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19. Lopez v. Ramos AC 12081 Nov 24 2020 .

What’s Inside? (Until Canon 5)
20. Kimteng, et. al. vs. Young ....................22
1) Caronan v. Caronan, A.C. No. 11316, 12
July 2016 .................................................. 1 21.) Palencia v. Linsangan, A.C. No. 10557
[Formerly CBD Case No. 07-1962], 10 July
2) Malecdan v. Baldo, A.C. No. 12121
2018 .......................................................24
[Formerly CBD Case No. 14-4322], 27 June
2018 ........................................................ 2 22. PEOPLE vs. ARROJADO G.R. No. 207041,
November 09, 2015 ...................................28
and ROMANA P. VALENCIA .......................... 3 23. CERILLA VS, LEZAMA A.C. No. 11483,
October 3, 2017 ........................................28
A.C. No. 6593. February 4, 2010 ................. 3
24. Intestate Estate of Jose Uy v. Maghari III,
4) Heenan v. Espejo, AC 10050 Dec 3 2013 .. 4
A.C. No. 10525, 1 September 2015 .............29
5) Perez vs. Catindig .................................. 4
A.C. No. 5816, March 10, 2013 .................... 4 ANSELMO S. ECHANEZ A.C. No. 10911. June 6,
6.) Vasco-Tamaray v. Daquis, A.C. No. 10868, 2017. ......................................................30
26 January 2016 ........................................ 6
7. Nulada v. Paulma, A.C. No. 8172, 12 April 1) Caronan v. Caronan, A.C. No. 11316, 12
July 2016
2016 ....................................................... 10
8) Ma. Cecilia Advincula vs. Atty. Leonardo Topic: Qualifications for the Bar;
Advincula ................................................. 10 Assumption of another identity

9). Tumbaga v. Teoxon, A.C. No. 5573, 21 Facts:

November 2017 ........................................ 11 Complainant Patrick and Respondent Richard
are siblings. Complainant obtained a degree in
10) MICHELLE YAP vs. ATTY. GRACE C. BURI Business Administration at the University of
A.C. No. 11156. March 19, 2018. Formerly Makati. On the other hand, Richard, after being
CBD Case No. 12-3680 .............................. 13 discharged from the Philippine Military Academy
never went back to college to earn his degree.
11. Fabugais vs. Faundo, [G.R. No. 10145 June
11, 2018] ................................................ 13 Complainant subsequently learned that
12. Gubaton v. Amador, A.C. No. 8962, 9 July respondent enrolled in a law school and passed
2018 ....................................................... 15 the Bar Examinations using complainant’s
name and college records from the University
13. AAA vs De Los Reyes A.C. No 10021
of Makati. However, he still did not confront his
September 18 2018 .................................. 16
14. Ceniza v. Ceniza, A.C. No. 8335, 10 April
2019 ....................................................... 18 Sometime in 2009, his presence was requested
by the NBI because of respondent’s involvement
15. Venzon v. Peleo III, A.C. No. 9354, 20 in a case for qualified theft and estafa filed by
August 2019............................................. 19 one of the principal sponsors at respondent’s
16. Chan v. Carrerra. A.C. 10439. September wedding. He then took it upon himself to inform
other people that he is the real Patrick Caronan
3, 2019 ................................................... 19
when he realized that respondent was using his
17. JOSE R. REYES, JR. vs ATTY. SOCRATES R. name to perpetrate crimes and especially that
RIVERA .................................................... 20 more crimes came into light.

A.C. No. 9114. October 6, 2020 .................. 20 Hence, complainant filed a Complaint-Affidavit
against Respondent for purportedly assuming
18. Dap-og v. Atty. Mendez ........................ 21
complainant’s identity and falsely representing
A.C. No. 12017. October 14, 2020 .............. 21 that the former has the required educational
qualifications to take the Bar Examinations and Katarungang Pambarangay Law that prohibits
be admitted to the practice of law. the participation of lawyers in the proceedings
before the Lupon. The complainant stated that
IBP’s Recommendation he filed a letter of complaint against Spouses
IBP found respondent guilty for illegally and James and Josephine Baldo before the Punong
falsely assuming the complainant's identity and Barangay. During the hearing of the subject
academic records. IBP recommended that the complaint, Atty. Baldo appeared as counsel for
said name be dropped and stricken off the Roll spouses Baldo. Atty. Baldo admitted that he was
of Attorneys and the name Richard A. Caronan present during the proceedings before the
be barred from being admitted as a member of Punong Barangay and explained that he was
the bar. permitted by the parties to participate in the
said hearing. However, Malecdan insisted that
Issues: he vehemently objected to his presence.
Whether or not the IBP erred in ordering that
(a) the name Patrick Caronan be stricken off the The Investigating Commissioner found that the
Roll of Attorneys; and (b) the name Richard A language of the Katarungang Pambarangay Law
Caronan be barred from being admitted to the is not that definite as to unqualifiedly bar
bar lawyers from appearing before the Lupon and
recommended that Atty. Baldo be given a
Ruling: warning. The IBP Board of Governors reversed
No. First, since the real Patrick A Caronan never and set aside the Report and Recommendation
took the Bar Examination, the IBP correctly of the Investigating Commissioner and
recommended that the said name be stricken off recommended that respondent be reprimanded.
the Roll of Attorneys.
Issues: Whether or not Atty. Baldo violated P.D
Second, the IBP was also correct in ordering 1508. If yes, whether or not his violation is
that Richard A. Caronan be barred from within the prohibition of Canon 1 and Rule 1.01
admission to the bar because Section 6, Rule of the CPR.
138 of the Rules of Court states that no
application for admission to the Bar Ruling:
Examination shall be admitted unless he Yes. The language of P.D. 1508 is mandatory in
had pursued and satisfactorily completed a barring lawyers from appearing before the
pre law course. Lupon. Atty. Baldo’s violation of P.D. 1508 falls
squarely within the prohibition of Rule 1.01 of
Furthermore, respondent exhibited dishonesty Canon 1 of the Code of Professional
and utter lack of moral fitness to be a member Responsibility. Canon 1 clearly mandates the
of the Bar when he assumed the name, identity, obedience of every lawyer to laws and
and school records of his own brother, and legal processes. Rule 1.01, on the other hand,
dragged the latter into controversies. Good states the norm of conduct to be observed by all
moral character is essential in those who lawyers. Any act or omission that is contrary to,
would be lawyers. or prohibited, or unauthorized by, or in defiance
of, disobedient to, or disregards the law is
2) Malecdan v. Baldo, A.C. No. 12121
[Formerly CBD Case No. 14-4322], 27 Atty. Baldo admitted that he appeared and
June 2018 participated in the proceedings before the
Punong Barangay in violation of Section 9 of
Topic: The language of P.D. 1508 is mandatory P.D. 1508. He therefore violated Rule 1.01 of
in barring lawyers from appearing before the the CPR in connection with Section 9 of P.D.
Lupon. Violation of P.D. 1508 falls squarely 1508 when he appeared as counsel for spouses
within the prohibition of Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 of James and Josephine Baldo in a hearing before
the Code of Professional Responsibility the Punong Barangay. Therefore, he is liable for
violation of Canon 1 and Rule 1.01 of the CPR
Facts: Complainant Celestino Malecdan filed an and is hereby reprimanded.
administrative complaint against Respondent
Atty. Simpson T. Baldo for the alleged violation
of Section 9 of P.D. 1508 known as the
3) GARRIDO vs. ATTYS. ANGEL E. GARRIDO The Court have so ruled in the past that
and ROMANA P. VALENCIA admission to the practice of law qualifications
A.C. No. 6593. February 4, 2010 are also qualifications for the continued
enjoyment of the privilege to practice law. In
the same light, lack of qualifications or the
FACTS: violation of the standards for the practice of law,
Petitioner Maelotisea Sipin Garrido, second wife like criminal cases, is a matter of public concern
of Atty. Angel Garrido, filed a disbarment case that the State may inquire into through this
against his husband as well as his alleged Court. In this sense, the complainant in a
mistress, Atty. Ramona Valencia. She alleged disbarment case is not a direct party whose
that her husband has an illicit relationship with interest in the outcome of the charge is wholly
Atty. Valencia, which produced an offspring. In his or her own; effectively, his or her
addition to this, she also purported that ever participation is that of a witness who brought
since respondent left their conjugal home, the the matter to the attention of the Court.
latter failed to provide financial support.
Thus, laws dealing with double jeopardy or with
Respondent Garrido denied all the allegations procedure—such as the verification of pleadings
hurled against him and asserted that the and prejudicial questions, or in this case,
marriage between him and Maelotisea is void ab prescription of offenses or the filing of affidavits
initio as he was still married with Constancia, his of desistance by the complainant—do not apply
first wife. He also pointed out that those in the determination of a lawyer’s qualifications
transpired before his admission to the bar. and fitness for membership in the Bar.

In the course of the hearings, respondents filed 2. YES.

a Motion for Suspension of Proceedings in view
of the criminal complaint for concubinage The time that elapsed between the immoral acts
Maelotisea filed against them, and the Petition charged and the filing of the complaint is not
for Declaration of Nullity (of marriage) Atty. material in considering the qualification of Atty.
Garrido filed to nullify his marriage to Garrido when he applied for admission to the
Maelotisea. Respondent filed the same motion practice of law, and his continuing qualification
after the RTC declared the marriage between to be a member of the legal profession.
Atty. Garrido and Maelotisea “an absolute
nullity.” All were dismissed by the IBP. It is not important that the acts complained of
were committed before Atty. Garrido was
Petitioner herself filed a motion for the dismissal admitted to the practice of law.
of the complaints she filed against the
respondents, arguing that she wanted to 3. YES.
maintain friendly relations with Atty. Garrido but
the same was dismissed. IBP proceeded with Immoral conduct involves acts that are willful,
the respondent Garrido’s disbarment. Hence, flagrant, or shameless, and that show a moral
respondent seeks relief to the Court. indifference to the opinion of the upright and
respectable members of the community.
ISSUES: Immoral conduct is gross when it is so corrupt
1.WON laws dealing with double jeopardy or as to constitute a criminal act, or so unprincipled
with procedure apply in the determination of a as to be reprehensible to a high degree, or when
lawyer’s qualifications and fitness for committed under such scandalous or revolting
membership in the Bar. circumstances as to shock the community's
2.WON respondent Garrido’s act prior to the sense of decency.
admission to bar should be imputed against
him. In this case, the undisputed facts gathered from
3.WON both respondents’ act also constitute the evidence and the admissions of Atty.
gross immoral misconduct. Garrido established a pattern of gross immoral
conduct that warrants his disbarment, violating
RULING: his lawyer's oath, Section 20 (a) of Rule 138 of
the Rules of Court, and Canon 1 of the Code of
1.NO, it does not apply. Professional Responsibility, all of which
commonly require him to obey the laws of the The fact that Atty. Espejo obtained the loan and
land. issued the worthless checks in her private
capacity and not as an attorney of Victoria is of
Meanwhile, measured against the definition of no moment. As held in several cases, a lawyer
gross immorality, we find Atty. Valencia's may be disciplined not only for malpractice and
actions grossly immoral. Her actions were so dishonesty in his profession but also for gross
corrupt as to approximate a criminal act, for she misconduct outside of his professional capacity.
married a man who, in all appearances, was
married to another and with whom he has a While the Court may not ordinarily discipline a
family. lawyer for misconduct committed in his non-
professional or private capacity, the Court may
WHEREFORE, Attys. Angel E. Garido and be justified in suspending or removing him as
Romana Valencia are DISBARRED. an attorney where his misconduct outside of the
lawyer’s professional dealings is so gross in
character as to show him morally unfit and
4) Heenan v. Espejo, AC 10050 Dec 3 2013 unworthy of the privilege which his licenses and
the law confer.
Victoria met Atty. Espejo through her 5) Perez vs. Catindig
godmother, Corazon. Following the A.C. No. 5816, March 10, 2013
introduction, Corazon told Victoria that Atty.
Espejo was her lawyer in need of money and Parties:
wanted to borrow 250k from her (Victoria). - Complainant: Dr. Elmar Perez
Victoria agreed. To secure the payment of the - Respondents: Atty. Tristan Catindig and
loan, Atty. Espejo simultaneously issued and Atty. Karen E. Baydo
turned over to Victoria a check dated Feb. 2
2009 for 275k covering the loan amount and Facts
agreed interest. In July 2009, Victoria received Atty. Tristan Catindig (Tristan) and Dr. Elmar
an Espejo-issued check dated July 10, 2009 in Perez (Elmar) were once friends and
the amount of 50k representing the interest schoolmates in the University of the Philippines.
which accrued due to the late payment of the After graduating, they lost touch but their paths
principal obligation. Victoria deposited the said crossed again (Char, tadhana), at which point
check but the check bounced due to Tristan started to court Elmar.
insufficiency of funds. Atty. Espejo failed to pay
despite Victoria's repeated demands. Victoria Tristan admitted that he was already married to
thereafter became more aggressive in her a certain Lily Gomez (Lily), after he impregnated
efforts to recover her money. When Atty. Espejo her, for fear that Lily might create a scandal and
still refused to pay, Victoria filed a criminal jeopardize his Harvard Law School Scholarship
complaint against Atty. Espejo on August 18, if he did not. (Hala uy, murag script sa
2009 for violation of BP22 and Estafa under telenovela.) Tristan then told Elmar that he was
Article 315 of the RPC. in the process of getting a divorce from Lily
abroad, and assured her that once the divorce
decree was granted, there would no longer be
Issue: Did Atty. Espejo violate Canon 1 Rule any impediment to their getting married
1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility (Nothing's gonna stop us now lol)
for issuing worthless checks?
In 1984, the Dominican Republic granted a
divorce decree to Tristan, dissolving his
Ruling: Yes. In Wilkie v. Limos, the Court marriage to Lily. In the same year, Tristan and
reiterated that the issuance of a series of Elmar married in the USA, and were blessed
worthless checks shows the remorseless with a son. Years later, however, Elmar
attitude of respondent, unmindful to the discovered that her marriage to Tristan was
deleterious effects of such act to the public actually null when she learned that foreign
interest and public order. It also manifests a divorces were not recognized by Philippine law.
lawyer’s low regard for her commitment to her She confronted Tristan about it, but the latter
oath, for which she may be disciplined. assured her that he would eventually legalize
their union by obtaining a declaration of nullity
of marriage against Lily, and that he would IBP-CBD
adopt their son. Recommended the disbarment of Atty. Catindig
for gross immorality, violation of Rule 1.01,
In 2001, Elmar received an anonymous letter in Canon 7 and Rule 7.03 of the Code of
the mail informing her that Tristan was having Professional Responsibility. On the other hand,
a scandalous affair (Hala ka, World of the the Investigating Commissioner recommended
Married vibes!) with Atty. Karen E. Baydo that the charge against Atty. Karen Baydo be
(Karen). She also found a love letter written by dismissed for dearth of evidence; Dr. Elmar
Tristan for Karen, where he professed his love Perez failed to present clear and preponderant
and promised to marry her once his evidence in support of the alleged affair
"impediment is removed." between the respondents.

