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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2017; 21 (2 Suppl): 15-29

Natural molecules for the therapy

of hyperandrogenism and metabolic
disorders in PCOS
Department of Molecular Medicine and Development, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Obstetric and Gynaecology, USL 5, Pisa, Italy
Humanitas-Pio X, Milan, Italy

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Polycystic ovary syn- tive age1 and a complex endocrine condition, due
drome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopa- to its heterogeneity and uncertainty about its
thy of women of reproductive age and a complex etiology.
endocrine condition, due to its heterogeneity and An international meeting in 1990, held at the
uncertainty about its etiology. However, PCOS is
also associated with other metabolic abnormal- U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH), was rec-
ities such as insulin resistance, impaired glu- ommended that the diagnostic criteria for PCOS
cose tolerance, and diabetes. There are few med- should comprise the concomitant presence of an-
ications that are approved for the most common ovulation and hyperandrogenaemia biochemical,
symptoms of PCOS, leading to the off-label use of clinical (hirsutism/acne) or both1. Subsequently,
medications that were approved for other indica- the report of a meeting of experts at a joint ESH-
tions. One of the most common medications be-
ing used off label for PCOS is metformin.
RE/ASRM meeting held in Rotterdam in 2003
Research of other effective therapeutic op- proposed that the presence of two of the three
tions has included the utility of inositol. criteria (chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A systematic liter- and polycystic ovaries on ultrasonography) would
ature search of PubMed was performed using the be sufficient for PCOS diagnosis2. In 2006, The
following combination of terms: ‘PCOS’, ‘hyper- Androgen Excess PCOS Society (AEPCOS) in-
androgenism’ ‘inositol’, ‘natural molecules’. On- dicated that PCOS is mainly a hyperandrogenic
ly papers published between 2000 and 2016 were
included in our analysis. The present review an- disorder and that the second criterion essential for
alyzes all aspects of the choice of natural mole- the diagnosis could be either chronic anovulation
cules in the treatment of hyperandrogenism and or polycystic ovarian morphology3.
metabolic disorders in PCOS women. However, PCOS is also associated with other
RESULTS: The rationale underlying the use of metabolic abnormalities such as insulin resis-
inositols as a therapeutic application in PCOS tance, impaired glucose tolerance, and diabetes4.
derives from their activities as insulin mimetic
agents and their salutary effects on metabolism
In 2011, the Amsterdam ESHRE/ASMR-spon-
and hyperandrogenism without side effects. sored 3rd PCOS Consensus Workshop Group
CONCLUSIONS: In this review will discuss the identified different phenotype, characterized by
role of a number of natural associations between hyperandrogenism and chronic anovulation, from
inositol and different substances in the treatment those characterized by ovarian dysfunction and
of hyperandrogenic symptoms in PCOS women. polycystic morphology5. This Consensus recom-
mended screening for insulin and glucose tol-
Key Words: erance by OGTT (75 g, 0 and 2h values) in the
PCOS, Hyperandrogenism, Insulin-resistance, Inosi-
tol, Lipoic acid, Monacolin k. presence of phenotype characterized by hyper-
androgenism with anovulation, obesity, family
history of diabetes5.
There are few medications that are approved
for the most common symptoms of PCOS, lead-
PCOS and clinical Hyperandrogenism ing to the off-label use of medications that were
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most approved for other indications. One of the most
common endocrinopathy of women of reproduc- common medications being used off label for

