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Established 2010

$25 Thursday April 9 2020

WFP seeks COVID-19
US$130m stalls
aid for WeUtonga
hungry theatre
Zimbos project
Page 2 Page 12

COVID-19: Govt ‘Zanu PF

Wold Bank

bungling exposed

OPPOSITION MDC mayors have

come out guns blazing accusing
the ruling Zanu PF party of work-
ing to hijack a social welfare pro-

... as death Pic: Shepherd Tozvireva

gramme funded by the World Bank
running into millions of United
States dollars to cushion informal

toll rises to 3
traders during the 21-day national
lockdown period by registering its
members as vendors so that they
could benefit from the scheme.
BY MOSES MATENGA/GARIKAI President Emmerson Mnangag-
MAFIRAKUREVA wa’s lockdown order became ef-

fective on Monday last week, but
OVERNMENT has been unlike in other countries, govern-
accused of bungling ment did not provide social grants
and not conducting to cushion informal traders against
enough tests to combat loss of business and income.
the spread of the coro- The World Bank then chipped
navirus, which has killed three in, offering US$10 per day for each
people in Zimbabwe, with doc- registered vendor and asked coun-
tors demanding an audit of cils across the country to submit
circumstances that led to the lists of registered vendors in their
death of a 79-year-old Bula- areas of jurisdiction to receive the
wayo man on Saturday. money.
The third person, a 50-year- Most cities and towns are led by
old man, who had been report- MDC mayors.
ed as the ninth patient, died Mutare and Masvingo councils
yesterday at Wilkins Hospital, supplied lists of 3 298 and 1 400, re-
in Harare. spectively, while Harare, Bulawayo,
In a statement, the Health Gweru and Kwekwe, among other
ministry said the man started major cities and towns, are yet to
exhibiting mild symptoms 11 submit their lists.
days after his return from the The mayors claimed that Zanu
United Kingdom. Vendors from Epworth walk back home from Mbare, Harare, as currently there is no public transport to the dormitory town. Health authorities PF started to roll out a parallel
On April 2, he was diagnosed mandatorily ordered all commuter omnibuses to park and only those that struck a deal with Zupco are operating, but only carrying essential registration programme picking
 TO PAGE 2 services personnel during the 21-day nationwide lockdown.  TO PAGE 2

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2 NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020

Local News

UK injects US$43,6m towards Zim COVID-19 fight

By Phyllis Mbanje The funds will go towards provi- ton, said: “We are working with our gramme, the UK is currently support- tion (WHO), United Nations Devel-

sion of medical supplies, infection partners to rapidly reorganise and ing 570 000 beneficiaries throughout opment Programme and World Food
he United Kingdom gov- prevention and control, broadcast scale-up our UK Aid programmes to Zimbabwe and has vowed to contin- Programme.
ernment through the De- messaging, child support, psycho- support the COVID-19 response in ue to provide emergency humanitar- So far, the UK has pledged £544
partment for Internation- social support for front-line work- Zimbabwe and urge others to as well. ian aid and cash transfers to the poor- million to support vaccine and treat-
al Development (DFID) is ers, water, sanitation and hygiene fa- “Our priority is to reach the most est and most vulnerable communities ments research, protecting fragile
working to rapidly reorgan- cilities as well as humanitarian aid to vulnerable communities and those in the country. economies and helping organisations
ise and scale-up aid programmes on help mitigate the crisis on the poor- most in need and to also reduce the All UK Aid money in Zimbabwe is like the WHO and UNICEF to slow the
the COVID-19 response in Zimbabwe est and most vulnerable across the risk and impact of COVID19.” channelled through trusted partners spread of the disease.
by supporting partners with £35,4 country. Through its humanitarian pro- like UNICEF, World Health Organisa- l
million (US$43,6 million). Head of DFID Zimbabwe, Cate Tur-

WFP seeks US$130m aid for hungry Zimbos

‘Zanu PF hijacks Wold Bank funds’ BY PRECIOUS CHIDA they would in the past since last year. end of last year.
l FROM PAGE 1 “We have sent our list of vendors to “WFP is planning to assist 4,1 million Rowe said the WFP assistance in re-
names from its cell registers to ensure the ministry after being asked by the THE United Nations World Food Pro- people in April, but insufficient funding cent months had helped ease hunger
its members benefit from the fund. ministry official, Taruvinga, who is in gramme (WFP) has requested for has prevented us from achieving the in six of nine districts classified late last
Mutare mayor Blessing Tandi con- my ward. We hope to receive the cush- US$130 million to sustain through Au- same monthly target since the turn of year as suffering “emergency” food inse-
firmed that the World Bank ap- ion allowances since we are all not op- gust an emergency operation to pre- the year,” Rowe said. curity, allowing them to be downgrad-
proached his council for a list of regis- erating and at home due to this lock- vent millions of the country’s most vul- WFP is, therefore, pre-positioning ed to the less severe “crisis” level.
tered vendors, and that Zanu PF had hi- down. We hope there will be credible nerable people plunging deeper into three months of food and cash assis- However, 56 of the country’s 60 dis-
jacked the programme and forwarded selection to benefit all vulnerable ven- hunger. tance, rolling out new risk-control meas- tricts are now categorised as experienc-
lists of its members to the Public Ser- dors at this time,” Mutembedzi said. Zimbabwe is already in a severe cli- ures at distributions for the COVID-19. ing “crisis” hunger.
vice, Labour and Social Welfare minis- City of Harare spokesperson Michael mate and recession-induced hunger cri- The United Nations agent recent- WFP supports communities afflict-
try. Chideme said they had provided the sis while COVID-19 is also taking a heavy ly welcomed a contribution of US$1,5 ed by “crisis” and “emergency” food in-
“I received a report from the council World Bank with the information they toll on the economy. million from Russia to assist more than security.
that the World Bank wanted to cushion were requesting. “With most Zimbabweans already 100 000 people in Hwange, Nkayi and In March, it reached 3,7 million of the
informal traders in Mutare during this “Yes, World Bank has approached struggling to put food on the table, the Zvishavane districts, who are among most vulnerable Zimbabweans.
21-day lockdown and they requested us and they have requested the lists COVID-19 pandemic risks even wider the worst affected by severe drought The total number of food insecure
to use our database for informal trad- of informal traders in our council data- and deeper desperation. We must all do and food insecurity in the country. people stands at 7,7 million, more than
ers to compile the list of beneficiaries. base and we furnished them with that,” our utmost to prevent this tragedy turn- A recent nationwide assessment, In- half the population.
We then compiled a list of 3 298 infor- Chideme said. ing into a catastrophe,” said Eddie Rowe, tegrated Food Security Phase Classifi- Rowe said the US$130 million being
mal traders in our database,” Tandi said. However, NewsDay is informed there WFP’s country director. cation shows that the number of acute- urgently sought by WFP was part of a
“We were then surprised when our were efforts by Zanu PF youths to have He added that the organisation had ly food insecure Zimbabweans has ris- total food assistance requirement of
fellow comrades from Zanu PF start- its members, controlling most vending been failing to assist as many people as en to 4,3 million, from 3,8 million at the US$472 million through to December.
ed compiling a list of their members in stalls, mainly at the popular Muped-
the wards through their chairpersons, zanhamo flea market, but not part of
saying they wanted to forward it to the
Ministry of Social Welfare to be given
that money reserved for informal trad-
the council’s database to be included
on the beneficiaries’ list.
Masvingo acting town clerk Ed-
No movement of people, vehicles during Easter: Police
ers. ward Mukaratirwa said they were ap- BY DESMOND CHINGARANDE empted. ans to observe Easter holiday while at
“They have been going around re- proached through the Social Welfare In a statement yesterday, police home with a view of containing the
questing their members’ NetOne mo- Department and had registered 1 400 The Zimbabwe Republic Police has spokesperson Assistant Commissioner spread of COVID-19 virus,” he said.
bile phone numbers saying the min- traders. warned people and motorists against Paul Nyathi said people must observe “No movement of vehicles or people
istry wanted to deposit the money for “Yes, we have been approached moving out of their residence during the lockdown rules pronounced by Pres- will be allowed on the country’s roads,
their benefit. Right now I am coming through Social Welfare. Criteria are that this Easter holiday, saying no movement ident Emmerson Mnangagwa to curb except those with exemptions. Those
from the district development co-ordi- they must be registered with council of people or vehicles will be allowed the spread of COVID-19. with exemptions should also act respon-
nator’s office and he is also compiling and trading at designated locations,” on the country’s roads except those ex- “The police are urging all Zimbabwe- sibly and avoid abusing the privilege.”
his list.” Mukaratirwa said, disputing claims that

COVID-19: Govt bungling exposed

Mutare council spokesperson Spren Zanu PF had hijacked the project.
Mutiwi added: “They (World Bank) Labour ministry permanent secre-
wanted the list of all informal traders tary Simon Masanga said his ministry
and we gave them what we have on was working with the Wold Bank on
our database. We have not yet agreed many projects. l FROM PAGE 1 ic treatment. “If they don’t have test kits let them
on how much they will assist the trad- Women’s Affairs, Community, Small of COVID-19 with an underlying condi- When he did not improve, he present- say so and as a nation, we put our heads
ers, but from the initial figures, it was and Medium Enterprises Development tion and was admitted into Wilkins on ed himself to a local hospital on April together and see what we can do to get
US$10 per day for 19 days.” minister Sithembiso Nyoni urged all in- April 7 after his condition deteriorated, 2 and was admitted after presenting, more tests. Contact tracing is not hap-
In Gweru, although Gweru City formal traders to register for the pro- leading to his death yesterday. at that time, with a cough, difficulty in pening at all. They tell us lies that they
Council spokesperson Vimbai Ching- gramme which she said was initiated Reacting to the circumstances lead- breathing, sore throat and a fever. have tested 30 people and all, but what
waramusee denied having been ap- by Mnangagwa. ing to the second coronavirus death af- The patient died while awaiting re- do you do when you test them?”
proached by the World Bank, Gweru “To ensure that the money reach- ter the victim was exposed in March, the sults and government only announced ZADHR secretary Norman Matara said
Urban legislator Brian Dube (MDC Al- es the actual beneficiaries, my minis- doctors said government was not work- his death on Tuesday. the development confirmed what the
liance) said he was aware of the cush- try has asked all the informal traders to ing towards mass testing to combat the Opposition MDC leader Nelson doctors had always been saying.
ion money channelled through gov- register through our provincial offices fast-spreading virus. Chamisa described the ongoing 21-day “The ministry cannot continue using
ernment by the World Bank. using their own associations, because There are fears Zimbabwe could be national lockdown without mass testing the criteria of people who would have
He said he was worried that it was each vending sector has associations, in worse situation than that being ac- for the virus an inadequate measure to travelled or who have come from a risky
now being distributed in a partisan so they have to use these associations knowledged by authorities. slow down the COVID-19 epidemic. country, symptoms or contacts. Those
manner. for the registration process,” Nyoni told The Zimbabwe Association of Doctors “A lockdown without testing is not things don’t work now,” Matara said,
“Same is happening here and I tried the national broadcaster yesterday, for Human Rights (ZADHR) has demand- helpful,” Chamisa told NewsDay yester- adding there was need for mass testing.
to get details from the Ministry of saying some unscrupulous individuals ed an audit on circumstances leading to day. “The purpose of a lockdown is to Meanwhile, there was panic at Chired-
Women’s Affairs on the compilation of were angling to hijack the programme. the man’s death and also want Health contain the spread of the disease and zi General Hospital yesterday as nurses
the list, but it seems there is mystery But Zanu PF information director minister Obadiah Moyo to explain what break the chain of transmission, but in refused to handle the body of a 30-year-
and corruption like always,” Dube said. Tafadzwa Mugwadi denied his party he meant when he said the country was our situation, it is just like forcing people old Mkwasine Estates woman suspected
“I think those making donations to was hijacking the programme. ready to deal with the virus when the sit- into a prison. We really need a different to have succumbed to COVID-19.
Zimbabwe must safeguard by involv- He, instead, accused civic group, #Ta- uation on the ground was proving to be approach and it is a wake-up call. The os- The woman reportedly arrived at the
ing MPs and councillors in the area to jamuka of registering MDC supporters contrary. trich is notorious for burying its head in health institution with respiratory prob-
mitigate Zanu PF looting of donations.” for the World Bank funds. “It took five days (from April 2 to April the sand.” lems.
Bulawayo Vendors and Traders Asso- “Accusing Zanu PF of hijacking 7) to get the result of COVID-19, a peri- Former Health minister Henry Mad- Chiredzi district medical officer Bri-
ciation director Michael Ndiweni con- World Bank programmes is not only od which is rather too long,” the doctors zorera said it was worrying that not an Dhlandlara confirmed the panic, but
firmed that the World Bank had been mischievous, but misplaced complete- said in a statement. enough people were being tested and said no tests had been done to conclude
working with the Bulawayo City Coun- ly,” Mugwadi said. “The absence of diagnostic facilities accused government of bungling the it was coronavirus.
cil (BCC) in an effort to cushion the in- “The party has never dared politi- of COVID-19 brings to question the state process. “Yes, I can confirm there is so much
formal sector from the effects of COV- cise nor interfere with government or of preparedness of centres outside Hara- “That is what we have been saying, panic at the hospital, but it has not been
ID-19 setbacks. global support programmes meant for re. What is the government doing to im- that we are not testing enough,” Mad- confirmed that it’s COVID-19. The tests
“Yes, the World Bank is working with all Zimbabweans. What we know for a prove the turnaround time for tests?” the zorera said. have not been done,” he said.
BCC and we have already sent our fact is that the MDCs and their surro- doctors quizzed. “Right now, we have very few sus- “It can only be confirmed when sam-
membership databases through them gates in civil society have been politi- The doctors demanded answers on pects, we must test all of them. Govern- ples are taken, tests done, and then the
so that they can access this cushioning cising donor support through councils whether the institution that treated the ment should aim at testing at least 200 official position will be given. At the mo-
allowance under the bank’s COVID-19 in towns where only those affiliated to man earlier was an infectious disease people a day and that will cover every- ment, it’s just speculation. These days, if
lockdown programme,” Ndiweni said. them have been benefiting.” hospital or a COVID-19 designated facil- one because we don’t know the preva- people see anyone coughing, they con-
He said they had a meeting with of- Last week, National Vendors’ Union ity, adding many health workers could lence now of the infection.” clude it’s coronavirus.”
ficials from the Women Affairs ministry of Zimbabwe chair Stern Zvorwadza have been exposed as they lacked per- He said Zimbabwe was sitting on a Chiredzi district development co-or-
which called for the inclusion of trad- said his organisation was going to pay sonal protective equipment. time bomb by not embarking on mas- dinator Lovemore Chisema, who is the
ers’ association representatives in the its members cushioning allowanc- They also questioned why the now- sive testing, presenting an opportunity chairperson of the local COVID-19 task-
working committee in charge of that es, but refused to disclose the source deceased was not forced into self-isola- for the virus to spread. force, said: “It is true, and it is happening.
process to identify beneficiaries. of the money. He said his organisa- tion, tested and managed as a suspect- “We hear this one ended up being Get more details from the DMO. Whatev-
In Gokwe, the ruling Zanu PF com- tion was registering vendors to benefit ed case immediately. buried without adequate monitoring er he is saying is what’s on the ground.
piled its own list through the Youth from the fund. The Bulawayo man, according to the as people did not know what had killed “We, however, requested that sam-
ministry and other lists were submit- — Additional reporting by Praisemore Health and Child Care ministry, initial- him. Imagine all the mourners who were ples be collected for testing so that we
ted to the Women Affairs ministry by Sithole, Tatenda Chitangu and Brenna ly presented to his doctor on March 23 there, nobody knew. It was probably not are clear of what we will be dealing with.
MDC councillor Machinda Mutembed- Matendere with a history of a cough, sore throat a supervised burial, so that is our cry to Until then, we will treat this case with ex-
zi, who is also a vendor. l and fever and was put on oral antibiot- say let them test more,” he said. treme care.”
NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 3