Apparently, Karen had earlier issued an IBP Board of Governors

ultimatum to him, threatening to end their affair Adopted and approved the recommendation of
if he did not annul his prior marriage. Tristan the Investigating Commissioner.
then filed a petition to declare the nullity of his
marriage to Lily, and moved out of the house he Issue: Did the respondents committed gross
shared with Elmar and their son. He moved into immorality, which would warrant their
an upscale condominium, where Karen was disbarment?
frequently seen (Lee Tae-Oh, is that you? World
of the Married gyud diay!) Ruling: On the part of Tristan Catindig, yes; on
the part of Karen Baydo, no.
In the annulment proceedings, Tristan admitted
that he married Lily in 1968 and that, The Code of Professional Responsibility
immediately after their wedding, Lily showed provides:
signs that she was incapable of complying with
her marital obligations. In particular, he cited Rule 1.01 – A lawyer shall not engage in
that she had serious intimacy problems, even unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
though they had 4 children. He also averred that conduct.
because of their irreconcilable differences, he
and Lily each executed an SPA addressed to a Canon 7 – A lawyer shall at all times uphold the
Judge in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic, integrity and dignity of the legal profession and
appointing an attorney-in-fact to institute a support the activities of the Integrated Bar.
divorce action under its laws. Atty. Catindig
likewise admitted that a divorce by mutual Rule 7.03 – A lawyer shall not engage in conduct
consent was ratified by the Dominican Republic that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice
court. He and Lily also filed a Joint Petition for law, nor should he, whether in public or private
Dissolution of Conjugal Partnership, which was life, behave in a scandalous manner to the
granted by the RTC. discredit of the legal profession.

He also claimed that Elmar knew that their Good moral character is not only a condition
marriage was a sham, and that he only married precedent for admission to the legal profession,
her to lend a modicum of decency to their love. but it must also remain intact in order to
He further denied that he left Elmar because of maintain one’s good standing in that exclusive
Karen. He said that although he was attracted and honored fraternity. Good moral character is
to Karen, the latter in fact rejected him and more than just the absence of bad character.
resigned from his farm. For her part, Atty. Karen Such character expresses itself in the will to do
denied that she had an affair with Tristan. She the unpleasant thing if it is right and the resolve
claimed that he began courting her while she not to do the pleasant thing if it is wrong. This
was employed in his firm. She however rejected must be so because "vast interests are
his romantic overtures; she told him that she committed to his care; he is the recipient of
could not reciprocate his feelings since he was unbounded trust and confidence; he deals with
married and that he was too old for her. She his client’s property, reputation, his life, his all.
said that despite being turned down, Tristan still
pursued her, which was the reason why she In this regard, Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules
resigned from his law firm. of Court provides that a lawyer may be removed
or suspended from the practice of law, inter alia, marriage be properly declared a nullity.
for grossly immoral conduct. Thus: Otherwise, his subsequent marriage would be
void. This notwithstanding, he still married Dr.
Sec. 27. Attorneys removed or suspended by Perez. The foregoing circumstances seriously
Supreme Court on what grounds. — A member taint Atty. Catindig’s sense of social propriety
of the bar may be removed or suspended from and moral values. It is a blatant and purposeful
his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for disregard of our laws on marriage.
any deceit, malpractice, or other gross
misconduct in such office, grossly immoral It has also not escaped the attention of the
conduct, or by reason of his conviction of a Court that Atty. Catindig married Dr. Perez in
crime involving moral turpitude, or for any the USA. Considering that Atty. Catindig knew
violation of the oath which he is required to take that his previous marriage remained valid, the
before the admission to practice, or for a wilfull logical conclusion is that he wanted to marry Dr.
disobedience of any lawful order of a superior Perez in the USA for the added security of
court, or for corruptly or willful appearing as an avoiding any charge of bigamy by entering into
attorney for a party to a case without authority the subsequent marriage outside Philippine
so to do. The practice of soliciting cases at law jurisdiction.
for the purpose of gain, either personally or
through paid agents or brokers, constitutes Moreover, assuming arguendo that Atty.
malpractice. Catindig’s claim is true, it matters not that Dr.
Perez knew that their marriage is a nullity. The
"A lawyer may be suspended or disbarred for fact still remains that he resorted to various
any misconduct showing any fault or deficiency legal strategies in order to render a façade of
in his moral character, honesty, probity or good validity to his otherwise invalid marriage to Dr.
demeanor." Immoral conduct involves acts that Perez. Such act is, at the very least, so
are willful, flagrant, or shameless, and that unprincipled that it is reprehensible to the
show a moral indifference to the opinion of the highest degree.
upright and respectable members of the
community. Immoral conduct is gross when it is On the part of Karen Baydo, the evidence only
so corrupt as to constitute a criminal act, or so showed that Tristan Catindig had written her a
unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high love letter, but that was not proof enough that
degree, or when committed under such they were in an affair.
scandalous or revolting circumstances as to
shock the community’s sense of decency. The 6.) Vasco-Tamaray v. Daquis, A.C. No.
Court makes these distinctions, as the supreme 10868, 26 January 2016
penalty of disbarment arising from conduct Topic: Canon 1, Rule 1.01 of the Code of
requires grossly immoral, not simply immoral, Professional Responsibility.
conduct. CANON 1 — A lawyer shall uphold the
constitution, obey the laws of the land and
Contracting a marriage during the subsistence promote respect for law and for legal processes.
of a previous one amounts to a grossly immoral RULE 1.01 — A lawyer shall not engage in
conduct. unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
The facts gathered from the evidence adduced
by the parties and, ironically, from Atty. Pretending to be counsel for a party in a case
Catindig’s own admission, indeed establish a and using a forged signature in a pleading merit
pattern of conduct that is grossly immoral; it is the penalty of disbarment.
not only corrupt and unprincipled, but
reprehensible to a high degree. Facts:
Cheryl e. Vasco-Tamaray (Vasco-
From his own admission, Atty. Catindig knew Tamaray), filed a Complaint-Affidavit before the
that the divorce decree he obtained from the IBP alleging that respondent, Atty. Deborah
court in the Dominican Republic was not Daquis (Atty. Daquis), filed, on her behalf, a
recognized in our jurisdiction as he and Gomez Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage
were both Filipino citizens at that time. He knew without her consent and forged her signature on
that he was still validly married to Gomez; that the Petition. The petition also stated that Atty.
he cannot marry anew unless his previous
Daquis was the counsel for complainant Vasco- Muntinlupa City stating that she was never a
Tamaray. resident of Muntinlupa City; (b) certification by
Barangay Talipapa that she has been a resident
Vasco-Tamaray presented the affidavit of thereof from the year 2000 up to the present);
Maritess Marquez-Guerrero (Maritess) to prove (4) The Petition for Declaration of Nullity of
that Atty. Daquis was not her counsel but was Marriage was respondent Atty. Daquis’ idea,
that of her husband, Leomarte Regala Tamaray consented to by the husband;
(husband). (5) She never received any court process. The
address in the petition was her husband’s
In the affidavit, it stated that Maritess address, and the return slips were received by
accompanied complainant Vasco-Tamaray to the relatives of the husband.
East Café at Rustan’s Makati to meet with the
husband. There, the husband introduced them Respondent Atty. Daquis filed an answer and
to his lawyer, respondent Atty. Daquis. The alleged the following matters:
husband then said that the reason for their (1) That her complainant Vasco-Tamaray
meeting was because he decided to file a case was her client, and not the husband.
to annul his marriage with complainant Vasco- (2) That complainant Vasco-Tamaray knew
Tamaray. The second time Maritess and Vasco- of the Petition as early as October 2006, and
Tamaray met was when they went to not December 2006.
McDonald’s Greenbelt. There, respondent Atty. (3) With regard to the Community Tax
Daquis tried to convince complainant Vasco- Certificate, respondent Atty. Daquis alleged
Tamaray not to oppose the husband’s decision that the communicate tax certificate
to have the marriage annulled. number was supplied by complainant
herself, Vasco-Tamaray (respondent Atty.
On December 2006, respondent Atty. Daquis Daquis presented a joint affidavit of her
informed complainant Vasco-Tamaray that a staff Purawan and Lorena to prove this
Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage allegation, as well as the allegation that
was filed before the RTC of Muntinlupa City. complainant Vasco-Tamaray was the client
of respondent Atty. Daquis, and that there
On February 2006, respondent Atty. Daquis was no forging of signature involved).
asked her to appear before the City Prosecutor’s (4) That complainant Vasco-Tamaray
Office of Muntinlupa City. wanted her to call and demand money from
the husband, but she refused to do so.
On March 5, 2007, complainant Vasco-Tamaray (5) That complainant Vasco-Tamaray had a
appeared before the City Prosecutor’s Office and copy of the Petition. It was only on March 5,
met respondent Atty. Daquis. There, 2007 that complainant Vasco-Tamaray
complainant Vasco-Taramay asked respondent asked for another copy of the Petition, but
Atty. Daquis to give her a copy of the Petition of she was unable to grant the request since
Nullity of Marriage filed, but Atty. Daquis she did not have a copy with her at that
refused. time.
(6) That Vasco-Tamaray conceived an
Later on, complainant Vasco-Tamaray was able illegitimate son named Charles Dino Vasco,
to obtain a copy of the Petition for Nullity of with a certain Reuel Pablo Aranda, and that
Marriage at the RTC of Muntinlupa City. There the latter signed the Affidavit of
she was surprised to see that the petition was Acknowledgment/Admission of Paternity
allegedly signed and filed by her. portion of the birth certificate.