Corresponding Author: Vincenzo De Leo, MD; e-mail: 15

V. Cappelli, M.C. Musacchio, A. Bulfoni, G. Morgante, V. De Leo

PCOS is metformin. A survey of PubMed re- to excess thecal cell development and androgen
veals > 30 meta-analyses of a randomized trial production, but in the face of inadequate FSH
and > 70 systematic reviews covering the role of stimulation of granulosa cell development and
metformin therapy in the management of PCOS, aromatase production, these androgens were
including ovulation induction, weight loss, men- not converted to estrogen leading to multiple
strual control, miscarriage, and hirsutism6. Also, abnormalities.
thiazolidinediones, which are drugs approved for This theory explained the morphology of the
treatment of type 2 diabetes, have been used in ovary, hirsutism, and anovulation. Androgen ex-
the treatment of PCOS. cess led to an ovarian follicular arrest in the
However, side effects such as nausea and di- preantral stage, as estrogen is critical to the devel-
arrhea (in the case of metformin) and increased opment and selection of a dominant follicle. The
body weight (in the case of pioglitazone) may ovary thus contained multiple small preantral
reduce patients compliance and limit the use of follicles due to this ongoing process and also had
these drugs7,8. increased central stroma due to excessive thecal
Research of other effective therapeutic options and stromal hyperplasia from the disordered go-
has included the utility of inositol. The rationale nadotropin exposure. Secondarily this resulted
underlying the use of inositols as a therapeutic in the spillover of excess androgens into the cir-
application in PCOS derives from their activities culating pool resulting in inappropriate feedback
as insulin mimetic agents and their salutary ef- to the hypothalamic pituitary axis and a vicious
fects on metabolism and hyperandrogenism with- feedback loop where excess LH leads to excess
out side effects. ovarian androgen production which in turn leads
The review is organized by pathogenesis of to further LH. Finally, the excess circulating
PCOS, common medications used in the treat- androgen led to stimulation of the pilosebaceous
ment and the efficacy of inositol and other natural unit increases sebum production, induces termi-
molecules used for multiple purposes in PCOS. nal hair differentiation, and in rare instances in
the scalp lead to pilosebaceous unit atresia and
Pathogenesis of PCOS: Chronic androgenic alopecia.
Anovulation, Hyperandrogenism,
and Insulin-Resistance Primary Ovarian and Adrenal
The PCOS is a multifaceted disease involving Hyperandrogenism
genetic/environmental factors but also endocrine Ovarian steroidogenesis is perturbed in the
factors, such as disordered gonadotropin secre- syndrome with increased circulating androgen
tion, uncontrolled ovarian steroidogenesis, ab- levels frequently noted in women with PCOS.
errant insulin signaling and excessive oxidative Further intrafollicular androgen levels tend to be
stress. elevated in antral follicles supporting a lack of
adequate granulosa aromatase activity10. As noted
Primary Disordered Gonadotropin Secretion above, a primary defect in ovarian steroidogenesis
The first biochemical abnormality that was could lead through the same feedback loop noted
identified in women with PCOS was disordered above to disordered gonadotropin secretion and
gonadotropin secretion, with a preponderance stigmata of peripheral hyperandrogenism such as
of luteinizing hormone (LH) to follicle stim- acne, hirsutism, and alopecia. Thecal cells from
ulating hormone (FSH). Studies of gonado- PCOS women put into long-term culture exhibit
tropin secretion in women with PCOS have defects in steroidogenesis including hyperpro-
established that women have augmented the duction of androgens, implying alterations of
release of LH in response to a gonadotrophin P450c17 activity that increases the 17OHP/A ra-
releasing hormone (GnRH) challenge with ap- tio11. Finally, 20-30% of women with PCOS have
propriate levels of FSH secretion 9. As the two evidence of adrenal hyperandrogenism, primarily
cell theory of the ovary evolved, i.e., that the- based on elevated levels of DHEAS an androgen
cal cells can only produce androgens under marker of adrenal function12, suggesting that the
stimulation of LH, whereas granulosa cells can defect in steroidogenesis is primary, and affects
only aromatize androgens from the theca cells both androgen secreting glands, i.e. the ovary and
into estrogens under the influence of FSH, this the adrenal.
preponderance of LH was thought to be the pri- Other ovarian factors than disordered ste-
mary etiology of the syndrome. Excess LH led roidogenesis may contribute to PCOS. For ex-

Natural molecules for the therapy of hyperandrogenism and metabolicdisorders in PCOS

