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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Tue Feb 22 18:00:00 PST 2011
To: Tue Feb 22 19:04:00 PST 2011
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Learn more about #MDchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

MD_Chat Welcome everybody to #MDchat I hope everyone had a fun weekend. We'll kickoff in
a few minutes, but first: introduce yourselves!
Tue Feb 22 18:00:05 PST 2011

mdstudent31 Hey all! Kevin, 4th yr med student, grad countdown: 87 days; studying for neuro shelf,
should I lurk or procrastinate w/ gr8 ppl at #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:02:10 PST 2011

RichmondDoc Greetings! Mark; family doc in #RVA; unwinding my Spanish from #hcsmLA; hoping
for another great chat as always! #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:03:06 PST 2011

nadimmahmud Hello #MDchat! Nadim, 3rd year med student in the bay area + public health student
in #NYC #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:03:48 PST 2011

EinsteinMed David here from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Glad to be here! #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:03:52 PST 2011

PhilBaumann Crickets on #MDchat

Tue Feb 22 18:04:05 PST 2011

apjonas #mdchat Hi, Pat Jonas, FP in OH

Tue Feb 22 18:04:18 PST 2011

hjluks H Luks ... Orthopod from NY... equally glad to be here #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:04:40 PST 2011

EinsteinMed Hey everyone. Paul from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. It's a tag team tonight
with new social media manager David Flores! #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:04:56 PST 2011

DrJenGunter Hi, Jen, OB/GYN and pain medicine by day, doer of laundry by night Northern
California #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:05:00 PST 2011
RichmondDoc @philbaumann Dude, I'm here! Negotiating a pointless Twitter fight at the same time.
Sorry for the distraction. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:06:08 PST 2011

MD_chat @DrJenGunter @EinsteinMed @DrJenGunter @apjonas Good evening. Well give it a

few moments to warm up. #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:06:33 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @EinsteinMed Welcome, David! #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:06:59 PST 2011

EinsteinMed @Richmonddoc @mdstudent31 @PhilBaumann @hjluks good to see you here....

Tue Feb 22 18:07:07 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @EinsteinMed @Richmonddoc @PhilBaumann @hjluks Good to see everyone as

well! Will soon need a new twitter name - any suggestions? #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:07:59 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @mdstudent31 how about resident31? #MDchat

Tue Feb 22 18:08:43 PST 2011

MD_Chat OK - looks like we have more peeps. We'll start #MDchat's first topic! Batting up...
Tue Feb 22 18:09:06 PST 2011

yayayarndiva Oops Mimi Poinsett, amazon advocate, unemployed pediatrician mama and horrible
speller:) #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:09:36 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @mdstudent31 @EinsteinMed @Richmonddoc @PhilBaumann @hjluks recommend

using real name (or some version) if for professional reasons #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:09:36 PST 2011

MD_chat T1 Dr. WATSON: What does the physician “mind” have that an algorithm-based
system from IBM doesnʼt? See #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:09:43 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @DrJenGunter @EinsteinMed @Richmonddoc @PhilBaumann @hjluks One day :)

Tue Feb 22 18:10:18 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 @EinsteinMed @PhilBaumann @hjluks I use my ID here b/c I want to

keep one degree separation between me + employer. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:10:41 PST 2011

hjluks It doesn't have confirmation bias :-) #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:10:46 PST 2011

nadimmahmud T1 physicians know US geography better :) #MDchat

Tue Feb 22 18:11:05 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @MD_chat re: T1 I use facial expressions and body language a lot. Very imp with
DrJenGunter @MD_chat re: T1 I use facial expressions and body language a lot. Very imp with
topics like Rx abuse, IPV etc. #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:11:16 PST 2011

apjonas T1 We have 5 senses that we use in clinical encounters in various ways for better or
worse. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:11:26 PST 2011

mdstudent31 T1: A lot of student loan debt to manage? #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:11:36 PST 2011

AFoufasChausse Just noticed that there's an #MDchat... Is there a #DMDchat or #DDSchat ?

