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§1. Both … and …, Not only … but also …, Either … or, Neither … nor …

We call both … and, not only … but also …, either… or, neither … nor pair
conjunctions or correlative conjunctions.
Parallel structures
The same grammatical form should follow each part of the paired conjunctions.

Both + noun + and + noun/pronoun

Both my sister and I went to Hoang Van Thu High School.

Not only + adj + but also + adj

Trang is not only intelligent but also generous.

Not only + verb + but also + verb

Minh not only saw the famous writer but also spoke to him.

Either + noun + or + noun

Students can choose either English or French in this semester.

Neither + verb + nor + verb

She had promised to visit me, but she neither came nor telephoned.
Subject and verb agreement
• Two subjects connected by both … and … take a plural verb.
Both Tam and Dan work for an instruction company.
• When two subjects are connected by not only … but also, either … or…, neither…
nor…, the second subject determines the form of the verb.
Not only my parents but also my brother is on a trip to Ha Long.
Either the teacher or the students have to make a plan for the class newspaper.
Neither salt nor sugar is necessary for this dish.
 Notes
• Not only… but also … can be replaced by not only … but … as well.
It is not only rainy but also windy in this season.
It is not only rainy but windy in this season as well.

A. In each of the following sentences, there is an error. Identify and correct it.
1. Both my teacher praised my best friend and me.
2. Ha neither went to my party or told me the reason why.
3. I enjoy neither swimming nor go fishing.
4. Hoa not only helps me in my work but as well shares my happiness and sadness
in life.
5. I prefer living in the country since it is not only quiet but also less traffic.
6. I love not only watching game shows but talk shows as well.
7. I love literature, so I will either become a literature teacher or a journalist.
8. Rice is both grown in the north and in the south of Viet Nam.
B. Suply the correct form and tense of the verb in the parentheses.
1. Both the fridge and the air conditioner (not work) ………………… today.
2. Both my sister and I (never be) ………………… to Ha noi before.
3. Either my husband or I (have) ………………… to see the estate agent today.
4. Either Thuy or her friends (be going to) ………………… pick you up at the
5. Neither Mrs. Hoa nor her assistants (be) ………………… at the meeting
6. Not only Trung but also his parents (be expected) ………………… to come to
the ceremony.
C. There is a lack of both, and, not only, but also, either, or, neither or nor in the
following passage. Put a check () where you will find in one of these words and
write the word on the right.
Television is one of the greatest inventions since it helps us ………………
relaxed after a day of work transfers the latest news in the world. ………………
Normally, when we feel tired, we can choose to go out and have ………………
a drink with some friends to sit on the sofa in front of the ………………
television and enjoy the family warm atmosphere. You may say ………………
that you like music programs lengthy soap operas. No problem. ………………
There are many channels for you to choose. Why don’t you try ………………
TV news programs documentaries if you are interested in ………………
enlarging your knowledge? Besides, you can watch live soccer ………………
games that are transferred through satellites listen to lively ………………
comments which you can never hear in the stadium. ………………
However, spending so much time watching television may have ………………
bad effects on parents work and children’s study. Therefore, ………………
parents children should agree on how much time of watching TV ………………
is enough for a day. ………………
D. Combine wo sentences into one, using both … and …, not only … but also,
either… or …, neither … nor…
1. Hoang didn’t come to class today. Nhan didn’t come to class today. (neither…
2. Le will buy a new T-shirt. If there is no style that she likes, she will buy a shirt
instead. (either … or…)
3. Oxygen is necessary for life. Water is necessary for life too. (both … and…)
4. Chanh is also absent-minded. He left his book in class. He also left his jacket in
class. (not only … but also)
5. My father is going to see my teacher this Sunday. If he is busy, my mother is
going to see my teacher. (neither … nor… )
6. Let’s go to the market to get some spices. We don’t have any salt left and we
run out seasoning too. (neither … nor …)
7. My aunt lives with me. My cousins live with me too. (not only… but also….)
8. This shop sells fresh fruits. It also sells canned fruits. (both … and …)

§2. Cleft sentences

 Cleft sentences in the active
• Subject focus: We use cleft sentences to emphasize the subject of the action.
Did your friend give you these earrings?
No. It was my mother that gave me these these earrings.
Instead of saying My mother gave me these these earrings, the speaker says It was
my mother that gave me these these earrings to emphasize that her mother, not her
friend gave her the earrings.
• Object focus: We use the cleft sentences to emphasize the object of the verb.
You went to the book store yesterday, didn’t you? Did you buy this English
book? It looks new.
No. It was this Math book that I bought yesterday. The English book is a
present from my teacher.
Instead of saying I bought this Math book yesterday, the speaker says It was this
Math book that I bought yesterday to emphasize that he bought the Math book, not
the English book.
• Adverbial focus: We use cleft sentences to emphasize the adverb.
I should be grateful to my sister. It was for me that she quitted school.
Instead of saying she quitted school for me, the speaker says It was for me that she
quitted school to emphasize that his sister sacrificed her study for him.
 Cleft sentences in the passive
• Cleft sentences can also be used in the passive voice.
I heard that dog bit you yesterday.
No. It was the postman that was bitten by the dog.

A. Choose the sentences that can best replace the sentences provided.
1. I was born and grew up in this village.
A. It was this village that I was born and grew up.
B. It was in this village I was born and grew up.
C. It was in this village that I was born and grew up.
D. It was in this village where I was born and grew up.
2. Your carelessness cause the accident.
A. It is the accident that your carelessness caused.
B. It was the accident that your carelessness caused.
C. It is your carelessness that caused the accident.
D. It was your carelessness that caused the accident.
3. Hue helped me a lot with my study last semester.
A. It was Hue that helped me a lot with my study last semester.
B. It was Hue that has helped me a lot with my study last semester.
C. It was Hue that had helped me a lot with my study last semester.
D. It was Hue that was helped me a lot with my study last semester.
4. – Did the headmaster give Tham a bicycle as a scholarship.
- The headmaster gave Tam a bicycle as a scholarship.
A. It was the headmaster who gave Tham a bicycle as a scholarship.
B. It was the headmaster who gave Tam a bicycle as a scholarship.
C. It was Tham who was given a bicycle as a scholarship.
D. It was Tam who was given a bicycle as a scholarship.
5. – Who put the photo here on the desk?
- Don’t you remember? You put it there on your birthday.
A. It was you that put it there on your birthday.
B. It was on your birthday that you put it there.
C. It was there that you put it on there birthday.
D. It was the photo that was put there on your birthday.
B. Complete the following sentences with groups of words in the box. There is one
extra group.
it was this school that broke the window
it was in this school it was the bicycle
it was in the summer it was in the winter
that i gave it a fish that stole the fish
that i asked to carry the luggage for me

1. It was the boy ................................................................................................

2. It was the cat ..................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................. that I learnt the first letter.
4. ............................................................................... that was rebuilt that year.
5. it was the taxi driver ......................................................................................
6. .................................................... that my grandpa used when he was young.
7. ........................................................................ that birds moved to the south.
8. ...................................................... that my family often went to the seaside.
C. Answer the following questions with the word provided, using cleft sentences.
1. Did you first meet your husband at high school.
...................................................................................................... (at university)
2. Who did you give the letter to?
...................................................................................................... (the landlady)
3. It is said that you were on television last night. Is it right?
................................................................................................... (my twin sister)
4. I absent-mindedly washed your white T-shirt with the dark blue one. Was your
white T-shirt ruined?
................................................................................................... (my white shirt)
5. Your cell phone was stolen, wasn’t it? Do you know who stole it?
.......................................................................................................... (a monkey)
6. Long time no see. Do you still major in English now?
.............................................................................................................. (French)
D. Unscramble the words to make complete sentences.
1. was/ that/ this river/ It/ died/ in/ many people.
2. difficult/ loved/ was/ that/ they/ It/ in/ each other/ the/ more/ time.
3. secretary/ was/ typed/ It / the/ the/ letter/ that.
4. this shirt/ by/ It/ actress/ was/ that/ was/ the/ worn.
5. that/ was/ writer/ by/ signed/ book/ was/ It/ the/ the.

§3. Conditional Type 1

We use conditional type 1 to express real or probable conditions.
If Van gets high marks in the exam, her parents will give her a computer.
(Van is a good student, and it is possible for her to get high marks in the exam)
If clause Main clause
Present Simple Future Simple
If clause can come first or later.
Be careful. If you step on the dof’s tail, it will bit you.
You’ll never get success if you don’t try your best.
• Instead of the Future simple tense in the main clause, we can use can + bare-
infinitive to indicate permission or ability.
You can go out with friends if you promise to come home before 9.
If you concentrate, you can do the job well. (ability)
• May/might + bare-infinitive can be used in the main clause to indicate possibility.
The soccer game may be delayed if the weather isn’t better.
• Other modal verbs or any expressions of command can be used according to their
If Tuan wants to recover soon, he should stay in bed. (advice)
Please tell Ha to see me in the library if you happen to see him. (request)
• Instead of Present Simple tense in the If clause, we can use the Present Perfect
Hand in your paper if you have finished your writing.