Complainant Vasco-Tamaray alleged the The Commission on Bar Discipline ruled in favor
following matters: of respondent Atty. Daquis, and recommended
(1) She did not file the petition; the dismissal of the complaint for failure of
(2) Her signature was forged by respondent complainant Vasco-Tamaray to prove her
Atty. Daquis; allegations; that she should have questioned
(3) Her purported community tax certificate the Petition or informed the prosecutor that she
appearing on the jurat was not hers because she never filed any petition, but she failed to do so.
never resided in Muntinlupa City (to prove this,
she attached 2 certifications: (a) certification by
the Sangguniang Barangay of Putatan
The Board of Governors of the IBP adopted an the reason for that meeting and the presence of
approved the Recommendation of the Atty. Daquis was because he had decided to file
Commission on Bar Discipline. a case to annul his marriage with Cheryl."
Based on this, it seems the husband intended to
Issues: file the petition for declaration of nullity of
WON respondent Atty. Daquis should be held marriage. However, respondent made it appear
administratively liable for making it appear that that complainant, not her client Leomarte
she is counsel for complainant Vasco-Tamaray Tamaray (husband), was the petitioner. There
and for the alleged use of a forged signature on is a probability that respondent did not want the
the Petition for Declaration of Nullity of husband to be the petitioner because he would
Marriage. have to admit that he entered into a bigamous
marriage, the admission of which may subject
Ruling: him to criminal liability.
Yes, respondent Atty. Daquis should be held
administratively liable for having violated In addition, if it is true that complainant was
Canons 1, 7, 10, and 17 of the Code of respondent's client, then there appears to be no
Professional Responsibility. reason for respondent to advise her "not to
oppose the husband’s decision to have their
Violation of Canon 1. marriage annulled."
By pretending to be counsel for complainant,
respondent violated Canon 1, Rule 1.01 of the The records of this case also support
Code of Professional Responsibility and failed to complainant Vasco-Tamaray’s allegation that
uphold her duty of doing no falsehood nor she never received any court process because
consent to the doing of any falsehood in court her purported address in the petition is the
as stated in the Lawyer's Oath. address of the husband. The Certificate of
Marriage of complainant Vasco-Tamaray and
CANON 1 — A lawyer shall uphold the the husband are different. The husband’s
constitution, obey the laws of the land and residence is at Muntinlupa, while complainant
promote respect for law and for legal processes. Vasco-Tamaray’s residence is at Tondo, Manila.
RULE 1.01 — A lawyer shall not engage in Assuming that complainant Vasco-Tamaray
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or lived with her husband after they were married,
deceitful conduct. she most likely did not receive the court
processes because she left their home before
In this case, respondent merely denied the filing of the Petition for Declaration of Nullity
complainant's allegation that she was the of Marriage – as written in the Minutes of the
husband’s counsel but was unable to rebut the meeting before the Office of the City Prosecutor:
other allegations against her.
P[etitioner] & R[espondent] met sometime in
Respondent admitted that she met complainant 1993 through his secretary. They became
in October 2006, but did not refute the sweethearts in 1993 and their relationship as
statement in Maritess Marquez-Guerrero's steadies lasted until 1996;
Affidavit that the husband introduced her as his During the 3 years of their union, petitioner
lawyer. Likewise, respondent admitted that she knew respondent's family as she even sleeps in
met with complainant subsequently, but did not their house; Theirs was also a long distance
refute Maritess Marquez-Guerrero's statement relationship as respondent worked in Japan;
that in one of the meetings, she tried to Upon respondents [sic] return to the Philippines
convince complainant not to oppose the they got married in Feb. 1996. They had no
husband’s decision to annul their marriage. children, as respondent immediately left for
Respondent argued in her Answer that she was Japan on March 11, 1996;
the counsel for complainant. Yet, there is no Respondent returned to the Philippines but
explanation how she was referred to unfortunately he brought another woman. As a
complainant or how they were introduced. It result, petitioner left their house. (Emphasis
appears, then, that respondent was contacted supplied)
by the husband to file a Petition for Declaration
of Nullity of Marriage on the ground of bigamy. Further, complainant cannot be faulted for her
As stated in Maritess Marquez-Guerrero's failure to inform the prosecutor that she did not
Affidavit, "Leomarte (husband) told Cheryl that file any petition for declaration of nullity of
marriage because during the meeting on March xxx xxx xxx
5, 2007, complainant had no knowledge that the CANON 10 — A lawyer owes candor, fairness
Petition was filed in her name. She obtained a and good faith to the court.
copy of the Petition after the March 5, 2007 RULE 10.01 — A lawyer shall not do any
meeting. falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in
Court, nor shall he mislead or allow the Court to
When respondent led the Petition as counsel for be misled by any artifice.
complainant when the truth was otherwise, she
committed a falsehood against the trial court In Embido v. Pe, Jr., Assistant Provincial
and complainant. Prosecutor Salvador N. Pe, Jr. was found guilty
of violating Canon 7, Rule 7.03 and was meted
Violation of Canon 7, Rule 7.03 and Canon the penalty of disbarment for falsifying a court
10, Rule 10.01 when respondent Atty. decision "in a non-existent court proceeding.”
Daquis allowed the use of a forged This court discussed that:
signature on a petition she prepared and Gross immorality, conviction of a crime
notarized. involving moral turpitude, or fraudulent
transactions can justify a lawyer's disbarment or
Complainant alleged that her signature on the suspension from the practice of law.
Petition was forged. Respondent merely denied Specifically, the deliberate falsification of the
complainant's allegation. court decision by the respondent was an act that
reflected a high degree of moral turpitude on his
The Petition for Declaration of Nullity of part. Worse, the act made a mockery of the
Marriage was signed by a certain "CVasco." The administration of justice in this country, given
records of this case show that complainant has the purpose of the falsification, which was to
used two signatures. In her identification cards mislead a foreign tribunal on the personal status
issued by the University of the East, she used a of a person. He thereby became unworthy of
signature that spelled out "CVasco." In her continuing as a member of the Bar.
Complaint-Affidavit against respondent,
complainant used a signature that spelled out In a similar manner, respondent's act of
"CTamaray." allowing the use of a forged signature on a
A comparison of the signatures appearing on the petition she prepared and notarized
Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage demonstrates a lack of moral fiber on her part.
and on complainant's identification cards show
a difference in the stroke of the letters "c" and Furthermore, allowing the use of a forged
"o." Further, complainant's signatures in the signature on a petition filed before a court is
documents attached to the records consistently tantamount to consenting to the commission of
appear to be of the same height. On the other a falsehood before courts, in violation of Canon
hand, her alleged signature on the Petition for 10.
Declaration of Nullity of Marriage has a big letter
"c." Hence, it seems that complainant's Violation of Canon 17.
signature on the Petition for Declaration of CANON 17 — A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause
Nullity of Marriage was forged. of his client and he shall be mindful of the trust
While there is no evidence to prove that and confidence reposed in him.
respondent forged complainant's signature, the Respondent failed to protect the
fact remains that respondent allowed a forged interests of her client when she represented
signature to be used on a petition she prepared complainant, who is the opposing party of her
and notarized. In doing so, respondent violated client Leomarte Tamaray (husband), in the
Canon 7, Rule 7.03 and Canon 10, Rule 10.01. same case.
These canons state:
CANON 7 — A lawyer shall at all times uphold No violation of Canon 15.
the integrity and dignity of the legal profession, This court notes that respondent may have
and support the activities of the integrated bar. violated Canon 15, Rule 15.03 when she
RULE 7.03 — A lawyer shall not engage in entered her appearance as counsel for
conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to complainant 68 even though she was engaged
practice law, nor shall he, whether in public or as counsel by Leomarte Tamaray (husband).
private life, behave in a scandalous manner to Canon 15, Rule 15.03 of the Code of
the discredit of the legal profession. Professional Responsibility provides:
CANON 15 — A lawyer shall observe candor, and good moral character as to render him
fairness and loyalty in all his dealings and unworthy of public confidence, and constitutes
transactions with his client. a ground for disciplinary action.
xxx xxx xxx
Rule 15.03 — A lawyer shall not represent Canon 1 of the CPR mandates all members of
conflicting interests except by written consent the bar "to obey the laws of the land and
of all concerned given after a full disclosure of promote respect for law x x x." Rule 1.01
the facts. thereof specifically provides that "[a] lawyer
shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral
Respondent was engaged by Leomarte or deceitful conduct." By taking the lawyer's
Tamaray (husband) to be his counsel. When the oath, a lawyer becomes a guardian of the law
Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage and an indispensable instrument for the orderly
was filed, respondent signed the Petition as administration of justice. As such, he can be
counsel for complainant. If respondent was disciplined for any conduct, in his professional
indeed engaged as counsel by complainant, or private capacity, which renders him unfit to
then there is conflict of interest, in violation of continue to be an officer of the court.
Canon 15, Rule 15.03.
However, there is nothing on record to show A lawyer is required to observe the law and be
that respondent was engaged as counsel by mindful of his or her actions whether acting in a
complainant. Hence, this court finds that public or private capacity. Any transgression of
respondent did not commit conflict of interest. this duty on his part would not only diminish his
reputation as a lawyer but would also erode the
Respondent, Atty. Daquis, was found public's faith in the legal profession as a whole.
guilty of violating Canon 1, Rule 1.01, Canon 7, In this case, respondent's conduct fell short of
Rule 7.03, Canon 10, Rule 10.01, and Canon 17 the exacting standards expected of him as a
of the Code of Professional Responsibility. The member of the bar, for which he must suffer the
penalty of disbarment was then imposed upon necessary consequences.

7. Nulada v. Paulma, A.C. No. 8172, 12 8) Ma. Cecilia Advincula vs. Atty. Leonardo
April 2016 Advincula
A.C. No. 9226, June 14, 2016
Topic: Canon 1 - Duty to uphold the
constitution and the laws Topic: Canon 1 -Duty to uphold the
constitution and the laws
Facts: Complainant alleged that respondent
issued a check in his favor for the payment of FACTS:
the latter’s debt. When he presented the check Dr. Advincula has averred that Atty. Advincula
for payment, it was dishonored due to committed unlawful and immoral acts; that
insufficiency of funds. Respondent failed to while Atty. Advincula was still married to her, he
comply despite notice of dishonor and repeated had extra-marital sexual relations with Ma.
demands. Petitioner filed a criminal complaint Judith Ortiz Gonzaga; that the extra-marital
for violation of BP 22 against respondent and relations bore a child in the name of Ma.
also filed an administrative case. The Alexandria Gonzaga Advincula; that Atty.
Commission on Bar Discipline recommend Advincula failed to give financial support to their
respondent to be suspended for 6 months for own children, namely: Ma. Samantha Paulina,
violation of the CPR and guilty of moral Ma. Andrea Lana, and Jose Leandro, despite his
turpitude. The IBP Board modified the having sufficient financial resources; that he
punishment suspending the respondent for a admitted in the affidavit of late registration of
perid of 2 years. birth of Alexandria that he had contracted
another marriage with Ms. Gonzaga; that even
Issue: Whether Atty. Paulma is guilty. should Atty. Advincula prove that his declaration
in the affidavit of late registration of birth was
Ruling: YES. The issuance of worthless checks motivated by some reason other than the fact
in violation of BP 22 indicates a lawyer's that he truly entered into a subsequent
unfitness for the trust and confidence reposed marriage with Ms. Gonzaga, then making such
on him, shows such lack of personal honesty a declaration was in itself still unlawful; that
siring a child with a woman other than his lawful three months to be condign and
wife was conduct way below the standards of appropriate.
morality required of every lawyer; that
contracting a subsequent marriage while the Atty. Advincula manifested in his
first marriage had not been dissolved was also compliance dated February 26, 2013 that
an unlawful conduct; that making a false he had immediately accepted the
declaration before a notary public was an resolution of the IBP Board of Governors
unlawful conduct punishable under the Revised suspending him from the practice of law
Penal Code; and that the failure of Atty. for two months as final and executory; that
Advincula to provide proper support to his he had then gone on leave from work in the NBI
children showed his moral character to be below for two months starting in November and lasting
the standards set by law for every lawyer. Dr. until the end of December, 2012; and that such
Advincula prayed that Atty. Advincula be leave from work involved refraining from
disbarred. performing his duties as a Legal Officer of the
NBI. A lawyer like him ought to know that
ISSUE: it is only the Court that wields the power to
Whether or not respondent must be disbarred. discipline lawyers. The IBP Board of
Governors did not possess such power,
RULING: rendering its recommendation against him
No. The good moral conduct or character incapable of finality.
must be possessed by lawyers at the time
of their application for admission to the It is the Court's final determination of his
Bar, and must be maintained until liability as a lawyer that is the reckoning point
retirement from the practice of law. It is for the service of sanctions and penalties. As
expected that every lawyer, being an officer of such, his supposed compliance with the
the Court, must not only be in fact of good moral recommended two-month suspension could not
character, but must also be seen to be of good be satisfied by his going on leave from his work
moral character and leading lives in accordance at the NBI. Moreover, his being a
with the highest moral standards of the government employee necessitates that
community. More specifically, a member of the his suspension from the practice of law
Bar and officer of the Court is required not only should include his suspension from office.
to refrain from adulterous relationships or A leave of absence will not suffice. This is so
keeping mistresses but also to conduct himself considering that his position mandated him to
as to avoid scandalizing the public by creating be a member of the Philippine Bar in good
the belief that he is flouting those moral standing. The suspension from the practice of
standards. If the practice of law is to remain an law will not be a penalty if it does not negate his
honorable profession and attain its basic ideals, continuance in office for the period of the
whoever is enrolled in its ranks should not only suspension. If the rule is different, this exercise
master its tenets and principles but should also, of reprobation of an erring lawyer by the Court
in their lives, accord continuing fidelity to them. is rendered inutile and becomes a mockery
The requirement of good moral character is of because he can continue to receive his salaries
much greater import, as far as the general and other benefits by simply going on leave for
public is concerned, than the possession of legal the duration of his suspension from the practice
learning. of law.

