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"The Importance of

Hormones on our
From being a baby up to a full-
grown adult our body undergoes a
tremendous series of changes. Behind
these changes was the endocrine
system that more often relies on the
interactions of hormones to do its job. Yeah! Hormones are so important and it is also
powerful in all aspect of life even in individual sexuality. Let’s start when we are still in
the womb of our mother after we conceived our sexuality is unidentified but due to the
presence of testosterone, it triggers the body to develop male structures. Otherwise,
when these hormones were absent the fetus will become female. Based on what we’ve
learned on our elementary science subjects estrogen is a female hormone and
testosterone on the other side was for male but this idea is a myth because those two
hormones were present in every individual regardless even you are a male or female
each hormone serve an important role on how we behave and it is also essential on
our secondary sex characteristics (SSC) that usually starts to happen in puberty. SSC is
the changes that happen in individuals, it is usually associated with the physical
changes in both sex making them different from one another. Development of breast,
starting to have menstruation, facial hairs, muscle mass, and begin to have an alpha
body was the example of SSC in this period of time those differences were caused by
the dominant hormone on our body. Although testosterone in men was 10 times higher
than women both sex needs it for the sex drive and libido that we need for reproduction.

To sum it all, hormones can shape individual sexuality by going through

noticeable changes in their body and behavior. Even though both sexes have the same
hormone (estrogen and testosterone) one hormone still dominant that pushes into a
distinct feature of being a male or female, and abnormality on these hormones can
result in severe sexual development disorders both internal and external of body parts.

- Cee-Jay Gatdula

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