A. Make conditional sentences from the following words.
1. weather/ fine/ go on a pinic.
2. I/ be employed/ invite you/ eat out.
3. you/ come across/ monolingual dictionary/ take one for me.
4. mother/ allow/ go to your party.
5. you/ want/ good English learner/ learn to speak at the very beginning.
6. not eat breakfast/ not have enough energy.
7. you/ feed it too regularly/ the fish die.
8. you/ travel by bus/ save money.
9. the storm/ attack the village/ everyone/ be moved.
10. Suong/ finish her assignment/ within two weeks/ have one mark plus.
B. Complete the following conditional sentences.
1. You will enlarge your knowledge …………… you spend time reading
newspapers and magazines.
2. You …………… cut yourself if you are not careful with the knife.
3. …………… you want to lose weight, you …………… eat more vegetables.
4. If the strike …………… finished, the factory won’t be opened tomorrow.
5. …………… it’s Nhan that’s calling, please …………… him that I’m waiting
for him.
6. If you …………… your homework, you …………… play computer games.
7. You …………… what you want if you try your best.
8. The traffic in the city is very busy. It will be easier for you if you ……………
by bus during rush hour.
9. Don’t forget to take your flashlight with you. You …………… it if it is too
dark outside.
10. Normally the dog doesn’t bite anyone but …………… you enter the house
stealthily, it …………… you.
C. Complete the following conditional sentences with your own ideas.
1. If you want to speak English well, ................................................................
2. If I see an old lady crossing the street, ..........................................................
3. If you visit my hometown, ............................................................................
4. If the weather is nice this weekend, ..............................................................
5. If I come first in the exam, ............................................................................
6. If a friend of mine gets a cold and cannot go to class,...................................
7. If I come across an old friend who I haven’t seen for a long time, ..............
8. If you want to become a good student, .........................................................

§4. Conditional Typed 2

We use conditional type 2 to express unreal conditions in the present.
If I were you, I wouldn’t tell Nha that bitter truth.
If clause Main clause
Past Simple / Would/ could/ might + bare-infinitive
Past Subjunctive
If clause can come first or later
If I had enough money, I would buy a house for my parents.
We would become lazy if we didn’t work.
• We can use both was or were for the subjects I, he, she, it in the if clause.
If I was/were stronger, I could carry the luggage for you
• We can use could in the if clause to express ability.
If I could speak French well, I would apply for a job in a French company.
• Instead of the Past Simple tense in the if clause, we can use the Past Progressing
I am talking to Ha who is a little boring.
 I would be more interested if I was talking to another one.

A. Complete the following sentences with the verbs in parentheses.
1. There would be less crime if anyone (have) ………………… a job.
2. I will buy a new T-shirt for you if you (like) ………………….
3. If all the factories (be move) ………………… out of the city center, the air
pollution (be) ………………… less serious.
4. If you (fry) ………………… the meat for a long time, it (become)
………………… tough.
5. (The phone ring)
- Thao, please answer the phone.
- I (will) ………………… if I (can) …………………. I’m in the bathroom.
6. If there (be) ………………… no sunlight, life (not exist) ………………….
7. Mr. Nhan is a poor worker but if he (have) ………………… enough money, he
(buy) ………………… a motorbike.
8. If I (be) ………………… a bird, I (be) ………………… a white pigeon.
If I (be) ………………… a flower, I (be) ………………… a sunflower.
If I (be) ………………… a cloud, I (be) ………………… a warm cloud.
As a human, I will die for my country.
B. Choose the best answer.
1. – I have never been to a job interview before
- ………………………………………………………
A. If I were you, I will dress formally.
B. If I were you, I could dress formally.
C. If I were you, I would dress formally.
D. If I were you, I can dress formally.
2. There were 2000 workers in that prosperous company. Many people
………………… out of work if that company ………………… down.
A. would be, closed B. are, closed
C. will be, closed D. wouldn’t be, closed
3. I don’t like living in the city, but if I ………………… a job there, I’ll move
A. had B. don’t have
C. get D. don’t get
4. …………………………………… if you have a headache.
A. You drink these medicines.
B. Drink these medicines.
C. You take these medicines.
D. Take these medicines.
5. I’m sure Toan ………………… win the scholarship. I ………………… be very
surprised if she couldn’t.
A. will, will B. would, will
C. will, would D. would, would
6. – Are you going to read this novel?
- I ………………… if I ………………… time. I am very busy with my jobs.
A. will, have B. will, had
C. could, have D. would, had
C. Answer the following questions with your own ideas.
1. What would you do if you were of the opposite sex?
2. What would happen if there were no wars in the world?
3. What would you do if you became a member of the city government for a day?
4. If you could meet a famous person, who would you meet?
5. If you had a wish, what would you wish?
6. What would happen if Vietnamese became an international language?

§5. Conditional Type 3

We use conditional type 3 to express unreal conditions in the past.
Loan failed the exam because she was too lazy. If she had studied hard, she
would have passed the exam.
If clause Main clause
Past perfect Would/ could/ might + have + past participle
If clause can come first or later
If it hadn’t rained, I would have gone fishing.
I would have gone swimming if I had had time.
• Might + have + past participle can be used in the main clause to indicate
The accident might have been more serious if the driver hadn’t driven slowly.
• Could + have + past participle can be used in the main clause to indicate
possibility or ability.
If Toan had tried more, he could have done better. (ability)
The bridge could have collapsed if it had rained more heavily. (possibility)
• Inversion can be used to replaced if.
If Dan had been out late last night, she might have been punished by her
 Had Dan been out late last night, she might have been punished by her
Conditionals in reported speech
• Type 1: present  past, will/ can  would/ could
“If I see Lam, I’ll tell him to phone you”, Tran promised.
 Tran promised (that) she would tell Lam to phone me if she met him.
• Type 2 and type 3: no tense changes
“I would travel to Ha Long Bay if I had enough money”, said Hoai.
 Hoai said (that) she would travel Ha Long bay if she had enough money.
“If Japan hadn’t attacked the Pearl Harbor, the U.S. couldn’t have joined World
War II”, our history teacher said.
 Our history teacher said (that) if Japan hadn’t attacked the Pearl Harbor, the
U.S. couldn’t have joined World War II.

A. Match each clause in column A to its following in column B to make a
complete conditional sentences. Add a comma where necessary.
1. If It hadn’t been for the storm a. it wouldn’t have bitten you
2. I would have come back to work b. if the prince hadn’t kissed her
in my hometown after graduation. c. I would have helped you
3. Had Phuc had a map d. if she hadn’t worked so much
4. If Chi hadn’t missed the bus e. if I had been able to find a job
5. If I hadn’t been so busy there
6. Snow White couldn’t have been f. if It hadn’t been for her
revived godmother’s help
7. Cinderella couldn’t have met the g. many people wouldn’t have been
prince badly injured
8. If I hadn’t saved money for a long h. I couldn’t have afforded this
time motorbike
9. If you hadn’t pulled the dog’s tail i. she wouldn’t have gotten lost
10. She wouldn’t have been so j. she hadn’t been late for school
B. Write conditional sentences from the following pairs of pictures (page 22)
C. Make conditional type 3 from the following situations.
1. Tram stayed up late to watch TV last night, so she got up late and was late for
class this morning.
2. Mr. Trong’s head was badly injured in the accident because he didn’t wear a
3. Lan went out yesterday without an umbrella. It suddenly rained, and she got
4. I was punished because I went out late last night.
5. I didn’t meet my old friend in the party yesterday because I left so early.
6. I didn’t know that you arrived in Ho Chi Minh City last Saturday, so I didn’t
pick you at the station.
7. I didn’t recognize Hang among the crowd, so I didn’t call her.
8. Tam was fined because he rode the motorbike without a license.
D. Yesterday was a busy day. You had a lot of homework to do. You didn’t have
enough time to do other things. What would you have done if you had had more
time? Write 5 sentences.
If I had had more time yesterday, I would help my mother with the housework.
1. ........................................................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................................................
3. ........................................................................................................................
4. ........................................................................................................................
5. ........................................................................................................................
E. Complete the following reported speech with your own ideas.
1. Linh told me she would lend me some money if ...........................................
2. The nurse told Mr. Thuan if he took the medicines regularly, .......................
3. My teacher said the air wouldn’t be so polluted if .........................................
4. Phuong said she would see me the day after if ..............................................
5. A witness said if the victim had been taken to hospital soon, ........................
6. Mrs. Le believed if she had fewer children, ...................................................
7. Hai said he could have performed better in his interview, .............................
8. A firefighter said the fire wouldn’t have take place .......................................

§6. Defining Relative Clauses

Defining relative clauses which describe the preceding noun are essential to the
understanding of the noun; so they could not be omitted.
The boy who gave me the letter yesterday ran away without letting me know his
(The clause who gave me the letter yesterday is a defining relative clause. If we
omit that clause, the meaning of the sentence becomes unclear.)
Relative pronouns used defining relative clauses
Subject Object Possessive
Things which/ that (1) which/ that (3) whose/ of which (5)
Person who/ that (2) whom/ who/ that (4) whose (6)
(1) The road which/ that leads to the city center is in bad condition.
(2) He is the student who/ that has taken his disable friend to school for years.
(3) The book which/ that I bought yesterday is an original one.
(4) The secretary whom/ that Mr. Hoa has employed is very talented.
(5) Houses whose walls were made of wood were all destroyed by the storm.
Houses, the walls of which were made of wood, were all destroyed by the storm.
(6) The man whose daughter has just been born is over 50.
Omission of relative pronouns in defining relative clauses
An object relative pronoun in a defining relative clause can be omitted.
“Gone With The Wind” is the novel which/ that I like best.
= “Gone With The Wind” is the novel I like best.
A relative pronoun that is the subject of a clause cannot be omitted.

