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USN NMAM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NITTE (An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi) Third Semester B.E. (Mechanical) (Credit System) Degree Examinations November - December 2018 47ME301 - ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS - Il uration: 3 Hours ») °) b) °) b) °) Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer Five full questions choosing One full question from each Unit. Unit-1 i g=2xy?z* and F=V¢ then find V-F and VxF. Evaluate these at (1,-1.1) i) if A and Bare irrotational then show that Ax Bis solenoidal. ii) WF = (aay + 2°)f + (bx? +2] + (bxz? +ey)h is irotational then find a,band c. Prove that the cylindrical coordinate system is orthogonal. r th raxitjj+zk and = r=|r|_ then prove that VIO= LOS. Show that F =(y2—x°y)i + (xy? —x2*)j + Qxy-2x7y)k is a solenoidal vector field. Is F an irrotational vector field? Justify. Find the directional derivative of ¢= xy? + yz? +21? at the point (1,0,1) in the direction of 7+2j + 2k Unit -11 Verify Stoke's theorem for the vector field F = (x? + y*)i -(2xy)j around the rectangle in the xy—plane bounded by the lines x= 0, x=5, y=0 and y=3. Using Green's theorem in the plane — evaluate J? -2—))de-+(x?y+3)dy where C is the boundary of the c region enclosed by y? =8x and x=2. Find the work done in moving a particle in the xy— plane along the circle x=3cost , y=3sint from ¢=Oto ¢=z in the force field F = (2x—y+2)i+(x+y-2*)7+Gx-2y)k. Show that F =(3x?y)i +(2y2+2°)} +(y2)k is a conservative Vector field. Find its scalar potential and hence find the work done in moving a particle from A(1,-1,2)to B(1,2,-3). Ae Marks 7 on BT* CO* PO* us 1 2 31° 2 3 1 1 3 1 4 i301 2 wBwo1 614 3 2 2 L3 2 2 32 2 2 2 b) ° a) b) 0) °) a) 9 e301 . SEE - Nov. - Dec. 2018 os ‘and prove Green's theorem in the plane. using Gauss dlvergence theorem evaluate [fF fds where § Fe(y-z+28-Oz+4)J-Gz)k and Sis the surface of the cube x=0, =2, y=0, y=2,z=0 and z=2 Unit - Il Find the half range Fourier cosine series of f(x) = 2 OSxSz. The following table gives ‘the variation of periodic current over a period. iw) |_0_| Te | 18 | 12 [210 | sre [ T ‘Atamp)| 1.98 [1.30 | 1.05 | 1.30 | -0.88 | -0.25 | 1.98 Expand this as a Fourier series up to first harmonics. 0 -21 A e* O2 Unit-1V State and prove convolution theorem. Solve the difference equation t,y2— 2p +n "given that uy =2and u, =1. 2(z 00s) sh 9) = 22 = 208°) _ and hence deduce that ow that Z(c089) = => os g 41 2(z—acos8) 2(a" cos) = az c0s0 +a" Using partial fraction method find the inverse Z - transform of Sz (2-2)3z-1) NN 3 L3 L3 u3 L3 L3 us L3 wo an b) °) ) °) b) BT" Bloom's Taxonomy, L* Level; 47ME301 SEE - Nov. - Dec, if Z@u,) =U(z) then prove that for any k>0 ~ 218 ) — 2W,4)=2"U(2); ) Zig) = 2"[U@)— uy 2" Find the Z —transform of the following functions. ) 4, =a"; m2] ii) u, =coshn@. Unit-v x-y . Zia yt aN imaginary part of an analytic function then find that analytic function and hence find its real part. Ifv= 2 Using the Residue theorem evaluate (32+? 4. where C c2(z-I(z+2) isthe circle |z|=3. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z = 0,1, onto w=—1,-i,0 If f(z) =u(x,y)+iv(x, y) is analytic in a domain D then prove that at any point of D, a and 4 2 Find the series representation for —52*7 in the region le| <2. 245246 2 Using Cauchy's integral formula evaluate (4 dewhere C is er the circle ) fest i) |eaj=1. CO* Course Outcome; PO* Program Outcome 6 L3 L3 L3 L3 u3 3 USN E OF TECHNOLOGY, NITTE (An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi) Third Semester B.E. (Mechanical) (Credit System) Degree Examinations November - December 2018 17ME302~ MATERIALS SCIENCE AND METALLURGY NMAM INSTITUT] Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer Five full questions choosing Two full questions from Unit — I and Unit - Il each and One full question from Unit - Ill. : Unit-1 Marks BT* CO* PO* 4. a) Define with example (i) Unit cell (i) Atomic Packing factor out 1 4 b) Differentiate edge and screw dislocations, o 1 41 1 ¢) Explain the cause of initiation of solidification with a suitable sketch. o 12 2 1 4) With neat diagram explain cast metal structure, om i 2 1 2. a) What is a surface defects? Explain types of Surface defects with diagrams. 