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Anthony W. Taijeron

Module 1 Session Long Project

CSC 111 – Foundations of Computing and Program Design

Mr. Santos Galvez

February 22, 2011


My presentations link is . I actually enjoyed using

this tool very much. It was a welcome change from the usual Microsoft PowerPoint presentations

that I am used to. It allows you to jot down ideas as you get them, and then easily determine their

order with the path function. Adjusting the size and orientation of the objects and text was

incredibly easy using the “zebra”. I did notice a few hiccups while trying to orient or size things,

the tool would get confused by the mouse movements and hang up or reverse the sizing or

rotation. Once deselected and reselected, the tool would correct itself and properly size or rotate.

The ability to just drop a text box wherever you please was nice. There were quite a few theme

options to choose from (although with a paid account I would assume you have access to many

more). I thoroughly enjoyed the path tool. The fly-out/fly-in animation makes for some

interesting transitions between objects, although it would be nice to have some other options to

transition with. I did like the ease of choosing the order by chaining them together and the ease

of changing the order if I added something that I may have left out. Adding YouTube videos

adds to the visual effects of the presentation by giving you both video and sound that are relevant

to your topic. The frame and shapes tools allow for more visual flair by adding simple graphics,

but there is a limited selection (once again I assume there are more with a paid account). Overall,

I like the ease of use and available options for creating a presentation with good visuals. There

were a few small glitches with the sizing and rotation, but not enough to take away from the


My post is located at . The site is set up sort of like a social networking site, with the

option to follow what other users are posting. I do like the abundance of articles that are

available to read. You can find everything from personality profiles on Labrador Retrievers to

the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report. I was also interested to find approach plates for runways and

presentations on everything under the sun. I like the wealth of information that can be found on

the site, though I am a bit hesitant to believe some of it. I don’t know that I would, for example,

use an approach plate for an airport that I have not visited to attempt to land there. There is no

telling if it is the most up to date or if someone just decided they wanted to see if they could get

anyone to use it. The same goes for many of the articles that are posted; you have no idea where

the information actually came from. I would be inclined to search a government website for the

Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, than trust that the person who posted it on this site was unbiased

and posted the full unedited report. I do believe it would be a good forum to post theses for

Masters or Doctorate degrees. Seeing as how we had to publish a paper using the site, I opted to

post this paper that I am writing.


The link for my Posterous project is . This seems to be

purely a social networking site. It does provide more options to post to the site, including my

favorite, by e-mail. The e-mail posting allows for those who are not as web savvy, to post

quickly and easily with a tool that almost every internet user is familiar with. The site allows for

easy upload of documents, pictures, and video; which would make the site ideal for family

members who live in different states or countries. It could also be useful for a teacher to use

his/her students, as they could post assignments on the site with the associated material needed to

complete the assignment. It has all the usual downfalls of any social networking site, if the

security settings are not set properly, anyone could see what was posted. It also does a lot to cut

out the human interaction that would be associated with using the site. It does have the bonus of

letting you create more than one site, so you can use one for family, one for friends, and one for

anything else you might want. Posterous also lets you set up auto posting to other social

networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and the like. This would be convenient for someone

who subscribes to several such sites. It also lets you incorporate previous blogs onto this site,

which is nice if you want to open a new account, but not lose your previous posts.

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