The Holy Priesthood Line of Authority 1-20-2021

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Restored, Reiterated and Reaffirmed

by John the Baptist
with the Spirit and Power of Elias
to Restore and Establish all things
Apostle Richard Johnson

The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message

The Assured Way of the Lord


The assured way of the lord

The Continuing line of the Holy Priesthood Authority for present Apostles
Joseph Smith ordained by John the Baptist to restore Holy Priesthood. (1829-1844)
Church of Christ. (1829-1834)
The Church of the Latter Day Saints. (1834–1838)
William Marks ordained elder 1836 by Joseph Smith Jr. (1836-1872)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (1838–1851)
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (1860-2001)
Joseph Smith 111 ordained by William Marks. (1860-1914)
Elder Andrew Barr ordained by Joseph Smith III. (1877-1910)
Otto Fetting ordained by Elder Barr as pastor, evangelist in RLDS. (1899-1926)
1926: Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
Otto Fetting ordained apostle in Church of Christ (Temple Lot) ( 1926-1929)
1929: Church of Christ (Established Anew)
Otto Fetting: Authority reaffirmed and reiterated by John. (1929-1933)
1939: The Church of Christ (Established Anew) (inc in 1930)
George A. Backus ordained by Otto Fetting. (1930-1942)
1939: The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message (Established Anew)
W.A. Draves ordained by George Backus. (1940-1994)
1965: The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message inc
Richard Johnson ordained by W.A. Draves. (1965)
L.M. Thornton ordained by W.A. Draves. (1972-1992)
Leonard Draves ordained by L. Thornton, W. Draves. (1974-2016)
1994 The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message inc
2003 The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message
The Assured way of the Lord Inc
The Continuing line of Authority for Living Apostles (1965-2021)
Richard Johnson ordained by W.A. Draves.(1965)
Donald Thompson ordained by Leonard Draves. (2003)
Jairus Yates ordained by Leonard Draves. (2009)
Reese Johnson ordained by Richard Johnson. (2016)
Gloria Mobutu ordained by Richard Johnson. (2016)
Ashley Beckham ordained by Richard Johnson. (2020)
Adam Stokes ordained Richard .Johnson. (2020)

Message 50:11
Let all heed the will of the Lord. The faith of many shall be tried. Many will fall by the way.
Many are called but few chosen. Few are faithful. They that be with Him when He comes
shall be called, chosen and faithful.

This work is dedicated to Apostle Michael Greenwell,

my brother and friend in Christ who joined our Lord in heaven today

The Apostles faithful to The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message.
until death or retired for age or health from 1929-2020

Otto Fetting 1926-1929 Church of Christ (Temple Lot)

Daniel MacGregor 1926-1927 Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
T.J. Sheldon 1927-1929 Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
Otto Fetting 1929-1933 Church of Christ with the Elijah Message
E.G. Law 1930-1931
George A. Backus 1930-1942
W.A-. Draves 1940-1994
Benjamin H. Lacey 1943-1950
Marion R. Hopkins 1943-1967
Fred Bartlett 1945-1963
Luther Levell 1946-1981
Wellington H. Callin 1951-1963
George Rolfe 1965-1974
Charles O. Martin 1966-1971
Edward L. Stone 1966-1988
L.M. Thornton 1972-1992
Edward Sykes 1974-1987
Leonard Draves 1974-2016
Seth Laverne Fife 1977-1987
James W. Savage 1977-1989
Mervyn L. Johnson 1981-2013
Mike Greenwell 1994-2020
George Wilkin 2011-2012
Apostles remaining faithful presently 1965-2020
Richard A. Johnson 1965-Present
Donald Thompson 2003-present
Jairus Yates 2009-present
Reese Johnson 2016-present
Gloria Mobutu 2016-present
Ashley Beckham 2020-present
Adam Stokes 2020-present

Matthew 24:13
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Message 115:4
Deliverance will only come to those that believe, enter this truth and endure to the end.
Eternity with God will have place for all such—this is God’s planning.
Message 84:24
None shall stand, none shall endure that will not heed the words I bring for I bring a
restoration and restitution of all things the holy priesthood of God after the order of God,
manifested in the flesh decreed from the beginning .

Apostles presently number seven from 1965-2020

Apostles that served until death or retired for age or health are twenty from 1926-2020
Apostles removed, not sustained, resigned, or withdrew were sixty-seven from 1929-2020


The assured way of the lord

The Continuing line of the Holy Priesthood Authority for present Apostles
Prepared by Apostle Jairus Yates
January 20, 2021

A different view

The One Holy Priesthood Authority of the Son of God restored.

Reaffirmed and Reiterated
by John the Baptist with the Spirit and Power of Elias.
“Emphasis’s are mine”

Message 102:58. “The way shall be one holy priesthood and that after the order of
God, after the order of Jesus the Christ, the son of man. Therefore keep it sacred in its
holy rites. 59. Let the teachers and deacons be ordained as elders; there are many
functions of duties but one plan of authority. See that all preach and teach the same
things in the precious way of love in haste.” (4-5-1985)

Message 111:5. “I have given the holy priesthood, the power and authority of God,
by the hands of My Messenger, Mine angel, My forerunner…” (9-22-1991

Message 86:54. “I laid my hands upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and
ordained them to the holy priesthood after the order of God, after the order of His
son. This has been preserved and reserved to this day and time. 55. Again I laid my
hands upon Otto Fetting and gave him special help to do the work in his day. That
Holy Unction is upon the servants today.” (8-31-1968)

He arose again from the chair near me, while I sat on the foot of my bed writing the
Message on the table, then he said:

56. “Now again, I lay my hands on you (W.A. Draves) to bless you in your work that
you are to do—that lies before you. That you may have the gift enlarged and power
to accomplish the work and to bless others with this Holy Unction renewed, and help
in completing the great plan in your day and time. I bless you that you may bless
others. Amen.” (11-11-1942)

Message 114:5. “The Message and authority that I bring is the pure love of God, the
priesthood after the order of God: the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the creator
of all things, even the Lord Jesus Christ. 6. I am John the Baptist, the Elias which is for
to come to bring the Elijah Message.” (8-23-1992)

Message 86:57. “Let those that the Spirit calls be set apart in this work. Send them
forth to do the Lord’s will—with all proclaiming the Message I bring…60. In The Bible
and Record of the Nephites contains the teachings and pattern of the fullness of the
gospel in its plain and precious parts. But my words and authority gives the right to
set the Church in order—The Church of Christ with the holy priesthood authority and
power to act in the establishing the kingdom of God on earth and bringing in the Zion
of the Lord. The kingdom and the dominion shall be for the saints of the most high.”

God’s Holy Priesthood Authority is the source and power of the function and duties
of the offices and callings of His choosing. They are gifts to men In which the lessor is
blessed by the greater with the flow of God’s Spirit. This holy priesthood and its gifts
are given in trust to His servants that have not denied His “Word” even Jesus Christ.

To deny His Words is to deny the authority and spirit of God.

John 6:63. “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words
that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”

Message 58:4 “My Servants”…”I have chosen and appointed you, My anointed with
authority. This only is taken from man when he denies Me, and the words I speak,
even by My Messenger.” (12-14-1942)

To be ordained with authority is to be appointed by God for a priesthood function

and duty. To be anointed with authority is to be blessed with the Power of the Holy
Spirit for the purpose of your appointed function and duty of the One Holy
Priesthood of God. Don’t be confused by trying to divide God into three God’s. We
are appointed by the Word of God that was made flesh who is God that revealed His
will to us. For us to reveal our will we have to use our mouth to speak it or hands to
write it or deeds. God revealed his will the same way by the Word made flesh but
he can also reveal it by the Voice of His Spirit by angels or when He is present with
our own spirits. He is one! That same spirit gives us power to do His will.

The Holy Spirit is the power and authority of the one holy priesthood of God after
the order of Jesus Christ the son of man. Servants are called by men or the angel of
the lord as witnessed by His revealing Spirit. With the laying on of hands by men with
priesthood authority they are ordained to receive and do the holy priesthood of the
work of their office and calling. That they might do the work of the Church, to preach
the Gospel of Christ, of His redeeming Power of Salvation, to save mankind through
faith and obedience to God; faith, repentance and finding remission of sin through
the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. Preaching and teaching all men everywhere to
repent and obey the Gospel for salvation is planned only through our Savior, Lord
and King Jesus Christ. The Authority of God to further the cause of Zion, the Kingdom
of God on Earth and much, much more of bringing mankind to this Way of Life.
Preparing for eternity with the Lord in His plan of saving Grace. The right to establish
the Church and Body of Christ with members in particular that the flow of God might
come to mankind.

Message 84:8. “I bring the authority and trust. I give the opening of the way for the
flow of God to come unto mankind. I have given the holy priesthood after the order
of God, after the order of His son. This authority was given and relayed on unto the
Church and the ministry of The Church of Christ, the Church with my Message, the
Elijah Message, ordained in 1829 upon the heads of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
and reiterated a hundred years later to Otto Fetting, an apostle in the remnant the
Lord had preserved on the Temple Lot…38. Those that are with you and defend the
words I bring are The Church of Christ in deed and works. The Church with the Elijah
Message, set in 1829 by my hands when the holy priesthood authority was restored
and kept sacred through the branch and remnant on the Temple Lot and reaffirmed
upon Otto Fetting in his day - and I continue to come.” (11-3-1966)

The Priesthood of man: The dictionary definition and etymology of priesthood is


the order or office and character of a priest or of priests collectively. The English
word “priest” is derived, ultimately, from the Greek word presbuteros from which
we get “presbyter” or “presbytery.” So the term “priest” is really a simple shortened
form of the word that means elder. The primary idea of the term “priest” is the
thought of mediation by someone who stands between other people.

The Priesthood of God: In this case between God and man. For a priest or elder to
fulfil his role in the order of “God’s Priesthood” we should see that this must be
God’s choice. To do or exercise the Priesthood of God, we must be called and
anointed by Him. It is not the right of a man to act as a priest or elder apart from the
divine call of God.

Malachi 2:7. “For the priest's (elders) lips should keep knowledge, and they should
seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.”

The messenger with his words the Lord puteth in his mouth and the touch of his
hands restored the opening for flow of God to mankind of the Holy Priesthood of
God among men. He first brought and entrusted its Power and Authority to Joseph
Smith and Oliver Cowdery. He ordained them with the Holy Priesthood. They
baptized each other as instructed and God anointed them with his Holy Spirit to
establish the Church of Christ. The failures to follow the pattern and instructions
eased the flow of the Priesthood power and authority until He rejected all creeds
and factions of men. He sent John to Otto Fetting and the remnant He left with the
priesthood. He brought the commandment of baptism for their cleansing that
priesthood power and authority be reiterated to establish The Church of Christ anew
with those that did not reject him and the baptism. He also then rejected them that
first rejected him and His Words and Spirit he sent with the Messenger John the
Baptist to Otto Fetting.