First Mutual
Funeral Services,
providing economic
dignity to all
IRST Mutual Funeral Services, a
member of First Mutual Holdings
Limited, subscribes to excellence
and strives to set the highest stand- A First Mutual Funeral Services hearse
ards in provision of funeral servic-
es and facilities to all its customers equiva-
lent to that of a hero’s burial. This resonates
with the First Mutual group ethos of provid-
ing economic dignity to all.
First Mutual Funeral Services offers high
quality and affordable funeral services in-
cluding body removal, mortuary storage,
washing, dressing, reconstruction, embalm-
ing, chapel, caskets, coffins, hearse, mourn-
ers’ transport, blankets, laces and flowers,
graves, burial equipment, and the actual bur-
For body preservation there is a state-of-
the-art mortuary fitted with an infection
control system to preserve mortal remains
of your dear departed ones and for the safe-
ty of our employees. Our team of morticians
and undertakers carry out embalming using
highly recommended processes.
In addition, a fleet of reliable and well-ser-
viced ambulances, hearses, courtesy vehicles
and buses is available to ensure safe trans-
portation for the funeral to all parts of Zim-
“We know that choosing a coffin/cas-

ket for your loved one is an important part
of the funeral arrangements and we have a
wide range of high quality caskets and cof-
fins to suit all needs. Our caskets are quali-
ty controlled from the materials, during man-
ufacturing and after completion, and can be
viewed at our showroom,” said the First Mu-
tual Funeral Services spokesperson.
“Burial services ranging from grave sales,
urban cemeteries and country burials, exhu-
mations to cremations are part of the pack-
age we offer. Our funeral directors/undertak-
ers are available to handle logistics ensur-
ing that the burial site is the correct size to
accommodate the coffins as well as to assist
with any regulatory paperwork as required
for a burial,” added the spokesperson.
For repatriation and expatriation, we work
with renowned service providers in the re-
gion and internationally to bring back the re-
mains of your loved one.
Existing Funeral Cash Plan (FCP) and
eFML policyholders have an option to access
the services based on their policy value at the
time of claim. Funeral services are provided
to both policyholders and non-policyholders.
In instances where the sum assured is lower
than the value of services chosen, the policy-
holder is allowed to top up with cash.
If the sum assured is greater than the val-
ue of services rendered, claimant will receive
the balance in cash. Cash services are quot-
ed based on our price list which is subject
to change periodically in line with prevail- Good News! We now offer high quality, affordable funeral services. We
ing market dynamics. A funeral policy which
guarantees provision of services in the event have state of the art facilities and equipment. Our service is available to
of death will be launched soon. both our Funeral Cash Plan policy holders and non-policy holders.
First Mutual Funeral Services is a subsidi-
ary of First Mutual Holdings Limited, a lead-
ing financial services group that is commit- Visit us at 1 Dreary Road, Belgravia, Harare
ted to creating value through risk manage-
ment, wealth creation, and wealth manage- First Mutual Funeral Services - Murerutsi Wendima - Umethuli Womthwalo
First Mutual Funeral Services is located
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opposite Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals
along Mazowe Street and more branches will
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Call us on +263 (242) 764442/0788 515698/9; or
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cellphone: 0788515698, 0788515699.

1 Deary Road, Belgravia E-mail:

Tel: +263 (242) 764442 Cell: 078 851 5698, 078 851 5699
4 NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020

Local / World News

Ramaphosa suspends minister
‘Honour essential service providers’ over lockdown lunch violation
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has suspend-
BY NQOBANI NDLOVU families, among other benefits, for risking their who have continued to provide essential servic- ed one of his top ministers for two months, including one

lives. es during the lockdown, with incentives such as unpaid, after she was photographed having lunch with a
IMBABWEAN healthcare and essen- “Realising that their continued service is a na- tax breaks to their employers to save jobs. friend in violation of a national lockdown to contain the
tial service workers risking their lives tional duty that cannot be monetised enough, “We recognise that our fellow citizens in the coronavirus.
to offer services amid the COVID-19 our call is to simply appreciate their services, essential services have volunteered to render Communications and Digital Technologies minister
outbreak deserve presidential med- show them gratitude and motivate them even essential services to the nation during this crit- Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams was summoned to explain her-
als of recognition and other benefits, further,” MIHR said in a statement yesterday. ical period without expecting any incentive in self on Tuesday after Mduduzi Manana, a former deputy
a human rights group has said. MIHR is a non-profit human rights watchdog return. We further appreciate that their service minister, posted a picture of the pair dining together with
The Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Hu- which advocates for the protection, promotion is out of passion and dedication to serving hu- his family on social media. South Africans have been or-
man Rights on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against and fulfilment of the rights of vulnerable indi- man life and fulfilling human rights and free- dered to stay home for three weeks, with few exceptions
the government to push it to provide person- viduals, communities and societies within Zim- doms,” MIHR said. such as buying food or medicine.
al protective equipment for doctors, nurses and babwe, particularly in Matabeleland. “The above recommendations are a reali- “Members of the National Executive carry a special re-
other healthcare professionals. “Our suggested measures to government, sation that while we have rights (even during sponsibility in setting an example to South Africans, who
Last month, nurses downed tools protesting therefore, include: Presidential medals of rec- such emergencies) we also as nationals have a are having to make great sacrifices,” Ramaphosa said in a
lack of personal protective equipment. ognition to all health sector workers who were responsibility to appreciate those sacrificing to statement. “None of us should undermine our national ef-
In Zimbabwe, the coronavirus outbreak has deployed in the COVID-19 quarantine and refer- enhance our rights. fort to save lives.”
exposed the collapse of the country’s health de- ral centres; a presidential education and welfare “We appreciate that the State has limited re- — Bloomberg
livery system while the government also faces support scheme for all the children and spous- sources currently, but it is our genuine feeling
charges of poor preparedness to deal with the
global health crisis.
es of the nurses and doctors who are in COV-
ID-19 health centres who might lose their lives
that these suggested measures will go a long
in encouraging and appreciating our essential
UN responds to Malawi’s mob killings
The Matabeleland Institute for Human Rights in the process of offering essential services in services workers and some of the measures pro- LILONGWE — United Nations resident co-ordinator for
(MIHR) said it was in this light that healthcare those areas.” posed do not need any resources to be imple- Malawi, Maria Jose Torres, has strongly condemned the
workers deserved medals of recognition, edu- The MIHR argued such interventions could mented, they can be implemented within the growing mob attacks against people on suspicion that
cational, welfare and support schemes for their also be extended to private sector employees spectrum of available resources.” they are “bloodsuckers”, a criminal practice that has now
left 10 dead since March.
Torres made the condemnation in a statement Tuesday,
describing the attacks that are taking place across Malawi
as “alarming” and she has since called for “urgent action”.
Local media has reported a dozen separate mob attacks
in about 10 districts across the country where 10 people
were brutally killed on unfounded suspicion that they
were “bloodsuckers”.
Police officers and health workers are among those
who have suffered the attacks which also left buildings
and vehicles destroyed. Torres said dangerous myths and
misinformation are feeding these attacks, which, accord-
ing to her, constitute serious breaches of Malawian crimi-

EcoCash US dollar FCA gives citizens nal law and human rights standards.
— Xinhua

African Americans having higher rates

remittance cash boost during lockdown of US COVID-19 infections: Trump
WASHINGTON — United States President Donald Trump
The coronavirus pandemic and let automatically. transactions, there is little need said Tuesday evidence shows that African Americans have
the subsequent restrictions on And so, without leaving your for customers to convert their higher rates of COVID-19 infection in the US.
movement have made life fairly sofa, you immediately make remittances into cash first be- Trump said his administration is actively engaging on
the increased impacts on the African American communi-
difficult for many Zimbabweans your ZESA payment. fore transacting or making local ty, and doing everything to address this challenge.
who depend on cash remittance This scenario can be repeated payments. All their payments “It’s been disproportional,” Trump told a White House
Press briefing, adding he is very concerned about the ter-
support for their survival. with every other transaction, can be made directly from the rible numbers of infected African Americans.
While social distancing is the merchant payment or bill pay- EcoCash FCA. Higher rates of pre-existing conditions, such as diabe-
most effective weapon to com- ment. Right from the safety of However, in instances where tes, hypertension, obesity and asthma, within black and
minority communities may contribute to the phenome-
bat the spread of COVID-19 for your own home you can pay customers wish to convert their non, as well as their higher use of public transportation,
now, being able to receive re- your bills, settle any obligations foreign currency to make pay- said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Al-
mittances is imperative. And so you have, and even send part of ments in the local currency, or lergy and Infectious Diseases.
— Xinhua
citizens will be looking to strike the foreign currency remittance to send money to a friend via
the right balance between stay-
ing healthy and being able to
to another relative of yours
elsewhere in the country, who
EcoCash, they can easily do so
from their EcoCash FCA via the
UN suspends peacekeeper
The EcoCash FCA (foreign cur-
is also under the lockdown. You
can also buy them airtime and
EcoCash bureau de change,
which also appears on their Eco-
deployments until June 30
UNITED NATIONS — UN secretary-general Antonio Gu-
rency account) addresses this you can make direct online pur- Cash menu. terres has suspended until June 30 the rotation and de-
challenge. I reduces the need for chases and payments. It is a fact that with or with- ployments of uniformed personnel, including individual
physical interaction, eliminate And that is not all, the Eco- out social distancing, people still officers and already-formed, police and military peace-
keeping units, because of the novel coronavirus, his
any chances of breaching social cash FCA allows customers to need to buy food, buy drugs, spokesman Stephane Dujarric, said on Tuesday.
distancing rules and significantly seamlessly move funds from pay rentals, and pay for utilities, “Our priorities are to ensure the COVID-19-free status of
incoming uniformed personnel and mitigate the risk that
cut the chances of contracting their bank FCA account to their among other expenses. UN peacekeepers could be a contagion vector and simul-
the coronavirus. EcoCash FCA accounts. One’s It is also a fact that the more taneously maintain our operational capabilities,” Dujarric
Take this scenario for exam- money is safe not only from CO- they move around to try and said. “A few, limited exceptions may be considered to con-
tinue to deliver on the mandate, but only in extenuating cir-
ple: While sitting in your lounge VID-19 infection as it is in line make all these transactions, the cumstances on the basis of strict conditions to prevent the
watching TV, you realise that you with social distancing, but is is more they are breaching the spread of the virus.”
The decision was sent to all countries contributing troops
are running out of ZESA elec- also safe from criminals and the principles of social distancing and police and to all relevant peace operations. — Xinhua
tricity tokens (units). You send loss to which physical cash is and the more they are exposing
a short WhatsApp text to your
relative in the Diaspora who
susceptible to.
The EcoCash FCA wallet does
themselves to the possibility of
contracting the disease, at least
African nations urged to increase
makes a quick transfer – using not only support social distanc- until a cure is found. efforts on poverty relief
EcoCash Remit or Cassava Remit ing. It is also very convenient. The EcoCash FCA is therefore
LUSAKA — African countries should focus on programs
– to your EcoCash FCA wallet And with the government a highly commendable and safe that seek to lift the masses out of poverty and bring about
which, by the way, was created having recently allowed the channel for transacting in these sustained growth because that is what matters for the
continent, experts have said.
and added to your EcoCash wal- use of foreign currency for local trying times. The experts who spoke in separate interviews with Xin-
hua also implored leaders on the continent to encourage
conversations that are beneficial to the continent. “We
cannot afford to waste time engaging in discussions that
offer little or nothing in terms of promoting economic
growth,” said Godfrey Musonda, an international develop-
ment specialist. Musonda who once served as a diplomat,
further stressed the need to invest resources into creating
conducive environments for economic growth, which ac-
cording to him, is what really matters for Africa. — Xinhua
NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 5
Local News