ample, there appears to be an increased density Also, hyperinsulinemia is linked to ovarian and
of small preantral follicles in polycystic ovaries13. adrenal hyperandrogenism for the ability of insu-
This could result from increased number of germ lin in certain conditions to stimulate gonadal and
cells in the fetal ovary or from decreased loss of adrenal androgen production. Hyperandrogenism
oocytes with age, or from decreased rate of loss has been further linked to insulin resistance and
of oocytes during late gestation, childhood, and stigmata of the insulin resistance syndrome in
puberty. Indeed, there is evidence in vitro to sup- women with PCOS and in PCOS family studies
port increased survival and diminished atresia in which have found increasing prevalence of the
a PCOS follicle14. metabolic syndrome in family members with
increasing androgen levels21. Androgens also in-
Primary Disorder of Insulin Resistance duce insulin resistance, best illustrated by the
Women with PCOS show multiple abnormali- example of female to male transsexuals who have
ties in insulin action. Dynamic studies of insulin increased insulin resistance after supplementa-
action, including hyperinsulinemic euglycemic tion with androgens22. In vitro cultures of PCOS
clamps and frequently sampled intravenous glu- thecal cells have been found to overproduce an-
cose tolerance tests, have shown that women with drogens in response to insulin supplementation23,
PCOS are more insulin resistant than weight- by increasing P450 cytochrome expression, LH,
matched control women15,16. Early in the ontog- and IGF-1 receptors. Therefore, insulin-resis-
eny of the syndrome, as in the ontogeny of type tance increases also adrenal steroidogenesis18.
2 diabetes, this is characterized by increased Further, the use of insulin sensitizing agents,
pancreatic beta cell production of insulin to con- including both metformin and troglitazone have
trol ambient glucose levels. Thus, many women been associated with both lowering of circulating
with PCOS have fasting and meal challenged insulin levels and levels of both adrenal and ovar-
hyperinsulinemia17. However, this compensato- ian androgens18.
ry response by the pancreatic beta cell is often Finally, increased levels of insulin are associat-
inadequate for the degree of peripheral insulin ed with the peripheral availability of sex steroids
resistance leading to initially post-prandial hy- through its impact on circulating sex hormone
perglycemia in these women and eventually fast- binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG has been found
ing hyperglycemia16. to be partially regulated by circulating insulin
At the molecular level, impaired insulin sig- levels with an inverse relationship24. Decreasing
naling results from mutations or posttranslation- levels of SHBG mean increasing levels of free
al modifications of the insulin receptor or any and bioavailable androgens, especially since the
of its downstream effectors molecules. Insulin preferred substrate of SHBG are androgens (as
resistance could be accounted for by a defect in opposed to estrogens and progestins). Increased
insulin binding to its receptor or to a shortage of free androgens mean increased androgen action
insulin receptors; however, there is evidence to in the periphery which can mean the piloseba-
suggest that insulin resistance is most often due ceous unit or the hypothalamic pituitary axis
to a post-binding defect in insulin action18. (Figure 1).
The ovaries of these women have a normal
response to insulin, probably because the hy- Altered Oxidative Stress and Chronic
perinsulinemia acts on the ovary through the Low-Grade Inflammation in PCOS
IGF-1 receptor. Furthermore, the insulin level Oxidative stress (OS) reflects an imbalance be-
in ovarian uses as the signal mediator also the tween production and scavenging of reactive oxy-
inositol-glycan pathway that is different from gen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS)25, and excess ROS
the activated system in other tissues and which accumulated in vivo would induce cell26, protein27,
maintains its level in ovarian function also in and lipid damage28. OS is also intimately involved
insulin-resistant subjects19. in PCOS pathogenesis, since PCOS patients show
Hyperinsulinemia and/or disordered insulin more serious OS compared with the normal29. In
action may have perturbed the reproductive ax- addition, OS is involved in the pathological pro-
is in multiple ways. First insulin may act at the cesses of IR, hyperandrogenemia, and obesity as
hypothalamic pituitary axis to stimulate gonado- well, which accompany PCOS frequently but not
tropin production. In animal cell culture models, absolutely30. Abdominal obesity is regarded as a
insulin has been found to enhance pituitary go- common complication of PCOS, and the risk of ab-
nadotropin secretion20. dominal obesity in PCOS women ranges from 40%

V. Cappelli, M.C. Musacchio, A. Bulfoni, G. Morgante, V. De Leo

Figure 1. Hyperinsulinemia stimulates directly cytochrome p450 enzymes in the ovary or indirectly through action
of LH or IGF-1, causing hyperandrogenism119.

to 80% because of the differences of people and with oxidative stress (OS) markers37. IR encourages
nations31. Obese patients are expected to have more OS because hyperglycemia and higher levels of free
serious oxidative stress (OS) levels32, and significant fatty acid lead to reactive oxygen species (ROS)
correlations of OS markers with obesity indexes, production. In general, insulin receptor substrate
such as BMI, are discovered33. Levels of markers (IRS) is the key player of IR pathogenesis38.With
that could reflect the degrees of lipid peroxidation the increased OS, various protein kinases are acti-
and protein peroxidation, such as oxidized low-den- vated to induce serine/threonine phosphorylation of
sity lipoprotein (ox-LDL), malondialdehyde (MDA), IRS and inhibit normal tyrosine phosphorylation of
thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS), and IRS, reducing the capacity of IRS to combine with
advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), in- insulin receptor, suppressing IRS to activate the
crease significantly in the obese patients compared downstream phosphatidyl inositol 3- kinase (PI3K);
with the normal, and levels of markers that could and finally insulin signal to the effector via insu-
reflect the antioxidant ability, such as glutathione lin receptor (InsR)/IRS/PI3K pathway is altered39.
peroxidase (GSHPx) and copper- and zinc-contain- Therefore, studies with antioxidants such as vitamin
ing superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD), decreased E, a-lipoic acid, and N-acetylcysteine indicate a
significantly34. Thus abdominal obesity is directly beneficial impact on insulin sensitivity and offer
associated with OS and contributes to the increased the possibility of new treatment approaches for IR40.
OS levels in PCOS36. However, obesity is not the on- Moreover, chronic low-grade inflammation is
ly factor leading to the more serious oxidative status considered as an important feature of PCOS and
of PCOS, and other factors are considered to have has been suggested to participate in the patho-
contributions as well, such as insulin-resistance. The genesis and development of PCOS. Inflammatory
IR rate of PCOS patients ranges from 50% to 70%36 markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor
and IR markers of women with PCOS, such as HO- necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-6 (IL-6), in-
MA-IR, increase significantly compared with nor- terleukin-18 (IL-18), monocyte chemotactic pro-
mal women and are usually significantly correlated tein-1 (MCP-1), and acute phase serum amyloid A