Tue Feb 22 18:11:36 PST 2011

yayayarndiva Physician mind has compassion, empathy, ethics and common sense...and how many
computers can lay on hands? #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:12:17 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T1 I remember reading a paper about the value of the "gut feeling" in medicine:
probably a collection of visual cues, etc. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:12:23 PST 2011

apjonas T1 while relating to a limited physician brain, the mind may get trapped w/limits,
otherwise it's got infinite potential. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:12:58 PST 2011

hjluks @AFoufasChausse give phil a few mos... he'll get one going :-) #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:12:59 PST 2011

nadimmahmud T1 being able to read into what patients don't verbally tell you #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:13:03 PST 2011

MD_Chat @AFoufasChausse I don't know, but you can check this directory of Healthcare
Hashtags/Twitter chats - #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:13:22 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @MD_chat The value of a physician's overall impression of a pt, discussing/agreeing-

upon treatment plans--human work. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:13:30 PST 2011

yayayarndiva How many computers can discern a baby's cry, laugh with a family, walk with a family
with a catastrophic illness #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:13:31 PST 2011

hjluks @RichmondDoc that "gut" feeling has saved me and a few patients on mny mny
occasions #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:13:46 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @yayayarndiva So much of medicine is the human/personal connection,

communication and compassion in the encounter--can't compute. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:14:51 PST 2011

mdstudent31 T1: The ability to relate to a patient's feelings ie "this must be difficult for you," etc.

(Does not mean all physicians do) #mdchat

(Does not mean all physicians do) #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:15:15 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @hjluks @RichmondDoc the less time residents spend with patients the less well
developed their gut sense will be #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:15:59 PST 2011

nadimmahmud T1 computers cannot (as of now) mimic human compassion/interaction, but how
valuable can computer algorithms be as diagnostic aids? #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:16:27 PST 2011

apjonas T1#mdchat Physicians also have heart which has its own neural files for integration,
balance and insight
Tue Feb 22 18:16:34 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @hjluks Absolutely: one walks in the room, gets a feeling that something just isn't
right...a delicate skill to learn. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:16:37 PST 2011

ocamsrazor Ahh but is Watson a better diagnostician? Yes! #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:17:39 PST 2011

mdstudent31 T1: How can a computer take into account the combined power of mind/body/spirit?
Tue Feb 22 18:17:42 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T1 Several docs tell me they begin "reading" a pt fr 1st eye contact. All behaviors can
be subtle clues that lead 2 better ??s #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:17:48 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @DrJenGunter @hjluks The double-edged sword of work hour restrictions, for both
students and residents. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:17:56 PST 2011

DrJenGunter common sense is still the most important clinical skill #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:17:58 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @nadimmahmud T1 probably more value in a supporting role, but only as good as
the guidelines it works off. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:18:48 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @hjluks spending 36 hours with an ill patient teaches you a
lot...about medicine, endurance of spirit, hope, fears... #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:19:10 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @RichmondDoc agreed- not a replacement for physician decision-making, but

perhaps a tool that can speed it up. see more patients. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:19:41 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @RichmondDoc agreed- not a replacement for physician decision-making, but

perhaps a tool that can speed it up. see more patients. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:19:41 PST 2011

"Never underestimate the therapeutic power of self." #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:20:41 PST 2011
Tue Feb 22 18:20:41 PST 2011

mdstudent31 T1: Will it adequately include CAM in treatment recommendations? May limit patient
choice for treatment options #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:21:03 PST 2011

BurbDoc @DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @hjluks I may be old skool, but there is character
formation and growth in conquering the long hours. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:21:03 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @BurbDoc @DrJenGunter @hjluks So long as one is careful re: recognizing fatigue
and taking breaks when needed. Safety first! #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:22:07 PST 2011

EinsteinMed Interesting @nytimes piece on the tech limitations of medical s/w. More conversations
with programmers needed? #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:22:30 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @mdstudent31 I don't believe in the concept of CAM. There is evidenced based
medicine and non evidenced based, "source" irrelevant #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:22:31 PST 2011