Although his siring the child with a woman

other than his legitimate wife constituted 9). Tumbaga v. Teoxon, A.C. No. 5573, 21
immorality, he committed the immoral November 2017
conduct when he was not yet a lawyer. The
degree of his immoral conduct was not as grave
than if he had committed the immorality when
already a member of the Philippine Bar. Even Topic: Canon 1 – Duty to uphold the
so, he cannot escape administrative liability. Constitution and the laws
Taking all the circumstances of this case
into proper context, the Court considers Facts:
suspension from the practice of law for
Tumbaga claimed that after consulting with Rule 1.01 - A lawyer shall not engage in
Atty. Teoxon, he visited her often and brought unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
gifts to her son. He assured her that although conduct.
he was already married to Luzviminda Balang,
his marriage was a sham because their marriage Accordingly, it is expected that every lawyer,
contract was not registered after moving being an officer of the Court, must not only be
together, she became pregnant with Billy John. in fact of good moral character, but must also
Atty. Teoxon rarely visited them, thus be seen to be of good moral character and
Tuumbaga sought the assistance of the Office of leading lives in accordance with the highest
the City Fiscal. Atty. Teoxon gave Tumbaga an moral standards of the community. More
affidavit of support and told her there was no specifically, a member of the Bar and officer
need for him to appear at the conference. He of the Court is required not only to refrain
reneged on his promise of support, and from adulterous relationships or keeping
executed a promissory note, which he also failed mistresses but also to conduct himself as
to honor. After Tumbaga moved out of the to avoid scandalizing the public by creating
Puncia Apartment, Atty. Teoxon raided her new the belief that he is flouting those moral
residence, accompanied by three SWAT standards.
members and his wife. He drunkily demanded
the return of the personal belongings that he left If the practice of law is to remain an honorable
in their previous apartment unit. profession and attain its basic ideals, whoever is
enrolled in its ranks should not only master its
Atty. Teoxon asserted that Tumbaga merely tenets and principles but should also, in their
wanted to exact money from him. He denied lives, accord continuing fidelity to them. The
being a father to Billy John since Tumbaga requirement of good moral character is of much
supposedly had several live-in partners. He greater import, as far as the general public is
denied that he lived together with Tumbaga at concerned, than the possession of legal
the Puncia Apartment since he was already learning.
Immoral conduct has been described as conduct
Atty. Teoxon also claimed that Tumbaga that is so willful, flagrant, or shameless as to
falsified his signature in the Certificate of Live show indifference to the opinion of good and
Birth of Billy John so he filed a complaint for the respectable members of the community. To be
cancellation of his acknowledgment therein. He the basis of disciplinary action, such
also contended that complainant forged his conduct must not only be immoral, but
signature in the Affidavit of Support. grossly immoral, that is, it must be so
corrupt as to virtually constitute a criminal
Tumbaga filed an administrative complaint act or so unprincipled as to be
against Atty. Teoxon, charging him with gross reprehensible to a high degree or
immorality, deceitful and fraudulent conduct, committed under such scandalous or
and gross misconduct. The IBPCBD issued its revolting circumstances as to shock the
Report and Recommendation, finding that Atty. common sense of decency.
Teoxon maintained an illicit affair with Tumbaga
and that he should be meted the penalty of WHEREFORE, the Court finds respondent Atty.
suspension for a period of two (2) years. In a Manuel P. Teoxon GUILTY of gross immorality
Resolution, the IBP-BOG increased the and is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of
recommended period of suspension to three (3) law for a period of three (3) years effective
years upon notice hereof, with a STERN
WARNING that a repetition of the same or
Issue: Whether or not the CPR is violated? similar offense shall be punished with a more
severe penalty.
Yes. The good moral conduct or character must
be possessed by lawyers at the time of their
application for admission to the Bar, and must
be maintained until retirement from the practice
of law. In this regard, the Code of Professional
Responsibility states:
10) MICHELLE YAP vs. ATTY. GRACE C. Rule 1.01 — A lawyer shall not engage in
BURI A.C. No. 11156. March 19, 2018. unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
Formerly CBD Case No. 12-3680 conduct.

Topic: (based sa syllabus) Rule 1.01 — A Rule 7.03 — A lawyer shall not engage in
lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to
immoral or deceitful conduct. practice law, nor shall he, whether in public or
private life, behave in a scandalous manner to
Facts: Complainant Michelle Yap was the the discredit of the legal profession.
vendor in a contract of sale of a condominium
unit, while Atty. Grace C. Buri was the vendee. The foregoing canons require of Buri, as a
Buri made an offer to purchase the property but lawyer, an enduring high sense of responsibility
asked for the reduction of the price from and good fidelity in all her dealings and
P1,500,000.00 to P1,200,000.00. After emphasize the high standard of honesty and
consulting with her husband, Yap agreed. Of the fairness expected of her, not only in the practice
total amount of purchase price of of the legal profession, but in her personal
P1,200,000.00, P200,000.00 remains unpaid. dealings as well. A lawyer must conduct himself
with great propriety, and his behavior should be
Because she trusted the respondent, Yap gave beyond reproach anywhere and at all times.
Buri the full and immediate possession of the
condominium unit upon completion of the Here, instead of paying Yap the remaining
P1,000,000.00 despite the outstanding balance balance of the purchase price of the
and even without the necessary Deed of condominium unit, Buri opted to simply
Absolute Sale. However, when Yap finally asked threaten her and file a criminal case against her.
for the balance, Buri said she would pay it on a Obviously, this strategy was to intimidate Yap
monthly installment of P5,000.00 until fully and prevent her from collecting the remaining
paid. When Yap disagreed, Buri said she would P200,000.00.
just cancel the sale. Thereafter, Buri also
started threatening her through text messages, Buri's persistent refusal to pay her obligation
and then later on filed a case for estafa against despite frequent demands clearly reflects her
her. Said case was later dismissed. lack of integrity and moral soundness; she took
advantage of her knowledge of the law and
Yap then filed an administrative complaint clearly resorted to threats and intimidation in
against Buri for the alleged false accusations order to get
against her. away with what she wanted, constituting a
gross violation of professional ethics and a
When ordered to submit her answer, Buri failed betrayal of public confidence in the legal
to comply. She did not even appear during the profession.
mandatory conference. Thus, the mandatory
conference was terminated and the parties were 11. Fabugais vs. Faundo, [G.R. No. 10145
simply required to submit their respective June 11, 2018]
position papers. However, only Yap complied
with said order. Topic: Death of complainant – effect; Code
of Professional Responsibility – Canon 7
Issue: Whether or not Buri should be
suspended by the Commission on Bar Discipline Facts: Oliver Fabugais filed a complaint against
of the IBP? Atty. Berardo C. Faundo, Jr. for gross
misconduct and conduct unbecoming of a
Ruling: YES. Buri indubitably swept aside the lawyer for having allegedly engaged in illicit and
Lawyer's Oath that enjoins her to support the immoral relations with his wife, Annaliza Lizel B.
Constitution and obey the laws. She also took Fabugais.
for granted the express commands of the Code
of Professional Responsibility (CPR), specifically It was alleged that then 10-year old girl Marie
Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 and Rule 7.03 of Canon 7 Nicole Fabugais, daughter of Oliver, saw Atty
of the CPR. Faundo (whom Marie Nicole call as “Tito
Attorney”) in the same bed with her and her
mother, Annaliza, and that she saw the lawyer
embracing her mother while they were sleeping are intended and undertaken primarily to look
during their stay at his house. into the conduct or behavior of lawyers, to
determine whether they are still fit to exercise
Marie Nicole further recounted that the next the privileges of the legal profession, and to hold
morning, while she was watching television them accountable for any misconduct or
along with her mother, Ate Mimi and Ate Ada, misbehavior which deviates from the mandated
Atty. Faundo who just had a shower, and clad norms and standards of the Code of Professional
only in a towel or “tapis,” suddenly entered the Responsibility, all of which are needful and
room; that she (Marie Nicole) along with her Ate necessary to the preservation of the integrity of
Mimi and her Ate Ada, were told to step outside the legal profession.
the room, while her mother and Atty. Faundo
remained inside the room. B) Going by the eyewitness testimony of
complainant’s daughter Marie Nicole, raw or
Atty. Faundo denied that he had had any explicit sexual immorality between Atty. Faundo
immoral relations with Annaliza. He insisted that and complainant’s wife was not established as
he was incapable of committing the misconduct a matter of fact.
imputed to him for three simple reasons to wit:
because he is a good father to his three children, “Immoral conduct” has been defined as that
because he is a respected civic leader, and conduct which is so willful, flagrant, or
because he had never been the subject even of shameless as to show indifference to the opinion
a complaint with the police. He claimed that of good and respectable members of the
complainant tiled the instant complaint simply community. This Court has held that for such
“to harass him from practicing his legitimate conduct to warrant disciplinary action, the same
profession, and for no other reason.” must be “grossly immoral, that is, it must be
so corrupt and false as to constitute a criminal
IBP Investigating Commissioner Dennis A. B. act or so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to
Funa found Atty. Faundo guilty of violating Rule a high degree.”
1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
It is not easy to stale with accuracy what
The IBP-Board of Governors, in its Resolution, constitutes “grossly immoral conduct,” let alone
adopted and approved the findings and what constitutes the moral delinquency and
recommendation of the Investigating obliquity that renders a lawyer unfit or unworthy
Commissioner. to continue as a member of the bar in good
Meanwhile, complaint’s counsel Atty. Mario Frez
filed a Notice, Manifestation, and Motion for C) Yes. It can in no wise or manner be argued
Withdrawal from this case, stating that that Atty. Faundo’s behavior was par for the
complaint had passed away. course for members or the legal profession.
Lawyers are mandated to do honor to the bar at
ISSUES: all times and to help maintain the respect of the
community for the legal profession under all
A) Whether the case will still proceed despite the circumstances. Canon 7 of the Code of
death of death of the complainant. Professional Responsibility provides:
B) Did Atty. Faundo in fact commit acts that are
grossly immoral, or acts that amount to serious “A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity
moral depravity, that would warrant or call for and dignity of the legal profession, and support
his disbarment or suspension from the practice the activities of the Integrated Bar.”
of law?
C) Whether Atty. Faundo should be held Rule 7.03 of the Code or Professional
administratively liable. Responsibility further provides:

Ruling: A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that

A) It bears stressing that this case can adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law,
proceed in spite of complainant’s death and the nor should he, whether in public or private life.
apparent lack of interest on the part of
complainant’s heirs. Disciplinary proceedings Fallo:
against lawyers are sui generis in nature: they
“WHEREFORE, premises considered, Atty.
Faundo Atty. Berardo C. Faundo, Jr. is hereby ISSUE:
SUSPENDED from the practice of law for one Whether or not grounds exist to hold
(1) month, reckoned from receipt of a copy of respondent administratively liable.
this Decision. He is hereby WARNED to be more
careful and more circumspect in all his actions, RULING:
and to be mindful of the kind of example he Yes. Respondent should be held
holds up, especially to impressionable young administratively liable with modification,
people, lest he brings upon himself a direr fate however, as regards the penalty to be imposed.
the second time around.”
The quantum of proof in administrative cases is
substantial evidence which is that amount of
12. Gubaton v. Amador, A.C. No. 8962, 9 relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might
July 2018 accept as adequate to support a conclusion,
TOPIC: Canon 1 – Duty to uphold the even if other minds, equally reasonable, might
Constitution and the laws conceivably opine otherwise.
This administrative case arose from an affidavit- As per complainant's own account, he saw
complaint for disbarment filed by complainant respondent and Bernadette together on various
Jildo A. Gubaton against respondent Atty. intimate occasions. In fact, he attempted to
Augustus Serafin D. Amador. confront them at one time when he saw them
kissing inside a vehicle, although respondent
Complainant alleged that respondent, a former was able to evade him. The Court is inclined to
Assistant Prosecutor at the City Prosecutor's believe that complainant's imputations against
Office in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, was having respondent are credible, considering that he had
an illicit romantic relationship with his wife, Ma. no ill motive to accuse respondent of such a
Bernadette R. Tenorio-Gubaton serious charge — much more a personal scandal
involving his own wife — unless the same were
The illicit affair of respondent and Bernadette indeed true.
was known to other people as well such as the
complainant’s sister, Carlos Delgado (Delgado), Complainant's statements were corroborated by
Chief of Barangay Public Safety Office in the affidavit executed by Navarez, who works in
Poblacion, Malaybalay City, and one Edgar BIR who stated that respondent and Bernadette
Navarez (Navarez), an employee of the Bureau have been carrying on an illicit affair while
of Internal Revenue (BIR) and a resident of complainant was in the USA, and further
Casisang, Malaybalay City who executed averred that he had seen them together on
affidavits different intimate occasions. Notably, it must be
highlighted that Navarez is a neutral and
In defense, 12 respondent denied all the disinterested witness and hence, his
allegations against him. declarations deserve ample consideration.

