Midterm Exam: Northwest Samar State University College of Arts and Sciences Rueda St. Calbayog City

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Midterm exam
Purposive communication
Name: Solasco, Elgie , P. Date: 5/30/2020
Instructor: Mrs Alviola Rating;
Year/Sec: BSAg 1b

1.) Communication starts with the sender who is the initiator of the message. After
generating an idea the sender encodes it in a way that can be comprehended by the
receiver. The information that the sender wants the communicate is transmitted over a
channel which the message travels to the receiver. A channel connects the sender to
the receiver. Now the receiver decodes the message. In order to decode the message
the receiver has to be ready to receive the message. That is , the receiver should not be
preoccupied with other thought that might cause him/her to pay insufficient attention to
the message lastly, the sender evaluates the effectiveness of his message so that he
can modify his subsequent message known as feedback.

2.1) Aristotle’s communication model is mainly focused on the speaker & speech. It is a
speaker centered model as the speaker has the most important role in it and is the only
one a drive. The role of the audience is passive, influenced by the speech. The makes
the one way communication process.

2.2) The Shannon-Weaver model of communication proposed for technological

communication such as through telephone communication Shannon-Weaver model
communication is a linear model of communication that provides a framework foe
analyzing how message are sent & receive. It is best known for its ability to explain how
message can be mixed up & misinterpreted in the process between sending & receiving
the message.

2.3) The Osgood-Schramm model is built on the theory the communication is a 2- way
street, with a sender and a receiver. Charles Egerton Os good popularized the motion
that communication that is required & participants taking turns sending & receiving a

2.4) Eugene White’s communication process is a repetitive cycle. It is represented by a

spiraling figure.
2.5) Transactional model of communication is the exchange of message between
sender and receiver where act take turns to send or receive message. The model is
mostly used for interpersonal communication and is called circular model of

2.6) Helical models of communication describe the communication process as a spiral-

shaped model. This approach also strongly highlights the evolutionary aspect of the
normal model.

2.7) Lasswell’s model is used for interpersonal communication or group communication

to be disseminated message to various groups in various situations. It was developed to
study the media propaganda of countries and business at that time.

3. It is significant that one on one should have knowledge of multicultural

communication because this offers the ability to deal across cultures, which is
increasingly important. Being able to deal with this cultural difference, peacefully and
becoming a survival issue to thrive in a global world as a global leader.
4. World English equal when that who speaks it has the right to own it. It becomes
unequal when one insists that those who can be called native speakers are only those
who came from Inner Circle countries especially the United States and the United
5.) It is important to know the language registers because this help bridge between
English and ethnic language differences.

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