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Mechanical Integrity Inspections

for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems

Keys for Establishing Protocols at Food Industry Facilities
By Don Hendrickson, P.E., Randy Institute (ANSI), American Society of
Peterson, P.E., and Kerry Goforth, P.E. Nondestructive Testing and American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) have developed
Issued in 1992, the Occupational Safety and and issued codes, guidelines and recommended
Health Administration (OSHA) Process Safety practices for determining acceptable testing
Management (PSM) regulation was designed methods and allowances for corrosion and
to guide facilities in the safe management of deterioration of materials.
processes that use highly hazardous chemicals.
While many of these guidelines and
One of the major impacts on the food industry recommended practices were not written for the
is the regulation’s application to ammonia ammonia refrigeration industry, the techniques
refrigeration systems, which are widely used and protocols can be used in establishing and
in food processing, storage and distribution maintaining an MI program.
facilities. The regulation applies to refrigeration
systems that contain more than 10,000 pounds of Ammonia system equipment affected by the
ammonia. It requires owners to perform periodic mechanical integrity provisions of PSM is shown
mechanical integrity inspections on refrigeration in Table 1.
systems to ensure the continued reliability of
equipment and systems and minimize the risk of Inspection Guidelines
accidental release of ammonia. While the regulation does not contain specific
inspection requirements, industry mechanical
PSM is a performance-based standard. As integrity guidelines include both periodic visual
such, it does not prescribe specific methods to inspections of equipment and non-destructive
control hazardous chemicals. Rather, owners are testing. Visual inspections are usually conducted
required to meet performance requirements by by trained plant maintenance personnel and are
implementing management programs within an recommended on an annual basis.
overall PSM program. This approach requires
owners to use inspection and testing procedures Gi\jjli\M\jj\cj ?`^_$gi\jjli\i\Z\`m\ij#cfn$gi\jjli\i\Z\`m\ij#
for mechanical integrity (MI) that are recognized XZZldlcXkfij#`ek\iZffc\ij#k_\idfj`g_feg`cfki\Z\`m\ij#
and generally accepted good engineering Z_`cc\ij#jli^\[ildj#kiXej]\ijkXk`fej
G`g`e^Jpjk\dj I\]i`^\iXekg`g`e^Xe[mXcm\j#jX]\kp
The International Institute of Ammonia
Refrigeration (IIAR) has published a series <d\i^\eZpJpjk\dj =`i\gifk\Zk`fejpjk\dZfdgfe\ekj#\d\i^\eZpj_lk[fne
of mechanical integrity inspection documents jpjk\dj#\d\i^\eZpm\ek`cXk`fe#XcXidjXe[`ek\icfZbj#
oriented to ammonia refrigeration systems that
describe why an MI program is required and <hl`gd\ek :fdgi\jjfij#_\Xk\oZ_Xe^\ij#\mXgfiXkfij#Zfe[\ej\ij#
what the components should be. Other industries [\jlg\i_\Xk\ij#gldgj#i\]i`^\iXekgldgj#nXk\igldgj
that handle hazardous chemicals have created
Gifk\Zk`m\Jpjk\dj @ejlcXk`fejpjk\dj#mXgfii\kXi[\i#`ejlcXk`fed\[`X#
inspection guidelines for many of the same types aXZb\kj#gifk\Zk`m\ZfXk`e^j
of equipment used in ammonia refrigeration
systems. Jlggfikj =fle[Xk`fej#_Xe^\ij#YiXZb\kj#jkXe[j#XeZ_fiYfckj#
Organizations such as the American Petroleum
Institute (API), American National Standards Table 1: Ammonia system equipment affected by the mechanical integrity provisions of PSM.