Residents raise COVID-19 fear as Buyanga engages Zacc

over Mnangagwa’s son
Chitungwiza markets reopen BY DESMOND CHINGARANDE

Businessman Frank Buyanga

By Moses Mugugunyeki Tuesday. The order to reopen all market places. Sadiqi has approached the Zimbabwe

the markets and have financial “We have our municipal po- Human Rights Commission (ZHRC)
ESIDENTS of Chi- services institutions open for lice and ZRP officers to enforce and the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption
tungwiza have tak- diaspora remittances resulted social distancing in the market Commission (Zacc) complaining
en a swipe at the lo- in the flooding of the Harare places,” Kasu said. over alleged interference in his di-
cal authority for re- central business district yes- “We are also making sure vorce wrangle from President Emm-
opening farm pro- terday. that there is provision of wa- erson Mnangagwa’s son, Collins.
duce markets without any A visit by NewsDay to mar- ter in all these places.” In the letter to ZHRC dated April 2,
mechanism in place to combat kets in Chitungwiza showed Chitungwiza Residents Buyanga said he had unearthed un-
the spread of COVID-19. that there were no mechanisms Trust (Chitrest) leader Alice derhand dealings involving Mnan-
On Tuesday, Chitungwiza in place to observe social dis- Kuvheya said it was disheart- gagwa’s son, Collins, State secu-
Municipality announced that tancing — one of the key rec- ening to note that council had rity agent Delish Nguwaya and a
it was reopening farm produce ommendations to slow down reopened the markets without High Court judge dating back to 2019
markets in the populous town. the spread of COVID-19. putting in place measures to when he lost his court case against
"Good day dear residents. “We are happy to be back in combat the spread of the coro- estranged girlfriend Chantelle
Please note that council will be business, but at the moment navirus. Muteswa.
opening the following markets business is low because the “Actually, we cannot say Chi- Buyanga said on March 11 this
- Seke South Jambanja, Unit message has not been received tungwiza is part of the nation- year, Muteswa unlawfully sought the
D, Unit J and Unit L, St Mary's by many people,” said a vendor al lockdown, it was business company of a messenger of court
Chigovanyika, Zengeza, at Chigovanyika market. as usual as markets have re- and went to his son’s school to take
Zengeza 2, Seke North Makoni "We have not been told about mained operational without custody of the child in defiance of Frank Buyanga
Green Market and Unit F dur- these regulations and social observing the COVID-19 rec- an earlier court ruling that gave him
ing the lockdown,” read the distancing. We don't have wa- ommendations,” Kuvheya said. custody of the child. Buyanga said he might not be the
statement." ter, how can we put those rec- “There is no water and the “While she was in hiding with the only citizen being prejudiced but for
“Provisionally the times ommendations into practice.” council has done nothing that child denying him his right to educa- the people to have confidence in the
shall be from 8am to 3pm.” NewsDay also visited warrants the opening of mar- tion for over two weeks, I filed a po- Judiciary, justice must be delivered
The reopening of the mar- Zengeza 2 and Seke South (Jam- kets. We have asked them to lice report for contempt of court and independently and fairly in line
kets, which are the mainstay banja) markets where there provide water, even through kidnaping at Highlands Police Sta- with the Constitution, not political
for many people in Chitung- was a hive of activity. Police bowsers, but they are failing.” tion and Harare Central Police Sta- expediency.
wiza and surrounding rural ar- officers who were supposed to Kuvheya said while she wel- tion respectively, but was not given He said the dispute between him
eas, follows a directive by Pres- be enforcing social distancing comed the opening of markets, an investigating officer,” he said. and Muteswa was a family matter
ident Emmerson Mnangagwa were not in sight. there was need for council to “It then came to my attention that which did not require the interven-
to have the markets reopened However, Chitungwiza town ensure people’s safety. Collins’ influence had resulted in the tion of a third party and even the
during the lockdown. clerk Tonderai Kasu insist- Chitrest recently won a court police not investigating my matters. President’s family.
This saw markets such as ed that the council had put in case that ordered the munici- I have several witnesses who at this Asked about the letter, Zacc
Mbare and Machipisa in Ha- place adequate measures to pality to provide water to its stage are not able to come forth in spokesperson John Makamure said:
rare returning to business on curb the spread of COVID-19 in citizens during the lockdown. fear of personal lives,” he wrote. “I will check after lockdown.”

Data tariffs must fall: Misa ozonetek AFRICA

Media lobby group, Media In- SodiumHypochlorite(NaOCI)whichismanufacturedby
stitute for Southern Africa OzonetekAfricaisarecommendedproductforthesterilization
(Misa) Zimbabwe said govern-
ment should revise downwards ofwaterandeffectiveagainstviruses,bacteriaandfungiwhich
internet tariffs being charged includestheCovid-19.WHO:CMP-24EDIT2(13/7/4).Duetothe
by local mobile network oper- desiretoprotectourpeopleOzonetekAfrica,hasincreasedits
ators as high cost on data was productioncapacitytomeetthegrowthindemandfortested
infringing on citizens’ right to
access information about the
spread of COVID-19.
Misa said the expensive inter- %O

Antimicrobialagentseffectiveagainst FREE
net services continued to be a
privilege for the rich while leav- oodcourt&
differentcoronaviruses:(Sodium Office,house,f zation
ing out the vulnerable and mar- churchessterili
ginalised citizens who also need Hypoclorite0.05%-0.5%HCoV-229E&
information about the deadly
disease. SARS-CoV)
“Citizens need to keep them- Affordable
selves infor med of the devel-
opments and measures that Alcoholfree
are being taken by the Zimba-
bwean gover nment and other Canbesprayedagainstwalls,floors,workstationsetc
key stakeholders to contain
and curb the spread of the cor-
onavirus in the country,” Misa Hazardfree(people,animalsandfire)
said in a statement yesterday.
“The majority of the citi- ManufacturedinZimbabwe
zens of Zimbabwe have a right
to also access the government’s Sanitizeshands
daily Twitter updates on devel- Sterilizedrinkingwater(5mlper50litresofwater)
opments pertaining to COV-
ID-19 in Zimbabwe and the en- (HumanCoronavirus229E&Severeacuterespiratorysyndrome
tire world.” coronavirus)
The African Declaration on HOWITWORKS
Internet Rights implores gov-
ernments to uphold human and ByaddingHypochloritetowater,hypochlorousacid
people’s rights through an in- (HOCI)isformed:
ternet environment that best
meets the continent’s social and
economic development needs. hypochlorousacidandOxygenisthesolution
Misa added: “In that regard, efforts to curb the spread of the virus in the
the nation’s health and well-being and citizens’ country.” CurrentlyatOzonetekweareacceptingapplicationsfrom
right to access health facilities and relevant in- The media lobby group urged the govern- willingdistributersoftheproduct.Toapplysendtousa
formation to that effect is a fundamental hu- ment to come up with data frameworks that en- proposalwiththenameofcompany/associationor
man right moreso in the wake of the coronavi- able ease and affordable internet access.
rus outbreak.” While access to social media might be a way
“Affordable, reasonable fees will allow for of disseminating information to all individu- OZONETEKAFRICA
increased access to the internet and enable als, it has also caused the spread of false in-
the majority of citizens to access, share and formation which has become rapid during this
spread information on COVID-19 which will outbreak, thereby causing panic among most
go a long way in assisting the government‘s communities.

Thursday April 9 2020 RELEVANT, CREDIBLE NEWS

2 Zimra officers Chiredzi cops descend on lockdown defiers

remanded to June BY GARIKAI MAFIRAKUREVA and decreed a 21-day lockdown ban- ban was eventually lifted. Now the is- social distancing. If anyone is caught
BY GARIKAI MAFIRAKUREVA ning unnecessary movements and sue is registered beerhalls must sell drinking beer at the beerhall or at any
CHIREDZI residents, who took advan- gatherings in a bid to curb the spread beer between 9am and 3pm. Sale of of the places besides his or her place
TWO Chiredzi-based Zimbabwe Reve- tage of the lift of the ban on sale of al- of coronavirus. the commodity outside these time- of residence, he would be breaking
nue Authority (Zimra), revenue collec- cohol and gathered at drinking spots Zimbabwe now has 11 confirmed frames is prohibited. People must buy the law.
tion officers, accused of extorting cli- defying the 21-day nation lockdown, cases and two deaths. beer and immediately leave the prem- “The security guys will heavily de-
ents of over $80 000, were last week re- were yesterday bashed by police offic- Chiredzi district development co- ises because we expect them to be scend on those that decide to breach
manded to June 27. ers for the offence. ordinator and COVID-19 taskforce home,” he said. the law. All people, except those that
The courts have temporarily sus- Chiredzi is one of the towns that chairperson, Lovemore Chisema said “Those selling beer must adhere to are providing essential services must
pended proceedings in the wake of have not been observing the lock- conformity to lockdown measures the minimum hygiene requirements stay home and remain safe. Let us all
COVID-19, and only attend to seri- down order since Monday last week. would arrest the spread of the disease. and lockdown principles. For exam- be careful. We understand and know
ous cases. Talent Rupangwana (29), of President Emmerson Mnangagwa “You would remember that selling ple, there must be a handwashing fa- people’s challenges, but we are in a far
Chiredzi, and Kudakwashe Museva (32), declared COVID-19 a national disaster of beer was initially barred, but the cility, sanitisation and observance of more dangerous situation.”
of Triangle appeared before Chired-
zi magistrate Geraldine Mutsoto, fac-
ing charges of criminal abuse of office Pic: Darlington Mwashita
as defined in Section 174 of the Crimi-
nal Law (Codification and Reform) Act
Chapter 9:23 and extortion as defined
in Section 134 (1) of the Criminal Law
(Codification and Reform) Act Chapter
The State initially opposed bail after
indicating Rupangwana and Museva
were a flight risk because they were fac-
ing a serious crime with overwhelming
evidence that could lead to conviction.
The magistrate, however, granted
them $500 bail each and ordered them
to reside at their given addresses, to sur-
render their passports, report to CID
Chiredzi every Friday, and not to inter-
fere with witnesses until the finalisation
of the matter, as part of their bail condi-
According to prosecutor Noel Muran-
da, Rupangwana and Museva hatched
a plan to extort Zimra clients. They reg-
istered a company called New Wox In-
vestments, in which they were both di-
rectors and opened a business bank ac-
count with a local bank. It is alleged that
on September 6, 2019 the two called
Jen Gift Investments director Makore
Chishanga and told him he owed Zimra
$500 000 in value added tax (VAT). They Soldiers and police jointly enforcing the lockdown order in Emakhandeni suburb, Bulawayo yesterday
threatened to close his company unless

Residents sue Hwange Colliery, Zinwa over water

he paid $50 000 into a New Wox Invest-
ments account. The accused continued
to exert pressure on Chishanga until he
deposited $20 000 on September 26,
2019. They two continued to pester the BY SILAS NKALA ter Obadiah Moyo, Mthuli Ncube (Fi- wika are getting water from commu- consistent water supply would avert

complainant and on October 21, 2019, nance), Perrance Shiri (Lands), July nity toilets and public bathrooms,” he disaster.
he deposited $10 000 into the same ac- WANGE town could Moyo (Local Government) and the submitted. “Ministers cited herein in their ca-
count. turn into a epicentre of HLB to consistently provide potable “Water is key in the fight against pacities must be ordered to ensure
Chishanga became suspicious and COVID-19 if persistent water to residents without fail. COVID-19. People are expected to that the affected residents have safe
reported the matter to Masvingo Zim- water problems are not In his founding affidavit, Fidelis maintain high levels of hygiene and and potable water per such stand-
ra manager Brighton Rombe and an in- immediately addressed, Chima, the founding member, co-or- this cannot be achieved without wa- ards as are acceptable to the Minis-
ternal investigation was carried out and Greater Hwange Residents Trust dinator and trustee of TGHRT submit- ter and this is the dilemma that some ter of Health. The Minister of Finance
the matter was later reported to the po- (TGHRT) has said in its urgent High ted that HCCL and Zinwa supply wa- residents face. ought to be ordered to avail ade-
lice. Using the same modus operandi, it Court application seeking to com- ter to different parts of the town. Zin- “Currently as I stated, some plac- quate money to first and second re-
is alleged that on September 26, 2019, pel Hwange Colliery Company Ltd wa supplies Baobab, Chibondo, Em- es have water in the morning only spondents (Colliery and Zinwa) for
they approached Bonjisi Maronga and (HCCL), Zimbabwe National Water pumalanga, Zimbabwe Prisons and while others have two hours of run- purposes of ensuring the water in-
told him that his company Fore Grip In- Authority (Zinwa), government min- Correctional Services, Zimbabwe Re- ning and potable water per day. That frastructure is maintained and refur-
vestments was not paying VAT. Maron- istries and the Hwange Local Board public Police and Zimbabwe Nation- will by all standards make Hwange bished to ensure smooth supply of
ga referred them to Patrick Sithole his (HLB) to ensure consistent supplies. al Army barracks and industrial sites, an unsafe place to live in. People will water to residents,” Chima said.
part time accountant. The two alleged- The trustees said residents who Chima stated. not wash their hands regularly as He said another solution would
ly demanded $55 000 to regularise the were not tested for COVID-19 were HCCL supplies Hwange township, they will be saving water for other be to give the responsibility of wa-
debt and register him for the Zimra VAT. forced to converge at water points, Lwendulu, Madumabisa, Lusumbami, uses such as flushing toilets, drinking, ter provision to the HLB and the Local
The following day, Maronga deposit- risking possible infection and trans- Ngumija and Makwika. cooking and washing.” Government minister should be com-
ed $45 000 into New Wox Investments mission. “Makwika, Lusumbami, Lwendu- Chima said in the absence of po- pelled to do so. Chima also submit-
account. Maronga then followed up on Represented by Godfrey Nyoni, lu and Cindirella are only getting table water, Hwange would become ted that the Lands minister should
the VAT number through his account- TGHRT filed an urgent chamber ap- water for two hours in the morning. the epicentre of COVID-19 in Zimba- ensure that water sources such as
ant, but nothing materialised. plication at the Bulawayo High Court Ngumija has no potable water at all. bwe, should there be one person in- dams are made available to improve
He reported the matter to the police on April 4 seeking an interdict com- Residents in areas such as Lwendu- fected since residents were not test- supplies. Respondents are yet to re-
and the two were arrested. pelling HCCL, Zinwa, Health minis- lu, Cindirella, Madumabisa, and Mak- ed to ascertain their status. He said spond to the application.
NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 7

Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Currencies

INDICES VALUE CHANGE (%) EUR-USD 1,0914 0,0121 +1,12%
All Share 459,88 -0,10% USD-JPY 109,0400 -0,1800 -0,16%
Industrial 1,523.52 0,09% GBP-USD 1,2359 0,0128 +1,05%
Top 10 379,93 0,31% AUD-USD 0,6199 0,0111 +1,82%
Minings 751,02 -8,09% USD-ZAR 18,1408 -0,5234 -2,80%

BUSINESS IN BRIEF COVID-19: RTG expects 6% fall in revenue

BY FIDELITY MHLANGA Zimbabwe is today on day 11 of the 21-day below 61% recorded in 2018 due to the closure

‘Lockdown to hit
lockdown pronounced by authorities to stem of Bulawayo Rainbow Hotel between January
HE Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-list- the spread of the virus. and February 2019 and Rainbow Towers Hotel
ed Rainbow Tourism Group (RTG) The government has also announced a num- from mid-December 2019 for refurbishments.

livelihoods hard’
says closure of its hotels this month ber of measures to protect its citizens, which in- The closures led to a loss of 12 100 rooms (4%
to contain the spread of coronavirus clude banning entertainment centres, pubs, occupancy). On a like-for-like basis, occupancy
will reduce its annual revenue gener- gathering of more than 50 people for a period closed at 51% above the national average occu-
ation by at least 6%. of up to 60 days. pancies of 41% reported by the Zimbabwe Tour-
In its financial statement for the full year end- The group invested $42 million (approximate- ism Authority (ZTA Q3 2019 report).
BY TATIRA ZWINOIRA ed December 2019, the company said the board ly US$6,2 million) into hotel refurbishment dur- Listed companies are now using IAS 29 “Fi-
would, however, quantify the total impact of the ing the first quarter of 2019, which saw the Bula- nancial reporting in hyperinflationary econo-
ZIMBABWE’S nationwide lockdown will likely hit hard
livelihoods and markets for both rural and urban house- coronavirus pandemic on its wholesome opera- wayo Rainbow Hotel being temporarily closed in mies” from financial year end on or after July 1,
holds, a leading provider of information and analysis on tions. an exercise which involved the upgrade of bath- 2019 after the Public Accountants and Auditors
food insecurity has said. During the year under review, the group real- rooms, full replacement of the hot and cold wa- Board recommended that the environment in
The 21-day nationwide lockdown, which started last ised inflation-adjusted revenues of $45,6 million ter reticulation system, replacement of exterior the country was ripe to use the standard.
Monday, came as a measure to arrest the spread of the vir- after it grew by 62% from $279,8 million in 2018. windows, upgrade of soft furnishings in rooms The promulgation of the new standard neces-
ulent coronavirus, with the country so far having recorded
11 confirmed positive cases and two deaths. Historical growth was 539% from $34,3 million and the replacement of guest elevators. sitated by a shift in use of currency from multi-
“This lockdown restricts the normal movement of peo- to $219,4 million. “At the Rainbow Towers Hotel, the company currency to the inflation-prone Zimbabwe dollar
ple, goods, and services, including a ban on some pub- “The group in response temporarily closed has undertaken a rebuilding exercise involving in July last year sought to bring fairness when re-
lic transportation and closure of borders to non-essential down all of its hotels during the lockdown pe- the gutting down and reconstruction of the en- porting on two different periods.
travel. However, the restrictions exempt critical producers riod. The closure will have a significant impact tire guest rooms and bathrooms for 187 rooms. Inflation-adjusted profit-after-tax for the year
and services, including humanitarian assistance distribu-
tions,” the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS- on the group’s month of April 2020 revenues, It is pleasing to note that the Rainbow Towers re- closed at $237 million from $40,8 million record-
NET) said in its latest update. which traditionally accounts for 6% of total an- furbishment exercise was completed within two ed prior year. Historical growth was $52 million
“These measures, aimed at limiting the spread of the vi- nual revenues. The group is yet to quantify the months, which is a very short period given the from $5 million.
rus, are likely to have direct and indirect impacts on liveli- total impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its nature of the work. Going forward, the group On legacy matters, the group finally recov-
hoods and markets for both rural and urban households, operations. The board is optimistic that the busi- will continue with the refurbishment exercise ered US$1,9 million owed by Capital Bank (then
specifically in southern areas where poor households rely
heavily on remittances and informal imports from South ness will significantly recover once the pandem- to complete the process of making all the hotels Renaissance Merchant Bank). The recovery was
Africa.” ic is under control,” RTG chairman Arthur Manase world leading,” Manase said. in the form of 3,6% of the issued shares in First
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s said. The group’s occupancy closed at 47%, 23% Mutual Holdings Limited.
detailed 2019 Article IV Consultation on Zimbabwe re-
leased last week, COVID-19 is expected to adversely im-
pact the country’s economic outlook.
IMF said this would require additional health-related
spending and international humanitarian assistance as
millions of people already exposed.
“COVID-19 will make it even harder to balance the pol-
icies needed to restore macro-economic stability with
those to address urgent social needs. Zimbabwe is experi-
encing economic and humanitarian crises,” IMF said.
“Macro-economic stability remains a challenge: the
economy contracted sharply in 2019, amplified by climate
shocks that have crippled agriculture and electricity gen-
eration; the newly introduced ZWL [Zimbabwe dollar] has The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) hereby advises its 11. Customs and Excise Measures to Ensure Business Continuity In e. The use of electronic payments to be encouraged for
lost most of its value; inflation is very high; and interna- valued clients to stay safe and cautious by reducing physical 12. Light Of the Corona Virus Pandemic payment of duty and other charges or fees.
tional reserves are very low.” visits to ZIMRA offices during this period of the COVID-19 13. In light of the current Corona Virus pandemic and the State f. Temporary Importation Permits (TIP’s) for foreign registered
virus outbreak. As a mitigating measure against the spread 14. of the Nation address by His Excellence, Comrade E D Mnan- vehicles, the use of the eTIP platform is mandatory. The e-TIP
The macro-economic instability stems from the contin- of COVID-19 virus, clients are encouraged to access, utilise 15. gagwa, on the Corona Virus National Status and measures to facility is a web-based application where visitors can apply
ued devaluation of the Zimdollar that has brought hyper- the available ZIMRA e-service facilities on (www.efiling. 16. contain its spread, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority is putting for the Temporary Import Permit for foreign registered motor
inflation back into the economy. and reduce the risks associated with travelling 17. in place the following measures to ensure the safety of its staff vehicles prior to arrival at the border post. The App is accessible
“In March, ZimStat [Zimbabwe National Statistics Agen- or handling manual tax submissions. With ZIMRA e-service 18. and valued clients. through Google Play Store and the ZIMRA website (www.
platform you can do the following: 19. No applications will be accepted over the counter
cy] reported annual inflation for February at slightly over 1. Online registration in order to obtain a ZIMRA Business 20. a. All stations to maintain skeleton staff, with only critical and no manual TIP’s will be issued.
540 percent; however, some independent sources report Partner Number (BP) 21. areas to be manned to limit human interface. g. All face-to-face meetings with clients are suspended, and
annual inflation above 1 000%. The local currency deval- 2. Online Submission of Tax Returns (currently Income Tax, 22. b. Data Processing Centers (DPC’s) – the use of electronic means of communication is encouraged.
ued significantly in March as the official interbank rate fell PAYE, Value Added Tax, and Capital Gains Tax) 23. i.All DPC staff will not interact with any member of the
3. Online application for Tax Clearances (ITF263) 24. public, all interaction to be limited to electronic means
by almost 30% and the parallel market rates nearly dou- 4. Online verification and validation of existing Tax Clearances
25. ii.Queries and Amendment Staff to only interact with clients My Taxes, My Duties: Building my Zimbabwe!!
bled compared to February,” FEWSNET said. (ITF263) 26. or agents via electronic means
“This drove significant increases in the prices of basic 5. Viewing of Taxpayers’ Accounts Status and Balances 27. iii.Only the listed documents to be stamped after processing
goods and services. In late March, the government an- 6. Online updating of information (submission of REV2 Form) 28. of a bill of entry: Disclaimer
29. •F21 – Bill of entry This article was compiled by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority
nounced that the United States dollar is now permissible In exceptional cases where: 30. •Invoices for information purposes only. ZIMRA shall not accept respon-
for local transactions. The government also suspended a) Submission of Tax Returns has failed to go through ZIMRA 31. •Manifest sibility for loss or damage arising from use of material in this
the managed float exchange rate and pegged the official e-services platform 32. •Origin Certificates article and no liability will attach to the Zimbabwe Revenue
exchange rate at US$1:$25. The immediate and medium- b) Submission relating to ITF12B (QPDs), ITF16, or Withholding •Release orders Authority.
Taxes [REV5 Forms] Clients are reminded to use the above email platform to submit •Consignments notes (exports only)
term market and food security impacts are still being as-
their accurate tax returns as well as remitting all their payments •CD1 (exports only) To contact ZIMRA:
sessed, as the markets adjust to this new structure.” Clients are advised to scan and email completed copies of the through their respective banks. For ZIMRA bank details, please c. All applications for Immigrants Rebate shall be suspended WhatsApp line :+263 782 729 862
Demand for staple cereals remains high while access is failed tax return/form, ITF12B (QPDs), ITF16, or Withholding visit the ZIMRA website Please note all until further notice, in line with the Presidential Proclamation
Taxes [REV5 Forms] using the applicable/relevant email emails must be less than 10MB those with emails larger than d. All communication on rebate applications, appeals or Visit our website :www.
limited for many poor households given high prices and
address selected from the list below: 10MB should send the emails in batches. letters to be submitted through email to the relevant Office Follow us on Twitter :@Zimra_11
low income.
1. In the event that you need to physically access any ZIMRA as listed below: Like us on Facebook
Already, there is a critical maize grain shortage with 2. office, further guidance will be provided. For any queries or 1. Office of the Commissioner Customs & Excise -
prices across markets being over 10 times the recent five- 3. correspondence, don’t hesitate to contact the below listed Send us an e-mail
year average. 4. managers in your respective stations OR regions as follows: 2. Office of the Customs and Excise Regional Managers
5. •Region 1: Call us (Head Office) : 04 –758891/5; 790813;
However, following the central bank redollarising the
6. •Region 2: 790814; 781345; 751624; 752731
economy last week, by allowing the use of the US dollar 7. •Region 3:
e-TIP :
alongside the Zimdollar, this is expected to stabilise the 8. •Forbes Region:
failing currency. 9. •Beitbridge Region: customsandexcisebeitbridge@
8 NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 Editorial & Opinion