Message 103:2. “I am the Messenger of the Lord, His servant, sent to bring a
warning, a cleansing and to continue to prepare a people to be the Lord’s Bride
when He comes. 3. I bring the priesthood authority, I speak as a fountain of truth,
and with power; and with authority. 4. This is the assured way; let it be your way. I
bring peace and a way of deliverance. I speak the Lord’s words; His ways are just.”

Mathew 28:18. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, “All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth.”

John 20:21. Then said Jesus to them again, "Peace be unto you: as my Father
hath sent me, even so send I you. 22. And when he had said this, he breathed
on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:”

Acts 1:8 “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and
ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria,
and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

R.N. 1 Nehpi 10:22. “And the Holy Ghost giveth authority that I should speak these
things, and deny them not”

R.N. Mosiah 13:6 “And he spake with power and authority from God;”

This Priesthood like the Holy Spirit of God is without beginning of days or end of
years. It existed before and from earliest times. In the patriarchal times, the office
was held by those who possessed some form of natural headship. For example, a
father was a priest and elder of the family. That was true before the time of the
Levitical priesthood and its inauguration when the head of the family carried out
priestly duties for the family and even then outside its boundaries.

The order of the priesthood from Adam that looked forward to Christ was the
birthright of the first born elder son who would become the priest of the family
when acceptable to God. The first-born son also had allotted to him a double portion
of the paternal inheritance of the Father.

There was attached a sacred importance to the rank of "first-born” and

"first-begotten" even as applied to the Messiah" (Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:18; Heb. 1:4-6)

As first-born he has an "inheritance superior to his brethren, as the eternal “High

Priest of God”. We are born as children of our earthly parents by water and blood
but now we share a new birth born again of water and spirit. We are baptized into
Christ and confirmed a member of the Church and Body of Christ finding remission
of sins through His blood. As members in particular we share in the rights of His first
born inheritance of the priesthood and His kingdom, even a double portion of the
Holy Unction of the first born. The father having life in himself gave the son of man
to have life in himself that he might lay it down and take it up again so we might also
live. By we being in him and with the presence of the Spirit of Christ in ourselves we
are being prepared to stand in His Presence in eternity through His plan of saving
grace. The elder Son who hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to
him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.

John 1:6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7. The same
came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might
believe. 8. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light…14. And
the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory
as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth…16. “And we have
known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in
love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” 24. “God is a Spirit”: and they that worship
him must worship him in “Spirit and in Truth.” (John 4:24)

Message 87:20. “I am the Elias, which was for to come, I am John the Baptist. I
bring the Elijah Message. I am the forerunner of Christ. I bring peace. I establish love,
I bring hope for mankind that all men might believe in the light of Christ. I bear
witness of that light. I bring together the works of God’s plantings and bring together
in one fold those that serve the Lord—God’s people speaking oft one to another.

Then turn and discern them that serve Him, and those that serve Him not. They that
serve Him shall have right to the tree of life.” (9-24-1968)

Colossians 1:12. “Giving thanks unto the Father,…13. Who hath delivered us from
the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: 14.
In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: 15.
Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16. For by him
were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,
whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were
created by him, and for him: 17. And he is before all things, and by him all things
consist. 18. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the
firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19. For it
pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;”

When Jesus walked among men He was given authority by the Father to reconcile
us to God by the atonement for sin with His own blood that we through faith and
obedience to God might find remission of our sins. Looking forward from the
beginning God appointed priests to represent him as mediators of His covenants
with men giving them hope for eternity with God.

In Paul’s words that we “translate or change hope into the reality of entering in the
Kingdom of Heaven with a new birth in Christ.”

Message 12:8…”Christ is at the head of the Church, and will direct His work. He is
the Great High Priest of His people and He will direct the work as in days of old”…

The order of the everlasting priesthood of Melchizedek was after or like the order
of Christ. He was both the high priest and king of his people and did reign under his
father. King of righteousness and peace persuading the people to worship God.
Melchizedek did establish peace in the land in his days; therefore he was called the
prince of peace, for he was the king of Salem; and he did reign under his father.

“Now, there were  many before him, and also there were many afterwards, but
none were greater; therefore, of him they have more particularly made
mention.”(R.N. Alma 13) Do you see the type and image of the Son of God?

When God delivered the people he called Israel from Egypt by His prophet Moses
his elder brother Aaron received God’s covenant of everlasting priesthood called
after himself. He was made the one high priest of the Law of God named after Moses
for the people of Israel. The priesthood and kingdom was divided. The priesthood for
the line of Levi, Aaron and sons. The the sceptre of power of the kingdom and throne
was for the line of Judah with David and sons. (Exodus 40:12-15, Numbers 25:10-13)

Hebrews 5:1. “For every high priest taken from among men (for their behalf) is
ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and
sacrifices for sins: Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are
out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity…4. And no man

taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was AaR.N.” (Ex.. 28)

Then came Jesus, the promised Messiah with the everlasting priesthood of the Son
of God being made both the eternal High Priest and King of all those who believed
on Him after the order of (or like the arrangement) of the Priesthood of Melchizedek.
(Hebrews 7:21)

Hebrews 7:12. “For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a
change also of the law”.

“Being changed” is to transfer, i.e. (literal) transport: met-at-ith'-ay-mee from 3326

and 5087

The first that was changed was the title of the everlasting Holy Priesthood that was
called after Aaron and his sons to after the name that is above all names with the
name of Jesus the Son of God and son of man. This because it was transferred to
Jesus who opened the priesthood of Aaron to all men starting with himself fulfilling
the law of sacrifices. This brought about a change in the Law of Moses to the Gospel
Law of righteousness in Christ with a new and better covenant.

Hebrews 7:14 ”For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah; of which tribe
Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood.”

Romans 10:4 ”For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that

Hebrews 7:21. For those (former) priests were made without an oath; but this (man
Jesus) with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent,
Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:” (Psalm 110)

Message 85:22. “There was the incarnate of God in the flesh to offer the sacrifice of
ending all spilling of blood and the altars of figurations and shadows that men might
give a broken heart and contrite spirit to serve a living God.” (8-14-67)

I want to show how I believe the one Holy Priesthood of God was changed from
being called after the order of Aaron to again the order of Melchizedek representing
the order of the Son of God that also made a change necessary of the law of God
named after Moses who God gave to him for Israel that Christ fulfilled.

R.N. Alma 13:1…”I would that ye should remember that the Lord God ordained
priests, after his holy order, which was after the order of his Son, to teach these
things unto the people. 19. There were none greater before or after him; therefore,
of him they have more particularly made mention by calling him Melchizedek.”

Hebrews 7:2…”By interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of
Salem, which is, King of peace;”

Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent…15 ”I will put enmity
between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise
thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

Luke 1:35. The angel said unto Mary “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the
power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which
shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”

Matthew 1:20. And the angel told Joseph “Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife:
for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.”

Israel was to have only one legitimate High Priest ordained by God and a son of
Aaron at a time until their death to offer the yearly sacrifice once for the sins of the
nation who would be replaced by his own son. When Solomon replaced Abiathar in 1
Kings 2:35, it was an extraordinary event brought about by the corruption of Eli and
his sons three generations earlier. This change was prophesied and authorized by
God in 1 Samuel 2:30, 35. Unfortunately, later kings took Solomon’s action as a
precedent, allowing them to replace high priests according to their own carnal will so
the time of John’s ministry, the old custom had long ceased, and high priests were
installed and removed at the whim of the kings’ representatives.

In the days of Jesus and John, Joseph Caiaphas was the high priest recognized by
Rome. Josephus tells us how he and those before him came to obtain the high

Gratus, the procurator of Judea before Pontius Pilate, deposed Ananus (the biblical
Annas) in 16 A.D. and replaced him with Ismael. Gratus soon replaced him with
Eleazar, one of the sons of Ananus. But a year later Gratus deposed him and
appointed Simon. A year later, Gratus deposed him and appointed Caiaphas, who
held the position for about 18 years and was the high priest who condemned Jesus.
The point is that high priests are not legitimate unless God ordains them.

The high priest and mediator for the sins of the people was corrupted by unholy
men and rejected by God as told in Malachi. The people could not bring their
sacrifices to the holy sanctuary in a clean vessel. The continuing sacrifice by the host
in front of the holy place was no longer a sweet smell to the Lord. Where were the
prophets and righteous priests that would cleanse the temple and house of the Lord
and the sins of the people. It was the appointed time for the one called John the
Baptist to prepare the way for the promised Messiah who they believed would
destroy their enemies that ruled them and restore the kingdom to Israel.

John’s father was Zachariah, also called a son of Aaron but not of the current high
priest. He was a devout and righteous temple priest. As Zechariah was praying,
the angel of the lord appeared at the right side of the altar. He told the aged man
that his prayer for a son would be answered.

Luke 1:5…Zachariah’s wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was

Elisabeth. (She was named after Aaron’s wife Elisheba pronounced “Ělîšeḇa.” She
was a daughter of Amminadab, and a sister of Nahshon, from the Tribe of Judah,
Exodus 6:23) 6. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the
commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.. 7. And they had no child,
because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years. 15.
The angel said: ”He shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's
womb.” 16. And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.
17. And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias,”

Luke 1:76.. When John was born Zachariah was filled with the Holy Ghost and
prophesied of the Messiah and of John: ”And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet
of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;”

We know then with certainty that John was the anointed prophet of God. He was
spoken of by the prophets and the law before him for the preparing of a people for
the ways of Christ. All this would be from the mouth of God’s prophet, the
messenger of the Covenant of Christ. A prophet anointed with the priesthood
authority and power of the Holy Spirit. There is no record of him or his father ever
offering sacrifices as the high priest of Israel for their sins. His record is that of
preaching the Gospel of Christ with repentance and baptism for the remission of
their sins preparing them for the one who would baptize them with water and the
Holy Spirit. Jesus told Nicodemus it was the only way one could enter the kingdom of
heaven. John was preparing them for finding remission of their sins by faith and
obedience in the Gospel of the New Covenant with the blood of the Lamb of God.

Did God recognize John as the legitimate high priest of Israel to make the transfer
and change of the priesthood of Aaron to that of Jesus? John said that Jesus would
increase but that he would decrease.

The following scriptures Isaiah 40:3-5. 700 B.C, Malachi 3:1. 430 B.C, Malachi 4:5.
430 B.C, Luke 1:17, John 10:41 tell us about his work that is with the spirit and power
of the prophet Elijah. It is not spelled out for us that God appointed John as high
priest like his being the prophet of the highest but there are signs that might point to
that such as the following:

Luke 7:33. John the Baptist "came neither eating bread nor drinking wine"

Leviticus 10:8,9. “And the Lord spake unto Aaron, saying, do not drink wine nor
strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the
congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations.”

If John’s role as prophet was also the last high priest of the Aaronic order, then
John’s father, Zachariah, would have also been the acceptable high priest before him.
Was this why God chose Zachariah by lot to perform the act of offering on the altar
of incense when the angel spoke to him? This duty was supposed to be performed
by the high priest. A role that became assigned on a rotating basis to other sons of
Aaron than the high priest.

