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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2017; 21 (2 Suppl): 73-76

Treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus with

Myo-inositol: analyzing the cutting edge starting
from a peculiar case

AGUNCO Obstetrics and Gynecology Centre, Rome, Italy


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medicine and Psychology,


Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: The robust data about estimate its prevalence between 2 and 10% of all
myo-inositol (Myo-Ins) safety profile and effecti- pregnancies2, this rate is progressively increasing
veness opened a new scenario for the treatment probably due (at least in part) to the newly pro-
and prevention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
(GDM). We report our experience about a case of posed criteria for the diagnosis of GDM3. In partic-
GDM successfully treated with Myo-Ins. ular, according to the National Institute for Health
PATIENTS AND METHODS: An overweight and Care Excellence (NICE)4, the 2-hour 75 g Oral
29-year-old Caucasian pregnant woman, nullipa- Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is recommended
rous, affected by GDM, according to the National in women with risk factors for GDM: Body Mass
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Gui- Index (BMI) > 30 kg/m2, previous macrosomic
deline. After diagnosis, the patient underwent regu-
lar glycemia checks: mean fasting blood glucose
infant, previous GDM, family history of diabetes
value was 103.63 ± 1.46 mg/dl, whereas 1-hour and mellitus (first-degree relatives) and family origin
2-hours after-meal values were 122.74 ± 11.14 mg/dl in an area with high prevalence of diabetes mel-
and 110.74 ± 10.70 mg/dl, respectively. We decided litus. GDM is diagnosed if the woman has either
to prescribe a low-calorie diet and oral treatment a fasting plasma glucose level ≥ 101 mg/dl or a
with 4 g of Myo-Ins, 3 times per day for 3 weeks. 2-hour plasma glucose level ≥ 140 mg/dl4.
RESULTS: After the treatment, mean fasting To date, it is widely accepted that GDM can
value was 90.74 ± 5.30 mg/dl, whereas 1-hour af-
ter and 2-hours after-meal values were 108.11 ± increase the risk of adverse maternal-fetal out-
6.05 mg/dl and 101.21 ± 4.78 mg/dl, respectively. comes, such as cesarean section rate, macrosomia,
DISCUSSION: We reported a significant de- and neonatal hypoglycemia; also, it may play a
crease of glycemia in a faster and steady way at pivotal role in promoting childhood obesity and
fasting, 1-hour and 2-hours after-meal post oral cardiovascular diseases in the offspring, through
treatment with 4 g of Myo-Ins 3 times per day, in an epigenetic imprinting5. GDM is also associated
a patient affected by GDM.
CONCLUSIONS: On the one hand, we could
with increased risk of diabetes in the later life of
confirm the safety profile of the molecule also at the mother: these women have high levels of in-
this high dosage, free from any side effects; on sulin resistance in puerperium and/or later in life,
the other hand, our experience highlighted the suggesting that GDM is a transient manifestation
faster glucose-lowering effect due to a higher of longstanding metabolic impairment with a pre-
dose of Myo-Ins. This outcome may open a new disposition to re-appear in the future6. Despite
scenario in the treatment of GDM. consistent and continue efforts, the pathogenesis of
GDM is still far from be fully understood. Never-
Key Words
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Myo-inositol, Treat-
theless, it was already showed that pregnancy itself
ment, Inositol. represents a state of insulin resistance, and GDM
occurs when insulin secretion fails to counterbal-
ance the increased insulin resistance during preg-
nancy7. Also, GDM onset and progression seem to
Introduction be associated with a significant dysregulation of
inflammatory pathways mirrored by an increase
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) rep- in circulating inflammatory molecules and overex-
resents a form of glucose intolerance and insulin pression of inflammation-related genes in the pla-
resistance at the onset of pregnancy or first recog- centa8. Considering this background, several stud-
nized during pregnancy1. Although validated data ies9 and meta-analyses already tried to shed light

Corresponding Author: Vittorio Unfer, MD; e-mail: 73

L. Costabile, V. Unfer

on the possible strategies to prevent GDM: among was 90.74 ± 5.30 mg/dl, whereas 1-hour after and
these interventions, lifestyle modification during 2-hours after-meal was 108.11 ± 6.05 mg/dl and
pregnancy can reduce the risk of GDM10. This 101.21 ± 4.78 mg/dl, respectively. As summarized
evidence led to the rationale of using insulin-sen- in Figure 1, following the treatment there was a
sitizing molecules to ameliorate maternal insulin significant decrease of fasting (p < 0.0001), 1-hour
resistance: on the one hand, recent data suggest (p < 0.001) and 2-hours after-meal (p < 0.01) gly-
that metformin is an effective and safe alternative cemia. Remarkably, lower values of glycemia were
to insulin for GDM patients11; on the other hand, observed after the first administration of Myo-Ins
the robust data about myo-inositol (Myo-Ins) safe- and no side effects were recorded. The rest of
ty profile12 and effectiveness in postmenopausal pregnancy lacked of noteworthy events and finally
women with metabolic syndrome13 and Polycystic patients had physiologic labor and vaginal deliv-
Ovary Syndrome14-16 broaden the horizon also for ery at 39 weeks of gestation, without any adverse
the treatment and prevention of GDM. Based on maternal-fetal outcome. Restoration of normal glu-
the already explored mechanisms, we take the op- cose tolerance postpartum was recorded.
portunity to report our experience about a case of
GDM successfully treated with Myo-Ins.