IBP: In this relation, it may not be amiss to point out

The Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) of the that complainant offered in evidence love
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) letters/notes supposedly written by Bernadette
recommended the dismissal of the affidavit- to respondent to prove the existence of their
complaint for insufficiency of evidence. illicit relationship. The authenticity of these love
letters/notes, although not expressly shown to
The information supplied by complainant and be written by Bernadette or received by
Bernadette's house helper, Bernadette's clinic respondent, were not refuted. Consequently,
secretary, and complainant's sister, Nila, about they lend credibility to complainant's claim.
the alleged illicit affair were purely hearsay.
Finally, it should be clarified that while the
This was reversed by the IBP Board of information supplied by complainant and
Governors who suspended respondent from the Bernadette's house helper and Bernadette's
practice of law for a period of two (2) years. clinic secretary about the alleged illicit affair
Respondent moved for reconsideration but was constitute hearsay, the same should not be
denied completely disregarded. Under the doctrine of
independently relevant statements, only the AAA’s Contention: According to AAA,
fact that such statements were made is respondent Atty. De Los Reyes filed baseless
relevant, and the truth or falsity thereof is charges against her and her sympathetic
immaterial officemates before the Office of the
Ombudsman, and sought their preventive
The relaxation of the hearsay rule in disciplinary suspension without affording them due process
administrative proceedings against judges and through an initial administrative investigation at
justices where bribery proceedings are involved the National Home Mortgage Finance
is not a novel thought in this Court; it has been Corporation (NHMFC). She added that because
advocated in the Separate Concurring Opinion of what respondent Atty. De Los Reyes did to
of Justice Arturo D. Brion in the administrative her, she suffered from various illnesses,
case of justice Ong before this Court. insomnia, listlessness, suicidal feelings, and was
diagnosed as suffering from Major Depressive
For his part, respondent only proffered a bare Disorder with manifested symptoms of Post-
denial of the imputed affair. Traumatic Stress Disorder.

All told, the Court finds that substantial Atty. De Los Reyes Contention: In his
evidence — which only entail "evidence to defense, respondent Atty. De Los Reyes denied
support a conclusion, even if other minds, AAA's allegations relating to the alleged sexual
equally reasonable, might conceivably opine harassment and gross immorality for lack of
otherwise" — exist to prove complainant's factual and legal bases. He avers that the
accusation of gross immorality against complaints for disbarment filed by AAA against
respondent respondent Atty. De Los Reyes were purely in
retaliation since he was conducting
Respondent is SUSPENDED from the practice of investigations against AAA and her two friends
law for a period of one (1) year, and is STERNLY at the NHMFC. Atty. De Los Reyes asserted that
WARNED that a repetition of the same or similar assuming the alleged grounds for disbarment
acts will be dealt with more severely. regarding the claim for sexual harassment were
true, the same had already prescribed since
13. AAA vs De Los Reyes A.C. No 10021 they occurred in 1999 or more than three years
September 18 2018 prior to the institution of the complaints.
FACTS: Two administrative complaints filed by
complainant AAA seeking the disbarment of Findings of the IBP: Commissioner found
respondent Atty. Antonio De Los Reyes respondent Atty. De Los Reyes guilty of violating
(respondent Atty. De Los Reyes) on the grounds Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional
of sexual harassment and gross immoral Responsibility and recommended the penalty
conduct. of one (1) year suspension. Moreover, the
Commissioner opines that while there could be
[AAA] became a permanent employee with a a prescriptive period under the Anti-Sexual
plantilla position of private secretary on a co- Harassment Law, there is no prescriptive
terminus status with respondent Atty. De Los period for grave misconduct in disbarment
Reyes. She later learned that it was [respondent proceedings and the Code of Professional
Atty. De Los Reyes] who facilitated her rapid Responsibility. Disbarment proceedings are
promotion to her position soon after becoming sui generis.
his secretary.
IBP Board of Governors: Adopted and
Much as she wanted to pursue her plan to approved with modification the Report and
resign, [AAA's] financial position at that time left Recommendation of the Investigating
her with no choice but to continue working as Commissioner finding Respondent guilty of
[respondent Atty. De Los Reyes'] secretary. She violating Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional
became his sex slave who was at his beck and Responsibility, Atty. Antonio De Los Reyes is
call at all times for all kinds of sexual services hereby SUSPENDED.
ranging from hand-jobs in his vehicle to sexual
intercourse in his office. She could not even ISSUE: Whether or not respondent Atty. De Los
refuse him without risking physical, verbal and Reyes committed acts amounting to sexual
emotional abuse. harassment and gross immoral conduct in
violation of the Code of Professional
Responsibility which would warrant his
disbarment. ICAB, respondent Atty. De Los Reyes is guilty of
"sextortion" which is the abuse of his position or
HELD: YES. authority to obtain sexual favors from his
subordinate, the complainant, his unwilling
The pertinent provisions of the Code of victim who was not in a position to resist
Professional Responsibility read: respondent's demands for fear of losing her
CANON 1 — A lawyer shall uphold the means of livelihood. The sexual exploitation of
Constitution, obey the laws of the land and his subordinate done over a period of time
promote respect for law and legal processes. amounts to gross misbehavior on the part of
respondent Atty. De Los Reyes that affects his
Rule 1.01. — A lawyer shall not engage in standing and character as a member of the Bar
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful and as an officer of the Court. All these
conduct. deplorable acts of respondent Atty. De Los
Reyes puts the legal profession in disrepute and
CANON 7 — A lawyer shall at all times uphold places the integrity of the administration of
the integrity and dignity of the legal profession justice in peril, thus warranting disciplinary
and support the activities of the integrated bar. action from the Court.
xxx xxx xxx
It bears emphasizing that an administrative
Rule 7.03. — A lawyer shall not engage in case for disbarment is sui generis and not
conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to meant to grant relief to a complainant as in a
practice law, nor shall he, whether in public or civil case but is intended to cleanse the ranks of
private life, behave in a scandalous manner to the legal profession of its undesirable members
the discredit of the legal profession. for the protection of the public and of the courts.
It is an investigation on the conduct of the
In Valdez v. Dabon, we explained that the respondent as an officer of the Court and his
possession of good moral character is both fitness to continue as a member of the Bar.
a condition precedent and a continuing
requirement to warrant admission to the While we agree with the findings of the IBP, we,
bar and to retain membership in the legal however, consider the recommended penalty of
profession. indefinite suspension from the practice of law
not commensurate with the gravity of the acts
Thus, lawyers are duty-bound to observe the committed by respondent Atty. De Los Reyes.
highest degree of morality and integrity not
only upon admission to the Bar but also In Ventura v. Samson, this Court has reminded
throughout their career in order to safeguard that the power to disbar must be exercised with
the reputation of the legal profession. Any great caution, and only in a clear case of
errant behavior, be it in their public or misconduct that seriously affects the standing
private life, may subject them to and character of the lawyer as an officer of the
suspension or disbarment. Section 27, Rule Court and as a member of the bar. Disbarment
138 of the Rules of Court expressly states that should not be imposed where a lesser penalty
members of the Bar may be disbarred or may accomplish the desired goal of disciplining
suspended for any deceit, grossly immoral an erring lawyer. In the present case, however,
conduct, or violation of their oath. respondent Atty. De Los Reyes's actions
show that he lacks the degree of morality
In Ventura v. Samson, we explained that required of him as a member of the legal
immoral conduct involves acts that are willful, profession, thus warranting the penalty of
flagrant, or shameless, and that show a moral disbarment. Respondent Atty. De Los Reyes is
indifference to the opinion of the upright and disbarred for his gross misbehavior, even if it
respectable members of the community. It is pertains to his private activities, as long as
gross when it is so corrupt as to constitute a it shows him to be wanting in moral
criminal act, or so unprincipled as to be character, honesty, probity or good
reprehensible to a high degree, or when demeanor. Possession of good moral
committed under such scandalous or revolting character is not only a prerequisite to
circumstances as to shock the community's admission to the bar but also a continuing
sense of decency. requirement to the practice of law.
WHEREFORE, the Court finds respondent Atty.
Antonio N. De Los Reyes GUILTY of gross
immoral conduct and violation of Rule
1.01, Canon 1, and Rule 7.03, Canon 7 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility,
Issue: Whether or not the respondent should
and is hereby DISBARRED from the practice of
law. be disciplined for actions attributed to him by
the complainant?
14. Ceniza v. Ceniza, A.C. No. 8335, 10
April 2019 Ruling: The Supreme Court (SC) disagreed
with the IBP Board of Governors’
Topic: (based sa syllabus) Canon 1, Rule recommendation. The Commissioner
1.01 — A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, (Hababag) failed to discharge his responsibility
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct; Rule as fact finder and did not properly appreciate
the facts in relation to the laws and canons of
ethics. The respondent merely denied the
charges but did not disprove substantial
Facts: Amalia Ceniza was married to Atty. evidence (e.g. photographs of him in Binoya’s
Eliseo Ceniza Jr. with two children. He said he house, three aunts of Binoya’s said she had a
would attend a seminar in Manila but agreed to new husband, Galvan testimony saying that his
forego the trip after hearing that she had some car was parked in Binoya’s house for long
business to attend to elsewhere. Upon coming periods of time and was seen having dinner half-
naked, Jadraque’s testimony about surveillance
back, she found out her husband already moved
over Mr. Ceniza living in Binoya’s house with his
out, taking his car and personal belongings. red car parked, Certificate of marriage was
Members of his staff suspected him of having an shown that Binoya was a married woman,
extra-marital affair with Binoya, and he was daughter’s testimony against her father)
found to have been living with her. He denied against him.
committing any wrongdoing upon being
confronted by his wife and daughter. The court will not deviate the findings of the
Ombudsman as affirmed by the CA. It is morally
reprehensible for a married man or woman to
The husband pleaded for her to agree to the
maintain intimate relations with another person
nullification of their marriage by alleging the of the opposite sex other than his or her spouse.
wife’s psychological incapacity, but she refused It is a violation of Rule 1.01 and Rule 7.03.
and pleaded with him to stop displaying his kabit There is no question that a married
in public. Such pleas fell on deaf ears. person's abandonment of his or her spouse
to live and cohabit with another
The wife then brought a complaint for constitutes immorality, especially when it
leads to the wife’s depression and child’s suicide
immorality against respondent in the Office of
attempt out of despair. The Court has pointed
the Ombudsman and sent a letter to President out that when the integrity or morality of a
Arroyo stating that her husband had abandoned member of the Bar is challenged, it is not
her and her children which was forwarded to the enough that he or she denies the charge,
Office of the Bar Confidant (OBC). Her husband for he or she must meet the issue and
argued that Binoya was merely a business overcome the evidence presented on the
charge. He or she must present proof that he
partner and moved in with her because his wife
or she still maintains the degree of integrity and
had become unbearable. The Ombudsman morality always expected of him or her.
decided against the husband, penalizing him
with suspension for six months which was Atty. Eliseo Ceniza Jr. is guilty of gross
confirmed by the CA. The IBP recommended the immorality and is disbarred from the
dismissal of the case but with a warning because practice of law.
the act must be grossly immoral. The IBP Board
of Governors adopted the recommendation but
deleted the warning imposed.
15. Venzon v. Peleo III, A.C. No. 9354, 20 without any serious intention to prosecute it;
August 2019 seriously disrespected the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP)’s authority and dignity when
Topic: Canon 1 – Duty to uphold the he disregarded an agreement brokered by the
Constitution and the laws IBP between him and Marife; and deceived the
Rule 1.01 Duty not to engage in unlawful, government and private businesses by
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct continuously availing of the Senior Citizens’
discount by misrepresenting himself as a senior
Facts: Complainant here is Venzon, a woman when in truth, he was not yet 60 years old.
who engaged the services of Atty. Peleo III (the
respondent) in relation to her petition for Indeed, public confidence in law and lawyers
declaration of nullity of her marriage with her may be eroded by the irresponsible and
husband. The complainant and the respondent improper conduct of a member of the Bar.
started a relationship and resulted in the birth Hence, every lawyer is duty bound to act and
of a child even though the respondent was still comport himself or herself in such a manner
married with his wife. Initially, Peleo responsibly that would promote public confidence in the
acted as a family man even purchasing for integrity of the legal profession. Respondent’s
Marife and their son a two-storey apartment in conduct does not help in that regard, but worse,
Sampaloc, Manila. They also jointly purchased a directly encourages people to entertain
lot and built a house on it in Facoma, Brgy. themselves with jokes about lawyers and the
Labangan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. Peleo, legal profession as the butt of their unflattering
however, later on no longer visited her and their jokes.
son and stopped giving financial support. He
also reneged on his undertaking to give the Peleo was found GUILTY of GROSS
Manila and Mindoro properties to them and UNLAWFUL, DISHONEST and DECEITFUL
continued to ignore her pleas for support, CONDUCT in violation of Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of
forcing her to seek assistance from the IBP. the Code of Professional Responsibility and is
Through the IBP, they met and signed a joint ORDERED DISBARRED.
undertaking, but Peleo also did not honor the
same. The respondent denied that he was not
giving child support. The CBD-IBP found the 16. Chan v. Carrerra. A.C. 10439.
respondent liable for gross immorality and September 3, 2019
violation of Canon 1 of the CPR for Lawyers. Topic:
Respondent was found to have failed to live up
to the exacting standards of the legal profession Facts
by having sexual relation with a woman other Chan, who was abandoned by her husband for
than his wife, aggravated by his utter refusal to another woman, met Carrera at Max’s
give support to the child he fathered with his Restaurant. The latter introduced himself as a
paramour. 2 years suspension was widower. Carrera showed interest in Chan and
recommended. the IBP Board of Governors eventually supported Chan’s daughter and they
resolved to adopt the CBD-IBP's Report and subsequently lived together. However, Chan
Recommendation pertaining to respondent's discovered that Carrera was in fact not a
liability for gross immorality. Disbarment was widower as his wife was confined in an
recommended. institution, and because of this she wanted to
leave him. Unfortunately, she discovered that
Issue: she was pregnant with his child. When Chan
WON Atty Peleo violated Canon 1. decided to stay, their relationship was no longer
harmonious as Carrera continued his
Ruling: womanizing ways and emotionally abused
Yes, the SC noted the following transgressions: Chan.
he maintained sexual relation with Marife while
still lawfully married to his wife; falsified entries Hence, Chan filed a Complaint-Affidavit
in the birth certificate of his son when he charging Carrera with Gross Misconduct.
claimed to be legally married to Marife;
repeatedly failed to give child support to his IBP Recommendation
minor child; misused the legal process by filing
a petition for declaration of nullity of marriage
The IBP Board of Governors recommended maintain not only a high standard of legal
Carrera’s suspension from the practice of law for proficiency, but also of morality, honesty,
one (1) year. integrity, and fair dealing."