Natural molecules for the therapy of hyperandrogenism and metabolicdisorders in PCOS

(APSAA), increased in women with PCOS com- with PCOS appear to experience a dramatic im-
pared with the normal41, 42. Reactive oxygen spe- provement in symptoms after surgery, implying
cies (ROS) could induce releasing inflammatory this may be in some subjects a “cure” for the
factors and inflammatory response, via activating syndrome50,51. However, these studies are pri-
the associated signaling pathways43. marily case series and need further validation in
Inflammation has also been demonstrated to prospective studies.
be associated with IR in PCOS. As well as OS,
inflammation could induce insulin resistance (IR) Combined Hormonal Contraceptives
mainly via interfering with post-insulin recep- Combined hormonal contraceptives are the
tor signaling pathway, insulin receptor substrate most commonly used medications for the long-
1-phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase-protein kinase B term treatment of women with PCOS and have
(IRS1-PI3K-PKB/Akt) pathway44. been recommended by the Task Force and the
Finally, oxidative stress (OS) and inflam- Endocrine Society52, the Australian Alliance53,
mation seem to contribute to hyperandrogen- and the PCOS Consensus Group54 as first-line
emia in PCOS, but detailed interactions still treatment for hyperandrogenism and menstrual
remain unclear. In several studies, OS and cycle irregularities in women with PCOS.
inflammation markers are discovered to be They offer benefit through a variety of mech-
positively correlated with androgen levels in anisms, including suppression of pituitary LH
PCOS patients 45. In vitro, OS was reported to secretion, suppression of ovarian androgen secre-
enhance the activities of ovarian steroidogene- tion, and increased circulating SHBG levels.
sis enzymes, which could stimulate androgen Individual OC preparations may have different
generation, and antioxidative chemicals, just as doses and drug combinations and thus have vary-
statins, inhibit the activities 46. Tumor necrosis ing risk-benefit ratios. Even though guidelines do
factor-α (TNF-α), an inflammatory marker as- not specify the use of one OCP over another52,54,
sociated with tissue inflammation, was report- the best choice for symptomatic treatment is con-
ed to have the ability to promote the synthesis sidered to be low-dose oral contraceptives that
of androgen in the rat47. contain anti-androgenic or neutral progestins55.
Oral contraceptives may also be associated
Therapeutic Options of PCOS with a significant elevation in circulating tri-
Treatment of women with PCOS tends to be glycerides as well as in HDL levels, though these
symptom based, as there are few therapies which do not appear to progress over time56. There is
address the multitude of complaints with which no evidence to suggest that women with PCOS
women with PCOS present. Treatment tends to experience more cardiovascular events than the
fall into two categories, either the treatment of general population when they use oral contracep-
anovulatory infertility or the long-term mainte- tives, though risk factors for adverse events such
nance treatment for PCOS related symptoms (i.e. as hypertension, obesity, clotting history, and
hirsutism, menstrual disorders, obesity, etc.). smoking must be considered.

Lifestyle Modification Antiandrogens

The gold standard for improving insulin sen- A minimum of 6 months of OCP regimen is
sitivity in obese PCOS women should be weight usually required to obtain satisfactory results
loss, diet, and exercise. Unfortunately, there are against acne and hirsutism55. When this treatment
no effective treatments that result in permanent it’s no useful other therapies may be used.
weight loss, and it is estimated that 90-95% of
patients who experience a weight decrease will Spironolactone
relapse. Further, in markedly obese individuals, Spironolactone is primarily used to treat hir-
the only treatment that results in sustained and sutism and appears effective, though the evi-
significant weight reduction is bariatric sur- dence is weak57. It is a diuretic and aldosterone
gery48. The current National Institute of Health antagonist, also binds to the androgen receptors
recommendations are to utilize bariatric surgery an antagonist. It has other mechanisms of ac-
in patients with a BMI greater than 40 or with tion, including inhibition of ovarian and adrenal
a BMI greater than 35 and serious medical steroidogenesis, competition for androgen re-
co-morbidities49. It is uncertain whether PCOS ceptors in hair follicles, and direct inhibition of
qualifies as a significant comorbidity. Women 5-reductase activity.

