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Chanel Inspired Hat

By Isabelle Seidner

Katia, cotton-merino, 115y (105m), 50g, 2 skeins (used 65g)

COLOR, 108

4 mm short circular or two 4mm dpns (for icord)
4.5 mm short circular or dpns (for ribbing)
5 mm short circular and dpns (for main part)

Stitch marker
Tapestry needle

Ribbing; 22 st x 32 rows with 4.5mm
Seed stitch; 17 st x 30 rows with 5mm needles

One size fits all. If you have a smaller head you can go down 1 or 2 needle sizes for the
k: knit
p: purl
dpns: double pointed needles
st: stitch

With 4.5 mm needles, CO 88 st.
Place stitch marker to mark beginning of row, join in the round without twisting.
Work in 2/2 ribbing (k2, p2) for 9cm (3.5"), increasing 1st in last row (89 st).

With 5 mm needles, work in seed stitch:

Row 1: *k1, p1, rep from * to last st, k1
Row 2: *p1, k1, rep from * to last st, p1
Continue repeating these 2 rows for 11.5cm (4.5")
If you want a longer slouch, increase the repeats.

Decrease rows (switch to dpns, when needed)

Row 1: *k1, p1, rep from * to last st, k1
Row 2: ([p1, k1] 4 times, [p2tog, k2tog]) 7 times, *p1, k1, rep from * to last st, p1 (75 st).
Row 3: *k1, p1, rep from * to last st, k1
Row 4: ([p1, k1] 3 times, [p2tog, k2tog]) 7 times, *p1, k1, rep from * to last st, p1 (61 st)
Row 5: *k1, p1, rep from * to last st, k1
Row 6: ([p1, k1] 2 times, [p2tog, k2tog]) 7 times, *p1, k1, rep from * to last st, p1 (47 st)
Row 7: *k1, p1, rep from * to last st, k1
Row 8: ([p1, k1] 2 times, [p2tog, k2tog]) 5 times, *p1, k1, rep from * to last st, p1 (37 st)
Row 9: *p1, k1, rep from * to last st, k1
Row 10: ([p1, k1], [p2tog, k2tog]) 6 times, p1 (25 st)
Row 11: *p1, k1, rep from * to end while removing marker
Row 12: [p2tog, k2tog] 14 times, p1 (13 st)

Cut yarn leaving 6" tail. Thread yarn through tapestry needle and pass yarn through live
stitches. Pull tight to close.

Make a 3 st icord with 4mm needles for 21 rows. Bind off. Repeat for a 2nd cord.

Sew icords in the center of ribbing forming two C joined in an interlocking way.

Weave in ends. Wash and block.

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