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A Module Handbook or collection of module descriptions that is also available for students to

consult should contain the following information about the individual modules:

Module designation Practice of Automotive Measurement

Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6013
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Practice of Automotive Measurement
Semester(s) in which the 2nd semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Windra Irdianto,
Lecturer Windra Irdianto
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Have in-depth knowledge of basic automotive science as a basis
for solving problems in the automotive field in accordance with
the development of science and technology
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester
Credit points 3 ects
Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM
examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended  Understand the important terms in measurement
learning outcomes  Understand measurement systems and standards
 Understand tolerance and conformity
 Understand the various measuring instruments
 Understand the various measurements
 Determine the sources of measurement error
 Able to select and use measuring instruments according to
the SOP
 Able to take measurements with high-precision, low-
precision or non-precise measuring instruments
 Able to read measurement results and compare with factory
 Calibrate and perform minor repair of automotive workshop
measuring equipment
 Maintain and maintain measuring equipment according to
the SOP
 Store measuring equipment properly and correctly
Content The scope of this course material includes understanding the
concept of learning resources, understanding the types and
principles of textbook writing, understanding textbook writing
techniques, analyzing textbook content, understanding textbook
writing procedures including planning, developing and testing
the results of textbook writing, analyzing types and development
principles. learning media, analyzing objective analysis, media
content, analyzing media development techniques including
planning, implementing, and testing media, analyzing the types
and principles of LOM development, analyzing objective analysis,
LOM content, analyzing LOM development techniques, analyzing
LOM development processes including: planning,
implementation, and LOM testing
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films
Reading list  Bencwith. 2001. Mechanical Measuremet. New York:
 Holman, J. P. . . . . Experimental Methode for Engineers.
 Munaji, Suji. 2003. Instrumentasi Industri. Jakarta:
 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003. Mesin dan Instrumentasi. Jakarta:
Module designation Apprenticeship
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6090
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Apprenticeship
Semester(s) in which the 6th semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Sumarli
Lecturer Sumarli
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Mastering the concepts of management, cooperation, and
entrepreneurship to design and implement in the motorized
vehicle repair service business.
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester
Credit points 6 ects
Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM
examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended  Identify the industry where industrial practice is.
learning outcomes  Negotiating to carry out industrial practices
 Prepare industry practice proposals.
 Doing Practices in Industry.
 Prepare reports on industrial practice activities.
Content The scope of this course material includes feasibility studies for
industries where industrial practice is carried out, Negotiation
Strategies for implementing industrial practice, Guidelines for
preparing industrial practice proposals, Industrial practice
guidance methods, Practical Guidelines in Industry, Guidelines
for preparing activity reports.
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films
Reading list  Jurusan Teknik Mesin. (. . . ) Pedoman Praktik Industri
 Universitas Negeri Malang 2010. Pedoman Karya Ilmiah.
Edisi ke 10 Malang: UM Press

Module designation Research Project

Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6100
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Research Project
Semester(s) in which the 6th semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Sumarli
Lecturer Sumarli
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Have knowledge and skills in conducting research and
development in the automotive learning field to produce
scientific publications and educational improvements.

Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester

Workload Total of 96 hours per semester

Credit points 6 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Perform research problem analysis

learning outcomes  Build a title selection strategy
 Thesis
 Observing the thesis umbrella
 Prepare a thesis proposal.
 Arranging instruments,
 Perform data retrieval
 Perform data analysis.
 Preparation of thesis reports

Content The scope of this course material includes analysis of research

problems, title selection strategy, thesis implementation guide,
thesis umbrella program, thesis proposal preparation guide,
instrument preparation guide, data collection guide, data
analysis guide, thesis report preparation guide,

Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films
Reading list Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Penyusunan Skripsi. Malang: Jurusan
Teknik Mesin FT UM.
Teknik Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Malang: Universitas Negeri
Module designation Research Methodology
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable FTEKUM6002
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Research Project
Semester(s) in which the 6th semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Syarif Suhartadi
Lecturer Syarif Suhartadi
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Have the knowledge and skills in conducting research and
development in the automotive learning fields that are critical,
innovative, adaptive, in accordance with the development of
science and technology and producing scientific publications.

Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester

Workload Total of 96 hours per semester

Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Understand the basic logic of scientific research,

learning outcomes  Distinguishing the type / type of research,
 Formulating problem formulations,
 Developing a theoretical framework,
 Determine research variables, and their relationship,
 Formulate a hypothesis,
 Describe data & data sources,
 Determine the data collection method,
 Understand population & sample,
 Develop research instruments,
 Choosing data analysis techniques,
 Interpret data,
 Prepare a research proposal
Content The scope of this subject matter includes the basic logic of
scientific research, differences in the variety / type of research,
problem formulation, theoretical frameworks, research
variables, and their relationships, hypotheses, data & data
sources, data collection methods, population & samples,
research instruments, data analysis techniques , Data
Interpretation, and Research Proposals

Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films

Reading list  Ary, Donald. , Jacob Lucy Chaser. , dan Razavieh Agshar.
2005. Introduction to Research in Education. New York:
Holt Rinehart and Winston.
 Creswell. 2003. Research Design: Qualitative,
Quantitative, And Mixed Methods Approaches. London:
SAGE Publications.
 Gay, L. R. 2001. Educational Research: Competencies for
Analysis and Aplication. Second Edition. Columbus:
Charles E. Merril Publishing Co.
 Kountur, Ronny. 2003. Metode Penelitian untuk
Penulisan Skripsi dan Tesis. Jakarta: Penerbit PPM
 Sukardi. 2008. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan.
Kompetensi dan Praktiknya. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Module designation Schooling Field Experience
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable UPLPUM6090
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Research Project
Semester(s) in which the 7th semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Team
Lecturer Team
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Having theoretical knowledge and skills in designing,
implementing, and evaluating critical, innovative, adaptive, and
communicative automotive vocational learning in accordance
with the character and culture of students in the global era.

Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester

Workload Total of 96 hours per semester

Credit points 4 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Arrange learning tools,

learning outcomes  Applying learning practices to real classroom settings,
 Reflect through lesson studies in order to improve
performance in a sustainable manner, as well
 Have a professional attitude and behavior as a prospective

Content The scope of this course material includes learning tools,

learning practices in real classroom settings, reflection through
lesson study in order to improve performance on an ongoing
basis, as well as professional attitudes and behavior as
prospective teachers.

Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films
Reading list  Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran.
Pusat Pengembangan Program Pengalaman Lapangan
Universitas Negeri Malang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Praktik
Pengalaman Lapangan (Ppl) Keguruan Universitas Negeri
 Ibrohim. 2012. PPPL Berbasis Lesson Study: Sebagai
Alternatif untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Praktik engalaman
Mengajar Mahasiswa Calon Guru FMIPA UM.
 Saito, E. , 2006. Development of school based in-service
teacher training under the Indonesian Mathematics and
Science Teacher Education Project. Improving Schools. Vol. 9
(1): 47-59
 Syamsuri, I. dan Ibrohim, 2008. Studi Pembelajaran (Lesson
Study): Model Pembinaan Pend Secara Pendidik secara
Kolaboratif dan Berkelanjutan, Dipetik dari Program
SISTTEMS-JICA di Kabupaten Pasuruan Jawa Timur. Malang:
Module designation Community Service Program
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable UKKNUM6090
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Community Service Program
Semester(s) in which the 7th semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Team
Lecturer Team
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Mastering the concepts of management, cooperation, and
entrepreneurship to design and implement in the motor vehicle
repair service business.

Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester

Workload Total of 96 hours per semester

Credit points 4 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Understand the dynamics of community life

learning outcomes  Mapping and analyzing community needs
 Applying motivational techniques through providing learning
experiences in applying science, technology, and arts in
 Implementing students' social intelligence and emotional
intelligence (sensitivity, care, and partisanship, commitment,
empathy, and adaptation) through providing integrated
learning experiences in the realities and dynamics of
people's lives.

Content The scope of this course material includes dynamics of

community life, mapping and analysis of community needs,
motivational techniques through providing learning experiences
in applying science, technology, and arts in society,
implementation of student social intelligence and emotional
intelligence (sensitivity, concern, and partisanship,
commitment, empathy, and adaptation) by providing integrated
learning experiences in the realities and dynamics of people's
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films

Reading list
Module designation Development of Learning Resource
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6040
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Development of Learning Resource
Semester(s) in which the 3rd semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Partono
Lecturer Partono
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Having theoretical knowledge and skills in designing,
implementing, and evaluating critical, innovative, adaptive, and
communicative automotive vocational learning in accordance
with the character and culture of students in the global era.

Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester

Workload Total of 96 hours per semester

Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Understand the types and principles of textbook writing

learning outcomes  Understand textbook writing techniques
 Analyze textbook contents
 Understand the procedures for writing textbooks including
planning, developing and testing the results of textbook
 Analyzing the types and principles of learning media
 Analyze Analysis of objectives, media content
 Analyze Media development techniques include planning,
implementing, and testing the media
 Analyzing the types and principles of LOM development
 Analyze Analysis of objectives, contents of LOM
 Analyzing LOM development techniques
 Analyzing LOM development process includes: planning,
implementation, and LOM testing.
Content The scope of this course material includes dynamics of
community life, mapping and analysis of community needs,
motivational techniques through providing learning experiences
in applying science, technology, and arts in society,
implementation of student social intelligence and emotional
intelligence (sensitivity, concern, and partisanship,
commitment, empathy, and adaptation) by providing integrated
learning experiences in the realities and dynamics of people's
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films

Reading list
 Association for Educational Comunication Technology
(AECT). 2006. Definisi Teknologi Pendidikan (Penerjemah
Yusufhadi Miarso). Jakarta: C. V. Rajawali (Buku asli
diterbitkan tahun 2007).
 Heinich, R. , M. Molenda, J. D. Russell, dan S. E Smaldino.
1996. Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Merrilan imprint of
Prentice Hall.
 Kemp, Jerold E. 2005. Planning & Producing Audio Visual
Materials. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell.
 Percival, Fred & Henry Ellington. 2000. A Handbook of
Educational Technology. London: Kogan Page Ltd, 120
PePTOMville Road.
 Arsyad, Azhar. 2007. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Raja
Grafindo Persada.
 Sadiman, Arief S. , dkk. 2007. Media Pendidikan
Pengertian, Pengembangan, dan Pemanfaatannya.
Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
 Widodo, Chomsim S. dan Jasmadi. 2002. Panduan
Menyusun Bahan Ajar Berbasis Kompetensi. Jakarta: PT.
Elex Media Komputindo.
 Ivers, Karen S. dan Barron, Ann E. 2005. Multimedia
Projects in Education: Designing, Producing, and
Assessing. Singapura: Springer.
 Raines, Claire dan Williamson, Linda. 1995. Using Visual
Aids. Singapore: Thomson Crisp Learning.
Module designation Learning Evaluation
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6041
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Learning Evaluation
Semester(s) in which the 5th semester
module is taught
Person responsible for the Syarif Suhartadi
Lecturer Syarif Suhartadi
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Having theoretical knowledge and skills in designing,
implementing, and evaluating critical, innovative, adaptive, and
communicative automotive vocational learning in accordance
with the character and culture of students in the global era.
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester
Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended • Understand the meaning, purpose, and benefits of

learning outcomes educational evaluation
• Understand the forms of assessment instruments and
• Develop competency achievement indicators,
• Applying proficiency levels for each domain,
• Applying the quality requirements of test instruments,
• Develop assessment instruments,
• Analyze the test instrument items,
• Scoring in the assessment,
• Applying references in the assessment,
• Designing remedies and reporting,
• Make use of the results of the assessment
Content The scope of this course material includes the meaning,
objectives, and benefits of educational evaluation, forms of
assessment instruments and invoices, competency performance
indicators, level of proficiency in each domain, quality
requirements for test instruments, assessment instruments, test
instrument items, scores in assessment, references in
assessment , remedies and reporting, the benefits of the
assessment results
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films