MD_chat Follow-up to T1: Given there are differences, what are ways to get the "best" of the
human & the digital? #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:22:45 PST 2011

peds_id_doc #mdchat sorry I'm late. Collecting amusing links for my next talk! Peds ID fellow from
Syracuse, NY
Tue Feb 22 18:23:10 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @BurbDoc @RichmondDoc @hjluks when you have drawn the blood from a patient
for 36 hrs, u appreciate the toll #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:23:27 PST 2011

yayayarndiva Just what we need in the US- for medicine to go "even faster" - speed does not trump
quality #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:23:29 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @yayayarndiva what if it's possible to increase both? #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:24:26 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T1: What about true "zebra" cases :will Watson catch those? #MDchat. Watson could
have potential uses but will not replace doc's judgment.
Tue Feb 22 18:24:49 PST 2011

RichmondDoc subT1 I think that digital could help w/ established protocols/algorithms/guidelines

once the best EBM ones are in place. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:24:53 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @EinsteinMed we have House, MD for those ones. House > Watson #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:25:09 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @BurbDoc @hjluks all I know is, residents graduating now know
exponentially less than I did #mdchat
exponentially less than I did #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:25:20 PST 2011

peds_id_doc #mdchat my take on the Watson thing. A interesting toy at the moment...would be
worth watching. Could be a useful adjunct...
Tue Feb 22 18:26:20 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @DrJenGunter I also trust EBM - though I believe in providing all available options,
off-label tx, CAM, etc regardless of my opinion #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:26:59 PST 2011

apjonas @mdstudent31 Expanding boundaries enable medicine 2 include more & more of
what many call CAM now. Semantic issues exist for many #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:27:27 PST 2011

yayayarndiva @nadimmahmud LOL! Tech reducing bureaucratic elements- haven't seen that even
with EMR in place #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:27:43 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @mdstudent31 the lack of EBM in "CAM" is nothing short or concerning. CAM gets a
free ride and that is wrong #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:28:02 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @BurbDoc @hjluks Med Ed Drift - residents learn

less, students learn less, new phys less confident #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:28:39 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T1 F/U Use Watson model to gather objective data/make sense of it. Blend with doc's
experience, judgment, compassion/common sense. #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:28:50 PST 2011

MD_chat @yayayarndiva :) #MDchat

Tue Feb 22 18:28:52 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @yayayarndiva depends on setting. in the US, perhaps not. i've seen tech hew down
mountains of bureaucracy in developing world #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:28:53 PST 2011

RLMitchell @DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @BurbDoc @hjluks idea: less time pointless

memorization, more patient care? do u still know Krebs cycle? #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:29:34 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @DrJenGunter As wrong as non-EBM may be, we still need to be educated and
inform patients bc it's not going to go away. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:29:58 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @RLMitchell @RichmondDoc @BurbDoc @hjluks memorizing anatomical structures,

physiologic reactions is not pointless #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:30:44 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @DrJenGunter @RLMitchell @BurbDoc @hjluks Memorizing base knowledge is key;

maybe more early med school patient contact? #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:31:52 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @mdstudent31 people spend more money on CAM than allopathic treatments, I think
they deserve at least as much EBM #mdchat
they deserve at least as much EBM #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:31:58 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @RLMitchell @DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @hjluks even what feels like rote
memorization helps w/ discipline required in medicine #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:32:45 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @peds_id_doc @mdstudent31 agree, but CAM has next to NO EBM and gets a free
ride, same standards for all #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:33:14 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @DrJenGunter @mdstudent31 Would be a helpful start if CAM required to undergo

controlled trials to proof efficacy. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:33:28 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @nadimmahmud @RLMitchell @RichmondDoc @hjluks I agree, and you do have to

memorize things like Rx interactions etc #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:33:46 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @DrJenGunter @mdstudent31 I tell pts natural is not safe (foxglove = natural; cyanide
= natural). Should be held to same standards. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:34:03 PST 2011

ritika61 @DrJenGunter - EBM for CAM is very important, doesn't exist because big pharma not
interested #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:34:24 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 couldn't agree more. The sun causes skin cancer, vit
A is easily toxic... #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:34:49 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @RichmondDoc @drjengunter @mdstudent31 #mdchat my fave is aromatherapy -

but that needs to go back to the lab even before going to EBM!
Tue Feb 22 18:34:57 PST 2011

yayayarndiva CAM is undergoing some trials to prove efficacy- and federal support to do it #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:35:00 PST 2011