V. Cappelli, M.C. Musacchio, A. Bulfoni, G. Morgante, V. De Leo

Flutamide proves ovulatory and menstrual frequency61. Met-

Flutamide, an androgen-receptor agonist, is formin tends to be the drug of choice to treat
another nonsteroidal anti-androgen that has been glucose intolerance and elevated diabetes risk in
shown to be effective against hirsutism in smaller women with PCOS because of its favorable safe-
trials The most common side effect is dry skin, ty profile and the familiarity a wide number of
but its use has been associated with hepatitis in caregivers from varying specialties have with the
rare cases. The risk of teratogenicity with this medication. However, there are no long-term stud-
compound is significant, and contraception should ies of metformin in women with PCOS to show
be used. Flutamide has also been combined with diabetes prevention. Among women with PCOS
lifestyle and metformin therapy for treatment of who use metformin, glucose tolerance improves
PCOS and may have additive effects58. or stays steady over time62. Metformin also may be
Finasteride associated with weight loss in women with PCOS,
Finasteride inhibits both forms of the enzyme although the results in other populations are incon-
5-reductase (type 1, predominantly found in the sistent63. Metformin is often used in conjunction
skin, and type II, predominantly found in the with lifestyle therapy to treat PCOS.
prostate and reproductive tissues). Finasteride is Gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, nausea,
better tolerated than other anti-androgens, with vomiting, abdominal bloating, flatulence, and an-
minimal hepatic and renal toxicity; however, it orexia) are the most common adverse reactions
has a well-documented risk for teratogenicity in and may be ameliorated by starting at a small
male fetuses, and adequate contraception should dose and gradually increasing the dose or by us-
be used. Overall, randomized trials have found ing the sustained-release version now available in
that spironolactone, flutamide, and finasteride to the United States. The dose is usually 1500-2000
have similar efficacy in improving hirsutism57. mg/day given in divided doses.
Since metformin and statins administrations
Ornithine Decarboxylase Inhibitors are associated with several side effects such as
These have been developed for the treatment nausea, vomiting, gastric pain causing the end of
of female hirsutism. Ornithine decarboxylase is therapy, combined treatment with natural prod-
necessary for the production of polyamines, and ucts: such as monacolin k, inositols, lipoic acid,
is also a sensitive and specific marker of androgen glucomannan, and bergamot represents a valid
action in the prostate. Inhibition of this enzyme alternative, well tolerated and with a similar
limits cell division and function in the piloseba- mode of action64.
ceous unit. Recently a potent inhibitor of this en-
zyme, eflornithine, has been found to be effective Inositol
as a facial crème for the treatment of unwanted The stereoisomeric family of 9 inositols in-
facial hair59 (Brand name Vaniqa). cludes myo-, cis-, allo-, epi-, muco-, neo, scyllo-
and the optical isomers D and L chiro-inositols.
Statins Myo-inositol (MI) is the most widely distrib-
Another area where there is emerging support uted in nature. Biosynthesized from glucose65,
in the literature for a cardiovascular and endo- the cyclase converting the immediate precursor
crine benefit in women with PCOS, is the use fructose 6-P to myo-inositol has been cloned66.
of statins. They have been shown to improve L-chiro-inositol is the product of epimerizing hy-
hyperandrogenemia, lipid levels, and reduce in- droxyl #1 of myo-inositol, while D-chiro-inositol
flammation60. However, their long-term effects in (DCI) is the product of epimerizing hydroxyl #3
preventing cardiovascular disease in young wom- of myo-inositol67 (Figure 2).
en with PCOS is unknown. There are concerns In nature inositol (and its derivatives: salts,
about teratogenicity with the use of this drug in phosphates and associated lipids) are found in
reproductive age women, as it is FDA pregnancy many foods (especially fruits and beans)68. In
category X. The use of these drugs is still exper- plants, inositol is generally represented in the
imental in women with PCOS. form of hexaphosphate, and phytic acid or its salts
Insulin-Sensitizing Agents MI was once considered as a member of the
Metformin is the insulin-sensitizing agent most vitamin B complex; however, it cannot be consid-
useful in the long-term maintenance of PCOS. ered a ‘true’ essential nutrient, given that it can
Metformin does lower serum androgens, and im- be synthesized by the human body. However, it is

Natural molecules for the therapy of hyperandrogenism and metabolicdisorders in PCOS

Figure 2. Structures of myo-, D and L chiro-inositols. Myo-inositol is epimerized in position 1 to form L-chiro-inositol and in
position 3 to form D-chiro-inositol67.

