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Week 4 Discussion

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


Professor’s Name


Week 4 Discussion

Prompt 1: Data Collection

Data collection is one of the most important steps in doing research. My topic requires

me to explore the experiences of elderly patients with geriatric issues who reside in nursing

homes. I will use the mixed methods so as to accommodate the actual experiences of elderly

patients as well as analyze existing data so as to look for correlation between geriatric issues

and elderly patient’s experiences. This will call for qualitative methods such as interviews

and observational groups which will give the patients voice to air their insights and

experiences (Pathak et al, 2013). This is especially important for elderly patients since they

are a unique and vulnerable group whose challenges may not be easily discernible (BGS,

2017). The data derived will be supported by qualitative research methods which will involve

reviewing the findings of patient satisfaction in relation to the existence of geriatric issues by

analyzing existing data using computational methods as well as using surveys (Scribrr, 2020).

Some of the challenges I will face will be determining the size of the sample to be used for

my qualitative research. Elderly patients may also pose a challenge since they may not be

able to understand the questionnaires and interviews while some may lack concentration,

awareness and memory required due to the conditions they suffer from. I will therefore need

to interact with the patients so as to know those who are eligible for interviews and

questionnaires. I will also need to form a good rapport with them and explain clearly to them

the need and importance of the research.

Prompt 2: Ethics

The video introduces the importance of ethics for nurses in doing research. It

emphasizes its importance in establishing reliability. Increased in the scope of the nurses’

work over the years has increased giving them more responsibilities which affect the general

care of patients and therefore nurses have an increased need to be ethically driven (Leuter et

al., 2017). Personal integrity ensures that practices are reliable and up to standard therefore

contributing to reliable evidence-based practice which ensures achievements of goals such as

the quadruple aim and ultimately better service provision (Modica, 2020). Ethics in research

also minimize errors leading to new genuine development which will benefit the medical

industry as a whole (NIH, n.d.). Nurses may be faced with situations that conflict with their

personal attitudes and beliefs and therefore need to have personal integrity so as to do what is

best for the participants. This is because ethics are not clear cut due to the different beliefs

among many people. Patients, their families may have requests that conflict with the nurses’

preferences and therefore nurses should seek support and guidance from their superiors as

well as consult and educate patients on why they should reconsider some of their decisions.


BGS. (2017, August 22). Age and ageing themed collection of qualitative research in

geriatric medicine. British Geriatrics Society | Improving healthcare for older people.


Leuter et al (2017). Ethical difficulties in healthcare: A comparison between physicians and

nurses. Nursing Ethics, 25(8), 1064-1074.

Modica, C. (2020). The value transformation framework: An approach to value-based care

in Federally qualified health centers. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 42(2), 106-112.

NIH. (n.d.). What is ethics in research & why is it important? National Institute of

Environmental Health Sciences.



Pathak, V., Jena, B., & Kalra, S. (2013). Qualitative research. PubMed Central (PMC).

Scribbr. (2020, July 3). Data collection | A step-by-step guide with methods and examples.

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