A. In each of the sentences below, there is one error in relative clause structures.
Find and correct the error.
1. The woman whom sent this package absent-mindedly left her wallet at the post
2. Spending time with people who knows how to make jokes is very interesting.
3. I did not recognize the man entered the room.
4. The new motorbike people are advertising on TV, and in newspaper and
5. All the contestants take part in the competition are very intelligent.
6. The house which Mr. Lam is going to buy it is located in a very quiet area.
7. The party where I went to last night was held by an old friend.
8. The student who assignment got the highest mark worked very hard.
9. Have you returned the money that borrowed from the bank?
10. The families whose house destroyed in the storm are still trying to improve
their lives.
B. Combine a word or phrase in each box to complete a defining relative clause.
An email a service be wrapped in a box and sent to someone
Fax an object his job is to serve people at a store
transmission a letter you send to someone when you cannot
A package a person speak directly
A postman a person be sent from one computer to another
A message a piece of help people send documents without
A clerk information changing their original shapes
his job is to deliver mail to people
1. An email is a letter which/ that is sent from one computer to another.
2. Fax transmission ............................................................................................
3. A package ......................................................................................................
4. A postman .....................................................................................................
5. A message .....................................................................................................
6. A clerk ...........................................................................................................
C. Read the following passage about different kinds of flooding then fill in the
blanks with who/ whom/ which/ that/ where. There may be more than one correct
word fill in a blank.
Flooding actually occurs from a range of causes and conditions – not always the
ones (1) ……………… first come to mind.
Of course, river flooding is the kind (2) ……………… we think of most
commonly. Heavy rains or rapid snowmelt on upstream watersheds cause rivers to
Coastal flooding is also very common in many places (3) ……………… coastal
land is very close to sea level, and therefore vulnerable. During hurricanes or other
large storms, waves may be much higher than normal, and super-low atmospheric
pressure often forces sea level to rise a dozen feet or more above normal in a “storm
surge”. When violent surf and storm surge coincide with normal high tides, the results
can be catastrophic.
Less often thought of are the flood (4) ……………… can result from the failure of
dams, impoundments, or other regulatory systems. The Johnstown flood is an
A flash flood is really any sudden, severe flood event (5) ……………… can have
a variety of causes – although large sudden downpours are the main ones. The effects
of a downpour are worsened when terrain will not absorb water. Reasons vary: soil
type (e.g. clay), lack of vegetation, steepness, extensive pavement (urban areas),
frozen or ice-covered soil, or the saturation of soil by previous rains.
Flood typically get the most headlines when waters are about to crest. But there are
important post-flood stories (6) ……………… need telling as well. For example,
failure of normal sewage and drinking water systems means people need advice about
how to find safe drinking water. They need to understand and address the problems of
mold and mildew in waterlogged buildings. And of course they need advice on how to
connect with disaster-aid agencies.
(Source: Environment Health Center)
D. Complete the following definitions about different kinds of flooding, using
relative clauses.
1. River flooding is a kind of flood that is caused by heavy rains or rapid
2. Coastal flooding is a kind of flood ................................................................
3. Johnstown flood is an example of flood ........................................................
4. A flash flood is a kind of flood ......................................................................

§7. Non-defining Relative Clauses
Non-defining relative clauses are replaced after definite nouns; so they are not
essential to the understanding of the noun. They only give some more information
about the noun.
Non-defining relative clauses are separated from the noun by commas.
Long’s father, who works for a construction company, is often away from home.
(The clause who works for a construction company is a non-defining relative
clause. If we omit that clause, the meaning of the sentence is still clear.)
Relative pronouns used in non-defining relative clauses
Subject Object Possessive
Things which (1) which (3) whose/ of which (5)
Persons who (2) whom/ who (4) whose (6)
(1) Nhu’s cat, which just caught a mouse, didn’t eat the dead mouse.
(2) That man, who has just lent me his umbrella, is a kind man.
(3) Those classrooms, which were built last year, have not been in use yet.
(4) Tuan, whom I hate a lot, is a talkative man.
(5) My jacket, the sleeves of which are too long, was bought in this shop.
My jacket, whose sleeves are too long, was bought in this shop.
(6) Hoang, whose father is an English teacher, cannot speak English.
We use non-defining relative clauses in the following situations:
• When the preceding noun is a proper noun
Tien, who has just moved to my neighborhood, is a very sensitive boy.
• When the preceding noun has a possessive case
I’ve lost my book, which I lent you last week.
• When the preceding noun has this, that, these, those
That man, whom Iyou met last Christmas, is going to be my brother-in-law.
• That cannot be used to replace who, whom, which in non-defining relative clauses.
• Relative pronouns used as objects cannot be omitted.
• Notice the difference:
Contestants, who got good results, are all very intelligent.
(All the contestants got good results.)
Contestants who got good results are all very intelligent.
(Only some of the contestants got good results.)

A. Defining or non-defining? Add commas if necessary.
1. Professor Kim who teaches psychology is a strict teacher.
2. Japan which consists of four main islands suffers from a lot natural disasters
every year.
3. Only students whose English does not meet the requirement should attend the
4. Minh who couldn’t stand the smell of durian went out of the room when she
saw me with some durians.
5. Corn which is mainly grown in the highland can be exported.
6. Hue bought a bar of chocolate which looked very delicious.
7. My ao dai which is too short now was my favorite at high school.
8. These glasses which were made by a famous craftsman were sold out quickly.
. B. Combine two sentences to make a defining relative clause or a non-defining
relative clause.
1. Does the T-shirt fit you? I gave it to you yesterday.
2. Our teacher assigned us the homework. We had to finish it within a week.
3. Those students got very high marks in the final exams. They had studied
enthusiastically for months. ...........................................................................
4. The Prime Minister praised Nguyen Huu At. He was the first blind student to
take the university entrance exams alongside peers in Viet Nam.
5. Ngoc has just moved to a new school. It was built two years ago.
6. The man is selling lottery tickets. He used to be very rich.
7. Hai’s friend is a very interesting boy. He came from Da Nang.
8. Mekong Delta is located in the South of Viet Nam. It provides most of the rice
for exporting.
C. Choose the correct explanation of the meaning of each sentence.
1. Bread, which was very precious in the difficult time, is very cheap nowadays.
A. Bread, in general, was all precious in the difficult time.
B. Just some kinds of bread were precious in the difficult time.
2. The bread which I ate yesterday was very cheap.
A. All the bread was cheap.
B. Only the bread I ate yesterday was cheap.
3. Tham tried to reach the bottle which was on the top shelf.
A. There was only one bottle on the shelf.
B. There was more than one bottle on the shelf.
4. Tham tried to reach the bottle, which was on the top shelf.
A. There was only one bottle on the shelf.
B. There was more than one bottle on the shelf.
5. The players who want to take part in the coming game are practicing very
A. All the players of the team want to take part in the coming game.
B. Only some of the players want to take part in the coming game.
6. The players, who want to take part in the coming game, are practicing very
A. All the players of the team want to take part in the coming game.
B. Only some of the players want to take part in the coming game.

§8. Gerund and Present Participle

V + ing
A gerund plays the role of a noun, so it can be used in the following situations:
• As a subject of a sentence
Going out late at night is very dangerous in this city.
• As a compliment of a verb
What I like most is gathering and chatting with my friends.
• After a preposition
Nga is afraid of staying alone.
• In a noun compound
Mrs. Ly is my dancing teacher.
• After some verbs (avoid, delay, enjoy, finish, forgive, miss, etc.)
She had just finished dressing the children when the phone rang.
A present participle is used in the following situations:
• As an adjective
I heard some surprising news from him.
• After catch, find, leave + O
I find my new job satisfying.
• After verbs of sensation (the action may be complete or incomplete.)
There must be someone outside. I hear someone knocking at the door.
• After go, come, spend, waste, be busy
Maybe I will go fishing this weekend.
Ms Nga can spend 5 hours doing the shopping.
Sorry I can’t help you right now. I am busy preparing dinner.
Perfect gerund and perfect participle
The suspect finally admitted having broken into the house.
The action of breaking into the house happened before the action of admitting, so it
is in perfect gerund having + past participle.

A. Decide whether each –ing form below is gerund or present participle. Write G
for gerund and P for participle.
1. I introduced Mai to Hang and then I left her talking to Hang.
2. The police caught him breaking into a house.
3. You should avoid eating too much fat since it is not good for you health.
4. Having a cold bath in the morning has become my habit for years.
5. Hoai wasted a lot of time riding her bike around without any purpose.
6. He got up late because of staying up late last night.
7. My hobby is playing soccer.
8. Taking risks is his distinguishing characteristic.
B. Rewrite each of the following sentences, using the word(s) provides in
1. There is something in the kitchen. It is burning. (SMELL)
2. Hue reminded me to turn off the lights, then she went to bed. (BEFORE)
3. The tap in the bathroom is dripping. Please have a plumber repair it.
4. The job really interests me. (FIND)
5. It took me 2 hours to tidy my room. (SPEND)
6. I gave my little brother some English exercises, then I let him do them and went
out. (LEAVE)
C. There is an error in each sentence. Identify and correct it.
1. Travel by bus in the city is one of the ways to avoid getting tired when there are
traffic jams.
2. Phuong has spent 2 million dong doing shopping since she luckily won the
3. Thao went to school in the afternoon last year, so she isn’t used to get up early
this year.
4. I had a date with my friends yesterday, but the heavy rain prevented me going
5. I find it interest to take part in social activities held by the school.
6. I have 2 tickets to the cinema tonight. Would you like to go with me?
I’d love to, but I’m busy to do my homework.
D. Gerund, present participle, perfect gerund or perfect participle? Supply the
correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. In my company, the employees have bonuses for (not miss) ……………… a
2. (Do) ……………… all the housework, Dung went to bed.
3. The businessman kept (deny) ……………… (sponsor) ……………… the
scholarship. He wanted to keep it secret.
4. Would you mind (turn) ……………… the CD player down? I’m studying.
5. Despite (never meet) ……………… Le before, I could realize her thanks to her
distinguishing height.
6. I have to go now. It was nice (talk) ……………… to you, you know.
7. Nam is always keen on (pursue) ……………… his study despite the poverty of
his family.
8. (Do) ……………… the morning exercise, Mr. Minh enjoyed his breakfast.
E. Ask and answer the following questions in full sentences.
1. Have you ever wasted your time doing something useless?
2. When did you last spend a big sum of money buying something? What did you
3. Are you afraid of doing anything?
4. What do you like doing most?
5. What do you think about living alone?