RLMitchell @DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @hjluks thats idiotic. we should suffer to build

character? how about volunteering, learning business? #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:35:05 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @ritika61 there are grants, issue is FDA doesn't insist so the companies that make
millions profit with not a shred of evidence #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:35:30 PST 2011

RLMitchell @DrJenGunter @nadimmahmud @RichmondDoc @hjluks Did not say all memo bad,
but lots of higher yield stuff to learn than current curric #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:35:53 PST 2011

apjonas #mdchat we've always had EBM. drs use evidence of various levels of quality. R Brain
docs use diff ev than L brain docs. EBM =weapon 4 some
Tue Feb 22 18:36:08 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc @DrJenGunter I am thankful for Cochrane/others in their attempt at

analyzing CAM. We can at least provide this info #mdchat
analyzing CAM. We can at least provide this info #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:36:11 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @ritika61 @DrJenGunter Not so much that PhRMA isn't interested, so much as it's not
in companies' interests to test CAM as EBM. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:36:53 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc many Cochrane reviews suffer bc there is simply

inadequate data or quite simply the studies were crap #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:37:05 PST 2011

ocamsrazor Watson challenges anyone here to medical jeopardy contest. Any takers? #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:37:15 PST 2011

apjonas @MDPartner @mdstudent31 is this a quiz from one chatter to another? or pimping? or
friendly banter? #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:37:25 PST 2011

MD_Chat OK - we'll move to the next topic in a moment. It's a shift, but this week's news item is
appropriate for #MDchat Watch for the tweet.,,
Tue Feb 22 18:37:33 PST 2011

DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc @ritika61 as no one NEEDs to test CAM, they won't do it. If FDA
insisted on studies things would change #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:37:35 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 @DrJenGunter Agree, Cocchrane is at least trying--but agree that

they have precious little to work with. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:37:45 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @ritika61 @DrJenGunter Right now, companies can sell vitamins as supplements, no
safety/efficacy required by law--so not done. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:38:26 PST 2011

MD_chat T2 Physican Tweets: Appropriate for this chat ;) What concerns should docs have on
Twitter? See #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:38:35 PST 2011

ritika61 @DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc True. EBM may prove CAM inefficacious. Totally
agree FDA should regulate. #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:39:07 PST 2011

ritika61 @DrJenGunter @RichmondDoc True. EBM may prove CAM inefficacious. Totally
agree FDA should regulate. #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:39:07 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @RLMitchell @RichmondDoc I agree- we had some really bogus things to memorize
that I forgot within days #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:39:23 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc @DrJenGunter Was fish oil previously considered CAM? Pharma is
having a great time marketing this now #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:39:29 PST 2011

DrJenGunter Hey #mdchat folks, bc I got caught up in chat I over cooked the asparagus. My
children thank you.
children thank you.
Tue Feb 22 18:39:59 PST 2011

EinsteinMed @MD_Chat Well, I think we already know what @hjluks thinks from reading the article
:) #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:40:44 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @DrJenGunter overcooked asparagus is a CAM #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:40:44 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @DrJenGunter Throw some melted cheese on top of it for them! #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:40:52 PST 2011

ritika61 T2: Twitter is a great source of info between docs and among pts. It's the doc-pt aspect
that needs to be worked out. #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:41:03 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T2 invasion of privacy. In JAMA study, 3% of tweets fr 260 docs considered

"unprofessional": violating pt privacy or discriminatory #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:41:05 PST 2011

peds_id_doc #mdchat doc tweets can be HIPAA breaches, but could also just be unprofessional.
Anonymity is possible tho.
Tue Feb 22 18:41:27 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @EinsteinMed we shouldn't shy away from social media because of this. breaches of
privacy have been occurring 4ever. need governance #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:42:23 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T2 As the article points out...the solution is not to ban hosp/docs from using SM but to
provide guidance and training. #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:42:33 PST 2011

MD_Chat @RichmondDoc Kinda ironic we're discussing this on #MDchat ;)

Tue Feb 22 18:42:34 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T2 biggest possible risks violating HIPAA and practicing medicine. Must be mindful of
boundaries and obligations to pts. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:42:35 PST 2011