Reading list  Allen, M. J. & Yen, W. M. 2009. Introduction to

Measurement Theory. Belmont, California: Wadswort,
 Azwar, S. 2000. Reliabilitas dan Validitas. Yogyakarta:
Pustaka Pelajar.
 Cunningham, G. K. 1998. Assessment in the Classroom:
Constructing and Interpreting Test. Falmer Press.
 Erickson, R. C. , & Wentling, T. L. 2008. Measuring
Student Growth: Techniques and Procedures for
Occupational Education. Urbana, Illinois: Griffon Press.
 Gronlund, N. E. 2004. Improving Marking and Reporting
in Classroom Instruction. New York: Macmillan Pub. Co,
 Joni, R. 2004. Pengukuran dan Penilaian Pendidikan.
Surabaya: Karya Anda.
 Kurikulum VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 2004. Pola Induk
Pengembangan Sistem Penilaian Kurikulum Berbasis
Kompetensi. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
 Mardapi, D. 2007. Teknik Penyusunan Instrumen Tes dan
Nontes. Jogjakarta: Mitra Cendekia.
 Marzano, R. J. 2006. Classroom Assessment & Grading
that Work. Alexandria: ASCD.
Module designation Education and Vocational Curriculum
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6042
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Education and Vocational Curriculum
Semester(s) in which the module 4th semester
is taught
Person responsible for the module Syamsul Hadi
Lecturer Syamsul Hadi
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Having theoretical knowledge and skills in designing,
implementing, and evaluating critical, innovative, adaptive, and
communicative automotive vocational learning in accordance
with the character and culture of students in the global era.
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester
Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Explain the concepts and definitions of the curriculum,

learning outcomes  Describe the type of curriculum,
 Describe the foundation of curriculum development,
 Analyzing curriculum elements,
 Formulating curriculum content and materials,
 Explain the concepts of technology and vocational
 Analyze the characteristics of vocational education,
 Describe the basis for the existence of vocational
 Analyzing technology and vocational education
 Describe the theory and model of CAR curriculum
 Describe the characteristics of the CAR curriculum,
 Curriculum evaluation
Content The scope of this subject matter includes curriculum concepts
and definitions, types of curriculum, curriculum development
foundations, curriculum elements, curriculum content and
materials, concepts of technology and vocational education,
characteristics of vocational education, foundation of vocational
education existence, technology and vocational education
curricula, theory and development models. CAR curriculum, CAR
curriculum characteristics, content based curriculum model,
competency based curriculum, VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
curriculum structure, KTSP and Scientific Approach (2013
curriculum), and curriculum evaluation.
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films

Reading list  Bean, A. J. Curriculum Planning and Development.

London: Allyn Bacon, Incs.
 Calhoun, C. C. , Finch, A. A. 2002. Vocational Education:
Concepts and Operations. Belmount: Wadsworth
Publication Company.
 Finch, R. C. , Cruncilton, R. J. 2004.
CurriculumDevelopment in Vocational and Technical
Educations. Boston: Allyn Bacon, Incs.
 Mclean R. , Wilson, D. 2009. International handbook of
Education for the Channging World of Work. Bridging
Academic and Vocating Learning. Bonn. Germany:
UNEVOC Springer

Module designation Instructional Design
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6043
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Instructional Design
Semester(s) in which the module 5th semester
is taught
Person responsible for the module Syarif Suhartadi
Lecturer Syarif Suhartadi
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Having theoretical knowledge and skills in designing,
implementing, and evaluating critical, innovative, adaptive, and
communicative automotive vocational learning in accordance
with the character and culture of students in the global era.
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester
Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Understand the characteristics of vocational high

learning outcomes school learning,
 Understand learning system design models,
 Understand the learning process planning: syllabus and
lesson plan (RPP), and their relationship,
 Developing a productive program syllabus,
 Formulate learning objectives and the impact of
accompaniment (soft skills),
 Develop learning evaluation tools and assessment
 Choosing learning approaches and methods,
 Developing learning scenarios,
 Select and / or develop learning resources / media /
tools / materials,
 Prepare RPP productive programs based on syllabus
that has been developed previously,
 Assess the quality of the RPP for productive programs.
Content The scope of this course material includes the characteristics of
vocational high school learning, learning system design models,
learning process planning: syllabus and lesson plans (RPP), and
their relationships, productive program syllabus, learning
objectives and accompaniment impact (soft skills), Learning
evaluation tools and assessment rubrics, learning approaches
and methods, learning scenarios, developing learning resources
/ media / tools / materials, RPP productive programs, quality of
productive program lesson plans.
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films