Paltry cushion
fee, an insult
to the needy OPINION

RESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government has

guest We are captains of our fate

availed $200 each for one million needy individuals to
cushion them from social shocks emanating from the

lockdown meant to combat the spread of COVID-19. While
vestments in research and devel- Yet we have an 89% (Ghana) and
the gesture is noble, it is the amount — translating to a pal- opment (R&D). over 80% (Christian SSA coun-
try US$5 — that is a mockery given that some of these indi- Globally, pharmaceutical com- tries) where “men of God” are
viduals were making much more than that per day but still panies are among the top investors opinion leaders spewing all sorts
struggling to make ends meet before the lockdown. in R&D in the health science sec- of controversies because we have
tor, but this is not the case in Af- been wired to believe in miracles
This, however, is not surprising given the paltry figure
rica. more than science.
government had always put into social welfare coffers. The Africa has 15% of the world's Sub-Saharan Africa contributes
country barely has any social safety nets to talk about, or a population and 25% of the world's averagely only 0,05% of the world’s
security fund that could have come in handy at a time like disease burden, but only 1% of the mathematics PhD holders. Wanna
this when it now has to rely more on donations to bankroll world's research and development juxtapose that with PhD holders in
budget is spent in the whole of Af- say theology? Be my guest!
the fight against COVID-19. rica. Even that, it comes from ex- Hey wait, Ghana still plans to
Millions of Zimbabweans, who are mainly self-employed in ternal resources. Africa, a con- source from churches $100 million
the informal sector, have been thrown off balance following tinent of about a billion people, to build a cathedral with a Bible
the presidential decree for a lockdown, although they still holds only 0,1% of the world's pat- Museum, hoping that it will be a
need to fulfil “statutory” obligations such as funding meals ents. tourist attraction.
and housing as they are still expected to pay their rentals
as usual despite the lockdown and closure of normal busi-
Serlom Branttie Only 198 researchers per million
people. Yet even then, remember
that our R&D expenditure is most-
But nobody remembers the last
time it bothered to refurbish its
museum of science and technol-
ness. Government has already indicated it would not inter-

ly sourced from abroad. ogy, which has at its entrance a
fere with private contracts relating to rentals. But it must be HE biggest conspira- If you think I’m lying, the two steam tractor from the early 20th
noted that besides getting money for food, the same people cy against the growth main centres for coronavirus test- century and an old Gatlin Gun.
and dominance of Af- ing are funded by Germany and We keep crying about drug test-
are still required to pay their rent. Japan. ing on poor Africans, but how
rica and Africans is not
This is a key obligation that should also have been consid- the work of Bill Gates, Illicit financial losses from cor- many virologists do we have, and
ered. Even if a family of four gets $800 or US$20, that is still Monsanto, 5G, the coronavirus or ruption and embezzlement alone how many virus institutes do we
way below what they would need to pay for rentals, which imperialists or colonialists. It is amount to some $50 billion annu- have to deal with the over 25% dis-
are ranging between US$20 and US$50 a room. not United States President Don- ally. Guess where it goes to? The ease burdens that we have?
ald Trump. West! Or have our spiritual leaders in
This makes government’s offer a mockery, especially in It is not China, it is not British When you are flying abroad, the shrines, mosques and church-
view of the social safety measures that other countries in Prime Minister Boris Johnson or who usually sits in business class es suddenly become disease spread
Africa and abroad have put in place to cushion their citizens. Queen Elizabeth. It is not a right- and sleeps and wines and dines experts?
Well-governed countries have proved to have greater capac- wing or a leftwing conspiracy, nei- in the finest hotels in Europe and What is the ratio of doctors to a
ity to implement such programmes, something that is a far- ther is it a grand plan of Israel or America? Is it the African immi- patient, or nurses to a patient, or
even the Middle East. grant hustler or the politician and medical laboratories to patients in
cry from Zimbabwe which has been run down through cor- Africa’s biggest problem is its his cronies? sub-Saharan Africa?
ruption, nepotism and general bad governance. leadership. Who do you see when you go to At this stage, we don’t need Bill
Ironically, government also indicated that homeless peo- No world leader or richest man the Palms in Dubai or Abu Dhabi? Gates to wipe us off the earth. We
ple in Harare were now being housed in different facilities in the world will suffer through Or in Monaco or on the Champs are doing so alone with our incom-
that include Jamaica Inn, Mt Hampden and Beatrice Centre vaccines or killing many of his D'Elysses? petence.
own people or use electromagnet- How many politicians don’t own We have not even begun finger-
when all along they have been left to their own wiles as gov- ic waves to kill us. And let me tell $1 million houses in various es- ing the Chinese who are forcing
ernment was unmoved by their plight. you why: tates sprinkled across different governments to mortgage their
Going forward, it is critical for the government to relook In 2018 alone, about 230 000 continents? mines and in Ghana our rivers for
its social welfare programmes and see how best they can be brand new Toyota Land Cruiser 80 In such a situation, do you alluvial gold and bauxite reserves
improved for effectiveness. (2018 models) were sold in Africa. think that all someone cares about for roads that will last all of 10
Let’s assume that private sector is to try and destroy us with a vi- years.
and non-governmental organisa- rus? We have already systematical- If you think coronavirus, digi-
tions bought 50% of those ( a very ly weakened our systems. tal medical records, vaccine trials
conservative estimate), then it We have very little industrial ca- and 5G networks are designed to
means the other half was bought pacity, we have sold whatever is destroy Africans for the monopo-
by African governments. remaining in Africa to Chinese, ly of some old computer scientist
This means that at a very gener- we only contribute to 2% of the living in Oregon or Washington in
ous base price of $60 000, $690 mil- world’s manufacturing. the US to benefit, then you proba-
lion was spent in sub-Saharan Af- Our leaders pride themselves in bly should save us all and succumb
rica alone for governmental bod- dashing us bicycles, T-shirts and to the virus as you don’t belong in
ies and officials to buy just Toyota bags of imported rice. the 21st century anyway.
Land Cruisers. Do you think anyone worth I know it’s harsh, but that’s
The WHO global health ex- their time needs to employ sophis- the truth. There is no conspiracy
penditure database puts gener- ticated methods which will endan- against us. We are the captains of
al government expenditure for ger their own people to destroy us our own fate.
health for sub-Saharan Africa at when we are doing such a nice job
US$361 777 million for 2017. of it ourselves?
If we even made the figure $362 For every day that we live, our  Serlom Branttie is a technology
million, it means that we aver- compromised healthcare systems entrepreneur and strategy director of
agely spent 52% of what we were and the egos of our leaders are go- mPedigree, a tech company that pio-
willing to spend on Land Cruisers ing to sink us further. neered the use of text messages to de-
than on health of our own citizens. We have no capacity to pro- tect counterfeit medicines and prod-
This is just cost of acquisition, duce anything that will help us. ucts. He is also the vice-president of
not maintenance. We don’t even have the research IMANI Africa, a policy and governance
In 2016, Africa accounted for laboratories to provide us with re- think tank and an Aspen fellow. He
1,1% (US$22,3 billion) of global in- search against the virus. writes in his personal capacity.
Opinion NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 9

Daily View
Lockdown or knockdown: Urban
Social media is inducing livelihoods under siege
fear about COVID-19 guest
I guest column
N physics, there is some- Everything is “OMG! The sky
thing called the “observer is falling!” until Chicken Little
effect”. The observer effect is eventually turned into chicken
is the theory that the mere nuggets. The Chicken Little syn-

observation of a phenome-
non inevitably changes that phe-
drome will have further snowball-
ing effect with imaginations run-
Munyaradzi Ziburawa
nomenon. ning wild. & Gaylord Munemo
I am arguing against the panic It is not the time to score cheap
that is being induced by the social mileage. It’s time to unite and URBAN livelihoods in Zimbabwe efforts to curb the spread of COVI-
media over the COVID-19 (most- fight the pandemic. It’s time to have always been complex, if not 19, simply reflect a knockdown on
ly known as coronavirus) due the put hatred aside and to not dis- precarious, given the deteriorat- livelihoods. The affected vendors
observer effect. A lot of people parage efforts being made to con- ing economic fortunes of the nation have threatened to sue govern-
are citing an Armageddon. Over- tain the epidemic. Positive cri- over the past two decades. The puni- ment for the losses, and they are
observation changes the phenom- tique and solution matrices are tive macro-economic environment to an extent justified. The thought-
enon to overreaction. Overreac- most required at the moment. has been the key driver of food in- less destruction of food supplies in
tion can easily make a bad situa- My view is that this epidemic is security in both rural and urban ar- a food insecure country is not only
tion worse. novel and no-one has a solution to eas. Cash limitations in the formal ironic but even more of a hypo-
That does not mean I think it is conquering it ,yet I think quaran- markets have negatively affected critical stance, given the failure
a hoax or something that should tine is the best solution at the mo- poor households given the fact that by the same force to observe so-
not be taken seriously. It is se- ment. Resources though should non-cash transactions in the infor- cial distancing guidelines in their
rous, our lack of understanding be directed to the right future in- mal and parts of the formal sectors operations. The ZRP continues to
of its origins and how to defeat it terventions. attract high premiums of up to 50% pack their officers like sardines in
makes it so.
Of course there are two enti-
ties trying to re-write the history
Brian Sedze Central government, councils
and the private sector should be
allowed to participate in their
above cash prices.
Limited employment opportuni-
ties in the formal sector have seen
its creaking vehicls, betraying the
ill-thought nature of some of our
COVID-19 interventions. Perhaps
of this pandemic — the Chinese own spheres. I do think it’s a cor- the majority of urban households re- such acts of omission are under-
government and the American In my opinion, the great cor- rect view that private entities lying on informal activities such as standable in a sudden onset disas-
media. Both may be lying. They onavirus panic is creating shal- can’t play a part. Even for a com- vending and petty trade for survival. ter. What is unforgivable though is
share a common cause, of win- low, carlous people with objec- mon cold or headache. not eve- Access to food for most urban house- to ignore the reality of the decima-
ning on a strategic platform post tives other than helping to ensure ryone is treated in private hospi- holds had been reduced to a function tion of livelihoods. We have an ob-
this pandemic. the nation follows the rules of en- tals. It will be another argument of the daily street battles with mu- ligation to do no harm.
But I am also aware of the pen- gagement. for another day to change the pre- nicipal police in the midst of some It is imperative to note that
chant of the forces opposed to Businesswoman Nomathemba sent universal access to medical informal activity of some sort. COVID-19 mitigation measures
President Emmerson Dambud- Primrose Ndebele correctly ob- aid and private facilities. The resilience of any livelihood have largely affected the poorest
zo Mnangagwa to abide by Rahm served that “Maybe before you Some social media pundits is tested in the face of unforeseen members of society. While, chain
Emmanuel's rule that no good cri- post your consipracy theories, don't know or care how much this shocks or stress; such shocks could stores have been allowed to oper-
sis should go to waste and the me- you should post your “O-Level” kind of negative reaction hurts either be natural or man-made. The ate, there has been a virtual shut-
dia's corollary, “if you don’t have results. Because we are wonder- the Zimbabwean people. It has management of COVID-19 is lay- down on business of the poor. Big
a crisis when you need one, cre- ing how you went from “O-Lev- become as routine they think no ing bare the precarious nature of corporates, including those who
ate one". el into your doctorate in virolo- more of it than you and I do when most urban livelihoods. ZIMVAC sell alcohol and other unhealthy
I also know that a response to a gy and your degree in 5G telecom- we draw a breath. (2019) notes that 'most households substances, have been allowed to
thing can be perceived as insuffi- munications”. I mentioned the observer effect in Zimbabwe were ill-equipped to operate as “essential” to the econ-
cient if those criticising that re- It is wiser for people stick to for a reason - the outcome of this deal with most livelihood and eco- omy, yet markets that provide es-
sponse create a mental image subject matters one has some rea- infection, epidemic or pandemic nomic shocks such as loss of income sential and affordable food and
of that thing that is a thousand sonable level of competence. — whatever it will eventually be and price changes. COVID-19 and vegetables to the majority poor
times worse than it really is. Each People are worrying from called — changed the moment the the lockdown have exacerbated the have been shut down without mer-
and every response becomes le- “news” peddled by doomsayers. threat was recognized and it con- vulnerability of most urban house- cy.
thargic and will never be good A lot are ingesting this apparent tinues to change daily as we learn holds. The majority languishing in
enough. scare- mongering “hook, line and more about the virus. A significant fraction of urbanites prison for violating the lockdown
In this unfortunate COVID-19 sinker”. It is wiser to listen to sci- It is true that our medical in- in Zimbabwe have an involuntary are poor urban men and women
pandemic, unity of purpose is the entific reports from credible med- stitutions and medical people hand-to-mouth consumption pat- who have been forced out in the
best way forward. ical journals and follow the edicts are not the best in the world and tern. There are limited social safe- streets to fend for their families
Both government-run institu- of government and local authori- but every day, they gain ground ty nets available to act as a buffer in in the absence of any social safe-
tions and the local government- ties. It is even better to plead with on protecting the public against sudden disruptions such as the lock- ty nets from the government or
run medical facilities are in a God. a full-blown pandemic like the down. One of the social safety nets any other duty bearers. The World
parlous state with significant re- All sorts of prescriptions to Spanish Flu of 1918.This pan- available for urbanites is the engag- Health Organization has warned
source challenges. Medical per- beat the virus or to avoid it are be- demic is a wake-up call for Zimba- ing in the group savings and lending against locking down populations
sonnel of both sides are desirous ing peddled left, r ight and centre. bwe and Africa to build their own clubs. Most informal traders prac- without attendant social nets to
of a better standard of living. It is dangerous to assume these medical institutions in time. tise this on a daily or weekly basis. cushion the vulnerable popula-
We all know who is responsi- remedies are some sort of vac- We have had two deaths now Such initiatives have equally been tions.
ble for government hospitals and cines. It may be tragic to assume and in that context, we can’t be disrupted by the lockdown. For the Government has launched a
also council hospitals. It is pru- healing will come from these considered a hotspot. The coun- majority of households, the lock- one-billion-dollar humanitari-
dent in the circumstances to de- pseudo-science alternative medi- try reacted in time on this lock- down translates to a total economic an appeal in the context of COV-
sist from the blame game. cines. Death may visit those who down. I add, this lockdown is a knockdown. ID-19 and one hopes that proactive
Well before March 21, 2020, we do not take professional advice. global response both in strong While the necessity of the lock- measures in terms of social safe-
were already being bombarded In this pandemic I believe in and weak economies. If we de- down in the face of the threat of the ty nets will be considered to sup-
by social media experts to the ef- three things - God, science and cide to criticise, let that critique global pandemic cannot be debated, port the majority of urban house-
fect that the virus was already love. Trust in God, not some char- be factual and proffer solutions. I it is imperative that the reality of holds who may never recover from
wreaking a havoc in Zimbabwe latants who purport that God del- doubt think it’s a time to push “I the disruption of livelihoods be ac- the 21-day disruption. Rental re-
even before any confirmed case. egated his power to them. We knew it” or “I told you so” narra- knowledged for immediate redress. prieves can be considered as well
That level of self-hate was like must listen to science on health tives. In fact, with hindsight, the lockdown as support with school fees. Using
we couldn’t wait anymore to be and hygiene. Science is wisdom Overreaction can easily make should have taken a deeper under- a household economy approach,
affected. and a way to explain God’s king- a bad situation worse. Reasona- standing of urban livelihoods and the government has to come up
No matter who much we hate, dom. Love you neighbours, socie- ble fear combined with bad log- tried to take certain realities into with a requisite rescue package
panic “observations” just make ty and family by physically stay- ic equals crippling unease - and consideration. that protects most urban house-
the crisis worse and bad individ- ing away from them. Love them crippling unease leads to bad de- The populous India with over one holds post the 21-day lockdown pe-
ual decisions to be made. enough to help those in need from billion people and a significant in- riod. Without such support, the
Each and every time we are your shelves, farms, bank, pocket formal sector simply reorganised its cure could have even dire out-
bombarded by “news” of the ep- and so forth. Brian Sedze is strategy consultant informal markets by incorporating comes than the disease itself.
idemic having reached uncharted A lot of people have been disa- and president of Free Enterprise Ini- social distancing principles in vege-
territory in terms of illness and greeing with everything the gov- tiative. Free Enterprise Initiative is an table markets.
death, the number of places, the ernment has been doing. They of- advocacy in less government, free en- Images which recently went viral  Munyaradzi Ziburawa a devel-
people affected and those who un- ten say we have a President who terprise, fiscal and public policy. He of the Zimbabwe Republic Police de- opment practitioner while Gaylord
fortunately passed on is shocking is not doing enough to combat the can be contacted on brian.sedze@ stroying vegetables, tomatoes and Munemo is an emergency response
in many people’s minds. spread of the virus. fruits in Sakubva, Mutare as part of specialist