DrJenGunter here is my take on Twitter 101 for docs in @OBGManagement

Tue Feb 22 18:42:47 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @MD_Chat Don't you think? #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:43:01 PST 2011

mdstudent31 T2: Depends on what twitter personality the doc wants to take on. Obviously HIPAA
should not be breached. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:43:04 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T2 I think so long as one is discussing general issues, respecting privacy, and
avoiding providing direct advice, should be OK. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:43:34 PST 2011
apjonas #mdchat There are complementary and alternative PRACTICES or THERAPIES, but
NO MEDICINE! CAM is misnomer (PS. I'm trained in aromatherapy)
Tue Feb 22 18:43:45 PST 2011

EinsteinMed @nadimmahmud Agreed. More guidance and training are needed. #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:43:58 PST 2011

EinsteinMed @nadimmahmud What type of social media training would you like to see for MDs?
Tue Feb 22 18:44:00 PST 2011

peds_id_doc #mdchat T2 there's a bigger risk on twitter then on FB due to fact that many have
public tweets. May offend employer, pt, colleagues.
Tue Feb 22 18:44:45 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @EinsteinMed hard to say. like zuckerberg said of early facebook: "we don't fully
understand what this can be yet" #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:44:47 PST 2011

nadimmahmud @EinsteinMed But it seems like HIPAA-consistent training is a no brainer #MDChat

Tue Feb 22 18:45:16 PST 2011

astupple Reminds me why my folks taught me how to strike a match- figured I'd be less likely to
get burned if I knew how to operate it. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:45:34 PST 2011

apjonas T2 #mdchat Docs need to protect their ID & "Brand". Careful about pt specific
reference or maligning an entity & intense political rancor
Tue Feb 22 18:46:10 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T2 The portion of article on potential privacy violation of the time stamp on a tweet -
probably something most haven't considered. #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:46:29 PST 2011

mdstudent31 Agreed, but common sense fails to reach some RT @nadimmahmud: @EinsteinMed
But it seems HIPAA-consistent training a no brainer #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:46:46 PST 2011

nadimmahmud there will always be those ignorant few re: @mdstudent31: Agreed, but common
sense fails to reach some #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:47:28 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @apjonas I think you're right to try not to offend...but I take strong postions if I can
support them. Just try to phrase nicely. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:48:10 PST 2011

nadimmahmud T2 I am more interested in seeing how social media usage evolves to respectfully
supplement healthcare #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:48:29 PST 2011

ritika61 T2 Also issues with misdiagnosis with patients not being physically assessed. Twitter
can't replace office visits, can be adjunct. #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:48:30 PST 2011
peds_id_doc @apjonas #mdchat t2 you can have different personas on twitter tho. I follow the CDC
and @burbdoc. Slightly different slants on medicine!
Tue Feb 22 18:49:20 PST 2011

MD_chat @astupple Well put! #MDchat

Tue Feb 22 18:50:34 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @peds_id_doc I follow all sorts of people. Some are bawdy, some are serious;
everyone offers a perspective different from mine. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:50:38 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @peds_id_doc @apjonas @burbdoc Exactly Re: Personas. Consistency in persona

helps as well. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:50:43 PST 2011

apjonas @peds_id_doc @burbdoc great point on multiple personas and perspectives.

Freedom finds a way to be expressed.#mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:52:15 PST 2011

ritika61 If I had a twitter account to interact with patients, it would likely be separate from a
personal account so as to be professional. #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:52:32 PST 2011

nadimmahmud there are even some on twitter who *gasp* pretend to be MDs! @mdstudent31
@peds_id_doc @apjonas @burbdoc Re: Personas. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:53:47 PST 2011

lisagualtieri Can doctors learn about the patient experience through twitter? #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:53:55 PST 2011