§9. Infinitive and Gerund

There are 2 kinds of infinitive: infinitive with to (to-infinitive) and infinitive
without to.
Infinitive with to (to-infinitive)
• Certain verbs, adjectives and expressions can be followed by infinitive with to.
The manager asked his secretary to type the letter for him.
I’m glad to hear that you are recovering.
There’s nothing left to eat.
• Some common verbs and adjectives followed by to-infinitive.
Verbs Adjectives Expressions
allow/ ask/ invite + O delighted likely There is something to-infinitive
hope eager lucky There is nothing to-infinitive
try glad pleased S + have something to-infinitive
want happy reluctant enough to-infinitive
would like/ love hesitant willing too + adj/ adv + to-infinitive
Infinitive without to
• Some common verbs and expressions followed by infinitive without to.
Let/ have/ suggest + O + infinitive without to
See/ hear + O + infinitive without to
I suggest you travel by bike to avoid traffic jams.
I heard Xuan chat with her friend on the phone yesterday.
• Some common verbs followed by gerund.
admit deny postpone
avoid enjoy practice
can’t bear finish quit
can’t help keep recommend
continue mind risk
delay miss suggest
Nguyet delayed studying at the university to open a shop.
Mrs. Huong risked investing all her money on her new company.
A. Infinitive or gerund? Use the infinitive of gerund form of the verbs in
1. A: Hang’s grandmother has just passed away.
B: I’m sorry (hear) ………………… about that.
2. Hai wants (travel) ………………… to Hai Phong but he doesn’t have enough
money (go) …………………
3. I don’t mind (share) ………………… my book in case you doesn’t have one.
4. Toan admitted (break) ………………… the flower case.
5. Thuy is really interested in (do) ………………… the research. I saw her (work)
………………… alone in the lab yesterday.
6. A: Why is the door open? I remember (lock) ………………… it.
B: You are absent-minded. You told me (leave) ………………… it open since
you just went out for a minute. Remember?
7. A: It’s late. Why don’t you go home?
B: I can’t help (wait) ………………… a little more. I’m eager (know)
………………… the test result.
8. On the way to the company, Mr. Tuan felt someone (following)
………………… him.
9. Don’t reluctant (help) ………………… the victims of the hurricane.
10. Trang invited me (eat) ………………… out, but my parents didn’t let me (go)
………………… out so late.
B. Underline the most appropriate words or phrases.
1. Trang failed ………………… the essay into Vietnamese because there are too
many unfamiliar expressions.
A. translate
B. to translate
C. translating
2. Hoai stopped ………………… the phone.
A. cook to answer
B. to cook answering
C. cooking to answer
3. Knowing that I had some problems with my project, the professor offered
………………… me.
A. help
B. to help
C. helping
4. Mr. Long is a very good dentist. I had him ……………… my teeth last month.
A. fill
B. to fill
C. filling
5. Just finish your work. I don’t mind …………………
A. wait
B. to wait
C. waiting
6. Teacher (to student). If you have any questions, feel free ………………… me
after class.
A. contact
B. to contact
C. contacting
7. My older sister let me ………………… her motorbike to go out with friends,
but she doesn’t allow me ………………… out of the city.
A. take, to go
B. to take, to go
C. take, go
8. Although we tried ………………… him ………………… on a picnic with
class, he kept …………………
A. to convince, going, refusing
B. to convince, to go, refusing
C. convincing, to go, refuse
C. Rewrite these sentences, using the words in the parentheses.
1. The picture is too high for me to reach. (ENOUGH)
2. You have one more book to read in order to make the presentation. (THERE)
3. Let’s go on a picnic this weekend. (SUGGEST)
4. Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow? (HOW ABOUT)
5. Mrs. Huong let her son go on a picnic with his friends. (PERMIT)
6. Prices are supposed to go up. (LIKELY)
7. The police continued searching everywhere for the missing man. (GO ON)
8. Trung is always willing to help others whenever they need. (HESITATE)
D. Answer the following question
1. What do you expect to do after you graduate from high school?
2. Do you often practice speaking English? Where and with whom?
3. What do you want to become when you are over twenty?
4. Where do you suggest your friend go if s/ he has vacation?
5. List three things that your parents don’t let you do?
6. Have you ever planned to live on your own? If you are allowed to, what do you
intend to do to earn a living?
7. Who will ever have your bicycle repaired once the brake doesn’t work? (use
have + O + infinitive without to)
8. Whenever you have a problem, who is the first person that is always willing to
help you?

§10. Linking words

Linking words are words used to link clauses or sentences.
Tam likes leaning English. However, he is too shy to speak English in front of the
Popular linking words
Addition and, additionally, in addition, besides, moreover,
furthermore, what is more, in addition to + n, apart from + n
Contrast but, though, however, nevertheless
Result hence, thus, as a result, the result of that is …, as a
consequence, consequently
Example for example, for instance
Generalization in general, generally, to sum up
Life in big cities is very comfortable. There are many parks where the whole
family can relax at weekends. Besides, there are supermarkets where you can both
go shopping and enjoy yourself.
Life in big cities is very comfortable. Nevertheless, it may be stressful to some
If parents indulge their children too much, they may spoil them. Hence, children
should be punished only when they do something wrong.
Sometimes linking words can be put after the subject.
It is assumed that big cities are heavens. City dwellers, however, have to face many

A. Choose the best linking word to fill in each blank.
1. Women nowadays have their social roles. They work as doctors, engineers, and
even construction workers. …………………, some women become the leaders
of their countries.
A. As a result B. In addition to
C. In general D. Additionally
2. English has become the key to success. …………………, more and more
people rush to study English in language centers.
A. For example B. As a consequence
C. Additionally D. Nevertheless
3. Money can guarantee a comfortable life. …………………, it cannot always
bring happiness.
A. What is more B. Consequently
C. However D. To sum up
4. Travelling by public means of transportation can help save money.
…………………, it costs us only 6,000 dong to go to school and come back
home while we have to spend 10,000 dong filling the petrol tank of the
A. For instance B. Example
C. Such as D. All are correct
5. Studying abroad is a good opportunity to develop our foreign language.
…………………, not everyone can afford it.
A. Nevertheless B. But
C. Besides D. Thus
B. There is a passage about the benefits of games. Complete each numbered
blank in the passage with one of the following linking words. Capitalize it where
for instance and although in general
consequently since what is more
It is argued that games are but a kind of entertainment, and that it is a waste of
time to spend so much time playing games. I myself think that games are much more
than recreation (1)………………… they teach us a lot of useful things, among which
are team spirit, competence of observation, and wishes.
To begin with, team sport games such as soccer, volleyball or basketball give us
lessons on solidarity and cooperation. Taking part in these games, individuals become
members of a group and they play for the sake of their group; thus they have to
cooperate well with one another. Cooperation, as we know it, is one of the essential
factors that bring about success in studies and work. (2) …………………, solidarity
and cooperation which stems from games can perfectly become the key to success.
(3) …………………, games help us improve our competence of observation;
hence they become a trainer of our minds. Whatever games we play; sport games or
computer games, only when we highly concentrate on the games can we win. The
computer game Mario, (4) …………………, is one which requires much of our
attention and observation or we will get lost. Life is just the same; if we do not try our
best to choose the right ways, it is inevitable that we will get lost in hundreds or even
thousands of choices and opportunities in life.
Finally, children games are a good environment for wishes to derive from. In our
childhood games, we often act as teachers, doctors, engineers, or even the prime
minister. Aren’t they our very romantic dreams? (5) ………………… many people
really make dreams come true when they grow up. Bill Gates insists that we should
dare to wish if we want to succeed and wishes seem to develop from those games. Din
Bo Linh, a talented king in Vietnamese history, liked playing as a soldier fighting
against invaders when he was young. And false battles in childhood games eventually
turned out to be real ones when he grew up. (6) ………………… it is a long distance
from dreams to reality, aren’t those wishes the very beginning of our success?
(7) …………………, games are worth spending time. We can more or less
benefit from games we play if we know how to take advantage of them.
C. People say that television has bad influence on young people nowadays. Do you
agree? Within 150 words, write your ideas and use examples to support your
ideas. Use linking words to make your passage coherent.
Suggested ideas:
• A lot of violence and sex on TV
• Bad influence on eyesight
• Lack of educational programs
• A way of learning new things (news programs, “Travel Around The World”,
game shows)
• Useful entertainment
• Advertisements on TV: provide useful information about the market and

§11. Modal verbs

• We use can or be able to to express ability.
Hai can sing very well.
I believe that I will be able to finish the assignment on time.
• We use could as the past form of can.
I couldn’t swim when I was eight, but now I am among the best swimmers in
my class.
• We use can, could, may or might to express possibility.
You can swim in this lake in the summer since the water is not very cold.
Hung isn’t in now. He could be in the bookstore. (Perhaps he is in the
It may/ might be Le on the phone.
• We use must/ could/ may/ might + have + past participle to express speculations
about past actions.
Duyen hasn’t come yet. She could/ may/ might have missed the train.
• However, can, could, may, might are not always used interchangeably.
(See §12. Modal Verbs: Degrees of Certainty and Formality for details).
• Can, could, and may are used to express permission.
Could you lend me some money?
You can go out now but make sure to come home before 9 o’clock.
A student (to his teacher): May I go out?
• There is a slight difference in the use of can, could and may to express
permission. (See §12. Modal Verbs: Degrees of Certainty and Formality for
• Should and ought to are used to give advice.
You should/ ought to write to your uncle to thank him for his gift.
• Must is used to express speaker’s authority.
Teacher (to his students): You must wear uniform when you go to school.
(We must wear uniform because the teacher wants us to.)
• Have to is used to express external authority.
It is raining. I have to stay at home. (I can’t go out because of the weather.)
• Mustn’t = be not allowed to
Don’t have to = needn’t
You mustn’t write on the desk. = You are not allowed to write on the desk.
You don’t have to go to the market. We still have enough food.
= You needn’t go to the market, but it’s OK if you want to go.

