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Suchomel, Ziebiker

Food and meals

Food is one of one of the most important and most subjective things all around.
Every person likes something different and every culture has its own signature cuisine. For
example mexican or indian cuisine is well known for being very spicy, whereas Italians make
lighter food and use more pasta and America makes very heavy food like burgers and
In every country there are different eating habits. Meaning people eat different
things throughout the day and size of their meals also differs. For example in GB people eat a
lot in the morning. They have eggs, with beans and sausage and toast or something very
filling. Sometimes they even combine breakfast and lunch into „brunch“. Here we can see
that their lunch is either something smaller or absent all together. Then they usually have
some tea and some small desert in the afternoon and some warm dinner in the evening.
Comparing that to the Czech Republic, we eat much less in the morning. Many people
make scrambled eggs, or have just some bread with butter and ham. We opt for eating more
during the day. Our biggest meal of the day is lunch. Our lunch has most of the time 3 parts.
Soup, main dish with some kind of a side (compot, salad,...) and some desert after that. We
also get some small snack before and after lunch. For dinner we eat either something cold
like bread with some toppings like cheese and ham or leftovers from lunch.
As far as I know in the USA, they eat either eggs with toast, oatmeal or pancakes.
They take lunch with them to work or school, something like a sandwich, so nothing big and
dinner is big and usually warm.
Eating out is definitely an option when you know a good place with affordable prices
and you are too lazy or don’t have time to make something yourself. Nowadays you have the
extra option to stay home and have food delivered to you. The advantage of this is that the
biggest effort for you is go outside and take the food from the courier (so none at all), you
can order something different every time if you live in a diverse area and if you have a
favourite restaurant you have almost guaranteed that the food will be good. The
disadvantage is the price, it is much cheaper to just make something yourself.
Fastfood restaurants have in my opinion worse name than they should. The food
there isn’t actually of bad quality, I should know, I work there. It is more the desire for the
biggest profit, that makes the food drop on quality. In many fastoods the employees make
the food for each order, but the meat and veggies are there all the time, meaning they get
stale if they don’t have many orders at the moment. The main problem is also the fact that
the food is overpriced for the size of the portion and the menu varies just slightly every few
months, so one could get tired of eating there.
Normal restaurants are much better regarding the food quality and the size of the
meal if you pick a good one. They make everything fresh every day and you have much
greater list to pick from regarding drinks as well. It is also a nice place to go on a date, again
if you know which one to pick.
Suchomel, Ziebiker

When visiting a restaurant table manners always come to light to some degree. I
think that table manners should be taught as soon as possible, because kids nowadays don’t
really know them or are poorly taught. I don’t think it is necessary to know every detail, like
which one of these 3 teaspoons is used for tea or something like that, but the basics should
be taught before going into dance classes where young people learn them again.
I used to eat not as much as I eat now or a year ago. When I was younger The only
meals of my day were probably small breakfast which was almost everytime cereals with
milk, then snack in school including some kind of bread with cheese or ham and then dinner
which has looked the same way as my snack. I did have to eat in the school canteene and I
was not really happy about that fact. Everything has changed when I started workingout. I
knew that I need some source of protein so I have started to eat bigger breakfasts including
oats or eggs, my snacks were still the same and luches too. I ate more yoghurts, cheese and
cottage cheese. After a long time it was not enough. I have started to cook myself. I have
been eating eggs, cheese, chicken meat and cottage cheese for almost 2 years. Three
months ago I tried to get my form back and compete so i had to make some changes. For 4
months i have been eating 4 eggs and bowl of oats with added protein to breakfast, then
oats for a snack, half kilogram of meat (chicken or beef), 300 gramms of rice or another
source of carbohydrates and still 250 gramms of cottage before going to sleep. After this
amazing preparation, everything was closed and I had to stop. Today I eat yoghurt to
breakfast sometimes. I eat meals cooked by my mum and very ofted toasts.

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