Was Carrera guilty of Gross Immorality? FACTS: An administrative complaint was filed
by Jose R. Reyes against respondent Atty.
Ruling Socrates R. Rivera for allegedly falsely
Yes. The Court has ruled that a married person’s representing that a Petition for Declaration of
abandonment of one’s spouse in order to live Nullity of Marriage was filed before the RTC
and cohabit with another constitutes when in reality none was filed, and for drafting
immorality. As a basis of disciplinary action, a fake court decision. Complainant sought the
such immoral conduct must be so corrupt as to assistance of Atty. Rivera in filing a case for
virtually constitute a criminal act or so dissolution of marriage and the latter agreed to
unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high handle the case for a fee of P150,000.00 to be
degree or committed under such scandalous or paid on installment basis. Atty. Rivera prepared
revolting circumstances as to shock the the Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage
common sense of decency. and asked complainant to sign. The complainant
was furnished a copy of the said Petition, which
In the case at bar, both parties acknowledged appeared to have been filed before Branch 215
their undeniable love affair and they even of the RTC.
openly and deliberately cohabited despite
knowledge of their status. Carrera’s level of At one point, complainant gave Atty. Rivera the
knowledge and experience should have alerted additional amount of P70,000.00. When Atty.
him of his duty to keep with the standards of Rivera furnished complainant with the Decision
morality imposed on every lawyer. Hence, he purportedly rendered by the Presiding Judge of
has violated Rules 1.01 and 7.03 of the CPR to Branch 206 of the RTC which granted
wit: complainant’s Petition, complainant had doubts
since he never attended a single hearing of the
Rule 1.01: A lawyer shall not engage in case and the petition was filed before Branch
unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful 214 while the Decision was rendered by Branch
conduct. 206. Complainant later learned that Branch 215
does not exist and no such case was filed with
Rule 7.03 - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct Branch 206. Atty. Rivera argued that it was his
that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice former driver who assured him that the Petition
law, nor should he, whether in public or private had already been filed and that he had no
life, behave in a scandalous manner to the intention of deceiving the complainant since he
discredit of the legal profession. instructed their common friend to inform the
complainant that the decision he received was
Chan’s Withdrawal of the Complaint spurious.
The Court denies Chan’s request because (1)
Chan was not represented by counsel when she The Commissioner found Atty. Rivera guilty of
sought the withdrawal of her complaint and (2) Gross Misconduct and breach of lawyer-client
Section 5, Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court relations and recommended that Atty. Rivera be
provides that no investigation shall be suspended indefinitely. The IBP Board of
interrupted or terminated by reason of the Governors found Atty. Rivera guilty of Gross
desistance, settlement, compromise, Misconduct and resolved that the appropriate
restitution, withdrawal of charges, or failure of penalty to be imposed was disbarment. The
the complainant to prosecute the same. Office of the Bar Confident recommended that
Atty. Rivera be disbarred and his name stricken
17. JOSE R. REYES, JR. vs ATTY. SOCRATES off from the Roll of Attorneys.
A.C. No. 9114. October 6, 2020
ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Rivera is guilty
of violating Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 of the
TOPIC: Rule 1.01 of the CPR commands that CPR.
"as officers of the court, lawyers are bound to
HELD: Yes. Atty. Rivera is guilty of violating Atty. Mendez, who was sitting then, stood up
Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the CPR. Rule 1.01 of the from where he was seated and tried to grab
CPR commands that "as officers of the court, Roger from across the table. Roger managed to
lawyers are bound to maintain not only a high move back but Atty. Mendez still managed to
standard of legal proficiency, but also of scratch his neck. Atty. Mendez then slapped
morality, honesty, integrity, and fair dealing." Roger's left cheek.
In this case, Atty. Rivera undoubtedly fell short
of such standard when he committed a series of Roger suffered bruises for several days and his
fraudulent acts not only against the right shoulder was fractured. He also felt
complainant, but against the courts as well. humiliated and psychologically tormented after
the incident. He averred that he is now
He misrepresented that a Petition for constantly in fear and anxious for his personal
Declaration of Nullity of Marriage was filed when safety due to the death threats hurled at him by
none was in fact filed and even simulated the respondent's group.
stamp of the Office of the Clerk of Court of the
RTC to make it appear that it received the Respondent:
petition. In addition to Branch 215 not existing, Atty. Mendez denied Roger's allegedly malicious
he made a fake court decision purportedly accusations against him.
penned by the Presiding Judge of Branch 206 of
the RTC. The Court upholds the He alleged that Roger interrupted his
recommendation of the IBP and the OBC that discussions about the case with his clients,
Atty. Rivera is guilty of violating Rule 1.01, including his client Rodolfo.
Canon 1 of the CPR and is hereby disbarred from
the practice of law and his name is ordered Atty. Mendez then asked Roger why he is siding
stricken off from the Roll of Attorneys. He is also with the other parties. Roger shouted invectives
ordered to return the P100,000.00 which shall at them and was later joined by Ruben.
earn legal interest at the rate of six percent However, Roger was never threatened or
(6%) per annum from his receipt of the Decision physically harmed.
until full payment.
ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Mendez should be
18. Dap-og v. Atty. Mendez held administratively liable based on the
A.C. No. 12017. October 14, 2020 allegations on the Complaint.


Roger Dap-og was at the compound of the Canon 1 of the CPR provides:
CENRO, DENR XI, Davao City, to accompany his
brother to attend a hearing/conference in a case CANON 1 — A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE
where Roger's wife, Gemma was one of the CONSTITUTION, OBEY THE LAWS OF THE
respondents. Atty. Mendez represented the LAND AND PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW AND
Protestants in the case while Atty. Ladaga was LEGAL PROCESSES.
Gemma's counsel.
Rule 1.01, Canon 1, of the Code of Professional
During the hearing, the parties agreed that Responsibility (CPR) further provides:
some of the impleaded respondents therein,
including Gemma, be dropped as parties to the Rule 1.01 — A lawyer shall not engage in
case after establishing that they were not unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
occupying the subject lot. conduct.

After the hearing, Roger, went to the canteen to The records of this case show without a shadow
photocopy some documents. The parties had of doubt that Atty. Mendez exhibited Gross
conflicting versions as to what transpired next. Misconduct unbecoming of an officer of the
Atty. Mendez approached their table. Roger The Court finds Roger's version to be more
then shook hands with Atty. Mendez. However, credible as the same is supported by substantial
Atty. Mendez suddenly called him a demon. evidence.
Government of the right to collect the correct
Atty. Mendez clearly did not meet the lofty taxes due. Respondent violated Rule 1.02,
standards reposed on lawyers. There is no Canon 1 of the CPR.
excuse for respondent's unlawful and
dishonorable behavior. Respondent assisted the contracting parties in
an activity aimed at defiance of law, and
In imposing the penalty of suspension on Atty. displayed lack of respect for and made a
Mendez, we take note of the fact that mockery of the solemnity of the oath in an
respondent's mauling of Roger, coupled with the Acknowledgment. When the respondent
use of verbal insults and threats, happened in notarized an illegal and fraudulent document,
broad daylight and in front of other people, he is entitling full faith and credit upon the face
including respondent's fellow lawyer Atty. of the document, which it does not deserve,
Ladaga. considering its nature and purpose.

WHEREFORE, the Court finds Atty. Luel C. Despite knowledge of the illegal purpose of
Mendez GUILTY of violating the Lawyer's Oath evading the payment of proper taxes due,
and Canon 1, Rule 1.01 of the Code of respondent proceeded to notarize the second
Professional Responsibility. He is hereby deed of sale. Instead of accommodating the
SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a request of his client, Benjamin, respondent,
period of one (1) year effective immediately. being a member of the legal profession, should
have stood his ground and not yielded to the
19. Lopez v. Ramos AC 12081 Nov 24 2020 request of his client. Respondent should have
been more prudent and unfaltering in his
Facts: solemn oath neither to do falsehood nor consent
to the doing of any.
In Lopez's complaint-affidavit, he avers that
Respondent is suspended from the practice of
1) respondent prepared two (2) deeds of sale; law for 2 years.
one for P130,000.00 and another for
P30,000.00, with the purpose of helping the
alleged seller minimize the payment of taxes
and 20. Kimteng, et. al. vs. Young
G.R. No. 210554, August 5, 2015
2) respondent was grossly negligent in the
performance of his duties as a notary public Parties:
when the latter failed to exercise prudence in ● Petitioners: David Yu Kimteng; Mary
ascertaining that the identity of the persons who L. Yu; Winnie L. Yu; Vivian L. Yu; Rosa
signed the deeds before him were the same Gan; Lilian Chua Woo Kimteng; Santos
persons who executed and personally appeared Yu; Marcelo Yu; and Sin Chiao Yu Lim
before him. According to Lopez, respondent did
not attempt to identify the impostor beyond ● Respondents: Walter T. Young,
asking and getting the latter's alleged residence Anastacio E. Revilla, Jr.; Atty. Jovito
certificate number. Gambol; and Atty. Dan Reynald R.
Magat, practicing law under the Firm
name, "Young Revilla Gambol & Magat"
Issue: (YRGM); and Judge Ofelia Calo of
Branch 211 of RTC Mandaluyong City
Did Atty.Ramos violate the CPR and RNP when
he notarized the other deed of sale to avoid Facts: David Yu Kimteng, Mary L. Yu, Winnie L.
taxes? Yu, Vivian L. Yu, Rosa Gan, Lilian Chua Woo
Yukimteng, Santos Yu, Marcelo Yu, and Sin
Chiao Yu Lim are the majority stockholders of
Ruling: Ruby Industrial Corporation. In the case of
Majority Stockholders of Ruby Industrial
Yes. The second deed indicated an amount Corporation vs. Lim, et al., the court ordered the
lower than the actual price paid for the property liquidation of Ruby Industrial Corporation (RIC)
sold, respondent abetted in depriving the
and transferred the case to the appropriate RTC has been filed, and an opportunity given to the
branch to supervise the liquidation. respondent to comment thereon within such
period as may be fixed by the court and to be
YRGM appeared in the liquidation proceedings heard by himself or counsel, a person guilty of
as the counsels for the liquidator. The any of the following acts may be punished for
Petitioners filed an Opposition against the indirect contempt:
appearance of YRGM on the ground that Revilla
was disbarred in 2009. The firm replied to the xxxx
Opposition, stating that they had retained
Revilla's name in the firm as an act of charity. (d) Any improper conduct tending, directly or
indirectly, to impede, obstruct, or degrade the
Petitioners cite the case of San Luis vs. Pineda administration of justice;
and United States vs. Ney, et. al. to support
their argument that the use of a disbarred (e) Assuming to be an attorney or an officer of
lawyer's name in the firm is tantamount to a court, and acting as such without authority;
contempt of court. To this, Attorneys Young and
Magat reasoned that they did not intend to The court has defined contempt of court as: a
deceive the public and that in addition, that the willful disregard or disobedience of a public
non-deletion of Revilla's name in the firm name authority; a disobedience to the rules or orders
is no more misleading than including the names of a legislative or judicial body. In this case, the
of dead or retired partners' names in the firm respondents committed acts that are considered
name. indirect contempt under the said Section.