A. Underline the modal verbs in the following sentences and write the function of
each modal under the underlined word: ability, advice, possibility, permission or
obligation. The first sentence is done for you.
1. May I have a day off tomorrow? My son is sick.
2. You shouldn’t be so shy. You have to believe your ability.

3. Why are your clothes so dirty? You must have played near the lake.

4. Don’t bother. I can do the job myself.

5. You can watch TV after finishing your homework.

6. You might have seen your old friend if you hadn’t left so early.

7. You don’t have to get up early. I know you were exhausted last night.

8. I really didn’t believe that she even couldn’t iron her own clothes.

B. Find a sentence in the box that has similar meaning to that of each of the
sentences below.
You mustn’t wear jackets here You may have got lost
Can I have some drink You don’t have to wear jackets here
Should I drink milk You may get lost
1. Is it good for my health if I drink milk?
2. I want some milk, please.
3. You are not allowed to wear jackets here.
4. You needn’t wear jackets here. It’s not very cold.
5. Don’t follow that way. I’m not sure, but perhaps it isn’t the right way.
6. Why are you so late? I think they you couldn’t find the way. Right?
C. Underline the correct modal verb.
1. If Hang wants to please her mother, she (should/ ought to) study harder.
2. Tran has a piano at home, but she (can/ isn’t able to) play it.
3. Minh (can’t/ couldn’t) play badminton when she was young, but now she plays
very well.
4. That girl looks very familiar. I (could have seen/ could see) her somewhere.
5. You (mustn’t/ don’t have to) walk on the grass.
6. Phuong (may/ ought to) talk to her mother about her problem.
7. A: Can you lend me a hand?
B: I (could/ would) if I (could/ would). I’m very busy right now.
8. A: Do you have any plan for the coming summer vacation?
B: I’m not sure but I (might go/ might have gone) to Da Nang in September.
D. Write true sentences about you.
1. Three things that you can do well.
2. Three things you guess may happen in the next decade.
3. Three things you should do to keep fit.
4. Three things you are allowed to do. (Use can, could or may. )
5. Three things you are not allowed to do.

§12. Modal Verbs: Degrees of Certainty and Formality

Degrees of certainty
• Degrees of certainty refer to how sure we are about the possibility of (doing)
• In the present:
Why isn’t Thuan here now?
- He is busy with the housework.  100% sure
- He must be busy with the housework  95% sure
- He could be busy with the housework  not very sure
- He may be busy with the housework  not very sure
- He might be busy with the housework  not very sure
• In the present (negative)
Bich is in Ha Noi now. It can’t/ couldn’t be her outside the door. 99% sure
Bich is in Ha Noi now. It mustn’t be her outside the door. 95% sure
I think Bich is in Ha Noi now. It may not her outside the door.  not very sure
I think Bich is in Ha Noi now. It might not her outside the door. not very sure
• In the past:
The degrees of certainty in the past are similar to those in the present.
We use modal + have + past participle
Why is the car so clean? You must have washed it.
Degree of formality
• Degrees of formality refer to how formal we are when we make a request.
• How formal we are depends on the relationship between speakers and the
difficulty of the request.
More formal May
Less formal Can
Employee (to employer): May I borrow your laptop for a day?
Student (to teacher): Could I ask you a question?
Student (to a friend): Can I borrow your notebook?
A. Choose the most appropriate reason for each of the following utterances.
1. – Do you think that Chanh will be employed?
- He couldn’t be employed.
A. He performed rather well in the interview.
B. He told me that he wasn’t very confident.
C. He can’t speak English while the employer requires applicants to speak
English well.
2. – Why is Thanh in bad mood today?
- He may be sick.
A. I’m sure about that because I saw him take some medicines this morning.
B. I just guess so. Sick people are often in bad mood.
3. – Why was Minh late for class yesterday?
- He might have got stuck in a traffic jam.
A. I think so because the streets are very crowded nowadays.
B. I saw a traffic jam near his house on the way I came here.
4. – Hoang’s neighbor had a party last night. They made a lot of noise. Was he
- He must have been very annoyed.
A. I don’t know. Perhaps he didn’t hear the noise.
B. Sure. He couldn’t sleep all night.
5. - Why don’t you invite Lan to eat dinner?
- She may not be hungry.
A. She has just eaten a lot with her friends.
B. She doesn’t seem to be hungry.
B. Put the following sentences in the correct order to make meaningful
Conversation 1
- Yeah. Not a house. There’s smoke from it. It might be a factory.
- A house? So let’s go there and ask for some water.
- What’s that over there? I can’t see clearly.
- Oh no! That mustn’t be a house. It is as big as a castle. Let’s go further to see
what it is.
- That may be a house.
- I know what it is now. It is the old palace that the government is intending to
rebuild. Don’t you remember?
- It couldn’t be a factory. Factories have been all moved away to reduce
Conversation 2
- When will you go?
- It might belong to an Australian university.
- Ah. It must be from a French university.
- Yes. I will attend a free course in France for a year.
- Just guess.
- You know what? I won a scholarship from a foreign university last month.
- It can’t be from an Australian university. I can’t speak English. I study French.
- I’m not sure. Maybe in July.
- Really? You must have been very happy. What organization does the
scholarship belong to?
C. Guess why the following things happen. Use different modals to express your
1. Trong is sleeping in class.
He could have stayed up late last night.
2. My book has disappeared.
3. A small girl is crying in the market.
4. Mr. Thang got very angry yesterday.
5. Chi had an appointment with the doctor yesterday but she didn’t come.
6. Ngoc is in hospital.
7. The factory has been closed.
8. Quyen looks very sad today.
D. Make requests from the following situations. Use modal verbs.
1. You want to travel to Ha Noi by train. You telephone the railway station and
ask when the train leaves.
Can/ Could you please tell me when the train to Ha Noi leaves?
2. You don’t have a pencil. You want to borrow your friend’s pencil.
3. You want to have a day off tomorrow. Ask your teacher.
4. You are receptionist in a hotel. A guest wants to check in. You ask his name
and phone number.
5. You want to go out in the evening with your friends. Ask for your Mum’s
6. You are going to a wedding next week. You want to borrow your friend’s new
short which (s)he has never worn.

§13. Passive Verbs Followed by Infinitive Construction

When we see the structure People + assume, believe, claim, consider, estimate,
feel, find, know, report, say, suppose, think, understand, etc., we can use 2 kinds of
passive voice:
• It is/ was considered/ said/ etc. + that + S + V
In the past, people believed that the earth was flat.
 In the past, it was believed that the earth was flat.
• S + be + considered/ said/ etc. + to-infinitive
In the past, people believed that the earth was flat.
 In the past, the earth was believed to be flat.
• We can use a perfect infinitive when the thought is about a previous action.
They assume that he broke into the house last week.
 He is assumed to have broken into the house last week.
• When suppose is followed by an infinitive in the passive form, the meaning is
not equal to that of suppose in the active form.
You are supposed to complete the assignment in two weeks.
= It is your duty to complete it in two weeks.
= You should complete it in two weeks.
• However, be supposed to sometimes means be said to.
The new comedy is supposed to be very interesting.
= The new comedy is said to be very interesting.
• Infinitives following passive verbs should be to-infinitive.
I saw Suong wash the dishes.
 Suong was seen to wash the dishes.

A. Match each sentence in column A to its following in column B.
1. The storm was very a) In fact, the best way to study
devastated. English is to try every chance to
2. The government is expected communicate.
to improve the life in that slum. b) It is said that the prices will
3. We should wait before go down when Viet Nam joins
buying a new television. WTO.
4. Students are supposed to c) He had to pay a fine.
attend at least 80% of the d) People there don’t have even
classes. clean water to use.
5. It is believed that English is e) Thousands of people were
necessary in any job. reported to lose their houses.
6. It is assumed that we can f) Farmers can live on their
master English by learning crops now.
grammar. g) More and more people study
7. The export of rice is in language centers.
estimated to grow this year. h) Otherwise, they won’t be
8. The man was reported to allowed to take the final exam.
have ridden his motorbike at 70
kilometers an hour.
B. Below are the rumors about Chi. Read the situations and use passive sentences
with the verbs provided.
1. Chi is one of the best and hard-working students in class as all her classmates
say. (SAY)
2. Although the exam results have not been informed, everyone believes that Chi
will come first in the exam. (BELIEVE)
3. Chi is leader of group two but it seems to many students that she does not enjoy
studying in groups. (THINK)
4. As far as I know, Chi was shouted by her parents yesterday as she went out
without their permissions. (KNOW)
5. Nhan’s study has been improved a lot since Chi agreed to help him. (REPORT)
6. The teacher asked Chi to draw a map for class presentation because she is very
skillful at drawing map. (SUPPOSE)
7. Everyone thinks that Chi studies in a language center since her English is
excellent. In fact, she doesn’t. (ASSUME)
8. Chi’s friends say that she has spent half of her scholarship helping poor
children. (SAY)
C. Complete the following sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the following
verbs believe, claim, consider, estimate, feel, find, know, report, say, suppose, think,
understand to make the passive voice.
be clean pick up take care of
celebrate kill play travel
1. What are you doing here? You …………………… your room now.
2. The man …………………… everywhere in Viet Nam.
3. The flood …………………… five people.
4. He …………………… his daughter from school but he forgot.
5. Mr. Hoa …………………… badly injured in the head in the accident because
he didn’t wear a helmet.
6. The couple …………………… the 10th wedding anniversary in a small
7. The boy …………………… computer games so much that he became short-
8. The neighbor …………………… the girl while her mother wasn’t at home.

