Assignment Cover Sheet: Salma

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​Assignment Cover Sheet

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Learner Name  LAHDAR Salma    

Learner Registration No.      

Study Centre Name  Castelldefels school of sciences
Qualification Title  DBM   

Unit Reference No.      

Unit Title  Business Environment

Word Count      

Submission Date   5 June

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1. I declare that the attached submission is my own original work. No significant part of it has
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Salma  ​
_________________ _________________
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Date : 05/06/2020      Date :      

​Assignment Cover Sheet
Unit 2 : Business Environment 
Task 1 :
a- The purpose of public and private sector organisations

Public sector organisations Private sector organisations
● Improve services and accessibility ● Be profitable.

● Reduce the costs and the financial

contribution of the State. ● Consolidate its distinctive
● Use private funding to speed up
project completion.

● Acquiring transferable and

● Strengthen the international
exportable skills
competitiveness of national

b- The main stakeholders of an organisations and their objectives

​Assignment Cover Sheet

c- The impact of fiscal policies and monetary policies on businesses

Monetary policy Fiscal policy

Change in Government spending and tax Change in interest rates / money

rates supply.
Set by the Government Set by a central bank
No specific target Target inflation

Side effect on government budget / Side effect on exchange rate and

borrowing housing market

Strong political dimension to changing Mostly independent from the political

tax rates process

d-How resources are allocated in a Capitalist, a Mixed and a Socialist economy?

Features Capitalism Socialism Mixedism

1. Ownership of Property Private Ownership Public Ownership Private and Public

and Means of Ownership

2. Economic Motive Profit Social Welfare Social Welfare and

Profit Motive
3. Solution of Central Free Market System Central planning Central planning and
Problems system Free market system

4. Government Role Interanal Regulation Complete Limited Role

only Involvement
5. Income Distribution Unequal Equal Less unequal

6. Nature of Enterprise Private Enterprise Government Both Private and

Enterprise State Enterprises
7. Economic Freedom Complete Freedom Lack of Freedom Limited Freedom

8. Major Problem Inequality Inefficiency Inequality and


e-A diagram showing the impact of supply and demand on the market
​Assignment Cover Sheet
​UK Housing market has often seen demand increase at a faster rate than supply, causing price
to rise

f. A diagram explaining Michael Porter’s forces

​Assignment Cover Sheet

g-A table explaining the effect of market decision (Good/service, cost, distribution,
promotion) on business policies

Good/Service Cost Distribution Promotion

Good service is the direct One of the decisions You’ll need to assess Promotion is when a
link that will ensure most crucial to business your company’s business decides which forms
lasting contact between success involves pricing distribution of communication it wants to
capabilities. Include
the newly acquired your products. You need to use in their marketing plan.
the results of your
customer and your online arrive at prices that cover assessment in the Research is done that details
store. THE potential all costs and deliver a company description market research, segmentation,
customer can contact you reasonable profit margin, portion of your and budget. Large companies
even before purchasing a while also hitting the business plan. In your might choose to do a national
product or service in sweet spot of what marketing plan — and campaign, especially if the
briefly in the
order to have the customers are willing to brand is already familiar to the
marketing strategy
necessary information to pay for the value, they section of your consumer. Smaller businesses,
validate their purchase. believe they receive from business plan — with fewer resources, might use
Find out about their the purchase. describe how direct selling until they have a
specific needs and direct distribution supports larger budget for advertising.
them to the right offer. If your marketing goals
satisfied, the customer and objectives.
will advertise around
them and start a virtuous
​Assignment Cover Sheet

h. A table showing the impact of various element of culture on business

Language Religion Values/attitudes Education

● One of the first ● Religion is a ● Values and attitudes ● It is important
barriers that strong shaper of can affect the reaction that
companies face on values. Religion to a product or its international
the path of of a nation has origins. For example, a companies know
internationalization influence on the company using yellow the education
is differences in way firms are flowers in its logo or on system of a
natural languages. doing business product packaging was country. The
● The language like working well accepted in the level and nature
diversity has created hours, holidays, United States, but it of education can
problems for preferences and was a disaster in have a major
companies in tastes. Mexico, where a yellow impact on the
integrating their ● But not all flower symbolizes receptiveness of
workforces and nations that death or disrespect. consumers to
marketing products practice the same (Kotler & Armstrong, foreign
on a truly national religion have the 1999) An international marketing
level. same constraints business must activities;
on business. understand the
differences in values
and attitudes within the
​Assignment Cover Sheet

j. A diagram showing the global factors on UK business

​Organization’s business activities get affected by global environment as it gets affected by its
competitors. The global factors which may the effect the UK business organization comprise
of social, legal, political, technological and economic factors.
​Assignment Cover Sheet

k. The impact of EU policies on UK business

One of the main impacts of EU membership on UK businesses is the Single European Market.
The European market allows UK firms to take advantage of lower costs of doing business,
and this is due to a number of reasons. The European Market has harmonized product
standards and the free movement of goods and workers which creates opportunities in
industries that were previously heavily regulated. UK Businesses operating in the single
market also have the opportunity to access over 500 million consumers, allowing firms to
market their product on a much wider scale and potentially increase their sales massively.
However, Firms operating outside the EU will be faced with more competition from EU
companies who have reduced their cost structures and can operate globally.
Another impact of EU membership on UK businesses is the social implications. Under EU
legislation, workers’ rights are heavily protected and this may lead to an increase in
motivation and productivity. Increased worker participation could enhance decision making in
firms and therefore lead to fewer industrial relations issues. However, this could impose
additional costs on these UK firms as high labor costs through minimum wage, paid holidays
etc. increase costs and UK businesses could struggle to compete with companies who do not
face these requirements​.

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