still a matter of controversy if such biosynthesis the ovary, resulting in an overproduction of DCI
may provide amounts considered adequate for and a concomitant depletion of MI75. Also, the
good health from glucose69. resulting deficiency of MI could be responsible
The two inositol stereoisomers, MI and DCI for the poor oocyte quality and the impairment
are chemical mediators of insulin, acting through of the FSH signaling. Clearly, DCI supplementa-
different mechanisms70. Both DCI and MI have tion would be ineffective in such women as they
similar structures, differing in the stereochem- already have high levels of this molecule in the
istry of only one hydroxyl group71. Myo-inositol ovary78.
is synthesized from glucose-6-phosphate in two Oral nutritional supplementation with inositol,
steps. First, glucose-6-phosphate is isomerized part of the vitamin B complex (B8) and an in-
to myo-inositol-1-phosphate, which is then de- tracellular second messenger, was demonstrated
phosphorylated by an inositol monophosphatase to enhance insulin sensitivity and improves the
enzyme giving free myo-inositol72. In vivo, DCI clinical and hormonal characteristics of PCOS
is synthetized by an epimerase that converts patients79,80. Moreover, MI supplementation was
myo-inositol into DCI. Larner first demonstrat- shown to restore spontaneous ovulation with the
ed a decreased DCI content in urine as well as consequent increase in conception, either alone81
tissues of human subjects and animals with type or when combined with gonadotropins82.
2 diabetes. Moreover, the decrease of DCI in The 2013 International Consensus Conference
urine was observed with an increase of myo-ino- on MI and DCI in Obstetrics and Gynecology83
sitol71,73. Additional investigations demonstrated identified opinion leaders in all fields related to
that the altered inositol excretion patterns71,73,74 MI and DCI and their involvement, as second
were specifically related to the insulin resistance, messengers of insulin, in several insulin-depen-
rather than to diabetes. Larner postulated a defect dent processes, such as metabolic syndrome and
in the epimerization process that physiologically PCOS. In conclusion, they postulated that the
enacts the conversion of MIDCI. treatment of PCOS women, as well as the pre-
In addition, MI and DCI function as insulin vention of GDM, seem those clinical conditions
second messengers and mediate different actions which take more advantages from MI supplemen-
of insulin75. MI is converted to an inositolphos- tation, when used at a dose of 2 g twice/day. The
phoglycan (IPG) insulin second messenger (MI- clinical experience with MI is largely superior
IPG) involved in cellular glucose uptake, whereas to the one with DCI. However, the existence of
DCI is converted to an IPG insulin second mes- tissue-specific ratios, namely in the ovary, has
senger (DCI-IPG) involved in glycogen synthe- prompted researchers to recently develop a treat-
sis76. On the other hand, at the ovarian level, it ment based on both molecules in the proportion
has been shown that MI-based second messenger of 40 (MI) to 1 (DCI)83.
is involved in both glucose uptake and FSH In 2015, The International Consensus Con-
signaling whereas DCI-based second messen- ference on MI and DCI in Obstetrics and Gyne-
ger is devoted to the insulin-mediated androgen cology84 postulated that an imbalance between
production77. In women with PCOS, hyperinsu- MI and DCI leads to a reduction in insulin and
linemia likely stimulated epimerase activity in FSH signaling, is observed in PCOS patients85,86.

V. Cappelli, M.C. Musacchio, A. Bulfoni, G. Morgante, V. De Leo

Indeed, MI depletion induces a defect in glucose valid associations are inositol and monacolin,
uptake. This, in turn, reduces glucose availabil- inositol and lipoid acid, inositol and bergamot.
ity in the ovary for both oocytes and follicu- These new combinations may oppose the etiopa-
lar cells. Although oocytes are characterized by thologies responsible for the onset and deteriora-
high glucose consumption, by impairing sugar tion of PCOS-related symptoms. Moreover, these
availability oocyte quality will be compromised. natural choices are more accepted by patients and
Overall evidence from the literature analyzed by clinicians who consider metformin only an anti-
the Conference Scientific Committee points out diabetic drug and then other use are “off-label”91.
the beneficial effects of MI treatment in ART,
in particular at the level of ovarian response to Inositol and Monacolin K
exogenous gonadotropins as well as oocyte and Recently, red yeast rice, a Chinese dietary
embryo quality. In this regard, administration supplement, has gained popularity due to its
of MI, alone or in combination with DCI (in the properties as a natural statin. It contains varying
physiological plasma ratio of 40:1), could be a amounts of natural monacolin K (mevinolin), a
predictive factor in improving ART outcomes metabolite of Monascus rubber, which specifi-
An important review, published in 201487, an- cally inhibit 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG)-
alyzed data from the literature about inositols in CoA reductase, the rate limiting enzyme in cho-
the treatment of PCOS, in conclusion, Di Nicola lesterol synthetic pathway92. Monacolin K was
et al87 postulated that despite the relatively high suggested to have a similar effect on lipid metab-
number of reports, only a few of them ful- olism, as shown for the mechanism of action of
fill the criteria of the randomized clinical trial. pharmacological statins93, and it was demonstrat-
Those studies have been extensively reviewed ed to effectively reduce the levels of cholesterol in
elsewhere81,88. Among 70 studies focusing on patients with hypercholesterolemia94. Moreover,
PCOS treatment using different pharmaceutical its ability to inhibit steroid synthesis was claimed
composition incorporating INS, 21 were consid- to be responsible for the observed decrease in
ered eligible as they involve MI81. Yet, only six of hyperandrogenism, which may further restore
them were randomized controlled clinical trials, ovulation in those PCOS patients, as was already
involving more than 300 PCOS patients. Remark- demonstrated following the use of simvastatin
ably, in all the studies analyzed, no side effects alone or in combination with metformin95. Fur-
were reported. Overall, those studies indicate thermore, the antioxidative properties of statins
that MI supplementation improves several of the and monacolin K, may further control cellular
hormonal disturbances of PCOS. MI mechanisms proliferation and improve ovulatory function96.
of action appear to be mainly based on improving In 2013, our group published about this nat-
insulin sensitivity of target tissues, resulting in a ural association97; we studied 60 insulin resis-
positive effect on the reproductive axis (MI re- tant PCOS patients. There were 3 groups were
stores ovulation and improves oocyte quality) and treated for 6 months with either myo-inositol
hormonal functions (MI reduces clinical and bio- and monacolin k, inositol only or metformin and
chemical hyperandrogenism and dyslipidemia) they compared clinical, metabolic and hormonal
through the reduction of insulin plasma levels87. assessment at the start, after 3 and 6 months of
These data are particularly interesting in PCOS treatment. In the present study, we demonstrated
women, in fact, an increased activity of epime- that all treatments improved patients’ clinical,
rase in theca cells of ovaries of PCOS women hormonal and metabolic profiles, with a tendency
is associated with a consistent reduction in the toward better results using the combination of
intraovarian ratio of Mi and DCI. This is the hy- myo-inositol and monacolin k. Regarding the lip-
pothesis of ovarian paradox postulated by Carlo- id profile, total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL
magno et al in 201089; in this way is fundamental levels were significantly reduced in all groups,
to supplement MI and DCI in physiological ratio with a more pronounced reduction in LDL fol-
to restore normally ovary function to improve the lowing the combined treatment with myo-inositol
oocyte quality90. and monacolin k; the combined treatment with
Because of the absence of side effects with the myo-inositol and monacolin k significantly raised
administration of these products, the scientific in HDL levels.
interest in recent years has been to discover new Since metformin and statins administrations
natural associations that represent valid alterna- are associated with several side effects such as
tives in the treatment of PCOS symptoms. New nausea, vomiting, gastric pain causing the end