10 1 1 1 ) Differentiate homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, 04 12 2 1 ¢) White a note on pure metal solidification o Lt 2 4 3. a) Whatis diffusion? State and explain Fick's laws of diffusion. Oo uu 4 4 b) What are the different fact a tors that influence the Diffusivity of a system? ©) Two metals A and B have their melting points at 900°C and 800°C respectively. The alloy pair forms a eutectic at 600°C of composition 80% B and 40% A. A and B have unlimited mutual liquid solubilities, Their solid solubilities are as follows. 10% B in A at 600°C and 5% Bin A at 0°C 8% Ain B at 600°C and 4% A in B at 0°C Assume the liquidus, solidus and solves lines to be straight. No Solid state reactions or any intermediate phase changes occur in the series, i) Draw the phase diagram for the series and label all salient temperatures, compositions and regions. ii) Find the room temperature (25°C) structure of any alloy of composition 60% A and 40% B, with respect to the 0 1 1 1 ‘number, type, extent and composition of the phases. wo W 2 2 Unit- 11 4. a) Drawa neat sketch of Fe-FesC equilibrium diagram. Write down the reaction involved in Fe-FesC system. ou 3 4 ) List linear and non- linear properties. O 1 4 4 ©) Draw typical creep curve, explain. 6 4 4 5. a) Whatis T.T.T diagram? Explain with a neat diagram the Martensitic transformation of Austenite. wm Lt 3 4 >) With sketch explain Cup and Cone fracture. | Oo Lt 4 4 ©) What is fracture? State the difference between Ductile and brittle fractures. Oo 1 4 8 @) Give detailed classification of heat treatment process. Explain Martempering and Austempering with sketches. 10 12 3 4 >) What is fatigue? Explain R-R Moore fatigue test with graph. oO Wt 4 4 PTO. a) b) °) d . a) b) 9 d BT" Bloom's Taxonomy, L* Level; ~CO* Course Outcome; PO* 47ME302 ‘SEE ~ November - December 2018 Unit - II Explain the compositions and uses of Qray cast iron and white cast iron. . Write the types and Properties of Copper alloys. What is composite material? Classify based on matrix materials. Give the advantages of composite materials. Write a note on brass materials, Mention the composition, properties and application of High Carbon Steel. Briefly explain reinforcement materials used in composites. Classify the composite materials in detail, steetnenetenente 828 2 2828 Program Outcome a aaaa aan UsN [| “| L J NMAM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NITTE (An Autonomous institution affliated to VTU, Belagavi) Third Semester B.E. (Mechanical) (Credit System) Degree Examinations November - December 2018 ‘47ME303 ~ BASIC THERMODYNAMICS san: 3 Hous Max. Marks: 100 Vote: 1) Answer Five full questions choosing Two full questions from Unit - | and Unit- Il each | and One full question from Unit — Ill. 2) Thermodynamic data hand book Permitted to use. unt~! Marks BT CO* PO* 2) ustrate any two applications of thermodynamics with help of line diagrams. 10 L*2 1 1 b) Illustrate a Quasi-static process. What are the conditions to be satisfied for a system to achieve thermodynamic equilibrium? 10 L2 1 1 2. a) Give the comparison of heat and work Identifying their sign conventions. Derive an expression for Work done and heat transfer for a reversible adiabatic process. Newton proposed a linear temperature scale, in which the ice point temperature was taken as 0°N and the normal human body temperature was taken as 12°. Find the conversion scale between Newton scale of temperature and centigrade scale of temperature, if ite temperature of the human body on the centigrade scale is 37°C. 10 L2 2 3 Derive the steady flow energy equation for a single stream of fluid entering and leaving the control volume. A fluid system undergoes a non-flow frictionless process following the pressure — volume relation as P = Fats, where P is in bar and V is in m®. During the process volume changes from 0.15m° to 0.05m’ and the system rejects 45 kJ of heat. Determine: i) Change in internal energy, ii) Change in enthalpy. Unit - 11 Prove that of all heat engines operating between the two temperature limits, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible engine working between the same temperature limits. 10 A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at temperatures of 600°C and 40°C. The engine drives a reversible refrigerator, which operates between 40°C and -20°C. The heat transfer to the engine is 2000 KJ and network output from combined engine and refrigerator system is 360 KJ. Calculate heat transfer to the refrigerator and net heat transfer to the reservoir at 40°C. > b) 5. a) State and prove that kelvin plank and Clausius statements of ‘Second law of thermodynamics are equivalent. 