§14. Pronouns: one(s), someone, anyone, no one, everyone

Someone, anyone, no one, everyone
• Someone, anyone, no one and everyone are followed by singular verbs.
Someone has locked the door. I can’t enter the house now.
But no one has the key.
Is there anyone who knows the answer?
Trang is an outgoing person. Everyone enjoys talking to her.
• Someone = an unspecific person.
There is someone on the phone. (You know that a person is on the phone, but
you do not know who (s)he is.)
• Anyone = no particular person
Do you know anyone in this company?
• No one is negative itself; hence it cannot go with not.
This is a haunted house. There has been nobody in the house since 1990.
= This is a haunted house. There hasn’t been anybody in the house since 1990.
• One(s) is used to replace a noun to avoid repetition.
Which hat would you like, the red hat or the blue hat?
= Which hat would you like, the red one or the blue one?
These shoes look more modern than the ones over there.

A. Fill in the blanks with someone, anyone, no one, everyone, something, anything,
nothing, everything, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, or everywhere.
1. Is there ………………… I can do for you?
2. Are you thirsty? Do you want ………………… to drink?
3. Ngan is very popular in the class. ………………… agreed to nominate her to
be the class monitor.
4. – Where are you going?
- …………………. I am just going around.
5. ………………… must have worked on my computer. Some of my data have
been deleted.
- I have been sitting in the room since this morning and I didn’t see
6. Where’re my keys? They must be ………………… in this room. They couldn’t
7. Mrs. Tam lives alone in a big house. ………………… lives with her.
8. Nowadays, Vietnamese people live ………………… in the world, from
America to Africa.
9. – Whose hat is it?
- I don’t’ know. ………………… put it there yesterday.
10. There’s ………………… left in the fridge that we can eat. Let’s go out and
find ………………… to eat.
11. ………………… became brighter after we redecorated the house.
12. She got angry with him so she went away without saying ………………….
13. Turn off your cell phone please. ………………… is listening and doesn’t want
to be distracted by its music.
14. Just go out and enjoy the fresh air. You can go ………………… you like.
B. There are some errors in the following passage. If there is no error in a line,
write correct. If there is an error, find and correct it. Line 1 is done for you.
Christmas is the most important holiday in western 1. Correct
countries. Before Christmas, everybody go shopping and buy 2. …………
presents for their relatives and friends. They also redecorate …
their houses with Christmas trees. Christmas trees, ornaments, 3. …………
sugar canes and candles are sold somewhere. On Christmas’s …
Eve, anyone can stay still in his/ her house. Everyone goes to 4. …………
the church and pray for a lucky and happy new year. If …
something visits a house, he/ she will be welcomed and invited 5. …………
to eat dinner with the host family. Turkey is one of the main …
dishes in the Christmas party. And no one can refuse such a 6. …………
delicious party. While adults are enjoying the party, children …
are eagerly waiting for midnight when Santa Claus will visit 7. …………
them and giving them presents. Christmas is really an occasion …
for someone to relax after a year of hard work. The greeting 8. …………
season normally lasts until New Year. …
9. …………







C. Following are some situations in which you have to say something. What will
you say? Use the word provided.
1. You are studying in your room and you hear a noise from the living room.
 There is someone in the living room. I hear a noise.
2. You invite your friend to dinner at your place. You want her to eat comfortably.
3. Your friend is going to sing on the stage and she is very nervous. Tell her not to
be nervous and that all her friends are behind her. (EVERYONE)
4. Your friend asks you where you went last holiday but you just stayed at home.
5. Your friend seems to be strange today. You want to know what her problem is
but she doesn’t tell you. You try to persuade her to tell you. (SOMETHING)
C. Complete the following conversation with one or ones.
Salesperson: Good morning. Can I help you?
Hoai: Yes. I’m looking for a T-shirt.
Salesperson: What size are you?
Hoai: Oh no. It’s not for me. It’s a Christmas present for a friend. She
wears size S.
Salesperson: This is a new style. We have two colors, yellow and red. Which
(1) ………… would you like?
Hoai: Which (2) ………… would you recommend?
Salesperson: The red (3) ………… is more suitable for Christmas season.
Hoai: How about the socks over there? They look nice.
Salesperson: Which (4) …………?
Hoai: The red and the white (5) …………
Salesperson: Ah. That’s the most popular style nowadays.
Hoai: I think I’ll take the red T-shirt and the socks. How much?
Salesperson: This (6) ………… is 60 thousand and these (7) ………… are 15
Hoai: Here you are. Thank you.
Salesperson: Thank you. Good bye.

§15: Question Tags and Comment Tags

Question tags
• Question tags are short additions to statements in interrogative form to ask for
agreement or confirmation.
Lan didn’t hand in her paper, did she?
Question tag
• After affirmative statements (+), we use negative (-) tags.
Hoa has met her new teacher, hasn’t she?
Egypt is in Africa, isn’t it?
• After negative statements (-), we use affirmative (+) tags.
Nhat doesn’t know you are here, does she?
Tran can’t dance, can she?
• Statements containing words such as no, nobody, nothing, none, never, hardly,
scarcely, seldom are considered negative statements and followed by
affirmative tags.
Nobody is in the office, are they?
Bao seldom takes part in sport competitions, does he?
• When the subject is every one, someone, anyone, no one, none, neither, we use
the pronoun they in the tag.
I don’t think anyone will complain, will they?
• Only use have/ has/ had in question tags if they are in perfect forms (have/ has/
had + past participle).
You have never been there, have you?
You have a book, do you?
Comment tags
• Comment tags are used to indicate the speaker’s attention to the fact.
• After affirmative statements (+), we use affirmative tags.
You’ve seen Nhan once, have you? = So you have seen him once.
• After negative statements (-), we use negative interrogative tags.
You didn’t pick him up at the station, didn’t you? (with an angry voice)
= So you didn’t pick him up as you had promised.
• Comment tags are normally used to express the speaker’s reaction to a
statement with such feelings as surprise, angriness, delight, suspiciousness, etc.
A: You know what? I saw Mai, our old classmate yesterday.
B: You did, did you? (surprise)

A. Following are the ways of greeting all around the world. You are not sure
where and in what situations these ways of greeting are popular. Make tag
questions to ask for confirmation. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Example: Japanese bow each other when they meet, don’t they?

Japanese Say “ni hao”

Chinese Hug each other

MALE FRIENDS Bow with palms together

Thai People Shake hands
1. ........................................................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................................................
3. ........................................................................................................................
4. ........................................................................................................................
5. ........................................................................................................................
6. ........................................................................................................................
B. How well do you understand the speaker’s meaning? Match each response to
the appropriate utterance.
1. You aren’t free this morning, a. What can I do for you?
are you? b. I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t
2. I’m too fat, aren’t I? mean to do so.
3. You don’t have an extra pen, c. No way. It’s your turn this
do you? evening.
4. You told her all my secrets, d. Just a little. Eat less meat and
did you? exercise more.
5. Let’s go out for a drink, e. That’s a good idea.
won’t we? f. No, I stayed up until two a.m.
6. That isn’t Tam over there, is last night.
it? g. Do you have any plan?
7. You couldn’t do me a favor, h. You did, did you?
could you? Congratulations!
8. I won the scholarship. i. Here it is.
9. You don’t look very well j. It can’t be anyone else.
today, do you?
10. Wash the dishes, won’t you?
C. Complete the following questions with the tags.
1. Somebody is singing, …………………?
2. These math problems are easy, …………………?
3. Huynh’s never been to the North, …………………?
4. Everyone knows how to operate the machine, …………………?
5. Phuong’s rarely absent from class, …………………?
6. I was right when I refused the offer, …………………?
7. I believe you will strongly agree with me, …………………?
8. Phu’d like to go to the party with us, …………………?
9. Phuc’d left the station when we arrived there, …………………?
10. Nobody left school early, …………………?
D. Make tag questions from the following situations.
1. You left your pencil at home and you know that your friend has an extra pencil.
2. You are looking for your keys and you hope that your friend has seen it.
3. You think that My is a helpful friend and you want your friend to agree with
4. You have a date tomorrow and you want to remind your friend not to be late.
5. You think that Tam is coming from Ha Noi at 9 a.m. tomorrow but you are not
sure. Ask your friend for the confirmation.

