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Ivy: Hey ta, I wanted to ask if you know what A. I is?

Tata: Oh A.I…. the modern technological advance that stands for Artificial Intelligence right?

Ivy: Yes, that’s right, nowadays we can’t deny the fact that A.I. has definitely been a major part of our
daily lives right?

Tata: Of course, we use it every single day in almost everything we do, such as using social media,
writing and sending emails, chatting, etc

Ivy: But don’t you think A.I is very beneficial? I mean it is super practical, advance, and clever. Oh, not
forgetting the fact that A.I helps us do everything more effectively and fast.

Tata: I mean yeah, but A.I isn’t really safe, is it? It gets easily hacked and sometimes misused, or poorly
designed. It potentially risks the safety of people.

Ivy: Well, you’re right but that doesn’t diminish the fact that A.I mostly help us tho. It decreases down
the time taken to perform a task and it enables multi-tasking for the users that somehow need the time-
break too.

Tata: It does but not everyone trusts these kinds of technology. Don’t you know A.I invades our privacy?
It takes most of our personal information and keeps it in their system. That can result in several
misusages of our personal info and engages in privacy leaks. We sure don’t want that to happen.

Ivy: But imagine if you’re in a very urgent situation. Such as being robbed or having a sudden heart
attack. The first thing you do is call emergency services, right? If A.I doesn’t collect your information
then there’s no getting help at all.

Tata: That’s a different case. Let’s look at other cases such as Artificial intelligence robots. Those things
are getting popular and well-known because of this technological improvement right?

Ivy: Oh yeah robots, like the ones you’d see in Japan or at most airports. Like guide robots, healthcare
robots, and even very advanced ones like the human-like ones that resemble humans.

Tata: That’s right, Now that technology as such exists and improves, you don’t really get to contribute as
much to things, do you? Manpower would soon be replaced by robots and people will eventually lose
their jobs. It creates a shift in Human Experience

Ivy: You do have a point but don’t you think that these A.I robot technologies actually helps us in a way?
It gives out excellent services and enhances the pace of work performance. AI also has mass market
potential, so it can be deployed across industries.

Tata: But this has an impact on workforce too. Bad people can easily hack a company system. It is
proven that there is a hacker attack happening every 39 seconds and that rate increases every once in a

Ivy: Okay okay you do have a point but don’t you know A.I helps us in every possible way. It’s easily
accessed, it operates 24/7, it helps us connect with others and facilitates decision-making by making the
process faster and smarter.
Tata: I mean AI could also be used in the wrong way with the wrong people, it disadvantages us instead
of helping us. Such as the weaponized A.I, they have power to almost anything harmful. In a way they’re
way more powerful than humans.

Ivy: So this basically depends on how we use them right? If we tend to use A.I as practical and positively
then we’re good.

Tata: Yes that’s right, also don’t forget to stay safe browsing the internet and avert leaking private
information to the public. Also try our best to stay as lowkey as possible

Ivy: Oh so I guess it’s for the best that we keep some information of ours discreet.

Tata: And remember to never trust these technologies because we don’t know what kind of impact it
would have further on into our lives.

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