Reading list  Anderson, R. H. 2003. Pemilihan dan Pengembangan

Media untuk Pembelajaran. Terjemahan oleh Yusufhadi
Miarso, dkk. 2007. Jakarta: Ditjen Dikti Depdikbud.
 BSNP, 2006. Panduan Penyusunan KTSP Jenjang
Pendidikan dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta: BSNP.
 Dick, W. & Caery, L. 1990. The Sistematic Design of
Instruction (3rd ed. ). USA: Harper Collins Publishers.
 Direktorat SMP. 2006. Pedoman Memilih dan Menyusun
Bahan Ajar. Jakarta: Direktorat SMK Ditjen Dikdasmen
 Muslich, M. 2007. KTSP: Pembelajaran Berbasis
Kompetensi dan Kontekstual: Panduan bagi Guru, Kepala
Sekolah, dan Pengawas Sekolah. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
 Nasution, S. 2008. Berbagai Pendekatan dalam Proses
Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
 Permendiknas No. 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi
Pendidikan untuk Satuan Pendidikan dasar dan
 Permendiknas No. 24 Tahun 2006 tentang Pelaksanaan
Permendiknas No. 22 tentang Standar Isi Pendidikan
untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah dan No.
23 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan
Pendidikan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
Module designation Micro Teaching Practice
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6044
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Micro Teaching Practice
Semester(s) in which the module 6th semester
is taught
Person responsible for the module Syarif Suhartadi
Lecturer Syarif Suhartadi
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Having theoretical knowledge and skills in designing,
implementing, and evaluating critical, innovative, adaptive, and
communicative automotive vocational learning in accordance
with the character and culture of students in the global era.
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester
Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Understand the basic concepts of micro learning,

learning outcomes  Identify the scope of micro learning,
 Understand the characteristics of learners and their
implications in learning communication,
 Understand interaction patterns, elements, models and
principles of learning communication and their
application in learning,
 Doing learning practices,
 Reflect on learning outcomes.
Content The scope of this course material includes the basic concepts of
micro learning, identification of the scope of micro learning, the
characteristics of students and their implications in learning
communication, interaction patterns, elements, models and
principles of learning communication and their application in
learning, basic teaching skills, learning practices, skills to reflect
results. learning.
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films
Reading list  Hasibuan, J. J. 2008. Proses Belajar Mengajar
Keteramppilan Dasar Pengajaran Mikro. bandung; CV
Remaja karya.
 Smith, C. , Hofer, J. Gillespie, Solomon, M. & Rowe, K.
2009. How Teachers Change. Study of professional
development in adult edcationa. New York: Nova science
Publishers. Inc.
 Pah, D. N. 2000. Keterampilan Memberikan Penguatan.
Jakarta: Ditjen DIKTI.
 Abimanyu, S & Pahh, D. N. 2000. Keterampilan membuka
dan menutup pelajaran. Jakarta: DITJEN DIKTI.
 Kosasi, R. 2000. Keterampilan mengadakan variasi.
Jakarta: Ditjen DIKTI.
 Kosasi, R. 2000. Keterampilan Menjelaskan. Jakarta:
Ditjen DIKTI.
 Byrnes, J. P. 2008. Cognitive development. in
instructional contexts. Boston: Pearson education Inc.
Module designation Applied Statistic
Module level, if applicable 4th Years
Code, if applicable PPTOUM6047
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Applied Statistic
Semester(s) in which the module 6th semester
is taught
Person responsible for the module Sumarli
Lecturer Sumarli
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Have knowledge and skills in conducting research and
development in the automotive learning field to produce
scientific publications and educational improvements.
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester
Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM

examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended  Understand the meaning of statistics,

learning outcomes  Understand descriptive statistics
 Understanding inferential statistics, various ways
 Presenting data,
 Understand the theory of opportunities,
 Understand normal curves and
 Understanding the central tendency,
 Understand measures of variability,
 Understand descriptive techniques for 1 sample group
(ratio / interval, ordinal, and nominal data),
 Understanding the comparability of 2 sample groups
(ratio / interval, ordinal, and nominal data),
 Understand the comparability of the 3 sample groups
(ratio / interval, ordinal, and nominal data),
 Understand correlation techniques (ratio / interval,
ordinal, and nominal data),
 Understand regression analysis techniques, analysis of
variance and
 Understand how to interpret print out of analysis
results using the SPSS program.
Content The scope of this course material includes understanding
statistics, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, various
ways of presenting data, probability theory, normal curves and
central tendency,
Measures of variability, Descriptive technique for 1 sample
group (ratio / interval, ordinal, and nominal data), Comparative
2 sample groups (ratio / interval, ordinal, and nominal data),
Comparative 3 sample groups (ratio / interval, ordinal, and
nominal), correlation techniques (data atio / interval, ordinal,
and nominal), regression analysis techniques, analysis of
variance and how to interpret the print out of analysis results
using the SPSS program.
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films