They also point out that the Balgos Law Firm is In addition, they also disregarded the Code of
derailing the liquidation of RIC because Balgos Professional Responsibility when they
resents the fact that its nominee was not elected retained the name of respondent Revilla in their
as the liquidator. Respondents also raise the firm name.
issue of forum shopping because the petitioners
allegedly filed a disbarment complaint against Canon 3, Rule 3.02 states:
them, and one of the grounds for disbarment
cited by them was the use of Revilla's name in Rule 3.02. In the choice of a firm name, no false,
their firm name. misleading or assumed name shall be used. The
continued use of the name of a deceased
In a separate comment, Atty. Gambol argued partner is permissible provided that the firm
that from the time that Revilla was disbarred, indicates in all its communications that said
he no longer practised law and that as a junior partner is deceased. Respondents argue that
member of the firm, he had no power and the use of respondent Revilla's name is "no
authority to decide who should be removed from more misleading than including the names of
the firm's name. He also added that in all the dead or retired partners in a law firm's name."
cases he handled after Revilla's disbarment, he
omitted Revilla's name from the firm name in This Canon only allows the use of a deceased
the pleadings that he signed. partner’s name as long as there is an indication
that the partner is deceased, to ensure that the
Issue: public is not misled into thinking that such
partner is still authorized to practice law.
(1) Are Attys. Young and Magat are in contempt
of court when they continued to use the name Furthermore, a lawyer who allows a non-
of Atty. Revilla in the firm name even after the member of the Bar to misrepresent himself as a
latter was disbarred? lawyer and practice law is guilty of violating
Canon 9 and Rule 9.01. The pertinent rules
Yes. state:

Rule 71, Sec. 3 of the 1997 Rules of Court Canon 9 — A lawyer shall not directly or
provides: indirectly assist in the unauthorized practice of
SEC. 3. Indirect contempt to be punished after
charge and hearing.— After charge in writing
Rule 9.01 — A lawyer shall not delegate to any error or irregularities which may be deemed
unqualified person the performance of any task extraordinary in character (i.e., whimsical,
which by law may only be performed by a capricious, despotic exercise of power or neglect
member of the Bar in good standing. of duty, etc.) are inter alia the special civil
actions of certiorari, prohibition or mandamus,
The term "practice of law" implies customarily or a motion for inhibition, a petition for change
or habitually holding oneself out to the public as of venue, as the case may be.
a lawyer for compensation as a source of
livelihood or in consideration of his services. Now, the established doctrine and policy is that
Holding one's self out as a lawyer may be shown disciplinary proceedings and criminal actions
by acts indicative of that purpose like identifying against Judges are not complementary or
oneself as attorney, appearing in court in suppletory of, nor a substitute for, these judicial
representation of a client, or associating oneself remedies, whether ordinary or extraordinary.
as a partner of a law office for the general Resort to and exhaustion of these judicial
practice of law. Such acts constitute remedies, as well as the entry of judgment in
unauthorized practice of law. the corresponding action or proceeding, are
prerequisites for the taking of other measures
(2) Is Atty. Gambol in contempt of court? against the persons of the judges concerned,
whether of civil, administrative, or criminal
No. He filed a separate Comment, explaining nature. It is only after the available judicial
that he dropped Revilla’s name from the firm remedies have been exhausted and the
name in the pleadings that he filed in several appellate tribunals have spoken with finality,
courts, and this is supported by the Comments that the door to an inquiry into his criminal, civil
filed by Attys. Young and Magat. The Court or administrative liability may be said to have
recognizes the effort to avoid misleading the opened, or closed.
public by removing Revilla’s name in the
pleadings he filed.
21.) Palencia v. Linsangan, A.C. No. 10557
[Formerly CBD Case No. 07-1962], 10 July
(3) Is Judge Calo in contempt of court when she 2018
held that Atty. Young can appear in court as
long as it is under the name “Young Law Firm”, Topic:
which is a non-existent firm?
Canon 2, Rule 2.03 – A lawyer shall not do or
Yes. permit to be done any act designed primarily to
solicit legal business.
From petitioners' allegations, it appears that
respondent Judge Calo committed an error in
judgment when she allowed respondent Atty.
Young's appearance under the Young Law Firm.
However, this Petition to cite respondent Judge
Calo in contempt is not the proper remedy.
Complainant Jerry M. Palencia
Maylas, Jr. v. Judge Sese discussed the
(complainant) was an overseas Filipino worker
remedies available to litigants as follows:
seafarer, while respondents Atty. Pedro L.
Linsangan, Atty. Gerard M. Linsangan, and
[T]he law provides ample judicial remedies
Glenda Linsangan-Binoya, are his alleged
against errors or irregularities being committed
by a Trial Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction.
The ordinary remedies against errors or
irregularities which may be regarded as normal
in nature (i.e., error in appreciation or
admission of evidence, or in construction or When complainant was still working as
application of procedural or substantive law or a seafarer, he was seriously injured during work
legal principle) include a motion for when he fell into the elevator shaft of the vessel
reconsideration (or after rendition of a he was employed in. After initial treatment in
judgment or final order, a motion for new trial), Singapore, he was discharged to the and flown
and appeal. The extraordinary remedies against to the Philippines to continue his medical
treatment and rehabilitation. While he was
confined at the Manila Doctor’s Hospital, a
paralegal named Jesherel L. Millena (Jesherel) The respondent lawyers tendered the
approached him and convinced him to engage amount of US$20,756.05 (representing the
in the services of the respondents’ law office in US$18,132.43) to complainant, but the
order to file a suit against his employers for complainant refused to accept the amount and
indemnity. After several visits from the contested the amount comprised of the
paralegals and respondent Atty. Pedro expenses and attorney’s fees deducted.
Linsangan, the complainant executed the
following: (1) Attorney-client contract; and (2)
Special power of attorney.
On September 12, 2005, the lawyer
respondents filed an ACTION FOR PRELIMINARY
After the execution of the contract, the 05113475 or consignation case) to compel the
respondents were able to collect the amount of complainant to receive the amount tendered.
US$60,000 from the employer of the This case was eventually dismissed.
complainant, as well as US$20,000 under the
collective bargaining agreement. From these
amounts, respondents charged complainant
attorney’s fees of 35%. On September 22, 2005, the
complainant filed an action against the lawyer
respondents for accounting, remittance of
settlement amounts and damages (Civil Case
Respondents, as well as Gurbani & Co. No. 2401 or accounting case). The complainant
(a law firm based in Singapore; also hired by eventually won this case.
the complainant through the respondent), filed
a tort case against the owners of the vessel
before the High Court of Singapore. For this
case, the respondents engaged the services of On March 28, 2007, the complainant
the following: filed a letter-complaint against the lawyer
respondents with the IBP-CBD. He alleged the
1. Papadopoulos, Lycourgos, & Co. – a law following matters:
firm based in Cyprus, to draft a written opinion 1. The lawyers refused to remit
on the issues involving Cyprus law, among the amount collected in the
others. Singapore case worth US$95,000,
and in offering only
2. Retired Justice Emilio Gacayco (Justice) US$20,756.05;
for his expert opinion regarding various issues 2. Depositing complainant’s
raised by the vessel’s lawyer and money into their own account; and
representatives. 3. Engaging in “ambulance
chasing” by deploying their agents
to convince complainant to hire
respondents’ services while the
Thereafter, negotiations led to a complainant was still bedridden in
settlement award in favor of the complainant in the hospital.
an amount of US$95,000. Gurbani & Co.
remitted to the respondent lawyers the amount
of US$59,608.40. From the amount of The lawyer respondents then answered
US$59,608.40 remitted by Gurbani & Co., the the complaint of the complainant:
respondent lawyers further deducted the 1. The complainant unjustly
following amounts: (1) US$5,000 as payment to refused to accept the amount of
Justice Gancayco; (2) their attorney’s fees US$20,756.05, and even refused
equivalent to 35%; and (3) other expenses. The their tender of payment before the
total amount left for the complainant was RTC (Civil Case No. 05113475 or
consignation case; eventually
2. They denied that they deposited Issues:
the amount into their own account.
They claimed that the WON the respondent lawyers violated
US$20,756.05 has been placed for the Code of Professional Responsibility.
safekeeping in the vault located
inside their office ever since. They
alleged that upon their receipt of
the complainant’s complaint in the Ruling:
IBP-CBD, they decided to deposit
the money with BPI in an interest
savings account, in trust for
3. As to the allegations of
ambulance chasing, respondents
averred that they provide free legal Violation of Canon 1, Rule 1.03; Canon 2,
advice to the public. It was in the Rule 2.03, Canon 3.
course of this public service when
they met complainant. A lawyer in making known his legal services
must do so in a dignified manner (Canon 3).
They are prohibited from soliciting cases for the
IBP-CBD ruled that respondents purpose of gain, either personally or through
violated the CPR: paid agents or brokers. The CPR explicitly states
1. In soliciting legal business that "[a] lawyer shall not do or permit to be
through their agents while done any act designed primarily to solicit legal
complainant was in the hospital business." (Canon 2, Rule 2.03). Corollary to
2. In failing to account for, and this duty is for lawyers not to encourage any suit
deliver the funds and property of his or proceeding for any corrupt motive or interest
client when due or upon demand; (Canon 1, Rule 1.03). Thus, "ambulance
3. In hiring the services of a chasing," or the solicitation of almost any kind
foreign law firm and another lawyer of business by an attorney, personally or
without prior knowledge and through an agent, in order to gain employment,
consent of complainant of the fees is proscribed.
and expenses to be incurred.

The IBP-CBD found that all 3 lawyer

respondents connived and thus recommended Here, there is sufficient evidence to show that
that all respondents be suspended from the respondents violated these rules. No less than
practice of law for one year. It also directed the their former paralegal Jesherel admitted that
respondent lawyers to comply with the Decision respondent Atty. Pedro Linsangan came with
in the accounting case (Civil Case No. 2401). her and another paralegal named Moises, to
Manila Doctors Hospital several times to
convince complainant to hire their services. This
is a far cry from respondents' claim that they
were merely providing free legal advice to the
The IBP-BOG adopted the Report and
public. Moreover, while respondents deny
Recommendation of the IBP-CBD.
Jesherel's connection with their law firm, this
was sufficiently rebutted by complainant when
he presented Jesherel's resignation letter as
received by respondents' firm. In employing
After the respondent lawyer’s MR, the IBP-BOG paralegals to encourage complainant to file a
modified the penalty and increased lawsuit against his employers, respondents
respondents’ suspension for 2 years with indirectly solicited legal business and
warning, and ordered the respondents to return encouraged the filing of suit. These constitute
the 5% of the amount assessed to the malpractice which calls for the exercise of the
complainant as attorney’s fees.
court's disciplinary powers and warrants serious being tendered by respondents. Since a claim
sanctions. for attorney's fees may be asserted either in the
very action in which the services of a lawyer had
been rendered, or in a separate action,
respondents, instead of forcibly deducting their
Violation of Canon 16. share, should have moved for the judicial
determination and collection of their attorney's
The relationship between a lawyer and his client fees. The fact alone that a lawyer has a lien for
is highly fiduciary. This relationship holds a his attorney's fees on money in his hands
lawyer to a great degree of fidelity and good collected for his client does not entitle him to
faith especially in handling money or property of unilaterally appropriate his client's money for
his clients. Thus, Canon 16 and its rules remind himself.
a lawyer to: (1) hold in trust all moneys and
properties of his client that may come into his
possession; (2) deliver the funds and property
of his client when due or upon demand subject Worse, respondents allegedly kept the money
to his retaining lien; and (3) account for all inside the firm's vault for two years until they
money or property collected or received for or were made aware of the disciplinary complaint
from his client. against them before the IBP-CBD. However, as
noted by the IBP-CBD in its Report and