Exodus 30:7,8. “And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense every morning: when
he dresseth the lamps, he shall burn incense upon it. And when Aaron lighteth the
lamps at even, he shall burn incense upon it, a perpetual incense before the LORD
throughout your generations.

My conclusion is that John was anointed with the Spirit and Power of the Holy
Priesthood of God that was the priesthood of all the prophets of God. He was
qualified to be the high priest of Israel but became the bridge of the priesthood of
Aaron to the Priesthood of the Son of God with his baptism of Jesus to fulfill all
righteousness. God anointed Jesus with the Power and authority to accomplish the
Work before him when he said this is my beloved son hear him. The work of Himself
and ministry to establish His Gospel and Kingdom of God on earth with the Church of

Let me quote from a copy of “Scriptural Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith.“All
the prophets had the Melchizedek Priesthood and were ordained by God himself.”
This has been lost or overlooked by Joseph and others that added words to the
testimonies of Joseph and Oliver about receiving the Holy Priesthood from Peter
James and John.

Mary’s father Heli did not have a son so by law Mary would be his legal heir. She
would be a descendant of Judah and of Aaron as was John. Jesus was conceived by
the Holy Spirit and would be the physical offspring of Mary and the seed of the
woman of Genesis. Mathew gives Heli as Josephs father but is speaking of father in
law as there is no specific Koine Greek word for “son-in-law,” Joseph was called the
“son of Heli” by marriage to Mary, Heli’s daughter.

Her offspring was the incarnate of God born the Son of God conceived by the Holy
Spirit and the son of Man the rightful heir of the Priesthood of God as King and Priest
of heaven and earth from His Father.

R.N. Mosiah 15:1. And now Abinadi said unto them: “I would that ye should
understand that God himself shall  come down among the children of men, and shall
 redeem his people. 2 And because he a dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of
God, and having subjected the flesh to the  will of the  Father, being the Father and
the Son. 3 The Father,  because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son,
because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son.”

Jesus who was without sin came to Jordan to be baptized of John to fulfill all
righteousness who was about six months older before starting his ministry.
(Luke 3:21)

The Bible says that a priest under the law had to be 30 years old before he took up
the mature, senior office of a senior elder. Num 4:3. "From thirty years old and
above, even to fifty years old..." (Some other junior posts could start when men
reached twenty)

The ministry of Jesus would begin His office as teacher, elder; a priest and host of
the tabernacle. Remember when Jesus was twelve years old he taught in the temple
and during his ministry was received by the Sanhedrin of elders and the chief priest
(high priest) numerous times. Jesus is called throughout the Gospels, “Rabbi that
means master and teacher”.

Matthew 3:16. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the
water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17. And lo a voice from heaven,
saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

He was appointed and ordained with the the Words of the Voice of the Spirit of
God and was anointed by the Holy Spirit according to the pattern and program of

John 1:33…John gave recognition to Jesus saying ”He that sent me to baptize with
water, the same said unto me, upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and
remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.”

(Lightfoot, Commentary, Vol. III, p. 52) A Jewish tradition is: “There sat a dove upon
the top of Solomon’s sceptre. ‘As Solomon sat in his throne, his sceptre was hung up
behind him… at the top of which there was a dove and a golden crown in the mouth
of it’.”

If the tradition has merit, then Solomon’s dove may have prophesied of this event
at Jesus’ baptism. Solomon was the son of King David, and his name is derived
from Shalom, which means “peace.” He is therefore the Prince of Peace, a type of
the Messiah who is also given that title prophetically.

Isaiah 9:6. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government
shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The
mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Let us consider that the probability of when John baptized him and with the voice
from heaven Jesus received the the transition of priesthood after the order of Aaron
that to the order of Christ with the power and authority of the Holy Spirit; but not
the office of king and Eternal High priest until after he offered himself up and was
sacrificed as the lamb of God being the last high priest on earth of flesh and blood
and was rejected as Priest and King. Then becoming the first born of the resurrection
ascending to heaven and the throne to receive God’s oath of the office of eternal
High Priest with the Throne of God as King of Kings. He then received all power and
authority in heaven and on earth as the scriptures tell us. The One Holy Priesthood
of God is the Power and Authority of His Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 7:23. “And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered
to continue by reason of death: 24. But this man, because he continueth ever, hath
an unchangeable priesthood. 25. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the

uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for
them. 26. For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled,
separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;…”

Hebrews 10:10. “By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the
body of Jesus Christ once for all;… 12..But this man, after he had offered one
sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;”

Mathew 16:13. When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his
disciples, saying, "Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?…” 15. He saith unto
them, "But whom say ye that I am?” 16. And Simon Peter answered and said, "Thou
art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17. And Jesus answered and said unto
him, "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona:for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto
thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art
Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail
against it.”

1 Corinthians 10:1. “Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant,

how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2. And
were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 3. And did all eat the same
spiritual meat; 4. And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that
spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.”

Jesus was telling Peter God was going to be swinging wide the gates to the
Heavenly City of God and Zion with the revealing Power of the Holy Spirit that
caused Peter to acknowledge Him. Peter would with others be the foundation stones
of the Church and City of God. He with others would be ushering all people into the
Kingdom of heaven with the Authority of God given them. It would become available
to all those through faith and obedience to the commandments finding the narrow
gate leading to eternity with God.

Matthew 16:19. "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and
whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou
shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Message 112:10. “Let those that reject the Message I bring from the Lord be
released from their trust and responsibility—for they deny my coming—and the Lord
rejects them. Therefore, let them have no part in this work, for their hearts are not
true and not in the Lord’s will. All those that oppose and fight against this work,
except they repent, their end will be sad. They cannot overthrow the Lord’s work. 11.
Remember the Lord has called and chose men to direct this work. Keep your calling
sacred. What you bind on earth is bound in heaven. What you loose on earth is
loosed in heaven.” (4-4-1992)

1 Peter 27:4. “To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men,
but chosen of God, and precious, 5. Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual
house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus

Christ. 6. Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief
corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
7. Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be
disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of
the corner…”

The lively stones with the head of the corner are the spiritual gifts of God to the
Body and Church the Kingdom of God and His people of Zion.

1 Corinthians 12:1. “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you
ignorant.” 18. “But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body,
as it hath pleased him.” 27. ”Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in
particular. 28. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily
prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps,
governments, diversities of tongues.”

Ephesians 4:7. "But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of
the gift of Christ. 8. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led
captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.” 11. "And he gave some, apostles; and
some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12, For the
perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of

The Church was first established by Christ with the power and authority He gave
the Apostles He chose.

Luke 6:13. And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he
chose twelve, whom also he named apostles;

Luke 9:1. “Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and
authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.” (In this verse Exousia is translated as
authority and Dunamis as power)

1 Peter 5:1. “The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a
witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be

2 Corinthians 13:10. “Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present
I should use sharpness, according to the power which the Lord hath given me to
edification, and not to destruction.” (Greek G1849 Exousia translated here as
power is also used for authority)

Acts 14:23. “When they had appointed elders for them in every church, having
prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.”

1 Timothy 5:17. “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour,
especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.”

1 Thessalonians 4:2. “For ye know what commandments we gave you by the LORD

Acts 1:2. “Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy
Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:”

Matthew 28:18. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, “All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth.”

It has long been understood that the Church Christ established with the continuing
power and authority of the Holy Priesthood of the Apostles and Elders succumbed to
an apostasy of the traditions of secular men not ordained of God. The Holy
Priesthood of the Church he established with its Holy Rites became defiled. Thus the
need for its restoration from heaven. He had set twelve apostles to establish local
churches and as overseers of the general church. Local church elders were ordained
and entrusted with the Holy Priesthood Authority and Power of God. Suffering
violence that would overcome the church the Priesthood Power and Authority
personified as the man-child was caught up to heaven until the times of the
restoration and restitution of all things. Restored so the ruler of the kingdoms of this
world could be cast out and true worship and deliverance returned as in the time of
the first Apostles in days of old

John the Baptist laid his hands upon Joseph and Oliver Cowdery to restore the Holy
Priesthood, on the fifteenth of May 1829 on the appointed day in history by God.

By way of explanation of this part of my writings about the messenger restoring the
priesthood by John the Baptist, I must rely on the words of the messages he has
brought since he first appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in their totality
being the preponderance of evidence with those he spoke to Otto Fetting on
2-4-1927 and then continuing with W.A. Draves until their deaths. The reason is to
determine what happened in 1829 and the subsequent history of events. This
because what first took place is clouded with the errors and mistakes of a
contradictory record that was put forth by other men rewriting of the original
records such as they were at that time. That leaves me with corroborating what can
be found that agrees with what he since brought to correct and reiterate what he
spoke in the beginning. No one else can speak for him. The words he brought and
brings and speaks are the Words the Lord has put in his mouth spoke from his lips.
The two largest factions put forth God has two priesthoods functioning on earth.
That John restored the lessor of the two and Peter, James, and John afterward
restored the greater or Melchizedek priesthood.

Message 111:5 I have given the holy priesthood, the power and authority of God,
by the hands of My Messenger, Mine angel, My forerunner, but so called
‘restoration’ has added to: offices, officers, and creeds I do not accept. Again,
without authority, and lack of true authority and doctrine of salvation, because of
high prominency and great titles, you are empty of the Lord. 6. Let all repent and
receive this authority I send for mankind, the pure love of God,’ saith the Lord Jesus

Christ. Amen. (9-22-1991)

The President of the LDS Church is always an apostle, as are the members of
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In practice, counselors in the First
Presidency are almost always apostles as well. There are usually at least twelve
apostles in the LDS Church, though at times there has been as many as twenty one.

RLDS Church historian wrote concerning Peter, James and John appearing to Joseph
Smith “that whoso writes, writes dangerously” about it happening.

The LDS. Historian wrote: “If they take time to read their own history, they will
understand that not a single, significant LDS doctrine has gone unchanged
throughout the entire history of the church…”

May 15,1829. John the Baptist visits, without mention or record anywhere until
several years later.

Form this late reporting of John the Baptists restoring the priesthood I will include
that which is supported by the preponderance of the words of the messenger John
the Baptist to Otto Fetting and W.A. Draves. It will not include the words about
Aaronic priesthood or those concerning Peter, James, and John I hold to be not the

Of this event Joseph Smith says of himself and Oliver Cowdery, his scribe: “We still
continued the work of translation, when in the ensuing month (May, eighteen
hundred and twenty-nine), we on a certain day went into the woods to pray and
inquire of the Lord respecting Baptism for the remission of sins, as we found
mentioned in the translation of the plates. While we were thus employed, praying,
and calling upon the Lord, a messenger from heaven descended in a cloud of light,
and having laid his hands upon us, he ordained us,…and he commanded us to go and
be baptized, and gave us directions that I should baptize Oliver Cowdery, and
afterwards that he should baptize me. Accordingly we went and were baptized, I
baptized him first and afterwards he baptized me,…The messenger who visited us on
this occasion, and conferred this priesthood upon us, said that his name was John,
the same that is called John the Baptist , in the New Testament…, It was on the
fifteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, that we were baptized and
ordained under the hand of the messenger… We were filled with the Holy Ghost, and
rejoiced in the God of our salvation.” Church History (Reorganized) Vol. 1, pp. 34-36.