10 L2 4 1 P.T.O. SEE- November — December 2018 4mME303 b) A heat engine is used to drive a heat pump. The heat transfers ») ») & a) ») from the heat engine and from the heat pump are used to heat the water circulating through the radiators of a building. The efficiency of the heat engine is 27% and the COP of the heat pump is 4. Evaluate the ratio of heat transfer to the circulating water to the heat transfer to the heat engine. State the inequality of Clausius. Show that for an imeversible ds25QT. 5 kg copper block at a temperature of 200°C is dropped into an insulated tank containing 100 kg oil at a temperature of 30°c. Find the increase in entropy of the universe due to this process when copper block and the oil reach thermal equilibrium. Assume that the specific heats of copper and oil are respectively 0.4 ki/kg K and 2.1 kd/kg K. Unit - Draw diagrams and explain the different lines on aT-S and P-T diagram. Temperature of feed water entering a boiler is 50° C. and the pressure of steam in the boiler is 13 bar. How much heat will be Tequired to produce one kilogram of steam if the steam produced is, () 0.97 dry. (ji) Dry saturated. (ji) Superheated with 40° C. of superheat. Take specific heat at constant pressure for superheated steam as 2.1 ki/kg k and specific heat of water is 4.187 kifkg k Obtain the expressions for the constants a, b and R in terms of the ciitical properties for a Vander Waal gas. 1.25m® of air at 180°C and 8 bar is undergoing a constant pressure process until the volume is doubled, determine the change in entropy and enthalpy of air. 10 10 10 10 10 BT* Bloom's Taxonomy, L* Level; + CO* Course Outcome; PO* Program Outcome L3 L2 L3 L3 L2 L3 oN LTTTTT E OF TECHNOLOGY, (An Autonomous institution affliated to VTU, Ae Third Semester B.E. (Mechanical) (Credit System) Degree Examinations November - December 2018 47ME304 —~ MANUFACTURING PROCESSES - I uration: 3 Hours aia estes 100 Note: Answer Five full questions choosing Two full questions from Unit - | and Unit- Il each and One full question from Unit - Ill NMAM INSTITUT! ; Unit-1 BT* CO* PO* 4. a) Explain with a diagram the process and parts involved in mans preparation of sand moulds used in metal casting, 6.2 1 1 b) What is a pattern allowance? What are the different pattem allowances? Explain any two with sketches VPS c) Explain the advantages of no bake moulds. d) Eoin the jolt and squeeze machine used for preparation of sand moulds. L2 1 L2 2 1 oO aa L2 2 1 2. @) What is a Core? What are the different types of cores? Explain balanced core and ram up core with neat sketches. 5 L1 1 1 b) List the different types of plant layout. Explain any two with block diagrams. 5 u 4 4 ©) Explain the following advanced casting methods with neat sketches i) True centrifugal casting ii) Hot chamber Goose-neck or Air injection type pressure die casting. fo 2 1 3. a) With a neat sketch explain the construction and working of a cupola furnace. 70 1 2 1 b) What is a Pattern? Explain any four types of patterns with sketches. 5 1 1 ©) What is manufacturing? What is the importance of manufacturing to a country's economy? Also give the classification of manufacturing, Unit - I 4. a) Explain the following with neat sketches: ; . () Embossing (ii) Extrusion (ji) Angle Bending (iv) Wire drawing (v) Shearing. ; b) ns he process of extrusion molding of plastics with neat a sketch. A , , ©) Briefly explain the various steps involved in processing of ceramics with a block diagram. 5. a) What is ing? List the different types of forging methods and ) on ¥ smith forging with neat sketches. 5 2 3 4 a B x lain any three types of ; = b) eat Pe dashes Explain the applications of ceramics with examples. oo 4 14 ©) What is rolling? Explain different types of Rolling with neat sketches. 