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10 NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 Letters & SMS
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professionalise ZRP
Forty words maximum

THE Zimbabwe Republic Police

(ZRP), long known for its alleged
Africa could lose 20 million jobs due to pandemic
IT makes sad reading that about 20 GDP will now shrink. US$130 billion.
IN response to Residents fume over
lockdown brutality, MBADA says: The
Zimbabwe Republic Police and Zim-
corrupt tendencies and heavy- million jobs are at risk in Africa as the Under what the AU researchers Africa’s oil producers, which have babwe National Army should rein in
handedness in quelling civil dis- continent’s economies are project- deemed their realistic scenario, Afri- seen the value of their crude exports rogue security agents on the ground.
sent, hit a new low on Friday af- ed to shrink this year due to the im- ca’s economy will shrink 0,8%, while plunge in past weeks, will be among Why would they harass people who
ter news and video footage of its pact of the coronavirus pandemic. the pessimistic scenario said there the worst hit. are in their yards? A lockdown does
members burning a truckload of not mean people should be indoors.
So far, Africa accounts for just a would be a 1,1% dip. Sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest oil
It only means people should restrict
farm produce in Mutare made fraction of total cases of the disease, Up to 15% for foreign direct in- producers Nigeria and Angola alone themselves to their yards. The Zim-
rounds on news platforms. which has infected more than one vestment could disappear. The im- could lose US$65 billion in income. babwe Human Rights Commission
The unprecedented move by million people worldwide. pact on employment will be dra- African oil exporters are expected to (ZHRC) should institute investiga-
the force comes amid a series of al- But African economies are already matic. see their budget deficits double this tions into what happened in Karoi,
leged violent and degrading acts facing an impending global eco- African governments could lose year while their economies shrink Chitungwiza, Kuwadzana and oth-
by the force meted against ordi- nomic downturn, plummeting oil up to 20% to 30% of their fiscal rev- 3% on average. African tourist des- er areas where violations were com-
nary Zimbabweans as it enforces mitted. The only letdown is that the
and commodity prices and an im- enue, estimated at US$500 billion in tinations will also suffer. ZHRC commissioners are political ap-
the current lockdown order effect- ploding tourism sector. 2019. Africa has in recent years been pointees.
ed by President Emmerson Mnan- Before the onset of the pandem- Exports and imports are project- among the fastest growing regions
gagwa. ic, continent-wide gross domes- ed to drop at least 35% from 2019 in the world for tourism. But with IN response to Needy people to get
However, the irony of it is that tic product (GDP) growth had been levels, incurring a loss in the value borders now closed to prevent the $200 lockdown cushion, MBUDAYA
the seemingly high appetite for projected by the African Develop- of trade of around US$270 billion. disease’s spread and entire airlines says: Our government is surely a joke.
violence and disproportionate ment Bank to reach 3,4% this year. This at a time when the fight against grounded, the sector has been al- What will that money buy, suppose
use of force exhibited by the ZRP it gets to communities? The govern-
However, in both scenarios mod- the virus’ spread will lead to an in- most entirely shut down. ment should raise that figure. Well,
comes even though Zimbabwe- elled by the African Union study, crease in public spending of at least Gwizhikiti besides the money being paltry, will
ans are generally non-violent and it even reach the needy people? Zanu

Khupe, your elected term expired in 2019

peace-loving people who, in most PF has a long history of hijacking gov-
cases, often have legitimate com- ernment programmes, and so what
plaints or issues that need to be guarantee do we have that the cush-
addressed. ioning allowances will reach intended

beneficiaries? The regime has created
The resultant criticism and dis- Dear Dr Khupe, systems that only benefit its people.
gust for the police’s conduct by JOIN you in celebrating the Su- We are all Zimbabweans and we all
the generality of Zimbabweans preme Court endorsement of deserve to benefit from State-funded
is, therefore, in this regard, rea- the High Court judgment that social security nets.
sonable and justified, prompt- ruled that the appointment of
ing thought that, perhaps as a na- IN response to MDC youths threaten
Nelson Chamisa as MDC-T act-
tion, it is high time we transition bloodbath over party HQ, SARIRAM-
ing president shortly after the death BI says: Zanu PF’s hand is slowly start-
from a police force to a police ser- of the MDC founding leader, Morgan ing to show up. I believe the fight for
vice which has a mandate of pro- Richard Tsvangirai, was unconstitu- power and property in the opposition
tecting citizens and not harming tional, and that you are the rightful MDC is a sideshow being controlled
them. acting president of the MDC-T. by Zanu PF so that people concen-
Peace and security are a public I have been listening to argu- trate on the MDC politics and forget
good and society as a whole will about the virulent coronavirus which
ments by legal minds who are say-
benefit from an increase in secu- is ravaging all countries in the world.
ing this judgment is enforceable and Instead of enforcing laws that ensure
rity. It is thus the mandate of the those who are saying it is not en- the spread of coronavirus is arrest-
police (or one of its mandates forceable, and accept that both ar- ed, the Zanu PF government is busy
rather) to guarantee peace and or- guments are strong and should not opening green markets and all other
der in society and whatever pro- be taken lightly. However, using the Thokozani Khupe sectors of the economy at a time we
cedures they employ are presum- intelligence of a professional infor- are recording new deaths in the coun-
response to the judgment. I thank place Tsvangirai for the period from try. It’s possible that a huge number
ably aimed at achieving this end. mation analyst, I now concur with God too that He gave you the wis- now to 2019 when Tsvagirai’s term of cases has gone unreported in the
Be that as it may, violence general- those who are saying this is just an dom not to rush things, unlike Doug- ended, and if Moyo finds it making country and tracing of contact cases
ly begets violence and resentment academic judgment which is meant is done but not at the rate it should
las Mwonzora who couldn’t waste sense, then proceed to call for the
breeds animosity. to be used for future such circum- be. President Emmerson Mnangag-
any time to call Morgen Komichi the extra-ordinary congress, but giv-
To that end, the ZRP’s thought- stances as in this case the judgment wa must show seriousness when it
chairman of the MDC-T in violation en the reality that Tsvangirai’s term
less exercise of force and brutal- is coming after the horse has already comes to real and serious issues fac-
of the very Supreme Court ruling has already expired, you may have ing the country.
ity as a way of quelling dissent bolted. which said the party should revert to call for a national council meeting
(generally non-violent in our case) One major hurdle for those say- to its 2014 structures, and the MDC- composed of members who were in IN response to Zimta bemoans teach-
breeds fertile ground for resent- ing the judgment is enforceable is ers’ predicament, MAZVANYA says: So
T chairman at that point in 2014 was council as elected at the 2014 con-
ment and is, therefore, not an ef- that the constitution that has been the Zimbabwe School Examinations
Lovemore Moyo. gress, and national council will make
fective strategy for achieving used to make the judgment clearly Council wants teachers to travel to
Mwonzora has clearly violated the the decision on the way forward.
peace and order in the long term. stipulates that the president elected their nearest centre to administer reg-
Supreme Court ruling, and Khupe, if Otherwise if you proceed to un- istration processes for the June exam-
On the contrary, such conduct at the extra-ordinary congress shall you are a follower of the rule of law constitutionally call for an extra-or- inations as a matter of urgency and
by the ZRP actually represents a serve a term of office equivalent to as you have made the world believe, dinary congress to elect someone disregard President Emmerson Mnan-
decisive impediment to peace, the remaining term of the last elect- you should fire him for endorsing an whose term has long expired, you gagwa’s 21-day national lockdown or-
stability, the rule of law and hu- ed president. Can you, therefore, der. Do those at Zimsec know what
“illegitimately appointed” chairman will be demonstrating the same dic-
man rights in its broad sense. Khupe stop for a while and remind the world is dealing with in the fight
who was elevated to the chair dur- tatorial tendencies that you have ac-
It is, therefore, crucial that non- yourself how many years were re- against coronavirus? What silliness!
ing Chamisa’s time as acting presi- cused others of.
violence should be embedded maining for Tsvangirai to complete dent. You should also fire Komichi I have said several times before
as a feature in the inherent op- his term as MDC-T president after for usurping the powers of the MDC- that the best way would have been
erations of the ZRP. And with al- the 2014 congress. Has that time T 2014 chairman, and went on to re- for you to talk to Chamisa about Voluntary Media
ready a significant escalation in frame not lapsed? instate employees and officials who these things, even well before the Council
human rights violations in the last The court judgment here may he claims were fired by the party, congress you held in Bulawayo in
24 months, mostly perpetrated by
the security forces on Zanu PF op-
have been meant to test the rea- some of them who may have been 2018. I continued to say if talking of Zimbabwe
soning of people who do not un- fired during his reign as “chair”. fails, you and Chamisa should kiss
ponents, it is in the best interest of derstand mathematics, those who, If you think the Supreme Court rul- each other goodbye amicably, and
Mnangagwa to consider, as a mat- like President Emmerson Mnangag- ing is enforceable, after firing Mwon- all the advice fell on deaf ears. NewsDay newspaper subscribes to
ter of urgency, reforming the ZRP wa will say 10+4 is equal to 40. 2014 zora and Komichi, call in Moyo and I reiterate that in my view, the Su- a Code of Conduct that promotes
(and the security sector in its en- plus five years is equal to 2019, so Ts- truthful, accurate, fair and balanced
ask him if he finds it making sense to preme Court judgment is an aca-
tirety) to transform it into a well- vangirai’s term would have expired news reporting. If we do not meet
call an extra-ordinary congress to re- demic judgment that is only meant
functioning, non-partisan and ef- in 2019, simple mathematics. these standards, register your com-
to be referred to in similar cases
fective police/security service. The
police should inspire confidence
Clever politicians should be look-
ing into the future rather than wast- WRITE TO US AT should they arise in future, but for
now, you cannot shut the stable
plaints with the Voluntary Media
Council of Zimbabwe at No 34, Co-
lenbrander Rd, Milton Park Harare.
to all peace-loving and law-abid- ing time on judgments that are not door as the horse has already bolted. Telephone us at 04-778096 or
ing Zimbabweans by conducting enforceable. Khupe, have a serious Things have happened that can- 04-778006
themselves in a professional, non- think about this during the remain- not be reversed. Tsvangirai’s term 24 Hr Complaints line: 0772 125 659
violent and non-partisan manner ing period of the shutdown. Thank Email: or
Cnr Strand/Bessemer Roads, Graniteside, Harare expired in 2019 and the Supreme
and by exhibiting a high level of God coronavirus gave the oppor- PO Box BE 1165, Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe Whatsapp: 0772
Court judgment clearly says the
moral character in their dealing tunity for you to think carefully and 125 658
leader elected should be in office Twitter: @vmcz
with the public. plan the next move — and you ac- Our Bulawayo offices
Amtec Building, Corner Robert Mugabe and 12th Avenue until 2019. Good luck Khupe. Website:
Nkosilathi Lesley Ngwenya knowledged that in your speech in
Postal Adress: P.O. Box AC558, Ascot, Bulawayo Kennedy Kaitano Facebook page: vmcz Zimbabwe
NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 11

