T 6.81%, 3/44. Among these, R408W,
the most frequent mutation in our population, represented 50% of all the phenylketonuric (PKU)
chromosomes. Splice mutation IVS12nt1g®a affected two PAH alleles (4.54%); the remaining
seven mutations were rare, each having an effect on just one chromosome (1/44), resulting in a
relative frequency of 2.27%. A high frequency was observed in our PKU samples for the relatively
uncommon mutations, K363fsdelG and P225T mutation, suggesting a possible founder effect at
origin. Within the investigated panel, these mutations, both very rare among other Caucasians
were exclusively linked to haplotype 5.8 and 1.7, respectively. These results provide a basis for the
development of a routine molecular analysis of Romanian PKU families. Hum Mutat 12:314–
319, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: PAH; PKU; HPA; Romanian families

INTRODUCTION different PAH mutations in a certain population,

Phenylketonuria (PKU, MIM# 261600), the it is necessary to characterise as much of this
most common inborn error of amino acid me- population as possible.
tabolism, is caused by a high variety of mutations The purpose of this study was to describe the
in the gene for phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) disease-causing mutations and the RFLP/VNTR
enzyme (E.C. The high clinical and associations at the PAH locus in a panel of 22
biochemical heterogeneity observed in this families from the Transylvanian part of Romania
disease is a consequence of more than 380 dif- and to compare these results with the results of
ferent mutations (both expressed and unex- other studies. Using this approach, a more effec-
pressed) identified in the PAH gene. The four tive screening program, improved diagnosis, and
known clinical phenotypes—classical, moderate, earlier implementation of dietary therapy might
mild, and non-PKU hyperphenylalaninemia be introduced.
(HPA)—are clearly defined, even though there
are also overlapping intermediary forms among
these phenotypes. The mutation spectrum and Received 18 February 1998; accepted 18 June 1998.
PAH polymorphic background of the PKU alle- *Correspondence to: Teodora Popescu, Department of Bio-
chemistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca,
les differ in various populations and geographi- Romania.
cal regions. In order to define more precisely the Grant sponsor: Grantova agentura Ceske Republiky; Grant
origin, mechanism, and clinical consequences of number: GACR 302/93/2535.