Natural molecules for the therapy of hyperandrogenism and metabolicdisorders in PCOS

of therapy98, the combined treatment with the of beta-D-glucose and beta-D-mannose with at-
natural products: monacolin k and myo-inositol tached acetyl groups in a molar ratio of 1: 1.6 with
represent a valid alternative, well tolerated and beta 1-4 linkages106. Because human salivary and
with a similar mode of action. pancreatic amylase cannot split beta 1, 4 linkag-
es, glucomannan passes relatively unchanged into
Inositol and Lipoic Acid the colon. It has a high molecular weight and can
Alpha lipoic acid (LA) is a potent antioxidant, absorb up to 50 times its weight in water, making
and controlled release alpha lipoic acid has been it one of the most viscous dietary fibers known107.
reported to improve glucose control in type 2 With its low energy density and bulking prop-
diabetes patients99, and in women with PCOS, to erties, glucomannan seems to promote weight
improve insulin sensitivity and reproductive and loss by displacing the energy of other nutrients
metabolic disorders100. Recently, authors showed and producing satiety and satiation as it absorbs
that inositol combined with alpha lipoic acid can water and expands in the gastrointestinal tract.
be used as a dietary supplement in insulin-re- In addition, glucomannan seems to reduce total
sistant patients in order to increase their insulin cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
sensitiveness101,103. cholesterol levels by stimulating fecal excretion
LA, either as a dietary supplement or a thera- of cholesterol and bile acids and decreasing intes-
peutic agent, modulates redox potential because tinal absorption of cholesterol108. Also, glucoman-
of its ability to match the redox status between nan may improve glycemic parameters by inhib-
different subcellular compartments as well as iting appetite and slowing intestinal absorption
extracellularly. Both the oxidized (disulfide) and due to increased viscosity109. Obesity is present in
reduced (di-thiol: dihydro-lipoic acid, DHLA) 50-65% of PCOS women; a lot of studies demon-
forms of LA show antioxidant properties. LA strated that reduction of body weight and train-
exerts antioxidant effects in biological systems ing may improve fertility, and cycle irregularity
through ROS quenching but also via an action on through reduce the insulin blood levels.
transition metal chelation. Dietary supplementa- The combination between inositol and gluco-
tion with LA has been successfully employed in mannan was studied to reducing glucose levels
a variety of in vivo models of disease associated and improving insulin sensitivity in PCOS over-
with an imbalance of redox status: diabetes and weight patients. In particular, De Leo et al110 in
cardiovascular diseases103. 2014 studied this natural association in 40 PCOS
Recently it’s studied the association between women with insulin resistance. They concluded
myo-inositol, monacolin k and lipoic acid in that this association can improve insulin resis-
PCOS patients; the authors recruited 30 women tance in PCOS women with significant results,
with PCOS and IR, and they studied lipid profile, in fact, glucomannan can delay absorption of
BMI, and androgens before the treatment and glucose in the bowel and can extend the action
after 6 months of therapy102. They concluded that of inositol through the delay of absorption of this
this association improves lipid parameters and substance. This action should improve inositol
hyperandrogenism. action to acquire long-acting function.
These data show that this natural associa-
tion is not only limited to the reduction of total Inositol and Bergamot
cholesterol103 but that is also stimulated HDL Pharmacological studies have confirmed the
production; the reduction in cholesterol also pos- activities already known in folk medicine, cho-
itively affects the levels of androgenic steroids. lesterol lowering action and lipid lowering action
The synergy between myo-inositol, monacolin k, of bergamot juice. These actions are mainly due
and lipoic acid has produced results through a re- to the flavonoids. Clinical studies have shown
duction in plasma insulin levels which no longer that the activity of individual flavonoid com-
stimulate the theca cells in androgen production. pounds doesn’t have the same power of action
of the entire plant complex. The lipid-lowering
Inositol and Glucomannan action carried out by the main bioactive com-
Glucomannan is a water-soluble, fermentable pounds (flavonoids) contained in bergamot juice
dietary fiber extracted from the tuber or root of was further confirmed in a major clinical RCT
the elephant yam, also known as konjac (Amorph- study conducted on 237 patients with hypercho-
ophallus konjac or Amorphophallus rivieri). Glu- lesterolemia either associated to hyperglycemia
comannan consists of a polysaccharide chain or not111. The results obtained after 30 days have