TECHBriefs 2006 No. 3  Burns & McDonnell

system at a food plant: ultrasonic thickness
LckiXjfe`Zk_`Zbe\jj Lj\jlckiXjfle[nXm\jkfg\e\kiXk\dXk\i`XcXe[[\k\Zk testing; radiographic testing; magnetic particle
k\jk`e^LK jli]XZ\fijlYjli]XZ\[`jZfek`el`k`\j%8cjflj\[kf testing; and liquid penetrant testing. Table 2
d\Xjli\dXk\i`Xck_`Zbe\jj% gives a summary of each of these methods. More
IX[`f^iXg_`Z Lj\j\c\ZkifdX^e\k`ZiXpjO$iXpjXe[^XddXiXpj kf advanced inspection methods are available if
k\jk`e^IK g\e\kiXk\dXk\i`XcXe[i\Zfi[jfe]`cd[`jZfek`el`k`\j`e required.
[`jZfek`el`k`\j% These test procedures should be conducted and
DX^e\k`ZgXik`Zc\ Lj\j\c\Zki`ZXcZlii\ekkfZi\Xk\XdX^e\k`Z]`\c[`eX results interpreted by a qualified NDT technician
k\jk`e^DK jg\Z`d\en_`c\dX^e\k`ZgXik`Zc\j`e[`ZXk\n_\i\k_\]`\c[ in compliance with these standards:
`jYifb\eYpX[`jZfek`el`kp% • IIAR Bulletin 109 Guidelines for IIAR
C`hl`[g\e\kiXek Lj\jXg\e\kiXk`e^c`hl`[kfj\\g`ekfXjli]XZ\[`jZfek`el`kp Minimum Safety Criteria for a Safety Ammonia
k\jk`e^GK Xe[gifm`[\jXm`j`Yc\`e[`ZXk`fe% Refrigeration System
• IIAR Bulletin 110 Guidelines for Start-up,
Table 2: Non-destructive testing methods. Inspection and Maintenance of Ammonia
Mechanical Refrigerating Systems
• ANSI/IIAR Standard 2 Equipment, Design,
Non-destructive testing on ammonia systems and Installation of Ammonia Mechanical
may be employed to measure the thickness of Refrigerating Systems
pipe and vessel walls and predict useful life. This • ANSI/ASME B31.3 Process Piping
testing is typically done by third-party, certified • ANSI/ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping and
firms with the training and equipment to ensure Heat Transfer Components
an accurate test. • ANSI/NBIC-23 NBBI 2001 National Board
Inspection Code
Documentation of inspections or tests is critical to
an owner’s ability to identify at-risk equipment, Pressure Vessels. Annual inspection of pressure
schedule corrective action, maintain an equipment vessels consists of visual inspection of the
history, and keep a compliance log. Each history external surface of the vessel to determine
should include: soundness of the vessel and to ensure
• Date of inspection or test deficiencies are investigated and corrected. If
• Name of person performing the inspection or the vessel insulation is materially damaged, the
test underlying area should be cleaned, inspected and
• Serial number or other equipment identifier treated before reinstatement of the protective
• Description of the inspection or test finish, insulation and vapor barrier.
• Results of the inspection or test
Vessels of unknown origin or those that have
The effectiveness of an inspection and testing been subjected to major repairs without proper
program is enhanced by careful selection of documentation should be replaced.
inspection points. Knowledge of the operation
of refrigeration systems helps to identify the For uninsulated pressure vessels, surface
critical points on the system most susceptible corrosion that does not materially alter the
Kerry Goforth, P.E., is a to corrosion, expansion or contraction, physical thickness of the wall should be cleaned and
project manager in the Food &
Consumer Products group of
damage, leakage, or exposure to weather or repainted. Where pits or material loss have
Burns & McDonnell’s Process & process elements. Based on the inspection results, occurred, the thickness of remaining metal
Industrial division. He has over a determination of deficient components can be should be measured. On insulated vessels,
20 years of experience in the made, as well as an estimate of remaining life where insulation is unsound or damaged, the
food processing industry. He once a corrosion rate has been established. insulation should be removed and the thickness of
received his bachelor’s degree
in agricultural engineering from
remaining metal should be measured.
New Mexico State University and Non-destructive Testing (NDT). There are several
his master’s from Texas A&M acceptable testing methods available for the Piping. Critical piping may include but is not
University. equipment components in a typical refrigeration limited to any piping that is exposed to freeze/