Lockdown negatively impacts women, girls as primary caregivers

BY Alfred Towo ernment made a huge assumption that homes human health during this COVID-19 outbreak. During this confinement, it is no doubt mem-

are safe. Consequently, the people most affected by bers of a household will be competing for limit-
HE COVID-19 pandemic represents a glob- While the lockdown is a necessary evil to cur- this are women who are responsible for the ed basic resources within the home, gender in-
al challenge that affects our lives and our tail the spread of COVID-19, the effectiveness of general welfare of the family. equality may mean women and girls have less
work. Zimbabwe is under a total lock- the lockdown is in doubt considering the state It is reported that women on average visit the access during this lockdown period.
down for a period of 21 days as a precau- of public service delivery in most parts of the boreholes three times a day to fetch water in ur- Basic supplies are in short supply and the
tionary measure to fight and flatten the country where the majority of citizens, for in- ban areas where hordes of people are trying to panic-buying that ensued from the pronounce-
#COVID-19 curve. stance, rely on communal boreholes and the access the precious liquid from boreholes and ment exposed a lot of inadequacies in basic ser-
Though government maintains that the country concern is around the need for social distanc- other unprotected water sources. vice provision for communities.
is ready to deal with the virus, last week doctors and ing. In most cases, without adequate water and Women, especially from the less-privileged
nurses at public hospitals went on strike over the Combating the spread of COVID-19 requires sanitation, these settings themselves may be a societies, are bearing the brunt as they might
lack of protective equipment. that households have adequate water, sanita- locus for the spread of the disease. not be able to access sexual and reproductive
Recognising that the lockdown is necessary to tion, hygiene, healthcare, waste management, Women globally do almost 2,5 times as much health conveniences.
slow down the spread of COVID-19 as the country and hygienic conditions. unpaid care and domestic work as compared to Menstrual poverty is a reality, because like all
races against time, however, it will be hard for many. Zimbabwe has been bedeviled by water chal- men, and they are more likely than men to face basic commodities, the price of sanitary wear
There are many glaring insights on addressing lenges due to the collapse of service delivery in additional care-giving responsibilities during during the lockdown has skyrocketed.
the disproportionate gendered impacts on women both urban municipalities and rural councils. this lockdown period. Access to sexual and reproductive health and
and girls, identifying gaps for corrective action and The government has not taken adequate In African societies, the lockdown can be mis- rights is a significant public health issue that re-
drawing on examples of the government’s noncha- measures to ensure that water is available to taken for an excuse to subject women to an un- quires high attention, especially the provision
lant responses to date. all. Worth noting is the recently won City of Ha- bearable burden of unpaid care work. of free sanitary pads for women and girls to re-
Apart from the ill-equipped health facilities, cit- rare vs Residents Association court case where Already organisations like ActionAid and Ox- store their dignity.
ies like Harare have no running water. Acute water the High Court ordered urgent water provision fam are calling on the governments to recog-
shortages sometimes last for months — even years in Harare. nise, redistribute and reduce the disproportion-
— and have made regular handwashing nearly im- The provision of safe water, sanitation, and ate responsibility for unpaid care work within Alfred Towo is a digital programming expert in the develop-
possible. hygienic conditions are essential to protecting households, society, employers and the State. ment field. He writes in his own capacity.
As a result, marginalised communities and vul-
nerable groups such as women and girls will bear a
differentiated and disproportionate burden due to
this global coronavirus outbreak.
In the poor residential areas, residents crowd
around communal wells, heightening fears that the
virus will be spread by close contact, leaving many
women and girls at risk. Social distancing remains
an elusive goal.
The March 2019 Cyclone Idai experiences high-
lighted the disproportionate impacts of emergency
health crisis on women and girls. ZIMBABWE
According to the United Nations Population Fund
COVID-19 report titled A Gender Lens: Protecting Sex-
ual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and Promot-
ing Gender Equality, disease outbreaks affect wom- COVID-19 NATIONAL DISASTER FUND
en and men differently, and pandemics make ex-
isting inequalities for women and girls and dis-
crimination of other marginalised groups such as
persons with disabilities and those in extreme pov-
erty, worse.
Quarantines and lockdowns interrupt daily lives,
increasing risks to physical and mental health, re-
duced access to sexual and reproductive health ser-
vices for women and girls.
With schools closed, girls face increased risks of
child marriage, teenage pregnancy, gender-based
violence and sexual exploitation and the loss of vi-
tal sexual and reproductive health services as re-
sources are diverted elsewhere.
This then calls on government to treat the Zimba-
bwean situation with the uniqueness it deserves so
as not to leave no one behind. Government actions
need to be targeted at different needs of citizens.
There is need for the advancement of transform-
ative, women-led COVID-19 emergency prepared-
ness, response and prevention public information
campaigns relating to the current and anticipated
impacts of the pandemic for women and girls.
The lockdown intervention will have varying de-
grees of inconvenience, discomfort and conse-
quences for citizens especially in a highly informal-
ised economy like Zimbabwe where one’s ability to
earn is determined by their presence in specific lo-
The informal sector has become the lifeblood of
the economy as it is now the biggest employer and
arguably the engine of the nation’s productive ca-
For most Zimbabweans who are already wallow-
ing in poverty, this pandemic has come at a worse
time because being forced to stay indoors for that
long will bring about further depression.
With high unemployment levels in Africa, most
women and girls form the bulk of the informal sec-
tor labour force. The huge population of women
and girls in Zimbabwe and Africa present a paradox
of big numbers and big challenges during the COV-
ID-19 pandemic.
During this 21-day lockdown period, people are
being asked to stay home and be safe, but one
thing that has been forgotten is that not all homes
are safe for women. Home is where one should feel
safe and secure.
For many women and girls, home is a place of vi-
olence and increased intra-family tensions. Confine-
ment to the home increases tensions that can pro-
mote the breakdown of an already weakened family
structure and bring serious risks of violence.
During this time, however, no information re-
garding gender-based violence reporting mecha-
nisms and support services for victims of gender-
based violence has been outlined in the COVID-19
response initiatives by the COVID-19 response task-
force to protect women and girls at risk.
It is clear that the government’s commitment to
safeguarding and sustaining the lives of vulnerable
citizens is non-existent and questionable. The gov-

NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 12

Vocal Ex holds music concert

THE City of Kings and Queens’ most

celebrated gospel choir, Vocal Ex, is set
to hold a music concert dubbed Joy of
life will be back to normal then. If not,
we will follow guidelines and all health
measures put in place and merely
postpone if need be. Our well-being
and that of our fans and the entire na-

my Salvation at the Amphitheatre in tion is of great importance,” he said.
Bulawayo on May 25. Mdlaziba said it was their tradition
The music concert, targeting more to hold their first concert of the year in
than 3 000 people, will see Snowy, Mai May and their aim was to glorify God.
Mwamuka and The Few also “It’s always our aim to
taking to the stage. do it with much skill
“All our con- and yes in the
certs have al- form of spec-

theatre project
ways been tacular en-
full hous- tertain-
es, and ment,
we are but
hum- it’s all
bled unto
and the
grate- of
ful God
that who
Bula- is the
BY FREEMAN MAKOPA tough one considering that she whether male or female. But the wayo foun-

won her first award af- women have to put in an extra has al- dation
NITED KINGDOM- ter being in the 50 on top of the 100% in order to ways been of eve-
BASED contempo- industry make the cut, be recognised, and great to us,” rything,” he
rary musician Edith for 18 be appreciated (but) I feel the said group director said.
“WeUtonga” Kati- years. consistency paid off.” Thembelani Mdlaziba. “The theme: Joy of
ji yesterday said she “The However, the musician said “It’s always our desire to my Salvation as highlighted
could not wait for the COVID-19 local in- Waiting for the Ship to Sail was keep that relationship going. On that when we first made it public is that,
outbreak to end so she could roll dustry is not the first production she fea- note, we do believe people will come having received Jesus as your per-
out her theatre production. a tough tured in as she had done a lot of in their numbers.” sonal saviour is the most important
The former Amakhosi Thea- road for them back home. Mdlaziba said the concert was thing.”
tre School student told NewsDay anyone “This is not my first thea- planned and announced before the Mdlaziba said although they
Life & Style that she had man- venturing tre production as I have been in outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic would stage two concerts in Bula-
aged to clinch a role in a new into many productions back home and they were hoping things would wayo during the year, they would
show titled Waiting for the Ship it, written by the likes of Stephen have normalised by then. also reach other parts of the country
to Sail. Chifunyise, Raisedon Baya, “According to what is on the ground, and beyond.
“I was part of a production Wonder Guchu, Lew-
with a theatre house here and is Ndlovu, Styx and

Zimbos did well at Amazing Voices

the show was cut short due to the Cont Mhlanga. I
pandemic. It is a theatre musical am an award-
and I am part of the music team winning ac-
as well as having a cameo role,” tress having
she said. won a NAMA BY LIFE & STYLE REPORTER South Africa.
“I had studio recordings lined in 2012 for Old Mutual Limited is a pan-African in-
up, a tour to the United States, outstanding THE country’s representatives at the vestment, savings, insurance, and bank-
a theatre production that was actress,” she Amazing Voices Africa competition in ing group. Established in 1845 in South
cut off and eve- ry- said. South Africa, Family Voices, put up a ster- Africa, it has more than 11 million cus-
thing is at a “The 2018 ling performance that saw them clinch- tomers and more than R1 trillion funds
standstill. BAA award is my ing fourth position in a tough tussle. under management (as at 31 December
The record- first music award The competion was, however, won 2019).
ings can after seven or more by Kenya’s RnB outfit, Wanavokali. The competition is designed to dis-
be man- nominations.” The winners pocketed US$100 000 in cover unsigned singing talent from
aged She urged artistes the competition’s first season after se- across the African continent — Ghana,
as we to have many income curing the highest number of public Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa —
have streams to shield them- votes. and across three genres — gospel, pop
set up selves in times of natu- Live studio events, howev- and R&B.
home ral disasters such as the er, were not held follow- Key sponsor Old
stu- COVID-19. ing the global out- Mutual chief mar-
dios to “It is imperative for break of COV- keting offic-
proceed with the re- artistes to have many in- ID-19, while er Vuyo Lee
cordings, but everything come streams to be able the show’s congratu-
else will have to be reconsid- to sustain themselves episodes lated the
ered, if at all, in this year.” during times such as leading to winners
WeUtonga said she was these. I am a the finals for their
currently on a masters’ in consultant for were pre- “well-de-
music development pro- a number recorded served
gramme with SOAS Universi- of or- within the win” and
ty of London. gani- pre-confine- expressed
“My Zimbabwean music sations ment time. gratitude to
has been greatly appreciat- and “We are be- all the con-
ed in the short time that I that puts yond excited and testants.
have been here and this has food on the table,” she grateful. Now Afri- “We are excit-
seen me being invited to col- said. ca gets to see Kenya as ed about their future. It
laborate and play mbira, ho- “This is why I chose a musical force. This competition has been fantastic supporting
sho, bass guitar and for my music development be- has affirmed our limitless potential, and people who genuinely aspire to become
voice,” she said. cause it takes my musi- helped us to lift our country’s flag high. their exceptional best. We can’t wait to
The contemporary musi- cal experience into the of- We are so excited and happy about the make Season Two even bigger and bet-
cian said she was looking fices and spaces where I opportunities that are coming. The sky is ter,” he said. The Old Mutual Amazing
forward to doing more col- don’t just sing but use mu- now the limit!” Wanavokali group leader, Voices show began in January this year
laborations should the COV- sic as a way of developing Ythera Ghege. after the auditions began in September
ID-19 pandemic subside. societies. I am here on a The other two groups in the final last year. Contestants benefited from the
The Mukaranga hitmaker Canon Collins Trust schol- round were Simply Six, a gospel group guidance and mentorship of the show’s
said her music journey was a arship and I am grateful.” and Afrikariz, a pop group, both from music director, Zwai Bala.
NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 13
Life & Style

Gospel artiste drops album visuals


OP gospel artiste
Takesure Zamar Ncu-
be’s brother, Wise-
man, has released a
visual off his debut
album titled Know Christ Know
Peace, No Christ No Peace, News-
Day Life & Style has learnt.
The video, which was upload-
ed two days ago on YouTube, fea-
Vinolia “V-Mash” Mashego tures worshipper Pianos Painos

Former ‘Jam Alley’ presenter

Jaravaza and is already mak-
ing waves on social media plat-

Vinolia ‘V-Mash’ Mashego dies

“The video talks about Jesus
Christ being the truth, the way
and the life. He is the only way
mankind has been given by God
JOHANNESBURG — Former Jam Al- eyes and a broken heart to announce the that we may be forgiven of our
ley presenter and actress Vinolia Mashe- passing of Vinolia Mashego aka V-Mash. iniquities. He is the only means
go (56), popularly known as V-Mash, has She passed peacefully in her sleep on Fri- to eternal life, there is no other
died, her younger sister confirmed early day April 3, 2020.” way and no other truth to eter-
this week. Hashatsi also shared funeral details, say- nal life,” Ncube said.
It is believed that Mashego died at her ing that late presenter would be buried to- The gospel musician, who has
home in Mamelodi, Pretoria. morrow in a service reserved for family. collaborated with a number of
“It’s true. We got the news this morning. A big star in the late 90s/early 2000s, artistes, said his eight-track al-
We are still shocked and we don’t know Mashego was making a comeback as a bum was inspired by the Word
what happened to her,” her younger sister presenter on Moja Love’s Bheka Sikubam- of God.
Prelley Seale said. bile. “The Word of God, which is
The presenter’s colleague and actor She was also an actress and featured in the bread of life, motivates my
Zola Hashatsi also confirmed the news on productions such a Generations and most music. Each time I hear the true
Instagram. recently Giyani: Land Of Blood. gospel centred on Christ and
“It is with great sadness and tears in my — TshisaLIVE Him alone, the Holy Spirit in me
sings songs, praising and tes-
tifying about Jesus Christ,” he

MultiChoice launches online masterclasses said.