I want to call the readers attention to the pattern of John restoring the Holy
Priesthood. They followed his instruction to baptize each other and the Lord
confirmed the trust given them of the Priesthood authority and power by filling
them with the Holy Spirit.

Oliver Cowdery said: “But, dear brother, think, further think for a moment, what joy
filled our hearts and with what surprise we must have bowed, (for who would not

have bowed the knee for such a blessing)? when we received under his hand the
‘Holy Priesthood,’ as he said, 'Upon you my fellow-servants, in the name of Messiah,
I confer this priesthood and this authority, which shall remain upon earth, that the
sons of Levi may yet offer an offering unto the Lord in righteousness!” Messenger
and Advocate, vol. 1, pp. 1.5, 16. Church History (Reorganized) vol. 1. pp. 37-39,

The “Sons of Levi” is synonymous with priesthood and the promise to Aaron of the
everlasting priesthood during their generations continuing with the one eternal
priesthood of Jesus Christ who fulfilled the Law for all mankind to bring their
sacrifice and offering of a broken heart and a contrite spirit to Christ their Holy

The record of John’s work of restoring all things began with the Holy Priesthood
Power and Authority of the Son of God by the Prophet of the Highest on the day they
were told to baptize each other according to the commandment and pattern of
Christ to be born again of water and of the Spirit. The pattern and way of the Lord is
one Holy Priesthood with many different function and duties each determined by
God. Each of the gifts of God cannot be greater than the source of the Holy
Priesthood of God. There are different functions and duties but one Priesthood.

Joseph and Oliver ordained each other as elders according to David Whitmer
following God’s calling them after they had received the Holy Priesthood according
to the pattern given. We can see that the duties and functions of gifts flows from the
Power and Authority of God’s callings as it pleases Him.

David Whimer wrote in his “Address to Believers:” “In June 1829 I was baptized,
confirmed, and ordained an Elder in the Church of Christ by Bro. Joseph Smith.
Previous to this, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had baptized, confirmed and
ordained each other to the office of an Elder in the Church of Christ. I was the third
person baptized into the church. In August, 1829, we began to preach the gospel of
Christ. The following six elders had then been ordained: Joseph Smith, Oliver
Cowdery, Peter Whitmer, Samuel H. Smith, Hyrum Smith and myself.”

These events and others were added to and re-arranged years later by mixing them
with errors to re-write the truth to fit their thinking and actions. A hundred years
later it took the return of the angel of the Lord to re-establish His church with the
Holy Unction renewed by removing the sins and traditions of men.

John the Baptist died before the Saviour that he might be raised up along with
other saints following His resurrection in the spirit and power of Elijah to restore all
things as pointed out by Jesus unlike Peter, James and John that died after the cross.

Mathew 27:52. ”And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which
slept arose, 53. And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the
holy city, and appeared unto many.”

Matthew 17:10. And his disciples asked him, saying, “Why then say the scribes that

Elias must first come?” 11. And Jesus answered and said unto them, “Elias truly shall
first come, and restore all things. 12. But I say unto you, That Elias is come already,
and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise
shall also the Son of man suffer of them. 13. Then the disciples understood that he
spake unto them of John the Baptist.”

Quote from Elder Ethan Johnson: “And he happens to be speaking to Peter, James,
and John!.”

The timely records of these events are poor. It is hard to find the truth because of
the rewriting of them. One of the earliest documents before the organization of the
Church is a manuscript in Oliver Cowdery’s handwriting with the designation,
“Written in the year of our Lord & Saviour 1829-A true copy of the articles of the
Church of Christ.

In the articles the Lord specifies by revelation “I command all men ever where to
repent & I speak unto you (Joseph Smith Jr) even as unto Paul mine apostle for ye
are called even with the same calling with which he was called.” In verse nine of that
revelation the Lord stated: “And now, Oliver Cowdery, I speak unto you and also
unto David Whitmer, by the way of commandment; for behold, I command all men
everywhere to repent, and I speak unto you , even as unto Paul mine apostle, for you
are called even with that same calling with which he was called. This sometime in
June within a month of their baptism they were called by revelation like Paul who
was an elder and an apostle.”

LDS church history states: “Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were ordained
Apostles in May of 1829.”

There is the record of their being called in June as apostles but not of them being
called or ordained in May or June that I have found. They should have been ordained
as elders before June or at that time as elders moreover as apostles.

Again David Whitmer states they were ordained elders before him and then
baptized and ordained him. Folloing that date in June many others were baptized and
ordained elders.

There are no words in the revelation about Peter, James and John ordaining them
until D&C 27:12 And also with Peter, James, and John, whom I have sent unto you,
by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles,…(probably 13 day
period of 16 to 28 day May 1829) No record was then recorded but numerous later
versions put forth..

There are early revelations that were included in a book of commandments

published in 1833. To further confuse the record they were incorporated into a new
record called the Doctrine and Covenants that added words and changed wording to
support what took place in the interim of establishing the Church of Christ.

We can see if we look carefully that the pattern they received to be establish the
church of Christ included: 1. The angel ordained them with Holy Priesthood. 2.
Authoritative baptism of water and Holy Spirit was manifested on May 15, 1829
when they were baptized and they received the Holy Ghost from heaven. 3. On or
before June 1829 Joseph and Oliver were ordained as elders before they baptized
and ordained David Whitmer. They were called as apostles and were to seek out
others unto twelve. I can find no record of them ordaining apostles before Joseph
and Oliver on 4-5-1830. On April 6 it is recorded that Oliver ordained Joseph first
elder and Joseph ordained Oliver second elder and then they proceeded to ordain
those that had previously been baptized to different offices of the priesthood
making no mention of anyone previously being ordained.

One possibility of the confusion is Brigham Young showed up and was converted
and insisted they could not organize the church until they receive authority from the
three ancient Apostles, Peter, James and John so they must have done some do
overs to satisfy him or others. Thus the changing of records and offices by enough to
be plausible to a casual reader.

The pattern for establishing the church as directed was replaced with the false
prophecies of the mind and traditions of man. A Quorum of apostles was not
ordained until 1835 after Presidents and counselors with High Priests and other
offices being added. After the events in Zion’s Camp, in Missouri it appears Joseph
apparently remembered the revelation about obeying the former commandments
they had received and proceeded to install apostles in the Church as reported in
“The Calling of the Twelve Apostles and the Seventy in 1835” by Richard E. Turley Jr.

Quote: “They then according to a former commandment, proceeded to make

choices of the twelve.” The “former commandment” was a revelation given in June
1829 before the Church was organized. In it, the Lord spoke to Oliver Cowdery and
David Whitmer “even as unto Paul mine apostle,” telling them that they were called
“with that same calling with which he was called” (D&C 18:9) [11] The revelation
outlined qualifications for the Twelve and commanded Oliver and David to “search
out the Twelve,” who would “have the desires of which I have spoken,” instructing
the Witnesses that “by their desires and their works you shall know them” (D&C
18:37–38) Book of commandments. 1829

Book of Commandments 15:2. “Behold I have manifested unto you, by my Spirit in

many instances, that the things which you have written are true: 3. Wherefore you
know that they are true; and if you know that they are true, behold I give unto you a
commandment, that you rely upon the things which are written; for in them are all
things written, concerning my church, my gospel, and my rock. 4. Wherefore if you
shall build up my church, and my gospel, and my rock, the gates of hell shall not
prevail against you.” ( Referring to the Record of the Nephites)

The Lord spoke through Joseph Smith in Sept. 1832 as follows: "Your minds in times
past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly
the things you have received, which vanity and unbelief hath brought the whole

church under condemnation."

In the following month, Nov. 27, 1832, he wrote: "And it shall come to pass that I
the Lord God will send one mighty and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his
hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words,
while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God,”

Message 39:9…”For I send one mighty and strong and unto him have I given power
to utter words—eternal words —and light is His covering, to set in order My house.
From his bowels gushes forth truth, a fountain of truth, to speak My words, for I
have spoken. In Me is the light that shineth in darkness and by My servant I give
these words unto you. I send a great light, and few there be that perceive it because
of the precepts and commandments of men.” (Message 74:3, 85:34)

Hebrews 4:12. “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any
two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the
joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

I will not pursue all the errors that were made by not following the Lord’s former
commandments in 1829 and the pattern given Joseph. They were to rely upon them
to establish the church. They were warned before when failing in obedience to God’s
will that some revelations are of God, some of men, and some of the devil. This
eventually led in 1834-35 in rewriting the first revelations interjecting into them
words that supported the mistakes made. David Whitmer wrote they preached,
baptized and confirmed members into the Church of Christ from August, 1829, until
April 6th, 1830 being eight months in which time we had proceeded rightly being
spiritually organized…That there were three branches (Locals) of the “Church of
Christ,” in which three branches were about seventy members. It was on April 6th,
1830 “ when it was organized agreeable to the laws of our country” that errors
began to be made. In June, 1831 - almost two years - and had baptized about 2,000
members into the Church of Christ, and had not one High Priest.

Mistakes that were made was brought about by some of the revelations of Joseph
Smith when failing to remain humble trying to please men who came to him seeking
him to ask the Lord about false doctrines. It led to schisms over the doctrines and
offices not of God when he listened to men around him and failed to follow the
instructions he first was given. Then Joseph was martyred in 1844 bringing more
divisions. There was a remnant of the church established in 1829-1930 the Lord said
He had reserved unto Himself on the Temple Lot, to set the Church in order. (Message
12:1) This group of people had that moved from Illinois to Missouri in 1867 because
of a revelation given in 1863 through Elder Granville Hedrick. They bought the land
that Joseph had identified as the place for the temple.

The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message was established anew with the
Priesthood Authority restored to Joseph and Oliver reaffirmed and reiterated again
by the messenger of the Lord John the Baptist to Otto Fetting in 1929.

Message 30:6 “I have established My Church in 1929 anew. I have given the
Message and it must be obeyed. All else is of man and I cannot, and will not accept
the follies and traditions of men, for My work is a holy work and man must first be
made holy.” (1-28-1933)

Message 83:8. “I brought the authority and trust, to re-establish the work to Joseph
Smith and Oliver Cowdery and again anew in 1929 to Otto Fetting.” (2-14-1966)

Message 101:16. “Keep sacred the authority and trust—the holy priesthood after
the order of the Son of God—that is restored to mankind. You that obey my
instructions and touch of my hands, established anew amongst you, bring others
into this work.” (3-11-1983)

AFP 11. We believe that where there are six or more regularly baptized members,
one of whom is an elder, there the Church exists with full power of church extension
when acting in harmony with the Law of God. 13. We believe in the same church
organization as existed in the time of Christ and His apostles. The highest office in the
Church is that of an apostle, of whom there are twelve, who constitute special
witnesses for Jesus Christ. They have the Missionary Supervision and the General
Watchcare of all of the Churches.