V. Cappelli, M.C. Musacchio, A. Bulfoni, G. Morgante, V. De Leo

confirmed that treatment with bergamot extract the synergy between insulin sensitizer (inosi-
results in a significant reduction of total and tol) and other product personalized on women
LDL-cholesterol, and a significant increase in request.
HDL-cholesterol values111. The plant complex Myo-inositol can reduce insulin blood levels to
of bergamot has demonstrated in vivo to lower restore physiological menstrual cycle. Restoration
triglyceride levels112-114. of the ovulatory cycle can improve mild acne and
The association between inositol, monacolin k, hirsutism. The association between myo-inosi-
vitamin K2, methylfolate and bergamot juice has tol and monacolin K (3-10 mg/die) can improve
been recently studied for its important action on moderate acne and hirsutism after 3, 6 months
dyslipidemia115. This association was experiment- of therapy, in fact, monacolin interferes with the
ed in 40 perimenopausal women with metabolic production of cholesterol and then with the andro-
syndrome, BMI > 25 kg/m2 and insulin resis- gen synthesis97.
tance: 20 women were treated and the other 20 Another relevant association is between
patients were as the control group. myo-inositol and alpha lipoic acid; with this com-
Regarding the lipid profile, total cholester- bination, we can restore ovulatory cycles, and we
ol and triglycerides showed a significant de- can interfere with inflammation that character-
crease while HDL levels have increased. This ized the onset and maintenance of acne.
study demonstrated that the association between In obese PCOS women, the association be-
d-chiro-inositol, monacolin-K, bergamot extract, tween inositol and glucomannan; glucomannan
methylfolate and vitamin K2 is not limited only is a fibre that can induce a sense of satiety and
to the reduction of total cholesterol, but may in- reduce absorption of lipids and carbohydrates
crease HDL. The synergic action of nutritional in the bowel with a consequent reduction of cir-
components and plant extracts of this new sup- culating insulin, weight reduction and improve
plement demonstrated to effectively rebalance hyperandrogenism in these women.
the altered functional states of the gluco-lipid In conclusion, MI and its metabolite DCI have
metabolism and vascular system. been confirmed as a valid non-pharmacologic
alternative to contrast insulin-resistance in PCOS
women. Various choices between myo-inositol
Conclusions and other natural substances find specific indi-
cations depending on the predominant endocrine
A growing number of women looking for a and metabolic symptom.
mental and physical wellbeing, but at the same It must be remembered that the first improve-
time they want to treat their own problems, ments of these symptoms are observed after long
in particular, those of an aesthetic nature with treatment (90-120) days. In fact, these therapies
non-traditional therapies. should be evaluated in medium and long-term
In recent years, many studies was performed associated with an adequate lifestyle.
to clarify the involvement of inositols in PCOS It is important to highlight that some studies
to improve the ovary function and oocyte quality; we have cited are preliminary and conducted on
in fact a large amount of evidence exists to prove a small population, larger sample sizes will also
the positive effect of inositol in this way; inositol serve to strengthen future studies.
exert important actions in the glucose homeosta-
sis and when incorporated into phospho glycans
has been shown to serve as second messengers Conflict of interest
involved in the signalling-transduction cascade of The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
insulin116 and in PCOS patients the metabolism of
inositol is dysregulated; these data suggest the re-
lationship between insulin resistance and inositol References
deficiency in PCOS women117,118.
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