MD_chat @ritika61 Would you consider a proprietary analogue to Twitter like @Yammer & give
access to your patients? #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:54:34 PST 2011

ritika61 @MD_Chat - Not sure. SM has huge potential and I want to be open but issues w
boundaries - I have large mental health population. #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 18:56:34 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @RichmondDoc @apjonas @burbdoc #mdchat this kinda is my prof account...I use
my real name/location, so am aware of what I say. Mostly ;-)
Tue Feb 22 18:56:51 PST 2011

astupple @RichmondDoc @apjonas @peds_id_doc @burbdoc Already torn between personal

and prof. Been paying attn to how @peds_id_doc does it #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:56:54 PST 2011

Kind4Kids @RichmondDoc @apjonas @peds_id_doc Can you be a professional only some of

the time? Might be hard to separate #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:57:36 PST 2011

MD_chat @ritika61 Yes, boundaries are big issue - in fact, they could be biggest since SM
makes it much easier to violate. Agree? #MDchat
Tue Feb 22 18:57:39 PST 2011
drseisenberg @DocForeman @lisagualtieri I sure hope we can #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:57:48 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @astupple @RichmondDoc @apjonas @peds_id_doc It is nice to have a little bit of

fun sometimes though. (I said the F word!) #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:58:01 PST 2011

drseisenberg I think patients appreciate when you are authentic with them #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:58:52 PST 2011

FMDGirl @RichmondDoc @peds_id_doc @apjonas @burbdoc Are we not all patients or

potential patients? #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:59:02 PST 2011

apjonas @astupple @RichmondDoc @peds_id_doc @burbdoc learning from the master to

become even better (I avoid ref to NLP tng on MD blog) #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 18:59:05 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @astupple @richmonddoc @apjonas @burbdoc #mdchat t2 made enough mistakes

on Usenet along the way. You know what Usenet is, right...?
Tue Feb 22 18:59:34 PST 2011

astupple That, and he uses the phrase "wifey" a lot. #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 18:59:36 PST 2011

stales Yes they do!! RT @drseisenberg: I think patients appreciate when you are authentic
with them #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:00:01 PST 2011

nadimmahmud physicians should ONLY use twitter for #MDchat :)

Tue Feb 22 19:00:13 PST 2011

astupple @peds_id_doc Usenet? #mdchat

Tue Feb 22 19:00:14 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @FMDGirl @peds_id_doc @apjonas @burbdoc We are all patients, but now
everyone here is *my* pt, which is what I was thinking. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:00:21 PST 2011

ritika61 @drseisenberg Absolutely should be authentic, but may be issue if you express
opinions unrelated to health on twitter. Conflict? #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 19:00:35 PST 2011

FMDGirl Cleveland Clinic has web chats with patients all the time, how does that differ?
Tue Feb 22 19:00:43 PST 2011

Kind4Kids @lisagualtieri Can learn & grow from any experience, becoming a more
compassionate doc. See powerful post in NYT #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:00:57 PST 2011

mdstudent31 Parting thoughts: Computers are serious, but physicians, with a bit of common sense,
mdstudent31 Parting thoughts: Computers are serious, but physicians, with a bit of common sense,
can have fun w/ social media #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:01:08 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @FMDGirl @peds_id_doc @apjonas @burbdoc If I had a practice Twitter account I

would probably ease back on politics and such. #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:01:10 PST 2011

drseisenberg Humaness = authenticity RT @astupple: @peds_id_doc is more engaging to follow

because his humanness jumps out at you #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:01:11 PST 2011

jackiefox12 Second! RT @stales Yes they do!! RT @drseisenberg: I think patients appreciate
when you are authentic with them #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:02:48 PST 2011

astupple @ritika61 @drseisenberg IMHO, unrelated opinions increase accessibility. Fam dr

preceptor was VERY conservative, lib pts liked him #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:03:08 PST 2011

ritika61 Might be neat to have all your patients follow you and in the am send out a "All
diabetics, chk your blood sugar" tweet :) #MDChat
Tue Feb 22 19:03:19 PST 2011

apjonas @astupple #mdchat & 3 kinds of energy therapy , & reflexology, Imagery, Sound
Attunement Therapy, Drumming, Prayer, Chair Massage
Tue Feb 22 19:03:48 PST 2011

Kind4Kids Parting thoughts (though joined late) Use it to do good. Aim to be professional. You
may be representing more than just yourself #mdchat
Tue Feb 22 19:03:54 PST 2011

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