The apostles are a quorum of 12 elders “appointed and anointed” with the function
and duties of their office as compared to elders. Both are entrusted with the one
Holy Priesthood of God with different functions and duties of the General Church
and the Local Church.

Message 5:2 “Again in 1926, you, with your brethren, were set apart as members of
the twelve to represent Christ and His Church, with the same authority as the
apostles of old. Many are representing Christ but not Christ and His Church, but you
men have been chosen to represent Christ and His Church as He established it when
He was here.” (3-22-1928)

On October 8, 1925 during the fall conference of the Temple Lot church Elder
Daniel Mcgregor formerly RLDS gave the following revelation: “Verily thus saith the
Spirit, in order that the Church of Christ may be prepared to more effectively occupy,
it is the wish of the spirit that two of his servants select a Committee of Three, who
shall serve as Apostles before me.” The record states the committee reported back
on October 11 they had not and “that in the interim, a committee of five be chosen
to have church oversight.

In the spring of 1926 the remnant that had purchased the temple lot then
reinforced by the transfer of memberships agreed upon at that time met in General
Conference. A three day Prayer and Fast was had for Divine direction. Their prayers
were answered. There was a Gift of Tongues and its interpretation told them that it
was time for the Church to move forward - choose out new apostles. God would
send His messenger to direct. Seven men were chosen and were ordained including
Otto Fetting who was a member of the finance committee. Then on 2-4, 1927

brother Fetting was awakened by a powerful slap on his shoulder. The Lord was
using His former pattern to establish the Church with the priesthood authority that
was restored to Joseph and Oliver and again reiterated and reaffirmed by the hands
of John the Baptist. (credit in part taken from “The Journal of Latter Day Saint
History” of Otto Fetting)

Message 12:6. “Remember, the Lord committed to Joseph Smith a great work in his
day, and power and authority to re-establish The Church of Christ in his day as in the
days of old. He gave him the pattern to establish it as in the days of the apostles, and
restored the priesthood and authority of the Son of God to the children of men. Yet,
because of pride and the love and praise of men, he sinned before God, and much of
his work has been destroyed, but he will be saved as by fire, and will be numbered
with the prophets of old. Again, the Lord has called others to prune His vineyard, to
bring the Gospel of peace, to establish His Church as in the days of old, that the
power of the priesthood may be again enjoyed as in the days of old…” (7-18-1929)

Message 26:6. “The Lord has placed the work of the churches, and the preaching
and teaching in the hands of the apostles as in the days of Christ when He was here;
and the finances and the care of the poor and needy in the care of the bishops.
Therefore see that the work is done as the Lord will direct. Let the elders preach the
gospel, baptizing those that come to The Church of Christ. Let them labor among the
people, healing the sick, blessing the children as they are brought to them.Let them
lay their hands on them that the Lord may confirm their work by the Holy Ghost, that
the Spirit of God may lead them in all truth.” (Compare emphasis with BOC)

Book of Commandments page 32: An apostle is an elder, and it is his calling to

baptize and to ordain other elders, priests, teachers and deacons, and to administer
the flesh and blood of Christ according to the scriptures; 33 And to teach, expound,
exhort, baptize, and watch over the church; (compare BOC with D&C 20:38 which
states: “Portions of this revelation may have been given as early as summer 1829.”

Mathew 11:7. Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John… 9. “But
what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a
prophet. 10. For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger
before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.” Jesus said of John “ Verily
I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater
than John the Baptist…” 13. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John”.

Luke 1:76. “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; For you will go
before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways,”

Malachi 3:1. “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way
before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the
messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the
LORD of hosts. 2. But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand
when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: 3. And he

shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and
purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in
righteousness. 4. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto
the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years. 5. And I will come near to you
to judgment…” 6. For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not

Message 85:28. “Again, as the children of Israel heard and obeyed the injunctions
of the Lord through Moses were delivered, so will the people be delivered today if
they will hear the words I bring preparing themselves to follow through. For there is
the way of salvation and preservation, the way of deliverance in the fulfilling of the
words of the Lord spoken by the holy prophets of old-as they were moved upon by
the Holy Spirit of God. 29. I come fulfilling and to do His will. This is the assured way,
the Elijah Message. The curse is lifted as belief and obedience comes. 30. This is the
midnight cry—the great confusion must fall. Pentecost must come, the outpouring of
the Spirit must be even to those that are afar off. 31. I am the Messenger to restore
all things. I bring a book of instructions, prophecy and commands to all men, to every
branch of the house of Israel. 32. Fear not, let the Spirit fill you to overflowing for it
will come to all who make ready. The Lord sets His hand again the second time, to
recover His people. 33. I am that servant sent to give meat in due season. Now is the
day of choosing—to serve the Lord, or fail to find peace. For all they that do not hear
me heareth not God and shall not be found among the people of the Lord. 34. I am
the one chosen of the Lord, mighty and strong one. I shall not falter. The work shall
be accomplished. The kingdom shall be prepared and given to the saints of the most
high. 35 Israel shall win and be delivered. Did I not say Assyria shall be beaten and
fall, a nation born at once of hope and deliverance? 36. The 2300 days of Daniel’s
words are being fulfilled in the Lord’s Church, the Gospel and the Rock.” (8-14-1967)

Acts 3:18. ”But those things, which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his
prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled. 19. Repent ye therefore, and
be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall
come from the presence of the Lord. 20. And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before
was preached unto you: 21. Whom the heaven must receive until the times of
restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets
since the world began. 22. For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the
Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in
all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. 23. And it shall come to pass, that every
soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.
24. Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as
have spoken,”

Message 86:24. “The great stumbling block put out by the mind of man is to say
Jesus Christ is “that prophet” like unto Moses, when it is I, John the Baptist, the
forerunner; the Messenger called the Elias which was for to come. 25 A prophet
represents, and Christ is God Himself. I represent Him. 26 The carnal mind will not
see this, the selfish will not see this, nor they that set themselves up. But they that
God has set up will see, will come to understanding, obey and follow through in this

work.” (7-31-1968)

Daniel 7:21. “I beheld, and the same horn (the other power and authority on earth)
made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of days
came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came
that the saints possessed the kingdom.”

Message 102:2. “I am your fellow servant. I am John the Baptist. I am resurrected. 5.

I gave the revelation and the vision of the Churches to John the Beloved in his day. In
its fulfillment, you will see much has passed and much more to come.” (6-19-1991)

Revelation 14:6. “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having
the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every
nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,”

Revelation 22:9. “Then saith (the angel) unto me, See thou do it not: (bow down)
for I am thy fellow servant and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which
keep the sayings of this book: worship God.”

And then there is this: In Hebrews 10:5 the writer reminds us that God gave Moses
a pattern to build the tabernacle and the Holy Sanctuary under the covenant in his
day. He gave Moses power and authority to do that and establish the priesthood and
ministry appointed and ordained of God. He also gave a pattern that through faith
and obedience to His Law they might be sanctified and God could meet and talk with
them. So it is in this day of the Covenant of Christ that like Moses the Lord’s prophet
brought the commandment with instructions and pattern to build the Temple and
Holy Sanctuary of the Lord. A place and a people prepared for Lord to meet and talk
with them.

He brought the pattern to establish a Holy Priesthood and the Church of Christ as
Jesus had instructed the first Apostles. He gave the Authority and Power of the Son
of God to a ministry to usher into the kingdom whosoever would believe and follow
the pattern might also be sanctified by the Holy Spirit of God. This that they might
bring their sacrifice of a broken heart and a contrite spirit in a clean vessel with clean
hands as a pleasant offering to the Lord. A people prepared as the Bride of Christ to
enter the Kingdom of God as members in particular of the Church and Body of Christ.

A prophet receives the testimony of Jesus (Spirit of prophecy) by the voice of the
Holy Ghost present with them or physically face to face as was revealed to Peter. In
the case of Moses he met God face to face on the Mount and was shown the pattern
in heaven. In the case of John he brings the pattern from Jesus on the throne in

Message 85:25. “Therefore the Lord promised a Warner of things to come, to speak
the truth. Thus in this Elijah saying, ‘Elias must first come,’ ‘Elias for to come’ is
promised a true prophet—a prophet of the highest to come and restore all things,
the restitution and restoration of all things as it was in the beginning and mankind

lives his age in peace and freedom of toil, of pain, of sweat or the fear of death.”

On 20 July 1831 Joseph Smith recorded a revelation identifying Independence,

Missouri, as "The center place; and a spot for the temple.” Joseph and Sidney Rigdon
dedicated a site for the temple on 3 August 1831 that the messenger affirmed in his
first visit to Otto Fetting was true.

Message 1:2. “The revelation that was given for the building of the Temple was true
and the Temple soon will be started. 3. Three more men will be placed in the twelve
this spring, and that they were much needed in the quorum. These men will be
chosen at the spring conference. 4. The Temple will be built, if not by the people in
charge, the Lord will raise up a people that will build it. 5. The coming of Christ is
near at hand and Christ will not delay His coming because of the unfaithfulness of
the people.” (2-4-1927)

Message 6:2. “Joseph Smith did a great work in his day; yet he sinned before the
Lord in many things by not keeping the commandments that were given to him, and
in not building the house of the Lord; yet he repented, and in the end he will be
numbered with the prophets of old…” (9-1-1928)

Message 12:4. “Behold, the Lord has rejected all creeds and factions of men, who
have gone away from the Word of the Lord and have become an abomination in His
sight. Therefore, let those that come to The Church of Christ be baptized, that they
may rid themselves of the traditions and sins of men; preparing themselves, that they
may be fit and worthy for the Spirit and power of the Holy Ghost, and as the greater
power shall come, that they may be ready to receive it with joy. For this is the time of
the restitution and restoration of all things, and this must come to all that shall be
permitted to dwell in the presence of Christ, for sin cannot receive the glory of God,
nor the power of the Holy Spirit.”…8 “And as I laid my hands upon Joseph Smith, so
now to set you apart I lay my hands on you, that greater power and greater light
might come to you, and to do the work entrusted to your care and in your day.
Remember, the priesthood was not and will not be taken from the earth since I
conferred it on Joseph Smith; but the greater power of the priesthood has been
withheld because of the transgression of those who have been entrusted therewith.
Therefore, see that all things are done after the pattern I will give you, that in all
things you may please the Lord your God. Be true to the trust that has been placed
upon you and your brethren, each one in his place and calling, for the Lord will hold
each one responsible in their work that must be done and will require it at their
hands in the last day. Some will fail because of the temptations that shall come to
them, but they will suffer loss. But, remember, Christ is at the head of the Church,
and will direct His work. He is the Great High Priest of His people and He will direct
the work as in days of old. I therefore bless you in the name of Christ, and admonish
you to seek not the praise of men but be humble before God, and the people of the
Lord, and your brethren. The priesthood and authority that was placed upon you by
the servant of the Lord will never be taken from you unless you deny the Lord your
God, but if you are not true to the trust imposed upon you, you shall suffer loss and

lose your crown.? 9. Let C. A. Spilsbury be set apart among men to fill the vacancy in
the quorum of twelve, that the work may not suffer, for this is a day of haste as I
have told you.” (7-18-1929)

John the Baptist states that all persons coming into the Church of Christ must be
baptized, as "the Lord has rejected all creeds and factions of men." While this
reflects the practice of the majority of Latter Day Saint denominations (including the
Temple Lot church itself, today,) it did not reflect the policy of the Temple Lot church
at the time, which accepted members during this period from the Reorganized
church, certain other Latter Day Saint organizations, and Joseph Smith's before 1844
church on their original baptisms. The agreement was made in 1918 that they would
acknowledge each others baptism and priesthood, as being authoritative, its source
being 1829-1929 through Joseph Smith.