Ncube said he had collabo-
rated with artistes that include
BY LIFE & STYLE REPORTER eration of African storytellers. Emmanuel Ncube, Lloyd Munu-
The series also complements recorded wa, Tafadzwa Mangore and Wiseman Ncube
THE MultiChoice Talent Factory has masterclasses that address industry con- JRM Praise.
launched a series of online masterclasses cerns, such as accessibility, opportunity, The album, produced by Jesu Munenyasha, Jesus The bo Nemagumo, Ineropa, Know
on its portal, offering exclusive access to and quality in local productions. Chisale Productions, has the Way, Thank You Lord, Nema- Christ Know Peace, Kare Kare
practical skills workshops led by film and The MTF portal was launched in March tracks You Are My Joy, Ishe vanga Takaponeswa, Mavam- and Nemavanga Reprise.
television experts. 2019 as the third touch point of Multi-
MultiChoice Zimbabwe spokesperson Choice Africa’s ground-breaking MTF in-
Liz Dziva (pictured) said the online mas- itiative, providing a pan-African film and
terclasses began on March 30, offering television digital marketplace for infor-
a boost to filmmakers during this lock- mation sharing in all related areas for Af-
down period in the wake of the COV- rica’s creative industry.
ID-19 outbreak. The MTF portal offers open, cost-free
“First up in the offering is Produce Like access to film creatives across Africa, who
a ‘Pro’, a 20-module masterclass on pro- can showcase their talent, access op-
duction from pre to post,” she said. portunities, stay up to date with indus-
“Anyone who missed out on the live try news and expand their industry net-
MTF masterclasses in Zimbabwe in Feb- works.
ruary will be able to catch up with these The current total of 25 000 registered
modules, recorded to watch from home profiles is expected to grow with the
or, indeed, anywhere. The Produce Like a launch of the online masterclasses.
‘Pro’ series fills an industry need for easier The portal is complemented by the
access to training material, tutorials and three MTF academies providing ongo-
related templates.” ing training to students from across Af-
The masterclasses are available to the rica, including the Lusaka academy that
25 000 registered users with a profile on hosts learners from southern Africa, in-
the MTF portal and newcomers are en- cluding Zimbabwe, and live MTF master-
couraged to register as soon as they wish classes hosted in various countries from
to gain access to this free online facil- time to time.
ity for professionals. The MTF portal is supported by var-
“The recorded ious MultiChoice Africa part-
masterclass- ners, including Dolby, the
es have been New York Film Academy,
filmed and Avid through JASCO
packaged Broadcast Solutions,
by MTF Nihilent and other in- CONTACT MOBILE NO. EMAIL
students ternational and lo-
from the cal industry organi-
MTF acad- sations.
emies in La- Interested crea- Progress Kamonere 0773 236 213
gos, Nairobi tives can join the so-
and Lusaka, cial media conversa- Blessing Chirara 0772 992 848
supported by tion and are encour-
leading industry aged to say which mod-
experts in- ule or masterclass FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
cluding was the most valu-
Danny Nsingo 0772 935 659
Tunde able or interesting,
Kelani, or can submit a
Chris- content wish- PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT
tian Epps list for future Naomi Heyes
0776 005 068
and Ste-
ve Gukas,” es.
Dziva said. FINANCE
Produce Tangisai Maramba 0782 435 011
Like a “Pro”
aims to break
Shaleen Mhuruyengwe 0774 557 332
down barri-
ers to access-
ing industry in-
formation, helping
ensure that knowl-
edge and experi- We care about your wellness and that of our employees, therefore we urge all our stakeholders to embrace these measures
ence is passed on in order for us to continue to provide service to you and to respond to inquiries you may have.
to the next gen-
14 NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020


Spot the difference
Find five differences in this picture of members of the ZRP jointly working with the
Harare municipal police to enforce the 21-day lockdown order along Robert Mugabe
Road in Harare yesterday. Check for the answers in tomorrow’s NewsDay.

Crossword with Jemina 1 000 Wednesday

April 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 Across
1 Fables (7)
1 Found out (4) Answers Answers
7 4 Resorts (4) 2 Snatch (6)
8 Japanese flower arranging (7) 3 Floats (6)
8 9 Repulse (6) 5 Chatter (7) SIMPLE 999 Medium
10 Lured (7) 6 Burn (7)
9 11 Tosses (6) 7 Appeared (6)
ACROSS: : 3 Deadened, 6 Rip-
14 Cling (6) er, 7 Attitude, 9 Speck, 10 Enduring,
12 Blushes (7)
10 11 Dopes, 14 Udder, 17 Restrain, 19
16 News (7) 13 Marvel (6) Idles, 20 Strident, 21 Extra, 22 Deject-
17 Pair (6) 14 rise (6)
11 12 13 ed.
19 Come before (7) 15 Builds (6)
20 Snug (4) 16 Subject (5) DOWN: 1 Prised, 2 Upkeep, 3 Drakes,
14 15 21 Fine-tunes (7) 18 Friends (4) 4 Acted, 5 Entered, 8 Dense, 12 Overt,
13 Entwine, 14 United, 15 Delete, 16
Rascal, 18 Agent.
17 18

19 Hard

20 21

The aim of Sudoku is to enter a number from 1 through to 9 in each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9x9 grid made up
of 3x3 sub-grids. Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each number.
Sudoku Puzzle - Hard Hard
Sudoku Puzzle - Hard

More Puzzles:
More Puzzles:
NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020 15

Rajput unsure
do have big houses and bungalows where
such facilities are available.”
“I am not sure where and where the
next series our team would play as the
programmes for all countries have be-

of Zim’s next
come uncertain. We were supposed to
play against Afghanistan in May/June
and were scheduled to tour Australia in
July but let us see when cricket resumes

The world is stagnant due to coronavi-
rus crisis.
Every sporting events are cancelled
and when these events will happen, it is

completely uncertain.
IMBABWE national team coach Lal- Cricketers all over the world are pass-
chand Rajput has prepared a special ing their free time at home and maintain-
programme and workout schedules for home during current corona crisis.” “Yes, that’s a problem and all players ing their fitness according to a specific
Zimbabwe players. Rajput did admit that space constraints can’t move out of their houses and at- routine.
The 58-year-old former right-handed was a problem to some players. tend gym outside. But yes, some players — Sport24
batsman has been Zimbabwe’s head coach since
last two years and is in India now.

Rolling the e-paper

Speaking exclusively, he said, “I have sent a mes-
sage to the Zimbabwe trainer to give them a specif-
ic prognosis so that the players can do that from

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

Man United to exploit the

coronavirus mayhem
MANCHESTER — Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is confident Man-
chester United can “exploit” the mayhem caused by coro-
navirus to secure their summer transfer targets.
The United manager believes some clubs need to of- Subscribe now!
fload players after taking a financial hit during the crisis
and it could work in their favour.
The Old Trafford club has been linked with the likes of
Jadon Sancho, Jack Grealish and Jude Bellingham ahead
of what is almost certainly going to be a delayed transfer Duration NewsDay Zimbabwe The Standard Total Cost
And speaking to Sky Sports, Solskjaer said: “Football is Month (s) Independent
going to get back to normality at one point and it’s very
important we’re ready when that happens. Promo Post-Promo Promo Post-Promo Promo Post-Promo Promo Post-Promo
“We want to be the best at everything, and of course
now is a chance to spend more time, you discuss players, 1 $15 $130 $12 $48 $10 $40 $37 $118
discuss plans, we’ve evaluated what we need, of course
with the coaching staff we've looked at games, evaluated
games, discussing on video calls like this. 2 $22 $245 $22 $90 $18 $75 $62 $410
“Then, the market, who knows how the market is go-
ing to react to this? Who knows which clubs need to sell
players? 3 $36 $280 $33 $115 $27 $105 $96 $500
“There might be just a situation there where you can ex- NB: Promotion ends on 22 April 2020
ploit, and I know that we at Man United, we are one of the
biggest, and financially well off. How to Register:
“I’m sure we are capable, when we get back to normali-
ty, that we can do the business that we want to.”
1. Pay for your preferred subscription period using our
Solskjaer confirmed that United are still working hard
behind the scenes to secure their summer targets despite
Ecocash Merchant Number :*151*2*2*26472* AMT#
the action grinding to a halt during the COVID-19 lock- 2. WhatsApp proof of payment to :
He said on a Sky podcast with ex-United defender Gary Violet: 0773 207 437
Neville and Geoff Shreeves: “We spend a lot of time dis-
cussing these things anyway. Of course there will be text Loreen: 0737 185 178 / 0773 253 517
messages and WhatsApp messages more often.
“But the biggest difference for most of us is that when Hatred : 0772 287 524 / 0719 228 752
you’re a footballer you don’t really get to spend much time
with your family.
3. Send your proof of payment & email to :
“That’s been a big plus, if you’re allowed to say that any-
thing has been a big plus in this situation.
“But, yes, we do planning, we are discussing what we
have to do, what we can do, and I have to say the club has
been very good so far.”
Solskjaer’s United were on an 11-match unbeaten run
in all competitions when coronavirus caused the suspen-
sion of competitions across the world. — dailymail
16 NewsDay | Thursday April 9 2020

Man United to exploit the


coronavirus mayhem ISSN 2079-9896

“We want to be the best at everything,

and of course now is a chance to spend
more time, you discuss players, discuss
plans, we’ve evaluated what we need,
of course with the coaching staff we’ve
looked at games, evaluated games, dis- 9 772079 989005 01 cussing on video calls like this.”
Page 15

Nadolo doubts FCP,

Bosso’s pedigree
BY HENRY MHARA Ngezi Platinum Stars were, with the likes of Ian Nyoni hard can be key to the team,” Na- wish a speedy recovery to my cap-

as usual, also very active in the strengthening the already strong- dolo said. tain,” he added.
YNAMOS star sign- transfer market, bringing in 12 looking team. However, a lot will be expected Nadolo, who revealed that Caps
ing King Nadolo has new names including 2012 Soccer Nadolo had trained with his from Nadolo himself by the Dyna- United and a host of other clubs
predicted a very com- Star of the Year Denver Mukam- new team for a few weeks in pre- mos faithful after arriving at the showed interest in signing him,
petitive soccer season ba and Devon season before their training was club with a huge reputation. but he opted for Dynamos, will
ahead, but champions Chafa. halted by the coronavirus out- The forward joined TelOne have to wait a little bit before he
FC Platinum, Chicken Inn and his Caps break. from South Africa in the second can make his debut for the for-
former team Highlanders do not United, But in that short time that he half of the season, and took the mer champions after the start of
feature in his list of title favour- who was with the squad, there were league by storm. the season was suspended indefi-
ites. came quite a few individuals in the He scored an incredible 11 nitely because of the coronavirus
Nadolo, who moved from rele- ago- team that caught his eye and league goals in the second half outbreak which has infected more
gated TelOne to the Harare giants nis- which he believes will be very of the season, three shy of the than one million and killed over
in what was arguably the biggest ingly key on the team’s success in league’s top goalscorer. 80 000 people globally.
move in the last player transfer close the upcoming season. However, his goals could not All local league clubs who were
window, has gone against public to win- “I was impressed by a lot of help TelOne to survive relegation, winding up their pre-season prep-
opinion leaving out the trio from ning guys, but let me just mention but were enough to see Nadolo arations ahead of the new sea-
the teams that he thinks have the the Juan (Mutudza) and Barnabas voted as one of the best 11 players son which had been scheduled to
pedigree to win the title in the up- league (Mushunje). I think they are do- of the season. kick off at the end of March were
coming season, which has been last year, ing well and if they con- He also wished Jaure a quick forced to break.
delayed due to the fight against made a tinue to recovery after the defender un- Just like all the other local
COVID-19. wholesale work derwent a surgery last month fol- clubs, Dynamos gave its players
Instead, he picked his new side change to lowing a car crash. He sustained individual programmes to follow
Dynamos, their city rivals Caps their head injuries and is expected to to keep themselves fit during the
United and Ngezi Platinum Stars squad miss next season. 21-day national lockdown period
as the teams to watch in the up- “It’s going to affect us be- ordered by President Emmerson
coming season. cause he is a leader and his Mnangangwa to arrest the spread
Asked by NewsDay Sport to experience would have of coronavirus.
pick the teams that he believe given us that extra ad- The virus has infected 11 people
will fight for the league ti- vantage on the pitch,” locally with two deaths.
tle, Nadolo said: “Dyna- Nadolo said on the pos- “My message to the Dynamos
mos, Caps United and sible absence of Jaure fans and Zimbabweans at large is
Ngezi Platinum Stars. from the squad. to stay at home and be safe. We all
Those (teams) are look- “I want to have things to do and have life to
ing good.” live . . . to go out, work
The three are some and enjoy, but for
of the teams who now let’s stay
were very busy in at home and
the transfer mar- be safe,”
ket. Nadolo
Dynamos said.
signed a to-
tal of 30 play-
ers to beef up
their squad
with Nadolo,
and Part-
son Jaure
the list of
the new re-
named captain by the club on re-
joining, was last month involved
in a car accident and is unlikely
to feature for the club next season.
“It’s a very good squad that I be-
lieve in,” Nadolo said about the
Dynamos new squad.
“It has got all the qualities to
win any match against any team,
so yes it’s capable of winning
things.” King Nadolo

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