PATIENTS After generation of heteroduplexes, the amplified

Twenty-six Romanian children with HPA (44 samples were loaded onto 6% polyacrylamide/TAE
unrelated mutant alleles) and their parents, when gel with 0–9.5 M urea gradient. Electrophoresis
available, were included in the study. None of the ran in a ProteanRII XiCell apparatus (Bio-Rad) at
patients belonged to a consanguineous family. The 170 V, for 4.5 h, in TAE buffer (0.04 M Tris-ac-
patients, including two pairs of univitelline twins etate, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) at a constant tem-
and two sibs, were equally distributed in sexes. perature of 57°C. Samples with an unusually
They were of various origins: 18 of Romanian an- migrating band pattern identified by DGGE were
cestry, 5 of Hungarian, one of Gypsy, one of mixed analysed by solid-phase sequencing.
Hungarian-Gypsy, and one of mixed Ukrainian- Direct Sequencing
Romanian ancestry. All patients were diagnosed
and followed for diagnosis and treatment of PKU The dideoxy chain termination sequencing
at the Centre of the third Paediatric Clinic, Cluj- method of Sanger et al. (1977) was carried out
Napoca, using the Guthrie bacterial inhibition as- using the Sequenase version 2.0 DNA Sequenc-
say and high-performance liquid chromatography ing kit (U.S. Biochemicals) as recommended by
(HPLC) measurements of the plasma Phe and Tyr. the manufacturer. The sequencing analysis was
The clinical phenotype of the patients was classi- performed as described by Kozak et al. (1997).
fied according to the criteria described by Guttler RFLP/VNTR Haplotype Analysis
et al. (1993). They were not tested for BH4 defi-
ciency; therefore, a potential defect in biopterin Five of the seven diallelic polymorphisms
metabolism was not excluded. Eleven of the chil- present in the PAH gene were determined by
dren were diagnosed at birth; the other 15 chil- digestion of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-am-
dren, coming from counties in which PKU plified DNA with specific restriction endonu-
newborn screening is not performed, were later cleases, as previously described: BglII (Dworniczak
identified at 9 months to 16 years of age. et al., 1991a); PvuII(a) (Dworniczak et al.,1991b);
Phenotype classification of our probands was PvuII(b); MspI (Wedemeyer et al., 1991); XmnI
performed, correlating the biochemical parameters (Goltsov et al.,1992a). The remaining two diallelic
(serum Phe pretreatment value, control Phe values sites, EcoRI and EcoRV, were examined by South-
during the dietary treatment, loading test results) ern blot, using a 32P-labelled full-length human
with the clinical outcome and the specific geno- PAH cDNA-phPAH247 (Kwok et al., 1985) as a
type. The effect of mutations was determined when hybridization probe (Kozak et al., 1993).
the predicted PAH residual activity was identified. The 30-bp multiallelic minisatellite variable
number of tandem repeats (VNTR) at the 3′ end
METHODS of the PAH gene was analysed by PCR according
Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral to the method of Goltsov et al. (1992b).
blood leukocytes by standard methods (Lahiri and Restriction fragment-length polymorphism
Numberger, 1990). More common mutations (RFLP)/VNTR haplotypes were numbered accord-
known to occur more frequently in our population ing to Eisensmith and Woo (1992).
(Popescu et al., 1994) were screened by means of
PCR and enzyme digestion, using natural or ampli-
fication created restriction sites. The presence of An 18-year HPA screening in Transylvania,
the following mutations was tested: R408W, R158Q, Romania, demonstrated a PKU incidence of
R261Q, IVS12nt1g→a, L48S, G272X, R252W, 1:8,000 in newborn and 1:110 in retarded children.
I65T, and Y414C. The amplification conditions were The study of 26 Romanian patients with HPA be-
as described elsewhere (Kozak et al., 1995). Remain- longing to 22 families identified 11 different PKU
ing unidentified PKU alleles underwent denatur- mutations. Results are summarized in Table 1. Five
ing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE); samples alleles remain unknown, resulting in 88.64% diag-
showing altered electrophoretic mobility pattern nosis efficiency.
were sequenced by direct sequencing. As has already been observed by Tyfield et al.
(1997) and Guldberg et al. (1996a), three to six
DGGE different mutations are generally responsible for
The first 12 exons of the PAH gene with their almost 65% of the mutant alleles. Among these,
intronic junctions in were amplified under condi- one to two mutations represent almost 50% of the
tions described previously (Kozak et al., 1997). total; the other 25–30% are present, in most cases,

