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Phase 1A December 12, 2020

Everyone in Phase 1A, Groups 1,2,3 and 4 Phase 1B

are currently eligible for the vaccine. Beyond Date TBD
Group 1 • Individuals working in a Who’s getting vaccinated in Oregon next
correctional setting
• Hospital staff with patient
Group 1 Subsequent groups will be
care responsibilities Group 3 determined in coordination
• Childcare providers, early learning
• Urgent care • HCPs in outpatient settings serving with the Vaccine Advisory
and K-12 educators and staff
specific high-risk groups Committee and shared on
• Skilled nursing and memory care Eligible week of January 25, 2021
OHA’s COVID-19 vaccine web
facility healthcare personnel (HCP) • Day treatment services
and residents Group 2 page. These are examples of
• Non-emergency medical transport groups of people who may
• People 80 and older
• Tribal health programs (NEMT) included:
Eligible February 8, 2021
• Emergency medical services (EMS) • Paid or unpaid caregivers (including • Critical workers in high-risk
providers and other first responders parents or foster parents) of Group 3 settings — workers who
• People 75 and older are in industries essential
• All health care interpreters and medically fragile children or adults
Eligible February 15, 2021 to the functioning of society
traditional health workers in any who live at home
and substantially higher
setting within Phase 1a • Adults and age-eligible children who Group 4 risk of exposure
have a medical condition or disability
Group 2 who receive services in their homes
• People 70 and older • People of all ages with
Eligible February 22, 2021 underlying conditions that
• Other long-term care facilities, put them at moderately
including all paid and unpaid HCP, all Group 4 Group 5 higher risk
staff and contractors, including • All other outpatient HCPs • People 65 and older • People in prisons, jails,
residents who meet the age Eligible March 1, 2021 detention centers, and
• Other HCP who provide direct service
requirements of: similar facilities, and staff
to people with I/DD and other
Residential care facilities who work in such settings
high-risk populations. Educators:
Adult foster care • General population
Group homes for people with • Other public health settings, such as 105,000* approximately
intellectual and developmental HCP serving WIC, or CBO's with People over 65:
direct or indirect exposures
795,000* approximately

OHA 3527A (02/02/2021)

Other similar congregate care sites
• Hospice programs People eligible:

• Mobile crisis care and related services 400,000 approximately

* Oregon’s vaccine supply is limited. It is estimated to take 12-15 weeks to vaccinate groups 1-5 of Phase 1B.

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