5 uu 3 4 P.1.0. a) b) °) BT* Bloom's Taxonomy, L* Level; 47™ME304 ; SEE - November - December 2018 Explain the following processes with neat sketches: (9 Float process for sheet glass manufacturing, (ji) Press and blow process of Glass forming. Explain the working of progressive die with a neat sketch, Explain the advantages and disadvantages of powder ‘metallurgy process. Unit - 111 ) Classify the welding processes based on principles of welding, Explain the TIG (Tungsten inert gas) welding with a neat sketch. Explain Electron beam welding with a neat sketch mention its advantages and disadvantages, Explain the explosive welding with a neat sketch, Explain laser welding with a neat sketch and mention its advantages and disadvantages. Explain the welding defects with neat sketches. CO* Course Outcome; PO* Program Outcome BB B BR & B&B BB on an an - \ USN [7 I | X NMAM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NITTE (An Autonomous Institution affiliated ; to VTU, Belagavi) Third Semester B.E. (Mechanical) (Credit System) Degree Examinations November - December 2018 ‘17ME305 ~ MECHANICS OF MATERIALS sn: HO Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer Five full questions choosing One full question from each Unit. Unit-1 Marks BT* CO* PO* 4, a) Prove that the elongation of a rod due the action of a force equal to its self- weight is twice the extension of the rod due to its own weight. iL jieiaaee b) A bar shown in Fig. Q1(b) is subjected to a tensile load of 150kN. If the stress in the middle portion is limited to 160 MPa, determine the diameter of the middle portion. Also find the total elongation of the member. Young's modulus is equal to 200 GPa. | e100 i Lo Lee | : | |,_250mm |, __ 200mm _, |,_350mm_ 1 Fig.Q1(b) 6 2 ) A bar of uniform thickness ‘t' tapers uniformly from a width of by at one end to by at the other end in a length ‘L’. Find an expression for change in length of the bar when subjected to an axial force P. 8 L2 1 2 2. a) Asteel bar ABCD of varying sections is subjected to forces as shown in fig. Q2{a). Find the value of P necessary for equilibrium. If E=210 GPa, determine (i) stress in various elements (ii) Total Elongation of bar (ii) Total strain in the bar. 800mm? 400mm? _600mn? 6OkN |_.p 220K _| |_ sex A D ic im ° 1.5m. oon] Fig.Q2(a) wi 14 2 b) The following data refers to a mild steel specimen tested in a lab. Diameter of specimen is 25 mm. Gauge length of the specimen 200mm. Extension under a load of 20 KN is 0 .04mm, Maximum load is 225 KN. Neck diameter after failure is 18.25 mm. Load at yield point is 150 kN. Length of specimen after failure is 275 mm. Determine (i) Young's modulus, (iv) Percentage elongation. (i)Yield stress, (v) Percentage reduction in area. (il) Ultimate stress 013 4 2 Unit- 1 3. a) A Cast Iron Flat bar of 300 mm long, 50 mm wide & 30 mm thick is acted upon by the following forces; ; 25 KN tensile in the direction of its length, 350kN compressive in the direction of its width & 200 KN tensile in the direction of its thickness. Determine i) Change in volume of the bar ii) Modulus of rigidity ili) Bulk modulus Take Young's modulus as 140 GPa and Poisson's ratio 0.3. 1213 2 2 ee Ae 47™ME305 b) Establish a relation between modulus of rigidity. ‘SEE ~ November ~ December 2018 Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and 4.2) Derive expressions for circumferential *™ cylinder. b) The bronze bar 3m long with between two rigid walls. At 10 °C 4Q(b). Find the magnitude & tyy ll and longitudinal stresses for thin 320mm? cross-sectional area is placed ee {8.2 gap of 2.6mm as shown in Fig. Of stress induced in the bar when it is heated to a temperature 80 °C. For by = x rengs modulus as 80GPs ronze bar assume a=18x10°/°C & - ; Fig. Q4(b) ©) A thin cylinder of intemal diameter 2m contains a fluid at an internal pressure of 3MPa. Determine the maximum thickness of the cylinder if () Longitudinal stress is not to exceed 30MPa and (ii) Circumferential stress is not to exceed 40MPa, What thickness should be selected for design? Unit - 11 5. _ Draw the shear force and Bending moment diagram for the cantilever beam shown in the Fig. 5Q(a). 30kN 10kN 20KNY/m Fig. Q5(a). 6. Asimply supported beam of span 6m is subjected to a concentrated load of 25KN acting at a distance of 2m from the left end. Also subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 10kN/m over the entire span. Draw the bending moment and shear force diagrams indicating the maximum and minimum values. 25kN 10kN/m 8 2 2 én. Fig. Q6(a). Unit -1V 7. a) With usual assumptions derive relation between Bending moment and radius of Curvature for a beam. >) A cast iron test beam 25mmx25mm cross-section and 1m long, supported at its ends fail when a central load of 800N is applied on it. What UDL will break a cantilever of the same material 50mm wide, 100mm deep and 2m long. 10 12 20 13 20 L3 10 L2 10 13 2 3 3 4 4 2 2

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