TABLE 1. Genotype, Biochemical, and Clinical Phenotype for 22 Romanian HPA Patients*
Mutation Phe PAH
(systematic Mutations Silent pretreatment residual
name) (trivial name) polymorphisms Haplotype (µm) Phenotype activity
c.1222C→T/ R408W/ /Q232Q, L385L 2.3/3.8 1920 Classical <1%/<1%
c.1315+1g→a IVS12nt1g→a PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/R408W 2.3/2.3 2520 Classical <1%/<1%
c.1222C→T PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/K363fsdelG 2.3/5.8 2838 Classical <1%/ND
c.1089delG PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/L48S /V245V, Q232Q, 2.3/4.3 1793 Classical <1%/ND
c.143T→C IVS3nt-22t→c PKU
c.842C→T/ND P281L/ND 1.8/2.3 1388 Classical <1%/ND
c.1222C→T/ R408W/R408W 2.3/2.3 1917 Classical <1%/<1%
c.1222C→T PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/R413P /V245V, Q232Q 2.3/4.3 2014 Classical <1%/<3%
c.1238G→C PKU1
c.1222C→T/ R408W/K363fsdelG 2.3/5.8 1428 Moderate <1%/ND
c.1089delG PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/R408W 2.3/2.3 1672 Classical <1%/<1%
c.1222C→T PKU
c.1315+1g→a/ IVS12nt1g→a/ Q232Q, L385L/ 3.8/5.8 1789 Classical <1%/ND
c.1089delG K363fsdelG PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/R261Q 2.3/1.8 1079 Classical <1%/30%
c.782G→A PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/R408W 2.3/2.3 ND Classical <1%/<1%
c.1222C→T PKU
c.533A→G/ E178G/R252W /L385L 1.7/69.3 1515 Non-PKU ND/<1%
c.754C→T HPA
c.1222C→T/ R408W/R408W 2.3/2.3 1678 Classical <1%/<1%
c.1222C→T PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/P225T 2.3/1.7 1243 Classical <1%/ND
c.673C→A PKU
c.1089delG/ND K363fsdelG/ND 5.8/1.8 1600 Classical ND/ND
C.1222C→T/ND R408W/ND /V245V, Q232Q, 2.3/4.3 1538 Classical <1%/ND
IVS3nt-22t→c PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/P225T 2.3/1.7 ND Classical <1%/ND
c.673C→A PKU
ND/ND ND/ND V245V, Q232Q, 4.3/4.3 656 Classical ND/ND
IVS3nt-22t→c/ PKU
V245V, Q232Q,
c.1222C→T/ R408W/E390G /V245V, Q232Q, 2.3/4.3 984 Non-PKU <1%/ND
c.1169A→G IVS3nt-22t→c HPA
c.1089delG/ K363fsdelG/K363fsdelG 5.8/5.8 3319 Classical ND/ND
c.1089delG PKU
c.1222C→T/ R408W/P225T 2.3/1.7 1515 Classical <1%/ND
c.673C→A PKU
PKU, phenylketonuria.
*Frequencies of single mutations: R408W 47.72%(21/44); K363fsdelG 13.63%(6/44); P225T 6.81%(3/44); IVS12nt1g→a
4.54%(2/44); and L48S, P281L, R413P, R261Q, E178G, R252W, E390G 2.27%(1/44).

in just one or two alleles. This is in accordance explanations for this. The disease-causing muta-
with our findings of mutation frequency (Table 1). tion could be either in exon 13 of PAH gene or
Using the methods described above, both mu- deep in the intronic sequence; or, as might be the
tant alleles were identified in 18 patients. Among case for the patient with no mutation detected, it
these, 72.72% (16/22) are compound heterozygotes could be caused by BH4 HPA deficiency, especially
for two different mutations, and 27.2% (6/22) are when the low pretreatment Phe value of 656 µmol/
homozygotes for R408W or K363fsdelG. In three L, the normal DGGE aspect, and the very severe
patients, only one mutant allele was identified; in clinical phenotype are taken into account.
one subject, no abnormal electrophoretic pattern The mutations detected were predominantly
was observed in the first 12 exons of the PAH gene distributed in exons 6–12 (38/44, 86.36%). The
with their splice junctions. There are two possible most frequently affected (50% of disease-causing