Burns & McDonnell  TECHBriefs 2006 No. 3

MXgfiYXii`\i :fej`[\iXk`fej_flc[Y\^`m\ekfXck\ieXk`m\k\jkd\k_f[jk_Xk[fefki\hl`i\
@ejlcXk`fe N\kfi[XdX^\[`ejlcXk`fej_flc[Y\i\gcXZ\[%
Le[fZld\ek\[m\jj\cj M\jj\cjf]lebefnefi`^`ej_flc[Y\i\gcXZ\[%

;fZld\ekXk`fegif^iXd 8jkife^gif^iXdf]`e`k`Xk`e^#kiXZb`e^Xe[XiZ_`m`e^`ejg\Zk`feXe[

KiX`e`e^ KiX`e`e^fe`ejg\Zk`fegifZ\[li\jj_flc[i\`e]fiZ\k_\`dgfikXeZ\f]k_\

E;Kj\im`Z\j :fekiXZkn`k_Z\ik`]`\[`ejg\Zkfijkfg\i]fidefe$[\jkilZk`m\k\jk`e^

Table 3: Lessons learned from implementing a mechanical integrity program.

thaw cycles, cold but above freezing, hot gas Corrosion Rate/Remaining Life Determination.
piping in cold rooms, defrost return lines or Corrosion rate of vessels and piping may
vessel fill lines. Each of these types of piping is be determined by one of several methods. Don Hendrickson, P.E., is
exposed to condensation or temperature changes Calculation from data collected on vessels in the a senior mechanical engineer
that result in expansion or contraction, making the same or similar service provides a reasonable in Burns & McDonnell’s Process
piping more susceptible to fatigue and leakage. baseline for life estimates. Vessel life may also & Industrial division. He has
15 years of experience. He
be established by experience or published data.
received his bachelor’s degree
Inspection and testing guidelines for uninsulated Finally, testing the wall thickness of materials in mechanical engineering from
piping call for a visual inspection of all piping after 1,000 hours of service and then using an Kansas State University.
and associated components for damage or accepted life calculation, as in API 570 for piping
deterioration. Areas affected by slight corrosion or API RP579 for pressure vessels, will provide a
should be cleaned and treated before reinstating reasonable estimate of vessel integrity.
the protective finish. Where pitting or material
loss has occurred, thickness of the remaining Best Practices for Mechanical Integrity
metal should be measured. Programs
Table 3 contains ideas and lessons learned from
For insulated piping, the external condition of experience of drafting and implementing a
piping insulation and supports should be visually mechanical integrity program.
inspected. Where insulation is unsound or
damaged, the insulation should be removed and Mechanical integrity programs are a required
the thickness of the exposed piping should be part of the OSHA PSM regulations. Ammonia
measured. refrigeration system owners must develop and
Randy Peterson, P.E., is
implement MI programs to ensure the continued a project manager in Burns &
Enhanced inspection includes removal of reliability of system components and prevent the McDonnell’s Food & Consumer
insulation and the thickness of metal measured at accidental release of ammonia. Products group. He is an
ammonia refrigeration specialist
100 ft. intervals and on each section of piping that
with 20 years of experience in
can be exposed to moisture. By using experienced refrigeration professionals
the frozen foods industry. He
and trained personnel, owners can identify received his bachelor’s degree
Air-cooled Finned Heat Exchangers and potential risks and determine the appropriate level from Missouri Western State
Evaporative Condensers. Inspection guidelines of inspection for each system. By using industry University.
call for visual inspection of accessible refrigerant- best practices, owners can ensure their MI
containing tubes and headers. Where pits or programs are sufficient to document the reliability For more information, please e-mail:
material loss has occurred, the thickness of of their refrigeration systems., or
remaining metal should be measured.

TECHBriefs 2006 No. 3  Burns & McDonnell

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