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Licensing Section
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers’ Licence Application Policy

In summary, all applicants must:

(a) Have held a full current driving licence for the last 12 months and produce that
licence to the Council’s Licensing Section

(b) Pay the fee relevant to the licence sought

(c) Produce, on the prescribed form (supplied by Crawley Borough Council), a

medical certificate of fitness to drive a licensed vehicle completed by their
General Practitioner. This medical must be completed BEFORE the application is
submitted to the Council

(d) Complete the DVLA driving licence record disclosure form.

(e) Complete all of the application form and sign the certification

(f) Complete a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure application form and pay the
required fee (Forms to be completed at Licensing reception on completion of the

(g) Produce two recent photographs of themselves of passport size and specification

(h) Produce two forms of identification (see list above for suitable forms)

(i) Pass the Driving Standards Agency Taxi/Private Hire Assessment and produce
the resulting certificate for inspection

(K ) Pass the Council’s own knowledge and practical tests

There are two types of knowledge test; the first is for hackney carriage drivers. This
test is more advanced and requires an excellent knowledge of Crawley’s streets,
roads, closes, major buildings and areas. The second is for private hire drivers,
which has a reduced level of knowledge of streets, roads, closes, buildings and
areas - the questions will concern the major roads of Crawley and the roads that lead
off from them. Applicants for hackney carriage drivers licences will need to know
every road, street, close and court within the Borough. Both knowledge tests will
include questions on the Highway Code and the Council’s own private hire or
hackney carriage drivers’ licence conditions, as appropriate. The cost for the first
knowledge test is included in the initial fee; there will be a further charge for any
subsequent “re-sits” of the knowledge test.
Private hire and hackney carriage fees and charges table
Fee Title Fee / Charge
(2008 / 2009)

Private Hire Drivers

New application for drivers licence 69.30
Driver licences renewal 57.30
Replacement for lost badge 8.00
Replacement for lost or stolen paper licence 5.00
Knowledge retest 12.00
Criminal Records Bureau Enquiry 36.00
DVLA Driving Licence Enquiry 5.00

Private Hire Vehicles

New vehicle without meter licence 251.10
New vehicle with a meter licence 259.80
Vehicle without meter licence renewal (or plate exempt) 229.10
Vehicle with meter licence renewal (or plate exempt) 237.50
Vehicle licence transfer fee 28.40
Replacement plates and / or bracket 22.00
Replacement of lost or stolen paper licence 5.00

Private Hire Operators Licence

Application 1-5 vehicles 141.90
Renewal 1-5 vehicles 141.90
Application 6-10 vehicles 282.60
Renewal 6-10 vehicles 282.60
Application 11-20 vehicles 563.10
Renewal 11-20 vehicles 563.10
Application 21-50 vehicles 986.60
Renewal 21-50 vehicles 986.60
Application 51-100 vehicles 1401.60
Renewal 51-100 vehicles 1401.60
Application 101 plus vehicles 2118.10
Renewal 101 plus vehicles 2118.10
Replacement of lost or stolen paper licence 5.00

Hackney Carriage Drivers

New application for drivers licence 69.30
Drivers licence renewal 57.30
Replacement for lost badge 8.00
Replacement for lost or stolen paper licence 5.00
Knowledge retest 12.00
Criminal Records Bureau Enquiry 36.00
DVLA Driving Licence Enquiry 5.00

Hackney Carriage Proprietors (Vehicles)

New vehicle licence 296.70
Vehicle licence renewal 259.50
Replacement plates and / or bracket 22.00
Vehicle licence transfer 28.40
Replacement door signs 15.00
Replacement of lost or stolen paper licence 5.00

If you have any questions relating to this process or wish to discuss an

application with the Licensing Staff please telephone (01293) 438279 or
alternatively E-mail

To discuss this matter in person with a member of staff please phone the
Licensing Section on the number above to make an appointment (please note
that a member of staff may not be available to discuss an application without a
pre arranged appointment).

The policy may be changed or amended at a later date.

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