mutations) was exon 12 (R408W, R413P). Exon (Goltsov et al., 1992a,b). Two mutations specific
7, which is known to be the most hypermutable for very mild non-PKU HPA (E390G and E178G)
exon of the PAH gene (Kleiman et al., 1992), had were identified in our studied samples. In both
the most various mutations (R252W, P281L, cases, null mutation (R408W and R252W, respec-
R261Q). Five of the 11 mutations (R408W, tively), was present on the other PAH allele. These
R261Q, P281L, R413P, R252W) involved a CpG two non-PKU HPA mutations were also observed
hotspot, suggesting recurrent mutation as a mecha- in other very mild HPAs combined with severe
nism of origin. Another mechanism, explaining the mutations; however, these were different from
occurrence of mutations P225T and K363fsdelG, those in our patients (IVS12nt1g→a and IVS10nt-
is the founder effect; these mutations have high 11g→a, R408W, respectively). Our findings con-
frequency and are linked with specific haplotypes firm previous observations (Desviat et al., 1987;
in studied population. Economou-Petersen et al., 1992; Guldberg et al.,
The most frequent mutation responsible for 1994; Hoang et al., 1986) that the combination of
PKU in the Romanian population is R408W, ac- severe and mild PKU mutation results in mild
counting for almost 50% of all mutant alleles. HPA, rather than classical PKU.
Eleven patients (68.75%) were heterozygous, and The distribution of PKU mutations in Roma-
five were homozygous for R408W. The mutation nian patients included in this study is very similar
was always associated with haplotype 2.3 (H2.3) to that observed in other Caucasian populations
alleles, according to our results. This finding con- (Slavic, Scandinavian, or Mediterranean). How-
firms the association of the mutation with H2.3 ever, mutation of Asian origin (R413P) is present
PKU alleles in Central and Eastern Europe, where as well. It has been speculated (Eisensmith et al.,
it is considered to be of Balto-Slavic origin (Konecki 1995; Konecki et al., 1991) as to the means of
et al., 1991; Eisensmith et al., 1995). Even though spreading different mutations in distinct ethnic
the Slavic origins are lacking in the Romanian PKU groups, e.g., direct or intermediate genetic passage
population, frequent Slavic migrations probably foot- by different population migrations in history. Thus,
printed the genetic apparatus of Romanian ethnical Mediterranean mutations in Romanian population
group (Comsa et al., 1987; Heitel et al., 1994; Horedt are connected with the Daco-Roman origin of the
et al., 1982, 1986). population (Comsa et al., 1987; Heitel et al., 1994,
The second most frequent mutation was found Horedt et al., 1986), while Scandinavian and
to be frameshift microdeletion K363fsdelG Slavic mutations arrived probably by the way of
(Table1). This deletion causes premature termi- multiple Germanic and Slavic migrations (Heitel
nation of the protein chain eliminating exons 13, et al., 1994; Horedt et al., 1986, 1982).
12 and partly 11. These exons encode the cata- The distribution of mutant haplotypes at the PAH
lytic center; thus, inactive enzyme is probably locus in 44 alleles investigated was as follows: H2.3
produced. One patient homozygous for this mu- (22/44, 50%), H5.8 (6/44, 13.6%), H4.3 (6/44,
tation and four compound heterozygotes, bear- 13.6%), H1.7 (4/44, 9.09%), H1.8 (3/44, 6.81%),
ing null mutation on the other PKU chromosome, H3.8 (2/44, 4.54%), and H69.3 (1/44, 2.27%).
sustained the severe classical clinical phenotype, H2.3 was predominant in our study, in agree-
suggesting the severity of this mutation. Further ment with other Central and Eastern European
in vitro expression studies of the mutant PAH populations. H2.3 was found to be associated with
enzyme are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. severe R408W mutation (21/22, 95.45%) and with
The deletion is flanked by short repeated se- unknown mutations (1/22, 4.54%) in patients with
quences (5′AGAAG, 3′AGAAG); thus, it can be classical PKU phenotype. The next most frequent
assumed that DNA strands caused slipping of was H1.7 or H1.8 (H1, 5/44, 15.90%), on which
polymerase during DNA replication, thus en- four different mutations (P225T, E178G, R261Q,
abling mutation at this site (Jaruzelska et al., P281L) and one unknown mutation were found.
1992; Kleiman et al., 1992). H5.8, not frequent in other populations, was in
The third most frequent mutation in our study our study in strict linkage disequilibrium with the
was P225T (Table 1). This mutation is found only frame shift deletion K363fsdelG. H4, which is to-
in the Romanian (H1.7) and Czech (H1.9) PKU gether with H1 relatively common in both normal
population (Hoang et al., 1986; Kozak et al., 1997). and mutant PAH alleles (Konecki et al., 1991) was
Association of one mutation with different num- associated with various mutations (L48S, R413P,
bers of VNTR is not unusual; it can be explained E390G), as well as with three unknown mutations.
by the high mutational rate of such polymorphisms This finding confirms the previously established

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