John the Baptist laid his hands on Otto Fetting that greater Power and Light might
come to him and set him apart to do the work entrusted to him. That power was to
be able to establish the Church that would be the Bride of Christ, when He returns.

He said that all things must be done after the pattern he would give to him; and not
seek the praise of men, as other had done before him. Those with him in the temple
plans committee came to the understanding that they had not come to the Church of
Christ by baptism. So Brother Fetting baptized Walter Gates and Walter Gates
baptized Otto Fetting and Thomas Nerren and others were also baptized, and great
outpouring of the Spirit was received: the pattern again had been followed.

Fetting saw in a dream, two angels with trumpets blowing out the letters
OBEDIENCE. Thus the Church of Christ was established anew in 1929. The Letters
Brother Fetting saw in the sky were “1929”. So Fetting had actually began to practice
the command of baptism after receiving the message rather than waiting for the
conference called for in October because of it. A conference was convened on
October 6 regarding an epistle introduced by six apostles opposed to the
“re-baptism” question.

After ongoing discussion of the matter, those opposed moved to pass a resolution
to hold a decision over until the regular April conference. In the interim the baptism
should not be taught as a duty or practiced and passed 110-67. After Brother Fetting
announce he would not obey they put him under official silence that passed 92-67.

Seven apostles had brought in the paper and nine voted for it. Note that of these
men seven were former baptized RLDS members who also held the majority vote
taken of those attending. It was on October 15, 1929 when Otto Fetting was formally
charged with heresy and insubordination by the seven apostles of the quorum and
to remove him from the quorum and be under silence and prohibit him from
representing the church in any capacity until he shall publicly confess his error,
repudiate his action and make proper restitution to this church. This was continued
in the afternoon without a vote taken. Fetting defended the messengers
commandment of baptism and said that “Christ told me to baptize all who come to

me.” He stated that he was told by Him “This custom must prevail.” Two other
apostles that included Walter Gates defended Fetting. Then when Gates tendered
his resignation as an apostle while the arguments was going on Fetting also defiantly
tendered his resignation, put on his coat and left the platform. After arguing the
doctrinal point all week at the conference and was deposed as an apostle of the
Church of Christ (temple lot) he announced “He would continue preaching and
practicing the baptism that was being called re-baptism.”

Brother Jairus reminded me the Lord requiring baptism of the Church of Christ Elders,
Priests, and teachers that Alma had baptized and ordained when Jesus established
His Church with twelve elders ordained as a quorum of disciples.

Moroni 6:1. And now I speak concerning baptism: “Behold, elders, priests, and
teachers were baptized; and they were not baptized, save they brought forth fruit
meet that they were worthy of it”;

In His foreknowledge of their rejection God was preparing a remnant from the
temple lot people to establish the Church of Christ anew. That brother Otto Fetting
would not deny the Words of the Lord by the Messenger and preserve the line of
Priesthood Authority after they rejected them and him. They were not being
re-baptized into what was but into what God would establish through the remnant
He had preserved and reserved on the temple lot. The Messenger was bringing the
cleansing of the Church and the sons of Levi promised by the prophet Malachi.

Remember in the twelfth message the Messenger told him “The lord has rejected
all creeds and factions of men that had gone away from the Words of the Lord.” As
he had Joseph Smith, so now “I lay my hands on you, that greater power and greater
light might come to you, and to set you apart to do the work entrusted to your care
and in your day”. He assured him “the priesthood and authority that was placed
upon you by the servant of the Lord will never be taken from you unless you deny
the Lord your God, but if you are not true to the trust imposed upon you, you shall
suffer loss and lose your crown.”

Historian B.C. flint explains that “regardless of the fact that the conference had
rejected the idea of the commandment of baptism no actual vote was taken on it.”

Apostles Fetting and Gates defied the conference and continued to to teach it and
to baptize those that accepted the message.

The Messenger had already come with the thirteenth message before the
conference that they were not privy to. Quoting brother J. W. Savage: he was
reminded that the twelfth called for it in order that those accepting it “Might rid
themselves of the sins and traditions of men.”

The Messenger had raised the question of another work. That the authority of our
church, the Church of Christ with the Elijah, flows from out of these words. “The
Church of Christ will never again be destroyed, for it shall continue on its work until

Christ shall come, but many hearts will be sad at times because of the things they
will have to pass through.”

On October 7, 1929 during the conference, the messenger again came for the
fourteenth time. This message was the one that determined Fetting’s posture during
the conference, and thus his fate. He did not quote it to them, but it determined all
that happened there and afterwards.

Quote: “There are those that will oppose the message I have given you, and this will
delay the work on the temple, but their end will be sad. The Lord will bless the
hearts that are pure and the hands that clean before him.”… “Write this and place it
with the rest, but send it not to the world as yet for I will come again to you.”

In a letter dated October 9, 1929, and presented to the conference, Fetting

explained his position:

TO WHO IT MAY CONCERN: “I make this solemn declaration before God this day,
God being my witness, and I expect some day to stand before the judgment bar to
answer for this statement. The manifestation and words of the visits of the
Messenger are true. I have seen him from time to time. I heard his voice, I've seen
his face, I saw the light, I felt his hand on my head and the slap on my shoulder. I was
enwrapt in that wonderful Heavenly and Divine power, and the words I have given
you are not my words, but the words God sent by John the Baptist. I want to make
this statement, so that everyone may know that this is true; it matters little what will
become of me hereafter, but I cannot, nor will not, deny the things I have seen and
heard from the Heavenly Messenger as long as I have my right mind, and God gives
me life and His grace to endure here on Earth. Others may make statements about
me, but I want this to be understood that this statement is true. And I shall abide by
the advice and instructions given by the Messenger regardless of what men may say.
Signed Otto Fetting Independence, Missouri, October 9, 1929.”

On October 13, 1929 the messenger came again for the fifteenth time one week
after the beginning of the conference and told him to simply continue on. “Grieve
not over what man has done, this is not your work, but God’s work. They have not
rejected you, but they have rejected me, and the message I have brought from the
Lord. And inasmuch as they have done this, the Lord has rejected them.”

By April 1930 when the conference was to vote on matter of Fetting and the
baptism of John, Otto Fetting was forming a separate church organization with about
1,000 members. Did the church begin in 1929 or 1930 with the business inc? The
messenger said 1929.

AFP. Article 11. “We believe that where there are six or more regularly baptized
members, one of whom is an elder, there the Church exists with full power of church
extension when acting in harmony with the Law of God.” 13. “We believe in the
same Church organization as existed in the time of Christ and His apostles. The
highest office in the Church is that of an apostle, of whom there are twelve, who

constitute special witnesses for Jesus Christ. They have the Missionary Supervision
and the General Watchcare of all of the Churches.”

Message 1:1. “Don’t change The Articles of Faith and Practice, because the Lord
inspired the men that wrote them. See to it that they are not changed.” (2-4-1927)

It is important for you to know the truth and remember these things to judge for
yourself the outcome of what happened in 1994 and 2003 with those that lost the
love of Christ for their brethren. If your seeking the Truth you will see those with the
Priesthood Authority and the rejection of others walking in the darkness because of
unbelief and not in the light of the Spirit of God like in 1929.

Message 18:13. “Fear not, the Lord will set up His church in its completeness, and
those that are honest in heart will come into it. I laid my hands upon you that
greater light, and greater power shall come to you. If you will be humble and
continue to do the things the Lord shall send to you, this light and power shall come
to you as you shall stand in need”. (1-6-1930)

Message 20:5. “As I told you, let C. A. Spilsbury be set apart with you and W. L.
Gates, who has withdrawn from them. And let Thomas B. Nerren, William R. Dexter,
W. P. Buckley, George A. Backus, and Joseph H. Camp be set apart at this time that
the work might go on at present, and I will direct you as to the others whom God will
choose to carry on His work. Let these men with you be set apart as apostles, but
with it I say unto you, and to them, be humble, that you might fill the office and
calling the Lord has placed upon you”. (4-8-1930)

They could take away his office of apostle in “The temple lot church” but not the
“Holy Priesthood Authority” he received in 1899 because he had never denied the
Words of Christ. He obeyed them.

Message 24:12. “I am again establishing My Church in its fullness, with twelve

apostles and authority as in the days of old.” (11-30-1930)

After the Thirtieth message and the death of Otto Fetting the messenger returned
to a young church elder W.A. Draves known to us affectionately as Ole.

Message 30:6. “I have established My Church in 1929 anew. I have given the
Message and it must be obeyed. All else is of man and I cannot, and will not accept
the follies and traditions of men, for My work is a holy work and man must first be
made holy”. (1-28-1933)

Message 31:1. “Fear not, let peace be with you. Your prayers have been heard; God
hears the prayers of His children; He knows your hearts before you ask. Some are
pleading to Him in your behalf, and God has looked on you in favor’... He spoke to
encourage brother Draves by including the words “Truly God has raised you up to be
an instrument in His hands, then did the following before speaking to the Church
“Now hear ye the Words of the Lord.” (October 4, 1937)

At this juncture the visitor raised his right arm and seemed to reach almost over me
swaying his arm gently. I watched every move he made and especially his lips as he
spoke on with sternness and firmness as one speaking the truth.