Here, respondents claim that they promptly [T]he defense of respondents that they kept in
accounted for the total award of US$95,000.00, their office vault the share of complainant as
and after deducting their fees, tendered the computed by them in the amount of
amount of US$20,756.05. Complainant, US$18,132.43, hence, they forgot the same and
however, refused to accept the amount because remembered it only when they received the
he contested both the expenses and the Order of this Commission for them to file an
separate deduction of attorney's fees by Answer to complainant's Complaint [which is
respondents and Gurbani & Co. more than 2 years] is rather highly incredible
considering that it involves a substantial
amount, the series of communications between
the parties, and the Civil cases subsequently
We find that while respondents gave prompt filed.
notice to complainant of their receipt of money
collected in the latter's favor, they were amiss
in their duties to give accurate accounting of the
amounts due to complainant, and to return the Even if we give credence to this explanation, it
money due to client upon demand. is improper for the lawyer to put his client's
funds in his personal safe deposit vault. 62
Funds belonging to the client should be
deposited in a separate trust account in a bank
The Attorney-Client Contract between the or trust company of good repute for
parties states: "We/I hereby voluntarily agree safekeeping.
and bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns to pay
Atty. Pedro L. Linsangan and his collaborating
Singapore counsels, the sum equivalent to
thirty-five [35%] percent of any recovery or Complaint against Atty. Glenda Linsangan-
settlement obtained." Clearly, the stipulated Binoya is dismissed.
rate referred to the combined professional fees
of both respondents and their collaborating While we find respondents Attys. Pedro
Singapore counsel, Gurbani & Co. Nevertheless, Linsangan and Gerard Linsangan to have
respondents proceeded to deduct separate fees violated Rule 1.03, Rule 2.03, Canon 3, Canon
on top of the amount already deducted by 16, Rule 16.01, and Rule 16.03 of the CPR, the
Gurbani & Co. Complainant contested this records do not support respondent Atty. Glenda
deduction and refused to accept the amount Linsangan-Binoya's participation in their
unethical activities. Complainant himself admits Information falls squarely within the ambit of
that he only dealt with respondents Attys. Pedro Bar Matter No. 1922.
and Gerard Linsangan. Thus, we hold that the
case against Atty. Glenda Linsangan-Binoya be B.M. No. 1922 categorically provides that
dismissed. “failure to disclose the required information
would cause the dismissal of the case and the
expunction of the pleadings from the records.”
As such, the CA properly dismissed the case.
Atty. Pedro L. Linsangan and Atty.
Gerard M. Linsangan were declared suspended NOTE: The SC eventually issued an En Banc
from the practice of law for two years. As for the Resolution, dated January 14, 2014 which
recommendation of the IBP-BOG for amended B.M. No. 1922 by repealing the phrase
respondents to return to the complainant 5% of "Failure to disclose the required information
the amount assessed, the Supreme Court didn’t would cause the dismissal of the case and the
adopt the recommendation on the basis of the expunction of the pleadings from the records"
principle of immutability of judgments. The and replacing it with "Failure to disclose the
accounting case or Civil Case No. 2401 has long required information would subject the counsel
attained finality and was already set for to appropriate penalty and disciplinary action."

22. PEOPLE vs. ARROJADO G.R. No. 23. CERILLA VS, LEZAMA A.C. No. 11483,
207041, November 09, 2015 October 3, 2017

Topic: Failure to indicate MCLE compliance Topic: Canon 5 – Duty to keep abreast of
number and date thereof is a cause for dismissal legal developments
of the case and the expunction of the pleadings
from the records FACTS:
Cerilla, complainant, filed an administrative
Facts: Facts: Jesus Arrojado was charged with complaint for gross misconduct against Atty.
Murder in an Information filed by the Office of Lezama, respondent, before the IBP.
the City Prosecutor of Roxas City and filed a Respondent entered into a Compromise
Motion to Dismiss the Information against him Agreement on the basis of the SPA granted to
on the ground that the investigating prosecutor him by the complainant. The SPA authorized
who filed the Information did not indicate respondent to represent complainant in filing
therein the number and date of issue of her the ejectment case. Nowhere is it expressly
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education stated in the SPA that respondent is authorized
Certificate of Compliace, as required by Bar to compromise on the sale of the property or to
Matter No. 1922 promulgated by the Court on sell the property of complainant.
June 3, 2008. The RTC dismissed the
Information without prejudice. The CA also The records show that respondent admitted that
dismissed the petition. he entered into the compromise agreement with
the defendant in the unlawful detainer case and
ISSUE: WON the failure to indicate her MCLE stated that the plaintiff, who is the complainant
Certificate of Compliance would cause the herein, was willing to sell the property to the
dismissal of the case. - YES defendant in the amount of P350,000.00 even if
the complainant did not instruct or authorize
RULING: The City Prosecutor contends that the him to sell the property, and he merely acted
term “pleadings” as used in BM No. 1922 does upon his own belief. As the SPA granted to him
not include criminal informations filed in court. by the complainant did not contain the power to
An information is considered an initiatory sell the property.
pleading because it is a written statement that
contains the cause of action of a party, which in ISSUE:
criminal cases is the State as represented by the Whether respondent is guilty of gross
prosecutor, against the accused. Like a misconduct?
pleading, the Information is also filed in court
for appropriate judgment. Undoubtedly, an RULING:
The respondent is found guilty of violating respondent (Maghari III) charging the latter in
Canons 5, 15, and 17 of the CPR. engaging in deceitful conduct and violating the
CANON 5 – A lawyer shall keep abreast of legal lawyer’s oath, on the ground that he used
developments, participate in continuing legal information that is false and/or appropriated to
education programs, support efforts to achieve another lawyer in signing certain pleadings.
high standards in law schools as well as in the
practical training of law students and assist in Conflict arises between Wilson Uy and other
disseminating information regarding the law heirs of the deceased. At the course of the
and jurisprudence. proceeding, Wilson Uy prayed that a subpoena
CANON 15 – _A lawyer shall observe candor, ad testificandum be issued against Magdalena
fairness and loyalty in all his dealings and Uy as she was alleged to be a treasurer of
transactions with his client. several businesses of Jose Uy. As Magdalena’s
CANON 17- A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause counsel, Maghari III filed several pleadings
of his client and he shall be mindful of the trust starting from 2010 to 2012. Wilson Uy’s counsel
and confidence reposed in him. noticed that since 2010, respondent had been
changing the professional details indicated in
Respondent’s justification does not persuade, the pleadings he had signed and has been
because his alleged honest belief prejudiced his copying the details of another lawyer (Atty.
client, since the property she was not willing to Natu-el). Thus, Wilson Uy filed a complaint for
sell was sold at a price decided upon by disbarment. Pointing out that Maghari’s act of
respondent on his own, which caused his client repeatedly changing and copying another
and her co-owners to file further cases to lawyer’s professional information violates the
recover their property that was sold due to lawyer’s oath and acted in a deceitful manner.
respondent's mistake. He overlooked the fact
that he was not authorized by his client to Issue: Whether the Respondent violated the
sell the property. CPR when he failed to put his correct Attorney
Details in his pleadings?
The Supreme Court ruled that it is imperative
that lawyers be conversant with basic legal Held:
principles. Here, nowhere it is expressly stated
in the SPA that respondent is authorized to Yes, A counsel’s signature is such an integral
compromise on the sale of property. Hence, he part of a pleading that failure to comply with this
clearly acted beyond the scope of his authority. requirement reduces a pleading to a mere scrap
of paper totally bereft of legal effect. Thus,
Therefore, the Supreme Court affirmed the faithful compliance with this requirement
suspension from the practice of law for a period is not only a matter of satisfying a duty to
of 2 years. The Supreme Court ruled that it is a court but is as much a matter of fidelity
imperative that lawyers be aware with basic to one’s client. A deficiency in this respect can
legal principles. Here, nowhere it is expressly be fatal to a client’s cause. As with the signature
stated in the SPA that respondent is authorized itself, these requirements are not vain
to compromise on the sale of property. Hence, formalities: The inclusion of a counsel’s Roll of
he clearly acted beyond the scope of his Attorneys number, PTR number, and IBP receipt
authority. (or lifetime membership) number is intended to
preserve and protect the integrity of legal
practice. They seek to ensure that only
24. Intestate Estate of Jose Uy v. Maghari those who have satisfied the requisites for
III, A.C. No. 10525, 1 September 2015 legal practice are able to engage in it. With
the Roll of Attorneys number, parties can readily
Topic: Canon 5 – Duty to keep abreast of legal verify if a person purporting to be a lawyer has,
developments in fact, been admitted to the Philippine bar. With
the PTR, they can verify if the same person is
Facts: qualified to engage in a profession in the place
where he or she principally discharges his or her
A complaint for disbarment was filed by functions. With the IBP receipt number, they
complainant Wilson Uy, designated can ascertain if the same person remains in
administrator of the estate of Jose Uy, against good standing as a lawyer. These pieces of
information protect the public from bogus Upon inquiry with the MCLE Office, complainant
lawyers. Paying professional taxes (and the discovered that respondent had no MCLE
receipt that proves this payment) is likewise compliance yet. The MCLE Office then issued a
compliance with a revenue mechanism that has Certification, stating that respondent had not
been statutorily devolved to local government yet complied with his MCLE requirements for the
units. First and Second Compliance Period.

The inclusion of information regarding Hence, this complaint. Complainant argues that
compliance with (or exemption from) MCLE respondent's act of deliberately and unlawfully
seeks to ensure that legal practice is misleading the courts, parties, and counsels
reserved only for those who have complied concerned into believing that he had complied
with the recognized mechanism for with the MCLE requirements when in truth he
“keep[ing] abreast with law and had not, is a serious malpractice and grave
jurisprudence, maintaining] the ethics of misconduct. The complainant, thus, prayed for
the profession[,] and enhancing] the the IBP to recommend respondent's disbarment
standards of the practice of law.” to this Court.

Lastly, the inclusion of a counsel’s address and Issue: Whether or not respondent should be
contact details is designed to facilitate the administratively disciplined?
dispensation of justice. These pieces of
information aid in the service of court Ruling: YES. It was clearly established that
processes, enhance compliance with the respondent violated Bar Matter No. 850. No less
requisites of due process, and facilitate better than the MCLE Office had issued a certification
representation of a client’s cause. stating that respondent had not complied with
the first and second compliance period of the
WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Pacifico M. MCLE.
Maghari, III, having clearly violated his Lawyer’s Despite such non-compliance, respondent
Oath and the Canons of the Code of Professional repeatedly indicated a false MCLE compliance
Responsibility through his unlawful, dishonest, number in his pleadings before the trial courts.
and deceitful conduct, is SUSPENDED from In indicating patently false information in
the practice of law for two (2) years pleadings filed before the courts of law, not only
once but four times, as per records, the
respondent acted in manifest bad faith,
25. VIRGILIO J. MAPALAD, SR. vs. ATTY. dishonesty, and deceit. Respondent's act of
ANSELMO S. ECHANEZ A.C. No. 10911. June filing pleadings that he fully knew to contain
6, 2017. false information is a mockery of the courts.

Topic: Mandatory Continuing Legal Education, Also, Canon 1, Rule 1.01 of the Code of
Bar Matter No. 850; Number and Date of MCLE Professional Responsibility (CPR) provides:
Certificate of Completion required in all
pleadings, motions, Bar Matter No. 1922 CANON 1 — A lawyer shall uphold the
constitution, obey the laws of the land and
Facts: Complainant alleged that in an action for promote respect for law and legal processes.
Recovery of Possession and Damages with Writ Rule 1.01 — A lawyer shall not engage in
of Preliminary Mandatory Injunction, unlawful, dishonest, immoral or
complainant was one of the plaintiffs while deceitful conduct.
respondent was the defendants’ counsel
therein. As the said case was decided in favor of Canon 10, Rule 10.01 of the CPR likewise
the plaintiffs, respondent indicated his states:
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE)
Compliance No. II-0014038 without indicating CANON 10 — A lawyer owes candor, fairness
the date of issue thereof. On appeal, respondent and good faith to the court.
filed the appellants' brief, again only indicating Rule 10.01 — A lawyer shall not do any
his MCLE Compliance Number. falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in
court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the Court
to be misled by any artifice.
In using a false MCLE compliance number in his
pleadings, respondent also put his own clients
at risk. Such deficiency in pleadings can be fatal
to the client's cause as pleadings with such false
information produce no legal effect. In so doing,
respondent violated his duty to his clients.
Canons 17 and 18 of the CPR provide:

CANON 17 — A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause

of his client and shall be mindful of the trust and
confidence reposed upon him.

CANON 18 — A lawyer shall serve his client with

competence and diligence.

Respondent's act of ignoring the court orders

despite notice violates the lawyer's oath and
runs counter to the precepts of the CPR. By his
repeated dismissive conduct, the respondent
exhibited an unpardonable lack of respect for
the authority of the Court.

Respondent in this case is DISBARRED from the

practice of law.

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