Reading list  Agus Irianto. 2010. Statistik: Konsep Dasar dan

Aplikasinya. Jakarta: Kencana.
 Edward, W. M. 2008. Statistical Reasoning in Psychology
and Education (second edition). New York: John Wiley &
 Purnomo. 2012. Bahan Ajar (Hand out) Statistik. Tidak
 Sudjana. 1992. Metode Statistik. Bandung: Tarsito.
 Sugiyono. 1997. Statistika untuk penelitian. Bandung:
 Sutrisno Hadi. 1992. Statistik jilid I, II, III. Yogyakarta:
Yayasan Penerbitan Fakultas Psikologi UGM.
Module designation Workshop Management

Module level, if applicable 4th Years

Code, if applicable PPTOUM6048
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Workshop Management
Semester(s) in which the module 4th semester
is taught
Person responsible for the module Partono
Lecturer Partono
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Mastering the concept of workshop management and
entrepreneurship to design and implement in the motor vehicle
repair service business.
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester

Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM
examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended  Understand the meaning of a workshop
learning outcomes  Understand the workshop organization
 Understand the minimum standard of bengke
 Make equipment layout in the workshop
 Analyze work management in the workshop
 Conducting workshop management evaluation
 Planning for workshop development
Content The scope of this course material includes the definition of a
workshop, workshop organization, minimum standards of
training, equipment layout in the workshop, work management
in the workshop, evaluation of workshop management,
workshop development.
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and
requirements and forms of presentastion
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films
Reading list  . . . . . . . . 2001. Manajemen Bengkel. Jakarta: Pradnya
 . . . . . . . . 2001. Organisasi Bengkel Teknik. Yogyakarta:
Andy Ofset.
 Aswin. R. G 1993. Modelling Analysis and Manufactur.
Module designation Vocational Education Management

Module level, if applicable 4th Years

Code, if applicable PPTOUM6049
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Vocational Education Management
Semester(s) in which the module 4th semester
is taught
Person responsible for the module Syamsul Hadi
Lecturer Syamsul Hadi
Language Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Have theoretical knowledge and skills in designing,
implementing, and evaluating critical, innovative, adaptive, and
communicative automotive vocational learning in accordance
with the character and culture of students in the global era.
Type of teaching, contact hours Presentations, group discussions 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of
tutorial and structured activities, 2 hours of individual activities,
16 weeks per semester
Workload Total of 96 hours per semester

Credit points 3 ects

Requirements according to the Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM
examination regulations regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and
group case study reports (20%), mid semester exam (40%), and
end semester exam (40%)
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended  Understand the basic knowledge and understanding of
learning outcomes education and practice management concepts and
 Skilled in planning education and training programs
 Skilled ¬ Buford, J. A. & Bedein, A. G. 1998.
Management in Extention. New York: Harper Grow
Publisher. planning programs and training in the
vocational / industrial fields: needs assessment, goal
setting, curriculum organization, learning strategies,
facilities and infrastructure, implementation,
supervision and evaluation, accreditation system
 Skilled in developing personnel and community
relations and participation
 Understand how to discuss case studies.
Content The scope of this course material includes basic knowledge and
understanding of the concepts and applications of education
and training management, planning education and training
programs, planning programs and exercises in the vocational /
industrial field: assessing needs, determining goals, organizing
curriculum, learning strategies, facilities and infrastructure,
implementation, supervision and evaluation, accreditation
systems, developing personnel and community relations and
participation, ways of discussing case studies,
Study and examination Paper test, group paper (proposal), writings, and presentastion
requirements and forms of
Media employed Text books, slides (power point), video, and films
Reading list  Finch, C. C. & Krunkilton, J. R. 2009 Curruculum
Development in Vocational and Technical Education.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Inc.
 Calhoun, C. C. & Finc, A. V. 2002. Vocational Education and
Operations: Concepts. Belmout California: Wadsworth
Publishing, Co.
 Nadler, L. 2002. Desingning Training Programs: Critical Evens
Model. Merlo Park, Ca: Addison Wesley Publishing, Co.
 Finch, C. R. BMc Grough, R. 2002. Administering and
Supevising Occupational Education Englewood Cliffs, N. J:
Prensice-Hall Inc.

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