§16. Reduced Relative Clauses

Reduction with a participle
A relative clause can only be reduced into a participle when the relative pronoun is
the subject of the clause.
• When a verb is in the active voice, we use present participle.
Students who apply for this course have to pay the registration fee.
= Students applying for this course have to pay the registration fee.
Tam often helps those who lose their houses in storms.
= Tam often helps those losing their houses in storms.
• When the verb is in the passive voice, we use past participle.
The boy who was awarded by the headmaster is one of the best students in this
= The boy awarded by the headmaster is one of the best students in this school.
I like reading short stories which were written by Nam Cao.
= I like reading short stories written by Nam Cao.
• If a relative clause contain be + noun, the verb be should omitted in the reduced
form. We call the phrase appositive.
Ha Noi, which is the capital of Viet Nam, is located in the north.
= Ha Noi, the capital of Viet Nam, is located in the north.
• If the relative clause requires commas, the reduced form also calls for commas.
Professor Dumbledore, who tried his best to protect Harry Potter, did not allow
him to enter the forbidden forest.
= Professor Dumbledore, trying his best to protect Harry Potter, did not allow
him to enter the forbidden forest.
Reduction with an infinitive.
• A relative clause can be reduced into an infinitives after the first/ second, the
last, the only and superlative.
The first man who traveled to outer space was Neil Armstrong.
= The first man to travel to the outer space was Neil Armstrong.
Ngoc is the only one who can solve that math problem.
= Ngoc is the only one to solve that math problem.
A. Reduce the following relative clauses.
1. We study in a school which was built in 1956.
2. It is very hard for those who come back to their hometown on Tet holiday to
buy train tickets.
3. The man who drove his car on the left is getting a fine from the policeman.
4. Why didn’t the last student who left the room turn the lights off?
5. I come from a village that is covered by paddy fields.
6. The man who was attacked by the crocodile still survived.
7. Vatican, which is the smallest country in the world, is inside Rome, which is
the capital of Italy.
8. The most honorable award which appreciates actors and actresses is the Oscar
B. Complete the following sentences with the reduced relative clauses. Use the
information in the box below. Use commas where necessary.
1. It was taken in our wedding.
2. It is a Chinese-speaking country.
3. It is the most populous country in the world.
4. It was composed by an unknown musician.
5. It occurred last month.
6. He traveled to the outer space.
7. It is the capital of Cuba.
8. They suffer from poverty.
9. He took us on the city tour.
10. It was conducted by the National University.
1. The song.................................................................. has become a hit.
2. Cigars from la Habana ........................................................................
............................................................................. are famous all over the world.
3. The tour guide .......................................... spoke very fluent English.
4. The hurricane ......................................................................................
......................................................... kill thousands of people in the Philippines.
5. On the wall of our bedroom is a photo ...............................................
6. China ...................................................... is to the north of Viet Nam.
7. The first Vietnamese ............................................... was Pham Tuan.
8. He comes from Singapore ..................................................................
9. You will find your life more meaningful if you are willing to help people

10. The survey ..........................................................................................
revealed that many university students made spelling mistakes when writing.
C. Underline the reduced relative clauses in the following passage about
tsunamis. Then change them into adjective clauses. The number before each
paragraph shows the number of reduced forms in that paragraph. Number 1 is
done for you.
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, known by the scientific community as
Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, was an undersea earthquake occurring at 07:59:53
local time on December 26, 2004. The earthquake triggered a series of lethal tsunami
spreading throughout the Indian Ocean, killing large numbers of people and
devastating coastal communities across South and South East Asia, including parts of
Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and elsewhere. The most recent analysis
indicates the number of casualties were 186,983 dead and 43,883 missing, for a total
of 229,866 affected. This catastrophe is still one of the deadliest disasters in modern
history. The disaster, known in Asia and in the international media as the Asian
Tsunami, is called the Boxing Day Tsunami in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and
the United Kingdom as it took place on Boxing Day.
The earthquake originated in the Indian Ocean just north of Simeulue island, off
the western coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The resulting tsunami devastated the
shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South India, Thailand and other countries with waves
up to 30 m (100ft). It caused serious damage and deaths as far as the east coast of
Africa, with the furthest recorded death due to the tsunami occurring at Port Elizabeth
in South Africa, 8,000 km (5,000 mi) away from the epicenter.
The plight of the many affected people and countries prompted a widespread
humanitarian response. In all, the worldwide community donated more than US$7
billion in humanitarian aid to those affected by the earthquake.
(Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
1. The 2004 Indian ocean earthquake, which is known by the scientific
2. ........................................................................................................................
3. ........................................................................................................................
4. ........................................................................................................................
5. ........................................................................................................................
6. ........................................................................................................................

§17. Relative Clauses with Prepositions

Sometimes when the relative pronoun is an object, we will find a preposition going
with the relative pronoun.
The woman whom you spoke to is my form teacher.
• The preposition can be placed at the end of the clause as usual.
The book which I told you about is a best seller now.
In this case, relative pronouns can be replaced by that or omitted as usual.
The book that I told you about is a best seller now.
The book I told you about is a best seller now.
• The preposition can be placed right before the relative pronoun.
The book about which I told you is a best seller now.
In this case, relative pronouns CANNOT be replaces by that or omitted.
The song was composed by a famous musician. I am listening to it.
 The song which I am listening to was composed by a famous musician.
 The song that I am listening to was composed by a famous musician.
 The song I am listening to was composed by a famous musician.
 The song to which I am listening was composed by a famous musician.
• We cannot apply the rule when the preposition belongs to a phrasal verb.
The baby whom Mrs. Tam looked after 20 years ago becomes a strong youth
The baby after whom Mrs. Tam looked 20 years ago becomes a strong youth
• We cannot place the preposition after before the relative pronoun because it
must go with the verb look to make a meaningful phrasal verb (look after =
take care of).

A. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition if necessary.
1. The house ……… which Mrs. Hoang lived when she was a child is being
rebuilt now.
2. The friend ……… whom I often went out when I was young lives in the United
States now.
3. The postman couldn’t find the address ……… which the letter was sent.
4. The speed ……… which you often ride your motorbike is very dangerous.
5. The woman ……… whom Mr. Toan gave 25 roses on her birthday is the only
one he loves.
6. The topic ……… which we intend to discuss in the coming seminar is “Nature
and Human Beings”.
7. The boy ……… whom Mrs. Lam is shouting kicked a ball into her garden and
broke the window.
8. My parents are those ……… whom I often share my happiness and difficulties.
B. Choose the best word to fill in each blank.
1. The girl ……… whom I am buying flowers is one of my best friends.
A. to B. for C. in D. on
2. The soccer player ……… whom he has just passed the ball has played with him
for 5 years.
A. to B. for C. in D. on
3. The pen ……… which I am writing to you is a present you gave me last year.
Don’t you remember?
A. by B. from C. with D. Ø
4. The province in ……… Mai was born is very prosperous nowadays.
A. where B. that C. which D. all are correct
5. The country ……… which Hang is going to leave Viet Nam is in Europe.
A. to B. from C. for D. in
C. Fill each blank with who, whom, which, preposition + whom or proposition +
The story happened in my first job interview. To a 22-year-old girl (1)
…………… had just graduated from university like me, such an interview was a very
important event. I was so excited that I prepared very carefully. I learnt a lot about the
company (2) …………… I intend to work from the internet. I also prepared a formal
white suit (3) …………… was a present from my parents for the interview since I
knew that first impression was very important. On that day, I confidently rode my
motorbike to the company. It was a wet day since there had been a heavy rain the night
before. A man on a motorbike (4) …………… seemed to be in a hurry carelessly hit
into mine. I fell down and my suit was dirty because of the water on the street. I, (5)
…………… was very angry, nearly burst into tears. He kept apologizing but I didn’t
want to hear. The interview (6) …………… I had prepared for weeks would be surely
a failure for such terrible appearance. I was even angrier when he gave me some
money and told me to buy a new suit since he had a very urgent job to do so he
couldn’t buy another one for me. I shouted at him, said that I didn’t need money, and
then I went away. I still decided to go to the interview with the thought that the
interviewer would sympathize. When I entered the room, to my surprise, the
interviewer was the man (7) …………… I had argued on the street. He was the
personnel manager of the company.
Finally. I was still employed and I have been working for that company since
then. The man (8) …………… I hated a lot at first is now the father of my two little
D. Combine each sentence in the first box with an appropriate sentence in the
second box, using preposition + whom or which to combine.
The letter came at last. I show my respect to him.
The ancient flower vase has I had been looking forward
disappeared mysteriously. to it.
The doctor is one of the best I am not familiar with
doctors in this hospital. them.
The planet is being destroyed by I am interested in it.
pollution. The police are searching
Environment preservation is the everywhere for it.
topic. We live on it.
Gap filling and multiple choice
are the kinds of exercise.

1. ........................................................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................................................
3. ........................................................................................................................
4. ........................................................................................................................
5. ........................................................................................................................
6. ........................................................................................................................

§18. Reported Speech with Infinitive and Gerund

Reported speech with infinitive
“Give me the keys, please.”
 My friend told me to give her the keys.
“I’ll never be late again.”
 She promised not to be late again.
• Reported speech with infinitive can be used with such verbs as agree, ask, tell,
advise, force, encourage, invite, offer, persuade, promise, remind, want, etc.
Agree, offer, promise + to-infinitive

Ask, tell, advise, force, encourage, + O + to-infinitive

invite, persuade, remind, want
Reported speech with gerund
“It was you that told the secret.”
 She blamed me for telling the secret.
• With some verbs, we have to use appropriate prepositions that are followed by
gerunds. Some verbs go with gerunds to make reported speech.
accuse someone of congratulation someone on object to
apologize for deny prevent someone from
approve of dream of thank someone for
blame someone for insist on warn someone against
A. Complete the following sentences, and then complete the crossword.
1. “I didn’t break the flower vase”, Tam said.
 Tam denied having …………… the flower vase.
2. “You must follow me”, said the stranger.
 The stranger …………… me to follow him.
3. “Seasoning is good for health”, said my mother.
 My mother objected to …………… seasoning.
4. “Remember to hand in your paper on January 2”, said our teacher.
 Our teacher …………… us to hand in our paper on January 2.
1. “Don’t go out now. It’s raining”, said Dad.
 Dad prevented me …………… going out in the rain.
2. “Congratulation! You’ve won the scholarship at last”
 My friend …………… me on winning the scholarship.
3. “OK. I’ll lend you 500,000 dong”
 My friend …………… to lend me 500,000 dong.
4. “Don’t worry! I’ll help you with the assignment”, said Ngoc.
 Ngoc …………… to help me with the assignment.