Message 34:5. ‘Behold,’ saith the Lord, ‘a great work is to be done, and few there
be that behold it. But the children of your God knoweth it, and heareth the will of
the Father, for The Church of Christ shall receive her power to make ready her
children, the Lamb’s Bride, when He comes. 6 Hasten, ye sons of Levi hasten to your
calling. Remember your ancient choosing, calling and promise of your Lord. Let not
My work suffer because of unbelief, but arise and go forth in the strength of the Lord,
for love is your work. Go in faith. Bear ye the fruits of My Spirit that there may be
order in My house, when many find it not elsewhere and look for standards. Let The
Church of Christ take her place with the Gospel of love to govern the feet of the
weary and the wanderer”. (5-14-1938)

Message 36:5…”Worry not about what man has done—those that reject the words
I bring to you. They do not reject you but they reject me and the words I bring from
the Lord, and the Lord has not and will not let His Spirit always be with them unless
they turn and heed the Lord their God. 6. I am he who shall minister unto ten
thousand times ten thousand and they shall be tried and purged. For I sit as a refiner
of gold, and as with fuller’s soap, purging the hearts of men and cleansing out the
dross, the sins of men. For man must be made holy before he can come in the
presence of God, or the glory of the Lamb, slain for the sins of the world, that
mankind might believe on Him and be redeemed from that awful state”. (7:13-1938)

Message 39:6. “Hear ye! Hear ye! I am establishing My kingdom to never again be
overthrown and it shall fill the whole earth,… Floods, wars, pestilence and plagues
shall come, and many things that will cause the hearts of men to fail them. For I send
one mighty and strong and unto him have I given power to utter words-eternal words
-and light is His covering, to set in order My house’…(2-19-1939)

Message 71:2. “I am your fellow servant. I am the servant of the Lord. I am he who
sits and refines. Of ancient days it has been my mission, and my name is John. I
preached repentance and baptism before the Christ—and again I preach and
prophesy before His coming. I come to bring His word that a bride might be prepared
and a people that is His Church in very deed— The Church of Christ”. (8-13-1948)

Message 80:10. “Fear not and worry not about the Temple of the Lord, for the Lord
can choose the place, the time to build, and direct in His work when He desires His
Temple to be built. But with all, let there be Churches and buildings dedicated to the
Lord’s work everywhere - in the name of The Church of Christ, with the Elijah
Message. Declare among the people the Lord’s doings”. (8-15-1964)

Message 83:11. “Those that have obeyed and are obeying my injunctions and
directions, retaining and preserving the authority I bring are The Church of Christ
with the Elijah Message, established anew in 1929. 8. I brought the authority and
trust, to re-establish the work to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and again anew in

1929 to Otto Fetting. I continue to come bringing words of instructions and

directions, revealing God’s will, unveiling the mysteries of the kingdom of God on
earth. For my coming is that mankind may endure and prepare for the coming of the
Christ to earth again. I bring a way of deliverance from sin to life and way to the Lord.
9. I am the forerunner of Christ, the proclaimer of the warning, the announcer of His
soon coming. 10. I am the Messenger of the covenant, the servant of the Lord, the
Elias which was for to come. I bring the Elijah Message. 11. Those that have obeyed
and are obeying my injunctions and directions, retaining and preserving the
authority I bring are The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message, established anew
in 1929. Let it go to the ends of the earth, proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.”

Message 88:20. “I bring the assured way, the way of the Lord, to give light to them
that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, by my words cleansing out the dross,
the sins of men, moreover, false doctrines and traditions of men. 21. See those that
turn a deaf ear and will not hear—will not learn sound doctrine. Be patient and kind
to all men. Many will yet learn to heed and obey the injunctions I bring and build
upon the solid rock of truth. 22. The law and the prophets spoke until I come. Now
all mankind, all churches, all creeds and factions must hear my words and know what
I have spoken and will yet speak. 23. Without me and the words of the Lord I bring,
they build upon the sand where the storms of life and the doctrines of men will
sweep them away and their works come to naught. 24. All that hear and obey my
words shall come to understanding. 25. Be glad and rejoice ye wise men, ye that
claim to be leaders, obey and your works will come higher in greatness if you heed
what I have to say…28. Blessed and holy are they that come into this way. They shall
find the greater peace and God’s plan shall be made perfect. 29. All that be the
Christ’s, they that are called Christians will flow together. They that be of man and
his traditions will fail. 30. Let the young and the old come—let all come into this way;
truly be born of the water and the Spirit—ridding yourselves of the traditions of men,
make clean the slate.” (11-17-68)

Message 92:10. “There is no greater authority or gift, or gifts given to man than
that which I bring of the Lord God, after the order of His son.” (4-4-1973)

Message 94:20. “My mission was and is to establish The Church of Christ. I bring the
authority—the priesthood of God by the touch of my hands to this day and time it
stands alive. More power shall be given as the servants prepare for it.” (6-11-1975)

From 1899 until the end Otto Fetting held the priesthood. It was reaffirmed and
reiterated to him in 1929 and testified too throughout the messages as it was to W.A.
Draves until His passing.

What happened in 1994? There were apostles that voted to remove the Lord’s
scribe and Mervyn Johnson and Leonard Draves from the Twelve and the Church.
The Messenger came and removed those men for their actions that would not
repent from the Trust of His Authority and the Church and called others. Myself with
others refused to listen to their evil planning.

Message 118:2. The Messenger said; “Fret not nor worry not, this is the Lord’s work,
mankind cannot run it his way. I come to you to give encouragement. The authority
and trust is upon you. No one or none other can take it from you. 3. Some let satan
drive them into bitterness and evil acts against you 4. My mission is one of love, I
come from the Lord’s presence. I bring peace to fulfill the way of the Lord. To cause
mankind to be made pure and holy, righteous in the Lord’s sight. The hand of power
and trust are His, He giveth as mankind prepares. I bring glad tidings to the faithful.
The word I bring giveth salvation to all that believe and obey. Will mankind hear it? 5.
I am the Elias, the forerunner of the Christ. My baptism is to fulfill the way of
righteousness. There is no other way for salvation to come to mankind, only to follow
the Christ Jesus, only through Him. 6 You have done the Lord’s will and work,
preserve it and keep it sacred. 7. Be pleasant at all times and the Spirit will guide you
in all truth. As I speak to you, so speak I to all. 8. Let these I shall give you John
O’Keefe, Howard Leighton-Floyd, Charles S. Martin, Edward Sechrest be released of
priesthood authority and Terry Laws released of the apostleship. 9. Take your place
as an apostle, likewise Leonard H. Draves and Mervyn Johnson. Let Leonard H.
Draves keep the records as he has been told to do and other works instructed in the
office. 10. Mankind cannot do the Lord’s work his way, it must be the way of the
Lord, or therefore their own destruction.” 11. Unless there is repentance from the
office of James E. Parker and James Sorgen, they too shall be released from their
authority. 12. There will be other changes. 13. In time the Lord will call others to fill
vacancies. Be not disturbed of what your brethren sought to do. They destroy and
release themselves for lack of believing and or obeying my words I bring and will of
the Lord. (3-19-1994)

Note verse two “this is the Lord’s work, mankind cannot run it his way”. and again
in verse nine and ten when He told the brothers to take their place. He again
instructed Leonard Draves to keep the records as he has been told to do and other
works instructed in the office. 10. “Mankind cannot do the Lord’s Work his way, it
must be the way of the Lord.” (3-3-1994)

There is a record in the messages of the Lord directing brother Leonard to work in
the office that was resisted by those that came to reject the messages and laid a plan
to discredit the Lord’s scribe and messages. The old so called bishops corporation
was replaced in 1965 with proper legal representation of the governing body of
apostles. It was not accepted by some until they saw the people were not with them.

The messenger approved and there were some that were removed or left the
church. Eventually some came back and joined with those that stayed and together
they let satan drive them into bitterness and evil acts against their brothers. They no
longer believed certain messages in their hearts and wanted to overturn what the
Messenger instructed Brother Draves to do. For many years they had controlled
much of the Lord’s Work with those they preferred who supported them…

The Messenger had added Leonard to the apostles in 1974 in Message 93:26 and
instructed him to “Help in the office in the books, finance records and letter writing.”

Message 100:10 in 3-11-1981. “Let Leonard H. Draves remain in the recording

work.” These instructions also were not well received by some of the apostles and
bishops. Again in 103:28 in 1987. “Let Leonard H. Draves help in the office and
records, also in the planning of finances. Let his name also appear on the deposits
and signing of checks going out of the office, from the funds out of the monies. Heed
the instructions and it will be well with all, that the quorums, apostles and bishops,
may be properly represented in the goings on of the Church work. Instructions given
in the past have not been rightly arranged.” Then in 6-15-1992 Message 113:14.
“The time will come when the need will be for Leonard H. Draves to arrange to
spend much time in the office and work in headquarters. The letters of
encouragement and records will require his time. Let the work not suffer. Move
firmly in the adjustment.” Again he instructed in 3-8-1993 with Message 115:3. “Let
Leonard H. Draves know the Lord directs His work to be in the office. There is much
that can be accomplished—as has been directed in the past—keeping the recording
and files of members, others will help as the work calls for and progresses.”

The time came that the Lord knew would come for him to spend much time in the
office and work in headquarters. That came in 1994 when the Lord removed those
that sought to destroy the three brothers and take over the Church. How foolish of
them to seek to destroy the Lord Scribe and choice. The Church of Christ with the
Elijah Message and Holy Priesthood Authority was still with the brothers that he told
to take their place. It was with those that believed and continued with them like the
pattern with Otto Fetting in1929 with the twelfth message. Brother W.A. Draves who
had ongoing health issues worsened being discouraged turned his desire to go home
to the Lord.

All that understood Priesthood Authority should have continued to follow where it
was found with those that stood by him. Those that were with him was still the
Church of Christ with the Elijah message.

Leonard Draves would now spend much time in the office. This was done and his
family required our financial support. Again this was a issue for another brother who
went among us campaigning for Leonard not to receive our support and someone
else do his work and remove him from the office. This brother claimed to love
Leonard but held enmity for him and secretly sought power that he enjoyed among
some of the brothers and was determined to pursue it secretly with myself and
others who confided in me personally about it.

This too was brought to a conclusion in 2003 when brother Mervyn Johnson
received a revelation calling men to fill the vacancies in the quorums of apostles and
bishops and some elders. There were many witnesses of the Holy Spirit that we all
received. Even the brother that was trying to destroy Leonard, but then turned
against it and led others to reject it. The Holy Spirit witnessed to Leonard and myself
along with many others even among those called by the revelation of its Truth.

Just like in 1929 a conference was called and we were instructed not to ordain any
of those called. Leonard and Mervyn said that they would not do that and would

ordain those the spirit had called. A vote was taken to remove Leonard and Mervyn
and when asked I told them I would stand with the brothers and the revelation and
they also removed me. Brother Greenwell was not there but they called him and he
promptly told them he would stand with us and they removed him. Their motion
carried by one vote by a brother who had formerly said the revelation was of the
Lord. That Sunday those that had accepted their calling were ordained by those that
would not deny the Lord and His Spirit. No one could remove their Priesthood
Authority and Power to do that just as God had told Otto Fetting when He was
removed from the temple lot church for following the commandment and pattern
and continued the baptisms. The word that Brother Fetting seen in the heavens was

They were making the same mistake of going against the Lord’s Words of the
Prophet of the Highest who told Brother Draves he was “The Lord’s choice.” That
“The Authority was upon him” and “No one or none other could take it from him.”

Message 110:2 “You are the Lord’s scribe. For this work were you born. The Lord is
your shield and preserver. His strength is given to sustain you. 3 Worry not about
false claims by ungodly persons; they seek to destroy, they seek to destroy, but first
to destroy themselves.” (6-19-1991)

For us to reject the revelation would be rejecting the Priesthood Authority of the
Holy Spirit. The revelation that others denied is clear and concise.

“Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: I humbly submit to you
the following names given to me through the Holy Spirit concerning and considering
for your witness and approval. After returning home from the hospital, Tuesday,
February 18, 2003, and reviewing the events of the last several days, the Holy Spirit
spoke expressively to me at this time and place concerning names to be called into
service of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
Twelve-Donald Thompson, Gary Doudy and Scott Lyles. Bishops-Reece Johnson
Matt Thompson, Brad K. Evans, Kent Johnson, Darren Bellamy, Jim Naslund and B. J.
Ray. Elder and Evangelist-Laurence Thomas Jones, Gary Rountree, William Holden
and Brian Ramey. Elders- Tim Gosier, Kory Johnson, Colton Greenwell, Chris Laws
and Jeremy Laws and Jacob William Ray.
Praise the Lord in his wonder working power and may the peace of our Lord rest
with these men. Amen..Yours in the service of Christ,” Brother Mervyn.

Message 31:8. Know ye the witness of My Spirit, how that it caused the hearts of
men to mellow before Me. Is this Spirit still with you? Heed ye the still small voice
and the promptings of the divine Spirit.

Message 86:57. “Let those that the Spirit calls be set apart in this work. Send them
forth to do the Lord’s will—with all proclaiming the Message I bring. 58. Hearken!
Hasten! Obey! Be about the Father’s business.” (7-11-1968)

Message 88:8…”If the Spirit mellows and calmeth the soul, it is of God. Serve the

Lord in praise, in joy and peace. Pray earnestly and the master of men will manifest
His power.” (11-17-1968)

Message 93:6 “Be harsh with no one. Be not moved by confusion nor emotion, if it
doth not calm the soul.” (6-23-1974)

Message 116:6 “The image of the Church is set in pace. The authority established,
the power given. Let it develop and progress the Lord’s way. He will provide and
show His hand.” (9-4-1993)

Message 86:12. “Let come what may, and let go what will. You will see them fall on
your right hand and on your left, for all that will not hear me—“that prophet” shall
be cut off from among the people. I speak the assured way. 13. Every tree the Lord
has not planted shall be rooted up. If they hear not this Message, the light they claim
to have will fade away. This is the midnight cry the scriptures speak of—are you
ready?” (7-31-1968)

He has continued to provide and show his hand with the authority and power he
has established with those the Spirit has called by His servants to set them apart
according to His Plan and Pattern as he instructed His servants.

Because some of the men in the chart that are present apostles were called and
ordained by myself or I was a witness to their calling it might be appropriate to share
some things about my self with the readers.

My parents and their parents were members of the RLDS church living in Lamoni,
Iowa. My grandfather was Bernt Johanerson who immigrated from Norway because
of the church. His mothers family name was Bouton whose fore-bearers fled France
to England during the Inquisition and came to America. One of which early family
folklore was said to have been baptized by one of the first apostles. Their posterity
came to Lamoni from Illinois also because the church headquarters was here at that
time after the death of Joseph Smith Jr and Joseph Smith 111 was their leader.

Hearing about the coming of the messenger to Otto Fetting they investigated and
faithfully believed in them until their passing. My father and mother were both
baptized by Otto Fetting on 14-Aug-1929 following the twelfth message. They were
followed by his mothers family and my mothers family. My dad’s father had
previously died. I was born 8-5-1941 and baptized and confirmed by my Elder Father
assisted by Bishop J.W. Savage. When I was 21 I was praying about what my future in
the church might portend and I heard a voice clearly say I would be called as “An
elder moreover an apostle.” The very next morning I attended church in
Independence with my soon to be wife and my parents. Brother Draves arose during
prayer and testimony service from several rows in front of me and called me to be
an elder. Bishop J.W. Savage arose and gave witness I was to do it at that time and I
was ordained by my father who was called and ordained a bishop in 1947, 69:8
serving the lord until his passing. He was assisted by Brother Draves- That was in
1962 and in 1965 the messenger called me to be an apostle with four others.

Message 82:26. “That this work may go on as the vacancies occur as I told you -
others will be called to labor in the quorums. Let these be set apart that I shall give
you at this time. 27. That in the far reaching and that the work may not halter”…

George Rolfe and I with three others were ordained apostles. Brother Rolfe died in
1975, but the other three did not endure. My older brother Mervyn was also called
and ordained as a bishop in 1965 and later as an apostle in 1981-2013 when he also
died. I was ordained as an apostle in 1965 by brother Draves. I experienced an
anointing when he laid his hands on my head that was like warm oil starting with his
hands that covered me. (8-15-1965)

The voice that I recognized as the Voice of the Spirit of the Lord that spoke to me
the night before Brother Draves called me as an elder I have heard speak again the
names of the brothers with their callings that others have witnessed or as a witness
to those names my brothers have given by the Spirit.

My writing this was to learn more about the Holy Priesthood Power and Authority
and explain the charts I made with the line of apostles that were faithful to the end.
It started when Brother Leonard handed me a piece of paper with my line of
priesthood authority. The amazing thing I see that the chart shows is that every
name given that was a faithful apostle was ordained within the time of previous
servants like links in a chain on both charts. I used Ellen Draves chart of apostles that
showed me the year they were added and the year they died or was removed, or
retired or resigned with church records. I will share it with you in the hope and a
prayer God will touch you with His Spirit and bring you knowledge and
understanding that His Words have brought to me.

Otto Fetting would be visited a total of 30 times by the "messenger" prior to his
death on January 30, 1933. To the end of his life, Fetting insisted upon the veracity of
his heavenly visitor, and the truth of the messages he was given. He authored his
testimony in 1929: Four other people claimed to have seen John the Baptist during
his final visit to Fetting, and their testimony was notarized.
W.A. Draves testimony:
TO WHO IT MAY CONCERN: “In all sincereness I make this solemn declaration
before my Lord this day. He being my witness also my judge. I expect to stand before
the great and pleasing bar of God to answer for what I may say herein. The
manifestations, experiences and words of the visits of the Messenger are true. I have
seen him from time to time. I have heard his voice. I have seen his face. I have seen
the light that accompanies him which precedes his appearance and remains after he
leaves, sometimes for an hour or more. I have felt his touch on my shoulder, and in
holding my hand. I have been enwrapped in that wonderful Heavenly and Divine
Power of God. I want to make this statement that everyone may know that this is
true. I do not fear the hereafter, and cannot, nor will not deny the things that I have
seen and heard from this Heavenly source, the Messenger, as long as I have my right
mind and God gives me life and His grace to endure here on Earth. I may have been

misunderstood by those who should be my fellows and I may have failed in some
things in the past, still others may make statements about me, but I want this to be
understood that this statement is true. I shall abide by the advice and instruction
given by the Messenger regardless of what man or men may say. The messenger
wears a white robe, his hair is a tiny bit gold next to his skin and blended to
whiteness like pure wool, white as snow. His eyes are like a flame and his feet like
the brightness of fine brass, as if they were ablaze. His voice has the sound of one
having authority. His countenance is as the brightness of the sun with its greatness in
light, even brighter than light that shineth down on the earth. He is enveloped in
light and immediately around him is very bright. I wish all could see or feel the sweet
powerful influence that comes with this Heavenly one and surely all doubt would
flee from the minds of natural man. Peace to all and may the Lord's Will be done.
These are my words to you this day and may the spirit of God bear witness.
Signed W. A. Draves Independence, Missouri,” (June 17, 1940)

The messengers work is not finished.

Message 58:8. “Remember, none have been faithful as they should—some have
been negligent, some hard of heart. But let all take new courage, for I have spoken,
and the day comes when I shall appear unto all the faithful and they shall behold
me.” (12-14-1942)

Message 81:20 “Let the words I bring be the rule and guide with The Articles of
Faith and Practice, for upon all the Lord’s words, will and planning shall this work be
built.” (3-30-1965)

Message 83:5 “Those that speak lightly of my words, deny me and the trust and
authority—it is taken from them for they lose by their sin.” (2-14-1966)

Message 93:4 “Be not disturbed by false claims of my coming to any other. I come
from the presence of the Lord at His appointing and I come to you. It is your work to
give the Message to the people, the honest in heart will hear.” (6-23-1974)

Message 98:3 “I have come in the past and I will come in the future until the work is
finished, and the Christ sits in the right hand of power when satan’s rules are put
down. Then will be rejoicing, for the millennium shall fold in and all nations that live
and dwell shall come to worship the Lord their God, even Jesus Christ their
Redeemer.” (6-7-1979)

Daniel 7:9. “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit,
whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his
throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. 10. A fiery stream
issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him,
and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and
the books were opened…13. I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son
of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they
brought him near before him.”

Message 105:12. “Leave the past behind—its bitterness, its contentions, bring
repentance, love and obedience in your hearts. Hasten, be obedient to the words I
bring— for so it is spoken to all restoration—all mankind, even unto the world.”

Message 108:13. “Those that will not and those that have not nor will not come to
the standard rule and plan of this work—let them be removed as you have done.
They remove themselves.” (10-14-1990)

Message 117:2. ‘To the humble and obedient,’ saith the Lord, ‘your faith has been
exceeding great. You have endured and shall find My peace in abundance.’ 3. The
millennium is to be the Lord’s reign when all mankind will obey His will the world
over, and the Church prepared to be the saints of the most high. 4. Heed the
instructions I bring, establish justice in the gates. Let your hearts be filled with peace.
Choose the upright and the faithful. Those who qualify is given power to carry the
work onward. The Lord gives as mankind him.” (9-12-1993)

Messages 115, 116, 117, and 118 promising his return were followed with 119 and
120 before the death of Brother Draves. Our work and his is not yet finished.

For Christ and His Church.

Brother Richard

The Church of Christ in deed and works. The Church with Elijah Message, set in 1829
by my hands when the holy priesthood authority was restored and kept sacred
through the branch and remnant on the Temple Lot and reaffirmed upon Otto
Fetting in his day—and I continue to come.
Message 84:38

I have brought the authority of the holy priesthood

and reiterated and affirmed it.
Message 91:4

This holy priesthood is the pure love of Christ.

Message 115:17

References include the following as well as others.

The Word of the Lord

The Bible
The Record of the Nephites
Study of the Early History of the Church by Leonard Draves
Follow the Remnant by Ellen Draves
James Savage Remembering Otto Fetting
(by a researcher of Mormon History John E. Thompson)
David Whitmer Address to All Believers in Christ
Daniel and Maggie Mcgregors Light at Evening time.
Kirtland Elders' Quorum Record 1836-1841
W.A. Draves Brief History
Family and church records
Book of Commandments
Bell River and Black River Branch RLDS
Joseph Smith Papers
The Independence Temple of Zion
© 1997 by H. Michael Marquardt.
Bert C. Flint, An Outline History of the Church of Christ Temple Lot
Follow the Remnant and the Study of the Early History of the Church both contain
writings of many articles written with interviews and testimonies of those both in
the Churches mentioned and those that were not. They both contain church
publications and news papers with Letters and notes used of the principles.
Notable names include James Savage, John E Thompson, B.C. .Flint, Ellen Draves.
LDS and RLDS History, News papers, Wiki Leaks, Letters. Church publications,
Find a Grave Cemetery records.

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