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SKILLS TEST 4 Extension

1 Read the article. Complete the summary with one word in each gap. Use words from the article.

Dealing with online issues the same experience as you. You ought to tell adults,
too, because they can often help.
This week, we’re going to offer you some tips to deal
with difficult situations online. Unfortunately, not all 3: take a break
online activity is positive and everyone should behave Have you ever thought about giving up social media
respectfully online just like they do in the outside for a week? Try it, and see what happens! Find
world. Sometimes this doesn’t always happen and different ways to communicate with your real friends.
there might be someone who wants to hurt others. See what's on at the cinema or have some fun in the
So, what could we do if we find ourselves in these
situations? 4: be friendly
It’s important to treat other people in the same way
1: don’t respond that you would like to be treated. Remember, that it’s
If you think someone is sending you horrible messages, sometimes difficult to tell whether someone is really
it's best to ignore them. Bullies hate that! Remember being horrible online, or whether they are only joking.
that bullies are always looking for a response. If So, remember to be polite to other people online, and
possible, block the bully so you can’t see any of his or in real life, too.
her messages. Finally, make sure you spend your time – in real life
2: talk to other people and online - with other nice, positive people who
Tell someone that you trust what’s happening. It's a want to be around you!
difficult situation, but other people are probably having

0 The article offers tips to people using the internet. 4 It is sometimes possible to a bully
online, so you can’t see anything they send you.
1 Unfortunately, there are some people online who
want to other people. 5 It is a good idea to talk to people you trust, like
, about the situation.
2 Bullies can use the internet to send
messages. 6 If you stop using the internet for a ,
it might help to solve the problem.
3 It is best not to answer any that
you get from bullies. 7 It is important to be friendly and
to people in life, and online.
2 Read the article again. Complete the sentences with words/phrases from the list. You do not need to use all of them.
adults attention avoid conversation deliberately discuss fight
files help negative ignore joke messages money try

0 Bullies want to hurt other people deliberately. 5 It is good to the problem.

1 Some people can send which try 6 Bullies don’t like it when they can’t get your
to hurt other people. .
2 There is some online activity that is . 7 It is not a good idea to other
people online.
3 You should starting a
conversation with bullies. 8 What might seem to be bullying behaviour, might
only be a .
4 Bullies don’t like it when you them.
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SKILLS TEST 4 Extension

3 Listen to two teenagers talking about a problem. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

0 Someone is making Mark upset. T 4 Ruth thinks Mark shouldn’t write back.

1 Mark is phoning someone. 5 Rita advises Mark to stop writing the blog.

2 Mark has got a blog. 6 Mark finds out the person’s email address.

3 Mark knows the name of the person 7 Mark is happy with Rita’s advice.
writing the comments.

4 Listen again and choose the correct answers.

0 Mark is busy because he wants to

A finish his blog. B comment on someone’s blog. C reply to comments on.

1 The comments are about

A the blog. B Mark. C Rita.

2 Rita thinks it’s someone who wants to

A start an argument B ignore Mark. C get advice from Mark.

3 First she advises Mark

A to delete the comments. B not to answer. C reply with more comments.

4 She thinks the troll

A is angry. B is a woman. C is happy to make Mark upset.

5 Mark wants the troll to think

A Mark knows his identity. B Mark is smart. C Mark often has arguments.

6 After listening to Rita, Mark thinks he should

A delete the troll’s messages. B email the troll. C meet the troll.

7 At the moment, people who leave comments on Mark’s blog

A have to use a password. B have to give their email address. C don’t have to give any personal

8 Rita’s final piece of advice to Mark is

A not to allow comments on his blog. B to reply to the troll saying ‘I win!’ C to take care about who he
communicates with online.

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SKILLS TEST 4 Extension

5 Write a short blog post about how to stay safe online. Write around 100–120 words and think about the
following things:
• Save your work
• Be polite to other people online
• Be careful communicating with people online who you don’t know
• Log out
• Share documents carefully
• Problems that you could have online
• Using public computers


6 Work in pairs. A friend wants to know how to be safe online. Complete the sentences with the words in the
list then order the advice from most useful to least useful giving reasons for your choices.

against better not ought oughtn’t shouldn’t

• You post too many photos.

• You to use different passwords.
• I would advise you to chat with people you don’t know.
• I would advise using public computers.
• You’d not reply to offensive comments online.
• You to download attachments or files from people you don’t know.



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