Case Report Inositol, also known as cyclohexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-

hexol, belongs to vitamin B complex. Due to epi-
A 29-year-old Caucasian woman, nulliparous, merization, this polyol exists as nine stereoisomeric
came to our observation for her first pregnancy forms depending on the spatial orientation of its
at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Centre AGUN- six-hydroxyl groups18. Inositol is synthesized by
CO. As standard protocol, the patient was in- both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, while in
formed at the admission and signed an informed mammals it is obtained from dietary sources (as free
consent allowing data collection for research pur- inositol(s), phosphatidyl-inositol or inositol-6-phos-
poses. Also, this report was approved by an in- phate), and endogenous synthesis from glucose19.
dependent Institutional Review Board (IRB) and The Myo-Ins derivative inositol triphosphate (ins-
conforms the CARE (Consensus-based Clinical 1,4,5P3, insP3) acts as an intracellular second mes-
Case Reporting) Guideline17, available through senger, regulating the activities of several hormones
the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and such as insulin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH),
Transparency Of health Research) network. and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)20,21. Also,
Despite a family history of type 2 diabetes previous data22 showed that Myo-Ins concentrations
within first-degree relatives, patient’s personal his- in amniotic fluid increase significantly in women
tory was negative for any disease. Her pre-preg- later developing GDM, probably due to the higher
nancy BMI was 27.24 kg/m2 (overweight), which urinary fetal excretion of this molecule under hy-
increased to 30.44 kg/m2 (class I obesity) during perglycemic conditions.
pregnancy. The pregnancy was uneventful until Considering the widely recognized insulin-sen-
the 24th week when the patient underwent 75 g sitizing activity23, Myo-Ins was recently used to
OGTT (fasting blood glucose value was 101 mg/ prevent and treat GDM. It was already showed that
dl; 1-hour and 2-hours after-meal values were 132 Myo-Ins supplementation, administered since early
mg/dl and 126 mg/dl, respectively), and GDM was pregnancy, reduces GDM incidence both in over-
diagnosed according to NICE guideline4. After weight non-obese24 and obese25 women. Apart from
the diagnosis, the patient followed a low-calorie these elegant randomized controlled trials, several
diet for 3 weeks and underwent regular glycemia systematic reviews and meta-analyses26,27 seem to
checks: mean fasting value (± SD) was 103.63 confirm the key role of Myo-Ins in preventing
± 1.46 mg/dl, whereas 1-hour after and 2-hours GDM and ameliorate insulin resistance. A recent
after-meal values were 122.74 ± 11.14 mg/dl and Cochrane systematic review found that Myo-Ins
110.74 ± 10.70 mg/dl, respectively. In full agree- was associated with a reduction in the fasting and
ment with the patient, after 3 weeks an oral treat- 1-hour post-prandial blood glucose concentration at
ment with 4 g of Myo-Ins 3 times per day was the end of treatment28. Our case outcome is perfect-
combined with the low-calorie diet, for further 3 ly in line with this trend, even though higher dosage
weeks. The patient was monitored daily. After the of Myo-Ins was used, which lowered blood glucose
treatment, mean blood glucose value at fasting levels in a faster and steady way.

GDM and myo-inositol

Figure 1. Mean blood glucose val-

ues at fasting, 1-hour and 2-hours after
meal. Diet was followed for 3 weeks
and then it was combined with 4 g of
Myo-Ins, 3 times per day for further 3
weeks, during late pregnancy. Values
are shown as mean ± SD. Statistical dif-
ferences are calculated between means
(Diet vs. Diet + Myo-Ins). p-value: * <
0.01; ** < 0.001; *** < 0.0001.

Conclusions Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) criteria. J

Perinat Med 2016. pii: /j/jpme.ahead-of-print/jpm-
2016-0099/jpm-2016-0099.xml. doi: 10.1515/
On the one hand, we could confirm the safety jpm-2016-0099. [Epub ahead of print].
profile of the molecule also at this high dosage, 4) National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
free from any side effects; on the other hand, our Diabetes in pregnancy: management from pre-
experience highlighted the faster glucose-lower- conception to the postnatal period. National Col-
ing effect due to a higher dose of Myo-Ins. This laborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s
Health (UK). London: National Institute for Health
outcome may open a new scenario in the treat- and Care Excellence (UK); 2015 Feb. [Epub ahead
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5) Ornoy A, Reece EA, Pavlinkova G, K appen C, Miller RK.
Effect of maternal diabetes on the embryo, fe-
Conflict of Interest tus, and children: congenital anomalies, genetic
Vittorio Unfer is employee at LO.LI. Pharma, Rome, Italy. and epigenetic changes and developmental out-
The other author declares that has no conflict of interests comes. Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today 2015;
regarding the publication of this paper. 105: 53-72.
6) Corrado F, D’anna R, L aganà A s, Di Benedetto A.
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en affected by glucose intolerance during preg-
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