1 2
1 4

B. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. Long insisted on …………… the work himself despite my offer my offer to
help him.
A. do B. does
C. to do D. doing
2. Ngan blamed me …………… not telling the truth.
A. for B, on
C. of D. to
3. Hai …………… her friends to go to the countryside with her.
A. suggested B. thanked
C. persuaded D. offers
4. Choose the correct statement
A. We all approved going to the seaside by car.
B. We all approved of going to the seaside by car.
C. We all approved to go to the seaside by car.
D. We were all approved of going to the seaside by car.
5. Choose the correct statement
A. My teacher advised me don’t leave school so early.
B. My teacher advised me not to leave school so early.
C. My teacher advised me not to leave school so early.
D. My teacher advised me shouldn’t leave school so early.
6. Trang often …………… of being a singer.
A. wants B. dreams
C. wishes D. hopes
C. Change the following direct speeches into reported speeches, using the words
1. “Don’t forget to bring the umbrella with you”, said my mother. (REMIND)
2. “It’s not a good idea to indulge the children so much”, said Mr. Hoang.
3. Trong said to me, “I’m very grateful to you for your enthusiasm.” (THANK)
4. The headmaster said to me, “You should follow the M.A course. It’s good for
5. “Don’t go to the mountain in this season. It’s very cold”, said a local person.
6. “Are you free on Sunday? Would you like to eat out with us”, said Mrs. Mai.
D. Imagine that you were in the following situations. What would you do?
1. You were a waiter in a restaurant and you carelessly spilled water on a
customer’s jacket.
I would apologize for spilling water on his jacket.
2. Your friend wanted to lose weight and (s)he needed your advice.
3. You wanted to be a businessperson, but your parents wanted you to go to the
University of Education.
4. You had to redecorate your house before Tet, and your friend came to help you.
5. Your friend was going to invest on a souvenir shop, but you knew that it is risk
to do so.
6. Your younger sister wanted to study one more foreign language, and you knew
that she was very good at languages.

§19. Sense verbs

Sense verbs are verbs that express the natural abilities people have by using their
eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin.
Some sense verbs: look, see, smell, hear, feel, sound, taste.
Feel, hear, look, see, smell, and taste
Feel, hear, look, see, smell and taste have 2 meanings: stative meaning and
progressive meaning.
• Stative meaning: describes a person’s awareness of the quality of something or
the feeling of somebody. With the stative meaning, sense verbs are linking
verbs and cannot be used in the continuous tenses. Besides, they go with
The smoke smells terrible.
Tuan looks so sad today.
• Progressive meaning: describes actions. With the progressive meaning, sense
verbs can be used in the continuous tenses.
My mother is tasting the food.
Quiet! The dog is smelling something.
• When feel is used with progressive meaning, it means “touch”.
My mother is feeling my forehead to see if I have a cold.
• When hear is used with progressive meaning, it means “listen formally to” or
“receive news”.
Everyone in the conference is hearing the speech made by the chairman of the
I have been hearing about you for years though you live faraway.
Sound can only used with stative meaning.
The news sounds surprising.

A. Choose the most appropriate verb to fill in each blank.
1. I always …………… tired when I go to bed late.
A. feel B. sound
C. hear D. A and C are correct
2. Trang …………… out of the window and she …………… the postman who
see had been expecting.
A. saw, saw B. looked, looked
C. saw, looked D. looked, saw
3. The story …………… illogical. How could the king believe such a witch?
A. looked B. sounds
C. feels D. smells
4. The food …………… delicious. Although I haven’t …………… it, I know it is
A. smells, tasted B. taste, smelt
C. smells, smelt D. tasted, tasted
5. Nhan …………… the cloth to see how soft it was.
A. is feeling B. felt
C. is looking D. looked
6. Don’t worry. You will be …………… from your friend soon.
A. looking B. seeing
C. hearing D. sounding
7. So I’ll …………… you at 6 tomorrow.
A. look B. see
C. hear D. feel
8. Just try the food. It …………… good although the smell may not attract at first.
A. smells B. tastes
C. sounds D. A and B are correct
B. Fill in each blank with an adjective or an adverb.
1. Ngan looked ………………… at the picture, but she didn’t understand what it
described. (indifferent/ indifferently)
2. Ngan looked ………………… today. Do you know what has happened?
(disappointed/ disappointedly)
3. Huy left ………………… when he knew that he had failed the exam. (terrible/
4. Huy felt the wall ………………… to enjoy the new paint. (gentle/ gently)
5. The newly printed book smells ………………… (wonderful/ wonderfully)
6. I like smelling the newly printed books ………………… because the smell
reminds me of my school days. (careful/ carefully)
C. Complete the following story with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
Some verbs may be used more than one time.
hear look smell taste
feel see sound

Yesterday when I came home, I (1) …………… something burning in the kitchen
and I (2) …………… someone crying. I hurriedly ran into the kitchen and I (3)
…………… my little brother who (4) …………… so miserable and a burning pan
beside him. I asked him what he was doing. He told me that he just wanted to cook
soup. He (5) …………… the soup in a restaurant two days before and he really
wanted to make the soup for the family. He (6) …………… so faithfully that I
could hardly get angry with him. I (7) …………… moved then, and I decided to
help him clean the kitchen and cook the soup again. When my parents came home,
they (8) …………… very surprised when they (9) …………… the soup on the
table. And the dinner became an unforgettable experience in our family life.
D. There is an error in each of the following sentences. Underline and correct it.
1. The candy is tasting so sweet.
2. The news hears so shockingly.
3. Let’s order a prawn cocktail. It sounds deliciously.
4. What’s wrong? You smell unhappy.
5. Don’t touch the pot. Although it feels cool, it is really hot.
6. Although I listened very carefully, I couldn’t sound anything.

§20. Revision of the Past Simple, Past Progressive and Past Perfect

Past Simple S + V-ed/ Verb in column 2

Past Progressive S + was/ were + V-ing

Past Perfect S + had + past participle

• The Past Simple tense describes an activity that began and finished at a certain
(point of) time in the past or a habit in the past.
Nga went to Ha Long Bay last summer vacation.
Last year, when she didn’t have a bike, Hoang took the bus to school.
• The Past Progressive tense describes
- an activity that was happening at a certain time in the past.
Mai was sleeping at this time yesterday since she was ill.
- an activity that began earlier and was in progress when another activity
The worker was painting the house when he fell off the ladder.
- two activities that were in progress at the same time.
Some students were looking outside while the teacher was explaining the
• The Past Perfect tense describes an activity
- that happened before a certain (point of) time in the past.
A: Why didn’t I see you at the party yesterday?
B: When did you arrived?
A: At 8 p.m.
B: Oh. I had left by 8 p.m.
- that happened before another activity in the past.
Yesterday, at the bus stop I talked to a woman who I had never seen before.

A. Use the Past Simple, Past progressive, or Past Perfect of the verbs in the
1. Loc (slip) ………………… on the banana skin and (fall) …………………
while he (walk) ………………… on the pavement.
2. I (be) ………………… tired after work yesterday, so I (go) …………………
straight home and (take) ………………… a bath.
3. I (have) ………………… a date with Lan yesterday, but I (not remember)
………………… When she (arrive) ………………… at my place, I (go)
………………… out.
4. I (be) ………………… late for class yesterday. When I (come)
…………………, the lesson (start) ………………… for 5 minutes. Everyone
(listen) ………………… carefully, so no one (notice) ………………… me.
5. A: ………………… (you/ see) Le last night?
B: What ………………… (she/ wear)?
6. A: When ………………… (Chuong/ come) home last night?
B: I (not/ know) ………………… since I (sleep) …………………
7. I (interview) ………………… My Tam last week. I (never contact)
………………… such a famous singer before so I was very happy.
8. I (meet) ………………… an old friend while I (have) ………………… dinner
in a restaurant. At first, I (not recognize) ………………… her because she
(change) ………………… a lot.
C. Following are the two extract from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
by L.K. Rowling. Read them carefully and choose the most appropriate verb to
fill in each blank. Use the Past Simple, Past Progressive or Past Perfect of the
be (x2) hear hope say seem travel
“… Dinner in the Great Hall that night (1) ………………… a pleasant experience
for Harry. The news about his shouting match with Umbridge (2) …………………
exceptionally fast even by Hogwarts’ standards. He (3) ………………… whispers all
around him as he sat eating between Ron and Hermione. The funny thing (4)
………………… that none of the whispers (5) ………………… to mind him
overhearing what they (6) ………………… about him. On the contrary, it was as
though they (7) ………………… he would get angry and start shouting again, so that
they could hear his story first-hand …”
(chapter 13)
draw hope reread take talk (x2) not want
“… Harry (8) ………………… the letter several times, trying to see it from the
point of view of an outsider. He could not see how they would know what he (9)
………………… about – or who he (10) ………………… to – just from reading this
letter. He (11) ………………… Sirius would pick up the hint about Hagrid and tell
them when he might be back. Harry (12) ………………… to ask directly in case it
(13) ………………… too much attention to what Hagrid might be up to while he was
not at Hogwarts.
Considering it was a very short letter, it (14) ………………… a long time to
write; …”
(chapter 14)
C. Read the following passage and answer the questions in full sentences.

(+) Moved to a new house

Start school
Went to Da Lat with family

Age 6 11 13 15
Said good bye to a friend

I started school at the age of six. My primary school was Ly Thai To. I was
very happy then because I had a lot of friends at school. My first teacher was Miss
Nhu. She was very kind and attentive. When I was eleven, my family moved to a new
house where I have been living till now. I loved my new house a lot since it was not
very far from school. I also met Tuan, my best friend here. I still remember the day I
first came here. Tuan was playing marble when I accidentally stepped onto his marbles
and fell. He kept apologizing while I was crying loudly. Then we became friends.
Unfortunately, he went abroad when I was thirteen. I was very sad as I thought that we
would never meet each other again. However, we still keep in touch. At the age of
fifteen, I went to Da Lat with my family on summer vacation. I had never been to Da
Lat before, so I was very excited.
1. Did Ngoc like school? Why?
2. How old was she when she moved to a new house?
3. Why did Tuan say sorry to Ngoc?
4. Do they still keep contact?
5. When did Ngoc first go to Da Lat?
D. Draw a similar graph and then write about some events in your childhood and
your feelings.




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